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6837398 No.6837398 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from SOTN what's the best Castlevania game?

>> No.6837448

the original

>> No.6837457

Kys Igafag.

>> No.6837476

c4 or rondo. the debate goes on

>> No.6837478

>Aside from SOTN
False premise. 1, 3, 4, Bloodlines, and Rondo are all better than SotN

>> No.6837480


>> No.6837485

this is a metroidvania board now, deal with it.

>> No.6837486

The Game Boy sequel.

>> No.6837494
File: 138 KB, 1024x576, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best castlevania was the first one. Cozy horror trope aesthetic, challenging but fair, best music, best upgrades. It's the best game.

>> No.6837510

Rondo PSP remake. Has extra bosses.

>> No.6837667


And Order of Ecclesia for Metroidvania entries

>> No.6837678

Simon's Quest

>> No.6837682

What's with the freemium Android shit?

>> No.6837708

>challenging but fair
busted ass controls is not fair

>> No.6837715

>another SOTN makes /vr/ seethe episode

>> No.6837784

HoD, no doubt

>> No.6838065
File: 252 KB, 738x738, AoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd say this, but I think my second favorite after SotN is Aria.

I was SO against the entire idea of this game when it was first revealed. I hated that they were setting a Castlevania game in the future.

That gameplay though... Great game.

>> No.6838339

I agree with you but I put Rondo ahead of C4

>> No.6838454

Kinda funny how we have like 5 more games to throw in the discussion now.

>> No.6838463

according to the repeated shitposts in the pc engine thread

rondo of blood is the only one worth a shit and literally the only reason to fuck w/ the cd addon whatsoever.

obv not entirely true
but i will be burning a copy to check out.

i havent played any of the others besides the original nes one

>> No.6838513

Blood Gear > Rondo of Pedo

>> No.6838523


>> No.6838790

Classicvania and IGAvania are practically different franchises, comparing them is pretty retarded.

In terms of Classicvania my favorite is Rondo of Blood.
IGAvania is Portrait of Ruin, with Aria/SotN being runners up.

>> No.6839194

What's "busted" about the controls?

>> No.6839316

I really like Circle of the Moon. I think I've replayed that the most after SotN

>> No.6839328


>> No.6839552

>look mom i posted it again

>> No.6839563

if only we EVER got a game takin blace in THE BATTLE OF 1999

>> No.6839590

Play any CV and pretend it's set it 1999

>> No.6839612

Unironically this. I’ll be totally honest though, if I hadn’t woken up early for school one day and caught a particular episode of a TV show I think was called Video Power, I’d never even have figured out how to use the Holy Water and Crystal Orbs and shit to uncover pretty much everything you need to progress in the game.

>> No.6839615


>> No.6839635

Aria of sorrow

>> No.6840530


>> No.6840540

how about the fact that "go up the stairs" and "use special item" is the same button, so anytime you try to fight a guy near stairs you're mad as fuck
or the fact that you can't move forward when jumped. you have to be moving forward before you jump.
and hit detection in general can be just fucking baffling. I know it's an old game but even compared to mario it's very primitive

>> No.6842115

Metal Vania
N64 for me

>> No.6842363

By far Aria of Sorrow.

>> No.6842442

Honest tough, not trying to shitpost, what is it about Aria that makes people praised it as a pinnacle of the metroidvanias, considering the previous 2 attempts where trying to hard to up SOTN and failed, specially the disaster that was Harmony of Dissonence which was SOTN Very-Lite and look piss poor

Didnt helped that morons in some old game mags were praising CoTM as having ''graphics that stand againts SoTN and look like PS2'', heck they even said the same about HoD, and i was dissapointed when i played CoTM and it looked like an early SNES game instead of the graphical scope of SOTN.

>> No.6842457

i like aria because is NOT trying to be SOTN, the soul capture mechanic completly changes how the game plays

in SOTN all you need is the right stuff to progress, in ARIA you need the right soul, there are hidden souls, there are hidden parts that only be unlocked with secret souls

is the natural progression of SOTN.

>> No.6842474

It's not fun because it's castlevania in the same way SOTN wasn't a classic castlevania game. it's simply a great metroidvanian game. Of the best in fact.

So yeah....

>> No.6842568


>> No.6842581

>how about the fact that "go up the stairs" and "use special item" is the same button
This is a problem.
>you can't move forward when jumped.
This is not a problem.
>and hit detection in general can be fucking baffling.
I've never noticed many inconsistencies. I've played through the game hundreds of times and I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

>> No.6842727


>> No.6842884

How come Bloodlines is more expensive than 4 and SOTN?