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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6806112 No.6806112 [Reply] [Original]

>Contains every guide and answer to all problems when playing retro video games
If this website ever goes out of business, we're fucked.

>> No.6806120

Have zoomers never heard of a site rip/site archive?

>> No.6806127

Is anyone maintaining an archive? Including the forums?

>> No.6806129

Hopefully us 10IQbros can come up with a solution to this problem soon

>> No.6806131

no u r the zoomer

>> No.6806164

You can't be serious - almost the entire archive is text-based and (if you only keep text) would fit on one free google drive account. Those faqs will be around forever even if gamefaqs goes out of business. Why would they just delete all that work. Truth is youtube is often a much better way of showing you how to do things in old games as well as new.

>> No.6806180

>Youtube guides

Found the tourist trying to fit in

>> No.6806186

stfu I've been on gamefaqs since almost the beginning and youtube is just a better way to find answers quickly instead of trying to figure out wtf the writer is talking about.

>> No.6806187

Every game has its own autistic Wiki the size of ten Wikipedias now. Gamefags has been extraneous for years now.

>> No.6806194

often* I should have said. Sometimes text is better.

>> No.6806202

I wrote a guide for a very popular game which didn't have a single guide and still does not and was banned immediately after despite having never, ever posted on the boards or anywhere else. The guide is still there. Gamefaqs was really weird.

>> No.6806212

>YouTube guide
Literally a waste of time. It's much faster to read a couple of sentences than sit there and watch a fucking YouTube video.
Did they ever teach you zoomers how to read in school?

>> No.6806237

If you bothered to follow the conversation you'd know I'm not a zoomer. You can't be prejudiced against a way of finding the answer to something that can clearly be better sometimes.

Man I am so out of this dump.

>> No.6806248

>contains voluminous tomes of marginally accurate drivel shat forth from the fingertips of stupid children over the ages
>If this website ever goes out of business, we're fucked.
And nothing of value was lost

>> No.6806259 [DELETED] 

> Youtube guide
> find answers quickly
> *quickly*
Searching a video is FAR more annoying than searching text. You can't ctrl+f a video. It's inherently imprecise. You have to pick a spot, wait for it to buffer, watch a bit of it to see what they're doing and if if's before or after what you're looking for. Then pick again and repeat. With a text document you can search keywords to go straight to the thing you're looking for. In my opinion the ideal walkthrough is text and images. I usually like IGN's walkthroughs for this reason. I know people like to meme about the too much water thing, but they actually do write pretty good walkthroughs.

>> No.6806263

>contains voluminous tomes of marginally accurate drivel shat forth from the fingertips of stupid children over the ages
That's part of the charm.

>> No.6806308

>YouTube guide

>> No.6806318

Yes. It’s called archive.org you little retard.

>> No.6806319

>Wait for it to buffer

So do /vr/ users purposely use dialup or do you just live in flyover hell

>> No.6806334 [DELETED] 

My parents' house has DSL which is basically a faster version of Dialup that allows you to make calls on the landline at the same time as you use the internet. Right now I'm living in a city with fast internet, but next year I'm still moving back with my parents' because it turns out cities actually suck ass and "flyover hell" is top comfy. I feel bad for city dwellers who don't know what they're missing. But by all means, stay in your overpriced shitholes. The more of you live in those glorified slave camps the less people I'll have shitting up my comfy hometown.

>> No.6806340
File: 75 KB, 640x637, 1528960171264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are GAMERS we do NOT forget or forgive

>> No.6806358

>Modern gamer: Fortnight
>Old-school gamer: Modern Warfare
>Ancient gamer: Halo 3.
What irony.

>> No.6806360


Best part are still those overblown selfimportant messages at the end

>This guide (C) (TM) and Pat. pend. Johnny Doe, Reproduction or copying in parts STRICTLY forbidden UNLESS written consent given. Otherwise punished by 200 years in prison, murder of whole family and fucking and eating the dog.

