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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 130 KB, 1132x768, oot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6849028 No.6849028 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize zelda was never good?

>> No.6849034

When I bought into the hype surrounding OOT and was immensely disappointed. Zelda 1,2,3, and LA are good though.

>> No.6849035

Never because it did have some good entries.

>> No.6849059

2D Zelda was good, 3D not so much

>> No.6849074

Scotvanias in general are very repetitive.

>> No.6849150

Contrarian faggot, fuck off.
Name a better 3D action adventure game before this came out. I’ll wait.

>> No.6849157

[Insert some gay anime shit/eurojank one's ever heard of]

>> No.6849160

>Guys, what if good game... *giggle, snort*... NOT good?!

>> No.6849292

When I played Ocarina of Shit

>> No.6849306

Ultima Underworld
Elder Scrolls: Arena
>but they're shit
So is OoT.

>> No.6850194

lmao so funee, I certainly haven't heard that before

>> No.6850689


>> No.6850696

When did I realize I have an opinion that's not only wrong, but also unpopular as fuck? Well, I don't have such opinion, to begin with.

>> No.6850764

When did you realize that subjectivity is a thing, and this was just another gay little sage thread? Before, or after you posted it?

>> No.6850929

When did you realize more than half the threads on /vr/ at any given point are bait threads?

>> No.6851058

butthurt sonyfag detected

>> No.6851168

Man the amount of trolls/shit posting is getting to an absurd level on vr. When this game was released it received universal praise. It was considered an instant classic and the best 3d action adventure game up to that point. You can't change history just because you have an easily verify able wrong opinion.

>> No.6851208

>When this game was released it received universal praise.
From """journalists""" and casuals that got their opinions from """journalists""", yeah.

>> No.6851260

OK retard

>> No.6851293

From me, actually.

>> No.6851298

I'll admit OoT is bad if every last zoomer livestream kills themselves.

>> No.6853063


>> No.6853137

Man, why do N64 fags always need so much validation through game journalists?

>> No.6853140

How do you think Nintendo remained relevant after the SNES? Everything they after that was horrible shit.

>> No.6853146

It's the only explanation I can think of, really. Nintendo after Sony is literally the coping company.

>> No.6853601
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, Dodongo's_Cavern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i grew up with the 3D zeldas and vastly preferred MM to OoT. OoT had cool ass dungeons that i had a lot of fun exploring around in, but MM had that dungeon feel everywhere.

>> No.6853604

3D Zelda is dog shit.

>> No.6853949


>that level


OoT had the best dungeons of any Zelda, by far.

>best variety
>best aesthetic
>best challenge
>best puzzles
>best bosses

WW and TP had a few dungeons that were OoT quality, but the majority of them were crap.

>> No.6854027

It's good. It's just not the best.

>> No.6854042

wow OP aren't you edgy

>> No.6854150
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Sony fanboys: "N64 has no games" - Spend all their time on message boards hating on N64 games.

>> No.6854236

Called it

>> No.6854278

it's always been a boring dogshit series

>> No.6854716
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>> No.6854732

>Ultima Underworld
>Elder Scrolls
Zoomer, called it.

>> No.6854739

You posted it. From Ocarina onward Zelda just became formulaic bland tripe. Once you play other adventure or RPGs it's just boring by comparison.

>> No.6854747

I would love to live in a world where Zelda is completely outdone by other franchises, but it's not. No so-called "Zelda clone" has properly replicated the Zelda experience. The ones that come close are held back by janky shit like top-down platforming.

>> No.6854750

It's equally pathetic considering how Nintendo's always had a policy of keeping the press at distance to not deal with their faggotry. It's insecurity at its purest.

>> No.6854767

i am a big fat snoy and this is the shittiest opinion i have ever heard
shame on you op

>> No.6854782

When I've realized that Majora's Mask is the only decent entry in the franchise.

