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6840224 No.6840224 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best GameCube game and why is it F-Zero GX?

>> No.6840256

Because it was made by Sega and isnt some baby trash or "immersive" nonsense

>> No.6840283

WRONG. It's Super Mario sunshine

>> No.6840298

After it released, I got a call from Nintendo. They said they wanted to see all the source code for the game, and wanted me to explain how we'd made that game, in that timeframe and with that budget, in detail. They were wondering how we'd done it - they couldn't figure it out. We were able to achieve something a lot higher than what Nintendo had expected. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/08/sega_wanted_to_impress_nintendo_with_f-zero_gx_despite_losing_the_hardware_war

>> No.6840308


>> No.6840346

AX is better

>> No.6840356

It had one of the best single player modes for any racing game I've ever played and was usually challenging without being too cheap.

>> No.6840380

Am I the only that can see this game on other consoles like the PS2? Though the same could be said about the Resident Evil and MGS remake.

>> No.6840395

This, but F-zero X is better (and made by Nintendo)

>> No.6840474


Why is it so many stars shine far away
While there's only one that determines the day?
On Earth, it's the very same tale
We drink from one well, a common life spring
Captain Falcon will always prevail
Sending the forces of darkness running

When myopic confusion threatens your lunch
Falcon will be unleashing a Falcon Punch
Thank heaven he's on the right side
Or else there'd be nowhere to hide
Captain Falcon will always be bound
Hot on the trail, tracking rogues down

I think you'll find your answer above.

>> No.6840492

Wrong, X is inferior in every way and Nintendo simply can't make games in the same genre as Sega as well as Sega.

>> No.6840730

Is fzero gx the hardest racing game to 100% ever? I played it years ago and got pretty good but now if I pick it up I play a few races and its like holy shit its gonna take a week of effort just to get close to competitive w the computer again

>> No.6840741


>> No.6840762
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X is objectively the best (GX is like an amazing fanfic, but does not feel canon and it does convey the same degree sense of speed and intensity X has), but nice thread OP. I came here just now after watching the first 2 episodes of GP Legend for the first time to find that "What would you like to see in a jew F-Zero?" thread that I guess got deleted. Reposting my response: 30-on-30 human online matches with as many offline modes as possible. Having multiple human players on one local console being able to join an online match like Mario Kart Wii popularized would be pretty awesome, as well, but it's not a necessity.

>> No.6840771

*in a new F-ZERO. Freudian slip, I guess

>> No.6840774 [DELETED] 

How in the world is X, Maximum Velocity, Climax or the original "baby trash," console warrior faggots?

>> No.6840781

>X is inferior in every way
Except for the driving part

>> No.6840784

How in the world is X, Maximum Velocity, Climax or the original "baby trash," console warrior faggots?

>> No.6840880

fuck 64fags

>> No.6840883

>he thinks MV is anything good but trash

>> No.6840904

>Implying any of them have ever played any of the games.

>> No.6842265

Based 60 fps

>> No.6842313

? Both AX and GX were 60 locked.

AX is just GX with less shit and it's nearly impossible to play. All the tracks are in GX. Yeah, obviously the big moving cabinet is neat and all, but not worth flying to Japan (the only place I've seen it) to experience.

>> No.6842328

It a joke.

>> No.6842486

I love this game but it's always seemed a little unstable and slightly unfinished to me. Snaking seems like a physics glitch, and speaking of, it seems way too easy to fly off the track over hills and slight elevation changes in the track. Occasionally, I recall losing audio in the menu too. Lots of GC games were unstable now that I think about it.

>> No.6844387

Nintendo could release an updated F-Zero GX with 30 player online support, a track editor, custom garage swap for users to trade maps, rate maps, vehicles, etc and the goofs still don't know what they're missing out on.


>> No.6844437

Souless music almost kills the game.

>> No.6844469

The hell you say. All those char bio tracks were fucking fire. I get that the techno-centric tracks during the races might not be your cup of tea, but I thought they were pretty high energy, memorable in their own way, and had great last lap versions with extra intensity.

>> No.6844495

>The hell you say. All those char bio tracks were fucking fire. I get that the techno-centric tracks during the races might not be your cup of tea, but I thought they were pretty high energy, memorable in their own way, and had great last lap versions with extra intensity.
To each his own, I guess. I thought all them were too noisy and lacked a memorable melody. Dr. Stewart's Theme sounds like gym music to me. Not my cup of tea but I still think SEGA could have done a much better job.

