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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6891662 No.6891662 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else find Genesis/Famicom to be completely obsolete? I'm too young to have grown up with either console, and it feels like every game released for these systems suck balls. What holds up today to someone not blinded by nestologia? Mario 3? Sonic, aka hold right the game?

Even the NES Zelda & metroid games are almost completely unplayable. Games didn't seem to get any staying power until the SNES came out.

>> No.6891682

Yes, the NES was utter shite. Real gamers were playing on the Amiga.

>> No.6891687

They were the only thing I had back then (NESticle and Genecyst, though).
I like to go back to them from time to time because the games are short, simple and due to nostalgia.
I know there are better things out there, but I can't let these consoles go in such a way.

>> No.6891694

Unless you're some literal, actual 60+ year old boomer who likes simulations more than arcade/action games you can't POSSIBLY fucking mean that. 555comeonnow.

>> No.6891698

It’s not “them” blinded by nostalgia, it’s you, blinded by ignorance. I’m not being facetious nor aggressive here: There are, of course, a metric ton of good games in there. Considering the general perspective of someone in your situation, I’d suggest trying to approach these games on the merits of their mechanics, not their graphics. I’m sure you will rediscover them. Good luck anon

>> No.6891702


>> No.6891706

>the merits of their mechanics

You mean making the game brutally unfair so that kids won't burn through mom & dad's $60 too fast?

>> No.6891708

There are plenty of NES and Sega System games I enjoy to this day.

>> No.6891709

No. I know the word's played out and used to the point of meaningless but get out of here with that zoomer shit. Genesis isn't even 3rd gen. Oh, and a zoomer tranny/tranny-lover. How novel. I swear all kids are fucking queers these days and we're doomed.

>> No.6891724

dumb zoomie troonie cant play games which without handholdy tutorials and sections that require you to think in order to complete.

legend of zelda comes with a manual that clues you in about what to do. if you bought the game rather than emulating it you'd know that. metroid actually requires more skill than just pushing the jump button and spamming the attack button.

>> No.6891738

ok faggot

>> No.6891748

I don’t mean to be dismissive here, but maybe your skill level isn’t up to par, and that’s about the length of the validity of such criticisms. Games from older generations were made almost exclusively for people with a vested interest in the hobby, back in an era where this wasn’t a leading mainstream industry. Of course that you can find games that are not just terrible, but also extremely difficult, and some of that difficulty will be intentional, and yet some will emerge from subpar controls. Games that are extremely hard, but present themselves as competent both graphically and mechanically shouldn’t be regarded as unfair simply because of your personal skill level. I am sorry if this reads as “git gud bro”, because I am trying to be nuanced and respectful in my arguments.

>> No.6892541

I can't believe pink pilled is a thing.....

>> No.6892552

>calling genesis 3rd gen
i almost fell for it

>> No.6892751

Let's face it, the design is shit. There are plenty of challenging games i enjoy. For example, F-Zero GX on GameCube is extremely difficult, but they don't make you replay the first GP every time you lose. Why? Because thats bullshit.

>> No.6892786

What else, me speccy?

>> No.6892805

>using the word 'gamers'
back to plebbit zoomer faggot

>> No.6892843

Give the Speccytards a good computer like the Amiga and they crank out utter shite. Turns out they weren't being held back by the Speccy's limitations. With a few exceptions like Rare, Speccy devs were just retarded.

>> No.6892856

Old games punish you if you die and that's a good thing. They make you replay the same section because its a PUNISHMENT and you can't just brute force your way into it. These are the kind of users that 6th gen attracted to the board it seems.

>> No.6893357
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>3rd Gen sucks
>I'm too young to have grown up with either console

>> No.6893518

Ah yes, I love to be punished by my entertainment. If I wanted that I'd let a man fuck my ass instead of playing video games.

>> No.6895101

>Turns out they weren't being held back by the Speccy's limitations. With a few exceptions like Rare, Speccy devs were just retarded.
The real issue was the nature of the UK software industry which wanted assembly line games cranked out on the cheap. Nobody was going to spend a year straight on an Amiga game like with a Konami console game.

>> No.6895138

WAIT so what you're saying is... that... 6th gen is fundamentally different and doesn't really feel like the older games of the past that we used to discuss here? That's crimethink now, please refrain from using that logic again.

