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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 46 KB, 768x768, Astro-Boy-Omega-Factor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6814774 No.6814774 [Reply] [Original]

>$80 for a loose cart

>> No.6814796

And that's a good thing, here's why

>> No.6814808

>And that's a good thing, here's why
based, I feel like this line is a staple for 2010s culture.

>> No.6814819

Did the price go up a lot in the past six years? Got a loose copy of the game for my birthday back in 2014, so I guess maybe a loose copy was like $30-$40 back then?

>> No.6814829
File: 435 KB, 500x397, astroboy_omega4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my loose copy for $4, not even kidding. This was in 2009 though.

>> No.6814997

Shut the fuck up

>> No.6815258

That's what you get for being EOP, you pay EOP prices.

>> No.6816164

lol what the fuck did rustle you so much about that post?

>> No.6816174

On a normal basis, I'd call you based, but in this specific case, Omega Factor got a better version on the USA release compared to the japanese original release.

>> No.6816180

IS this like a good game or something?

>> No.6816186

Why don't you play it and find out yourself?

>> No.6816192

I'm not much of an astroboy fan. That's why i'm wondering

>> No.6816208
File: 923 KB, 474x316, astroboy_omega.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's a great action game on its own, one of the best on GBA. Also you might get interested in Astro Boy (and Tezuka in general) after playing it.

>> No.6816248

seriously why the fuck are these old games worth anything? I traded them all in to eb games for peanuts. oh well

>> No.6816262

We've all been through that anon.

>> No.6816265

oh dang it does look fun! I'll give it a shot! Thank's anon

>> No.6816314
File: 183 KB, 640x963, 06269F7B-74BD-40D5-8A42-AD34D756A2E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816325

>$0 for a loose rom

>> No.6816332
File: 69 KB, 648x394, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$80 for 5MB


>> No.6816346

Pretty nice, PAL guys got it easier.

>> No.6816357

So if it was 80MB it'd be worth the 80 bucks?

>> No.6816397

Pirate it.

It's a licensed game.
Whoever published it was only allowed to profit off it for a very short time frame. After that, it's treated by the developers and publishers as if it never existed, no matter how much quality it had.

That type of games rarely get salvaged for a later re-release, and even that is temporary (Konami's TMNT Turtles in Times), part of another new temporary project (Ducktales, Castle of Illusion), or is directly published by the license holder through their own publishing branches (so Disney, Jump's special NES Classic) and rarely any license rescues happened beyond the Super NES.

>> No.6816405

I played it ages ago on emulators, I just wanted to own the real thing since it's one of my favorites.

>> No.6816662
File: 4 KB, 228x232, astro_atlas_omega_factor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally completed my omega factor

>> No.6816673

damn nigga did you download the entire gba library?

>> No.6816693

Seriously? I saw a CiB at a store for $70.

>> No.6816697

US or PAL?

>> No.6816705

$80 for a rare and really good game is a pretty fair price. If you just want to play it's easily emulatable so it's not like price is a problem unless you're a collector in which case it's a decent investment.

>> No.6816741
File: 1.29 MB, 3410x1251, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the entire library and then took out (most of) the garbage to end up with this.

You can get the NoIntro torrent from /t/.

>> No.6816764


>> No.6816772

crazy that all those games takes up, what, 4 gigs?

>> No.6816786

3.3 GB yeah

ROM hoarding + emulation has broken me entirely from spending money on vidya. It's been nice.

>> No.6816805

the entire GBA library is 13.3 GB

>> No.6816808

wild. what's the entire genesis + snes library? cuz those games are like 200 kb lol

>> No.6816817
File: 10 KB, 217x320, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps1 redump is like 500gb compressed

>> No.6816938

damn dog, that's a good price.

>> No.6817143

I spend money when it will support a developer that I like. It's how I look at it. So there are certain games I don't mind paying decent money for or buying the DLC because I really liked what I played and wanted to support it.

