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6868439 No.6868439 [Reply] [Original]

Which were the ones worth playing? Only one I played was Agent Under Fire on GameCube and enjoyed it, but the multiplayer especially. I hear Nightfire is even better?

>> No.6869096

Nightfire isn't just the best Bond game of Gen 6, it's the best Bond game period. Maps were kino, campaign and secrets were top notch, and had a great mix of stealth/action/vehicle levels.

>> No.6869165

Everything or Nothing is surprisingly good, too

>> No.6869197


>> No.6869207

>Nightfire isn't just the best Bond game of Gen 6, it's the best Bond game period
zoom zoom zoom

>> No.6869231

I recently replayed agent under fire, loved it, then went out and bought nightfire and replayed it and got bored with it. But I may have just run out of steam.

>> No.6869504

Thats my favorite I'll say it's the best.

>> No.6869545

I have only played the PC version of Nightfire which was shit, I heard console one was way better

Stay Mad Goldeneye fag

>> No.6869552

>Everything or nothing is surprisingly good too.
Especially on GC, the analogue triggers make the gun shots really satisfying.

>> No.6870921

what about its sequel?

>> No.6870927

Agent under fire deserves props for how many options the multiplayer had. Q Claw was the shit. You could turn the speed up, turn the gravity down etc. Just options for the sake of having options.

>> No.6870948

is this the bond game with the girls butt in the shower?

>> No.6871995
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I love Nightfire and Agent Under Fire, both were fantastic games, but I enjoyed Goldeneye's single player more than either of the other two. I might prefer Goldeneye's fast paced multiplayer to Nightfire, but I was very good at Goldeneye and in Nightfire you could go against bots once the stomping got old to people

>> No.6872229

Should I emulate the PS2 or GameCube versions of these games?

>> No.6872252

PS2 has an extra button so I assume it's better

>> No.6872263

From Russia with Love is underrated
All of them are decent except for Goldeneye Rogue Agent

>> No.6872369

I really love From Russia With Love, and I know it's not not a popular opinion but Rogue Agent is a perfectly serviceable game. It's just not memorable.

>> No.6872456

The only good Bond game was Goldeneye 64 and Perfect Dark. Every other one was a soulless EA license cash grab like most licensed games.

>> No.6872568

t. Nostalgia fag

>> No.6872749

>Everything or Nothing is surprisingly good, too
this. the third person view was a refreshing change, the theme was great, you had dafoe showing up, and the driving segments were especially well done because they used the need for speed engine.

>> No.6872805

you have to be a real nostalgiafag to see any good in nightfire. I played it quite a bit and always preferred goldeneye or even fucking twine

>> No.6872853

>no u
Great retort retard

>> No.6872857

Agent Under Fire and Nightfire were hands down some of the more fun single player console FPS I played and surprisingly had a very nice, deep, customizable multiplayer mode for split screen. I remember playing on the map in Agent Under Fire with the piers/docks and putting low gravity and grapple hooks on.

That being said, as fun as they were, I'm sure that's just my nostalgia talking as well. I loved the original Goldeneye N64 as a kid and in turn loved Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect when they came out on gamecube later, so when the new James Bond games didn't play exactly like the older Rare FPS games I was a bit disappointed even though they tried to keep the spirit of the multiplayer and FPS fun-ness alive.
I never played the third person shooter Bond games, and I thought Goldeneye Rogue Agent was a disgrace to the original Goldeneye game even though it had an interesting concept and gameplay ideas it was kind of executed poorly.

I just want a good James Bond game again, not even a nu-HITMAN esque "assassin game but really feels more like a super spy/secret agent" thing but another fun FPS campaign with unlockable cheats and customizable local multiplayer.

>> No.6874141 [SPOILER] 
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This is actually the best Bond game of all time

>> No.6874157

I'm thinking he's based.

>> No.6874167

playing nolf as a stealth game is pretty damn fun if a bit frustrating

>> No.6875593

Don't love me quietly.