>> No.6895151

That difference started in 4th gen and became widespread in 5th gen. 6th gen is just 5th gen part 2.

>> No.6895164

Lots of 5th gen games still did it. It was a transitional era we used to allow for convenience reasons. That is, you have to draw the line somewhere so might as well include anything that feels remotely retro.

>> No.6895167

>Lots of 5th gen games still did it.
So did lots of 6th gen games. Not the majority, but it was no longer the majority in 5th gen either.
>might as well include anything that feels remotely retro.
That's why we have 6th gen now.

>> No.6895172

australia-kun.... was a fucking mistake

>> No.6895185

>So did lots of 6th gen games.
Such as? Not trying to be facetious, I honestly can't think of a single one. The first half of 5th gen did it all the time.

>> No.6895195
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You know, if this is your only problem, you could just make savestates at the beginning of levels or play games with stage selects/practice modes.

>> No.6895196

>6th gen is just 5th gen part 2.
When I think 5th gen, I think a lot of different kind of games first and foremost. Mario 64, MGS, FF7, OOT, Goldeneye, Nights, Starfox 64, Panzer Dragoon, etc
When I think 6th gen, I think GTA III, GTA San Andreas, GTA thug lyfe...
And YES, I know 6th gen also has other stuff but that's just how it felt, the most popular games were all these same-y sandbox thug simulators. The focus changed.

>> No.6895217

Ninja Gaiden Black, F-Zero GX, DMC 3, Cave shooters, etc. There are plenty of legitimately challenging 6th gen games.

>> No.6895225
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>Cave shooters
>harder than Dad
Unless you're getting to the TLB (which, let's face it, you're not), those games are easy as piss.

>> No.6895226

"character action" games like DMC and NGB is the only good thing to come out of 6th gen, and frankly it's the exception, not the rule. There's like what, 2 guys who actually were able to make these kind of games properly.
F-Zero GX and danmaku games are fine but are not new or exclusive to 6th gen.

>> No.6895227

Out of those, only the Cave shooters retained the arcade philosophy of sending you back to the start when you die and having limited continues.

>> No.6895230

And it never mattered because most of the people who play those games use save states anyway. For "Practice".

>> No.6895239

>"character action" games like DMC and NGB is the only good thing to come out of 6th gen, and frankly it's the exception, not the rule.
Yet they still existed. So if we're including "anything that feels remotely retro" then 6th gen is in.
>F-Zero GX and danmaku games are fine but are not new or exclusive to 6th gen.
Here again, you're admitting that 6th gen still had retro-style games.

>> No.6895240

Yeah you got me I was using savestates to beat Rapid Reload in the mid 90s

>> No.6895248

>Yet they still existed. So if we're including "anything that feels remotely retro" then 6th gen is in.
So is every single gen by that logic. Bayonetta and a bunch of indies don't make 7th gen magically retro.

>> No.6895251

Why does people using savestates to repeat sections they're having difficulty on to learn them faster trigger you so much? Lol.

>> No.6895256

By that logic, 5th gen isn't retro either, because hard games were the minority. Which, honestly, I'm fine with. Get rid of 5th gen and 6th gen and let this be a board for 2D games only. Just don't pretend that 6th gen is somehow fundamentally different from 5th gen. It's not.

>> No.6895259

I'm not the anon you were arguing with before, I only jumped in to say that character action games were the only new kind of game that appeared in 6th gen that mattered. I dunno if I would call them "retro", but influenced by retro, yes. People like Kamiya are obviously very into retro desing philosophies (despite also amalgamating with new school ethos).
Pretty much.

>> No.6895260

Trigger in what sense? On the other hand, it seems you were triggered, save state kid.
You never beat the game proper if you used save states, just be aware of that

>> No.6895286

>By that logic, 5th gen isn't retro either, because hard games were the minority
Who gives a shit about difficulty? It's the design philosophy what matters. I agree with you and the other anon and also loved character action games, but they're a modern reinterpretation of old school brawlers, their own thing. 5th gen still had many arcade style games, 6th gen not so much. Not that I give a shit about 5th gen either, they can't get rid of it for what I care.

>> No.6895290

if you didn't want a challenge you wouldn't play video games retard. i don't even know why i'm engaging with you since you're retarded enough to say genesis is 3rd gen.