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6839586 No.6839586 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6839587

TR3 was the last good one.

>> No.6839606

Bro none of them are the good ones.

>> No.6839616

The first one was amazing and it went down from there. Such a sad series.

>> No.6839624

second one was better but after that it was meh

>> No.6839626

Only the PC version is worth playing.

>> No.6839628

>none of the video games are the good ones
FTFY vidoe gaems are trash do I fit in yet?

>> No.6839650

They're all bad. Awful platforming that cares not for skill and timing in favor of tedium and minutia. Nothing needs to be said about the bizarre shooting. I can forgive the devs for not figuring out Z-targeting before Ocarina of Time came out, but Christ the got completely outdone (by more than one country) in regards to 3D platforming *before the game even came out*.

>> No.6839682

I couldn't possibly disagree more. 2 might be the worst of them all.

>> No.6839724

On what planet? It took everything from the first and made it better

>> No.6839753
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The China and Tibet levels were great but the industrial and urban levels were trash. I would honestly say the Great Wall is the best level in the whole series and then they ruin it by following it up with fucking Venice. TR3 has a similar problem, Nevada and South Pacific are fantastic but London is probably the low point of the series. TR1 is the only consistently good one. TR4 is great but I'm not a fan of backtracking and it can get a bit overwhelming, also fuck the forced tutorial. Chronicles isn't there but that was just bland, you could tell they didn't want to make that game. Ireland started out OK but everything else was just meh. V-Tech could've been cool but it was a glitchy mess at times.
1 > Last Revelation > 2 > 3 > Chronicles

>> No.6839796
File: 298 KB, 1350x1095, 1599392873697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly only played them because of the cover art, loading screnes and video sequences. I finished the game in the hopes of a pre rendered shower scene of cover art lara. Game play was not bad but all levels were spooky. Good game, but even better pre render art. This is how to design a perfect game. Good gameplay that rewards the player with hot pre renders.

>> No.6839818

I rember the shower scene rumors at the end of tomb raider 2, but all you got was a video of lara in a baby doll.

>> No.6839828

The environments go from cool tombs to cities and ships. The gameplay goes from exploration and puzzles to more of the clunky combat. Other than graphics it's worse in every way.

>> No.6839894

I liked Anniversary

>> No.6839935


>> No.6840047

I tried TR II and III in the late 90s and thought the controls were fucking awful, so I didn't play very long at all. I decided to try them again a few years ago and the controls were still a huge impediment to my enjoyment. If they were better I'd say that the first game is nice; I liked the levels and atmosphere. TR II felt a little better, but not enough, and enemies had hitscanning bullets which piss me off in a fully 3D game, many of the levels weren't what I expected from a Tomb Raider (the ship was cool at first, but overstayed its welcome). The last half of the game was fine though, controls aside. TR III started out good but I started to get bored halfway through the first Nevada level and the rest of the Nevada levels didn't interest me. I know I went through at least one more set of levels, something with natives and dinosaurs, but I barely remember it. I ended up quitting and skipping to Legend.

TL;DR: First one was the best for me, but the controls ruin it and all of the Core TRs.

>> No.6840071

Great games, but they made me gay

>> No.6840204

Tr4 is better.

>> No.6840217

It was boring and repetitive and much more buggy that TR1-3.

>> No.6840237

XD Epic dude, epic satire, now quit it and be a person with an IQ above room temp and tell us which one's your fave.

>> No.6840249

Boy this is a retarded and stupid opinion.

>ability to climb ladders
>ability to fight underwater
>ability to use flares
>ability to use vehicles
>ability to break windows
>levels that actually take place outside now


Go back to retard-autist Isle, fag, the second was literally better in almost every way, the only criticisms you can level are nitpicks.

>> No.6840252
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>went down from there

Then why did it get better from there? I'm confused.

>> No.6840258

>better overall
Tomb Raider
>best atmosphere
Tomb Raider
>best story
Tomb Raider
>best locations
Tomb Raider
>best gameplay
Tomb Raider III (just slightly edges past Tomb Raider)
>best booby trap sequences
Tomb Raider II
>most overrated
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider is by far the best
Tomb Raider II was very enjoyable
Tomb Raider III was great too but it's the most difficult in the series and hard to appreciate if you are not into Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation was all over the place, it's the first Tomb Raider I played and what hooked me up with Tomb Raider but in retrospect it's the weakest of all, it's the only one I have completed only once, once I reach Alexandria I just get bored and stop playing. All the rest Tomb Raiders I have completed multiple times.

>> No.6840272

to continue
>best weapons
Tomb Raider III
>best lighting
Tomb Raider III
>best save system
Tomb Raider on Playstation
>second best save system
Tomb Raider III on Playstation

>> No.6840295
File: 2.93 MB, 720x400, 1579428430884.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you're objectively wrong and a stupid idiot, but that's okay, lots of people are.

>Awful platforming
Some of the best there's even been in video game form, sorry to disprove your silly post.

>cares not for skill and timing
It actually does, it clearly filtered you by requiring skills you either simply didn't have or didn't care to improve upon, namely critical thinking and timing, since knowing how to time your jumps is crucial to the learning curve.

>bizarre shooting
The shooting was designed that way on purpose, to keep the gameplay straight-forward without overcomplicating it, so much-so that Syphon Filter copied its auto-targeting system.

>but Christ the got completely outdone (by more than one country) in regards to 3D platforming *before the game even came out*.
Opinions. In several publications, it beat Super Mario 64 for Game of the Year.

I think you need to sit down and have a cope for the true reality you're coming to understand.

