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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 146 KB, 380x540, poor little doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806501 No.6806501 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / 90s FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6792968

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ietb4JwaaXA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGj4gXyCzg0 [Embed]

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6806506


450ml of /vr/ (for Blood)
Before the project officially begins, familiarize yourself with MAPEDIT:
Optional discord for questions:

=== NEWS ===

[8-29] Rtex.wad, a boom-compatible texture pack released

[8-28] 2048 Units of /vr/ finally completed
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j8yiuestrwfvmdh/2048unitsvr_v1.1.zip?dl=1
2048 Guns: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l51hgsqhcg2v99e/2048GUNS.zip?dl=1
DW Thread: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/116497-2048-units-of-vr-boom-megawad-for-doom-ii/

[8-28] RAVEN Midi Pack II started

[8-27] The RAVEN Midi Pack project for Heretic has been finished, adds new music to replace reused songs in the later episodes

[8-26] 1995 Pre-Release Beta of Strife has been leaked:

[8-24] Solace Dreams is being remade

[8-18] A small hotfix for GMOTA that fixes that issue of Zandronum crashing online when players take crushing damage

[8-17] NRFTL designer TheCastle will release the non-Brutal Doom version of Redemeption of the Slain on 21st August

[8-17] Woof! 2.1.0 released

=== PREVIOUS ===



>> No.6806519
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>> No.6806530

pistol starts are lame

>> No.6806560

Yeah, it should be BR starts.

>> No.6806595

Back to Akeldama after a short break, this mapset is pretty good.

>> No.6806596

I prefer continuous, but I see the appeal in pistol starts after having designed maps in a set.


>> No.6806706

Anyone has a link for "MG-Man's Monster Infight mod:"? i am mostly interested in playing as a baron of hell
yes i do know those exist i am just looking for other alternatives

>> No.6806778

Guys is it bad I keep adding secrets to my map? I just see a bunch of empty space between areas and can't help filling that space in.

>> No.6806820

I won't play any map that don't give me the ninja shotgun from the get go.

>> No.6806939

Does anyone know a way in Mapster32 to quickly align ceiling or floor heights across multiple sectors. For some reason my skybox ceiling is all over the place and I know im going to miss a few sectors and it will take forever.

>> No.6806956


>> No.6806957

Tyson that shit

>> No.6807082


>> No.6807164

No, that's good, you're taking the right lessons from Tom and Sandy. Secrets within secrets are great!

>> No.6807219

First for Nuke Dukem.

>> No.6807241

Secrets are great. Just don't make most of them borderline mandatory on higher difficulties.

>> No.6807253

Did you hear he has three dicks?

>> No.6807273

Naw thats Duke Nukem. Nuke Dukem has three balls

>> No.6807279 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6807305 [DELETED] 
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Um. Come on. Take it to /pre2k/ general. You literally have "90s" in the thread description.

You have to be more mindful of saving room for the real /vr/ content (6th gen) that actual people want to talk about, not this ancient boomer stuff that only five or six of you 40+ year olds care about. Don't be selfish.

>> No.6807314

ok nigga it was funny the first 3 times, the past 100 not so much

>> No.6807316

>SSG is hidden in a totally unmarked random secret and without it the map is a complete slog where you have to shotgun masses of high tier enemies

fuck map 06 in memento mori 2

>> No.6807339

Who the fuck is joking? We're all asking nicely for you guys to contain your boomer shit so we can have room to discuss /vr/ topics that people care about. Lame duck topics about some LOL SO EDGY XDDD game that 45 year old dorks play? No. Not on our /vr/. Again, take it to /pre2k/.

>> No.6807354
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>> No.6807364

They should meet up. Four dicks, five balls, oil, rubbing together.

>> No.6807370

its Alf, ignore the nigger and his Q1 discord friends.

>> No.6807371

Voice artist dude, if you're here, it's melon dude.
If you could also record a sound of a seed being spat out, that would be rad. And you still have to tell me how to credit you. The mod I am working on is basically done, I'll post it here when everything is in order.

>> No.6807392
File: 354 KB, 600x600, 1564343238676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we doing another Quake mapping project?

>> No.6807406 [DELETED] 

Why are you jews like this? Is this anosognosia in the flesh?

>> No.6807409

Quake 1 is garbage

>> No.6807410

Funny :)

>> No.6807417

That would be incomprehensibly homosexual by all accounts.

>> No.6807420

It's a difficult balance, trying to give the tools the player actually needs outright while still encouraging and making exploration rewarding.

>> No.6807435
File: 56 KB, 373x319, three rocket launchers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? It seems quite comprehensively homosexual to me.

>> No.6807483

is Q1 mapping hard?

>> No.6807516

Nah, with Trenchbroom is easier than Doom mapping. However, if you're used to UDMF, it's hard to make complex level ongoings.

>> No.6807518

I understand that it's pretty straightforward, especially since you don't have to contend with some of the old '2.5D' limits of Doom.

>> No.6807549

It's definitely more complicated than Doom or Build mapping as it's full 3D and the brush system needs tome getting used to but it's not too bad.

>> No.6807560

easier to make baby's first wad, harder to make something actually good

>> No.6807601
File: 4 KB, 250x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there more good custom monsters like this bad boy?

>> No.6807640

Register DOOM if you haven't already, the guys at id deserve the money
for making the greatest game ever! ...I can't wait till Quake is released...
I saw the preview gifs...and, wow!!

>> No.6807648

Is colorful hell+champions the best monster wad or I am just a zoomer?

>> No.6807652

I always pistol start but give myself a shotgun because the pistol isn't fun to use

>> No.6807669

you mean the overall spritework or gameplay?

>> No.6807679

That was one of the most overused custom monsters of the 2000s and going into the 2010s. As far as design goes, he's alright, but I'd have liked to have seen others developed.
These days, there's more.

>> No.6807680

don't forget legendoom lite

>> No.6807710

the idea (back in July) was to wait a bit after 2048 Units so as not to wear people out. but now the Blood dudes stepped up, and considering their custom editor might as well let them have a go without stepping on their toes.
but the real answer is: whenever somebody organizes one.
it's all wysiwyg, so pretty easy. just gotta build stuff airtight.

>> No.6807742

>just gotta build stuff airtight.
Even that is usually not a problem on modern systems

>> No.6807753

I have my own project to get back to, and some planning for a side project I think could be good, and though I could need a cooldown after 2048, I might be interested in contributing something small here or there for Blood or Quake, like, if you guys need a sprite or texture or something.

I had a lot of fun with this project over summer, I never thought I would publish maps which were good, and thanks to valuable criticism, I would do so.

>> No.6807824

What was it's original appearance?

>> No.6807837

thanks for the recommendation anon,let's see how many wads I can stack before it stops working

Colorful hell+champions+legendoomlite+mother demon icon of sin replacer

>> No.6807848

HUH 2 would be awesome but you guys have too many ideas from projects lately.
One at the time alright.

>> No.6807849

what weapons mod will you use, even?

>> No.6807858

Wasn't there a MP/Skulltag/Zandronum mod called Whodunit?
The concept being that one of the players is the murderer and the rest must discover who is it and survive?
Also, is it possible to make a Doom equivalent of Trouble in Terrorist Town from GMod?

>> No.6807871

both, but I especially like the sprite whereas most are awful

>> No.6807887

I have way too many to choose from,probably doom exp to complete that roguelike feel of diablo

>> No.6807896


>> No.6807904

>These days, there's more.
such as?

>> No.6807939
File: 135 KB, 460x287, 152925723419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best ending to any game ever.

>> No.6807958

If you look at R667, there's a bunch of other baron recolors, most not as good as this one, but a few are even better, but there's a couple of other good things on there, like the Arachnorb (which was from Valiant, I'm pretty sure), Terminator, Wraith, Cybruiser, Flesh Spawn, and the Naked Revenant.

>> No.6807982

Original Schilder tracks are designed for OPL.

>> No.6807990

If id had kept the original Ai codes for Q2, people would seething over til this day about berserkers being rabid tanky assholes.

also it makes me wonder if its possible to recover all of it nowadays as a patch for the game itself.
Mission packs and custom maps kinda does that, but something for the vanilla game would be neat.

>> No.6807993
File: 341 KB, 1024x768, whodunit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whodunit was briefly popular on /doom/.

>> No.6808014

Its still played on Zand, but its rare to find full servers of it during the night.
Every single asshole is playing 8 BitDm

>> No.6808023

When I think of "boss fight" in the FPS genre, Mecha Hitler is the first thing that comes to mind.

>> No.6808031


>> No.6808038

based BJ Blastyoass

>> No.6808046

I play pistol starts sometimes but it gets tiring having to do the whole "pew pew with pistol, grab shotgun, grab chaingun, finally get ssg" routine over and over again.