But paying a collector/reseller who's just trying to make money off of buying low however possible then selling high however possible is of no interest to me. I'll admit I passed over Omega Factor when it came out because I never really cared about Astro Boy and Treasure hadn't been impressing me lately but since having played it, it's a damn good game.

If for some reason Treasure re-releases it where I can reward them for their good work I happily will. Till then, emulating is just fine.

>> No.6817314

>Be 2004
>6 years old
>Shopping at Sam's Club with mom and dad
>See Twin pack of GBA games for $20-$30
>GBA games are Astro Boy and Star Wars: The New Droid Army
>Wanted Astro Boy game because I liked watching the 2003 show on Toonami
>Ask dad to get it
>"Okay anon, but your brother gets the other game"
>Brother got raw end of the deal, but he bought his own copy a couple years later still for cheap

>> No.6817341

>the 2003 show on Toonami
That anime series is amazing, I was surprised when I watched it.

>> No.6817443

I just found out there was another Astro Boy series. Thanks /vr/!

>> No.6817458

Enjoy anon, it really is amazing.
And also play Omega Factor if you haven't.

>> No.6817790

I didn't buy it. Kind of wish I did now.
I'm not usually one to argue about it as I barely watch anime but watch the Japanese version. The main reason is the US version had a different, and greatly inferior, soundtrack. The original Japanese version has amazing orchestral pieces.

>> No.6817873

Thanks for the suggestion, I remember I started watching the US version. I'll be watching the original then. I wasn't too far in yet anyway.
Also, Omega Factor was actually a game that served as promotion for the anime. The story is not as good as the game because it doesn't have all the Tezuka crossovers, but it's still great to see many events of the game in anime form, many of the boss fights appear in it (like the first boss in the first set of stages, the spider mech)

>> No.6817940

goddamn you're a retard, secondaries should shut the fuck up and only speak when asked

>> No.6817950

not him...but what's your problem exactly?

>> No.6817968

Some schizo that has been using "secondary" a lot as an insult.
The internet is weird, idk.

>> No.6818031
File: 311 KB, 1003x796, 3ds-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying GBA games

>> No.6818052

Astro Boy was my childhood. Way cool. Wish I had known about this game as a kid. I would've been all over it.
I did have the PS2 game though and loved it, but never beat it.

>> No.6818192

I'm just surprised how many people were unaware of this cool little 2D platformer action game.

Shit has always been on "**TOP 10 GBA Hidden Gems!!** clickbaity shit for the last 15 years or whatever. The GBA Gunstar Heroes games is good also.

>> No.6818227
File: 449 KB, 1920x1080, gb_micro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it?

>> No.6818261

How huge of a homo do you have to be to play on handhelds lmao

>> No.6818274

Mega Man & Based

>> No.6818284


>> No.6818293


It's really weird, the Japanese version has these beautiful and dramatic orchestral pieces that fit the series so much better. It's a shame since I remember the dub not being bad or anything but it's a real annoyance.

>> No.6818321

you can handhold my dick while I play your handhelds u fag

>> No.6818330

>Did the price go up a lot in the past six years? Got a loose copy of the game for my birthday back in 2014, so I guess maybe a loose copy was like $30-$40 back then?
well it's not exactly a super common game so between that and it being in high demand due to being one of the best games on the system, it's not surprising it's expensive these days on the secondary market

it's one of the best games on the GBA, in terms of graphics, gameplay, and story

>> No.6818342
File: 136 KB, 256x256, Pokémon_box_art_-_Gold_Version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sold over 20 MILLION units
>Sorry bro a boxed copy's gonna run you $300 on ebay
Fake value added to old games is destroying the retro game market

>> No.6818345

>tfw still have my CIB copy of Gold I got in 2001
based me.

>> No.6818353

Is that because so many people just threw away the boxes of GB - GBA? I sure as hell did, I aint keeping this flimsy piece of shit around.

Especially since I'm going to keep the cartridge in a travel case anyways, cause it's a damn Gameboy game.