>> No.6854786

After the accident

>> No.6855047

Except that’s wrong, just like every JRPG before FF7 was the same old top-down medieval setting with the same old tired fantasy tropes, variety didn’t become a thing in Zelda until it entered the 3D space. OoT, MM, TWW and SS are all vastly unique games when you look past the basic recycled formula, which every fucking franchise under the sun has by the way, but for some reason that’s only a problem when Zelda does it. Why don’t you complain about a Mario game making you play through seperate worlds or a Resident Evil game giving you another spooky house to puzzle your way through? It’s a retarded complaint and just goes to show people have unreasonable standards when it comes to Zelda specifically, probably because the games are just that much better than everything else. Metal Gear Solid has the exact same structure as a Zelda game but no one minds that.

>> No.6855094

Zelda 1 is dogshit.
Zelda 2 is great.
lttp and LA are great.
Everything else is trash.

>> No.6855286

>Metal Gear Solid has the exact same structure as a Zelda game but no one minds that.
What the FUCK did he mean by this?

>> No.6855363
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bro you sound so fuckn old go back to facebook

>> No.6855383

This is incredibly playable on a phone. Already beat it twice on my MotoG5

>> No.6855761

>oot is basically mobile-trash
checks out.

>> No.6855858

Lmao those games aren’t 3D, or better than OoT. Nice try retard.

>> No.6857501


>> No.6857519

Literally every single fucking thing you said is wrong.

>> No.6858547

A long time ago.

>> No.6859132
File: 69 KB, 625x468, explain further.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metal Gear Solid has the exact same structure as a Zelda game

>> No.6860015

>b-but the engine isnt really 3d!!
No one cares.

>> No.6860037

Mostly just overrated. Now more than ever

>> No.6860230

Let me guess, a couple years ago? Shit was great in 98.

>> No.6860974
File: 12 KB, 260x194, ano hito wa tadashii yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get gadget
>look for visual and aural clues on places to use gadget
>use gadget

>> No.6861026

I thought Oot was the greatest game ever back after I first played it in like 2000 but it was one of the few games I had actually played.
Now I think it’s boring but I don’t know if that’s because I played it for hundreds of hours a way child or because there’s not much to actually do and the dungeons are pretty easy and empty.

>> No.6861775

Legitimately can't tell if this is a joke post or not.

>> No.6861846

Lttp is good. 3d zelda is ranges from ok to shit.

>> No.6861868

When I turned 86 and alzheimer's kicked in

>> No.6861876

>alzheimer's victims are smarter than zeldababbys
very interesting. noted.

>> No.6861896

When I played Alundra

>> No.6861915

I mean context-sensitive actions are always a red flag. Well designed games have their functions well defined and set in stone.

>> No.6862596

I've never thought about it before, but I think you may be on to something here.

>> No.6862630

America is literally a nation of european rejects.

>> No.6863213

I know you thought this was a really good response, but I can assure you it's not.

>> No.6863941
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>> No.6864006


Zelda 1 and Link to the past are elite. This isn’t even debatable.

>> No.6865103

Could be any of those, but you can only rewatch a movie so many times before you know every line.

>> No.6865760

Even back in 98 I thought it was shit. The average person just has dull as fuck taste.

>> No.6866362

>go to area
>door is locked
>get item
>figure out where to use item
>walk all the way back
it's a glorified point and click.

>> No.6866369

sometimes I forget how fucking bad at video games /v/ is. Do you need your little handholder to tell you where to go faggot?

>> No.6866370

And what isnt?

Would you prefer a speechcheck or a lockpick puzzle, lmao.

>> No.6866380

I'd argue it's the original TLoU style criticbait movie-game.

>reading comprehension

>> No.6866695

>Name a better 3D action adventure game before this came out.
>still replies

The absolute state of retards on /vr/

>> No.6866710

garbage game that normalfags love.
Same with FFVII, SM64, HL1, SOTN, MGS, Yoshi Island, SCIV.

>> No.6866868

please name some good games o wise oldfag

>> No.6867402
File: 118 KB, 1242x992, 1598470458157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fight.

>> No.6867418

Cory in the House

>> No.6867421

Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Deus Ex, Thief, Alpha Centauri, Civilization, Fallout.

