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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6844847 No.6844847 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Nintendo had to destroy this beautifully challenging game in the sequel originally intended for the autistic casual wii u crowd?

>> No.6844895

Legends was just more of Origins though. Also not retro

>> No.6844903

>Legends was just more of Origins though
A mentally retarded version of Origins, sure

>> No.6845105
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Fuck you I liked it

>> No.6845106

This isn't retro by any rule set

>> No.6845194

Was it fun not dying once anon?

>> No.6845205

Look I love Origins, and I’m sure most of /vr/ does, but it’s not retro

>> No.6845221

Regular video games board ignored this good

Anyway rip thread

>> No.6845286

this isn't retro, ask mods to move the thread to /v2k-

oh wait.

>> No.6845318

The mods are too stupid to even know Whats retro and what isn't. They don't even play videogames.

>> No.6845519

This game is 9 years old does it count

>> No.6845550

It's a 2D sidescrolling platformer. That's retro.

>> No.6845558

Not making /v2k/ or allowing 7th gen officially on /vr/ was the most retarded shit I've seen the mods do in the history of 4chan.

>> No.6845562

hear hear

>> No.6845569

Having the 2007 cutoff in games was the retarded part with 7th generation consoles having already been released. Should have just created a new board and moved 5th generation+ there.

>> No.6845573

first off, you're a retard, nintendo didn't make it. secondly, double retard, not old enough to be /vr/.

>> No.6845640

Ask yourself that question. Does a 9 year old game feel retro to you?

>> No.6845701

You tried to be smart but your autism levels are off-charts.

Legends was initially meant to be a Wii U exclusive, that's why Ubisoft made the game pander for mentally retarded people, like you possibly.

>> No.6845703

>he’s still begging and seething weeks later
This is the best Christmas present ever

>> No.6846171

Rayman Origins is what 2D platformer looks like at its peak

>> No.6846329


>> No.6847056
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>> No.6847080

Mods spent all their new board budget on those new /v/ boards so they didn't have any hotpockets left for /v2k/. That's why they took a big shit (a grat one) on /vr/ and now they refuse to moderate the board.

>> No.6847087

have to destroy*

>> No.6847321

God, Rayman Origins is so good that it can bend the rules of the board and stay up for 12 hours.

>> No.6847334

Neither of them are great. They're colourful and pretty much the closest that Flash-animated-looking games have come to looking good, but painfully mediocre to play

>> No.6847341

I'm not begging nor seething. Just pointing out the obvious. We are also 2 different posters, faggot.

>> No.6847346 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6847828

Great retro thread

>> No.6848241

and great moderation as usual

>> No.6849218

Great moderation you've got here.

>> No.6849316

I really love the mods here, they do a great job at making sure what is and isn't retro.

>> No.6849395

Oh god, this is really /v/ 2 now

>> No.6849450
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>> No.6849927

OP here I have no idea how the bloody hell this is still up, neither the porn posts

Rayman Origins is eternal.

>> No.6849947

How did a game like this get away with having so many huge tits in it?

>> No.6849961

When I posted Shovel Knight they immediately deleted the post, maybe 9 years is retro after all

>> No.6850019
File: 18 KB, 644x644, 1444418097359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some /v/irgin mistakingly posted a Heroes of the Storm thread here once and it took mods two days to move it. They just care THAT much.

>> No.6850046

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.6850116

no u

>> No.6850216

Cause Origins wasn't even hard to begin with, faggot, stfu

>> No.6850219

The gamepad is basically just a big GBA

>> No.6850230

Ok hardcore, then why was Legends made for mentally retarded people if Origins wasn't hard to begin with.

>> No.6850231

i want to pick up this post and tattoo it on the imbecile mods' foreheads

>> No.6850268

Cause that's who the game was made for, little retards like you

>> No.6850330

lel he thinks he's basing

>> No.6850904


>> No.6851515

>Origins or Legends didn't come with a level editor like Designer
>Rayman 4 will never ever happen

>> No.6851529

How the fuck is this non retro thread still going

>> No.6852471

Rayman is immortal

>> No.6852506

Nobody gives a shit anymore. Start a Last of Us thread it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.6852790

for once the non retro thread is about a GOOD game so it gets a pass

>> No.6854013

Because Rayman Origins is the greatest 2D platformer of all time

>> No.6854017

Fuck niggers

>> No.6854040

It will calm down they said

>> No.6854058


>> No.6854070
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>> No.6854085

nono it will calm down just give it 27 years

>> No.6854095

dude origins is retro just deal with it

>> No.6854193

She wasn't even in Legends

I repeat, she, wasn't, in Legends

Why bother buying that garbage?

>> No.6854210

Hell, you could probably get away with posting CP on /vr/ at this point.

>> No.6854240
File: 106 KB, 529x353, 1599502093771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean? origins is hella retro

>> No.6854248

it's a retro game in HD
this thread will never be deleted

>> No.6855625


>> No.6856945

best game in the series. legends is good too though

>> No.6857059

I love the game but this is embarassing.

>> No.6857072

Retard, Ubi chose to make the game easier so that it would sell at "launch." What did Nintendo have to do with that other than possibly negotiating Wii U exclusivity for it?

>> No.6857097

I really want Origins to come to the Switch

>> No.6858293

The mods have abandoned us

>> No.6858449

No you're the retard, the only reason Legends was made easier was because the Wii U crowd are composed by mentally retarded casuals who cry when they die in a videogame.

"Oh but now it's not Wii U exclusive, my bad", thanks Nintendo for DESTROYING another franchise.

>> No.6859046


>> No.6859704

Wait you now what's the best way to get this offtopic thread deleted? Let's talk about the rule change.

>> No.6859715

post furry porn

>> No.6859720

Rayman's got plenty of hot chicks in it surprisingly. Post them

>> No.6859749

French comics are the closest thing to anime mango.

>> No.6859784

It's been exactly what other posters and I said it would. Immediately, flooded with MGS, Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess, RE4, Halo shit, the kind that /v/ already gets enough as it is. Others always said it'd give more exposure to more obscure PS2 recs, but that was a fat load of shit. I think the first DAY the new rules took effect, there were like five goddamn Twilight Princess threads at once.