>> No.6818362

If you weren't an ape, you would have still stored the boxes somewhere in your room along with the manual.

>> No.6818364

You don't need a boxed copy unless you're a collector and that's a whole separate hobby. Jeepers kidsm

>> No.6818381

Some people might enjoy the complete experience, although I agree it's not necessary, it sure is cool to have the box and the manual. Not for crazy prices though.

>> No.6818382

That's wasted space to most people who have no use for the box, or manual after learning how to play.

>> No.6818387

Really? Even as a kid? Nah, fuck that. I remember distinctly trying to keep the manuals floating around just in case, but screw the rest. I'm pretty sure you're the crazy one.

>> No.6818394

>Fake value added to old games is destroying the retro game market
its like the difference between having an OBI and not having an OBI. stuff like that matters to some people

>> No.6818397

for me the manual matters the box not so much

>> No.6818401

Maybe I'm entitled because I had a whole room for myself as a kid, but I never ran out of space, could store dozens of them on my shelves or closet.

>> No.6818417

It feels like you're grasping at straws to experience an era that passed you by and something about that is deeply sad.

>> No.6818436

Not really, I'm even interested in stuff from before I was born. I just think having the complete package is cool, just, as I said, not for crazy prices. Don't think I'm being unreasonable.
It's like when you really like a music album, it's nice to have a physical copy with the inserts and all. Not for every single game or album, but the ones you really like.

>> No.6818441

Meh, it's not like I needed them for anything. Any boxes ir manuals I did keep just sat around for years before eventually being thrown out. Might as well have done it in the first place really.

>> No.6818452
File: 77 KB, 1047x207, Screenshot_2020-09-01_20-54-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6818453

Just accept that having the boxes is cool and you fucked up not taking care of them.
>muh space!
If space is an issue, then maybe video games shouldn't be a priority in your life.

>> No.6818456

I had a room too but many other interests so space was at a premium between books, plants, models etc. I never saw a point in displaying the box of a game, rhe game was the important part abs that fit in a drawer.

>> No.6818461

>6 years old in 2004
4channel is a 18+ site, kid.

>> No.6818470

>, I'm even interested in stuff from before I was born.

That's exactly what I was saying. But whatever, you do you. I gave work tomorrow.

>> No.6818475

LOL what kind of kid were you? Not judging, seems interesting.
I also had a lot of different interests, my shelves and closet was full of VHSs, comic books and toys. Still had some space for vidya boxes. A lot of it was thrown away because my mom would sometimes do that without me asking first, though.

>> No.6818486

I thought you meant that I was trying to relive my childhood or something.
gn anon

>> No.6818495

kek what the fuck. I need to keep a reaction folder of that fish mad at the fishhook.

If you have the boxes in 2020. And you care a lot about them. Then cool I guess dude. I'm doing the same with my PS2 games and I don't know why. Too lazy to price it out I guess.

>> No.6818505

>i-it's not like I wanted the box or anything, b-baka

>> No.6818518

lol ok

Do you ever worry about a natural disaster / housefire taking your shit out? Cause life happens? Or is that all part of the thrill?

>> No.6818543

I do have insurance in the house, yeah. Why do you ask?

>> No.6818549

so you don't own anything in fear it'll get caught in a fire or natural disaster?

>> No.6818609

Does that cover Game Boy boxes?

Sure. But I could pretty easily buy back furniture, computer, desk, TV, consoles, etc. But a precious collection of game-boxes? Hell, even my stack of assorted PS2/360/and fuckton of handheld carts would suck they went to waste, but I wouldn't give a shit for my own sake. There's even a year old copy of my ROM folder at my parents place, so....

I'm just curious why some people feel a slave to their shit. But I'm sure this is a tired board for that endless conversation, hm? I wouldn't know cause I'm here from /v/ for this "retro" PS2 + GBA threads.