>> No.6867425

all those games are trash in comparison to Half-Life, Halo, and Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.6867430


>> No.6867435
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>> No.6867986

I have to say that except maybe for system shock (mainly because of the dinosaur controls that mouse look makes only half better) those are in fact mostly better games.

>> No.6868039


>> No.6868049

It writes itself.

>> No.6868050

I wouldn't say it's bad at all, but I AM sick of people calling it the best game ever.

>> No.6868058

Except for Deus Ex, all those are absolute trash.

>> No.6868071

>Dead as fuck, garbage franchises ( sans Fallout) that wouldn't survive the 2000s
>Zelda still going strong

>> No.6868082

>muh brands
based consoomer.

>> No.6868086

When I first beat the original game and then had no desire to ever touch it again. Not even a decade later. Not even now.
Not for nostalgia and not out os some sense of "b-b-but what if I MISSED something!?!?!?!?!?". Nadda.

Don't get me wrong, it was an enjoyable game, but it's just that and nothing more. Whole series is like that IMO. Just a bunch of enjoyable, yet ultimately forgettable games to beat once and never touch again.

>> No.6868181

is this the /v/ equivalent of /mu/core? lol. no originality

>> No.6868306
File: 1.04 MB, 853x480, ShadowMan3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an appreciation for games that focus on player skill rather than skill point bullshit and 'skill progression' systems. That aint gameplay. Give me a move set and make a game out of it. This is what zelda has been doing for decades and they've been pretty successful at it, I can enjoy shit like this any time of the year.

>> No.6868331

I mean I can still pick up and play OOT to this day and have fun with it. So it's still good

>> No.6868337

I'll grant you that ShadowMan is certainly a lot better than OoT.

>> No.6868581

It's a /v/ post. Get use to it. /v/ is here to stay.

>> No.6869608

when i tried Ys

>> No.6869917


>> No.6870441

When I played more than 1 game in the series.

>> No.6870448

This, I tried oath in felghana in 2008 and never looked back. Turns out Zelda games were always inferior.

>> No.6870458

Why is /v/eddit like this?

>> No.6871491

smart lads.

>> No.6872451

reddit loves zelda because journos told them to love it. simple as.

>> No.6872505


>> No.6873072

absolute state of zeldababs.

>> No.6873478

I played this as a kid and I really liked the puzzles. The characters were funny and was one of the first games that really feeled like an open world. You could talk to everyone and most characters were funny. At school people talked about the game and I remember a lot of people were stucked in the water temple. Also, the game was not afraid to be creepy, the things that lived in the shadow temple were horrifying. At the time there were not a lot of children's game that were very creepy. Even the ambiance inside the great deku tree made me feel uneasy. I really miss the time where there were no markers and only intuitively you could try and find everything from what people told you or what you read on signs. If you wanted a challenge you could try and do the game only with three hearts. Side quests were also fun. It was a nice introduction to fantasy in general.

>> No.6873562

Guys come on be reasonable, it's a fun game if you just gave it a chance

>> No.6873681

Because they're bitter and jaded.

>> No.6873685

Enemies are tedious and endlessly respawn to rob you of even the satisfaction of killing them, dungeous are tedious, puzzles rely on unspoken obscurantism and running back and forth across the map to procure some obscure and unspecified object that must be used in some obscure and unspecified way to progress. The elephant in the room is that BotW, perhaps the game most critically acclaimed after OoT, jettisons all of the classic mechanics from this supposedly "greatest of all time" game; a tacit admission that they were never any good at all and were only accepted because you were a retarded fucking kid who devoured whatever dogshit Nintendo served up on a plate.

>> No.6873730
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>Enemies are tedious and endlessly respawn to rob you of even the satisfaction of killing them
Bro...are you talking about the fields? Literally the only place that does that and only at night? Otherwise what the fuck are you even talking about? That enemies respawn when you leave a room? Pretty sure every game ever does that for the most part and it's hardly a flaw
>Dungeons are tedious
What? How? Which ones are you talking about? The only one I don't like doing when I replay the game Jabu Jabu but there are 8 other big dungeons in the game that are all great
>and running back and forth across the map to procure some obscure and unspecified object that must be used in some obscure and unspecified way to progress
Legit what are you even talking about? The items in OOT are all very simple and logically expand your move pool and mobility. Unless you're talking about the stones and the medillons that aren't really 'items' so much as check marks that you've done certain things there aren't really any items that just act as keys and do nothing else. It's not like the top in TP that is used once and maybe three or so more times to collect a heart piece and then remain unused forever, all your items give you more options in either movement or battle.
>he elephant in the room is that BotW, perhaps the game most critically acclaimed after OoT, jettisons all of the classic mechanics from this supposedly "greatest of all time" game
So a game doing something different and people also liking that means that everything from before is now worthless? What even is that logic?

