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6888516 No.6888516 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic was never good

>> No.6888521

This but Mario

>> No.6888550
File: 414 KB, 1280x1180, tumblr_oxy4xgKjI21w1kerio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, aside from GHZ the original Sonic wasn't all that good
Now Sonic 2, 3 & Knuckles, CD, Chaos, Triple Trouble, Tails Adventure, Mania, Advance Trilogy, Battle, Adventure 1, Unleashed and Generations on the otherhand, those were good

>> No.6888569

thats why it made sega billions $. totally makes sense.

>> No.6888586

>It makes money so that means it's good

>> No.6888619

>what is the invisible hand of the market

>> No.6888637

Do you think Marvel movies are good? Do you think Call of Duty is good? Do you think Rap is good?

>> No.6888670

Obviously yes. A huge number of people enjoy and are fulfilled by those things.

>> No.6888712

the answer is no, all those things are shit and you have bad taste. the reason things like marvel cod and rap seem good to the masses is that the masses have bad taste and most people are retards. most people know nothing, this is why they love generic pop hip hop song and not a rachmaninov piano concerto

>> No.6888714

I think you are confusing inherent value with things you personally like.

>> No.6888718

Sonic if he real

>> No.6888721

nah, it's the other way around. factory made garbage media is not in any way equal to finely crafted high art. when something makes billions it has no relation to whether it's actually good, it just means more retards bought it

>> No.6888728

>Millions of people say something is good
>"Noooo only my tastes are valid"
I think we all went through that phase at some point, but it's embarrassing anon.

>> No.6888738

so you're method for determining how good something is is solely by how much money it makes? you sound like a person who doesn't have good taste. tells us some things you like

>> No.6888757

Not at all. I assess things myself, and have my own view, but I accept that my view is no more or less objectively valid than anyone else's.

>> No.6888768

Fuck off underage retard

>> No.6888773
File: 685 KB, 597x448, EcbVC8vWkAEg4q7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sonic was never good" is a meme opinion that's only used by attention whores, because Sonic is popular to hate, and they want to distinguish themselves from the rest of the hate bandwagon by hating something that's commonly liked. You can't take these people seriously. If you ask them why they hate the classic games, it will be some variant of "I'm bad at them because they're too fast :(" or some generic criticism of platformers, or something that someone who never played them would say.

>> No.6888782


Check it out we got ourselves a regular old billionaire entrepreneur here !

I mean I assume you are since you talk like your a fucking market expert . (DUR RAP IS BAD BECAUSE I DONT LIKE RAP)

>> No.6888801


>> No.6888813

Most of Japan agrees. Actually most of the world, except Burgerland.

>> No.6888820

Obviously taste is subjective, but saying "X is good" or "X isn't good" isn't a subjective statement. If something is popular, there's some aspect of it that resonates with millions of people. It's easy to say "well, I don't like it." It's hard to say the aspect of it that everyone likes is objectively bad or doesn't count for some reason. Yes, that applies to Marvel movies, Call of Duty and rap music (you fucking boomer.) You might not like them, but there's some aspect of them that's done well enough to appeal to millions of people. It's pretty hard to say "oh yeah, well they're not good." What does "good" even mean there? What makes your taste objective, when everyone else's isn't?

>> No.6888849

There was a time I even fought against egoraptor's fans in youtube comment sections. I even sent some hatemail to egoraptor.
But in the end it doesn't matter, zoomz gonna zoom no matter what.

>> No.6888852

1/5 Been trolled to death

>> No.6888875

Hey, I also sent hatemail to egoraptor. It was only later on I saw that he was right all along.

>> No.6888892


>> No.6888904


>> No.6888916

> racist
implying that's a bad thing, retard

>> No.6888919

Egoraptor shits on the sonic legacy and what does Sega do? Give him free merch and early access demos of any new sonic game of course.

>> No.6888941

That's smart, they turned their biggest critic into a spokesman.

>> No.6888949


>> No.6888952

In hindsight I suppose my greatest mistake in life was frequenting a site where losers write people hate mail because of their video game boners .

>> No.6889089
File: 86 KB, 301x277, 1404192806297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter. Sonic is dead
Sega has decided to play into the braindead critics that have a hateboner for the franchise instead of the long time fans who recognize the good and bad titles in the series and want to see sonic games try to be unique again. I haven't played Mania but I have zero urge to since it looks like more of the same genesis era platforming with a fresh coat of paint instead of anything unique.
Sega has decided to pander to the loudmouth shits that are good at presenting their shit opinions as "critiques" and it's really quite sad to see, I grew up with sonic and while I'm not as big of a fan anymore I'd still be keen for a new title so long as it looked interesting.

>> No.6889104

Long time fans wanted a return to form 2D Sonic. Mania was what the franchise needed.

>> No.6889291

>what is advertising
>what is herd behavior
>what is consumerism

>> No.6889337

Sonic is huge in Europe too

>> No.6889463

sonic was all style no substance. pretty picture and music while you run forward and occasionally jump.

>> No.6889472

I see snesfags still seething all these years.

>> No.6889573 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 719x683, 1598403127047(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Sonic game ever is just pic related. What is there to seeth about?

>> No.6889587

ok scatfag.

>> No.6889598

You're the one who would rather stare at a Hedgehog taking a dump on your screen for an hour than play something based like Super Mario World

>> No.6889642

Op here
I forgot to say that I love söylents

>> No.6889660

imagine being this assblasted over a blue hedgehog.

>> No.6889672
File: 126 KB, 512x505, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have fun with almost every classic sonic game. and i think they are good. so therefor your opinion is completely wrong because i just said i liked it. thanks team, now go bump a thread that isnt clearly bait.

>> No.6889878
File: 27 KB, 501x585, coneiving mussolini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889985

You need to play it more than once to understand that it's fucking great
Mario is done once you beat it.
Sonic was about replaying to get clean lines (like skateboarding) and collect chaos emeralds. It was better with each play. Using the physics to ramp off slopes, learn shortcuts, and speed through each stage without getting hit was a level of satisfaction you could never achieve with Mario.
The graphics were bolder (larger sprites, line scaling, etc.). And actually, the entire presentation had a wider pool of influences (example being Art Deco fonts, and stage music changing between New Jack Swing/Latin/J-Pop/etc.)
That said, everything outside of the mainline series on Genesis was pure shit (with exception to Pocket Adventure).

>> No.6889996

I think it's more like stockholm syndrome

>> No.6890007

Not him but my favorite sonics are the md titles and I also don't care for mania. It's a glorified romhack by fans. I'd rather play the originals.

>> No.6890015

Its contrarians who use that term.

>> No.6890040

The only thing was never good was 06, Sonic Boom has one good game while the other one is 06-tier because of "muh exclusive WII-U Version", both games was rushed as all hell.
06 was supposed to be a different game until it was changed into a Sonic game, take a quess why the characters are so off in this "Sonic" game.