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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 318 KB, 2000x1457, 2019-10-16-image-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6857495 No.6857495 [Reply] [Original]

Are you getting it?

>> No.6857514

Maybe once it's more obtainable and affordable I might consider it, probably more than any other analogue product

>> No.6857526

new gens in /v/ is not an opportunity to shill your chinese crap

>> No.6857531

but it's made in Seattle

>> No.6857543

I dunno..this or a retroid?

>> No.6857550
File: 481 KB, 2000x1969, pocket-white.5439bf039e982617ba2d318443b2d89c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pre-ordered a white one. It seems to be big enough that it might actually be comfortable to use.

>> No.6857568

I have a GB Pocket with an IPS display and flashcard, I opted to not get the Analogue.

>> No.6857643

Exactly this, the analogue pockets is $199, you are paying for a fake gameboy.. it would actually be cheaper to buy an IPS modded gameboy color/pocket with a flash card, you would get the REAL thing, a REAL gameboy, with a backlit screen! They are so awesome. We are on a retro game board and people are still finding ways to get ripped off.

>> No.6857681

I think in theory playing off one of these with the dock on a television would be a pretty solid way to play old GBA and GB games (at least for me personally, i generally don't like playing on handheld consoles if theres a way to play on a television).
But if you go for the dock you're gonna be about 350-450 dollars in the hole with taxes and shipping and adapters by the time you get that all set up with a controller, which is fucking stupid considering how many viable alternatives there are
Also Analogue just generally sucks, between the artificial scarcity and constant misrepresenting their products in their promotions I think anybody who forks over 200-400 dollars now for a product thats still almost a year away is either a moron or just must be independently wealthy. For all anybody knows these things will end up being utter crap, and Analogue will have just been sitting on your money for all those months. Seems pretty shitty.

>> No.6857784

I really want one but it's too damn expensive. Also i wanna wait to see if the audio is really a good emulation or not - i know fpga is supposed to be identical, but im gonna wait and see. I fucking love the way the DMG sounds, and emulators are frequently pretty off in terms of tambre.

>> No.6857790

It looks cool but it's too expensive for me to justify, I also don't have a GB collection. That and preorders for all of their damn products close in 5 minutes

>> No.6857802

No, I just don't like Gameboy games enough. At the end of the day, what is this for? Playing Tetris? Wario Land 3? Link's Awakening? I've already done all of that countless times over. I'm not gonna pay a couple hundred dollars for the privilege of playing Belmont's Revenge on a 615 ppi LCD display with gorilla glass. I'm sure it's good for people who really, really, really like Gameboy and other portable games but nah I'm good, and if there are any portable games that I haven't played that interest me I'm happy to play them for free on a computer or whatever.

The fact is, there's no getting back my childhood. I'm not going to be 9 years old again playing Pokémon on a Gameboy. I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars chasing a feeling that will never return.

>> No.6857814

Plays GBA games too natively which is a way better library than the GB or GBC imo
then obviously you can buy the adapters for all the other stuff

>> No.6857840

I know you can link two pockets together, but theres no way to link a pocket to an old GBC or GBA right? or to a gamecube for stuff like windwaker or harvest moon?
kind of lame, i guess that might be crossing into proprietary territory but if FPGA is all it's cracked up to be it should be possible

>> No.6857845

>i know fpga is supposed to be identical
What??? fpga doesn't mean shit. It's still emulation at the end of the day. It could be nearly the same as the original or utter crap. It being an fpga means NOTHING.

>> No.6857858

oh come on, thats not true. Why does every thread on this board always have a couple people cruise in who are so angry at the idea of fpga hardware emulation? its super bizarre
obviously their marketing is exaggerating the 100% compatibility but its completely different than traditional software emulation

>> No.6857875

Why should one pay for overpriced cloneconsoles, are people really that retarded?
Back then cloneconsoles weren't even touched with a plier.

Get the real thing for way less, or just emulate on your PC / already way overpriced fucking phone, ffs.