>> No.6873734

When did you realize you would never lose your virginity?

>> No.6873737

Thinking about it a bit more I'll concede that the tunics are basically just keys and the iron boots are kinda shit but considering how many items there are I still think the good outweigh the bad.

>> No.6874298

after i forced myself finishing link to the past. botw is pretty good though.

>> No.6874326

I thought the Jabu Jabu dungeon was annoying and hard when I first played it but when I replayed it for the first time a few months ago I finished it pretty quickly and didn't really find it difficult at all.

Actually, when I replayed the game I found everything to be quite easy, almost disappointingly so. I finished it in three sittings over the course of a week.

>> No.6874740
File: 170 KB, 423x284, 1502367008769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game journalism
>not a single other person has pointed this out.

This board is full of underage dipshits now confirmed. The closest thing to game publications in 1998 were gaming magazines like Nintendo Power that absolutely nobody took seriously and only children read. Even super giants today like IGN were only in their infant years back then. The closest thing to a reputable game reviewer back then was Famitsu, which nobody in the states knew about.

>> No.6875327

All you're saying is game journalism was shit back then which is still true today.

>> No.6876821

I'd say you tried, but that's clearly not true.

>> No.6876842

I've tried to replay this game and it was finally good when I played it on 3DS.

>> No.6876853

>wtf I love week long bait!

>> No.6876872

Video game "journalism" has always been an extension of PR for the video game industry, and by extension a entertainment/advertising machine. Exactly like the movie industry, except it targets children.
The only difference is now it's far more efficient, subtle and targets manchildren as well as kids.
You're retarded though, anon literally said """journalists"""

>> No.6877631


>> No.6877651


I actually laughed when I read that bit. Gaming "journalism" is about as subtle as being smashed in the face with a frying pan.
All they really do is prey on idiots by writing click bait at this point. They suck the big corporate cock and pretend to have a problem with everyone else. How is that "subtle"?

>> No.6877659

Speaking of gaming journalism; does anyone else remember when click bait was all just "kill Osama bin laden" browser games? Now it's "playing as a non trans woman in an MMO is problematic! Here's why..."

>> No.6879626


>> No.6879634

>those games
Nigger detected.

>> No.6879797

You're mistaken, the PR is more subtle now, not the outlets. Which is why writing outlets have been hung out to dry and have to resort to sensationalism to farm advertising revenue just to keep from getting axed by their parent media companies.
The PR is all guerrilla marketing, viral advertising and social media manipulation. They also were about 10 years ahead of the curve compared to everyone else, except maybe the sex toy/porn industry which was also doing the same thing early on.
lol yeah

>> No.6881467

Was the long time Nintendo kid. Played through OoT, MMs, aLttP, etc. I had these games pre-order or day one and I loved them. Played Wind Waker and even though everyone initially hated the art direction. It was alright. Then Twilight Princess rolled around. Back to the 'realistic' look. I thought this was going to be the greatest game. The boss battles were boring and I ended up not finishing the game. I was probably getting older and better at video games. The puzzles were alright, but up until then, any great game had me finishing until the end and Twilight Princess was the first Zelda to stop me from finishing.

Literally years later people start shilling OoT and the fans are absolute retards. Replaying OoT today is a massive and boring wait of a game. It was king for it's time, but Zelda has never reached that height since. Botw isn't even a Zelda game and it only had like 13 monsters/enemy types which was too small for the size of world. It's a massive disappointment and the only people that like it are not old-school Zelda fans.