>> No.6840326

Good post and one of the best sequences in classic Tomb Raider. When classic Tomb Raider gets it right it is so right. Lara is so connected to the world, no other game does it better. In most 3D platformers (including modern ones like the rebooted Tomb Raider and Uncharted) the character is disconnected and it's like floating. Which is not surprising since they just design the pretty graphics, a linear path and they use a first person shooter engine. Tomb Raider classic is great. I'm not saying it can't be improved but nobody seriously tried to improve upon it. Lose the rectangular grid but keep Lara connected to the world and add the ability to go EVERYWHERE without secret designated paths and you have a game better than classic Tomb Raider

>super mario 64
overrated unplayable trash, it was never good

>> No.6840335

>Best atmosphere
I actually prefer Tomb Raider 3's atmosphere the most because the game feels a lot darker, especially when you get to Antarctica.

I mean, the story was never really the impressive part to any of them but I have to say the story in The Last Revelation is arguably the best.

>Best locations
I have to say Tomb Raider 3 takes it for me, since while London is mostly awful, India, South Pacific, Antarctica, and even Nevada are done so well that it's more memorable to me.

Tomb Raider 1 had the most consistency in its design and levels though, which is why I think a lot of people rate it so highly.

>> No.6840352

I know, I enjoyed Tomb Raider III so much when I replayed it.

>> No.6840368

Yeah silly me liking the tomb parts of Tomb Raider lol

>> No.6840370 [DELETED] 

In the genre of Tomb Raider's platforming (3D puzzle platforming), Tomb Raider 1-4 are almost unequaled in their prowess of design. The reboot games right after come close but stumble, and I would say only Rayman 2 and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time manage to reach the same heights.

>> No.6840376

Atlantis wasn't a tomb, neither was the Mine before you enter it. Going to have a conniption and sperg out now?

>> No.6840393

You're the one who's getting upset lol. TR2 was a big disappointment for me between the atmosphere and over emphasis of combat.

>> No.6840403

>You're the one who's getting upset lol
Sounds like evasion.

>was a big disappointment for me between the atmosphere and over emphasis of combat.
Yea, ignore the fact that I just proved you wrong in your autistic "tombs only" approach to level design.

>> No.6840409

Atlantis is also the worst part of Tomb Raider 1. You're trying to "prove" my opinion as wrong is hilarious.

>> No.6840418

Different anon but imo there were many good things about Tomb Raider 2.
Yes it was combat heavy and very different that the 1st one but
>the booby trap in the intro
>the boat sequence in Venice was so fun and unique for the time
>the shipwreck was very clever and unique in design and gameplay
>Tibet was more classic Tomb Raider and how the monks weren't hostile was unique again and different
But when it got to the last levels, oh wow, these was some of the best levels in Tomb Raider ever.
Not so combat heavy but so good tense puzzles and platforming sequences.
Tomb Raider 2 was great.

>> No.6840423

>Atlantis is also the worst part of Tomb Raider 1
Just keep embarrassing yourself and trying to cope. I'm sitting here smiling.

>> No.6840427

>Atlantis is also the worst part of Tomb Raider 1
Atlantis in Tomb Raider was great. I wish we could see the vision of Atlantis 1 in Anniversary. It was so scary, alien and disturbing. The biotech terror was nice.

>> No.6840434

They probably were able to get away with it in TR1 because of the more simplistic graphics, while in Anniversary it might have given them an M rating.

>> No.6840443

The level design was alright, it was the setting I mostly found a let down compared to the first.

Smile away, I don't know why you expect me to care I don't agree with you.

I thought everything about Anniversary sucked.

>> No.6840451

>Smile away, I don't know why you expect me to care I don't agree with you.
Apparently you do care, a lot, since you won't stop responding to me, even when your post doesn't actually say anything about your opinion other than being another attempt to cope, lmao.

>> No.6840469

You say that as if your posts have substance lol

>> No.6841269
File: 2.85 MB, 960x540, 1585581942329.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This webm you posted is less involved than the first level of Crash Bandicoot.

Also appealing to "it won Goty awards from magazines!" is retarded-- you going to defend BioShock Infinite and Gone Home that way as well? The N64 sold like shit of course Mario didn't win as many awards.

>> No.6841314

Crash bandicoot is also an on-rails platformer. What you're seeing is a tiny section of a huge complex level. They're such different games only someone who's never played them would think of making that comparison.

>> No.6841319
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>> No.6841341


>> No.6841371

No, I know why you posted it; most TR rooms are open and you spend a couple seconds plotting out how to cross to the other side and then you spend a lot more seconds sluggishly performing it. So when there's a "action-packed" gauntlet like that webm, it seems like the most insane mind bending action epic ever, even though it's so pedestrian.
It's like how a Zelda player might find a fight with a Darknut to be incredible even though it's boring compared to any fight in Devil May Cry. Tomb Raider just doesn't do anything well aside from horror.

>> No.6841520

I think you just want it to be a fundamentally very different game than it was trying to be. Which isn't uncommon and I think why the series faltered after the first entry. They split themselves in toi many directions trying to cater to too many audiences. I still think the original is pretty awesome and there are many parts that take more than just a few seconds to figure out.

>> No.6841530

I love the original Prince of Persia, man. All Tomb Raider needed was non-tank controls (and stafe movement if you held a shoulder button).

>> No.6841738


1 and 2 are still some of my favourite games of all time. Literal cinematic 3D platformers. 3 is good as well. The PC ports are my preferred versions.

>> No.6841858

Better combat overall would have been a big improvement but I still like that in the first game it was fairly infrequent. That music starts up and it's like a little pop of drama even though all you mostly do is just jump around shooting till everything dies.

>> No.6842385 [DELETED] 
File: 2.90 MB, 582x320, noah antwiler kills a colossus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah dude, you found a glitch, that completely negates everything I said, wooooaaaaahhhh, guess Shadow of the Colossus is dog shit, haha yeeaaaaaahhhhh! Zoom zoom!

>> No.6842414
File: 2.90 MB, 582x320, noah antwiler kills a colossus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah dude, you found a glitch, that completely negates everything I said, wooooaaaaahhhh, guess Shadow of the Colossus is dog shit, haha yeeaaaaaahhhhh! Zoom zoom!

