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/vr/ - Retro Games

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687789 No.687789 [Reply] [Original]

Rare pick up thread? Pic related. $65. Checked the catalog there was no rare pick up thread.

>> No.687801

I'm not really in the know for rare games, is that a good price for a Cartridge only Ogre Battle?

>> No.687815

if you have to ask


>> No.687816

It goes for over $100 cart only on eBay.

>> No.687826

Oh right. Huh.
How much do you think a CIB Demon's Crest would go for?

>> No.687841
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Pieced together over the course of about three years.

>> No.687846


Is the N64 Worms Armageddon really that rare in NTSC territories? There are quite literally BARRELS of them here in the UK.

>> No.687850
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Don't mind me, just derailing the thread.

>> No.687852

This is the best box I've ever seen or come across on any site or in any store. It's nearly flawless. Of course (not pictured) its in a clear plastic case. Next up is Beast Wars. All I need is the manual.

>> No.687858

Cant take any pics now, phone is fucked.
Picked up a CiB copy of Ufouria on NES.
Is this shit any good?

>> No.687861

depends on condition but, around $200 if it's in excellent shape

>> No.687867

The cartridge? Pretty uncommon. The box? Rare as shit. And the manual... Jesus. Hundred bucks a pop.

>> No.687870

It's all right and not that rare if you're a PAL man.
I mean, you get props for finding it CiB, but still.

>> No.687875

Nice, I bought mine for about $80.

>> No.687876

I have 2 CiB Demon's Crests. One has never been opened, the other is a little battered.
I probably wont sell either. Just curious is all.

>> No.687882

I found all the stuff separately. Took the plastic cart sleeve from my Extreme G.

>> No.687889

Oh. Well then it's not really CiB is it- it's a hodgepodge of various other bits and pieces. A Chimera of a game. Well at least you have it.

>> No.687895

I would never pay full CIB price. Not for that game at least. Two hundred plus for a box in that shape...

>> No.687908

just picked up this rare game today. The guy on craigslist cut me a really awesome deal. I only paid $100

Super excited.

>> No.687913 [SPOILER] 
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woops forgot my pic

>> No.687919

I hope you're joking about that.

>> No.687928

The guy said it was a really really rare game and I was getting a huge deal on it because on ebay they go for $500+

>> No.687963

>Mario 3

>> No.687972


I suspect this is a "T'WAS MERELY AN ACT" moment. But if it isn't- you are a solid contender for King of the Mongoloids

>> No.688064

>I suspect this is a "T'WAS MERELY AN ACT" moment.
He was definitely joking. I don't really understand why anyone would think he legit did that.

>> No.688172

I can just imagine someone being that dumb though.

>> No.688551


>> No.688598

Oh shit that's the rare UM-USA-1 variant! Nice pickup!

>> No.688604

>mfw a friend gave me SoA complete for free due to no DC
You best be hyped. It's damn good.

>> No.688652

What's the difference? In the cart, I mean.

>> No.688694

Today for $20 I got an excellent condition Knights of the Round and beat all to fuck Mario RPG.
I also got Oddworld Exodus and Oddessey for 35.

>> No.688721

If you bundled that with an NES-001, how much could you get?!

>> No.688725

At least $16,000

>> No.690015

I dont get it

>> No.690053


Here in mexico the dude which i bought and trade my games was selling Ogre Battle for 8 bucks.

>> No.691315


>> No.691480
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I hogged a physical copy of '...Iru!', a ps1 survival horror game in its jewel case today for a rather fat penny.

>> No.691739


>> No.691761

its the first mario 4 ever made!

>> No.693584

Snagged 'The Lost Vikings' for the SNES the other day. A guy working at the shop commented how some other dude came in to check it out, and said he'd be back to get it since the other one he was looking at was more expensive. Ya snooze, ya loose.

>> No.694660


>> No.694706

I came across an auction for Skies of Arcadia complete with only a minute left at $25 and 14 bids, and I swooped in and got it for $30. Best impulse buy I ever made.