>> No.6818651

Your question goes beyond just Game Boy boxes.
People like to have shit, be it favorite books, movies, games, sports team memorabilia, whatever.
The world might end tomorrow for all we know, but you can't live thinking that disaster will strike you any time, humans have mechanism to not think about that all the time and enjoy their lives while they can.
Nobody here expressed that having GB boxes is the reason they live, they just said having them is nice.

>> No.6818707

The probability that even a fraction of the 20M of those things were tossed is so low, not to mention the millions more that never left the distribution centers and are probably sitting in a box sealed somewhere

>> No.6818726

>People like to have shit, be it favorite books, movies, games, sports team memorabilia, whatever.
These all strike me as things you could show off and enjoy with others. With the exception being the books, but I figure there the person reads a lot but can't handle e-books.

I guess I don't hang out with people cool enough to care about a bigass shelf of Gameboy games? My friends would pickup and look over a copy of Pokemon Yellow and then lose interest.

>>Nobody here expressed that having GB boxes is the reason they live, they just said having them is nice.
I don't understand how they survived childhood and/or why you would buy them off Ebay or whatever. But yeah, cool man. There's dumber things to collect.

>> No.6818775

>not to mention the millions more that never left the distribution centers and are probably sitting in a box sealed somewhere
???? dude what? Is that even a thing that happens?

>The probability that even a fraction of the 20M of those things were tossed is so low
Oh okay, really common and popular games seem super dirt cheat complete in box. Sometimes as low as $50! Wow!

>> No.6818802

It's absolutely a thing. What do you think they do with all the unsold shit, throw it in the incinerator? Walmart and every other big box retailer is essentially just a storage container for all their unsold shit.

>> No.6818809

lol, and still hanging around in 2020? What companies are paying for the overhead of all this unsold inventory from 20+ years ago? And it's just hanging out there? Damn, talk about poor management somewhere.

>> No.6818815

any big examples? You would think this would have an impact on some rare game or something

>> No.6818829

There was some dude on /v/ a few years back that would post entire cardboard boxes of sealed GB/GBA games. I can't speak for 2020, but it wasn't uncommon a few years ago. Big box retailers are maintained like shit because they have so much fuck you money it's meaningless if they keep a bunch of old shit in storage.

>> No.6818852

>only example is hearsay of a single post on /v/

>Big box retailers are maintained like shit because they have so much fuck you money it's meaningless if they keep a bunch of old shit in storage.
You know, that's not my industry, but I highly fucking doubt it. Everyone in any halfway decent level of operations is aware of a vague understanding of JIT and lean inventory management. "Fuck you money" doesn't exist down to the store level when everything is ran corporate. Unsold inventory would get sold off in bulk to some reseller not just hang out on a pallet in the corner "cause lol I dunno".

Calling bullshit.

>> No.6818853
File: 16 KB, 356x470, beefy set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storage has never been cheaper, and there's no downside to running PS1 games from an HDD since you can pre-cache the entire disk.

>> No.6818986
File: 228 KB, 640x639, 1599018378934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of /vr/

>> No.6819005
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, 1599018771691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I-It never happened!

>> No.6819038

Random misc shit collected together? And isn't that second pic an used store + a bunch of random accessories. Dude what? You could have posted a picture of a Gamestop that would have made a better point.

How is this suppose to prove there's pallets "of millions" of bulk retro games sitting around in big box retail going un-noticed?


>> No.6819059

>posts chink shit


>> No.6819131

Now that's you being delusional.
Are you all right buddy? You seem a little "off".

>> No.6819147

You obviously failed at math

>> No.6819164

>Now that's you being delusional
>not to mention the millions more that never left the distribution centers and are probably sitting in a box sealed somewhere

Motherfucker, what? Have you already lost track of the bullshit you're pulling out of your ass? Or are you going to say this wasn't you?

Yeah dumbfuck. You posted a Japanese second hand store electronics store that has a tiny corner selling plastic PSP accessories and leftover Saturn games trying to prove that 'big box retail' has 'millions' of unsold inventory of GB games in 2020?? What the actual fuck. Figure out what you're trying to prove?

