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File: 18 KB, 578x468, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
687225 No.687225 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell did this get by Nintendo's strict censorship?

What are some other examples of games letting stuff slip through?

>> No.687237
File: 22 KB, 280x280, Conker BFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.687238

Medusa in Super Castlevania IV is topless.

>> No.687241


I was talking more NES/SNES-era stuff since Nintendo had super strict censoring back then.

>> No.687258

Hitler's exploding head is a classic example

So graphic

>> No.687263

Golgo 13 Mafat conspiracy ending?

>> No.687297
File: 39 KB, 500x375, swaastikazelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.687301

That's a manji.

>> No.687304


I can't really figure this post out.

If you're the kind of person who posts on /vr/ regularly, you already know what's up with this.

So is it supposed to be a troll? Because I mean that shit is OLD bro. This is like trying to make people feel bad about Franz Ferdinand's death or something.

>> No.687307

Does X saying "Damn!" in Mega Man X3 count? I know it's not exactly the naughtiest of words, but knowing how anal Nintendo was back in the day, it still surprised me when I saw that.

>> No.687323


Yeah dude... it's the weekend, let it go

>> No.687325


I was pretty shocked when Irene got stabbed with a sword. It was awesome that Ninja Gaiden was kind of a more mature series on the nes in that way.

Though it was pretty odd seeing her perfectly fine moments after.

>> No.687326

The entirety of Demon's Crest.
>You are a Demon in hell.
>Skeletons and Ghost 'n shit everywhere.
>Multi-story building overflowing with bones.
>Firebrand's skin melts off when he dies.

>> No.687337

That's no worst than an average saturday cartoon. Dragon Ball Z was more violent.

>> No.687342
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Shadowgate0152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.687357

>Bionic Commando
Yeah, that was pretty startling, especially since the rest of the game was heavily edited from the Japanese version.

>> No.687382
File: 36 KB, 480x447, goat4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole cannibalism thing in Terranigma.

This game was late in the SNES life cycle though, and wasn't released in the US.(NoE didn't share NoA's censorship policies)

Nintendo already eased a bit with the censorship after the introduction of ESRB and the whole Mortal Kombat 1 controversy.

>> No.687394

How the fuck does that pic imply cannibalism?

>> No.687398

>bionic commando

Please be trolling, holy shit.

>> No.687412


Have you not beaten it before? Its pretty shocking.

>> No.687413
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Well, that's somewhat far into the game but how could they slip through a title screen screaming DIE DIE DIE?

>> No.687415 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 418x128, Bionic Commando_Hitler Head--article_image--article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, son?

>> No.687414

It doesn't, but trust me. That picture is all kinds of fucked up. You get stuck in the ice cave with a goat and her dead mate. You can't escape, and it offers you breakfast... and then promptly starts eating it's dead mate.

You end up escaping because you can climb out of a hole it makes, but it can't. It says it'll get out somehow. Three years later, you can choose to go back to that same area.

It never made it out.

>> No.687419

Yes, Bionic Commando. It was called Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret in Japan. You've never played it?

>> No.687421
File: 12 KB, 323x301, fry-argh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck man

>> No.687432
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>> No.687438

This is seriously the most disturbing part of any game I've ever played, even with all the gory games coming out today.

>> No.687479


I remember my reaction to most games that attempted to shock me was a meh and nothing more.

I got to this part and my jaw literally dropped. Fucking what? IT'S FUCKING DOING WHAT?

>> No.687484

downloaded to satisfy my morbid 16bit curiosity.

>> No.687506 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 500x500, SQOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sqoon, a 1986 NES game about a pink submarine.

>> No.687520


wow it's like an 8bit version of a heavy metal disc cover

>> No.687524
File: 34 KB, 400x300, maniacmansionnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.687527

Damn good RPG. It's at least 3 hours in though, so prepare for that.

>> No.687534

You'll come for the macabre, you'll stay for the tight gameplay and amazing world.

>> No.687538 [DELETED] 

He spilled his tomato juice. I don't see why that should be censored.

(Seriously though, his blood activates the sword. It's kind of too important to censor.)

>> No.687545


>> No.687547

He spilled his tomato juice. I don't see why that should be censored.

Seriously though, his blood activates the sword. It's kind of too important to censor.