>> No.6875609

Sounds like the experience of a nostalgiafag.
Maybe Goldeneye would have been a solid game if it had a solid frame rate.

>> No.6875619

and a good controller

>> No.6875634

How do you take out the final submarine?
If I get out of cover, the torpedoes absolutely wreck me. My only choice is to slowly destroy it with the guided torpedoes.

>> No.6875641

PS2 allows quick switching to the next weapon with R2, GameCube must use dpad. Gamecube allows two extra AI bots in multiplayer.

>> No.6875646

You only should play them on original hardware, don't spoil the name of any game by filthy hackjobs.

>> No.6875651

I decided to emulate it on Dolphin despite having an Xbox copy somewhere.
Only odd thing is the very low sound quality.

>> No.6875653

Actually, true.
Agent Under Fire was some hot licensed trash, I'm surprised anyone liked it. Is that due to consoles having so few FPS those years?

>> No.6875709

It's a 6/10 game. Solid but not ground breaking.

And as I mentioned before a decent amount of love went into the multi. Nothing touches TImesplitters 2 but that doesnt make AUF unplayable.

>> No.6875735

We had way few games then that even this 6/10 gets to be remembered.
But even then I thought that was a shit game.
And today's 6/10 automatically is shit.

>> No.6875765

I mean we are also in a bond thread. We likely wouldn't bring it up during a normal FPS discussion.

>> No.6875785

It's more amazing that anyone would even make a thread about this duds from 6th gen.

>> No.6876526

Nightfire is good but not great. Goldeneye is superior. EA James Bond games all just felt a bit soulless.

Its Goldeneye that keeps getting remade. Not Nightfire.

Nightfire is defo better than AUF. It feels like a self-contained movie (in a good way) and has nice graphics and weapons/gadgets.

I never played Everything Or Nothing, I would like to someday. Goldeneye Rogue Agent got ripped by reviewers. I played From Russia With Love briefly, it felt clunky.

>> No.6876534

TWINE was ok. In multiplayer it was not great, but 1 player was pretty cool.

Nothing tops goldeneye, Im afraid. And the more recent Daniel Craig ones have been so bad theyve stopped making em

>> No.6876538

good comment

Do it with intensity!!

>> No.6876548
File: 209 KB, 702x1000, ps2_everything_or_nothing_p_jqee5v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything or Nothing had surprisingly difficult coop multiplayer. Much harder than the singleplayer game itself. I think they did it to hype up how awesome bond is, because half the missions you do are setting something up for him and you're nowhere as good and cool as he is. You could stealth some sections of the game but your silence-pistol shots had to be on point and with 2 people there's tons of room for error. Good luck finding a non-retard friend to coop with.

>> No.6876592
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I remember some of the things I loved about Agent Under Fire around the time the Gamecube launched:
>higher than 30 FPS
>decent looking character models and graphics to me at the time
>lots of action set pieces and the full orchestrated Bond music
>multiplayer mode with bots and customizability
>ability to unlock cheat weapons and vehicles with infinite ammo
They weren't amazing, but they were good enough to be enjoyable for young me jumping from the disappointing The World Is Not Enough follow-up to Goldeneye N64.

>> No.6878298

I loved Agent Under Fire. As a fan of the movies I found the bond moves very immersive and with it coming just a year after launch it was well animated and impressive after coming out of 5th gen. Single player gameplay was fun, not phenomenal. Multiplayer was great, as others have pointed out. I wouldn't put it on the same level as Goldeneye Nightfire or TWINE, but I enjoyed it more than a lot of 6th gen

>> No.6878587

I can't remember when in 2002-2004 I played it, but by PC standards it was a very mediocre experience.

>> No.6878907

I don't feel like playing games at 20FPS at 480p

>> No.6878962


PS2 hardware is extra shitty too so I assume you're a faggot

>> No.6878964

At 480i on CRT, silly.

