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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 272 KB, 1920x744, mario3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6882793 No.6882793 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Obscure gaming trivia

>> No.6882852

When Harry Nilsson was told this, he went coconuts.

>> No.6882893
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>> No.6882901
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>> No.6882952

The Mario series always had these low key creepy moments that were left unexplained and also quickly ignored leaving you wondering what the fuck that was all about.

>> No.6882963
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pic related is one of my favorite things in SMB3.
When you first encounter them, you sense danger. They're new assets that never appeared before, and they're on an empty room, in one of the game's weirdest levels. You think they're going to electrocute you, or something, but then, nothing happens. It's just lamps.
I still avoided touching them always as a kid, only found out they don't actually do anything later on.

>> No.6882984
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What makes it so weird is that it defies explanation. It's not like finding cut content. These are things that were deliberately left in the game for you to see but don't really have an explanation. Like this broken teleporter in Mega Man X2 is bizarre. It's in a conspicuous place, it's the only instance of a broken teleporter in the entire game, and it does nothing. No explanation of what it was for or why it's broken. The game just shows it to you and then moves on.

>> No.6882993
File: 838 KB, 2044x2905, DekuSon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6883032

I love how everything is fucking uncomfortable.

>> No.6883130
File: 475 KB, 2000x1400, lore_64_King_bobomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marios first task is to visit the land of another species. kill its king, and display its corpse

>> No.6883142

mario if he real

>> No.6883143

the other bombs killed the king mario just defeated him and made the others realize the king was too weak to keep around

>> No.6883223

How is this trivia? It's literally just observing a thing that everyone who's played the game has seen.

>> No.6883234

it actually has a use and is fully repaired in the gbc 'port? remake?'..iirc, its used to select x2 boss rush and the right one is x3 boss rush

>> No.6883401

you literally watch him explode

>> No.6883431

>its true
i dont remember that happening at all must be the mandingo effect

>> No.6883983

I thought they were bombs.

>> No.6884002

Mario Madness is actually a reskin of a game called donkey donkey picnic

>> No.6884009

Mario fans have surpassed sonic fans as the most autistic mascot fans.

>> No.6884034
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>> No.6884401

>Deku Butler visit his son
For some reason I don't remember that.

>> No.6884479


>> No.6884493

I don't see any sexual furry fanfic in this thread, australia.

>> No.6884503

That's where the Bowser fans come in

>> No.6884530
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, lore_granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6884534

Please don’t take bowsette away from me.

>> No.6884570

Not true. World 5's Sky Tower also has no enemies. There's probably more.

>> No.6884573

The Sky Tower had enemies. Mostly fortress-standard enemies, but Micro-Goombas in the bricks would appear in the outdoor areas.

>> No.6884586

Thwomps, those holographic balls and a koopa.

>> No.6884593

interestingly Mario Land 2 used them again in Wario's Castle

>> No.6884624

The fact that, at first look, the world appears to be suspiciously short, have no palace - just this weird helter skelter-type thing adds to the "WTF is happening" feeling.

>> No.6885638

Shut up raisin balls

>> No.6886490
File: 999 KB, 876x1958, holyfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midna is hot

>> No.6886502

This is better than the other example. It's fucking eerie.

>> No.6886505

you see a a holodisc immediately upon entering the level you schmuck.

>> No.6886518

that doesn’t always mean they died. some of the bosses still talk to you after you’ve exploded them.

>> No.6886543

he liberated from monarchy

>> No.6886560

so long, gay bowser

>> No.6886836

they removed the rainbow texture in newer versions

>> No.6886860
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Konami used to make VHS tapes before selling their soul

>> No.6886985
File: 226 KB, 487x416, princess_toadstool1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he replaced it with a more corrupt monarchy

>> No.6887095

So true

>> No.6887117

Where is this from? I have never seen any portrayal of the princess that wasn't human.

>> No.6887132

SMB1 manual

>> No.6887242

literally unplayable for me now

>> No.6887924

“wario” is just mario with the M flipped.

>> No.6887981

My world has been rocked.
Everything I thought I knew is a lie.

>> No.6887992
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1485532514473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some shit here that'll blow your brains into your nutsack.

>> No.6888000
File: 805 KB, 2560x1822, How to Win at Super Mario Bros 0004-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the manual. A guide.

>> No.6888002
File: 286 KB, 1280x1861, How to Win at Super Mario Bros 0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the information on the guide.

>> No.6888012

I fucking hate that I just looked at this, I don’t like anything about how those characters look, what the fuck.

>> No.6888015

underrated comment

>being gay enough to care about (((flashbacks)))

>> No.6888023

Hey you're 30 and jobless right? How do you support yourself and how comfortably do you live? I'm considering following in your footsteps.