>> No.687567
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>> No.687571


This is badass

>> No.687578


Lan says "damn" in the MMBN2 as well, which surprised me that it got past censors

>> No.687594


>> No.687606

Shadowgate's death scenes are one of the best things about this game. You can even kill yourself by using your torch on yourself.

>> No.687621

I just got out of Eternal Darkness with neutral emotions.
Watching this put me in a state of absolute shock.

>> No.687628


I just saw this scene on youtoube. The disturbing thing is that it's absolutely pointless. Seconds later the same goat breaks the ice wall without any trouble. Like tricking you into eating from her goat husband.

>> No.687630

He was clearly talking about Wolfenstein 3D you dense fucks.

>> No.687635

"This Kong's one hell of a guy."

>> No.687638

Why did they change it in melee? DK64 was rated E, and Melee was T

>> No.687648

That wasn't bad because "hell" isn't considered a swear outside Murrica

>> No.687650

Also in MM7, remember.

>> No.687656
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>> No.687663
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>> No.687667
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>> No.687672
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>> No.687673

Who on Earth would think of Wolfenstein before Bionic Commando?

>> No.687679
File: 3 KB, 256x224, edshamster5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.687681

People who don't live in a fucking cave and remember good games before shit ones?

>> No.687682

What is that, ketchup?

>> No.687686

>Bionic Commando
>Compared to fucking Wolfenstein

>> No.687684
File: 105 KB, 549x472, joe&mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this boss yells, "Damn!," when you hit him.

>> No.687696

The thread topic is "things getting past Nintendo's strict censorship"

Technically OP said "games letting stuff slip through" but Wolfenstein wasn't really something that was party to a ton of oversight and censorship.

It's far more rational, when discussing shocking things in old Nintendo games, to bring up Bionic Commando instead of Wolf 3D. Now stop fucking trolling, you're bad at it and your attempts to start shit are transparent.

>> No.687701

Castlevania games in general had almost no censoring, leaving crosses and other christian imagery intact.

Wolfenstein wasn't even on the NES or the SNES, why the fuck are you even here?

>> No.687706

...Wolfenstein 3D has an SNES port.

>> No.687713

Why isn't it listed on wikipedia then?

>> No.687721


Yeah, I always saw them as thumbs also

>> No.687723

Dunno, but GameFAQs lists it.


>> No.687738

Ganondorf coughing up actual blood and Link slashing the fuck out of his face complete with blood flying everywhere.

Don't know how that slipped in an E rated game. The green blood later on looked much worse.

>> No.687740

Not just that, but the Bottom of the Well and Shadow Temple had blood smeared on the floors and walls of certain rooms.

>> No.687741

I played the remake first so I didn't know about that scene, but I liked how the remake didn't have any gore AT ALL in the whole game except for this.
To be exact, I laughed so fucking much.

>> No.687745


Wow, don't remember that. Was that also cut in later revisions?

>> No.687750

>Why isn't it listed on wikipedia then?


>Wolfenstein 3D has been commercially ported and sold on over a dozen platforms, ranging from early releases on platforms such as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

>> No.687752
File: 39 KB, 1902x220, w3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Wikipedia is hard.

>> No.687753

IIRC it was not.

>> No.687749
File: 51 KB, 600x450, mml2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Nintendo, but still rated E For Everyone.

>> No.687762


>rated E
>that one scene where Double violently kills the reploids
>limbs and shit cut with blood spraying everywhere

The ESRB fucked up there

>> No.687773
File: 183 KB, 640x480, bloodycross-shadow2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's admittedly not much, but still.

>> No.687994

Yeah, that was a spoof on how shocking the uncensored part of the original was. I laughed my ass off, too.

>> No.688021

>Wolfenstein 3D
That whole game was pretty violent. The point of mentioning Bionic Commando was how out-of-place the final scene seemed.
>you dense fucks.
That's really not necessary. You can express your interpretation without doing that.

>> No.688765

The goat breaks the ice wall and both Ark and her walk... into another ice chamber. Ark can climb up the vertical ice walls using his hooks, but the Goat can't, and Ark cannot carry her out either, she's too heavy for him. The goat urges Ark to escape and to not worry about her, because she will find a way to escape on her own.

When Ark finally can return to that area, it has been 3 long years. The goat's skeleton is there, she never had any chance to escape.

Oh and Beruga dies the most horrible death as well, as he trips and falls straight on the giant propellers of his flying ship. Bzzzzz!