>> No.6819182

>Walmart and every other big box retailer is essentially just a storage container for all their unsold shit.
No. They literally are not. The distribution center moves our shit around all the time. Giant system. Retro games are not there, otherwise I would have taken them during a night shift.

>> No.6819257

Well, it wasn't me. I was just pointing that old stock CAN exist in retail stores, especially in small town. You also seem a little upset and quite unhinged about it.

>> No.6819323

>Well, it wasn't me.
>doesn't even bother with the screencap
Uh, huh. I'm sure that wasn't you that just got blown the fuck out for saying some dumb shit.

>that old stock CAN exist in retail stores, especially in small town
Yeah, of PS4/XB1 and I'm sure 360/Wii is still kicking around cause of sports titles + shovelware. But to think there's any significant amount of unsold factory sealed GB/GBC/GBA copies in 2020 retail? That's fucking stupid and deserves to be called out.

yeah, probably because it all goes back to the mega-warehouse to be sold online? What do you mean you don't have 200 sealed copies of Bugs Bunny In Crazy Castle 4 in the back? Can you double check for me? Can I speak to your manager?

>> No.6819356

I did once go to some weird closeout store around 2014, that sold sealed copies of Sonic 2 for Game Gear for $2 each.

>> No.6819403
File: 299 KB, 999x892, 1599022795799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The burdens of proof on you. Keep being an aggressive retard without his leach.

>> No.6819476
File: 331 KB, 1024x576, 1599023600176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6819483
File: 243 KB, 1250x1560, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The burden of proof is on me to prove something doesn't exist? How do you expect me to find the proof when the whole point I'm kicking into this retard's skull is that it doesn't exist in the first place? Is that not the exact opposite direction burden of proof would go you absolute dumbfuck?

He did post ONE box of 20 misc sealed games. WOW. You can go buy 20 sealed games from Ebay and put them in a cardboard box. How the fuck does that prove anything on a large scale?

Okay, fine. Here's Walmart's 'retro section'. It's a bunch of cheap emulation shit and such. Because why the fuck would a big box store carry around old retail for literal decades? Have you guys ever worked a job that managed any inventory with any level of turnover? Let alone big box of all things that has to be the king of managing inventory?

>6 years ago
Yeah, that's a rare find, nice. Too bad that's not even big box like the idiot was claiming.

Anyone else got anything? The family dollar down my block has a bunch of copies of Titanfall 2 and Sonic Unleashed. It looks a lot like this actually >>6819005

>> No.6819538
File: 44 KB, 240x313, 1599024218586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checking on the website
What is lost inventory in the backroom.

>> No.6819585

>Mega Man & Bass
Great game, but do yourself a favor and play the Super Famicom version.

>> No.6819647

Two copies of Pokemon. Wow holy shit.

'Lost inventory in the backroom' isn't a thing anymore. For decades at least. This is my whole fucking point. Hyper inventory control doesn't allow it. There's no profit margin left for that kinda thing, because every middle manager (like myself) has to clean up that shit to look good on weekly audits. Again, not my industry at all, but it is my job role. Also >>6819182...There's not a hidden pallet of anything out there. Why would any company do that? And you think they do that for decades?

But hey, looks like there was at least two floating copies of Pokemon from the clearance section four years ago. So that must mean "millions" of units nationally?

And let me ask it this way...Do any of you idiots go to Walmart clearance sections looking for retro games? No? Because that's dumb as hell? Yeah no shit. You get PC shovel-ware, maybe some 3DS shovel-ware, and last I saw Skylander's / LEGO Universe figures. When's the last time YOU saw GBA titles? When did YOU ever see GB or GBC? I just emulate everything, but even I know that retail is absolute barren when it comes to retro titles.

Also, unrelated, but why are your reaction pics taken with a camera pointing at a screen?

>> No.6819670

Holy fuk to the guy sperging out. Yeah no shit. You have to head to donation stores + pawn shops to find anything good nowadays, but you can get CIB somewhat often. Sometimes they even have the seal still on.