>This webm you posted is less involved than the first level of Crash Bandicoot.
Lol, no it's not, only a mongoloid aspergers dipshit would think that. Just based on time it takes to complete alone, you're already objectively wrong. It's over 5 times longer, there's more mechanics you have to use, there's more enemies, and the secrets are harder to find.


Cope more you sub-IQ cuck.

>> No.6842424 [DELETED] 

>All Tomb Raider needed was non-tank controls (and stafe movement if you held a shoulder button).

You mean like the "Walk Button" that is literally a shoulder button and makes movement safe? Gee, sure sounds like you should've actually played it instead of shitposted like a know-it-all faggot.

>> No.6842428

>So when there's a "action-packed" gauntlet like that webm, it seems like the most insane mind bending action epic ever, even though it's so pedestrian.

No, not really. It's the first level in the game, it's meant to look intimidating at first and then turn out to be surprisingly smooth. Sounds like you can't into level design.

>> No.6842438 [DELETED] 

>Tomb Raider just doesn't do anything well aside from horror.

Right, except for precision platforming and interesting puzzle design, you know, the two things that the series was built upon and out-sold Devil May Cry doing.

>> No.6842445

>All Tomb Raider needed was non-tank controls (and stafe movement if you held a shoulder button).

You mean like the "Walk Button" that is literally a shoulder button and makes movement safe? Gee, sure sounds like you should've actually played it instead of shitposted like a know-it-all faggot.

>Tomb Raider just doesn't do anything well aside from horror.

Right, except for precision platforming and interesting puzzle design, you know, the two things that the series was built upon and out-sold Devil May Cry doing.

>> No.6842472
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It's really telling that it took 5 entries in the Tomb Raider series back-to-back-to-back in order for it to get labelled "derivative" and lose sales. They 1-4 were innovative and amazing.

Chronicles is okay, but you could just tell they were half-assing it.

>> No.6842487
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I have mixed feelings about the Shipwreck section. Definitely not a fan of the two levels before where you escape from cargo and the diving platform, but the wreck itself and the cave was comfy as fuck.

>> No.6842527
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I prefer underworld for.....reasons...

>> No.6842702

1 = Classic
2 = Action-packed sequel that improved upon the original
3 = Very difficult veteran experience, still great
4 = Return to the roots of the series with a new hub-world design that is either love-it or hate-it

>> No.6842781

>I'm too retarded to understand the controls of a platforming game

How stupid can ya be?

>> No.6843371

A cash grab for sure but I had more fun with it than TR4. Also the Ireland levels and the high tech tower levels were fucking great.

>> No.6843376

Underworld is great but it's so coomer at times

>> No.6843443

Daily reminder that the PlayStation is the definitive platform for classic Tomb Raider
>but pc has better graphics
Debatable. The higher resolution of PC makes the low res textures look ugly. While PlayStation is perfectly balanced. Furthermore PlayStation has better controls, better save system (tr1 and 3), better lighting (tr3), better textures (tr4), better sound (tr1) and less bugs than PC.

>> No.6843465

Got to admit that as someone that didn't experience the series growing up, playing the first TR was interesting to say the least. Not even the tank controls were my problem, it was mostly how strangely precise the platforming could be at some parts and how vague progression could get. I know the games only get more difficult from here too.

>> No.6843480

It's all about precise platforming and exploring an area to figure out where to go and what to do.

>> No.6843485

Well i'm glad I didn't play the PS1 version with its limited save spots, given shit like the electro death orb room.

>> No.6843527

>I didn't play the PS1 version with its limited save spots
You are missing out, PlayStation has the best save system

>> No.6843567

It's honestly not that big a deal.

>> No.6843593

Dunno, could never get the first one to work on an emulator so haven't played any of them.

>> No.6843620

Just play call of duty and be done with it bro.

>> No.6844204

God I wish that were me

>> No.6844306

I wish I was the dad fingering that lady

>> No.6844853

The only TR I have ever actually coomed while playing was actually TR13 with the underworld outfit mod
don’t ask why

>> No.6844945
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Not for Tomb Raider 3. Save system makes it far more tolerable, and the input lag on console murders the game's platforming.

>The higher resolution of PC makes the low res textures look ugly
Absolute brainlet retard who has no idea what he's talking about, also ignoring the fact that the PS1's fucked geometry encoding causes texture warping to mind-fuck degrees.

Audio is also higher-fidelity in PC. This is objectively evident in that the PC version's of each game have a higher file size than the PS1 versions.

>> No.6844963

Imagine having such a shit, baseless, mongoloid opinion, that you have to come up with strawman logical fallacies as a way of defending your stupid and naive opinion.

Yikes and cringe.
>what's that you don't like action and prefer just moving blocks around?
>Just go play tetris and be done with it bro

>> No.6844992

>this triggers the literal autistic TR1 fanboys

>> No.6845042

I never actually found any of the levels in Tomb Raider 2 to be "awful", some of them just drag on for way too long (namely Wreck of the Maria Doria and Barkhang Monastery). As for the "industrial levels", there's literally 2 of them and they're pretty short, and the Italy section is legitimately great.

>> No.6845073

Best is clearly TR1. How anyone can disagree with that is beyond me. It is by far the most consistent of them all and is downright creepy at times.
The Last Revelation is severely underrated while TR2 is severely overrated. Still very good games overall.

>> No.6846108
File: 56 KB, 1024x900, 83F638E7-52C2-4270-BD5E-6F5A99FF0D8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Lara used to give me nightmares as a kid. Fuck that creepy fmv shit.

>> No.6846232
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I stopped giving a shit about Lara Croft when MGSV came out

>> No.6846680
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Starting on the series
>Finished TR1
>loved it
>didn't expect the Giger shit near the end

>In the middle of Unfinished Business
>fucking hard
>those mummies are fucking me up

>> No.6847053
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You never gave a shit to begin with.