>> No.6857879

Yea, but he is right. Emulation is emulation.

>> No.6857896

I managed to preorder a black one. Looking forward to it a lot, it's the first emulation handheld that doesn't seem like cheap Chinese shit

I have a DS Lite and modded 3DS, but the former doesn't do gameboy/GBC, and the latter doesn't do them well. If the pocket has some good pallet customization options for GB games then that tied with the screen will make this one of the best way to play them IMO

>> No.6857902

Pretty sure this thing only plays carts and isn't an emulation machine

>> No.6857908

FPGA is definitely overhyped for sure but its a wholly different technology
compare something like a Super Nt to the way like a Retron5 works, its a totally different approach and to say "its all the same shit" just makes you look stupid

>> No.6857915

All of their other devices said the exact same thing yet they all run roms

>> No.6857926

running a rom =/= emulation

>> No.6857932

I didn't imply that

Also only running carts =/= not an emulation machine

>> No.6857934

Based hair splitter autist

>> No.6857937

thats not splitting hairs lol
i can run roms on an n64 off an everdrive, do you consider that emulation?

>> No.6857947

Why wouldn’t you? Furthermore, why does it matter? How finely do you have to split those hairs before you satisfied your sick autistic perversion?

>> No.6857953

ok retard thanks for confirming you have no idea what youre talking about lol

>> No.6857962

>y-you don’t know what you’re talking about!
>you’ve never even split a hair before! You wouldn’t know how rewarding it is!
Based retard

>> No.6857971

hey man im not the one who thinks using an everdrive is emulation lol

>> No.6857981

>emulating a cartridge isn’t emulation
Wow these hairs, they’re split so cleanly and finely!

>> No.6858007

>hey man I’m just the one splitting hairs
That other anon is right, you’re a fastidious waste of space.

>> No.6858075

I feel like I got burned by Analogue after ordering the Nt Mini Noir earlier this year, which was a rather pricey purchase, waiting months for it to ship in August and then at the last moment getting delayed a few more months.

So I didn't immediately jump on getting in a pre-order for the Pocket. But the benefit of not being an early adopter is getting to see what other people have to say about the device before putting down money for one. I am really curious about the quality of the screen, apparently the IPS screens used for the Gameboy mods have ghosting like artifacts? Also curious about the buttons, how good the emulation is in general and if many, if any outside developers will port over other fpga cores to it. All big factors for me.

>> No.6858083

you're a colossal fucking retard for paying for the nt mini noir when stuff like the AVS exists

>> No.6858084

Yeah? Is another factor that you get a tiny pittance of a commission for shilling it on here?

>> No.6858116

AVS is based, I use mine every day.

>> No.6858135

Hey guys. I will own up to being an idiot for spending so much god damn money on a fake Nes emulation box. So, the shenanigans with the Nt Mini Noir was the thing that finally pushed me to invest in getting a MiSTer. The AVS is neat, but doesn't have all the features I want. What I realized is:

>you're a colossal fucking retard for paying for the nt mini noir when stuff like MiSTer exists
I kinda agree with that.

>> No.6858159

Yeah, its basically on my wishlist as something I'll pick up eventually, I've only heard good things.
Plus just a glance at retrousb tells me they're a company I'd much rather give money too than those faggy Apple-wannabes over at Analogue. Restrousb just looks like a bunch of nerdy old boomers - people who will get this shit right.

>> No.6858336

I don't like the form factor. They should've gone with a GBA style instead of the GB/C style.
My ideal gameboy though would be something with the form factor and flip out screen of a NDS but with GBC support.

>> No.6858337

yeah like a sidekick
remember the sidekick? good times

>> No.6858341

>anal log
No thanks I play on original hardware only.

>> No.6858346

Even worse. Seattle is a shithole much like every big American shitty.

>> No.6858348

I didn't even think of that but yeah.

