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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6844884 No.6844884 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't this board like talking about Sonic as much as /v/?

This was the best Sonic sprite. If you disagree, you're a cumguzzler.

>> No.6844967
File: 32 KB, 850x438, Sonic Sprites Stand BG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6845260

There's a thread >>>/v/523761146 discussing it right now, might archive idk

idk if I did that crossthread thing right

>> No.6845473

We used to have a lot of Sonic threads before 6th gen was allowed in. Somedays we'd have like half the catalog be nothing but Sonic.
Also, Sonic 3's sprite is not bad or anything but it's not as sharp looking as his sprite from 1, 2 and CD.
Sonic 3's artstyle felt weird when it first came out.

>> No.6845487

I for one, don't like Sonic.

>> No.6845495

Pocket Adventure Sonic is best Sonic

>> No.6845502

I LOVE to guzzle that cum. MMM!

>> No.6845505

Isn't it just a port of Sonic Advance with cropped screen resolution?

>> No.6845526 [DELETED] 

Because Sonic was never good and as people grow up they realize that.

>> No.6845548

Not my concern.

>> No.6845557

no, not at all

>> No.6845637

Because there are no good sonic games. Only less mediocre ones.

>> No.6845662


we've discussed it to death already

>> No.6845671

We still never settled up which one is the best in the series, Sonic 1 or Sonic 2.

>> No.6845715

Based. Sonic is and always has been shit.

>> No.6845740

It makes Nincels seethe>>6845715

>> No.6845801


the original /vr/ crew was pretty much unanimous in ranking Sonic 2 and Sonic 3&K as S tier, 1 and 3 as A tier. once the board grew and the second wave of (shit)posters showed up the waters got a little more muddied. they're all great games. the only people who post otherwise are shitposting zoomers who haven't played them or console war trolls farming for (You)s

>> No.6846701

>spoiler text
Sick as shit of faggots dissing Sonic 3’s sprites.

>> No.6846705

The Sonic CD sprite is best. Sonic 3 looks weirdly proportioned.

>> No.6846720

Always had the impression /vr/ was more leaning toward Sonic 1.

>> No.6846726

I just want Sliver SNES, damn it!

>> No.6846735
File: 170 KB, 800x1133, gc_sonic_adventure_dx_p_uiynuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Gamecube and GBA are now retro, let's talk about this: Sonic on Nintendo hardware. This was a huge deal.

Fucking hell, imagine being Sega lmao

>> No.6846741

Sonic 1's NA release is literally unfinished with some pretty questionable level design and the notorious Spikes Bug. Also has really unimpressive Special Stages, no Super Sonic, very few zones, etc.
You have to be pretty retarded to prefer Sonic 1 over 2. The CD/S3&K debate is at least valid on both ends.

>> No.6846748

Its really too bad the GC ports were so butchered - never bothered me as a kid, of course, but it really did hurt the Adventure series' reputation going forward since DX and SA2B were by far the more commonly played versions.

>> No.6846939
File: 3 KB, 336x319, sonicp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not remotely, it's a unique game and one one of the better Sanics

>> No.6846986
File: 3.08 MB, 3600x2679, how the developers intended .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed those jaggies for you bro

>> No.6847016

This is a Nintendo board

>> No.6847289

Then you should treat the N64 better.

>> No.6847296
File: 13 KB, 480x480, members only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> here's your filter bro

>> No.6847304
File: 245 KB, 897x1497, temperance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still getting paid. Imagine that.

>> No.6847426

Don't worry there are a lot of /v/ tourists on here now that the board has become /v2.0/ so you can expect lots of Sonic furry porn on here soon!

>> No.6847528

>talking about Sonic
because it hurts my nintendo feelings

>> No.6847548

>Why doesn't this board like talking about Sonic as much as /v/?
Sonic is a popular topic in the context of modern video game discussion because no other series has had such a well recognized fall from grace since the retro days as the Sonic series has. In a retro context, people, at worst, just personally don't like the Sonic games. Very few would argue they were objectively bad games. Most people that do argue that are bizarre zoomer revisionists.

>> No.6848156

Idk why but I hate sonic 3s sprite. Something about his face and nose. Still a good game but they should have just used sonic 2 or cd sprite

>> No.6848226

You're thinking of Sonic N for the N-Gage. Pocket Adventure is for NGPC and it's original in the sense it's its own game but takes a lot of elements from 1/2

>> No.6848227

It is pretty nutty thinking about it. It's like if Nintendo folded and BOTW got a PS4 version. Imagine the butthurt and shitposting.

>> No.6848240

Adventure was done dirty, but only turbo-autists can even tell the difference between SA2 and SA2B.

>> No.6848327

Imagine being Egoraptor and successfully make a bunch of people believe Sonic Adventure looked as bad and was as glitchy as it was, all while he plays the buggier port of a buggier port of the game.
Imagine doing something like that and still get shout outs by sonic's community manager.

>> No.6848336

Pokemon had such a fall from grace. The difference is its fans will literally forgive anything as long as Charizard is available, which is why to them the only shit gen was 5 (which, objectively, is actually a top 3).

>> No.6848631

Sonic Team/SEGA USA hate the Sonic franchise but aren't competent enough to make any other games that will sell on anything but brand recognition, that's how they end up with shit like that awful Twitter memelord and the atrocious current voice cast.
They'd rather people believe Sonic is shit so the franchise can be shelved than just make a good game.

>> No.6848634

Game Freak/Creatures, Inc were literally never good developers.

>> No.6848640
File: 21 KB, 437x431, 47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Pokemon upsets me so much and the fact that people were screeching on Twitter literally calling people Nazis because they didn't like the look of the game makes me think that some modern video game fans are way too far gone. I miss playing gen 3 and 4 with my friends

>> No.6848651

As some anons said, we had somedays half the catalog dedicated to Sonic.
As a Sonic fag, I am actually glad discussion slowed down, way less baiting.
I always preferred 3 sprite, only exception the mania sprite since it is so smooth.

>> No.6848834

>I am actually glad discussion slowed down, way less baiting.
pussy, also now it will be worse since people will discuss the nintendo era Sonic which is even more baity.
SA2B was good tho.

>> No.6848845

The only real baity one is Heroes. Shadow is universally panned though I like it, Battle is highly regarded and Advance games are hit and miss.

>> No.6849230

Sonic is actually talked about a lot on /vr/, I would say the Sonic series is among the top 15 or 20 most discussed series on /vr/.

If you're expecting it to be discussed as much as Mario or Zelda or similar that is a mistake. The Sonic games on genesis were great but most people find the 2d Mario games better and longer-lasting. If you think of Sonic as a generic series it does really well, if you're comparing it to the best series of all time you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.6849243

Shadow's biggest problems are the presentation/script with the new awful voice cast and a couple of levels with extremely trash design. The core gameplay is better polished than SA2 or Heroes.
Most people who pronounce their hatred of the game just got filtered by Mad Matrix

>> No.6849264

Sonic being almost baby blue and Knuckles being almost pink in Mania still bothers me.