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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 356x500, Silent_Hill_3_-_North-american_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6830885 No.6830885 [Reply] [Original]

>SH 3: literally no plot developments until you reach Heather's house about 40 % into the game
>SH 4: by the time you reach hospital halfway through the game you already know who the villian is, his motivation and plans leaving no major surprises for the second half

Why, Konami, why?

>> No.6830897

not retro

>> No.6830960

Konami was never good

>> No.6831379
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And yet SH 3 is better and doesn't shit the bed half way through by doing retarded shit like a game long escort quest, ruining the atmosphere with burping nurses positioned at the perfect place to fall down a staircase and burp all the way down and repeating the same levels over and over.

>> No.6831402

>order RE4 clone with Scrubs humour
>the development collapses
>the new team has no money and no time
>despite that they manage to make game somewhat resembeling Silent Hill although story is fucked
>Konami still forces you to use their fancy prerendered cutscenes which actively undermain the story even more
Why, Konami, why?

>> No.6831408

Origins? I actually like it a lot more than 4

>> No.6831420

SH4's sound design was god-awful, Yamaoka music aside. The first thing you hear after the ceiling fan/piano opening is a very stock and recognizable scream.wav

>> No.6831421

>. The first thing you hear after the ceiling fan/piano opening is a very stock and recognizable scream.wav
lmao I forgot about that bit.

>> No.6831424

It is alright but characterization is all over the place as well as character motivation (especially Kaufmann). Worse that og 4 and SM for me but still passable.

>> No.6831431

Check out the sticky, slowpoke.

>> No.6831434

>playing SH for the story and not the atmosphere
Why, anon, why? 4's got lots of problems though.

>> No.6831437

4 frustrates me. It has genius moments and some of the creepiest places and moments in the series, but 50% pasta, ghosts, and stock sounds really take the shine off of it.

>> No.6831452

Feel the need to culture everyone with the best fan film ever, for Silent Hill or anything.

https://vimeo.com/160290643 password: SilentHillPassword2020 (no idea why they password this stupid video, haha)

>> No.6832371

3 does definitely have some flaws but I think the chapel is my most favorite dungeon area in the series, I like how heather draws the map over a kids drawing and the great spooks (crying allyssa's blood foot prints, the best spooky tracks in that game and the scary backtracking part with the strange circle room)

>> No.6832375

Don't care, not retro.

>> No.6832387

Never ever why do you do this to yourself?

>> No.6832429

The biggest mistake in classic SH is reusing the same formula of 1 for 2 and 3, and deviating less from it each time. It was really disappointing how dungeons went from a surprise in 1 to a boring and predictable process in 3. It's a result of the short development time, but still.

>> No.6832503

I did like how elaborate the visuals and design of the dungeons from 3 were though, in terms of puzzles and what the player had to do to proceed. Even if they weren't innovative they were very elaborate.

>> No.6832515

The motel section in Origins is great.

>> No.6832543

He's in his own Silent Hill. Forever doomed to stalk this board and type "not retro" into threads he doesn't like, never actually changing anything.

>> No.6832554

really? why? it's so boring

>> No.6832556

>tank controls
>actually good game
looks retro to me, maybe you're not retro

>> No.6832578

They look like Threads to you?

>> No.6832614

The subway has some of my favorite environmental design in the series, the way you progress is very clever. They definitely got better at that over time at least

>> No.6832616
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Get good niggers

>> No.6832630
File: 3.39 MB, 1800x2400, Maximinus_Thrax_Musei_Capitolini_MC473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speed running a horror game
>something all about atmosphere
Why do people do this

>> No.6832640

I honestly don't know. Playing it over and over ruins your ability to appreciate it as an experience

>> No.6832647

SH3 was originally going to have another spinoff story like 2 and was apparently going to be a rail shooter for some reason. It does feel like with the story and even the gameplay sometimes that they didn't know what to do.

SH4 had some good ideas but I think they really didn't understand in general how repetitive the game would become. It had a lot of good ideas, but having to explore every area again to find candles after already exploring them earlier wasn't as fun, and some slight alterations to the levels and escorting Eileen wasn't enough to change things up.

It's kind of sad how strong the series started out and how it became more and more troubled with each title. I wonder if having to make these kinds of games eventually starts affecting the developers, or if it was mainly just because of corporate interference.

>> No.6832685

Its one of those things you just come to every once a while, seeing it all the time kills it. I guess RE is better suited for it given its more arcadey but still

>> No.6832694

Why do people always assume you can only play in one way? You're a retarded nigger, I must've played through SH1 about 20 times soaking it all in and diving into the lore before I decided to make it interesting and challenge myself. Looks to me you're intimidated by skill, you'll fit right in with modern games.

>> No.6832709

Struck a nerve?

>> No.6832710

>literally did what anon said
Retardius maxiumus, its not that you aren't skilled. Its that playing it over and over drains your ability to be scared by it. Play something more like RE 3: Mercanaries if you're going to speed run something

>> No.6832713

Seethe and dilate

>> No.6832716

Silent Hill 4 isn't a Silent Hill game. SH4 fucking sucks ass.

>> No.6832731

seethe incel

>> No.6832734

Technically true, it was originally only going to be called "The Room" but it was always going to be related to Silent Hill. I think they just wanted to do something different by exploring areas outside of the town itself more and more focus on combat. You can kind of tell they wanted to focus more on combat with 3 with them improving melee and making it a bigger focus, but it didn't work out so well there.

>> No.6832746

Thanks for the spoilers asshole. I was waiting for 6th to be allowed to play them.

