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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 60 KB, 300x143, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6864279 No.6864279 [Reply] [Original]

Is this company the High King of boring games?

>> No.6864284
File: 1.86 MB, 1206x904, my list of games that are top tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first two Golden Sun games are of the best games ever made.

>> No.6864295

Once they were no longer restricted by character limitations and started overwriting the fuck out of their games, yes.
>tripnigger continues to post dumb shit
like pottery.

>> No.6864302


>> No.6864308
File: 134 KB, 1866x705, as a channer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brags about spending 12 hours a day on 4chan
>tripnigger actually refers to himself as a "channer"
>thinks being anonymous is for normalfags
You can kill yourself. Your parents would be proud.

>> No.6864319

is this that sevenleaf faggot under a new name?

>> No.6864324

Even sevenleaf doesn't post this irrationally.

>> No.6864371

I'm a big fan of the N64 Mario Golf and Tennis games.

>> No.6864379

Why do you favor Mega Man Legends over any of the mainline or X games?

>> No.6864407


>> No.6864409


Pssst: || Penis! ||

>> No.6864523
File: 313 KB, 527x554, 1568985054790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you still don't have a point. See blah blah commenterino @ >>6864302 then >>>/k/46539383

Those are reflex oriented games that are designed to stress you out. Reflex and coordination rather than technique. I play smart not hard.


>> No.6864527

I'd have to rate megaman zero over them.

They are not just easier but more conversational, the dna ghost thing makes more sense ironically, and it's rgp tier with the varying ways to heal and altering the stats a bunch and the weaponry differences and the less needed reflexes and coordination. So much talking and wandering around is rpg tier. You buy things a lot.

Megaman Zero I like more than x. I've beaten all four without emulation yet never did get past x's spider and the original are even harder of course.

>> No.6865425
File: 52 KB, 634x634, 1444804231237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, is the demon autist or whatever? also Jesus, looks like he didn't learn anything from Lain

get a life man, that desire for attention has fried your brain

>> No.6865432

It's that "DOw the demon autist" faggot from a few days ago under a new name. Might actually be sevenleaf's new names, yeah.

>> No.6865652

Their sports games are ok
Golden Sun is trash

>> No.6865657

Patrician game selections. Not gonna lie.

>> No.6866895
File: 16 KB, 252x251, 1573575411719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ had been blocking my d.o.w. the demon autist trip and vaginaisevil is an older trip anyway so I defaulted back to it and kept hammering /k/ hard.

I prefer here but this place isn't active enough so I need at least three places to talk all day.

/r/neet, /vr/, and /k/ are my current places. Lainchan and such are very dead indeed.

>> No.6866917

no one cares blogposting faggot, can't wait till your trip gets banned just like trannyleaf's

>> No.6866951

This. Boring and predictable, throwing every cliched jrpg trope under the sun into it. A filler game for some kid's summer. Even the music is boring.

>> No.6866970

>even the music is bad
>>every jrpg cliche

There was no lewd that I recall and your bait goes too far with the music being bad.

>no one cares
>they're talking about it
top hurr

>they'll ban ya

Oh no guess you can't filter me then huh? You must REALLY like me if you do that!

>> No.6866976

If I filter you, I can't "police" your posts ;)

>> No.6866989

I knew it. Go back and kill yourself.

>> No.6867007

>you've been to reeeeeeeeddit

Autism. 4chan has been so dogshit to have some sort of blind patriotism for it in current year just proves you to be literally retard level autistic, faggot.

*solves jewgle captcha on a site that's mandatory with using le javascript site*

such anonymoose, wow

>> No.6867014

>you to be literally retard level autistic, faggot.
But enough about yourself, demon faggot.

>> No.6867021

Why did you post these other games they had nothing to do with?

>> No.6867127
File: 12 KB, 295x202, I know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To emphasize how good they are....also I made that for another thread and felt like using it twice.


>I love you too

>> No.6867279
File: 14 KB, 120x90, mpc-hc64_2015-07-20_21-03-19-78.4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should try getting a job.

>> No.6867285

Yeah sure, whatever.

Really wish they finished the GS series instead of making the last one all about an awkward setup for a real story that would never come

>> No.6867303
File: 340 KB, 1024x601, Ergo Proxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>31 years old
>never worked
>post corona 9/11 bullshit the second
>30 mill out of work
>literally not enough jobs to go around probably before this event
>getting a job

Uh....no. If anything I'd buy and resell. But time is money and it'd take too long to make sales with how little assets I have so...

Furthermore, even if I did I'd hate myself for contributing to a society I resent. I don't like it's laws nor have friends in real life. It's technology is sub-par too, deliberately so. Why would I even want a job?

>>to pay for things
And have no time to socialize? No time to use these things you buy? Do you think work is for socializing?

>> No.6867314
File: 29 KB, 200x200, 1595502410908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even mentioning the third

>> No.6867360

flew right over your head tripfag.

>> No.6867364

I don't play pc games really.

>> No.6867372
File: 699 KB, 2048x2048, 1591656655277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're an honest to god loser, m8

>> No.6867407

Don't worry about it man, I... you...

ok worry somewhat about it.

>> No.6867431
File: 79 KB, 930x960, 91581254_1312585795613543_2994330218132406272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking god, that king crimson edit is killing me ahahahah

>> No.6867437

>2009er calling someone a newfag
Times have changed.

>> No.6867449

Most of 4chan got here in 2014ish and the election is half of everyone from 2016.

09 is ancient tier in comparison to most users.

4chan was slow as shit and you know it pre-09ish. If you were really from 03 you'd probably have fucked off as even moot did.

>> No.6867459

Outed yourself again, newfag.

>> No.6867692

or they came back? I first went here in 03, but I still don't know why you would want to be capable of "making a name for youself" in this shithole. How have you been here so long and thought that was a good idea? These goofs keep photo's for years to make fun of you down the road. Fuck that.

>> No.6867704

>leddit isn’t so bad

It's impossible to express in words the sheer disdain that I have for people like you.
Surely you can understand that different forums curate information in different ways based on their mechanics, and someone who gets most of their information and worldview from one place and will inevitably be shaped by that influence, and that someone might dislike that influence inothers and consider it to be detrimental.

>> No.6867708
File: 18 KB, 448x330, 39944-Mario_Golf_(USA)-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played any of their RPGs, but Mario Golf on N64 is legit the best golf game I ever played and is only rivaled by Neo Turf Masters.

>> No.6868373 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 600x450, 1599963345070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's impossible to express in words the sheer disdain that I have for people like you.
>Surely you can understand that different forums curate information in different ways based on their mechanics, and someone who gets most of their information and worldview from one place and will inevitably be shaped by that influence, and that someone might dislike that influence inothers and consider it to be detrimental.

>> No.6870168


>> No.6870189

Why do speedrunners prefer the gamecube version? I'm not being a detractor, I legit wonder if there's any strat differences or gameplay reason.