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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6855492 No.6855492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

EA game from 1990. This is page 1 of the manual... try to imagine EA saying this in 2020

>> No.6855581 [DELETED] 

2020 version would be calling for the liberation of oppressed trans people against orange man's fascism.

>> No.6855604

lol that's crazy. They even managed to pull terrorism into it.

>> No.6855618 [DELETED] 

buy the damn game goy or else the terrorists win

>> No.6855646

Considering the globalists are waging war on America right now via the media and pop culture (which Kennedy warned about) it's pretty accurate.

>> No.6855656 [DELETED] 


And for communism. EA used to be sick man. Now they are faggots. They used to have cool games like desert strike, jungle stroke, Soviet strike. Killing commies and sand negroes.

>> No.6855681

So its saying 9/11 was an inside job.

>> No.6855691

Is there a single mainstream corporation that hasn't given into the faggots yet?

>> No.6855747


>> No.6855793

Fourth paragraph is true. The military-industrial complex is quite asshurt at Trump's ending of Middle Eastern wars. There's a lot of money at stake in defense contracts, after all. Some say the Krupp Armament Works goaded Germany into WWI.

>> No.6855925
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What did EA mean by this?

>> No.6855945

imagine thinking that they genuinely mean any of this instead of just using it as a bunch of padding on a "don't pirate this game" message
well you can get fucked EA, nothing is freer in the free market than software and I will be burning a copy for all of my friends.

>> No.6855953
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>Decries monopolies destroying competition by creating an artificial market for their products
>While insisting that you respect their desire to monopolize the rights to transfer 1s and 0s from one floppy disk to another

>> No.6855989


Red Bull

>> No.6855998

you guys are fucking retarded, if you want to talk politics go to /pol/ niggers

>> No.6856098

Are you sure those are equivalent, anon? A certain level of sharing is perfectly acceptable, but if a developer ever said "oh go ahead just copy it freely" they wouldn't really expect to make money off of the game.

>> No.6856130

Remember when leftism was about criticizing capitalism and not about "muh girldick"?

>> No.6856206

>Is there a single mainstream corporation that hasn't given into the faggots yet?
They're simply following the money, look up 'woke capitalism', you might find it equally illuminating and disgusting. To answer your question, the firearms industry has been resistant to that, as it would not be profitable to follow that trend.

>but if a developer ever said "oh go ahead just copy it freely" they wouldn't really expect to make money off of the game
Depends. Grey market key sales (PC) and used game sales (consoles) hurt developers infinitely more than piracy, because unlike piracy, money is exchanging hands and they really are losing a sale. Here's an interesting article on how the developers of Darkwood handled that if you'd like to learn more: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-08-25-darkwood-developer-releases-its-own-game-on-pirate-bay

>> No.6856236

imagine no possessions

>> No.6856243

I wonder if you can

>> No.6856257

>the firearms industry has been resistant to that, as it would not be profitable to follow that trend.

I dunno, open borders means inter-ethnic strife, means more crime and violence means more gun purchases.

>> No.6856261


Imagine drunk John Lennon
Beat-ting his wi-iiffeeee

>> No.6856319

>They used to have cool games like desert strike, jungle stroke, Soviet strike. Killing commies and sand negroes.
I was going to push back against that, because surely there's been some games from them in recent years that fit the bill, but no, I just went through their catalog and the last game like that was BF4 where you're gunning down bugs, and that was released nearly 7 years ago.

The logical conclusion there is that said immigrants overwhelmingly support policies that heavily restrict firearms ownership, which spells death for wide swathes of the industry for non-contract sales. The terrible policy that the industry does support (and by extension, the NRA) is 922r.

>> No.6856338

>corporation want communism
you’re actually retarded

>> No.6856349

They don't want communism, they want you to think they want communism.

>> No.6856402

>fucks and sucks! get it?!
Please tell me you're not this retarded. Crony capitalism (aka, corporatism) is a transitional method towards communism. Neither are laissez-faire economics (aka, free market capitalism), because both control the private sector and regulate who can do what or not (and both are funded by money taken from the people without their consent, ie, taxes). Hence why all the Big Tech and Big Pharma oligarchs (and of 90% of other corporate industries) are leftist, eg, Amazon's Jeff Bezo's far-left Washington Post.

>> No.6856404

So it would be equally retarded?

>> No.6856409

except for each member of the politburo

>> No.6856420

>waging war on america
The US are the globalists you absolute idiot. The US created pop culture. American English is the official language of corporate consumerist globalism. Your country is the cancer killing humanity.

>> No.6856436

>Crony capitalism (aka, corporatism) is a transitional method towards communism
You mean corporatocracy.

>> No.6856554

>jungle stroke,

>> No.6856609

>Bezos and Wa-Po are far left
Far left of far right, maybe.

>> No.6857342

People had integrity back then. Every game had a huge manual, and a thank-you note. These game companies were founded by enthusiasts, but have since been bought out by corporate hacks.

>> No.6857351

>I have the mental capacity of a 12 year old and am a life virgin
You'll realize how naive your post is in a few years. First question you need to ask yourself is: what is America?

>> No.6857353

>what is America?
Mutt infested shithole.