>> No.6808067
File: 3.44 MB, 1920x1080, yquake2 2020-08-01 20-58-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gunner unused anim
then is true that they were supposed to use machinegun and chaingun modes.
As for the run and shoot anim, fuck no!
>Super tank
It also explains why he's so gimped compared to xatrix super beta tank
The asshole lacks Grenades on his tracks, that alone could had made the 1st fight and subsequent encounters harder because of the grenades bouncing everywhere, mainly the power plant one.
The back Rocket shooting could had been insane

>> No.6808070
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200831_192832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's Combat Shock 1 done, jesus that last map really doesn't fuck around.

>> No.6808074

>play coladoom with scythe2
>map has to kill you to advance
>lose all my upgrades
dick move

>> No.6808132

450mL Discord says invalid for me?

>> No.6808169

These assets in mods and wads feel like they test Doom's identity and aesthetic, to see how much you can do with those and the setting or even gameplay
Like a hypothetical Doom expanded universe or sequels and spin offs from another timeline, for better or worse
Stuff that either id could have done themselves or think it wouldn't be that much out of place, specially since classic Doom in itself was made by a small group compared to most dev teams nowadays and id even used creative methods behind some assets
Like a study of Doom's DNA

>> No.6808189
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*blocks path*

>> No.6808214

she is a big girl

>> No.6808249

I'm in for another quake project

>> No.6808254

Try this link

>> No.6808271

Some of the R667 monsters that are variants of the original ones feel strangely comfy in doom and I wish big wads used them more.

>> No.6808278
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20180728_224529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see, this is something on par with what Adrian Carmack would had done with doom sprites if the game had received an update like he did to Mac/3do wolfenstein
and the closest to it was the old zdoom forums project to update the sprites into hd like the baron

>> No.6808295
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>> No.6808319

I don't think mapster lets you do "ctrl + pageup" to align to the nearest ceiling, box selecting with "alt" then going into 3D mode and aligning to the adjacent ceilings be the fastest. If that doesn't work, do this instead.

1: remove the parallax from all sectors with sky in it (hit "p" on the ceiling)

2: now that you can see where the ceiling is uneven, you can correct it with "page up"

>> No.6808340

if adrian were to "hd" his doom sprites, would he have done the same for wall textures and level props?

>> No.6808343

What do you listen to when you need to get in the mood for mapping? probably too personal but I'm looking for something to set the mood and most of my usual picks don't match all that well.

I'll probably just blast Eternal's OST or something

>> No.6808358

Nobody cares anymore

>> No.6808360

the mac and 3do ports has better detailed stuff.
macenwolf link its on the news post if anyone wants to check it out.

>> No.6808385

I just think on some ideas for some time and then start drawing something that vaguely resembles it.

>> No.6808438
File: 822 KB, 1600x1200, Screenshot_Doom_20200831_205405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've been having some ideas for silly weapons lately. One of the was
the melon BUDDABUDDABUDDA, which I made yesterday. Thanks to VA anon for
the sounds. Check out the webm here: >>/wsg/3604659

I am working on some more kinda food related weapons, my plan is making
one for each slot.

>> No.6808450

oh ffs my fucking keyboard swallowed the third >>>/wsg/3604659

>> No.6808470

why don't people mod duke instead of doom?

>> No.6808479

it's probably harder or not as popular

>> No.6808483


>> No.6808505

he should fire 1 bite at the time in 3 round bursts

>> No.6808537

Afrit is iconic but too tanky. I like the super imps from Valiant.

>> No.6808538

That would take far too long. This is basically just a chaingun reskin. Also, I don't want a million states and jumps in my class.

>> No.6808562

also the only thing that is retarded is BJ sounding like Quagmire when he says all right every time when he picks life pickup or other shit

>> No.6808579

because it's bad

>> No.6808595

It's like Classic BJ was meant to be like the Mario of FPS in the eyes of Tom Hall

>> No.6808606

>I don't want a million states and jumps in my class
you have to embrace the meme, live the meme, be the meme

>> No.6808628

Nah, I like it this way. Maybe at some point in the future.

>> No.6808643

The edited imps and pinkies are the reason why I quit playing Valiant on map3, they were screwing with my muscle memory so much it really pissed me the fuck off on some primal caveman level and I just ragequit.

>> No.6808649
File: 49 KB, 320x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm doing the final clean-ups on my 7-maps "episode" for Doom 2 before I take it to idgames. I posted it before, in parts and as a whole here, and not much changed since the last time I posted the whole thing, although it's a bit easier. So anyway, perhaps you'd like to try it out before it's done and complain some more about MAP04 (Now with half as many revenants).


>> No.6808667

Oh yes, forgot to tell again, tested primarily in Crispy Doom, Should work on GZDoom if you are into this sorts of things, others not sure. I think Chocolate crashes.

Pistol start recommended.

>> No.6808759
File: 3.23 MB, 2013x2801, unreal-gold-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i do UI scaling in this game?

>> No.6808779

is it slaughtershit?

>> No.6808796

Depends on what your criteria are. Probably not.

>> No.6808812

my criteria is "more monsters doesn't mean more fun"

>> No.6808849

I think it has reasonable amount of monsters, but what do I know. But it's not like it has 100 revenants in a room or anything.

>> No.6808850

calling something "slaughtershit" is a fancy way of saying " i suck ASS at doom" you probably hated doom eternal as well

>> No.6808863

Get an old monitor and play at a smaller resolution lol.

>> No.6808871

I know how to circle strafe

>> No.6808881

so if not more monsters what the FUCK makes a map more FUCKING fun? if you think you are sooooooo good at map design make one yourself you fucking shit at gaming faggot

>> No.6808882

Get the old unreal patch. Ends in an j I think.

>> No.6808891

believe me if i could find ANY CRT monitors i would have one for many purposes

>> No.6808902

E1 is my golden standard. Fava beans is good too.

>> No.6808929

How can I play Duke3D with a friend over the internet? Hamachi?

>> No.6808932


>> No.6808935

i thought big open spaces and less strategic enemy placement were the case, no?

>> No.6808959

>le slaughtershit
shut up fag

>> No.6808978

This is where it comes to taste. I like to see nicely flowing architectural set pieces, not mini boss arenas. I like maps that look like a commercial product, balanced for "casuals" if you will.

>> No.6809028

I downloaded eduke32 and I see no multiplayer options whatsoever. Help

>> No.6809035

You should try mapping in Half-Life if that's your attitude.

>> No.6809040

you probably like country music

>> No.6809042

Eduke doesnt have multiplayer, dont know what that anons on. Theres a fork called "eduke32-oldmp" thats made for multiplayer though.

>> No.6809057

Ever heard of AMC TC?

>> No.6809078

>you probably like country music
There's good country music, you underage b& fuckhead. Get a taste and stop posting here.

>> No.6809080

im 33 and have never fucking liked country it all trash ALL OF IT the ONLY exception being johnny cash

>> No.6809083

rent free

>> No.6809092

You guys should kiss.

>> No.6809101

kys /v/eddit

>> No.6809103

you wait for a new patch...
anytime now...

>> No.6809107

coe hl1 is good.

>> No.6809108

rent free

>> No.6809180
File: 88 KB, 600x600, Turbo Lover Single.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All kinds of things, really. While mapping for 2048 I was listening to a lot of Judas Priest. First time I really gave them a proper listen, too, and I am quite taken, Halford's vocals aren't just as good as legend says, but the entire rest of the ensemble does a phenomenal job too, the guitar and drums are amazing, and the lyrics are fantastic.

>> No.6809185


>> No.6809193


>> No.6809195

Yes. Cope.

>> No.6809204

A lot less straighforward, also mapping tools didn't develop at the pace they did for Doom.

>> No.6809205

i love how old shitposters are seething because they can't stand out anymore.

>> No.6809214

It's fucking great. They have nothing anymore.

>> No.6809216

I can't even follow whos raging at what anymore. I'm pretty sure alf is in here but who else? This is like a horror movie when everyone is stuck in chest high water and they're trying to avoid a monster, but it turns out theres multiple monsters and nobody can see where they are.

>> No.6809223
File: 167 KB, 340x536, HollowsHelltalon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alf and the Quake 1 discord shitposters are fucking this thread again

here is a music that fits well with space sim battles.
or space maps with this vibe

they are zoomers and larpers who calls themselves "the real community" when what they do is parrot the idiots from discord groups, civvie's retarded opinions and Celephais Func forums

>> No.6809224

not sure what is meant by this? did tripcodes get turned off?

>> No.6809236

>Now everyone shitpost about slaughtermaps, Half-Life and Zoomers.
I just wanted to make you play my wad because I'm lonely.

>> No.6809241

they're just getting drowned out by the flood of newfag shitposters

>> No.6809246

I mean are they even parroting Civvie, considering that he thinks Quake 2 "isn't really THAT bad" and he thinks Half-Life is the best FPS ever made?

>> No.6809254
File: 1001 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alf we know its you, now Kill yourself.

>> No.6809264

you're in for a watermelon scare...

>> No.6809268

quake 2 isnt really that bad it just bland there have been much worse FPS games to come out

>> No.6809296

at the very least 6th gen
Newt Gingrich's can't post here as it's explicitly 90s games

>> No.6809298

You cant complain about shitposters when youre the kind of mongoloid who thinks anyone who holds an opinion thats been common for years only believes it because an e-celeb put it in video form.