>> No.6806375

Archive.org will probably will be offline long before GameFAQs

>> No.6806382

I've started to save guides on games known to be a bit tricky. I'm surprised how many guides still get updated to this day. One thing I do NOT like though is the new guide format they've been rolling out. Instead of it being one giant text document you can easily keyword search you have people turning their guides into e-books. Those guides are not so easily searched through and I'm assuming are built for mobile devices in mind or something.

>> No.6806397
File: 33 KB, 500x480, u-mad-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube contains hundreds of thousands of more guides, walkthroughs, and playthroughs of games
>GameFAQs is outdated

>> No.6806398

Agreed, and that's a good idea. I also save .pdfs of official guides. They're fun to flip through sometimes, especially with some that have developer notes, etc.

>> No.6806410

Once you can ctrl+f a video, I'll be on board.

>> No.6806416

>>Contains every guide and answer to all problems when playing retro video games

No it doesn't; Even if you're lucky enough to find a FAQ for some obscure games chances are it's going to be terrible

>> No.6806420

>No it doesn't; Even if you're lucky enough to find a FAQ for some obscure games chances are it's going to be terrible
But if that's the case, it's probably the only information on the Internet about that ultra obscure game, hence its value

>> No.6806421

name some actually worth playing

>> No.6806571

The good FAQ writers are mostly gone from the site, it's just a forum now.

>> No.6806613

Sadly it's also a better forum than much of 4chan. The only big problem is a lot of boards are dead and you cant talk about illegal shit

>> No.6806629

>Sadly it's also a better forum than much of 4chan.
I never thought I'd see someone actually trying to argue this.

>> No.6806662

I mean /vr/ is OK enough (Thought with this rule change its shitting itself) but the rest of the Video Game boards are a fucking trainwreck of people trying to troll for entertainment/starting political arguments drowning out the few who want to have genuine conversations.

At least on GameFags it's slow but if you post in the Console General Boards/certain game boards you can have a decent experience.

Note: I have never posted outside the game boards so if they are shit I'd have no idea, but I can imagine

>> No.6807003


Youtube is good for things that are hard to describe in text, but nine times out of ten, I prefer text guides.

>> No.6807036


Yeah, that sucks. It's sad to see newer games having one or two guides, or none compared to older games having 20.

>> No.6807045

>tfw I started browsing 4chan after hearing about it on GameFAQs in 2007

>> No.6807056

I mean yea but if u ever played games ~2000 youd know that a lot dont have guides . And have to resort to obscure websites from 1996

>> No.6807068

I started browsing 4chan in 2005 because I followed a hentai spammer's link and backtracked from one of the classic images to 4chan.org and then found my way to /h/, then to /b/, and finally to /v/ circa 2006. THERE I found about about GameFAQs and the fact that I must hate it, which I did and still do.

>> No.6807079

i remember finding GameFAQs when it was still that reddish-pink kind of color.

>> No.6807110 [DELETED] 

Not him, but on Gamefaqs people don't stray off topic as much. There aren't any pol/foot fetish/lolicon weirdos derailing threads. Also I've found people there to be more knowledgeable and willing to talk about obscure titles from all gens

Only problem is some boards get like 1 post a year

>> No.6807156


Yeah, I haven't talked on the Gamefaqs boards regularly in like, 15 years, in fact I don't even remember the last time I posted anything on there, but they seem somewhat better than they used to be since mods don't seem to be as heavy handed. I was surprised that they stopped making people censor certain words. They've still got the rabid fanboys and trolls, but no place where a lot of people congregate online will ever be free of those.

>> No.6807236

The pcfags on /v/ are beyond obnoxious. Never had to deal with that on Gamefaqs.

>> No.6807306

Which game?

>> No.6807318

You shouldn't need a guide for action-adventure games. Read the manual, ask for tips but not answers to specific puzzles, and use your intuition. Looking up the solution in a walkthrough is weak shit.