>> No.6847067

>most consistent

It's also the most pedestrian, and her more advanced mechanics as the series progressed caused the gameplay and her character to simultaneously evolve

>> No.6847108

Nah I'm with him. Most of the new mechanics were just gimmicky, the first was easily the best.

>> No.6847125

The ability to climb ladders, use vehicles, use monkey bars, and turn around in the air were series-defining moments that people base the progression of the Tomb Raider franchise on, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6847143

Meh. I guess I just don't love the series overall that much. I loved the first game, found 2 a huge let down then 3 was meh and 4 I got bored mid way through. It all started feeling repetitive and derivitive, some of that stuff was neat but at least to me it never lived up to the first game.

Underworld was pretty solid though short.

>> No.6847150

I will now buy your game.

>> No.6847157

>It all started feeling repetitive and derivitive

Ironic, since 4 had far more variety in its puzzle design compare to 1 which was just "MOVE BLOCK. PULL SWITCH." 90% of the time, except for the end with the doppelganger. But hey, if you prefer mind numbing repetitive puzzles, be my guest to love 1 all you want.

>> No.6847162

love 3 and 4 (and 5) didnt play the others ( play anniversary). my favorite series to this day. Temple Ruins is my fave level.

>> No.6847170
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>Temple Ruins is my fave level
That's a bold move cotton

>> No.6847208

If I played 4 first or without 2 and 3 I probably would have liked it better but as is I was just bored with it overall.

>> No.6847232
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, 225320_screenshots_20161112185624_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my favorite level in the entire series has got to be...Crash Site. The re-introduction of the dinosaurs was simply amazing. Rushing at you from out of the misty darkness of the jungle ruins after navigating your way across the quick-sand, epic is the only word that fits. Gave me heavy Lost World vibes.

Close second would be (I'm going to cheat) and say the Kings Valley in Last Revelation. Last Revelation was sometimes a struggle to get through because of its cryptic hub-world, but the Kings Valley section was just superbly done.

>> No.6847238

Makes zero sense, but whatever.

>> No.6847259
File: 75 KB, 628x487, sghsfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay, I love TR3, but who's BRIGHT FUCKIN IDEA WAS IT to make Lud's Gate, 2 FUCKING HOURS

>> No.6847284
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This meme would be better without the wall of text. The images are enough.

With that said, Lara was always a sex symbol just not a bimbo.

>> No.6847368
File: 2.01 MB, 2160x3840, 1597596496350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has nuLara done a single backflip?

>> No.6847395

Yea, she managed to flip Square Enix back into debt.

>> No.6847453

SM64 is good faggot

>> No.6847473

>An adventure that spans the world both in ancient and modern locations
>Worse in every way
2 shits all over the first one and is the most comfy engaging TR game of all

>> No.6847536
File: 896 KB, 1920x1080, tr2_screenshot025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847553

Never grown bored of a series.

I couldn't disagree more strongly but meh.

>> No.6847593

Is there a patch for TR 1-5 that raises the rendering distance? Even with wrapper it's fairly limited.

>> No.6847596

>Never grown bored of a series.
I have, but not Tomb Raider. Actually, scratch that. The nu-raider series I did grow bored with. I completed them solely due to the fact that I wanted to say I played them all the way through for when I criticize them and people ask if I played them to the end.

>> No.6847619
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, tr3_screenshot134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The draw distance for 1 is pretty small, but I think they increased it for 2, and then again for 3.

>> No.6847986

can't believe people used to fap to this rectangle face shit

>> No.6848007

Can't believe you're so face-blind you think her face is a rectangle.

>> No.6848357
File: 98 KB, 320x220, 1DA5BB44-97FE-46A3-BE72-22A0A98B74F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years from now your nephews and nieces will have no idea why your retarded ass (cause you obviously will never have children) fapped to nu Lara

>> No.6848610

It's a little like Zelda to me. One game is cool but each new one seems like more of the same and it's diminishing returns. There were things in the original like the Trex encounter that was such an incredible moment. Then right off the bat in 2 there's two in the same level... Meh

>> No.6848654
File: 36 KB, 348x500, 519CKN0NTTL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In honour of it being "retro" now I decided to try this. Holy fuck it feels like they tried to make 3 different games at once. Lara's edgy as fuck, the controls are this weird halfway between tank and free movement, there's all this weird wannabe RPG shit (My legs feel stronger now). I appreciated they wanted do try something different but holy shit this ain't it chief. Anyone got any opinions? Does it get better? Are there any actual Tombs? Just got up to the bit under the Louvre.

>> No.6849225
File: 175 KB, 1024x1192, missing_something__by_jagodibuja-d8v0dtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, really?

>> No.6849235
File: 196 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pf2gp7NEzP1wx9mdfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked it and yes game gets better. But environments are urban mostly - and I liked this change too.
She's somewhat edgy because she's on the run.

>> No.6849457

Probably, why not?

>> No.6849564

>Then right off the bat in 2 there's two in the same level
Sounds like you never played it, since that was a secret that you have to spend a minute or two actually getting to that you would unlikely find on your first playthrough.

>It's a little like Zelda to me. One game is cool but each new one seems like more of the same and it's diminishing returns.
If you like the series, then you like the series. It's like saying Lord of the Rings has "diminishing returns" as you watch more of the sequels.

>> No.6849576

Tomb Raider 2013 sold 11+ million copies.

Rise of the Tomb Raider sold 7 million copies.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider barely sold 4 million copies, and apparently Shadow cost more to make than the previous two.

>> No.6849612
File: 27 KB, 476x273, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate reboot raider I'm terrified about what they'd do if Squeenix wanted to reboot the series another time
Hopefully we don't get a 300 lb fridge raider with a dyke short haircut

>> No.6849632

I like being optimistic, but honestly, I can't see them backpedaling on their feminist approach to the series, especially not now with all the bullshit happening with the riots and unrest.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up making her black in a new reboot. Sad, but not surprised.