>> No.6809313

what common opinion?

>> No.6809314
File: 869 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake 2 is "bland" because of tim willits fucking with development to the point of killing the AI and the plague of vanilla doom 1 and 2 itself, bad monster placement.
Which community maps and Mission packs fixes and does it better

Alf, eat a dick.
Mainly because of you trying to force us against the Ultima and SS fanbase with you and your Q1 friends autism on /v/ and here on /vr/.

>> No.6809325


>> No.6809328

Obey the hivemind
Donate to crappy content creators
Don't for the love of Christ think for yourself

>> No.6809330

I'm still annoyed Quake 2 weapons don't have any real muzzleflashes and most weapons just jiggle around in Bitterman's hands when being fired.
Chaingun is one of the best though

>> No.6809331

ok? but its still fucking bland

>> No.6809337
File: 92 KB, 400x594, Doomtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free content creator bros for life

>> No.6809339

Is there a way to disable screen shake on hit in ioquake 3?

>tim willits
I can't believe the inventor of deathmatch would do such a thing.

>> No.6809356

I agree, in fact I think Quake 2 is a pretty decent game in spite of its flaws. I'm just saying, if he's Alf, he's not gonna parrot a guy like Civvie.

>> No.6809357

i used to think that was the fault of my old crappy laptop back in the day and was disappointed when i played it on my modern computer and it still did that

>> No.6809363

The irony is you're the one who appears to be obsessed with e-celebs.

>> No.6809368

I'm fine with the animations, but I still always found it disappointing that it had no muzzle flashes. Someone should add some with a mod.

>> No.6809378

VA anon here, that watermelon SFX you requested will be coming up soon, hold tight my man

>> No.6809382

At least Timmy made up for it by inventing the railgun

>> No.6809384

there is nothing wrong with watching civvie for entertainment you dont have to agree with someones opinions to enjoy their content

some people have mental disorders i swear

>> No.6809386

Maybe other fps fags need to cope over the fact their games are inferior.

>> No.6809392

fucking A my dude

>> No.6809395

inferior to what?

>> No.6809402

to Doom and build engine games.

>> No.6809414

if you mean quake then sure maybe but the build engine as impressive as it is was last used to make a game staring a fucking UGLY woman

>> No.6809436


>> No.6809449

If you're the Hell Frontier anon, then you got at least one more guy playing it. Great job, especially with map 02, although I'd admit Bridge World got me a bit salty.

>> No.6809457

We hate Quake 2, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Half Life, CS and the 00's fps games.
Deal with it zoomers.

>> No.6809461

Did you ever record that Caleb impression?

>> No.6809462
File: 24 KB, 1155x488, Doom Guy YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6809470

>someone mentions e-celebs
>"I don't really care what e-celeb says"
sure thing

nope there isn't an issue with that
my only complaint is to the people who parrot civvies (or anyone's opinion) as if its a standard opinion.
That's when I get annoyed.

>> No.6809471

Also when it comes to bad monster placement, i say the rushed choices for monsters in maps where others fits better, with the main cuprits being the city levels in doom 2, something that maps from that time and even Final Doom did it better, even Doom Episode 3 suffers from this sin.

people talk shit about traps and chaingun snipers and shotgunner traps, but they are being used as it should, it should offer a challenge.

sourceports fixed that, mainly KMQ2 with the ripped off weapons from Q3A Generations arena, before they flipped their shit over "muh permissions", also its possible to shove particles and glow into gun models by editing them on blender/3ds or milkshape. Which I believe that someone possibly made back in 99 but is lost somewhere arond the internet, since planet quake is gone and many good shit got lost over the years.
Decino made an entire video about it with the unused Q2 particles, one of those being the 3 different types of particles that GZ Heat Gun had

Alf no matter how you and your friends keeps using nord and express vpn to evade bans.
sooner or later hiromoot will pull the plug from it.

>> No.6809478
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 12614110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"says Shelly Harisson is such an ugly woman"
> looks literally like this

>> No.6809482

fuck, was meant to tag the faggot at >>6809414 not the post he replied to

>> No.6809483

you seem needlessly antagonistic like you are still fighting a long lost battle

>> No.6809489

Alf hates retrogaming and comes here to incite hate, unfortunately he got followers, and its from Quake 1 Discord group and Celephais.

>> No.6809495

>implying she isnt ugly
>implying her game was not a disgrace to the build engine

>> No.6809503

>and its from Quake 1 Discord group and Celephais.
Is there any proof for this?

>> No.6809505

Enjoying newer games is mental illness.

>> No.6809512

it's impossible because tim sweeney never coded in font scaling

>> No.6809521

your mom is a mental illness

>> No.6809525

>implying she isnt ugly
Considering how much of a fat, disgusting, nerd you probably look like, you would call yourself lucky if you could have sex with a ZDF troon.

>implying her game was not a disgrace to the build engine
On par with Duke, Shadow Warrior, and Powerslave, just not better than Blood. Miles ahead of RNR, Tekwar and Witchaven.

>> No.6809526
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, FFHELLHOLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sheepishly releasing my first map for yalls consideration. Probably a bunch of leftover bugs but its a WIP I reckon.


It's based on a Midwest eatery you might know!

>> No.6809528

The Mapping group has trolls in it, also celephais starting to ban people during the Quake 1.5 and Shambler thread incidents, there is also them banning quakewulf from the forums because his Quake 2 maps went on to look better good than the shit they were making that time with the speedmapping.
They fucking people from the MP scene and QuakeOne forums after baker dropped some redpills about the modern mapping scene.

they became the codex and nma of retro fps commuinity.
which isnt a surprise seeing that they post there.

>> No.6809545

Here ya go, hope it's good enough
vocaroo compresses audio quality so if you want i can upload the raw file
No not yet, can you get me a list of lines you want said?

>> No.6809584

its too small it wont even get downloaded needs to be about 4 times that size

>> No.6809647

Bonus Pineapple SFX because i had to order some other fruit to get the order total above 10 bucks

>> No.6809653

map editor is more difficult, doom has better enemies

>> No.6809674

it's like everyone has some multiple personality disorder

>> No.6809675

Was that a fresh pineapple? I also want a fresh pineapple, why didn't I think of that when I was doing groceries today?

Also, thanks for the melon slurping, I put it into the mod, turned out nice. And don't worry about the compression, Doom sounds are not required to be hq imo. I credited you now as the anon from /vr/.

>> No.6809685

They're all dead, they just don't know it yet

>> No.6809689

valvefags everyone

>> No.6809693

Meant to quote this post

>> No.6809694

reminded me of MDK sfx when you pick up some health items

>> No.6809696

All fresh as can be, straight from the grocery store
You did quote that post
I also have a guava and a canteloupe if anybody wants sfx of those

>> No.6809705

god dammit why the fuck to opposing sides have to get the fuck along? the world is meant to be rivalry hatred and PURE CHAOS

>> No.6809714

I don't know how good this feedback will be. I beat it on Come Get Some in eight minutes without dying, but didn't think to record it. Would have been done quicker, but I was poking around everywhere. I liked the layout design, but I felt like there was too much ammo overall and that it was too big (or real-sized) for the content. It was also possible to get around the blue keycard door (I only even realized where it was used after going through it from the other side) by smashing the drive-thru window. Which is also only breakable from the outside. Not bad for a first map in my opinion.

>> No.6809745

>harhharh, super shotgun goes BOOM

>> No.6809761

Actually maybe i shouldn't tripfag, my bad

here ya go

>> No.6809765
File: 2 KB, 360x293, doomguysweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You did quote that post
I think I need to get my head checked

>> No.6809780

this sounds pornographic

>> No.6809805

Man thank you! The ammo thing is so important to know because I knew I was blowing through it with a ton of ammo but I wasn't sure how to curve it being the one making the map.

The breakable/blocking walls thing is one of the most frustrating troubleshooting processes so far likely because I don't have good habits from the start yet.

I wish there was a good way to deafen/blind enemies until you hit a certain point like in Doom. I'm actually going to explore Doom Builder after this to see if I prefer it (I really prefer Duke's vibes but some of this shit is obtuse to me)

Thanks again for the feedback

>> No.6809818

hope the caleb was high enough quality for ya
you would be surprised what kind of lewd sounds you can make with fruit

>> No.6809831

>you would be surprised what kind of lewd sounds you can make with fruit
Can you make the sound of a corpse getting fucked with a jar of mayo?

>> No.6809846

For the right amount of money i can make the sound of anything get fucked you want

>> No.6809856
File: 201 KB, 256x320, Ultima_IX_-_Ascension_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as a boomer shooter?

>> No.6809918


>> No.6809993

>duke nukem
I'll pass, great job though!

>> No.6809995

Wasn't it way too ambitious for the time it was developed?

>> No.6810013

yes i would think so

>> No.6810023

oy, what'd ya think of the caleb?