>> No.6807342

It's literally the only guide on GameFAQs for a really important genre-defining game and it's a really good guide too, short but on-point and exhaustive, but it's uploaded under my real name, so let's not bring that up on here of all places lol. The point is, I never posted anywhere else, just uploaded the guide, which was accepted and is still there, but in a few months I logged in and found myself permabanned with no right to appeal.

>> No.6807395


>Uploading with your real name

>> No.6807408

He was probably a lil shit. I did it, too. I wonder how much cringe about me can some autistic dig up.

>> No.6807421

I wasn't too young back then (in my twenties) and I really had nothing to hide when uploading that guide. I mean, I'd rather my real name not pop up on this ole dumpster fire of a website, but a guide on GameFAQs is nothing special.

>> No.6807449

You can't call people autistic on gayfags, so it's worse by default.

>> No.6807450


It's probably an age thing. I'm old fashioned, I don't use my real name for anything that I don't have to.

>> No.6807467

Luckily I can have a conversation with people without using curse words or slurs.

>> No.6807493


Are you sure? Modern Gamefaqs users talk an awful lot like 4chan users.

>> No.6807628

I tried to call people who don't want anime characters in smash "anti-Goku autists" and it stopped me from posting and said to make sure I'm not using autism as an insult in any way before posting.

>> No.6807639

Maybe you should go back there then? You're in the wrong neighborhood, faggot.

>> No.6807656

Ok enjoy your

>Portal Threads
>Crysis Threads
>"E-Celeb talked about a game so why do I think about it"
>"What is a good retro game about <Current Political Event>

>> No.6807691

For me it was going to the library computer to write down cheat codes from gamewinners. Later on my friend who used to go with me got a cheat bible. Good times.

>> No.6807794


Anon please do you REALLY want to watch 20 minutes of inane eceleb prattling for a solution you can look up in a text guide?

>> No.6807817

zoomers don't know how to use ctrl+f in a text guide. their brains only know the skip function

>> No.6807852
File: 168 KB, 800x1254, 458726-ar-tonelico-ii-melody-of-metafalica-playstation-2-manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamefaqs is still a good place to read up guides for old games.

Do new games even need guides?

>> No.6807878

I guess only if you're playing a Souls or some other in a difficulty above hard and need to look up patterns and stuff like that. It's also handy to find neat stuff that you might have missed in open world games like TES.

>> No.6807926

I unironically will. Bye Felicia

>> No.6807928

Nostalgia! My library wanted 25 cents for every page of printing. I was just a kid who didn't have money. So I had to write. A lot.

>> No.6807989

Not really. They help in games like Sekiro where there is a cool boss fight locked behind getting a specific ending that requires 50 steps of inane bullshit (Like talking to npcs over and over till they decided to tell you something at random)

>> No.6807991

Same. And on top of that we didn't know english, so imagine navigating a really poorly google translated version of gamewinners trying to figure out what to do in the game circa 2001 with a shit slow connection in an old CRT monitor connected to a computer running Win98. On top of that we only had 30 minutes each, and that was still not enough time due to how slow it was. And then sometimes the cheat codes didn't work or the guides were bullshit, like Mew under the truck, but when it worked it was the happiest moment of the week.

>> No.6808128

>need to find Bird Amulet
>open FAQ
>Ctrl+F "Bird Amulet"
>know exactly where it is with only 5 seconds of work

>Youtube search "Game Name + Bird Amulet"
>xXxSephyBishi420's part 8 of 35 video series appears
>each video is a 3 hour long segment from his Twitch stream complete with pauses while he talks to chat and makes awful jokes
>click it hoping it's the right one and have to skip around in the video for where he actually gets the amulet, if that's even the right video in the series to begin with, if not start again on part 9, etc

>> No.6808153

The only time YT works is when you need a solution on a puzzle. It can be hard to draw in a text document.

>> No.6808197


Use "longplay", "no commentary" or "walkthrough" to get videos without people talking and only showing the actual game. But still, I agree that text guides are better most of the time.

