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6830007 No.6830007 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: "How the fuck was I supposed to figure that out without a guide?"

>> No.6830014

clearly you’re retarded with that aspect

>> No.6830015

You were supposed to buy a Nintendo Power magazine

>> No.6830139
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not like it ever burned overworld objects besides grass, or ever worked on skulls

>> No.6830161
File: 54 KB, 650x365, legend of mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everything in this game

I play it every so often because i feel like I should love it, then by the end I kinda hate it.

>> No.6830240

That's the beauty of BotW, they could finally indulge all our pyromaniac dreams.

>> No.6830264

Secret of Mana is the same way, runs out of steam HARD in the third act


>> No.6830501

It's the Zelda Logic. You gotta use the item you found in the same dungeon to progress in it. The bettle's horn just screams "burn me."

>> No.6830505


>> No.6830680

It's an adventure game. You're supposed to explore every nook and cranny, and typically, you're rewarded in some way for doing so. This is a bizarre thread. Too weird. I'm going for a lie down now.

>> No.6830690

I figured it out without a guide, you must be dumb

>> No.6830760

And what did you "figure out"? Diving around randomly isn't figuring something out. It's just a guess.

>> No.6830765

Criticize anything in Zelda and a legion of sois will come out to belittle you for not having the appropriate psychic link with Kyoto to solve their inscrutable and badly-designed puzzles.

>> No.6830782

Zelda puzzles were literally made to be solved by children

>> No.6830786

lol given that I managed to figure that out when I was 9 without a guide I'd say you've chosen a poor example

>> No.6831572

I played this when I was like 9, and I still new to dig everywhere and dive everywhere, in case something hidden was there.

You are just dumb.

>> No.6831708
File: 3 KB, 160x144, LA_boomerang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally 100%'d my childhood file of LA last year. You are right, I had to resort to looking up the solution online. That one, and another one that's on a cave, on a hidden room that you find when you blow up a wall with a bomb, the thing is, the wall there doesn't have any indication (cracked wall) that you can break it, it's just a normal wall on a random cave.
Those were the only 2 that are bullshit. The rest of the game (all the other heart pieces and all the seashells) were hidden in reasonable places that you could figure out.
However, I also agree with these guys:
While these 2 heart pieces are very randomly hidden, there's still a chance you'd come across them while exploring. For example, whenever I was swimming in the game, I'd randomly push the B button to dive, there are 1 or 2 secrets that you find by diving, so you think there might be more stuff hidden somewhere. It's just in a very random place without any visual cue that there's something there, but it's not something impossible to find either.
Same with the hidden room behind the wall on the cave, you can check which walls are breakable by the sound your sword makes when you hit the wall.
Basically, if you're a kid and only have a few games, there's a chance you will explore every single tile and do every single thing you can do in every tile to get the most out of the game.
It's bullshit in a way, but at the same time it's just the final heart, which isn't needed to see the end of the game or anything, nothing really changes if you get all hearts, it's just the fact you've 100%'d the game.
As I said, everything else in the game was logically hidden, especially the seashells. Those are fun to hunt.
Also, playing the game last year I also found about the boomerang for the first time, blew my mind.

>> No.6831717

I never in a million years would have thought to go under the bridge in LttP to get the last bottle until I looked it up, I just never assumed it was something you could go under. In hindsight it makes sense now considering there are stairs going into the water on the right side, which would feel out of place if the developers allowed you to get into the water only to swim up to a dead end one panel away.

>> No.6831753

I'm very proud of the fact that I've almost 100% OoT without looking a single thing up. I have single digit Skulltulas and six heart pieces left, but I've hit a dead end with one thing, and I think it's going to keep me from completing it. I've spent days looking around, and have no idea where the thing could be.

>> No.6831783

This. If we all figured it out when we were seven before the Internet was what it is now, there's no excuse.

>> No.6831785

Speaking of which, how were you supposed to get to those stairs on the right if you already returned the flying rooster? that's how I did it when I played it, but I don't know how you would do it without it, since I am pretty sure you can't get it back.
I am close to a 100% finish of LA but I'm still missing 5 fucking pictures and I swear I have been everywhere

>> No.6831791

You can't, but what's there is a seashell.
There's more secret seashells in the game than what you need, so the extra ones become rupees I think? So you're not really missing anything.

>> No.6831837

Doesn't mean anything except you have to be too young and stupid to question the game's mechanics.

>> No.6831853

Not him, but there's nothing wrong with the mechanics. As I said here: >>6831708, the game provides you with what you need in order to find them (the flippers, and the fact you can hear if a sound is breakable by swinging your sword, no need to waste bombs).
I agree that these 2 were most likely designed for selling guide books, but at the same time it's not impossible to find them randomly if you explore enough, and also again, the final heart is not really needed, it's just an extra for players who like to explore.

>> No.6831889

what was the point of the shield that's sold at the store? You start the game with a shield and I am pretty sure you can't get rid of it

>> No.6831894

I believe you can lose your shield if you get eaten by Like-Likes? Maybe, I can't remember for sure.

>> No.6831956
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There was NOTHING to indicate there was anything under this floating platform. The camera angle in the cutscene that occurred when you raised the water level in the middle tower just made things worse.

>> No.6831991

What was under that platform?

>> No.6832007

You didn't. Guides need to sell themselves, don't they.

>> No.6832013

I just played that dungeon like two days ago, and you definitely see there's a hole under there when you raise the water level.