>> No.6810032

What is your opinion of someone who has only completed two Doom games? Those games being Doom Rpg and Doom 3\RoE on the Original Xbox.

>> No.6810035

Dare I ask how so? And I suppose you don't like Half-Life either?

>> No.6810068

counts about as much as TES:Redguard

>> No.6810078

Redguard is a 3rd person action game. What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.6810090


>> No.6810104

I don't get it. And why bring up Redguard of all things?

>> No.6810109

HL is great and mostly because it has some cool shit and mods like the Half Nuked mod.
Q1 is garbage because of the retarded toxic community fucking shit up like the Larping arena fags.

It had tons of good shit over the years, but ever since the last decade it became insufferable, i think AD and other projects elevated the community's ego to the point of shitting at everyone for not agreeing with them with some shit, thus they acting like if they are the real community followed by a semi-hive mind behavior about it.

i still love Q1, but lately it became garbage and insufferable because of the always repeated shit that the community is doing.
Q1.5 was a break of it but jesus how they hated it...

>> No.6810125

how old are you my man

>> No.6810141

YANG (yang-online.com) and xDuke/hDuke/DOSBox still work great. Played some LA Meltdown on xDuke with a buddy the other day.

>> No.6810151

29 and I have played Redguard and enjoyed it despite the controls. I'm not the one who posted that ultima game. I just saw somebody using Redguard in an argument involving shooters and was baffled.

>> No.6810162

Don't lump the game in with the people who play it. Especially when you can avoid them and stick to single-player.

>> No.6810187

Where are my fellow Smithsonian Terror lovers at?

>> No.6810193

ultima 9 is an adventurish tpp rpg, so is redguard.
I think posting ultima was some attempt to stir shit since someone mentioned it upthread. except the anon didn't know enough to bring up uuw instead. not that it would stir much anyway.
just ignore the guy, he's been at it for about a year straight.

>> No.6810213

For me its blandness is about 50% boring run of the mill shooting and 50% uninspired brown and grey corridors art direction.

>> No.6810217

why do I feel its always the same anon complaining about the "quake community"

dude no one gives a shit

>> No.6810226

So you actually like Q1 as a game you just hate the community? Then why pjrase that opinion as "Quake 1 is garbage?" Oh yeah, for (You)'s. Well here you go you slick bastard.

>> No.6810228

Oh, might play it then. Only Ultima I ever put decent time in was 7 for better or worse.

>> No.6810263

Maybe i just had good luck, but i didnt get lost in that map at all and had a lot of fun exploring.

>> No.6810273

Well i got to those two guys requests, if you got any more throw em at me

>> No.6810462

might be because doom and the like are those kind of games "carried" by the fanbase, from source ports and mods to even stuff like the term "doomguy"
for better or worse, doom and its kind may have what is like the west equivalent of the touhou fanbase except for stack's voice
but still, don't let one or two annoying fans prevent you from liking something

>> No.6810548

>Team Fortress 2 is now considered retro
What the fuck is going on with this and all the new vidya boards?

>> No.6810582

I couldn't think of anything to put for the news post so i'll just say this wad looks cool as shit

>> No.6810585

Voice acting requests i meant, i'm mighty bored and want to work with others

>> No.6810596

Doom is a good video game.

>> No.6810685

Wow PRBoom+ fucking SUCKS

>> No.6810784

Doom is not good, but it is actually great.

>> No.6810816
File: 4 KB, 56x60, wuzzat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a guy who cares.

>> No.6810838

Doom 2 is a great video game.

>> No.6810891

What pwads are you playing?

>> No.6810909

Is using delta touch or whatever lets you use doom on a phone worth it? If so can it let me use gyro controls?

>> No.6811012

2048 units of /vr/, of course!
with a bunch of gameplay mods to make it more of a fun romp

>> No.6811154

currently playing 2048 units, it's going good so far but I'm kinda surprised that nobody added a spider mastermind on their maps but lots of cyberdemons.

>> No.6811215

Masterminds need a fuckload of space to work correctly. Makes since they would be rare in a wad where space is limited.

>> No.6811251

>Makes since
*Sense. Shit, I'm dumb.

>> No.6811254

Exactly. I was thinking of adding one to the middle of MAP15 but it blocked off too much space, including all the other teleport destinations. Same on MAP32: took up too much of the dancefloor. Cybies are so much more space-efficient.

Although, thinking about it now, we could have used them as snipers outside the playable space. You'd still need to design the map around dodging them using hard cover.

It's really not surprising you see them so rarely in WADs and even in the IWADs.

>> No.6811267

masterminds are too high maintenance and demanding for what they offer
they can be substituted by chaingger or even shotgunner ambushes
but nothing else offers cybers splash damage and output

>> No.6811346

What are some maps that actually make good use of them?

>> No.6811363

Is there something wrong with me if I don't like Heretic? Just feels like a worse Doom but you can hold power-ups in your inventory.

Is Hexen better?

>> No.6811387

Main mistake of Doom players coming into Heretic - hoarding inventory items and not using them. You can't hold more than 1 when going bewtween levels, so everything else is wasted if not used.
Using Tomes of Power, with which games showers you, on every major encounter makes the game much more enjoyable.

Hexen is more of an adventure/exploration and switch/item hunting, combat is not as fun IMO.

>> No.6811416

I think one of the city maps had a Mastermind. At least it did in the first beta release.

>> No.6811549

Blood is hard. i feel retarded

>> No.6811594

And when you finally prevail, you will feel POWERFUL.

>> No.6811607

Played Shadow and Rise of the Wool Ball, very fun, loved the art style.
They are scared shitless of recurring threads on /v/ and need new places to send secret lab, risk of rain 2, and lobotomy corp threads.

>> No.6811621

>an scp doom mod
would be dope, i'd be down to help make it

>> No.6811649

I have been playing only doom 2 and at first it's like >0/10 you can jump and crouch

>> No.6811668

Masterminds are rare in most pwads, honestly.
Because of their large hitbox, they need large open spaces in order to not be stuck, though they can still get stuck on other smaller enemies (and the player) anyway. Alongside that, their large hitbox coupled with their super chaingun makes it almost guaranteed that they'll infight, even with other Masterminds, meaning they are very likely to die like a bitch, and that having multiple is an ineffective way of increasing challenge.
Lastly, Chaingunners are a thing. They provide basically the same role, but with much more versatility thanks to their much smaller hitbox and lower HP.

>> No.6811692

Masterminds would be so much better if their bounding box was like 25% smaller. If Revenants can have their heads clip into the ceiling, then Masterminds can have their legs clip into walls.

>> No.6811770

Weren't spider masterminds supposed to have some kinda of psychic attack as well as their default attack, hence why now they are just a 4k hp chaingunner

>> No.6811793

I wonder what would be the best way to do it, I feel like direct killing all the shit you see may not work considering most scps aren't supposed to die or be killable though you can get some that can I guess. Lot of opportunity for protags, from mtf to d-class and what have you. You could even be a GOC guy sent in so killing scps outright makes more sense
It'd be really cool in my eyes to try something beyond just working at a foundation site and instead possibly take place at a large scp off site like the Flesh That Hates or maybe Red Sea Object.

>> No.6811824

The best way to go about it would be small scps first that are mostly just neat gimmicks eg an scp that teleports behind you when you directly look at it, or something
or a plant that grows the more you look at it
but either way i'd love to help make it as a voice anon

>> No.6811878


Interesting, reminds me of the D3 boss that flung a bunch of random shit at you using telekinesis. I actually really like the way BD Mastermind's gun is more of a 40mm cannon like a damn AC130.

Kind of wish HDest would take a note from this, 40/50mm for razing then Gatling for clean up or some shit

>> No.6811879

Of course that's assuming anyone else here would want to make it and it's not just a one person dream

>> No.6811892

i miss when this board rightfully hated Half Life and CS.

>> No.6811903

>Kind of wish HDest would take a note from this, 40/50mm for razing then Gatling for clean up or some shit
It's already shooting 7.76, which is enough to put you on your ass if even one round grazes you no matter what armor you're wearing and can overpenetrate/destroy cover. The only mercy is that it can't aim for shit and is consistently oneshotted by the brontornis.

>> No.6812006

they are the best.

the level designer doesn't know what you came in with; it destroys the construction of the initial maps if you don't pistol start

>> No.6812046


>> No.6812060

recommend a good multiplayer WAD to play with some friends who just want to dick around.

>> No.6812068

slaughterfest 2012

>> No.6812075

I actually just started playing Heretic as well and I'm having a pretty good time for what it is, just needs to keep adding in enemies and starting going more complex with the maps. Still pretty early on but it shows a lot of promise. Automap is fucking atrocious though.

>> No.6812083

I'd love to play with some anons here if anybody is down

>> No.6812087
File: 320 KB, 500x500, 1597880232944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks fun

>> No.6812097

yeah just play with a couple friends, die a lot and don't give a shit, kill thousands of enemies per level

>> No.6812116

Something important is that the top difficulty in both Heretic and Hexen is actually fun and interesting. It's only fast monsters with more ammo, no respawning. It breaks Heretic's gargoyles a little bit but is worth it for making everything else so much more capable.