>> No.6832751
File: 1.08 MB, 1281x6118, 1576923303535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big surprises in the games if you want to call them that aren't really spoiled by the OP. Reminded me to post this here too though:



SH2 torrent:

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help

>> No.6832773

You the last holdout or something? Honestly there's been plenty of halfway decent pre 2001 game threads lately. Better than I've seen here in months, actually. Just fucking get over it. Either contribute to the content you like and ignore the rest, or fuck off.

>> No.6832778

Back to /v/ laddy

>> No.6832781

The apartment is like 20% into SH3 at worst, and the point when you start replaying levels in SH4 isn't the halfway point. It's the ramp up for the end game.

>> No.6832813

>The apartment is like 20% into SH3 at worst
No way. You have the mall, the subway, the construction site, and the office building before the apartment. That's way more than 20% of the game.

>> No.6833141
File: 221 KB, 500x317, 1584715809535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think the first game is the best one? It really bummed me out when they reused assets from 2 for the town itself in 3. I missed the pseudo open world feel of the first game. Just exploring around and finding places like the convenience store was great.

I have yet to play 4 though.

>> No.6833192

quite a lot think the first one is certainly the scariest and best including ... *curtains open* me..
the 2nd and 3rd have great atmosphere though and I really liked the characters.

>> No.6833737

SH3 and 4 are the two best horror games ever
SH2 is the real bad one, worse gameplay out of the first 4 games and the story is overrated and isn't deep or interesting the other games
the occult and religious symbolism in other SH games is better than ''Muh sexual frustration and shit'' story

>> No.6833805

1 and 2 are equally great for different reasons
1 has the best exploration, the most unique ideas, the most engaging game structure, and feels the most complete overall
2 has the best soundtrack, the best characters, the sharpest emotional highs (and lows), and the best cutscene direction
3 has excellent character concepts too but they're just not utilized as well
I also agree regarding the pseudo-open world

>> No.6833914

Dude, you rock. Thanks for sharing these.

>> No.6833980

I like all of the first 3 games a shit ton but yeah, 1 will always be my favorite since I think the aesthetics of the PS1 are highly underrated w and making the game a whole hell of a more scary. Also it's the most fun way to actually play as a game.
I legit don't like 4 and think it's just unfun and bad in a lot of ways/

>> No.6834039

Based and retropilled soul too pure for nu/vr/

>> No.6834061

Sh1 I need to find my daughter
Sh2 I need to find my dead wife
Sh3 I dont have a motivation so randum lol.

>> No.6834141

>Sh3 I dont have a motivation so randum lol.
In SH3 the town comes after her since shes the reincarnation of Alessa and Heather's goal becomes to get home to Harry and GTFO. Only he's dead when she gets there so her motivation is then to get revenge for the cult murdering him and putting an end to it once and for all.

This isn't rocket science so not sure how you're so stupid.

>> No.6834171

>I need to find myself

>> No.6834187

The other games you know the motivation in 1 minute. Dont tell me you know all that stuff about 3 for the first half.

>> No.6834192

Your goal at the start of SH 3 is to get home. It's made pretty clear, so once again not sure how you're so stupid.

>> No.6834439

>the town comes after her
You mean it's Claudia coming after her. The town isn't a sentient stalker.

>> No.6834447

Should have said history of the town, yeah. Cult shit and all that.

>> No.6834449

So all a game needs to be considered retro is tank controls?
Fuck off retard.

>> No.6834454
File: 18 KB, 400x225, 1568802120145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read the sticky, friend. It was updated.

>> No.6834473

Suck a shotgun. Trannyjanny's new sticky will NEVER EVER be considered legit.

>> No.6834495
File: 81 KB, 470x595, 1597016411218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, bitchboy. Things have changed and we're here to stay. Might want to suckle on that shotgun yourself if it upsets you

>> No.6834506

Kill yourself pepe poster.

>> No.6834520
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1581783201250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever

>> No.6834542 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6834548

Go whine on /qa/ I guess.

>> No.6834564

We had countless threads with posts explaining why SH1 is the greatest GAME of the series, while SH2 isn't that great as a game but is top kino as far as STORY is concerned. You aren't the only one to think 1 is better.

>> No.6834695

>Your goal at the start of SH 3 is to get home. It's made pretty clear, so once again not sure how you're so stupid.
Not him, but the motivation in SH3 is terrible. Going home from the mall is not interesting by itself, and isn't made interesting.
Heather also doesn't seem to care when she encounters monsters either. The first one she finds, there's a gun nearby that she grabs and begins shooting. Then life goes on.
SH3 suffered from piss-poor writing probably because of Konami's meddling since the devs actually wanted a darker story.
The first two are much more gripping, and immersive.

>> No.6834727

Yeah it's weird how she seems indifferent to the monsters at some points and even jokes about it sometimes. I think 3 had good ideas but it felt like they were rushing to wrap up the story, probably because it's not something they really wanted to do. But I think they would've needed more than one game to make the story and character arc feel more natural.

>> No.6834774

SH1 has an objectively good story.

>> No.6834858
File: 6 KB, 228x210, 1554262691623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that scene before the Leonard fight
almost dropped the game right there, what were they thinking?

>> No.6834971

That seemed like a low point to me too that shattered the atmosphere. I guess they wanted to emphasize her being a teenager who could be a bit snarky but that was a really poor time to do it.

>> No.6835071


>> No.6835093

>let me suck mod dick

>> No.6835113
File: 519 KB, 2560x1440, long legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had the best spooky visuals, I enjoyed it

>> No.6835275

Haven't played this in a while, so I looked it up:
Christ, that's bad...

>> No.6835491

Not him but for me it introduces The Cedar Grove Sanitarium and The Artaud Theather, two of the most unsettling and disturbing areas of the franchise.

>> No.6835501

Did she really just try to pull off a Leon?

>> No.6835762
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