>> No.6833069

A hallway leading to a Small Key. You could spend hours searching the dungeon from top to bottom but if you missed that key you weren't going anywhere.


Well I'll be. I don't remember the hole being that prominent.

>> No.6833253

Is it hard to be this stupid or does it come naturally?

>> No.6833376

good thing thats clearly not grass or a skull

>> No.6833382

there's a lot of stupid shit in link's awakening that isn't even optional and you pick this

>> No.6833385

There was NOTHING to indicate there was anything under this floating platform. I also avoided the main gimmick of the temple for reasons
is this seriously why normies think the water temple is hard? that never even registered to me as an obstacle

>> No.6833390

>look at map
>see there's a chest in the room beneath the main chamber
>see there's a block in the way
>raise water so it floats
this is how puzzle-solving works

>> No.6833407

i like how you're complaining about a piece of heart all the while happily doing the forced ghost fetch quest

>> No.6833649

Surprise surprise the game is shit.

>> No.6833701

Like-Likes spit the shield out if you kill them, but if you leave the screen or they get knocked into a pit, the shield's gone for good.

The Mirror Shield can't be eaten, likely due to it being (technically) mandatory to reach Turtle Rock.

>> No.6833703

I recall doing a lot of random swimming and diving everywhere when I first got the flippers. I think finding that Piece of Heart was dumb luck for me.

>> No.6833857

thats the skull and bone of a beetle..so...yes it is

>> No.6833867

The ghost quest is soulful as fuck.

>> No.6833878


I am playing this on a hacked 3DS, and I get so frustrated when I get to close to an interactable object, and "IT...IS...TOO...HEAVY..TO..MOVE..WITHOUT" comes across the screen EVERY time.

>> No.6833891

They fucked that up on the DX version of the game. The OG monochrome version lets you skip any text box by pressing B.
Also it stops once you get the power bracelets.

>> No.6833902
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>the magic tower where you get ultima'd without Terra
>even finding Terra

Faggot ass staircase.

>gameboy final fantasy adventure
>palm trees of 8

>zelda ocarina of time
>walking through a random wall/skeleton

>point and click adventure games like Myst

>> No.6833903

That colored block moving position is literally meant to be the clue. I mean really. It floats Georgie.

>> No.6833917
File: 2.84 MB, 1440x1080, 1570246744555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any rhyme or reason to this puzzle, at all? Every time I play, I just bruteforce it.

>> No.6833987

>proud of almost winning
What the fuck is wrong with zoomers.

>> No.6833998

To be fair, i think the problem with this one is that it comes too soon in the dungeon, when players havent yet fully realized how changing water levels open up new areas. Yea, I got filtered by it in my very first run, when I was 8.

>> No.6834271

You were very close to comprehending the whole sentence though!

>> No.6834493

This fucking so much.

>> No.6834521

Why are you so dumb?

>> No.6834861

you didn't get what he was saying. he's not proud of winning, he's proud of half assing something and giving up when it gets too hard. but at least he did a slightly better job than someone else who also gave up. that's actually more in line with zoomer mentality.

>> No.6836085

Nuke this board already, please.

>> No.6836112
File: 172 KB, 719x1088, pickaxe DS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6836134

running the pig around the world actually seems pretty intuitive

>> No.6836426


I feel that way about Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (which also fits in this thread).

>> No.6836440

Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but I recall playing Pokemon Yellow for the first time and not having any guides on what to do, which lead to me being stuck in a cave for like 3 days.

>> No.6836457

the entirety of leisure suit larry

>> No.6837689

That was literally every child's first experience with Pokemon Gen 1. Mt Moon was a real bastard.

>> No.6837754
File: 157 KB, 480x600, 6456890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2005 Windows now retro
This whole game

>> No.6838504

as I kid I found this one easily, but missed the cracked wall during the zora cutscene and had to use a guide

>> No.6838756

You mean the camera angle that specifically showed you that there was a chest under that platform?

>> No.6838813

you were supposed to be 9 and still think girls are gross so you spend all your time bombing walls instead of fapping to porn

>> No.6838857

You're all retarded, the chest that the key is in is visible on the map, you should have been able to puzzle it out based on that.

>> No.6838861

That's what I call getting filtered like a maladroit dunderhead.

>> No.6838871

the only one that is off-color in the hint is the sword statue, and the only one you don't push in

>> No.6838884

Imagine getting filtered by the magic tower. Fucking idiot tripfag.

>> No.6838893
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>> No.6838906

hi god! i remember how tedioua and unintuitive this part was you fucker!

>> No.6838952

I love this. I remembered having no trouble with this section when I was a kid, then went through the whole game again with this knowledge of people bitching about the water temple, and after I finished it I had to ask around where the part that got people stuck was. When they showed me this I just fucking laughed.

>> No.6839037

Brainlet alert. Level 11 brainlet detected in sector vr.

>> No.6839049
File: 2.13 MB, 2840x2896, Rayman_PS1EUcov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole game

>> No.6839052

Imagine being so retarded you can't finish a zelda game

>> No.6839131

>but I did it when I was 9!
I had no issue playing stupid quests when I was 9 and I just 'had to finish' the game no matter how utterly stupid it was. So, checking out every god damn pixel was normal.
But that doesn't mean it was in any way intuitive.

>> No.6840150

>ITT incompetent zoomers
In my day CRPGs took months to beat and we were FINE with it.