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6836946 No.6836946 [Reply] [Original]

The Kingpin "remaster" will be running on Unity instead of idtech, please understand.


>> No.6836958
File: 525 KB, 1200x1600, stallman9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6837053

Well, this sucks.

>> No.6837070

remaster is pointless anyway, you can play kingpin just fine on a modern pc in high resolution with a patch, so why bother?

>> No.6837079

>"enhanced mode" screenshot
All I needed to see. It's going to look so "same teacher teaching different subject"

>> No.6837376

Fuck Gearbox

>> No.6837380

Why would they advertise the fact they ruined the lighting? Seems very deliberate to have the bald man in shadow. The change in camera angle makes the characters look really short too.

>> No.6837404

What's fucking enhanced about that screenshot? The room is smaller, the models and textures are the same and the lighting looks like a shitty ENB plugin. And why no idtech2? Yes, i think Kingpin changed it in some ways (hence it is not not compatible with sourceports, which is a damn shame) but is is open fucking source, sure as hell it is easier to make than a complete port?

>> No.6837423

They lost the source code for the original game. And instead of trying to make a new idtech2 fork they decided to just throw the assets into Unity.

>> No.6837424
File: 614 KB, 853x480, Screenshot_2020-09-06 Kingpin Reloaded Before After Teaser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new quest system
I am actually curious about this.

>> No.6837484

Damn shame.
The pool of retro shooters to port on modern systems is getting smaller and smaller though. I wish someone will take Cybermage, it just needs a couple of quality of life features like being able to remap all control buttons and use all of the keyboard for that.

>> No.6837506

It’s made by 3D Realms you retard.

>> No.6837581

Would have to license out IdTech? If so then this is fine. Why give money to bethshitsa?

>> No.6837597
File: 40 KB, 331x132, 1560402228549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why give money to bethshitsa?
I've read some posts of anons saying that apparently bethesda is not even interested in licensing idtech engine

>> No.6837606

I mean, if you read their statement it seems like it's quite an undertaking they did. They literally scrapped their first attempt and started from scratch this way to make a better version and youve discarded their effort to just "they slapped some shit together".

Who the fuck cares it's in unity so long as it's good. It's clearly not some shit indie platformer off of Kickstarter or something.

>> No.6837632

Well for one thing, you won't be able to bhop in multiplayer anymore. And many other small things will be different since it's a completely different engine now.

>> No.6837657

Why wouldn't you? They'll obviously recreate the movement as accurately as possible

>> No.6837664

I'll be the first to eat a crow if someone implements bhopping in Unity. It's a physics bug (feature) heavily tied to how the whole Quake engine works.

>> No.6837669

Probably just a more improved version of that notebook thing

>> No.6837670

There’s plenty of modern games with bunny hopping idiot

>> No.6837675

You do realize the Quake engine is open source, and if devs wanted to recreate anything in it, they can just look at the code, right?

>> No.6837723

yeah but still

Fuck Gearbox

>> No.6837749

Like what? Titanfall? Its engine is Quake based.

It's not cost productive to dismantle Unity's whole movement/physics layer and somehow try to replace it with Quake's. It's not gonna happen.

>> No.6837761

open source doesnt always mean free commercial use

>> No.6837798
File: 64 KB, 895x427, 1596923447880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
From the 3D Realms Discord:
>engine wise, since we arent using idtech
>wat are you using?
>Oh it actually is unity straight up then
>to an extent, tho the original code remade for it
>Ahh okay that makes a bit more sense
>plus as we said initially, bethesda is not interested in licensing the idtech engine anymore. so not much choice in this regard

>> No.6837818

loved this game when it first released, but the hitscan ground my gears

>> No.6838490
File: 33 KB, 640x349, Screenshot_2020-05-07 Frederik Schreiber on Twitter Was the Kingpin Life of Crime Sourcecode ever released If not, we have.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6839820

The Quake engine is GPL, and most developers avoid looking at GPL software because you are risking yourself to be forced to release the source code.

>> No.6840574
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 1579445581814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally zero reason to ever play Kingpin again. It was not a good game. Its only claim to fame was all the "groundbreaking" profanity in the dialogue. Here, I'll save you the trouble:

There you go, that's every "fuck" from Kingpin, now you don't have to play it.