>> No.6858473

gba sp is still the best design for a portable

>> No.6858479

Yeah I like it too. I just don't like how narrow it is. I loved playing GBA games on the DS on the top screen.

>> No.6858485

An unironically good peripheral for the SP would be some kind of hand rest that snaps on to the back of the console and widens the part you grip. Would probably look ugly but I bet you could make one that’s simple and effective

>> No.6858487

No, but then the only GB game that I still enjoy today is Link's Awakening. I had a lot of fun with my Pocket and Color as a kid, but much of that was from the novelty of it being portable, rather than the quality of the games themselves compared to my genesis, super nintendo, playstation, or n64.
It's still emulation.

>> No.6858491

I was thinking of maybe building a new shell or something for it.

>> No.6858501

Would you make the top wider too or would it fold into a groove more like a tooth than a clam shell?

>> No.6858523

I dunno. It would probably be the exact same form factor as a DS lite but instead of a second screen you have the cartridge slot or something.

>> No.6858541

The analogue products are stupid as fuck, but they're not software "emulation".

>> No.6858551

Correct, they're hardware emulation, which is still emulation.

>> No.6858564

Does your Gameboy also play GBA, Game Gear and Neo Geo Pocket?

>> No.6858568

Well thatd look a hell of a lot more seamless than my idea haha

>> No.6858572

>That and preorders for all of their damn products close in 5 minutes

That literally only happened for the Pocket. All previous systems were available to pre-order for months.

The second NT Mini Noir pre-order doesn't count as they were only selling off previously cancelled pre-orders.

>> No.6858575
File: 43 KB, 750x637, 1585283160808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks sexy
>completely useless


>> No.6858589 [DELETED] 

You'rw not wrong

>> No.6858592

i know lol

>> No.6858596
File: 159 KB, 899x629, anallogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...

>> No.6858602

no, thanks

>> No.6858606

I wouldn't pay for either, but the NT is a fuckload better than the piece of shit AVS

>> No.6858609

FPGA is still emulation, they are lying. You literally need an emulator, and they are often just forks of regular shit.

>> No.6858613

How so? I don't have either but i dont have an NES library either

>> No.6858615

So you got an EE degree to back up your opinion?

>> No.6858618

Dishonest marketing aside, it's objectively emulation. byuu wrote a great article on it, I suggest reading it sometime.

One simply needs to look at the Super Nt's changelog to see the problems discovered and being patched are no different from those you'd find with a traditional software emulator.

>> No.6858630

yeah this is the truth
though i will say analogue is super quick about stamping out bugs and incompatibilities compared to other emulators, which somewhat softens the blow of how expensive their shit is

>> No.6858637

NT doesn't look horrendous, scales to resolutions other than 720p, plays multiple console roms through SD card, can output analogue 240p through DAC. I use a Famicom with an NESRGB, but if I couldn't have that I'd either go unmodded hardware, NT, or mister. AVS is only better than garbage like Retron5

>> No.6858642

>emulation engineer
Not a real job.

>> No.6858650

You don't even need a separate DAC for the NT mini, analog video output is directly from the unit itself.

>> No.6858661

Oh, nice

>> No.6858663

The analogue pocket has a link cable slot and and they even have a link cable and yes it will connect to all gameboy for 2 player so eat shit boiiii jk bro your cool

>> No.6858667

For sure, I'm not shitting on the super nt, just the bullshit marketing, and perhaps the complete lack of analog video out which is a baffling omission for such an expensive product in that niche.

>> No.6858672
File: 33 KB, 210x165, not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife got one.

>> No.6858674

I was half-interested until I realised $200 only gets you the console itself, and the dock is another 100 on top.

>> No.6858697

Yeah it's the classic Analogue bait and switch, where you fall into the trap of
>If I have a Pocket, well I'll have to get a dock
>If I'm playing on the dock, Im gonna need a bluetooth controller for that
>Well if I'm already 350 in the hole, I might as well get a full set of adapters as well in case they sell out and are discontinued
>Well, just threw 500 on the ooooold credit card for a product I won't be a seeing until May of next year at the very earliest.