>> No.697597


>> No.699920

I got a copy at my LGS fr 35 bucks the other day. I fucking love this game. I had Legends at one point, but I had no idea of how much they removed for that port.

>> No.700420


Except they didn't remove anything important and instead of added stuff, faggot.

>> No.702167


>> No.702202

not very rare, cartridges are like 15 bucks

>> No.702370
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picked up on Sunday for $10

Already on eBay seeing well over $100 thanks to Game Grumps

>> No.702449

Fuck dude you even have the plastic that goes on the N64 cartridge.

I remember seeing this game all over the place though. Blockbuster, walmarts...

>> No.702462

I don't have a picture handy, but I picked up Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball for $2.50 today.

>> No.702471

I got the SNES version of Prince of Persia the other day. It is fun as fuck.

>> No.702609

The only thing removed was the VMU game (as if anyone kept batteries in them) and the quality of the music. The Gamecube version just doesn't sound as good.

>> No.703305

I haven't picked up a rare game in a long time, sadly.

The last ones were perhaps, Parasite Eve 1 & 2 for the PS1.

>> No.703308

So basically everything released before 2005 is considered rare and valuable now? It's going to be hilarious when this bubble bursts.

>> No.703394

Yeah but buying games in mexico is a complete toin coss cause most dealers have them or buy them from people who had them all the fucking day laying in the sun.

>> No.703436

I have a box and manual for Ogre Battle but no cartridge. I just posted in my local Facebook game swap group that I would trade a Secret of Mana for it. I have three copies of Secret of Mana

>> No.703504

I went to my schools rummage sale every year because once ever year I find something cool, I found an NES, a few gameboys, just cool stuff that I usually can get dirt cheap. I went this last spring and found an Intellivision for $1, it was in horrible shape but thought why not. I didnt even notice until I got home that there was a cartridge in the slot, it was a game called Diner. I looked it up online for shits and giggles, and noticed that its pretty uncommon. The game ranged from $20-40 on a good day. I dont sell games, just collect so I thought it was a cool find.

But my best find by far was at my Half Price Books. Theyve caught on recently to how valuable games are, but a few years ago you could get some great games cheap. I found an SNES with two controllers, all cords, and Super Mario World for only $15. The SNES looks like its brand new too, no discoloration which is kinda rare imo as Ive never seen an SNES that a friend has had that never turned that weird yellowish color. I also picked up a copy of Mario Golf for $8.

>> No.703521 [DELETED] 

Was looking at Castlevania Bloodlines from some sellers on ebay. Two had them with the box and manual for 40 bucks, but one charged shipping stating he would put it in a shipping box to protect the packaging, so I went with him.

Few days later and it comes in an envelope. The game package is kinda smushed but not terrible.

>> No.704547
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How'd I do /vr/?

>> No.705039

I picked up Final Fantasy 8 for PC a few weeks ago for £1, it's worth about £15 to £25 on eBay so I figured that was kinda cool. Very nearly got Breath of Fire 4 (which would've been the same story) but the store managed to lose the disc.

Also not rare but Medievil platinum for £0.50 and Worms 1 + Worms Reinforcements Big Box for £1.50 each in damn good condition

>> No.705042

Awesome game, but I dont know how much it goes for.

>> No.705083

GBP 9.99 apparently

>> No.706002

Dunno about rare but I literally just came back from a thrift store with Paperboy 2, Super Mario World, Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Spider-Man X-Men: Arcade's Revenge and two copies of Super Mario All-Stars.

How much did they cost me in total?

>> No.706067

Yeah you got a fair price there, the re-issue (Lucas arts classics or whatever it's called) of it goes for about £5-7

>> No.706074

I found my copy for £1 in a big box of CD's in a charity shop. Next to Duke3D for 50p, that's my best pound i've ever spent.

>> No.706853


>> No.706875

I'm hoping it does. It seems like everything has risen drastically in price, from Amiga 500s to even common import DC games.