>> No.6808257

the admin and mods of gfaqs are retarded. and CBS don't seem to care. see leddit r/gamefaqscurrentevents/.

>> No.6808289

That fact you referenced a reddit drama sub means that you dont belong

>> No.6808314

I didn't use my real name per se, but it was a nickname that's one easy Google search away from that. I'm 35 and you're probably roughlyt he same age.

>> No.6808328

I would like to see them try

>> No.6808336

It's a bummer people don't use it anymore and just record themselves bumbling through games and call them walkthroughs on YouTube.

>> No.6808473

The ideal is a text guide with video links to each section.

>> No.6808523

It can't go down, it's been owned by gamespot for years and it's riddled to shit with ads everywhere, not to mention it's all backed up and mirrored on gamespot's own site so the worst that can happen is that they force you to look shit up there instead

>> No.6808564

I legit can't remember the last time I actually used gamefaqs. Probably the mid 2000s for a Super Robot Wars translation guide.

>> No.6808607

Youtube is perhaps good for watching how others play action-based games but for puzzle solutions, item locations or strategies text is so much easier. Also you don't have to some Spaniard's shitty accent or some kid's shrill voice. Youtube is unironically the worst thing to happen to internet guides for basically anything.

>> No.6808632

This. I don't like IGN, but that's a good thing that they have.

>> No.6808665

Gave Baldur's Gate another spin after 15 years and looking up DSimpsons guide for character locations was cozy.

>> No.6808981
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>using guides
just play the damn game

>> No.6808998
File: 53 KB, 600x641, index(289).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately a lot of them want to make money with YT ads.

Feels like in the past everyone was less concerned with monetization.

>> No.6809019

IGN may be a normalfag site but they have some good JRPG guides.

>> No.6809046
File: 696 KB, 705x573, _dd54c4a4261ba2607b13afde2d6480dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the orignal SMT first time
>don't understand what the a good chunk items and spells do
At least buying gear is simple

>> No.6809050

Roguelikes basically require guides.
Also guides for 100 percent complete autism.

>> No.6809086

There's only like two retro roguelikes that were released for home consoles outside of Japan.

>> No.6809125

There's nothing like seeing how something is done in detail. You can read how to do it but it'll cost you time and energy. You can talk shit about how you're teh superior all you want it won't change reality.

>> No.6809249

What's wrong with you? Just play the kids' game and figure it out yourself. I've never used an FAQ in my life

>> No.6809350

>but it'll cost you time and energy
I find it that when I spend time and energy on things, that's when I feel happy for accomplishing something. That's the problem with zoomers nowadays with mobile and easy games. They're so easy to get things and finish, that zoomers end up thinking they should have everything easy in life.

>> No.6809365

It's bullshit, usually gacha shit starts really easy but 20 hours in it becomes a grinding hell much worse than any retro game because it requires you to spend real money.

>> No.6809374

Will you stop talking about zoomers you fucking spastic - I'm 35 years old, I told you I was at gamefaqs since almost the beginning.

>> No.6809412

Doesnt matter, you have a faggot zoomer soul, your father cries in the shower.
Text based walkthroughs are more objective and convey the complete information, if you have trouble following written instructions youre literally retarded.

>> No.6809415

>usually gacha shit starts really easy but 20 hours in it becomes a grinding hell much worse than any retro game because it requires you to spend real money
Depends on the gacha. There's a lot of them that you can do everything by grinding and the real money only goes for costumes. Apparently in Azur Lane you can even get said costumes if you grind enough, so you only spend money if you want it to be effortless.
Bit hard to know who is who when everyone is Anon.

>> No.6809425

>There's only like two retro roguelikes that were released for home consoles outside of Japan.
I'll bite, what are they?

>> No.6809439
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>Truth is youtube is often a much better way of showing you how to do things
Yeah, nothing beats having to scrub through a video to find the one part you're stuck at, and I just love when viewing footage there's an autistic faggot narrating it.