>> No.6849728

>Sounds like you never played it, since that was a secret that you have to spend a minute or two actually getting to that you would unlikely find on your first playthrough.

Ohh I found it. And as a huge fan of TR1 it felt cheesy. But that's the thing, as a fan of the first I was looking for every secret. Which is what I'm getting at. Tomb Raider does seem to be a little like Zelda. It's a great game but they're all also pretty much the same. Unless you become a super fan then one or two experiences of the formula is fine and after that it feels derivative.

>> No.6849741 [DELETED] 

> And as a huge fan of TR1 it felt cheesy.

Stop, you're making me cringe. What kind of person plays Tomb Raider 1, finds mummy atlanteans, dinosaurs in Peru, gorillas and lions in an old forgotten greek temple (that also has temples to Thor), and doesn't think from the very moment you start playing that it's cheesy?

>Unless you become a super fan then one or two experiences of the formula is fine and after that it feels derivative.
Well, you're wrong, and sales proved that to you seeing as Tomb Raider 2 sold more than the previous game, but you can think whatever you like.

>> No.6849773

> And as a huge fan of TR1 it felt cheesy.
Stop, you're making me cringe. What kind of person plays Tomb Raider 1, finds mummy atlanteans, dinosaurs in Peru, gorillas and lions in an old forgotten greek temple (that also has temples to Thor), and doesn't think from the very moment you start playing that it's cheesy?

>Unless you become a super fan then one or two experiences of the formula is fine and after that it feels derivative.
Well, you're wrong in that you would have to be a superfan to appreciate it since sales prove that, seeing as Tomb Raider 2 sold more than the previous game, but you can think whatever you like. They were able to sustain high sales and moderate to high praise across 4 games so whatever argument you want to use, I mean, that's solely your opinion.

Aside from that though, what exactly do you expect from a franchise? No one buys a sequel to a game they liked and expect it to play drastically different. I have no idea what kind of a retard goes to buy Halo 2 and thinks "God, I hope this game is completely different in every way from Halo 1, I loved playing Halo 1 so much!"

The cognitive dissonance in that logic is fucking bizarre and borderline alien.

>> No.6849793
File: 197 KB, 894x894, lara_croft_relic_run_01_by_henning-d9fkooi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they will switch to "mobile" Lara

>> No.6849803

I'd rather her die than endure the fate of being a mobile game franchise.

>> No.6849914

Sorry I made you cringe, but with a few exceptions Tomb Raider 2 is one of the biggest let downs I've experienced in gaming but to be honest, decades later I have little interest in hashing out why with some superfan. I bought the game pretty well day one played though it and have never wanted to touch it since. If you loved it and thought all those trexes and sunken ships were cool then more power to you.

>> No.6850070
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I meant Lara from mobile and "spin-off" games.
But hey, these games are still more true to the roots than nu-raider.

>> No.6850205

Playing through TR2 for the first time at the moment. Thoughts so far:
>Great Wall
Absolutely excellent. Great level design. Great combination of environmental hazards and animal enemies. Sense of exploration is top notch. I played through twice, firstly to complete the level and second to find all secrets. The set piece with the T-rex was absolutely incredible, and made the rest of the level look trifling by comparison. The slow lead up and payoff were beat for beat perfect horror.

I'm starting to find the clunky controls a bit more frustrating here. I started off awkwardly placing Lara at a corner so I could slowly kill someone without him seeing me. I also thought the cool boat idea was spoiled by awful controls. I liked the environmental storytelling though, moving in and out of venecian houses was great, and seeing parts of the town which you can later access feels satisfying.

Loving it so far. Don't know why I didn't get to this series earlier.

>> No.6850242

It’s a damn shame too cause Tomb Raider Ascension actually looked like a fun game
Then it got scrapped and we were given horse fucker

>> No.6850318

It always was like this: looked good on paper but was an awful experience when playing. The most attractive aspect would be exploration of somewhat detailed levels for its era and a slightly above average art direction. But again, play it for a few minutes and it's a total disaster.
>t. 33 boomer who played the series in its peak

>> No.6850547
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Honestly, i thought TR2013 and Rise were decent (if you think of them as weird offshoot spinoffs that aren't called Tomb Raider) but I remember reading an interview where one of the producers or higher ups said he fucking hated Tomb Raider and I lost all interest. Glad it bombed.

>> No.6850556

That's because they're not interesting.Lara is some dumb murder-porn slut and that gets old in 5 minutes. Add a shitty crafting mechanic and make her a spoiled 20 year old and you get terrible sales numbers.

>> No.6851382

Is there some place I can read about the differences between the versions? You two seem really invested so somewhere that lays it all out objectively would be good.

Haven't played a TR game since I was like 8 playing it on my dad's PS, didn't even know there was a PC version until I read this thread.

>> No.6851550
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I thought TR was a PC game until the shitty nu reboots came out

>> No.6851558

It's easier not living under a rock when you have legs.

>> No.6851612

Too bad you feel that way.

>> No.6851624

Why is that?

>> No.6851625

You're objectively wrong on every single point, but you're free to not like the game.

>> No.6851662

-Higher res textures
-Higher framerate (and thus, better controls)
-Better audio quality
-Mods and expansions
-All the games feature "save anywhere" system (on console you can only do that for Tomb Raider 2, 4, and 5)
-No texture warping

-Easier to set up
-Colored water
-Lara leaves footprints when walking in some of the games
-Some level effects are different (there's more noticeable rain in India and more snow in Antarctica)
-Level select feature after beating said level

That's pretty much it.

>> No.6851670
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Because it's an enjoyable series with a lot of pulpy fun to be had.

>> No.6851713

>I started off awkwardly placing Lara at a corner so I could slowly kill someone without him seeing me

That's not clunky controls, that's just trying to cheap hitscanners, which I don't blame you for. They put a lot of hitscanners all over the game. Just wait until you get to the flamethrower's.

>> No.6851720

I never even owned a console till I got a ps3 around 2012, I never found a need to browse the console sections at Best Buy.