>> No.688796
File: 12 KB, 320x180, mqdfefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Illusion of Gaia

> The village where people were dying of hunger and the survivors resorted to cannibalism.
> Hamlet the pig jumped on a fire so everyone could eat his flesh
> The Jackal is burned alive by an ancient trap activated by the Hero.

Enix surely made fucked up games.

>> No.688943

Actually, Enix only published IoG in Japan. Quintet made IoG along with Soul Blazer and Terranigma, which makes sense since they are all loosely connected to each other.

It's too bad Quintet basically vanished after Granstream Saga on the PS1, as another victim from the 2D to 3D transition. You can see some of their credits on JRPGs once in a while though.

>> No.688979

I think we're confusing modern day businesses with past; if I recall, Nintendo didn't absolutely start gearing their devices towards the family demos until post-Gamecube, if not during. On top of that, 'strict' censorship is an exaggeration as they've had games published under M or teen titles, so 'strict' censorship isn't particularly needed.

People forget that Nintendo has published explicit games prior: Conker's Bad Fur Day, Turok, Duke Nukem 64, Doom 64, Mortal Kombat, etc.

>> No.688987

>if I recall, Nintendo didn't absolutely start gearing their devices towards the family demos until post-Gamecube
You recall wrongly.

>> No.688993


didn't stop them from censoring it in the SNES trilogy.

>> No.689001

Great argument.

>> No.689007

Their censorship on 3rd party games ended with MK1 censorship backlash, followed by the introduction of the ESRB. During the NES/early to mid SNES era they had a strict guidelines of rules developers had to follow, resulting in design changes or censorship on Japan-developed games.

A few third parties did get permission to slip by the censors though, like Konami with the NES Castlevania games, or Tecmo with Ninja Gaiden. This was usually done because those games would heavily suffer from it.

>> No.689013

Bionic Commando also has damn, that's even worse than nerd

>> No.689019

>they had a strict guidelines of rules developers had to follow, resulting in design changes or censorship on Japan-developed games.

Ah, I see; is it safe to assume now that the 'censorship strictness isn't as prominent? If anything, I see the reactionary ESRB at-the-time as being, well, reactionary; and any guidelines following were done to mitigate public complaints, only to abandon most of the 'strictness' by the time the backlash was over.

>> No.689021

Here are Nintendo's release guidelines:

The following Game Content Guidelines are presented for assistance in the development of authorized game paks (i.e., both Nintendo and licensee game paks) by defining the type of content and themes inconsistent with Nintendo’s corporate and marketing philosophy. Although exceptions may be made to preserve the content of a game, Nintendo will not approve games for the NES, Game Boy or Super NES systems (i.e., audio-visual work, packaging, and instruction manuals) which:

• include sexually suggestive or explicit content including rape and/or nudity; (1)

• contain language or depiction which specifically denigrates members of either sex; (2)

• depict random, gratuitous, and/or excessive violence; (3)

• depict graphic illustration of death; (4)

• depict domestic violence and/or abuse; (5)

• depict excessive force in a sports game beyond what is inherent in actual contact sports; (6)

• reflect ethnic, religious, nationalistic, or sexual stereotypes of language; this includes symbols that are related to any type of racial, religious, nationalistic, or ethnic group, such as crosses, pentagrams, God, Gods (Roman mythological gods are acceptable), Satan, hell, Buddha; (7)

• use profanity or obscenity in any form or incorporate language or gestures that could be offensive by prevailing public standards and tastes; (8)

• incorporate or encourage the use of illegal drugs, smoking materials, and/or alcohol (Nintendo does not allow a beer or cigarette ad to be placed on an arena, stadium or playing field wall, or fence in a sports game); (9)

• include subliminal political messages or overt political statements (10)

>> No.689036


Still living in nazi germany I see

>> No.689038

Know how I know you weren't around for the 8 and 16-bit eras? Nintendo, and NoA in particular, were absolutely notorious for their strict content policies and censorship.

It's funny that you'd bring up Mortal Kombat as an example of them publishing riskier stuff - the SNES version was completely neutered. Might want to fire it up some time. Back in the day the 'real' version of MK with its blood code was something Sega kids held up as the jewel in their crown.

There are way, way too many examples of Nintendo's heavy handedness to begin running through them. Just googling 'nintendo censorship' will get you shitloads to read through.

>> No.689039

Boy, were all of these thrown away after some time.