>> No.6809442

i can remember chocobo dungeon 2 and azure dream on ps1 it would be weird if they were the only 2

>> No.6809453

>Yeah, nothing beats having to scrub through a video to find the one part you're stuck at
literally always takes me 2 minutes if that

>> No.6809480

And it takes 30 seconds to ctrl F something I need to look up in a text guide. Sorry you're computer illiterate zoom zoom.

>> No.6809553

You'll still have to scrub and put up with autistic in-jokes when reading guides.

>> No.6809559


Yeah, until the fucking Republicans take that away from us, too.

>> No.6809562

wow....this is what ZOOMERS do believe...

>> No.6809585

ok retard

>> No.6809596 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 1200x800, blizzardfeb2017.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flyover shitholes are exactly that; shitholes.

Enjoy your no culture and fucking nothing to do but look at corn.

>> No.6809604

>ctrl F thing I need to read in guide
>find thing, skip reading over autistic bullshit in the guide's preamble
Again, why zoomers computer illiterate?

>> No.6809608


Video tutorials are the worst fucking thing to happen to the internet. Just give me the fucking information I want and shut the fuck up.

>> No.6809615 [DELETED] 

And you enjoy your nigger infested shithole where any semblance of "culture" gets burned to the ground for being too white.

>> No.6809649

Their social boards were basically 4chan lite

>> No.6809681

Looking at corn is a more spiritually fulfilling experience than hanging out at bars with slags. Enjoy your "culture" while I become one with nature and the universe and ascend to a new spirituality.

>> No.6809686

They only know how to work a cell phone which doesn't have a ctrl F function

>> No.6809783 [DELETED] 
File: 955 KB, 1439x891, Screenshot_20200828-174358_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Corporate America is the opposite of culture. Not that we do much burning in NY, or is that what leebintrumpboogaloo.ru told you?

Let me guess, were "rioting" too, right?

Go get triggered by a mask

Anon, shrooms are a fuckton easier to obtain in cities.

>> No.6809813

spores are legal in almost every state

>> No.6809851

You cannot achieve true enlightenment through drugs. There are no shortcuts.

>> No.6809857
File: 128 KB, 600x938, Soy Ian Rosenfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citycuck is drug eating faggot
>Corporate America is the opposite of culture.
And yet you choose to live in a congested shithole where corporations reside, citycuck.
>Not that we do much burning in NY
>Let me guess, were "rioting" too, right?
No, you're just reverting back to Koch-level crime and everyone that still has a functioning brain is leaving your shithole.

Get triggered by a cough.

>> No.6809938

I think the biggest flaw for FAQs is how often they would contain small but crucial errors like assuming an event is random when it just requires criteria that aren't immediately obvious (or the opposite, where they'll claim "if you manage to do X fast enough, Y will happen" for something completely random), not really knowing what the luck stat does or doesn't affect, or just not fully understanding the criteria for unlocking something. The surfing Pikachu in Pokemon Stadium is a great example of it. Pretty much every FAQ on Gamefaqs gets some part of its unlock criteria wrong, usually claiming that you have to use Pikachu in EVERY battle or win without continues (you only have to use it in the last round and can use continues).

>> No.6809941


We have a higher IQ average compared to whatever irrelevant and nukeable shithole you come from

>> No.6809981
File: 6 KB, 240x240, pepe-apu-cringe-face-side-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to live in an overpriced shithole where half the population is springing to riot over a fentanyl overdosing criminal

>> No.6810005

Why is it that I've seen 2 threads today go to shit thanks to /pol/tards? Stop shitting other boards ffs. /vr/ was the last comfy board, it's getting worse because of zooms and jannies and now you want to make it worse?

>> No.6810017

It was a pretty comfy website. I find it sad that other social media took over. It was nice in the early 2000s; it was a better version of /vr/

>> No.6810025

the forums have zero value

>> No.6810030

They aren't the ones having a hissy fit over their precious cities, anon.