>> No.6851901

Simple, clean and effective design is not pedestrian anon. If anything, the sequels overcomplicated everything with the stupid ass emphasis on combat, vehicles and other gimmicky shit. The first game is a masterpiece. TR2 just doesn't hold up as well.

>> No.6851920

The over-emphasis on combat was only in 2. 3 and 4 both had similar amounts of combat to 1, if slightly more.

>and other gimmicky shit
I love how you disparage a series primarily about exploration and platforming, and then call new mechanics that increase the series' variety of platforming and exploration as "gimmicky shit". Really shows how little you know about game design, how little you know about the series, and how desperate you are to find any sort of criticism about the sequels.

>> No.6851996

I really enjoyed the first game and I can see why it's a classic. 2 I had to force myself to finish but thought it was okay overall. 3 I gave up about halfway through due to boredom.

>> No.6852067

I quit Last Revelation about 10 minutes into the Tomb of Seth and went back to playing Underworld

>> No.6852091
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It gets pretty good.

>> No.6852231

imagine the smell

>> No.6852413

I imagine being the shark swimming behind her the very first time she dives in, with her ass grease trailing in the water behind her as I waft her thick voluminous butt-fumes into my shark nostrils and come in only to get harpooned for attempting to fly too close to the sun with wings of ass juice.

>> No.6852450
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Not gonna lie, she drives me crazy too.

>> No.6852493

Is "TR4 was buggy" the new version of "TR3 was bad" reality-bending shitposting?

>> No.6852496

I'll take any and all tomb raider webm's you got

>> No.6852498
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>CoD "argument"
Didn't summer just ended few days ago?

>> No.6852509

So... you've dropped the game right when it starts to get fun?
Shame on you. Usually it's Karnak that's filtering people out and not due to being bad or boring. Instead, it suddenly introduces interlinked levels, so if you won't realise that, you will get confused and lost. And even with that, the true test of faith isn't until you hit Cairo, many, many levels later.

>> No.6852512

I personally don't recall TR4 being all that buggy. There's nothing that immediately stands out in my mind....I mean, the rope grab/swing mechanic tended to be iffy at times, but I don't know what he experienced that gave him the idea the whole game was a buggy mess. DESU I think it's an autistic shitposter.

It's one or two people that repeatedly go into these threads and shitpost about how bad they think the games are.

>> No.6852518

Haven't you seen the rule change? Summer is retro now.

>> No.6852520

Alexandria is far more confusing than Cairo.

>> No.6852526
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>> No.6852528
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>> No.6852530
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>> No.6852532
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>> No.6852534 [DELETED] 

Any TR-14 webm's?

>> No.6852536
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>> No.6852537

Any TR1-4 webm's?

>> No.6852539
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What is tr-14?

>> No.6852541
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>> No.6852543
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No, only the last revelation one which was posted already in this thread.

>> No.6852548
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>> No.6852549
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Then here.

>> No.6852550
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>> No.6852551
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>> No.6852553
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>> No.6852557
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>> No.6852560
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That's the last one.

>> No.6852565
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>> No.6852581

I prefer Legends.
...for the same reasons.

>> No.6852614

Janky garbage to be honest. Absolute snorefests.

>> No.6852615
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>> No.6852689

This is actually well-animated, is it proto-mocap?

>> No.6852737

>Bartoli's hideout
Really nice level. I preferred this to Venice. The mansion is put together in such a way that exploring it feels really natural, and the sense of discovery on the fire traps and hidden fireplace passage was pretty magical. Swimming through the tiny gaps felt really claustrophobic, with the shimmering light effects adding to it. I'm not keen on the combat. There's fucking rats everywhere but I don't want to waste my ammo so I walk around with pistols drawn save-spamming, and whenever there's a proper enemy take the time beforehand to swap to a better weapon. Seems like bad design. Absolutely loved the atmosphere though.

>> No.6853428

They came out by the time I was 30 so I didn’t care. I bought Underworld for my son though and god damn I love it.

>> No.6854220

>They came out by the time I was 30 so I didn’t care

Don't know what your age has to do with anything.

>> No.6854230

I don't believe any of the original games used mocap.

>> No.6854234


>> No.6854453

I was already married with kids when it first came out

>> No.6854576

So "you're here forever" wasn't a meme after all.

>> No.6854859

Nah I’m just retired and fucking bored

>> No.6854932

>i was already married
I'm married too, I still don't understand what it has anything to do with why you didn't care.

>"I was allergic to shellfish when it came out so I didn't care"

>> No.6854969
File: 863 KB, 1920x1080, tr2_screenshot112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite level is probably Tibetan Foothills

>> No.6855913

He probably bought into the retarded idea that TR was just another porn game back then

>> No.6855920

sick larp

>> No.6856161

Never played them but I think it's a shame so much promotional material was spent on Lara instead of the game itself. Lara's cool and all, but I could tell you more about Lara's pointy PS1 tits than I could the actual gameplay of the Tomb Raider games.

>> No.6856193

>Never played them but I think it's a shame so much promotional material was spent on Lara instead of the game itself
Promo art is done by "Additional Artwork" credits, they had separate people working on that.

>but I could tell you more about Lara's pointy PS1 tits than I could the actual gameplay of the Tomb Raider games.
No you couldn't, because that's an obvious lie. What's your motivation for posting here?

>> No.6856242

It's not a lie at all, I've never seen anyone play tomb raider, all I've seen are the promo materials and one video showing the "nude code" that makes you explode. My motivation for posting here is that OP asked a simple question and I gave my answer. No need to sperg out.

>> No.6856276

It's a lie because you could clearly tell it's about exploration and platforming, and exotic locales.