>> No.689042

>is it safe to assume now that the 'censorship strictness isn't as prominent?

I'd say it dropped mostly when the ESRB came into effect. They were already dropping off with MK, and before then, they wouldn't have allowed an M rated game on the NES/SNES.

>> No.689048

>Know how I know you weren't around for the 8 and 16-bit eras? Nintendo, and NoA in particular, were absolutely notorious for their strict content policies and censorship.

My ignorance of censorship policies hasn't anything to do with my childhood experience with any generational console.

You're beating the dead horse;

>> No.689054

Well, this has been educational.

>> No.689059

In Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, they changed Jaquio's blood to green in OP's image, but they left the "Damn! He is awake!" part in Ninja Gaiden 1, which originally said "Arrgh! He is Awake!"

>> No.689069

>although exceptions may be made to preserve the content of a game
They only made exceptions with certain developers for some reason, which had to conform to the same guidelines as the rest in the SNES era. This is why games like Super Castlevania IV and Ninja Gaiden Trilogy were censored, unlike their earlier installments.

Stuff like Hitlers head exploding probably got past the censorship because NoA officials didn't play the game far enough to see it, thankfully. You can see they were far more thorough with this in the SNES era.

>> No.689070

>My ignorance of censorship policies hasn't anything to do with my childhood experience with any generational console.
Sure, aside from the fact that literally everyone who was actually gaming back in those days knows about this stuff. It's hardly arcane knowledge given it was fuel for a good 50% of the schoolyard console war arguments.

It's okay, champ. There's no shame in being a 90s baby.

>> No.689073

Link was also originally supposed to bleed IIRC

>> No.689075

>MGS Ghost Babel
>cigarettes censored and changed to a fog machine
>scene where Bison burns himself alive is left fully intact


>> No.689076

Is it possible to visit Penguinea while you still can talk to animals?

>> No.689089

Again, repeating the same non sequitur doesn't reveal any information on me or what it is I did for my childhood.

>fact that literally everyone who was actually gaming back in those days knows about this stuff.

Literally? So now you're admitting you're stupid. Where did you derive this from? Do you know 'everybody' who was gaming back then?

>It's hardly arcane knowledge given it was fuel for a good 50% of the schoolyard console war arguments.

And you also know all conversations of school yards during that time period.

>It's okay, champ. There's no shame in being a 90s baby.

What does this have to do with anything? You're saying something stupid, and now you're making unfounded claims.

What exactly is your point? That I'm some '90s baby'? And you're trying to prove that by being retarded? Alright.

>> No.689113

>Posts a .gif file
>It isn't animated

>> No.689124

You can also put the pool water on a glass and heat it on the microwave, killing your character

>> No.689131

I'm going to have a good time with this one:

Your premise is a fallacy; you are stating that one must know x (Nintendo censorship policies) to be have experience Y (NES/SNES generation).

That's fucking wrong; by virtue of the fact that you can clearly read up on these policies without having grown up with them.

And you're stating "LITERALLY EVERYONE"; what kind of argument is that? That's absurd. And for that matter, it is very much likely someone DID grow up in this generation and had no clue of the censorship policies: possibly home school kids or just kids didn't give a shit.

>It's okay, champ. There's no shame in being a 90s baby.

>> No.689139
File: 24 KB, 512x448, shadowgate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the very first screen of the game, no less

>> No.689178
File: 8 KB, 464x111, kidicarusnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look in the manual for Kid Icarus, the enemy Syren has bare breasts, just like the Harpys in Greek Mythology.
They used the same character/enemy illustrations from the Japanese release.

>> No.689182

They splintered into Shade and part of an even smaller staff from Shade worked on the PS2 Orphen game, which is not bad for a license

>> No.689219

Kid Icarus, along with most other pixelated-boxart games, was made before the introduction of the release guidelines. In many manuals from the early NES era you can see stuff that wouldn't fly later on, like the Devil/Satan in Ghosts 'n Goblins.

>> No.689304

>Mommy, what are those bumps on her chest?
She's just sticking her elbows out funny, Billy.

>> No.689343

Not defending the post you're commenting on, but you fail logic forever.

By the reasoning of your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs: You must have four legs to be a dog, therefore if something has four legs it's a dog!

>> No.689351
File: 646 KB, 1000x786, MMX4BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were some KA/E rated games with the "Blood" nomeclature.