>> No.6819682

At least this game is relatively uncommon.
Simps paying more than 20 bucks for a loose pokemon game are the lowest of the low. Why the fuck are the most mass produced games of all time so expensive.

>> No.6819693

Of GBA and older? Complete? At a thrift shop? I highly fucking doubt it, but okay, maybe your territory has amazing luck...but still not what I'm talking about really.

Nah man, don't you know how common it is to find a complete boxed copy of Pokemon Emerald for $11 at your average Walmart? They have hundreds in the backroom they're holding onto. See >>6819476

>> No.6819717
File: 88 KB, 495x329, 1599026532592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6819741

>hamtaro game
theres a reason its still there

>> No.6819759

Ah, how cute. You found another one after extensively searching the web for the rare examples. And this one is from only 2014? Looks like 'Raiders from the Lost Walmart' is helpful here.

Ever wonder why someone pulled out their phone to take that picture in the first place? Because it's rare as fuck?

Ever realize you keep on posting things from the clearance section instead of these magical 'lost inventory in the backroom'?

>> No.6819763
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>> No.6819786
File: 224 KB, 620x937, jukebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got anything from 2020? I figure I can help you out with this one from 2015. Overpriced as fuck also.

>> No.6819795
File: 232 KB, 608x814, 1599027682922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6819803

Another 2014...

So where's the millions of these in 2020? Still in the backroom?

>> No.6819825

>cu_cke.d gets replaced with based
>th th thanks Moothiro?

you are the problem, s.0_y is poison.

>> No.6819840
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>"For decades at least"

>> No.6819886
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>a black hand...

>> No.6819909

Is this what it looks like when a retard says something stupid, gets proven wrong (complete with pictures), and then instead of just owning it they double down on the stupid?

>> No.6819919

I keep box when they are in plastic.
Those gba game box dont even look like they should be kept lmao.

>> No.6819937

Do you have any idea how many books you wont find online lmao,i guess its fine if you only read popular books.

>> No.6820014

>not to mention the millions more that never left the distribution centers and are probably sitting in a box sealed somewhere

Fucking idiots. How the fuck is finding rare single copies in the clearance section line up with this bullshit originally posted? Do these pictures look like they are taken in warehouses or distribution centers? Don't you realize that people are taking the pictures in the first place saying "wow, this is weird" BECAUSE IT'S RARE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

>> No.6820032

Theres no point anon.
We will see one day those lost games will suddenly flood the marker by the millions of games and reduced the price of many retro games.
Any day now.

>> No.6820034

Do you go to Walmart to look for GBA games in 2020?

>> No.6820050

Yeah that's what I was originally asking all the way back up here


>> No.6820087

I like how you latched onto the obviously hyperbolic use of "millions" in that faggot's post after he blew your asshole completely out. I really don't think you have anything else. This thread delivers, though. I do love a good shitshow.

>> No.6820114

Really? Where's proof of a pallet of games tucked away in a warehouse/DC that were ignored the whole time?

Where's a photo from the last couple of years?

Can anyone here who pursues physical carts admit going to Walmart every week to check their clearance section and get amazing finds like whoa...Pokemon Emerald.

>> No.6820118
File: 320 KB, 1256x834, 1599030483977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the middle manager is angry because he failed his weekly audits

>> No.6820119

You have completely lost your mind over literally nothing, and it's fucking hilarious. I'm caught up with the reply chain now, carry on.

>> No.6820156

So there's still millions (sorry that was hyperbolic apparently) there's still thousands of retro games hiding in Walmart warehouses and distribution centers?

Are you going to be checking there weekly for the next big find?

>> No.6820187

No, I'm going to be here egging you on in the hopes that the "millions" anon gets bored and comes back so the shitshow can get going again. For the record, I'm not actually a collector so I have no idea what the market looks like out there for old stock, but I do know that no one uses "millions" in the literal sense, especially when talking about old games that, for the most part, didn't even have production runs that high.