>> No.6856851

That's just general shit you can glean from the title and box art. That's like taking one look at the box art for Kolibri and saying you're an expert on the game because you know it's about a hummingbird. I'm talking about how the actual game plays and what you do in it in a more detailed description than just "raiding tombs." I couldn't tell you anything about the lore or anything actually in depth about the game. Literally all I know about tomb raider is that the protagonist was heavily marketed and included in shit that wasn't your typical place for a video game ad like Loaded magazine. Why are you so bothered by someone not knowing anything about tomb raider?

>> No.6856956

>I'm talking about how the actual game plays and what you do in it in a more detailed description than just "raiding tombs."

Then how the fuck would you know about her "triangle tits", something you only see in the actual gameplay, which aren't even triangles after the first game anymore?

>> No.6856985

>Opera house
Perhaps my favourite level so far, full of environmental platforming puzzles - seeing a ledge and working out how to get there. I loved how it started with a miniature version of this outside, before presenting a much larger version in and around the theatre. I frequently got the feeling that I'm somehow "cheating" and reaching areas that the developers didn't intend, such as the duct area with fans. This makes it keep a feeling of making new discoveries even with a game this old. Managing this while still actually being a totally linear game is quite remarkable. Still not sold on the combat. Two nice uses were the sniper right at the start who forces you to find a good vantage point, and the two thugs that jumpscare you backstage - again thinking about the situation, noticing they only have clubs, and backflipping into the flooded orchestral pit where you can shoot them safely. Both these mean using your brain in combat. The worst uses are the endless rats and dogs and shit which spawns whenever something happens for no good reason.

Looking forward to it! I'm excited to try the different guns too. I have loads of ammo but nothing to fire them.

>> No.6857003
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, 3752e1f7edd57e72fe93ae0f755ad55d_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably non-popular and controversial opinion, but I think that Lara was always better than her games.

>> No.6857067

So your story is that you're a complete moron.

>> No.6857928

I liked Anniversary though

>> No.6858264

Well neither version existed by the time MGSV came out anyways

>> No.6858283

An egyptian style piramid full of mummies and undead creatures isn't a tomb?

>> No.6858332

Well you never played any of them so how would you know?

>> No.6858339

>full of mummies and undead

There were no mummies in Atlantis and none of them were undead either, they were mutants.

>> No.6858356

So you liked a shittier remake of a much better game? Wow, what taste.

>> No.6858417

Rats and dogs aren't really that hard to kill though.

Also, if you think the thugs are scary, just wait until later.

>> No.6858736

>Offshore Rig
Ew. After the best level so far, this is the worst so far. I liked the initial idea of starting without weapons and slowly getting them back, but it does very little with this idea. You get the pistols back quickly and the only thing after that is a series of linear shootouts. The glitchiness also gets way worse in this cramped environment. I missed the trapdoor by the bunkbeds initially because I tried to jump from one top bunk to the other and accidentally jumped through the ceiling. I also glitched through the fence atop the rig at one point and couldn't get back through so was stuck out there. Lame level.

>Diving Area
This was a bit better, but quite short. The careful platforming segments work really nicely, and the atmosphere from the breathing noises of the scuba divers along with the "breathing" noises of the machinery really keep the tension going. I only had 6 harpoons going in? So most of the combat with divers involved me luring them to the surface where I could shoot them. Felt like a good use of combat, but the level itself was still nothing special.

>> No.6858857

Lara Croft died after Temple of Osiris

>> No.6859374

Yeah because screenshots of a model in game give you an in depth look at how it plays and what your objectives are. Shut your trap retard. You're assmad over literslly nothing. Unironically neck yourself.

>> No.6859729

If it wasn't for Anniversary I wouldn't have given a shit about the Core games
It's a good gateway for zoomers.

>> No.6860152 [DELETED] 

Listen here you desperately coping virgin mongoloid down-syndrome dipshit, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. The fact you think I'm mad and not talking simply matter-of-factly about your sperg-dick-shit ass being fucking inbred stupid says more than anyone really needs to know about you, that you're clearly an insecure fucking loser coping on 4chan and gets angry at other anons who tell him off.

Don't even think about telling me what to do, you fat fucking faggot ass loser. And get the fuck out of this thread, lmao.

>> No.6860168

Don't even think about telling me what to do and get the fuck out of this thread lmao. I would throw an edgy "suicide" post in there as well, but you're mother probably doesn't need the extra drama dealing with a colossal virginal fuck up loser such as yourself offing himself in a messy fashion that she would also need to clean up just like your diarrhea stains on your poo poo undies, kek.

Maybe next time remember to think before you post like an inbred retarded dipshit and people won't call your stupid ass out on it, fuck-tard.

>> No.6861558

Angel of Darkness was one of my first games ever but ok

>> No.6862520

>40 Fathoms
Excellent level. Starts off really pretty creepy swimming alongside the sharks, and develops into a lovely series of platform puzzles. It keeps the nice lonely, isolated atmosphere for most of the level, only slightly spoiling it when humans start showing up. One of the secrets was a bit disappointing. You just had to swim over to it. I was hoping for there to be some horrifying monster first, like a kraken or something, to truly rattle you if you wanted the secret. Great level though. I loved slowly destroying the ship in order to escape. Felt very vulnerable.

>Wreck of the Maria Doria
Quite a weak level. I love the setting and it's pulled off really well with everything upside down and dilapidated despite clearly being luxurious in the past. What's not good is the large number of levers which do *something* but it's hard to tell what. Even when it shows you a door opening, it often felt like that door could be anywhere. Also the swimming controls suck and they really screw up on this level. Swimming down a narrow tunnel with eels the camera doesn't know where to look and so jumps around, totally disorienting. Not good.

>> No.6863015

Oh, well that explains why you hold such a negative opinion.

>> No.6863029

I prefer Wreck of the Maria Doria to 40 Fathoms primarily because I really fucking hate the industrial look and feel of 40 Fathoms. The intro is good with escaping from the mini-sub wreck, but after that it becomes a chore. Seeing the ocean from behind the Maria Doria's glass windows, despite how completely unrealistic that is as it would've shattered by now, is great.