>> No.6810040

>using guides ever
get good

>> No.6810271

I'd love an archive of the 00s era of Gamefaqs' message boards, back when it was relevant. It would be good to have an archive of what people actually thought about 2000s games when they came out. Sadly, they purged everything from before 2008.

>> No.6810338

Someone post that picture of LUE on 9/11

>> No.6810369

Is there ANY game that doesn't have a guide?

>> No.6810401

Boss fight database is literally the only vidya channel (and to some extent, world of longplays if you just want something on in the background) worth a single shit. The rest of it is pure cancer and clickbait.

>> No.6810406

Why do you need to know what other people think so badly?

>> No.6810431

It was a useless place for talking about new games. Read usenet archives instead.

>> No.6811923

>Doesn't archive what he considers to be important
So firstly you unfuck yourself, open notepad and copy down all the shit you want, then save it.

That simple.

>> No.6812064

I'd be extremely surprised if some people haven't saved their own versions of the site. Most of it is just text files so it probably doesn't take up that much space even with so many games.

>> No.6812229

Yes but they usually aren't very good and/or are so easy they don't need one. Most of the Nicktoons games don't have guides.

>> No.6812351
File: 620 KB, 839x839, tomie3-2438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are translation guides and entire scripts on Gamefaqs for obscure or cult Jap games. Some dude in the early 2000s translated the first four Sakura Taisen game scripts and put them on there. I wonder what happened to him because they're very detailed, with notes about Japanese vocabulary and culture.

>> No.6812431

is this really an argument after corona and constant rioting in cities?

>> No.6812862
File: 12 KB, 250x201, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All my posts since 2008 are archived
>litrly speling liek ths in my 2008 posts

>> No.6813221

obscure indies. /jp/-only games. flash games. a whole load of korean mmos.

>> No.6813230

>two retro roguelikes that were released for home consoles outside of Japan
that's very specific, consolefag. there's literally thousands of /vr/ roguelikes on PC.

>> No.6813302

Because otherwise you get shit like the nonsense on /v/ where people swear up and down that people wanting Geno in Smash is a recent thing.

>> No.6813438

Most of this is text based with some images.
I think it could be easily downloaded and stored in compressed format.
KIWIX can do local copy I think.

>> No.6813736
File: 789 B, 93x28, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is LUE still around? Too lazy to find my login.

>> No.6813980

What if I've been stuck for years or want to know how to unlock a particular character in a fighting game?

>> No.6813994

>tfw I got filtered in the tutorial stage of medieval

>> No.6814710

We have wikis now, FAQs are completely obsolete.

>> No.6814714

I got a warning for "misgendering" Bradley Manning, you know, the man that committed a felony that could endanger the entire country?

>> No.6816187

Yes, but the board is dead.

>> No.6816201 [DELETED] 

Manning is unironically a hero

>> No.6816218 [DELETED] 

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

>> No.6816285

Chocobo Mystery Dungeon got a western release, too.

>> No.6817049

oi vey

>> No.6818578

If a strong enough solar flare ever comes in our general direction, video games will become a myth people read about in magazines.

>> No.6818629

Your dad hadn’t even nutted in your moms pussy when gamefaqs was launched zoomtard

>> No.6818635

>the whole world is america
>drumph is banning the internet

You deserve your rioting nogs and corona moron

>> No.6818649 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1024x766, 053F69BA-D3CB-48DB-AA6D-DECEB2C73B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in NYC for half a decade, graduated from NYU, got married in St Patrick’s, lived in Manhattan and Brooklyn- and I’m a lot happier in Texas.

Quality of people and the environment is a million times nicer. There’s a reason so many New Yorkers retire to Florida, it’s fine to live in NYC for a while, but you can get the idea and do all the big “cultural activities” in a few years. Then it’s best to get the fuck out.

>> No.6818892

Yeah, not true.

>> No.6818894

wow bro you’re so smart you’re like pickle rick or sheldon whoa all tech may end damn reddit TIL

>> No.6818906


lol your 200 year old nation is the refuse who couldn’t make it in the old world, you have no culture. All you have is concentrated cesspits of consumerism. No eating pizza from a fourth generation wop and watching a homeless man pee his pants on the tram isn’t culture.