>> No.6820198

I said it best at "But to think there's any significant amount of unsold factory sealed GB/GBC/GBA copies in 2020 retail? That's fucking stupid and deserves to be called out"

but hey, that's cool there's some rare examples documented from five years ago I guess???

Again, is anyone going to Walmart (or Target? other stores?) looking for retro games that somehow slipped through the cracks? Anyone had any luck?

There was one guy who found Game Gear games in 2014 which is pretty surprising! But it was from an outlet store which is less surprising.

It's a dumb fucking assumption and I called it out.

>> No.6820205

the market for old stock isn't at retail...cause no shit? Gamestop is barely surviving selling POP toys and PS5 pre-orders.

What the fuck is this thread

>> No.6820213

>What the fuck is this thread
Some larping kid losing his mind because someone said something he disagreed with. Like most threads.

>> No.6820216

Why would it be "millions" of a single title?

>> No.6820220

It wouldn't?

>> No.6820243

>the market for old stock isn't at retail...cause no shit?
That's what I'm fucking saying, but I guess five pictures of people finding GBA games at Walmart means that they're a ticking time-bomb of a goldmine when they figure out their inventory problems. But I guess they figure it out extremely slowly? Like 1 - 4 units at a time?

>talking about old games that, for the most part, didn't even have production runs that high
The dumbfuck literally said (and seemingly not "hyperbolic") that companies had millions of SKUs laying around in their inventory cause they "forgot" or whatever the logic is there. Then you're saying he must not have meant it because the production runs of the titles never reached million+ anyways yeah?

>> No.6820252

Because it was fucking silly.

As silly as I am to still be posting.

>> No.6820256

Mental illness is no joke

>> No.6820264

You are still acting silly toward literal children on the internet about ancient children's toys. I just want to point that out.

>> No.6820278

Oh, well, no shit.

I'm more interested in calling out a couple dumbfucks over a dumb notion that there's a HUGE amount of retro game treasures left hiding in "the back corner" of our local Walmarts (locally in the store even??)

That has no basis in modern business / inventory management. Or just any logic at all. And I know that big retail is a pretty well oiled machine from an inventory perspective. It's how they keep themselves cheap. Keep minimal inventory on hand to reduce costs.

>> No.6820282

threads gone dumb but playing this game is worth at least $20

>> No.6820291

Yes, you've said that a few times now. Mostly to children who either don't get, or don't care, about what you claim to do for a living. (At least two of which have actually scored new old stock from retailers, apparently.) And to people like me, who also don't care, and are just here to enjoy watching the trainwreck. I'm sure you're very important in the real world (if nowhere but your own mind), which is why you think this discussion is equally important, but this is really silly to do on an anonymous Tuvan Throatchanting forum, especially if you're anywhere near my age as I suspect you are.

>> No.6820296
File: 68 KB, 387x468, 1599033193335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's millions of GBA game hiding in a Wal-Mart just waiting for someone to give them some love

>> No.6820317

>maybe if i just don't reply to anyone i can get the last word in an argument that was over thirty minutes ago and never mattered to begin with
Also, how quickly they forget Tim Atwood and the sealed cases of Stadium Events.

>> No.6820318

So now the argument just boils down to "You're too old to be wasting your time like this arguing with dumb kids"?

Because if so, then yeah you're totally right. But I'm 24 and WFH due to covid. I should not have stayed up till 1am arguing on /vr/ but I was playing MHGU the whole time (not retro and not bought from Walmart sadly).

yes, go find them anon. Apparently it's totally legit. If the dweeb at the counter doesn't give you a brand new boxed copy of Superstar Saga then demand he looks in the back better.


>> No.6820320

It's not difficult to find and do. Everyone should do it and make a backup for personal use and to preserve the history of an entire platform.

>> No.6820323

So this thread started as a simple complaint that GBA Astro Boy was too expensive and then everyone tried to convince some autist that Walmart was hiding all his GBA carts?