>> No.6858729

oh damn thats pretty neat
Can I plug it into a Gamecube/Wii?

>> No.6858809

As long as download play is possible, Gamecube/Wii should work, but there aren't the little notches for the GBA-to-GCN cable's clips from what I can see. I guess you could solve it with some sort of male-to-female link cable extension.

>> No.6859354

>200 USD
No, I will just laugh at the retards falling for this scam.

>> No.6859496

Why is there so much shitty handheld shilling on this board?

>> No.6859619

>$200 for something an app on your shitty phone can do
Oh my god collectorfags are so stupid. They're the audiophiles of video games.

>> No.6859713

No I only play retro games and I'm not interested in Game Gear/Neo Geo

>> No.6859836

It's basically just a single boomer and some kids he pays to do email support, bunnyboy is legendary. He's teased a final firmware update with support for custom color palettes, the current lack of which is my only real complaint with the AVS. He even called me out as a "crazy person on twitter" when he mentioned it because I would ask weekly for more color palettes. The thing is, I would have stopped if they had just replied.
Total nonsense, the NT is also rather ugly, 720p is a perfect scale of 240p and can easily scale upwards, and why would you buy an FPGA console to output analog video when you could just get an NES for free or cheap? The price gulf between the two products justifies the AVS's existence and its FPGA core is very good. We're talking about an affordable device that's good at the thing it was designed to do, and a device that was produced in intentionally low numbers and is now only available for $1000+. If you have an NT, that's rad, but if you don't, the extra features it provides over the alternative aren't worth 3x-5x the price.

>> No.6860358
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>> No.6860364
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>> No.6860393

Yeah the AVS sounds perfectly serviceable, especially considering the likelihood of ever snagging an actual new Nt Mini is slim to none

>> No.6860398

>100% Game Juice
god im gagging
this is like that shitty paul blart flesh mall meme in video game form

>> No.6860478

What does the game juice taste like, anon?

>> No.6860492

What game is this

>> No.6860508

>Fake hardware that requires real cartridges
Literally the worse of all worlds.

>> No.6860606
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>> No.6860648
File: 233 KB, 500x440, light-magic-e79764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this better than may gameboy color with light magic?

>> No.6860656

Don't worry, faggot. It'll play your soulless garbage roms off sd

>> No.6860673
File: 363 KB, 800x1124, playitloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really got into collecting many Gameboy games. I got a handful of Neo Geo Pocket Color games, but I think I'd rather put in a backlit screen in the original hardware instead.

Thought about getting a flashcard with it or something, but eh... why bother?

>> No.6860856

I bought a Mega SG last year and I’ve loved it, especially the jailbroken software that allows me to run a shit ton of Genesis and other games via the SD card slot. Absolute blast and when paired with the DAC works surprisingly well on a CRT. But man, I’ve just bought a tricked out MiSTer kit I’ll be building myself. Super excited to finally play Neo Geo AES/MVS, Super Nintendo, NES, and tons of other consoles on one box, so damn excited. Gonna hook it up to my OLED TV, VGA CRT, JVC D Series, and my JVC TM-H150CG. Can’t wait.

>> No.6860869

I'll get one once its actually out in the wild. Who would be dumb enough to preorder?

>> No.6862102

Seems lit af, but preorders sold out. Even dock and adapters fucking sold out. Literally only Sega shit available.

>> No.6862131

Easy to make, just go get some old controllers at a flea market, crack them open and scrub them in a bowl of water, then drink the water

>> No.6862178

Resellers who will get you to feel like you missed out and will then rape your wallet.

>> No.6862184

>preorder one now! Otherwise someone might resell it to you!
>what do you mean I sound like I have a vested interest in you buying one?

>> No.6862195

Lol, you’re mad

>> No.6862197

What about that post sounds mad to you, mr salesman?