>> No.6881472

The /vr/ experiment has failed, just shut it down and take me back to /v/.

>> No.6882623

The original movie game.

>> No.6882630

But OP pic isn't MGS.

>> No.6884813

Feel free to go back any time.

>> No.6886821

>Botw isn't even a Zelda game
anon no you're not allowed to say that

>> No.6887534

Dec 98

>> No.6887540

that's not thief

>> No.6887735

MM is the best, but it wouldn't have been without OoT as its origin. Yin and Yang.

>> No.6887759

>3D Zelda is dog shit.
This. 2D or gtfo

>> No.6887908

To all those who say oot isn't good, can you suggest other games in the same vein? Not even talking shit, I would like to play them.

>> No.6888359
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Zelda really relies on its reputation, particularly with OoT being so casually thrown into top ten videogame list constantly since its release. The fanbase is so fervent and passionate that they will heap praise for anything it does, even if it has already been done similarly, or better than other games. It's taken on kind of a messianic status as a result. The landmark titles of the series, such as the first one, LttP, and OoT, have created an idealistic vision of what the each title is supposed to be, and as a result, each game that is too different suffers from people judging it from within the Zelda formula, rather than on what is in front of them.

>> No.6889317

why do you have to hate everything vr?

>> No.6889351

I dunno, I love OoT. Prefer the 3DS port for frame rate and despite nostalgia think it looks better. Yeah yeah some minor puzzle change or the thing that detects holes in the ground or whatever. I like it, it’s fun, it’s my most replayed game right behind Republic Commando. It’s fun and I like it and I get why people wouldn’t. Feel free to insult me, I guess. I don’t like it when people try to turn having an opinion into shit flinging, I just don’t get it. I enjoy Zelda in an almost cyclical fashion where I like Zelda, so I’m more likely to enjoy Zelda games and Zelda settings, which makes me further like Zelda. That’s not logical, it’s called having the gaming equivalent of a comfy chair.

>> No.6889361

/v/edditors think it's funny.

>> No.6890631

It's really weird to me that people actually get upset by that. It's really obvious.

>> No.6891986

Two groups:
1) Zoomers with envy. These are people who hate that they "missed out" so they have to discredit the thing in order to feel like they didn't miss much.
2) Contrarians for the sake of it. Motives here are more fuzzy, they could just want (You)s, or the game has passed the arbitrary popularity threshold.

>> No.6892007
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>comparing either of those to OoT

>> No.6892018

Now THIS is contrarianism

>> No.6892107
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>what your paborite Zelda gam?

>> No.6892846

I know right? What an insult to Ultima Underworld.

>> No.6893382

Contrarian, maybe. But also correct and patrician.

>> No.6894531
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>> No.6895303

Tomb Raider.

>> No.6895314

Right now. Just now. September 18, 2020, 9:49 PM.
I just glanced at OP's post, and realized "damn, this anonymous person from the internet is implying Zelda was never good. I guess he's right!".
What can I say? I was convinced. Solid arguments all around, irrefutable.

>> No.6895318

Jesus Christ, I'm not even a big Zelda fan, but that list is absolute GARBAGE.

>> No.6895321

how so?

>> No.6896365

>When did you realize zelda was never good?
what did he mean by this?

>> No.6896478

OP was feeling lonely, so he posted the best game ever made and pretended to hate it for guaranteed (You)s.

>> No.6896491

>so he posted the best game ever made
That's not Cotton Boomerang for the Sega Saturn

>> No.6896514

Did it ever made it to any list in any publication or poll?

>> No.6896524

Who cares? Objectively it has the finest set of levels, mechanics, orthogonal unit differentiation, top tier music, inventive and engaging bosses ever put into a game. Ocarina of Time? A shameless Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon ripoff.

>> No.6896537

Lmao tank control trash

>> No.6896538

When you say never good do you mean for its time or right now? Because OOT was a godlike game at release and it's still pretty good even if BOTW etc overshadows it in a lot of aspects. It really earned its praise.

>> No.6896547

>Because OOT was a godlike game at release
Its always been pretty shallow. It just hasn't aged well, and I'm talking about a few months after release the flaws became pretty apparent.