>> No.6863487

But I don’t? What I’m saying is that there’s no such thing as Lara Croft, THE Tomb Raider anymore. She’s gone. Killed by Square Enix and replaced with a plain Jane for low t males to simp over.

>> No.6864015

My standard advice is to cheat-skip to Tibet in TR2. The game doesn't really start until you're there and isn't good until you're there either.

>> No.6864023

Lara Croft died in The Last Revelation. Anything past that game is both pointless and also forced. Quite literally, since Core had enough of making those games and TLR was a great send-off.
Did you know it is now "legal" to talk Legend and Anniversary on /vr/, because some idiot changed the rules of the board? And that both L and A are now officially retro by new rules?
Welcome to 2020! Yaaay!

>> No.6864383

If I could i'd make Underworld "legal" on /vr/ so LAU fans can escape the nulara fags shitting up /v/

>> No.6864580

Oh, then I misunderstood. Nevermind.

>> No.6864585

Ignore this flaming retard. The only arguably poor levels in the whole game are over and done with (Offshore Rig and Diving Area). The underwater levels have a unique design to them that's worth experiencing, and Venice is just great.

>> No.6864607 [DELETED] 

>Did you know it is now "legal" to talk Legend and Anniversary on /vr/, because some idiot changed the rules of the board? And that both L and A are now officially retro by new rules?
Good, because Retro is not a specific era and will never be a specific era.

>Lara Croft died in The Last Revelation. Anything past that game is both pointless and also forced. Quite literally, since Core had enough of making those games and TLR was a great send-off.
All the games were "forced" and "pointless", they're fun entertainment marketed and sold by businesses to make a profit. Quit attributing some false sense of superiority over certain games and excluding others. Also, having played TLR, the ending was shit. All of a sudden she becomes this little wary little girl because her old tutor is there? Forced bullshit in order for them to bury the hatchet. Only for them to dig that hatchet back up not even a year later.

>> No.6864616

>Did you know it is now "legal" to talk Legend and Anniversary on /vr/, because some idiot changed the rules of the board? And that both L and A are now officially retro by new rules?
Good, because Retro is not a specific era and will never be a specific era.

>Lara Croft died in The Last Revelation. Anything past that game is both pointless and also forced. Quite literally, since Core had enough of making those games and TLR was a great send-off.
All the games were "forced" and "pointless", they're fun entertainment marketed and sold by businesses to make a profit. Quit attributing some false pretense of gravitas over it just because the series had "closure". Also, having played TLR, the ending was shit. All of a sudden she becomes this little wary little girl because her old tutor is there? Forced bullshit in order for them to bury the hatchet. Only for them to dig that hatchet back up not even a year later.

>> No.6865165

>If your personal taste is different than mine, then you're a flaming retard
>t. genuine retard

>> No.6865185

That's true. The little pocket of ocean really does look beautiful.

I just thought it would be cool to give the impressions of someone experiencing this game as it was for the first time. I am really excited for Tibet though.

>> No.6865190

>personal taste
>"My advice"

Yea, don't give it if you can't take the heat, retard faggot.

>> No.6865191

Horrible controls, virtually unplayable.

>> No.6865201

>"my advice" isn't personal or subjective thing
Like I've said, you're genuinely retarded

>> No.6865280

Controls work pretty well for the style of careful platforming.

>> No.6865307
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Just about time.

>> No.6865309

Horrible post, virtually unable not to laugh

>> No.6865310

If you're "offering" it as advice, then it is now no longer your own personal opinion since you're directly trying to influence others.

You may not know what "genuinely retarded" means, since you appear to be it incarnate, or English isn't your first language.

>> No.6865694

Bait. Lots of great levels before Tibet.

>> No.6865703

>bla bla bla words

Never liked the Maria Doria levels.
And the oil rig ones are just simply bad.

>> No.6865719

God I had that game on ps3 and fucking hated it

>> No.6865727
File: 17 KB, 288x450, 7A1BD544-12E3-42B4-97FA-8BBB2425D454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or did underworld give anybody else a scuba fetish?

>> No.6865730
File: 972 KB, 2042x768, hautbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they butchered Lara with half-assed "nextgen" here?

>> No.6865738

Maybe, all I know is that I got an incredibly buggy port with shit framerates.
The PC version with nextgen off is actually ok but it’s already been ruined for me

>> No.6866073

TR2 gave me this. The smell of the wet rubber with her hair would just be.... wow.

>> No.6866503
File: 184 KB, 600x774, Tomb Raider AoD - artwork 158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hot but for some reason doesn't bring impure thoughts. Very unique character.

>> No.6866640

Aside from Lara looking like she just got covered in baby oil, there's a lot that I prefer about the Next Gen version's looks.

>> No.6867358

>Living Area
This felt like a more successful version of Wreck of the Maria Doria. Things like the theatre and passenger hallways had a nice former-luxury feel to them, but there were never any "I have no idea what I just did" moments. The grand lobby with everything at extreme angles was a beautiful bit of puzzle platforming in a really weird setting. Again, looking out windows to see the ocean is cool.

>The Deck
Some lovely set pieces here spoiled by a couple of horrible design choices. I liked swimming out to the rubber dingy, and exploring the stern for the first time. But when I spotted the green dragon secret and hopped over to get it, I then discovered that that meant backtracking almost the whole level to get back to where I was. After that I started save-spamming hard because I could no longer rely on the game designers making things work well. Getting the seraph at the end was nice though - really does feel hard won, and now I'm in Tibet!

>> No.6868289

>rely on the game designers making things work well

Well, it's a secret, not supposed to be easy. Plus, 8 grenades makes it worth it.

PROTIP - When you get to Barkhang Monastary, be very mindful of where you've already been. It's a non-linear easter egg hunt to beat the level.

>> No.6869642

I was ok with them being challenging, but having to go all the way back round was a bit tedious. Interesting on the Barkhang Monastery, I'll keep that in mind.