>> No.690063

And even after the ESRB cam eout, we didn't got Clock Tower

>> No.690273

is that your grave or the hamster's?

>> No.690283

>He died on the first screen

>> No.690516

Battletoads in Battlemaniacs has you get bisected if you let the rat catch you in the penultimate level.
Breath of Fire 2 had a lot of religious shit in it that was pretty surprising to be allowed.
In the same vein as Shadowgate, Uninvited's death scenes are also described gruesomely, and it usually also had a picture of the thing what killed you (the dead lady was pretty shocking at the time).

>> No.690573

>Duke Nukem 64
Nintendo made them remove the swearing and nudity from this one. To compensate the developers increased the amount of blood and violence, which Nintendo were fine with.

>> No.691974


Hell is barely considered a swear in America even. The only ones who do consider it as a swear are so devout they have issues. Unfortunately it managed to creep its way into schools and media.

>> No.692001
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, earthworm-jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was just a lot of stuff in this game that slipped past NoA.

>Jim bitten in half in two different levels
>Queen Slug for a Butt's death
>"What the Hell" in debug level selection

And its sequel.
>Splattered puppies

>> No.692060

Doing that will make your game unwinnable.

>> No.692081

This is very spooky, anon

>> No.693981 [DELETED] 


Twisted Metal 2 had some pretty dark endings. I think game rating systems were just a lot less harsh on games then they are now.

>> No.693987

Ah shit. My reading comprehension went dumb on me. Was thinking you meant games in general getting away with stuff not just Nintendo.

>> No.693994

>we didn't got Clock Tower
>we didn't got Clock
>we didn't got

>> No.694726


>Doing that will make your game unwinnable.

Actually it won't you can actually finish Maniac Mansion with 2 people only.

>> No.694764


you can also continue playing as your dead character's ghost. you lose all the inventory items you had but you and can still go anywhere and do anything.

>> No.694792

for some reason the counselors at Nintendo didn't know jack shit about Maniac Mansion, I remember calling as a kid, getting no help and teaching the counselors shit they didn't even know about. what a waste of my parents money

>> No.694798

What game is that?

>> No.694802

Ninja Gaiden II (NES)

>> No.694934


The Dragon Sword revived her, bro.

Anyways, I never understood how Ryu reobtained the Dragon Sword for NG3:ASoD when it had turned into the force that saved Irene at the end of NG2:DSoC.


2:36 sword turns into ball of light

4:22 Ryu and Irene standing at the precipice watching the sun set, no Dragon Sword


>> No.694970

I thought it was a different sword like how you don't see close ups of it in the cut scenes like they used to show you in the first two games. Some people say NGIII takes place between Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, but I don't see the way, other than Irene seems to go back and forth as being either tough girl (1, 3) or weak (2, OVA)

>> No.695069
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 2spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.695092

I always watched my older cousin play this on NES and was fascinated by it. I really want to play it now, should I play the NES version or try the PC one?

>> No.695094

I think "What the Hell" was a pun name based on the place the level is set in, and since it's technically literal and technically biblical they let it slide, IIRC.

>> No.695096
File: 20 KB, 600x371, theroom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are ripping me appart Lisa!

He already has his face frozen anyway

>> No.695102

I like the NES one because of the music, but it is clunky to move the cursor with a D pad or a key board, so go with the many MM remakes where you have to mouse the mouse instead

>> No.695107

Mmm... Any other changes beside the music?
Seems like there were no censorship on this one uh?

>> No.695113

There were lots of censorship done to the NES version but you can just download the proto rom that kept all the cuts

>> No.695301

They censored that scene in Trilogy?
I'm glad I played NG2 on the NES then. I switched from the 2 on SNES because one of the levels was completely wrong (the level where you can't see shit until lightning strikes is just completely illuminated at all times in the shit SNES version)

>> No.695504


The NES one censors alot of things like changing the name of one of the arcade games from Muff Diver to Tuna Diver. But otherwise everything else is still intact.

>> No.695540

There's likea mystery/adventure game on the NES where you explore a mansion that you could microwave a hamster in. What's weird is that it didn't work on my friend's version of the game.

>> No.695579


It's Maniac Mansion. The post right above yours is talking about it, and if you keep scrolling up, you'll see hamster talk/screens

>> No.695619
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>> No.695642
File: 87 KB, 306x170, 1356652750334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some really weird stuff from some NES game.