>> No.6844498

I can smell the cum-stained tissues on your desk and general BO from obesity Through my screen.

>> No.6844502

That's it, I've had it with nu-/vr/. You piece of shit zoomer trolls don't understand how well the music intertwines with the atmosphere the tracks envelop the player in.


>> No.6844513

Why would you ask a question , and then...???

>> No.6844526


>> No.6844961 [DELETED] 

Christchurch shooting. I ask in every single thread of its kind, because you retards keep POSTING this these gay little threads. You seldom, if ever, point out WHY it's the best game. Attention whoring is all it is.

>> No.6844971

Christchurch shooting. I ask in every single thread of its kind, because you retards keep POSTING these gay little threads. You seldom, if ever, point out WHY it's the best game. Attention whoring is all it is.

>> No.6844984

Best RACING game on the GameCube, easily.

>> No.6844986

Lol imagine being this mad you're willing to bait me with some feeble bait

Sure am glad I live rent free in your head and full well knowing I'm a good enough poster to make an impression you won't forget but please keep seething at the fact that F-Zero GX is an absolute top tier game with top tier music

You can't refute that, newfriend

>> No.6845114

Some of the staff ghosts are something else. I can't even touch the Cylinder Knot staff ghost even though i can manage basically every other track. The ghost's racing line is simply too good on a track that's difficult to drive on to begin with.
Also, if you throw in Quick Turns and other easy tricks into your racing, you'll go way faster. Don't be discouraged from picking it up again.

They caught snaking during development, but kept it in because it let you go faster. None of the staff ghosts use it however.

>> No.6845349

I thought GX was shit. It was like a different physics engine took over after one second of being in the air, making you fall to your death making jumps that felt like they should be possible.

>> No.6845406

X has better music than GX. Death Metal (even if it was faux, all soundfonts) fit F-Zero better than techno.

>> No.6845467

Metal is cringe, though. And how so? I think EDM fits futuristic themes much better.

>> No.6845605
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>> No.6845650

The best thing to come from SA outside of 4chan

>> No.6845694
File: 611 KB, 1266x688, meaning of truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the fucking television in some impotent primal effort to get the thing to work. I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your product – YOUR PRODUCT, YOUR GAME, YOUR CONTRACT BETWEEN DEVELOPER AND CONSUMER THAT THE CONSUMER WILL ENJOY YOUR PRODUCT – but instead the damn thing’s been crawling out of the console and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the console through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your QA or testers or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your games through thought that a person with more than a single fucking digit IQ could enjoy Story Mode Chapter 7. INSULTED.

WORK WITH ME HERE: The goal’s simple enough! Come in first! Hey, that’s fine, it’s just like playing the grand fucking prix; not a problem! Only deal is your cross-eyed team of tongue-slapping wunderkind decided to give the game every single fucking advantage possible TO THE GAME rather than me.

How in the fuck does Black Shadow – whose car is the heaviest and lamest piece of shit next to the Crazy Bear – suddenly become SO FUCKING GOOD that he can stay in first without using a drop of boost? Huh!? Why!? You never see this shithead anywhere near the top fucking 20 in a normal race. BUT HO HO HO THIS TIME HE’S MEGA-COCK, THE FASTEST FAGGOT IN THE WORLD. 1.21 GIGAWATTS MARTY, LET’S GO BACK TO THE FUCKING FUTURE.

But it’s not just Black Shadow with the magical powers, it’s the entire fucking lineup of racers! THEY’RE ALL FASTER THAN YOU. AND DON’T REQUIRE ANY BOOST.

>> No.6845704
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But but but I of course, am still driving some piece of shit hamster-powered jalopy who guzzles it’s entire energy bar in no less than four fucking boosts! Add to this the entire course just got shitted on by some retarded space tiki volacano god and you’ve got a course full of hazards that’ll drain at least 1/4 of your energy bar JUST BECAUSE IT CAN. WHOOPIE.

HURRR, you say. THAT’S JUST THE CHALLENGE. IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. Well fuck that noise, you lopsided frankenfaced fuckfurter.