>> No.6812134

Up to map21 of Sunlust myself. Though currently on break.

>> No.6812141

>HL is great
No wonder you hate Quake so much.

>> No.6812182

are you using saves?

>> No.6812223

Interesting. Thank you kind anon for the advice. I'll probably start up a new game then and see if it's better than what I'm playing on.

>> No.6812234

Haven't played in a while, never had it last long enough to actually destroy cover. Still that doesn't address these
>they can be substituted by chaingunner or even shotgunner ambushes
>Chaingunners are a thing. They provide basically the same role, but with much more versatility thanks to their much smaller hitbox and lower HP.
> If Revenants can have their heads clip into the ceiling, then Masterminds can have their legs clip into walls.
>Weren't spider masterminds supposed to have some kinda of psychic attack

Needs more versatility, the bigger cannon concept is already proven to work well enough. Really, its chaingun should shoot Chaingunners that shoot out Lost souls

>> No.6812271

Mastermind would probably work very well if she was excluded from infighting. Neither retaliating, nor being retaliated against.

>> No.6812348

everybody else has really good reasons for why people aren't using masterminds in their maps but honestly fuck the spider mastermind the cyberdemon is so much cooler
they really should have switched the order of those bosses because it really gives me video game blueballs that the last boss of doom is just a regular enemy but bigger

>> No.6812362

Hitscanners tend to me much harder to go up against as opposed to bosses that shoot projectiles (see first instance of the Battlelord vs the Cycloid Emperor)

>> No.6812387
File: 33 KB, 648x595, e1096dc4da6d9afc32762438175a14cb9ecc1e07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anons who are also bad at Doom: how do you cope?

Been trying out a lot of the classic megwads only to have my ass kicked left and right. The main culprits tend to be tight spaces, swarms of agitating skeletons and single archviles in tricky spots. Is it a matter of playing different maps? Dropping the skill level? Saving more? Breaking out the gameplay mods? For reference, Plutonia on UV hit a nice difficulty sweet-spot for me.

>> No.6812404
File: 193 KB, 576x467, YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this and learn.

Become stronger.

>> No.6812414
File: 671 KB, 720x360, Spinning plate bullets are cool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fuckin around with a different projectile type for this thing. I'm gonna have to apply brightmaps to a lot of the frames for this weapon, and retroactively almost every other gun in Combined_Arms, which is gonna suck.

Pretty happy with the firing animation at least. Don't worry about the rockets on the altfire, that's placeholder.

>> No.6812458
File: 42 KB, 488x519, 1366782721450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if plutonia on uv hit a nice sweet-spot for you, you shouldn't be having that much trouble in most classic megawads.
especially from the time period. maybe you're just not taking it serious enough because there are so many wads?

i think you just gotta give it your best and not be afraid to die, anon. dying and playing again is just how you learn.

>> No.6812462

The brightmaps: copy all frames, and convert them to grayscale. Easy to do in a batch with some image viewers like XNView or IrfanView.
Paint over with black painbrush over all parts that are not supposet to be glowing.
Maybe use a filter to add built in "bloom" glow if you feel fancy.

It's tedious, but simple and should take just couple hours, three at most.

>> No.6812464
File: 19 KB, 75x75, 1578966219887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love spinning energy projectiles.
keep it.

>> No.6812465

Have anyone tried making proper metroidvania in GZDoom?
As in properly gaining new abilities that allow access to new areas.

>> No.6812484

How do you feel about making an exquisite corpse map?:

>> No.6812486

How the fug do reflective floors work in GZDoom?

>> No.6812493 [DELETED] 

Admit that HL sucks retarded 6th gen zoomers.

>> No.6812494

>exquisite corpse map

>> No.6812517

It's usually when deaths feel "cheap" or "unfair" that bring out the salt and make me play sloppy. Admittedly, that's a scrub mindset, but it's proven difficult to break out of.

A lot of the ones that give me issues came out at least a decade after Plutonia, which could be a factor. "Classic" might be a bit misleading in that regard.

>> No.6812532

Like the surrealist parlor game of exquisite corpse, except we make a doom level.

>> No.6812537
File: 308 KB, 709x723, 1592626923496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understand anon, but part of improving is being able to un-tilt and think about how to avoid that situation next time. think of it this way: at this point, you have the skills and just have to put it all together.

maybe play some more classical wads that were considered hard for the time, like Hell Revealed?

>> No.6812584

What are people's rankings of Duke3D's episodes? Replayed the game for the first time in a few years and I ended up liking Lunar and Birth way more than Hollywood or Shrapnel.

>> No.6812592


>> No.6812597
File: 461 KB, 1201x1505, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6812605

If you mean Ultima Underworld, then do so, there's some learning curve to the controls and interface, but it's not bad.
If you mean Ultima 9, then please, PLEASE do not play Ultima 9.

>> No.6812620

literal brainlet here, how come i can’t use the ultimate doom wad file with crispy doom? it can run doom 2 fine but not ultimate.

>> No.6812625

That's a pretty good way to look at it actually. I'd been holding off on HR knowing about its legacy, but maybe it's worth a shot. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6812634

It needs a little bit of fixing. Let's hope that UMAPINFO version of it comes out good.

>> No.6812646

Like the other guys say, Spiderminds require a lot of space to be able to move, which makes them not particularly suitable candidates for a lot of 2048 sized maps. However, what one could do with him is to use him as a turret, because he's got a machinegun that fires equivalent of a baldie's shotgun with every shot, so he can be pretty punishing if he gets a bead on you anywhere close.

Keep going though, and you'll see him eventually.

>> No.6812660

Oh, that's not a bad idea, you can give him enough space to follow after you outside the map.

I kiiinda wanted to shove a Spidermind into 07, because I really love how that was done in D2TWID, and it was a cool way to make that more of a boss map, but there just wasn't enough space for him anywhere. Maybe if I stripped out the central podium where the Archie is standing, then I could have the guy teleport in at some point (assuming nothing is blocking his way, which is a fat fucking if), but he'd have so little space to walk around, and I don't think he would be all that useful. The setup with the Archie is way better anyway.

>> No.6812694
File: 30 KB, 505x440, M61 Vulcan Cannon 20mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you gave the Spidey something like a 20mm Gatling cannon in Hideous Destructor (let alone some sort of 40mm or even 50mm monstrosity), the motherfucker would just plain demolish half fucking the level, which is cool in concept, until you realize that he's going to cause so many goddamn softlocks from ruining switches and necessary platforms.

He can already blast through so much cover with his 7.76mm gun

>> No.6812715

>For reference, Plutonia on UV hit a nice difficulty sweet-spot for me.
By that metric, you're objectively not bad at the game. Maybe you're not the greatest pro who ever lived or anything, but that's still the hardest iwad on UV, and there's a lot of people who can't actually deal with that.

>> No.6812756

by no means perfect but anons keep posting this list, and i keep referencing it for ideas on what to play next to get better.

>> No.6812782
File: 294 KB, 434x725, 281a1111be8b29da6ab06d5acf5f9ea5dc3a4b1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the original thread before. Had no idea about this pastebin with more added to it. Good stuff.

>> No.6812806

Any of you guys got any doom comics or joke images you like? i'm itching to voice something

>> No.6812824

can you record an UMPF sound?

>> No.6812829

I sure can, in fact i'll make a few variations because i'm not sure what tone/pitch you want it at

>> No.6812843

Here ya go, hopefully at least one sounds good

>> No.6812978

Are there any maps for GMOTA?

>> No.6813016
File: 84 KB, 900x750, FUCKING RANGERS GET OUT OF MY SLIPGATE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6813032


>> No.6813114
File: 130 KB, 1864x1049, Screenshot_Doom_20200901_113806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this level

>> No.6813117

Sorry, I was asleep when you posted it, thanks for playing.
Do you think second map would benefit from putting invisibility in the starting area. I'm experimenting with it, but unsure.

>> No.6813140

can you voice a shambler

>> No.6813145
File: 65 KB, 800x800, 1594931144675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two versions, one more understandable, one more monster-like

>> No.6813148

(Don't ask why i have that image saved)

>> No.6813157

Why do you have that image saved?

>> No.6813164
File: 337 KB, 720x434, MFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because i like female monsters
How's the audio?

>> No.6813187

Not him, but IMO, most of Plutonia's difficulty is significantly lost when you know the maps well and what they have up their sleeves.
Where as I find with many hard pwads, even with map knowledge, they still leave little margin for error.

>> No.6813216

based oniontrain

>> No.6813252

you haven't played Quake, have you

>> No.6813263
File: 3.56 MB, 1299x2715, dootdose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6813375

Fuckin' finally beat Hunted. 14 archvilles with no deaths in between. Fuck!

>> No.6813416

Hunted puts hair on your chest.