>> No.6896551

I played it at the beginning of 99, and even then it was apparent to me people on liked it because of the production values, le epic setting, and journos told them to. You can see from >>6896514 people just don't think for themselves.

>> No.6896556

*only liked it because

>> No.6897045

you know you are allowed to enjoy something despite its flaws?

>> No.6897754
File: 343 KB, 860x717, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people get so defensive when you point out OOT is overrated? it's a great game, but not the 10/10 that all the circle jerkers make it out to be

>> No.6898247

That's not what they're saying. They're saying it sucks which is just stupid and everyone that has been challenged to defend that position turns out to be a bumbling retard like Egorapter.

>> No.6898256

It's just nothing special and it's a struggle to wring out any description of what it does well from anyone regurgitating journos. Who the fuck is egoraper?

>> No.6898274

See what I mean? They can't actually explain anything because they're doing it to be contrarian. I think I've seen two people actually try to elaborate on the "flaws."

>who's egoraptor
Trying way too hard.

>> No.6898279

What does it excel in? Be specific.

>> No.6898294

why did you samefag this hard OP?

>> No.6898343

This exactly what I don't get. What is supposed to be so good about it? The combat is so unengaging it might as well not even be there, the exploration is extremely limited, and the puzzles are braindead because they're made to be easily solvable for children. From a gameplay perspective it seems to be bad at everything.

>> No.6899183

Yes? Many of my favorite games are heavily flawed. The problem with OoT isn't just that it's flawed, it's that it's dull to its very core.

>> No.6899574
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the combat mostly involves waiting for enemies to give you an opening so you can hit them
Hyrule Field is empty and boring, and having to backtrack multiple times gets tiresome
switching between boots and items

those are the big ones, but there are a lot of smaller nit picks too
again Ocarina of Time is a great game, but let's not pretend it's a timeless 10/10

>> No.6899601

>Those complaints
You just watched Egoraptors video on OoT and made a thread about it.

>> No.6899638
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wrong on both counts anon

>> No.6899691
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When did you realize Zelda was a game?

>> No.6900442


Op you are a cunt
A piece of attention seeking shit
An absolute faggot of a human being

>> No.6900604

This bait is getting so bad that I may as well leave.

>> No.6900617

I've yet to find a better alternative

>> No.6900623

Then you just don't realize the game gives you tools to circumvent the "waiting" just like he did?

>> No.6900624

Played the original, 2, A Link the Past and one of the 3D games for 10 minutes and just wanted to shut the whole thing off. The only non-Mario Nintendo games I enjoyed were the two metroids on the gameboy advance.

>> No.6901345

never because it's a glorified movie.

>> No.6901357


>> No.6901361

fat retard

>> No.6901374

your thread sucks

>> No.6901375

your game sucks

>> No.6901378

rent free

>> No.6901379

cope n seethe

>> No.6901417


>> No.6901421

Buzzword insult

>> No.6901468

>the combat mostly involves waiting for enemies to give you an opening so you can hit them
It's called combat strategy and makes feel the game more real and don't act mindless, and also the combat mostly involves waiting for enemies to give you an opening so you can hit them about game progression as >>6868306 stated, the first time you fight a spider, the only way to beat it is waiting and slash every time, once you get the Boomerang you can do it faster, and once you get more weapons as the Hookshot you can kill it with one shoot. If you just want a battle system where you just mash buttons mindless, try Musou games, they become very boring and tedious fastly.

>> No.6901472

The versatility of Deku nuts and sticks are also often ignored. It shows they didn't bother to experiment with what they had

>> No.6901893
File: 1.88 MB, 1100x7798, 2D_ARPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing other games like Zelda from the 80s/90s will give you a better appreciation of their quality. Not saying other games similar to it are bad, most are quite good and the fact Zelda still stands above them is why the series was revered in the first place. Sadly the series fell off hard with the 6th gen, recently I think it's slowly recovering.

>> No.6902120

Game journalism back then was much more better, because even though quite a few of them were still bad they could actually played the games and didn't get filtered by entry level shit like the cuphead tutorial.
That and there was no "the character has big tits this is BAD and SEXUALIZATION" it was all chads not ashamed to go "+ character has big tits and that's hot."