Tell me, please, why does the GAME have to win? Huh? What happens when the game wins and I lose? Is there some huge fucking kegger waiting for it when it gets done? Is there money involved? Or perhaps the motives are more sinister. Maybe the game’s family is being held hostage by another game and that game has it’s cock in F-Zero’s wife’s mouth and he’s holding a cell phone up to her and F-Zero can hear her pained moans and cries for help and the asshole game then says, “You beat that cock-sucking human, or I’ll blow her brains out.” I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT. I CAN BE SYMPATHETIC.

It’s not any fun if I can’t win, you faggots. I want to move on. I want to unlock whatever piece of shit clown car you have hidden away from me so I can start racing and get pissed off with that too. When your game prevents me from fully enjoying the product I have bought you have failed in your fucking mission to deliver a game. You lose! You break the contract! You contract the gay and fucking DIE DIE DIE.

>> No.6845875

You lose altitude whenever you're touching the stick. If you can turn using only L and R in the air, you can stay in the air longer. Plus, if you even out and land properly and let go of A when you land, you preserve a shitload of speed.

X has good music, but GX's soundtrack is a 10/10 to me

mission 5 very hard was worse for me

>> No.6845998

For years, I thought White Land II was impossible in the SNES game because I didn't know there were yoke/y axis controls. Guess it's a traditional thing for this series to obfuscate how this works in full. No I never owned the game nor had the manual. Only rented and emulated it.

>> No.6846083

It took me awhile as well, until i got the bright idea to look through the manual. You can actually make that jump if you're going fast enough, but with how the track is laid out that's really hard.

>> No.6846236

>Lol imagine being this mad
You must be an Americunt if you think the post you're responding to is some fag seething the fuck out. Yep. Murder each other at the drop of a hat...
>You seldom, if ever, point out WHY it's the best game.
>"feeble bait"
This is accurate, though..?
>Sure am glad I live rent free in your head and full well knowing I'm a good enough poster to make an impression you won't forget but please keep seething
>when you try too hard, and end up on your stupid mutt face
Good fucking grief... You're full of yourself, aren't you, fag? Utterly laughable.
>...at the fact that F-Zero GX is an absolute top tier game with top tier music
At no point, did the poster you're responding to state the contrary. Spastic.
Rope. Tree. You know the rest...

>> No.6846523

X had drifting, and snaking is essentially multi-drifts. Snaking is in the GX instruction booklet, and drifting was in the X booklet too. I don't think they are unintentional

I enjoyed GX but it's not as good as X and :

1) It's too hard
2) The driving physics are too slippery
3) You never feel you can angle your car, you notice this especially on jumps.

It is still good though. Best Gamecube game? Don't know about that, but it certainly had a lot of replayability, I was playing F Zero GX well into 2006. Graphics were mindblowing at time, too.

>> No.6846582

I've spent a lot more time with GX and I find it more fun to play than X which i can't really seem to enjoy as much for whatever reason.

>> No.6846632

>Snaking is in the GX instruction booklet
I recall no such thing. Also if anything, i find X harder as far as Master Grand Prix is concerned.

>> No.6846650

Has anyone here seen the insanity that is the pilot profile movies?

>> No.6846664

If you master drifting on X it is hella fun. I also prefer the 80s hair metal / comic book styling of X, but the electro/metal futuristic styling of GX is cool in its own way.

I find X Master GP easy, you just need to boost at the start of 2nd lap and end of 3rd and you basically win every track

I had to use the custom car "Eliminator" to win the two later cups on Master in GX. I came close with normal cars but found it too difficult.
I also only ever unlocked about half the Story Mode cars on Very Hard ... I came very close to the GP chapter and Save Jody!, but Ive never even been remotely able to beat Deathborn or the Phantoms. And not for lack of trying!

>> No.6846675

Do you have to complete cups on Master to get these?

>> No.6846683

I've always thought Samurai Goroh should be in Smash Bros.

>> No.6846702

I love how everyone in the F-Zero universe is absolutely ripped, even the women and aliens and old blokes and stuff.

>> No.6846746

I've beaten Ruby with every machine on Master. The Fat Shark is a free win handed to you on a silver platter there, the thing's booster is powered by the god of rubberbanding. Emerald's rough, but again, if you know Quick Turns and Momentum Throttling, easy.
You're not winning on Phantom Road though. So spend the entire Diamond Cup murdering everyone so your 28th place finish doesn't hurt as much.