>> No.6820324

>So now the argument just boils down to "You're too old to be wasting your time like this arguing with dumb kids"?
No, it was always that. I was just the one who actually felt bad enough for you to try and point it out.
>But I'm 24
Ahh, you're one of the kiddos yourself. Carry on, I suppose.

>> No.6820328

oh so I was right all along. OK cool.

Peace out fuckers. I have a meeting at 8am.

I better hear about you dumbfucks trying to get rare retro games from Walmart. Despite that making no god-damn sense. Because it's a fucking Walmart.

>> No.6820345

Pretty much. As soon as he realized he jumped into a completely idiotic argument he stuck in with both feet trying to find anything to be right about instead of just going "lol internet" and closing the thread. The larping has been fairly amusing as well.
>fuck, i really gotta get the last word in!
Ok, champ.

>> No.6820370

yeah I’ll even phone post to get the last word in. What exactly was I larping about? I have a degree in Supply Chain if you wanna ask anything. I’ll have to larp my way through it of course.

>> No.6820394


>> No.6820401

I’m pretty straight...but that Ella Hollywood trap has got me questioning some stuff...

What does that have to do with Walmart’s Inventory practices or retro games?

>> No.6820419

He's probably a zoomer that turned 18 a couple years ago and feels some connection the abortion that was the 2010's.

>> No.6820659

Why are you like this, kid? Serious question.

>> No.6820676

The packs I have are
3.1G for SNES
1.7G for Genesis (+ 304MB for 32X)

>> No.6820950
File: 490 KB, 500x544, AstroBoyOmegaFactor2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These all strike me as things you could show off and enjoy with others.
>I guess I don't hang out with people cool enough to care about a bigass shelf of Gameboy games?
I don't think anybody was arguing that the reason they may own some games is to "show off" to other people. Also nobody here was talking about having a big ass shelf full of Game Boy games, we're talking just owning a few favorites, or having kept childhood games.
>I don't understand how they survived childhood
In my case it's like 50/50... some of my old games' boxes simply disappeared, maybe my mom threw them out when I was a kid, maybe some got lost when I moved, who knows, but some of my other childhood games (with their boxes) are still with me. It's not that impossible to keep a little box around in some place around your other belongings.

>> No.6821139

You know you'll pay it, tendie

>> No.6821172

What's a tendie?

>> No.6821174

A preteen boy based on an anime of the same name prancing around in his underwear... whoever would have thought the weaboo faggots would go for it?!

>> No.6821193
File: 44 KB, 480x320, Astro Boy Omega Factor Death Mask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're shitposting, but man Astro Boy is probably the most mainstream anime there is. Literal boomers watched it when they were kids.
It's as far from modern weebs as it gets.

>> No.6821598

as soon as I saw the pic I knew there'd be some autist saying this. fuck off

>> No.6821893
File: 45 KB, 386x595, 1598533729336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the draw? Cases and manuals can be a nostalgia trip, and maybe displayed but how's this beat a flashcart and sticker?

>> No.6822239

Maybe just feels nice having the real deal, even if you can technically clone it.
You can also print boxes and manuals btw.
Some people just like having the real deal.
Also to consider: a lot of people bought these games back when they were released, or shortly after, and never got rid of them.

>> No.6822619

what happens to the games that rot in Walmart for years? do they just throw them out?

>> No.6823179

Probably some employee takes it and resells.

>> No.6823332
File: 16 KB, 150x150, 1532143234532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way, really?
I bought it for literally 10 dollars just a few days ago, and it works perfectly.

You guys should check out the normiebook market from time to time. If you're lucky enough you might find a boomer who's not aware of this retro collection autism. They really just wanna get rid of their shit asap.

>> No.6823347

>I bought it for literally 10 dollars just a few days ago
sure you did

>> No.6823349

what a time to be alive

>> No.6824113

you did beat it on hard mode, right?

>> No.6824485

>your information in exchange for a good deal