The one crime of games journalism in the late 80s - 90's is that it fuelled console war shit.

>> No.6902208

The combat waiting was a plus anon, mindlessly bashing attack isn't fun. Enemies had their own block and shield moves, you had yours. It was a very good fun mechanic expanded on from how the shield worked in 2D games.
>Switching between boots and items
Boots issue was literally only a thing in the water temple, outside that you rarely have to switch them. Item switching was not that common either, you never had to constantly open the menu to switch items.
>Hyrule field is empty and boring
>Not using warp songs to get around
>Not realising that epona can get you from one side to the other in about a minute
Anon have you even played the game.

>> No.6902803

I'll grant you that game """journalism""" is worse now than it was back then because of the addition of batshit identity politics, but they were still casuals and shills back then as well.

>> No.6902818

>Hyrule Field is empty and boring, and having to backtrack multiple times gets tiresome
Hyrule Field is still one of the weirdest and most intriguing places in the entire game to me. Peahats, Poes, the Mailman and all the secret grottoes can easily hold my attention for hours, and I've been playing this game almost since its release.
If open exploration areas don't interest you, maybe you're not cut out for adventure games?

>> No.6902846

Funny you mention Famitsu since OoT was one of the very first games they gave a perfect score too

>> No.6902871

>Anon have you even played the game.
He's just another mindless Egoraptor cocksucker.

>> No.6902892

Nintendo pays well

>> No.6903391


>> No.6903508

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon.

>> No.6903803

>Name a better 3D action adventure game
Half-Life came out in the same year. OoT has no excuse.

>> No.6904015

Buzzword compliment

>> No.6904038
File: 10 KB, 1313x87, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair points. I do think it's neat that you can use different items, I guess I'm thinking more before you get the better items and mostly have to wait. The 2D Zelda games, which were my introduction to the series (Link's Awakening, Link to the Past, Oracle games), manage to have interesting and fun combat that doesn't rely at all on waiting or mindless button mashing

>Enemies had their own block and shield moves, you had yours
I think this is the problem I have: combat mostly falls into a rhythm of attack defend attack defend, and the defend portion mostly relies on waiting

>Boots issue was literally only a thing in the water temple
True, but it was enough of an issue that they saw fit to fix it in the 3DS version

>Not using warp songs to get around
>Not realising that epona
And what do you do before getting the warp songs or epona? Also epona doesn't detract from the fact you're riding across a vast empty field

See pic related, from the Zelda wiki itself

>> No.6904042

>be 8
>get Link's Awakening for Christmas
>obsessed with the game for months, game is basically a religion to me
>played through it again yesterday

>> No.6904079

Man that sucks

>> No.6904119

MM and TP are the only two good ones.

>> No.6904224
File: 73 KB, 630x611, 1575749115952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit in bed at night playing LA's over and over again with the warm yellow light from my magnifying lens + light combo
>barely able to see a thing through the multiple layers of glare
>could draw the entire world map from memory
>discovered the screen warp glitch by accident
>warp across every screen in the game looking for hidden rooms and secrets or just trying to break the game and do stuff out of order and see what happens

I miss the days when I genuinely liked video games instead of only ironically liking video games...

>> No.6904436

This is bait and you all fell for it.

>> No.6904960

I like to think of it more like a stealth zelda general.

>> No.6905338

Zelda games are dogshit and I'm glad that more people are accepting the truth. Since the first game I've tried and failed to gain any enjoyment from the series. How many times can the loser fanbase be fooled into paying for the same game?

>> No.6906220

Based and same here.

>> No.6906274

Seek help.

>> No.6907629


>> No.6907754

3D zeldas were never good
2D zeldas have always been good

>> No.6910247

>half a month old blatant bait

>> No.6910248

probably because OP samefagging.

>> No.6910260

Say what you want but I had like a hundred other people join in on the fun. your days are numbered zeldabab.

>> No.6910261

ok autist

>> No.6910263

cope n seethe

>> No.6910267

take your meds