>> No.6888032
File: 186 KB, 1036x882, secret_fakekong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this real

>> No.6888042

>s s i (takes years to get on)
>homeless while donating plasma (can get 200ish or 300ish usd per month but they reject a ton and it's not healthy)
>live with relatives
>steal shit to survive and pawn them (or use c r a i g s l i s t to sell them with 'fake' email you make with no or 'fake' number (such as using a v o i p application))
>just beg for cash while homeless
>if female get shacked up or marreid
>if girly female that passes get rich via porn then retire
>buy and sell things under the table until you become a landlord

Last is god-mode and faggy as hell and requires you to be a good businessman that always buys something for 1 dollar and sells it for 2. Infinite money. Rent one property, screw over the tenants by never fixing shit then use profits to buy another property, and so on and so forth.

It is possible to mix various methods.

There are other various methods that niggers use such as trading e b t for real money at half the price of the actual value.

*Spaced to avoid w e b c r a w l e r s.

Another thing people do is sell weed but at that point you're in no way a neet. Really neither is the god-mode kike-option really neet and also unrealistic in comparison to dude weed selling by the by, of which even with dude weed you'd probably make less than if you had ssi BUT ssi rejects 50 percent of all claims statistically, and worse it is in Alaska.

Blah blah blah.

Here's a rhetorical scenario that I personally like: live out of go-bag on motorcycle using not but your e b t, siphoning gas as you go across the country, as motorcycles don't always require insurance in random states if you wear a helmet. The amount of gas they use won't be all that much missed either. While Obama let e b t be put back on a time limit, if you're applying for s s i you can be a special circumstance, and all you need is that really. If adequately conservative you could make your own soap using wood ash and tallow you get out of the food you ate. [comment long]

>> No.6888053
File: 1.87 MB, 2392x1072, autism kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salt for brushing teeth, steal brushes and floss out of a dollar section and no one would care as it's not a felony until it adds up to grand larceny, of which is 500 usd or more to be a felony charge. No one will add up you doing that hundreds of times. Then again if pigs want to they're above the law and all, and with 9 ll the second that vi u r uz got being homeless fucked, so you'd have to be in the woods sleeping. your go-bag could have a tent, but the dirt would piss you off pretty fast that'd get all over it.

Anyway, i live with the parents but at first made money via a foster care scholarship that gave me actual money to live on. Last time it was over a k a month, back in the early thousands, but I've been neet for a long time. After that i moved in with the faggot parents. I donate plasma if desperate for money, though my bpm are usually too high. Also I have hypertension, either things would get you deferred.

It's fine if not for how much I want to kill my father and take his savings and live in the woods with them for the past several years. I've added up camping supplies to avoid this white knuckled scenario. I want a gun and a motorcycle and helmet. I wish solar powered motorcycles were a thing but oil go (((brrrrrrrr)))

>> No.6888062

I rent wifi from a library, some give out hotspots.

I make my own booze from sugar and baker's yeast and various fruit juices.

If homeless i'd hunt bees and take their combs to make booze, as yeast is everywhere. I'd first get an android that could a larger sd card (micro) and pay some private trackers and vpn and such to get lots of tv shows if I were to live in the woods without Internet's social aspects. TV shows and gaming while drinking and reading (or listening to audio synthesised books I made into txt files (using calibre ahead of time)). That could be comfortable if I had enough water. I can't go without an ac nor bathroom. I have a habit of showering twice a day and also fleet enemas due to anal masturbation. So if not for those two things I'd already be homeless using my various strategies to survive. I've gotten away with shoplifting before. Just don't hit the same place twice and don't take a lot, only essentials.

Now days even food is getting tagged to make alarms go off though, not just electronics.

Society is faggy as hell.

I used to walk out of books a mill with shit stuffed into my jacket lining, sex ed books, back in foster care.

The point is, never let them tell you what to do all in all. There's many options. No porn? Fap to sex ed books. Those weird self help books had a lot of, well, weird shit in them. You'd be surprised. Then again it was the early thousands. Stole those right along with peanut butter.

>> No.6888076

Was this in the All Stars version too?

>> No.6888096
File: 264 KB, 590x560, 1600324875356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US needs lab rats right now

>> No.6888108

This is some nonsensical timecube shit

>> No.6888118
File: 297 KB, 1236x743, RVBkMqz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6888126

No research is needed on 9 ll the second.

>oh noes PANIC x thing BAD is happen
>don't you want your rights taken away so you can FEEL SAFE again?

>> No.6888138
File: 9 KB, 320x218, based.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda neat. The tingle thing is obviously a joke. Seems about as plausible as every other timeline.


>> No.6888146
File: 3 KB, 256x224, 7324715B-1F05-4C1A-A74D-D54B2C6F17A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6888170

So if I understand correctly, whenever you break a brick you're murdering a Toad?

>> No.6888175

Tingle is clearly gay though as is this image.

>> No.6888180

You take the coins and add their lives to yours.

Wouldn't you be silently wishing to die anyway?

>> No.6888193

i have no idea what this is

>> No.6888198

That looks so lame and bland in comparison.

>> No.6888209

Surely not every brick block is a transformed Toad? Floating bricks have been in basically every Mario game, but to my knowledge there has never been a mention of Bowser turning Toads into bricks in-game.