>> No.6879008

>I'm an idiot who loves glitches, input lag and slowdown, thinks sixth gen games play at 20fps and thinks that playing a game in a higher framerate than it's designed for is a good idea .

>> No.6879290

>it is supposed to run like shit

>> No.6879313

Dolphin emulator works almost perfectly

>> No.6879325
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One of my first games was TWiNE, and I played Goldeneye a little later and found it to be inferior. That said, I think I agree with >>6869096 that Nightfire is GOAT.
Why do you feel Goldeneye is superior? I seem to recall a fair number of bullshit missions.

>> No.6879332
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>playing TWINE on PS1

>> No.6879357
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>not watching full scenes of the movie as cutscenes

>> No.6879402

It ran at 60fps. It used the fucking Quake 3 engine for Christ's sake.

>> No.6879430

Nightfire slows down even when emulated on PS2. Only Agent Under Fire was Quake 3 I believe.

>> No.6879441

Still better than the awful PC version by Gearbox

>> No.6879443

Nightfire used the Quake 3 engine as well. I think you're confusing it because fucking Gearbox remade the game on GoldSrc for the PC port.

>> No.6879465

you know there were games made after 1997, right?

>> No.6879537
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I thought the reload animations were neat and I liked the high-tech looking sawn-off shotgun.

>> No.6879641

Christ, is that how that looked on PS1?
I bet you had to wait a full 5 minutes for each level to load, as well.

TWINE is good but goldenye is just better. Controls more smoothly, less clunky, better music, more soul, more replayability, better multiplayer, and guards drop a set amount of bullets as opposed to TWINE where you regularly get like 1 bullet from a guy. I would end up actually emptying my entire mag and then re-pick up the gun for a new full mag, and that got really boring after a time.

>fair number of bullshit missions.
Dunno what you mean. In goldenye there are some levels that arent in the movie; but these feel fun and soulful, and the two bonus levels are nice homages to bond. goldeneye has a good difficulty curve and different ways of playing the levels; TWINEs difficulty is all over the shop (Underground Uprising and City of Walkways are frustratingly difficult, and rescuing hostages is a mess.)

goldeneye = 9 or 10/10
TWINE - 7 or 8/10

>> No.6879798 [DELETED] 

The PS2 version was basically the platform's MechAssault equivalent, in that exploiting a glitch early in the game allows you to break the security open and soft mod it, like MechAssault did on Xbox.

>> No.6879871

I really want to like that game but I just can't. I've been trying to play it for years by this point but there's just so much wrong with it, and that fucking China level goes on for so long that I'm pretty sure it makes up 80% of the game.

>> No.6879904

I can't blame you. Its such a slog to play through. I haven't touched it for over a decade now and every time I think about going back to it, I remember that china rooftop level and lose interest. Doesn't help I stopped playing console shooters for so long so I know I won't be able to hit anything.

>> No.6880002

Goldeneye had a lot of levels that were expansive with multiple paths, where I found a lot of TWINE's levels were more straightforward. There's nothing inherently wrong with that aside from being worse for replay value and TWINE having fewer random elements in general. Without playing the game recently its easy to forget how many different little things can change a playthrough of a level like what guards spawn with, what animations they use when firing, where they spawn in, etc

>> No.6880239

I liked the mechanics where you could take human shields and use powers with your magic techno eye. Unfortunately that's the only thing I like to remember about the game outside the opening level where you're shooting through Fort Knox.

>> No.6881212

Citation? Wikipedia is not a source.

>> No.6883091

Everything or nothing was great.

>> No.6884510

Me being dead wrong is my citation. Even Wikipedia says it's something called EngineX. Disregard, I suck cocks.

>> No.6884531

This, anyone who says goldeneye is better has clearly never played both.
Nightfires multiplayer blows goldeneyes out of the water and while it has worse themeing on its map it has much better layouts.
Agent under fire had the worst multiplayer of the 3 but had some damn good gadgets that made it worth playing once in a blue moon.