>> No.6818913 [DELETED] 

Yeah now check this out 6818888

>> No.6819668


American culture is global culture. If we have no culture, neither do you.

>> No.6819740

Yet all the guides for retro games are from 2010 and before because nowadays kids just watch walkthroughs on youtube

>> No.6819783

>It was created in November 1995 by Jeff Veasey and was bought by CNET Networks in May 2003. It is currently owned by CBS Interactive.
Youtube didn't even exist. Fucking summer retards.

>> No.6820084

i was there for lulshi loloolololol

>> No.6820365

Actually not true there's some gaming scenes that have important stored history such as the Melee community

>> No.6820461

>If you have trouble following written instructions, you’re literally retarded
Seriously, if you read this whole thread but can’t read a walkthrough, you have the IQ of a cockroach.

>> No.6820473

>Chocobo’s Dungeon (PSX)
>Torneko the Last Hope (PSX)
There’s two, and I am positive these aren’t the only ones.

>> No.6820491

Kids don’t play retro games, genius.

>> No.6820505

Some of the effort people put into the guides was just insane. If those people had been born like 15 years later they'd clearly have made many bucks from their YouTube shit or whatever. People born in the 80s really did get fucked.

>> No.6820543

Nothing on the internet is worth preserving.

>> No.6820558

That sort of dedication to something transfers over to other aspects of life. I'm sure those people are well off.

>> No.6820562

I mean sure. Maybe they fell for the "Study STEM" scam or whatever you're talking about. Maybe it'd have been better if they were able to get money directly from what they created, though.

>> No.6820581

Most were likely already well on their career paths before making these guides.

>> No.6821068

The dems are the ones that wanted to remove archive.org retard. You fucks are so easily fooled it's almost hilarious.

>> No.6821675

Indeed. Most are still working at the same fastfood joint they got their first summer job at.

>> No.6821704

>implying capitalism is fair or makes any sense.
Lots of people put effort into lots of things and get little or no payoff. Anyone who still believes in capitalism in the current day is a plain fool.

>> No.6821862

Yeah, if you put a lot of effort into something no one wants, there's going to be no payoff. I can spend my life making a sculpture made out of my own shit, that doesn't mean that I'm going to get payoff if no one wants it.

>> No.6821903

I'm pretty sure CBS is using it as a tax write-off.

>> No.6821978

longplay are objectively more informative.

>> No.6822018

It depends on the game. Action games benefit from videos, but RPGs or strategy games benefit from written lists, charts and explanations.

>> No.6822076

Not if done by idiots, speedrun is the best guides.

>> No.6822123

Keep in mind the longplays already have the benefit of the FAQs, unless they're playing blind of course which has more in common with BDSM than getting interesting information about a game.

>> No.6822135

This, try watching longplay of puzzle games.
Actually it's very funny, to see how stupid other people is.

>> No.6822137

>to see how stupid other people is.
lol I hope that was intentional.

>> No.6822242


>> No.6822248

Where do you think Rouge-likes "Games like rouge" come from? Way to out yourself Zoomer.

>> No.6822297

Writing "roguelike" instead of "roguelike"? Way to out yourself retard.

>> No.6822303

I meant "rougelike" on the first quote. Damn, can't spell it wrong even on purpose.

>> No.6822465


>> No.6822612

Yeah but wouldn't you be at least a little miffed if you were really into making shit sculptures when you were like 12-16 and then stopped and then when you were 23 you noticed shit sculptures were hitting it big? Like you could resummon the energy, but it won't be the same as if you had just been doing it in a supportive environment since you were 12.

It is not about it being fair. It's about correctly identifying circumstances that lead to the present reality.