>> No.6813421

You forgot to add "civvie has a video on it" this time

>> No.6813429

I don't think that would make a huge difference, if I had to nitpick anything in the starting area, I'd suggest to make the box wall which you go out through at the start stay down once you've used it. Or maybe just ditch the switch and turn it into a hole as if the box was damaged from this side. The idea with the box in map 1 and 2 is brilliant. I'll have to continue playing this once I gather the will to tackle map 4 again.

>> No.6813431

When I first understood the premise, I knew it was a special map. That music too. I've been playing it sporadically for about two weeks now. Decided no-saving it was the best way to go. I'll probably come back at some point in time. Really want to understand how the mechanics work weapons other than the ssg against archviles.

>> No.6813452

Now beat map24 of BTSX E2

>> No.6813456

can you take seperate one level wads from those old CDs and mash them into one .wad file?

>> No.6813459

I don't know what that is.

>> No.6813485

>see this post
>remember having played Plutonia a long time ago, got stuck on Hunted and never picked it back up
>decide it's time
>beat it in one go, after some 4-5 attempts
It feels really strange, on one hand archviles' behavior is predictable and there's a lot of cover, on the other hand they're tanky and have a massive damage output. So it's hard to make a mistake, but at the same time all mistakes cost a lot, especially that there's a single health item in the entire map. And it gives you an actual feeling of being hunted, too.
It feels weird saying this but somehow it's one of my favorite maps now.

>> No.6813527

It's fun to beat for the first time but after that I found it tedious. Not a fan of mazes.

>> No.6813569

t. Theseus

>> No.6813728

It really is pretty genius.

>> No.6813823

Another map that is based around arch-viles.

>> No.6813892

It's a great map that instantly levels you up as a player imo. I used to dread fighting archies before I played Hunted

>> No.6813910

What I learned was that it takes four solid ssg shots, and you might be able to stun them to interrupt their attack. If that's the case, then you have some time before you need to break line of sight. Four ssg blasts are about the same as four rockets. Chainsaw does not stunlock them, unfortunately.

>> No.6813912
File: 582 KB, 812x634, arch-jeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm used to archies now, but I still kind of dread them because they're just plain goddamn spooky.

>> No.6813917 [DELETED] 

>this thread
Look the whiny boomer diaper babies got their general going again. See? There’s plenty of room for your retarded dinosaur games on neo-/vr/.

>> No.6814027

They look like they eat superpowered lemons. That's not spooky at all!

>> No.6814029 [DELETED] 

>boomer diaper baby chat room: the thread

>> No.6814064

They're tall, lanky and fast. Classic horror monsters. I have some experience fighting them but they still make me uneasy.

>> No.6814096

Were 90's maps so empty and shit becuase computers were limited and the tools were hard to use yeah?

>> No.6814097

serious shiters seething

>> No.6814180

Sir, this is a feeding room for C-grade eceleb robots. They come here for ideas, hot takes, spoonfed research and joke stealing. Also communism.

>> No.6814225

That's true, actually. I've seen many people say the last third or so of Plutonia either lightens up on the difficulty or that it's easier because they've gotten used to its tricks. I certainly felt the latter when I ran through it.

>> No.6814308

I thought this was bullshit until someone linked a video that directly referenced a post I made.

>> No.6814315

Idk I've always felt that Hunted was a break in difficulty from maps that come before and after it. I guess it depends on how much you get spooked by Arch-viles.

>> No.6814318

rofl, why am I not surprised?

>> No.6814334

Its just magic DOOM with crossbows that act like shotguns.

>> No.6814390

The latest patch has ui scaling.

>> No.6814410

I'm always curious. I know civvie frequents this shithole - it's kinda obvious. And gmanlivesmatter had 4chan mentioned in his bio for a while (still might).
Civvie is alright, but every time he voices a non vidya opinion I want to slap him.

>> No.6814415
File: 244 KB, 1157x1160, idfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These creatures will NEVER admit where they get their material.

>> No.6814423

Heretics biggest issue is the maps (they're okay, but rarely ever more than that), and lack of textures.
If you don't like heretic you probably won't like hexen. But it has the best sprite work in any Doom engine game.

>> No.6814550

but hexen is completly different from heretic&doom

>> No.6814559

What video?

>> No.6814561

Hexen really isnt comparable to Heretic/Hexen. Its more rpg/eyespe than fps at times

>> No.6814580

I wouldn't say completely different. It has similar tones, items, music, some monsters... But on top of all that it's main gameplay loop consists of tracking down switches and then the doors that the switches opened. Which isn't as bad as it sounds, but it doesnt hit a lot of people right either. P
There's a large amount of people that don't even like backtracking in Doom maps because it doesn't hit that dopamine button fast enough.

>> No.6814639

Thats what I meant though. Heretic is more or less a pallete swapped doomclone, while hexen's gameplay is quite different.

>> No.6814681

I see this faggot youtuber decino playing a wad called swim with the whales
is it any god?
what should I play after speed of doom?
going down is also on my list

>> No.6814719
File: 66 KB, 533x414, 1463321659186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6814724


>> No.6814745

if you want to grind each map for weeks, sure. i could never finish it

>> No.6814772

so it's just hard for the sake of being hard? no interesting encounters or anything?
never watched those videos because fuck watching some nigger playing
guess I'll stick with going down and many other "classics" I missed

>> No.6814784

That reminds me:
Anyone submitting their 2048 levels to him today?

>> No.6814786

Fight to fight though I don't think it is. The rest of it different in a way that is pretty niche. So if you don't like one, you probably won't like the other.
But interconnected levels and switch puzzles might be your thing too. I just don't think it's as likely for most of the population...
They're not uncomparable.

>> No.6814809

it's fun and cleverly designed, but some of the fights are REALLY cheap/rng based. going down is a good one. have you played 4 seasons of doom or the combat shock series?

>> No.6814837

>4 seasons of doom or the combat shock series
nope, taking good note of those, thanks friend

>> No.6814838

Jesus Fucking Christ, Refueling Base just kicked my ass. I fucking hate Pain Elementals and Lost Souls.

>> No.6814895

Swim with the Whales is honestly some of the hardest maps Ribbik's has ever made

>> No.6814909

There was an idea to vote or just decide on a single map to submit

>> No.6814943

>what should I play after speed of doom?
Resurgence is basically sorta like a sequel to it, as there's plenty of maps that make reference to SoD and/or play similarly. This time, It's mainly Joshy who made the maps, with Darkwave0000 only returning for the super secret level.

>> No.6814949

I saw some people post Black Crest, so that's the one I was gonna send in.

>> No.6815074

Brutal Blood, when?

>> No.6815079

>other opinions
About what?

>> No.6815096

What would be a good food/nature based substitution for a shotgun?
So far I could only think of

>popping a zit
>having a small dog, whenever you lift its tail, it shoots diarrhea towards the enemy
>a can of spaghetti-o's or something, you hold a blowtorch to its bottom and eventually the heat will make the lid blow off and shower the enemy in steam and cold "pasta".
I like that one because grabbing a new can could be kinda synched with the reloading time of the SSG

>> No.6815102

There's a pretty cool gameplay mod for Blood out there but it's not exactly Brutal Blood

>> No.6815110


>> No.6815120

Blood is already pretty brutal.

>> No.6815130

Could also just have the player squeeze the can like Popeye.

>> No.6815139

>exploding spaghetti-o can gun
Sounds great, you could also add an altfire to use it like a throwable explosive

I was thinking about sending that one too, but I guess there will be a bunch of people sending the 2048 wad already so I'll leave it up to you.

>> No.6815140

Nothing. Shouldn't have mentioned it because there's no way for it to be a decent conversation.
It's just the nature of any e-celeb though. They pick a lane to be in and any time they hop out of it they start alienating portions of their audience.

>> No.6815156

Blood sucks, sorry.

>> No.6815169

If anyone is sending in the wad, be sure to specify whether the map is in the main megawad or the extra.

>> No.6815182

I think I figured out a solution to this. Let's consider Steam as a platform, and since that came out after 2001, any game (TF2 for example) released there is not retro.

>> No.6815198

Damn, you people really like exploding can, eh? And the squeezing is a good idea, didn't think of that.
I probably wouldn't do the altfire though, as I already have a jar of jam that substitutes the rocket launcher. But then again, a can is predestined for exploding...
Any other ideas?

>> No.6815215

so, in brutal doom i can train with tanks, motorbikes, helicopters... but what wads use them???

>> No.6815238

UAC Military Nightmare

>> No.6815254

what kinda retard only uses the shotgun

>> No.6815268

eh if i was the ranger in a nightmare world where human pussy was literally non-existent, i might

>> No.6815313

Speed of Doom sucks dick, extremely monotonous slaughtershit levels.
Going Down's pretty good, being semi-slaughter for most of it and featuring few, but short slaughter levels. Very smart designs too.

>> No.6815370

You, who made Forsaken Stockades, here's my review:
The jail tract looks beautiful, had a laff at the overflowing toilet. Now fuck you and your ancestors' last ten generations for making it slaughtershit.

