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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6807951 No.6807951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6807957

fuck off boomer

>> No.6807962

please stay boomer

>> No.6807967

>make a bunch of new boards
>instead of making a new board, open /vr/ to immigrants to prevent people talking about actual retro games
what did they mean by this

>> No.6807969

Based Costanz ripping the zoomies a new arsehole

>> No.6807980

>released in 1968
>sexy transistorpunk aesthetic
>referenced in retro games
It’s, dare I say it, quintessential /kinoretro/

>> No.6808020

Hiro only cares about traffic so he can make more yen. That's literally the only reason it was made.

>> No.6808035
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>> No.6808057

>actual retro games
Sorry anon, but as time marches on more and more games are going to become actual retro games.

>> No.6808071

nah, just because you're 60 doesn't make 40 young

>> No.6808075

Sixth gen will never be retro because everyone knows it's just the same shit on today's consoles but with a lower poly count. A shitty childhood and overall bad taste in games doesn't make sixth gen retro, you dumb mong.

>> No.6808115

This all reminds me of when I hear Smash Mouth or Nirvana on the Classic Rock station. Classic Rock is supposed to be a certain era of music, not just shit that happens to be 20+ years old. Otherwise why can't I call music from the 50's Classical Music? Same thing with VR. Retro games ARE certain era of gaming. Anything older than that is just Video Games.

On the plus side at least I can ask dumb questions about GBA games so there's that I suppose....

>> No.6808120

sorry meant anything NEWER than that is just Video Games

>> No.6808879

this place sucks

>> No.6808887

Quake 3, Half-Life and Unreal Tournament are 6th gen games

>> No.6808889

cry more retard

>> No.6808898

>it's bad because i said so

>> No.6808903

>A shitty childhood and overall bad taste in games doesn't make sixth gen retro
No, but 13 years does

>> No.6808905


>> No.6808913

Sixth gen is retro. Read the sticky.

>> No.6808937
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Yeah dumb rule

>> No.6808950

Based. See you fellow oldfags there.

>> No.6808965
File: 387 KB, 500x375, 76E29E73-3F1F-41CF-9C9E-5340623D7D3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to report this advertising/spam, /videoretro/

>> No.6808973

>noooo don't take away my delicious boomer tears
Enjoy the shithole you've created, zoomlet. Peace out.

>> No.6808975

>i want boomers to fuck off but i will report ads that will help them leave

>> No.6808990

imagine creating this board in the first place.

>> No.6808991
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Alternatively, we could discuss quintessential 6th Gen scotformers over there...

>> No.6809001

>nooo nooooo you cannot report my rule-breaking spam AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.6809004
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>> No.6809010

>spammers are wojakers
Still reporting your advertising, but good riddance.

>> No.6809012
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>> No.6809024

stop posting selfies, this isn't /soc/

>> No.6809059
File: 62 KB, 1024x585, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember when Retro was covering only the golden age of video games.
>Not the shit that it has come to now
>What the hell. Call of duty 3 is now retro? Preposterous.
>Damn you zoomers

>> No.6809061

>I lived long enough to see söyjak duels in /vr/
And you faggots will keep brushing the issue off as "boomers are just salty they lost their secret club".
I said this before on a different thread: I'm perfectly okay with 6th gen games being discussed. I always pushed for this to happen. The problem here isn't the games, it's the fucking userbase. /v/ermins like you ruining the last comfy board on this shithole website with your toxic bullshit.

>> No.6809062

Sixth Gen was the generation that pushed the CoD, GTA and Halo shit on nearly every single gaming genre to have ever come out.
Do you not remember Banjo Tooie or the memes about brown shooters being a thing? The same generation that bullied kids from being interested in platformers and telling them to play games that made them want to join the army?

>> No.6809068


>> No.6809076

We’re obviously getting shitposting from /v/ but a lot of it is also from pouting oldfags.