>> No.6846757

Yes. Ruby Cup isn't that hard to do it in. Don't be afraid to spam boosts and let go of A when you're 150+ kmh above your nonboosting top speed.

>> No.6847501

>Race time yeeeeha-
>just gotta reach the finish line so i can just finish this cup and see what th-(GAME OVER, START FROM BEGINNING)

>> No.6847664

>but not worth flying to Japan (the only place I've seen it) to experience.
There was an AX cabinet at an arcade near me back in 2002. It was how I unlocked most of the AX characters.

>> No.6847670

Why can't we have a new F-Zero? Is it truly so much to ask for, surely a good racing game can't be that hard to make.

>> No.6847704

>he doesn't know how to control his own machine
>he doesn't know how to fight back to restore his hp and life count
Protip, actually calibrate your controller's deadzone in the options.

>> No.6847759

Considering the speed and the fidelity of the visuals? Yes you are, dumbass
>MGS remake
Only game that fits that criteria, since it's built on the MGS2 engine.

>> No.6847763

>but not worth flying to Japan (the only place I've seen it) to experience
There was arcade here in TX that had it.

>> No.6847773
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>> No.6847783

>Souless music
Please eat a nigger dick and kys

>> No.6847789

>doesn't post the Port Town and Aeropolis themes
Honestly, the weakest song in the lineup is Casino Palace and it's not even bad, it's just that every other theme is 10/10

>> No.6847809
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>Because it was made by Sega

>> No.6847819


>> No.6847830
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>tfw running with the Fat Shark
>tfw that boost

>> No.6847837

I like all 3 F-Zeros but for me, F-Zero > F-Zero X > F-Zero GX. Soundtrack really lets down the latest entry.

>> No.6847856
File: 309 KB, 469x440, it's been one of those days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snes that high
It aint a bad game but X and GX were an unbelievable step up. Is it just the music you're into?

>> No.6847863

It has more frenetic gameplay, OST is the best in the series, it still holds out visually very well (better than F-Zero X). I suggest trying it on bsnes hd.

>> No.6847870

The tracks feel deadlier, I'll give you that. Especially Fire Field. But the fact you cannot ever get ahead because the ai will warp to be 1 second behind you at all times felt cheap to me

>> No.6847873

You have to be on top of your butt blocking game to succeed at expert or master, yes. Rubberbanding is a necessary evil with these kinds of games unfortunately, it's no gran turismo.

>> No.6847886

Isn't it flat out impossible to win Death Wind 1 on Master with the Golden Fox unless you get the backboost every single time?
Also, when the rubberbanding means the game can be within half a second of the TAS even with shortcuts that skip 90% of the track, there's a problem

>> No.6848164

>tfw the lava sections were exclusive to story mode levels

>> No.6848452

This is only the best game for people with ADHD. Its a 7/10 game

>> No.6848563

That’s just you, dude.

>> No.6848578

>OST is the best in the series
I love it too but have you noticed how Port Town sounds like Maniac by Michael Sembelo?

>> No.6848710

Oh so you just suck at the game then. Ok.

>> No.6848923

is climax actually hard? i never played it but it's predecessor GP legends is probably the easiest F-zero game.

>> No.6849110

Is this techno?

Is THIS techno?


>> No.6849310

>Best RACING game on the GameCube, easily.
not wrong, and it's a fantastic game, but the cube didn't exactly have an embarrassment of riches in the racing department.

>> No.6849951

>Pico shoots up a ton of shit, and this probably the only normal movie
>Deathborn destroys everything while Deathborn cheers himself on while watching a movie about himself
>John Tanaka gets cucked
>Draq fucks up the suicide finish while playing F-Zero and punches the TV
>the several movies where there's a laundromat mishap
>Gomar and Shioh shit together
>And you'd think that Captain Falcon would have a bounty hunting video after what he been though in the story mode and being mostly serious But instead after saving Mrs. Arrow's baby his jumpsuit rips

>> No.6850016

Necessary? Rubberbanding is never necessary, it is always cheap.
The notorious difficulty is a transparent and highly unnecessary gimmick to distract people from saying it doesn't offer much over the N64 version. It shifts the discussion to how hard it is and ways to finally beat it. It's like why, I bought a game for entertainment and moderate difficulty, not an exam in autism.