>> No.6815373
File: 847 KB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6815383

Are slaughtermaps just maps filled with like a thousand enemies?

>> No.6815413

It's just a label scrubs use to bitch about levels they can't beat in one try on UV.

>> No.6815415


>> No.6815465

Is 18:00 UTC right now?

>> No.6815469

Basically yes. They're maps built around crowd control, infighting and rocket/bfg spam

>> No.6815472


>> No.6815482

Some of the more well-regarded ones do have actual design to them. Not as senseless as the sheer enemy counts would lead you to believe.
There is more to it than just BFG spam, but it's definitely not a gameplay style for everyone.

>> No.6815491

Good. I hope I made it. Though I did not submit 2048 because my contribution is not very interesting.

>> No.6815512
File: 125 KB, 620x634, 1576356808602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to play a Slaughterwad just play Serious Sam. Its designed around huge enemy counts with a large variety of enemies

>> No.6815531

Forsaken Stockades is not slaughter.

>> No.6815542

not retro :^)

>> No.6815547

>finally try out Doom 64
>map 01 isn't anything special, but hey it's just the first map
>02, 03, and 04 aren't anything particularly great either
>05 is ALSO boring, as is 06
As I get to map 07, it's the first map which feels like it puts any effort into trying to kill me. Granted, I picked Bring It On, which research now shows me is the second lowest difficulty level, so it's kind of my own fault in that sense. Can I change the difficulty level without losing all my shit?

>> No.6815552


>> No.6815564

Kinda, you can generate a password (http://eternity.mancubus.net/d64pw/)) to warp you to a certain level on a skill setting you want and with the equipment you want. Doom 64 gets actually good once you get to the hell levels.

>> No.6815573

It is now :v)

>> No.6815585

Now play the Hunted homage in Plutonia 2.

>> No.6815634

Thanks, bro. I was feeling almost like giving up on the game, since it was so incredibly sparsely populated. I'll have to give this a try.

>> No.6815830

>Generation envy: the comment

>> No.6815849


>> No.6815857

>Catacomb 3D

>> No.6815860

>large variety of enemies
Honestly, they can safely throw out every enemy aside from headless muslims, bone faggots and green faggots, and it would be pretty much the same.

>> No.6815890

Maybe on the board
Not on this thread it isn't

>> No.6815998

Does anyone else have hard time remembering Plutonia or just me? I'm positive I beat it, but on individual levels I draw blank.

>> No.6816061

It's certainly more memorable than TNT.

>> No.6816105

>Masquerade violation

>> No.6816119

yea but do enemies try to kill each other? because that's the best thing about doom

>> No.6816198

I have not, i'm guessing that means it was bad?

>> No.6816209

Well i'm glad i'm not the only one here who'd hit that

as always i'm open to more VA requests

>> No.6816229

Somewhere in the future I will make my own MAP30 which would have monster spawner but no proper icon of sin. I thought it would be funny to replace "To with the game you should kill me, John Romero" with "John's not here anymore, so you can't win the game".

>> No.6816241

Sure i can do that, what tone do you want it in?
goofy? serious? demonic?

>> No.6816258


>> No.6816261

May require some pitch shift and may sound like crap, but i'm on it

>> No.6816295

Not that guy but I have stronger memories of Mount Bullshit than anything in Plutonia.

>> No.6816313

Really? Hunted and Go 2 It are iconic in my mind, honestly. Official maps but both are real extremes of gameplay styles.

>> No.6816329

How's this

>> No.6816368

Yeah, it's pretty good. I think I can use it.

>> No.6816374

Cool, glad to be of some help

>> No.6816418

>Obstacles don't block projectiles
Is this a bug or feature?

>> No.6816438

I need some help. So I'm using ZDL for Project Brutality with my Doom games. And I decided to make a custom .wad using Oblige. I add my Oblige map to ZDL and have it work with Project Brutality but I'm getting an error message when I launch it with,

>Execution could not continue.

>GetNumForName: PLAYPAL not found!

What am I doing wrong? Does Oblige maps not work with Project Brutality?

>> No.6816441
File: 984 KB, 480x270, AMERIKAPHAIL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good WW2 doom mods/total conversions?
I want to play as germans

>> No.6816442

>Partial invisibility right before the end map button

>> No.6816513

Is there a way to make self-referencing sector with a hole in it?

>> No.6816529

You're probably not loading an iwad (doom.wad, plutonia.wad, doom2.wad)

>> No.6816535


So how do I load also the normal doom.wad and the Oblige map together with Project Brutality in ZDL?

>> No.6816537

Is this a sex joke
if so i'm down to plow

>> No.6816612

What does that fucking thing even do. Worst power up ever

>> No.6816618

It makes monsters shoot not at you, but at an angle. Only really good against hitscanners or at a very long range.

>> No.6816624

Pretty sure it makes monsters less not shoot first and aim in your general area instead of directly at you.

>> No.6816630

Choose let me die then skip to whatever level you were at.

It's not like nightmare were shit respawns. Hardest difficulty is basically just ultra violence.


^type this into password to unlock level select. And yeah, the first few levels are just easing you into the game and showing off their fancy scripting. Gets much harder. But expect TONS OF KNIGHTS/BARONS for the rest of the game.

>> No.6816647

Fuck off back to your containment cage

>> No.6816651

The fuck are you talking about?
I just enjoy WW2 weapons

>> No.6816665

Ironically for anyone familiar with the game, this actually makes it more difficult since you cant easily predict where the projectiles will go.

>> No.6816685

What's with the rumours Josh Romano has a megawad in the works? It took him 2 years to create an episode. A megawad? Maybe for the 40 year anniversary (laughs)

>> No.6816713
File: 317 KB, 240x184, RashDigitalBarbet-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah just one he uses to hop around on

>> No.6816718


>> No.6816730
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.6816734

You can't stop true love
wait until you see my doom folder

>> No.6816738

Please hello???? Can you please help me here: >>6816438 I beg of you, Please.

>> No.6816746

What are the recommend difficulties for games other than Doom? I'm basically asking which are retarded tier like Nightmare and I should avoid.

>> No.6816749

Try using command line/shortcut with arguments -file doom2.wad <your other wads>

I don't know how to use launcher, I use shortcuts with arguments like a jackass.

>> No.6816753

>Try using command line/shortcut with arguments -file doom2.wad <your other wads>

What fucking language is this?!?! I am not a coder...I wanna use ZDL on it.....

>> No.6816762

Wermacht were just soldiers.

>> No.6816763

Do you know of any wads with em?

>> No.6816773

None where you play as them, no.

>> No.6816783

I sent my own because he said he was more inclined to play maps that the submitter made. If we all do that, hopefully at least one will get in.

>> No.6816784

Real shame, how about any with WW2 weaponry?
even if just a weapon pack for base doom that'd work

>> No.6816791

Moonman doom has nazi playable characters now

>> No.6816792

Remember Romero calls an episode a megawad

>> No.6816794

We talking like actual soldier or just hitler

>> No.6816807

There's one called Nazis! that has a bunch of ww2 weapons and you fight... nazis.
I don't know if there's an isolated weapon mod.

>> No.6816812

That sounds hard to find because of how generic the title is

>> No.6816815

Moonman doom is good for a laugh due to it's absurdity, but it's not really a *good* wad.
At least not last I played it.

>> No.6816821

Well i get that but i'm saying last i checked only hitler was playable, not a regular soldier

>> No.6816824


>> No.6816831

are you loading the wads in the right order? the oblige wad should go first

>> No.6816839

The irony of this comment KEK!

>> No.6816847

Are there any good fan campaigns for Shadow Warrior?

>> No.6816863

ah thank you, any map recommendations for this? i don't feel like vanilla doom 2 would suit it

>> No.6816870


>> No.6816887

Acid spit

>> No.6816890


>> No.6816897

the Park episode is pretty good. theres also a great single map called Showdown In Suzhou.

>> No.6816918

Not that I've seen. You could probably find various German weapon mods from the era but playing actual Axis soldier is doubtful. That would be cool though a solid WW2 mod with various armies.

There is the new VeitDoom mod, some dogshit (in quality) mod where you're basically ISIS killing Americans or that one mod with the guy from the McDonalds commercial

>> No.6816926

quake is 3d, vanilla software-rendered doom is 2d funneled into the distance, simulating 3d while not technically being 3d.

>> No.6816959

This is kind of icky, but his drawings of the barons and doom 3 hell knight get me rock hard.

>> No.6816965


>> No.6816981

Are we potential doom boner friends?

>> No.6816991

I dunno, are we still mad that hdoom hasn't been updated for like 2 years?

>> No.6816996

Notched up to Skill 3, feels a lot better. Getting to Even Simpler, that level does in no way fuck around, the Pain Elementals, especially with Lost Souls now exploding, are a serious menace in any group battle, the only strategy that worked was grab the Invulnerability Sphere and just hurry to destroy those assholes so I could fight the Barons and Fatsos in peace.

And I've noticed that they lean a bit heavy on Knights/Barons already.