>> No.706882
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these were two games I (as a casual collector) never thought i'd get to own but I found them this weekend ( may two fore' eh? cream garage sales )

>> No.706890

Earthbound is one of those games I want to own. I'm not a crazy fan, but I want it.

Robotrek is another one - that game made me so happy as a kid. My SNES collection is small, but I enjoy it. Still wanting to increase it, though.

>> No.706901
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>tfwn qt3.14 earthbound cart

>> No.706915


If you're not a crazy fan then I see no reason why you would want to own it unless it drops down to pre-inflated prices again

>> No.706929

I still like the game. I want it because I enjoy it. However, as you say, there's only so much I'm willing to spend on it, compared to die-hard mother fans.

>> No.706970
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Got all this at a pawn shop today for only $50 (5 ea; combat and uniracers were free).

My life (or at least collection) feels pretty damn complete right now

>> No.706978

Very nice get on Chrono Trigger.

>> No.707003
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This should arrive tomorrow.

>> No.707013

You got X3 for less than $150? Fuck you. I am so jelly.

>> No.707017

GG with X2, X3, and MM7. Those are insanely expensive. For some reason I think you're just showing us all your rarer games, though and pretending you bought them today.

>> No.707024

Ha. When games hit prices like that, I just get the Japanese versions.

>> No.707025

How much did you pay for them? Also,
>may two fore' eh? cream garage sales

>> No.707039

>mystic quest
this is the place I got the games from. I think you can see all the games I pictured

it's actually a double, so is x1 and goof troop. might pop it on bst next time one comes around

>> No.707865

But you didn't drive 700 miles for Chrono Trigger.

>> No.708019

am I missing something here?

>> No.708048

Why would anyone? It's really not that special of a game, and the DS version is both the definitive version of the game and much more common.

>> No.708086
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One of the rarer PC games out there.

I got mine at Goodwill for $2 recently. I am jealous of you having the box for it though. Mine is just all the manuals, jewel case, and inserts.

>> No.708112
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>MM7 & X3 for $5 each
>I will never find a deal like this
>tfw trying to complete my MM collections

>> No.708127

tfw my local game store had the same copies of mm7 for $35 and earthbound for $70 sitting in their case for over a year before the prices skyrocketed and I continued to pass them up

>> No.708310

There was a guy like a month or so ago who found someone who borrowed his game of CT. He reconnected and drove to his house, as soon as he saw CT he left. It was a 700 mile drive with both ways added up. It was 350 miles each way.

>> No.708348
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Not really the rarest, but I wanted to show it off because it's rare that you see a Doom with a mint decal on it. For some reason it seems like every Doom SNES copy I've seen has some kinda fucked up decal.

>> No.708378
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I read this and was like "bs i have doom on snes and my label looks factory fresh" then I got it and sure enough it's got label rash on the top edge.

>> No.708392
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>> No.708393

I want Ogre Battle complete on the SNES so badly, that I might just buy the PS1 copy just to scratch the itch.

>> No.708402

The only rare game I currently own is Faselei! For the Neo Geo pocket color. By rare I mean US version. I Guess it's rare?

>> No.708417

Pretty much anything NGPC is rare in the US.

>> No.708428

Yeah I know but I own an ESRB copy.

>> No.708508

I found a little wicker basket in some guys junk stuff at a flea market that had broken down boxes and manuals and maps for a bunch of the really rare snes and nes rpgs. He sold them all to me for $5 and was happy to get it. I've been having fun filling them up. I just would like a source on the cardboard inserts because they were missing.

>> No.708527

I own Fire and Ice on the NES ... is that rare?

>> No.711914

Also, trying to snag a CIB version of Sparkster on Genesis.

>> No.711938
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CIB Secret of Mana

Eight dollars

>> No.712253

rare-ish. sells for about $100 cart only.

>> No.714778
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two of mine :) bought both for 50 bucks.

>> No.717503

Anyone know how much Sparkster for SNES goes for?

>> No.717565
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Bought all of it for 46 bucks, sega genesis was just a throw in because the guy didnt have the cords for it

>> No.719969