>> No.6857401

Corporatism - actual corporatism, of the tripartite type (national co-operation between the business community, strong trade unions, and an activist but not necessarily large government), is based as fuck and the most impressive capitalist success stories have generally used this technique at one point or another, particularly from the 40s to the 70s-80s.
What we've had since the 1970s isn't corporatism in that sense (a government that mediates between incorporated social institutions), but in the sense of a government run for corporations - and most specifically, financial corporations and shareholders. Most people are neither of those, so we (and productive industry) get washed out.
>Hence why all the Big Tech and Big Pharma oligarchs (and of 90% of other corporate industries) are leftist, eg, Amazon's Jeff Bezo's far-left Washington Post.
This isn't really true. The ideology of silicon valley is fundamentally libertarian, occasionally with a hippieish bent. They were skeptical of the old corporations for a while, yes, but they were equally skeptical of big government. The last thing in the world that Bezos wants is for a left wing (or even centre left) government to enforce basic labour standards in amazon warehouses. The Californian Ideology is a thing unto itself and it should be destroyed.
p.s. I cannot put into words how much I hate the Washington post.

>> No.6857403
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A miserable little pile of secrets... but enough talk, have at you!

>> No.6857448

The problem with discussing the horrors of the modern world is that people still genuinely think that it's the fault of the political party that they don't like and not the fault of the obscenely wealthy in control of multinational corporations and conglomerates. Left or Right; it matters not. All they care about is who can keep them well fed and in power; WE don't matter.

>> No.6857538
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>that in the manual of the soviet assault plane simulator
I remember the game having great and surprisingly accurate imagery of late soviet memorials.

>> No.6857540

>which Kennedy AKA the worst postwar US president warned about

>> No.6857567

/pol/tards need to go to gulag
>If it's not utopian gold and black anarchies , it's GOMMUNISM!!!! REEEEEEE!!!!

>> No.6857591
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Does chick-fil-a count?

(they published a few retro video games)

>> No.6857594
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>> No.6857598

>the fault of the political party
>the fault of the obscenely wealthy in control of multinational corporations and conglomerates
In today's era those 2 groups are the same. Or at the very least, owned by one or the other.

>> No.6857602

>To answer your question, the firearms industry has been resistant to that, as it would not be profitable to follow that trend.
The industry sure but the NRA is maximum pozzed. Controlled opposition through and through.
The GOA is the group to belong to if you actually care about gun rights...that is, the right to own guns such as what Snake uses in Metal Gear Solid! I like the PSG1 personally. There now it’s on-topic.

>> No.6857604

>wow you got assassinated before your term was up and didn't even do anything you are the worst
real fair
that's like unplugging someones controller and saying they're bad at the game when you win

>> No.6857629
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Americans ARE the globalists

>> No.6857682

Nononono you don't understand, it has nothing to do with US being a rootless disharmonious melting pot with no culture, history or any of the other things that define a nation and being put in an advantageous geopolitical position, thus propagating our cancer globally. It's actually DA JOOS.

>> No.6857725

The thing that people misunderstand is thinking that the obscenely wealthy only influence The Other Guys and not literally every elected official in a high enough office.

>> No.6857726

It still is, the struggle for international communism lives on, support China, Cuba, Vietnam and the DPRK and don't let the whining of the twitter trannies convince you otherwise.

>> No.6857809

Let's just all agree that capitalism is a scam and something only the very wealthy or feeble-minded support.

>> No.6857862
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>> No.6857884

Liberal simping for trannies, gays, etc. is being pushed hard by the elites because it's an effective distraction from leftist criticism of capitalism.

>> No.6857920

It’s both of those retard. America is a mindless clay mutt monster, it needs somebody to command it and give it orders.

>> No.6857931

>Crony capitalism (aka, corporatism) is a transitional method towards communism.
Pure nonsense. The reverse is much closer to the truth. See the transition made in China since Mao's death. Crony capitalism has ruled of the world for centuries.

>free market capitalism
Doesn't exist, has never existed and couldn't exist even hypothetically. It's an oxymoron. Capitalism depends on the existence of an alliance between the state and private wealth.

>> No.6857936

If you actually mean capitalism than sure.
If you’re one of the 99% of “anti-capitalist” retards that really means “anti-market”, then dilate and fuck off

>> No.6857968

>didn't even do anything
Besides falling for the "geopolitical domino" Pentagon hawks meme, serving revolutionary Cuba to the USSR on a plate (which Khruschev was sceptical about until Castro won, and which wasn't even that anti-USA at the time), finally antagonizing USSR and shaping the Cold War, and steering the USA to Vietnam.

>> No.6858018

>If you’re one of the 99% of “anti-capitalist” retards that really means “anti-market”, then dilate and fuck off
There's no way it's that high. The capitalist-owned media will present it that way, obviously, but it has to be lower than that.

>> No.6858070

It's not a random coincidence that everything the US does benefits international bankers and shareholders, often at great expense to its own people.

>> No.6858237

>it's own people
There ia no american "people". You are not a nation state. You never were. The entre country is a farm full of mindless cattle with absolutely no ties to each other, and it has been this way from ots very inception.

>> No.6858254

>New races and peoples stopped getting made arbitrarily in the 1700s because I said so

>> No.6858256

Anyone who bases their ideology on fucking 4chan posts is an embarrassment. Political discussions on here are laughably incoherent and absolutely flooded with disinfo. /pol/ is full of mentally ill nutcases for a reason.