>> No.6888229
File: 93 KB, 358x333, mik4rx3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6888245

this is pasta right?

>> No.6888358

>newer versions

>> No.6888369

that's all he could mean. there's no other version with significant visual changes.

>> No.6888480
File: 221 KB, 998x380, super-mariobrosmanual4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wording in the NES manual is that only the blocks that give you power ups are transformed toads.

>> No.6889273
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>> No.6889376
File: 14 KB, 176x163, SMW_Cape_Feather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best Friend for defeating Moppets?

>> No.6890662

It depends on the mayor of the current terror zone.

>> No.6890692

Rambi glitch

>> No.6890706

so Bowser's exposed nostrils are supposed to look like Michael Jackson without his nose.

>> No.6890739

literal anthro-shroom princess toadstool was murdered and replaced by illuminati robotoid clone made with human dna

>> No.6890750
File: 138 KB, 500x522, slighlity-nervous-doggos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and also fleet enemas due to anal masturbation.

>> No.6891317
File: 37 KB, 749x428, sigmario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mario fans are only autistic ironically

>> No.6891321

if you punch a butterfly it can turn into a 1-up or a bomb

>> No.6891331

jfc i want to fuck ehr in her little imp ass

>> No.6891521
File: 509 KB, 1920x1920, grave2791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6891551
File: 353 KB, 960x540, Ef9QuJgXYAYgMBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the files of Moon, there are several songs on the song list that never appeared in the final game.
>I'M PROUD - Tomomi Kahara
>Tora Tora Tora - MAX
>Soul's Refrain - Yoko Takashi
>Midday's Constellation - Shinji Tanimura
>Sasurai - Akira Terao
>Oshiete Mr. Sky - Shiori Fujisaki
>True Asia - PUFFY
>DoremifasorasidoSisidoRumi - Rumi Shishido

>> No.6891563 [DELETED] 

No it's still sonic fans.

>> No.6891584
File: 59 KB, 603x517, 1515955116620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah its still sonic fans.

>> No.6891761

I see 1791 not 2791

>> No.6891880

No I just suffer from an excess of personality.

>> No.6891892

I had almost given up on this board, thank you.

>> No.6891894

>gbc 'port? remake?'
Xtreme 2 is neither. Also, that broken warp capsule was designed for X2, not for Xtreme 2 which just uses it, so the mystery is still unsolved.

>> No.6891924

Unf I wanna make that belly even bigger

>> No.6891968

Actual abnormalfaggots that are guilty of thinking too much are actually rare on all boards and likely all imageboards currently so you probably should give up on it.

Also my trip changes due to how often a ban is attempted. I'm range banned from most boards on this site. Keep that in mind while judging this site.

>> No.6891970

t. Resident autist

>> No.6892135

>Princess Toadstool has been rotting away, forgotten in a dungeon for the past 30 years
>every day her hatred for the world grows stronger
>during a renovation of one of his older castles, Bowser accidentally unseals her...

>> No.6892398

>not being a chronic waffle stomper

>> No.6892409

good dumper but her nose is too small and her hair is a fucking hand

>> No.6892543

>must be the mandingo effect
Okay bud

"Mandela effect" is the false memory effect you're thinking of.

>> No.6892671
File: 1.10 MB, 1315x723, Screenshot at 2020-09-18 22:38:30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challenger approaches

>> No.6892953
File: 578 KB, 500x363, scared coffe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh noes I died of cancer after doing something unwise for a decade!

Who coulda seen this coming?

>tfw when you add up how long you've been heavily drinking
>it's nearing ten years

>> No.6893090

1791 is the year the U.S. Constitution was ratified. This probably has something to do with the Illuminati or Masons or some other NWO shit like that.

>> No.6893619

>"hey remember this thing in this game?"
>"here it is."

>> No.6894546
File: 1001 KB, 2900x1600, mozart_mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better

>> No.6894593

>if you care about cool lore things in games you’re autistic herp a derp
Shut up.

>> No.6894603

And in Paper Mario Bob-Ombs can explode and come right back.

>> No.6894618

It’s probably just a crown, very similar to the one the king had in the Mario comics by Valiant and the choose your own adventure style books.

>> No.6894629

That image of Bowser commanding his Troopas is one of the first Mario related images I’d ever seen as a child. It appeared in a two page Sears toy catalog spread advertising the NES, and I remember thinking the characters looked very strange. With their white heads and yellow beaks I thought the koopas were some kind of bird and Bowser some sort of weird rhinoceros with that horn nose.

>> No.6894686

Add the Super donkey music to this.

>> No.6894919

shit just creeps up on you, doesn't it?

>> No.6895296

Pamperchu lives. He built up immunity to all diseases from the dumpster diapers and also to radiation from the unsafe 1970s microwave he uses to heat them.

>> No.6895457

It’s the mix of truth and BS that makes this picture special.

>> No.6895607

This drove me crazy as a kid, because you get everyone's good endings in the credits if you complete their missions in the Bombers Notebook, so I spent hours in the Deku Swamp trying to see if there was something I was missing.