>> No.6816998

Here's a better test, do you prefer hdoom style, or OG style sexualized?

>> No.6817004

OG but not as ugly as the shambler pic. Imp tan runs the border so shes ok.

>> No.6817005
File: 905 KB, 1280x720, HK Just Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your taste, anon. Your Shamb impression's pretty good, too.

>> No.6817013

Based, i personally hate hdoom because it's like
here's something monsterous
i'm going to slap googly eyes on it
nah man, i want to fuck my demon wife with all her parts that scare others, that's what make me love her
Thank you good friend, what do you make?

>> No.6817014

Epic 2 is a popular suggestion for the Nazis! mod.

>> No.6817028

Thanks, i've been trying the wolfenstein maps butr i'm getting my dick kicked on them

>> No.6817036

DBP27 is out

>> No.6817065

It's nice to see you perverts getting along. You know, I'm a bit of a pervert myself.

Sounds nothing like a Shambler tho

>> No.6817086
File: 120 KB, 900x900, 1558601668821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah? welcome to the monster fucker saloon, how perverted are ya?
also i tried, i was actually going to ask you for reference, if one wants to play quake for the first time what's the best version?

>> No.6817108

not that guy but I recommend FTE for ease of setup and it working with everything. You can also play quake 2 and hexen 2 with it.

>> No.6817114

Not that kind of pervert, and I'd say Quakespasm, or Quakespasm Spiked, would be good. Should be a setup in one of the OP links.

>> No.6817132

Isn't Spiked the one updated and with modding support?

>> No.6817134

Nobody is going to make a thread for a 7 year span just to soak up our leftovers. That's not something you have the power to enforce anyways.

>> No.6817140

Afterquake package i'm guessing is the best to DL?
you're not gonna like this then

>> No.6817141


stop inventing your own "akchually it is X" definitions
3D means 3 dimensions
Doom uses 3 dimensions in its graphics
It uses 3 dimensions in its gameplay
limitations imposed on it due to optimisations and map formats (like not allowing ROR) are completely irrelevant for that matter. By arguing the opposite you only show your lack of intellect or willingnes to see that you may be wrong

Carmack himself said that even if it was limited, and not your "general consumer 3D", it was still proper 3D in every way that counts.

By gods I swear after that "Gametheory" idiots posted their stupid vid, every argument from which was pretty much immediately disproven as factually false with links to the source code and practical examples, retarded shit like this started to pop up with astounding regularity.
Stop parroting braindead e-celebs and start thinking for yourself

>> No.6817142

half life sucks

>> No.6817146

Plutonia is kind of samey graphically
Many memorable combat situations but the maps just blend into each other

>> No.6817154

Actually maybe that was offensive to ask, i'm not sure if you make anything

>> No.6817171
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, Heard you like rabbits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do some SFM posing, but my arsenal of actual monster girl models is pretty lacking. A lot of the good stuff is kept private or only shared with cool enough dudes.
Sure it's not deep enough like the game where the Shamblers growling at you, but it sounds like it could be an idle sound when the Shambler's just chilling and chittering to itself, particularly the second one.

>> No.6817176

with FTE the updates are just visual stuff i think, you can grab them and try them out depending on how much you want it to look like darkplaces. should work out of the box with none of those though.

>> No.6817179

Not sure if this is the type of stuff you're looking for. Just search ww1/2 or whatever and double check they're vanilla

>> No.6817207

Well you sound pretty cool to me, want to be friends?
i downloaded it and there's like a bunch of download options, i dont know what to do, help

>> No.6817215

>It uses 3 dimensions in its gameplay
no, no it doesn't
>In every way that counts
you mean like floor-over-floor or non-infinintely tall actors
>muh e-celebs
rent-free. this is just how i always saw it

>> No.6817217

You forgot to say NEW THREAD


Although it's still a bit too early

>> No.6817250

Then again with the new board speed with all the shitposters...

>> No.6817251

>projectiles fly over/under enemies
>enemy on the tower can be hit from afar, but if you walk closer you can't cause your rockets/bullets will hit the edge
ROR isnt even a requirement for 3D.
and so on

All of those argumenst have lonbg since been discussed and disproven

>> No.6817264

just ignore them, esc out and hit new game

>> No.6817269
File: 517 KB, 673x881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What IS all this shit though? fan made mods?

>> No.6817287
File: 545 KB, 1602x932, OBvdQ9v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

texture packs and lightdefs, don't fuck with afterquake cause it breaks the hud. try the fte quakeworld - 2019-09-03 if you want one to be green.

>> No.6817295

want one to be green?

>> No.6817307
File: 434 KB, 760x900, doomguy and daisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, thanks, dude. And yeah, totally!

>> No.6817319
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, spodermostermond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6817321
File: 98 KB, 1320x792, IN3i78D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hit new game, its fine.

>> No.6817330

Gimme a steam code or something
hopefully i can get you into full on animating and we can make stuff together with my voice acting and your skill
(if you want)
Should i fuck with any of the settings like lookspring or whatever?

>> No.6817348

what is a Quake port that can BOTH play advanced maps like AD, and have different Hud and Crosshair?
Quakespasm Spiked apparently added some support for HUD modding, but nobody ever done anything with it.

>> No.6817365
File: 472 KB, 868x534, qxaSEsY (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quake is wierd and you'll have to find the settings you like.

>> No.6817375

>That OP pic
>All those (embed)s
>This thread isn't even at page 7

>> No.6817382

I will not tolerate bulli

>> No.6817408

You can copy embed-less text you know.

>> No.6817409

I noticed there's no music, why is that?

>> No.6817416

fte works with quakeinjector, and you can add custom huds and change the crosshair.

>> No.6817420

i'm a thread virgin, be gentle

>> No.6817436

do you hear random ambience or is it totally silent?
reminder that quakes ost isn't really music but creepy droning.

>> No.6817447

I hear like nothing besides level noises

>> No.6817452

What are some mods for FTE then? I've heard about real time lighting mod, but I can't find it or any HUD mod for that matter. Please help me out!

>> No.6817456

Fair enough.
Really, the raw text should be in the "creating new threads" pastebin. Not sure if it is.

>> No.6817468

check off pic related under the updates menu and hit apply.
if the first map you enter in episode 1 past the hub sounds like
you have the soundtrack, if not you will have to follow the guide in the op post to get it working.

>> No.6817478
File: 40 KB, 713x46, 4swswN5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. you could try the afterquake ones instead but I don't really like them. make sure to change your lighting settings in the options menu to switch them to realtime.

>> No.6817485

The quake pastebin? It just has links to download quake and its music

>> No.6817487
File: 223 KB, 564x360, h76J3t3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its all under lighting options.

>> No.6817526
File: 136 KB, 361x285, Nice_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6817530

here ya go
if any of you other doom/retro fps guys want to add me that's fine too, but this is mostly for the monster fucker fellows

>> No.6817614

here's mine for whoever else here wants to be friends

>> No.6817638


>> No.6817662

Honestly I wouldn't, either.

>> No.6817685


>> No.6817687

yeah bro, in the thread where they were talkin about demon titties and the dude who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how half life is bad.

>> No.6817710
File: 580 KB, 1701x956, Screenshot_Doom_20200901_192441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the lore behind this?

>> No.6817741

Got you added
Got you added
i think there was one other person who likes demon lewds in here? but im not sure

>> No.6817760

thyere's flesh in the walls
it bleeds

>> No.6817772

thats what fills the black void in your doombuilder window.

>> No.6817789


>> No.6817862

1. What >>6817687 said.
2. if often feels pretentious to publicly admit frequenting an anonymous imageboard where, you know, nobody is supposed to know who we are. (that being said, I'm glad we still have content creators like Kegan around)
3. Might attract too many "tourists".

>> No.6817882
File: 603 KB, 850x575, 1592521541190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>press a switch
>it reveals a couple archviles
>oh ok
>they immediately teleport somewhere else.

>> No.6817905
File: 1.30 MB, 192x192, 1586017219795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They each teleport to a different room you've already cleared
>Every room had a pretty big encounter in it

>> No.6817908

>7 year span
>what is 1993-1999 because who's gonna talk about wolf3d in 2020

>> No.6817914

1. Who cares? The internet is and always has been a fucked up place.
2. Ok, Kegan.
3. I'd rather have tourists than see some chump make money off of information that actual enthusiasts have gathered over the year. Ecelebs are hacks and the sooner people find out, the sooner everybody can move on. Hopefully for the better.

>> No.6818084

wolf3d is a tough one because doom and doom 2 are straight upgrades. flat levels suck.

>> No.6818179

>Ecelebs are hacks and the sooner people find out
problem is, most people are too basic to care
they just consume whatever they are given

>> No.6818205

Final boss' asshole

>> No.6818442

Oh sure. Some of them would look around for an upbooted opinion and reaction to have regarding the whole debacle but maybe, just maybe, 1-8% of them would grow a brain. Would be a good outcome even if it happens to just one single person.

>> No.6818653

Last post for Cream pieing demons