>> No.6822687

>3 minutes on Google
>found whole site's content completely scrubbed into 7z archives by generation
why be such a faggot

>> No.6822705

>I specify that there are few rougelikes on home consoles
>You use a computer game as some kind of proof
Do you know what a home console is, faggot?

>> No.6822748

Post it?

>> No.6822767

Man, you're an idiot.

>> No.6822778

Gen1 https://mega.nz/file/Z8F3mKxZ#c03T0wrL1ausyRa7k_MbiALiPcy5YGLbRU4Migp_92o
Gen2 https://mega.nz/file/QpUjWQRT#6VGUidIw5T2R8lJA49OFu8d8dvJlJzU47jrUwZ7HKm8
Gen3 https://mega.nz/file/osVTFSob#YAd9FDfAjLyu7w8m7elnrdD2qxfm2xm1Li3sVcFVdKU
Gen4 https://mega.nz/file/okcTwQxT#ZeUxtruirYtD-AKT3wDQaQpLc8L1z4ZUF4Z-QayyxeQ
Gen5 https://mega.nz/file/gxNjRKQQ#o78X4xVIso7bvBNzC4lMHpfKQ0PIYqtQrgqIQXpjO-Q
Gen6 https://mega.nz/file/wsMVgabK#MX3g8cPpRf94lmnBawiBjnrmrQc0ZRiNWGTlGXtS84Q
Gen7 https://mega.nz/file/p1dzkSha#fV6aDQdYkVKhtoEHNRZXD8g2jxfL8txln44mss-6Z7U
Gen8 https://mega.nz/file/QgMRkSKC#rDNNLkWoDDU4UuWTr-9__JYLNzFGkM9mDXe7IKQkkOE
Gen9 https://mega.nz/file/IoNTXCja#Zkf-RDWeavgJBjWGoitKkW6NNi7OVAucmK8PyqjISh4

PC and Arcade games are in the Gen9

>> No.6824084

lol. there's a concept called being "before your time" as an artist, etc. it's a colloquially well known idea.

>> No.6824096

im totally saving all of this.
>Will never actually read any of it

>> No.6824784
File: 54 KB, 1073x752, FCCthe FAQs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not sue them , anon? For Freedom!!!
I'm not filter thru all that trash. Separate them into system and alphabet!

>> No.6824803

That's already 3
Even more if this shitposter consolefag didn't insist on STAY HOME consoles. There's a whole bunch of them on portables. And somehow he hates japan , so japan releases and fan translations somehow don't count? Shits all retarded.

I'll add ToeJam & Earl. Read list below yourself.

>> No.6824851

>mobile and easy games.
Triglav is a hardcore mobile game and /vr/ remake of a IE4 browser game.


>> No.6825462

>being so buttblasted

>> No.6825618

Whatever you think of the merits of using faqs, there is something charming & admirable about continuously hosting user uploaded content as far back as the 1990s. It's like the site that time forgot.

>> No.6825776

>have to figure out iwhich of 30+ parts is relevant
>still have to skip through 20 minutes of unrelated crap
Yeah no.

>> No.6825795

>nonlinear game
>don't know where to find something
>the only way to find what you're looking for would be to watch every minute of the playthrough

>> No.6825834

Man I remember using GameFAQs for various PS JRPGs like FF 7 and SaGa Frontier back in the day. RIP GFags

>> No.6825837

Ironically Internet Archive got sued by some faggot Star Wars writer for having an illegal use of a library so the Archive ain't too long for this world unfortunately

>> No.6825845

I feel like that's some carry over from fanfic writers. Like if anyone "stole" your Sonic guide and porn fiction then who gives a fuck? Are you gonna contest it in court? Lol

>> No.6825857

GayFags was basically the IMDb of vidya back in the day. Hurts there's really no GOOD or decent place to really discuss film or vidya anymore. No /tv/ and /vr/ don't really count

>> No.6825871

Dude don't joke about that shit. There are people on here on 4chan and the Kiwi Farms who will dox your ass for free. Once they smell autism even if it's fifteen years old autism it's still open game for them. I wouldn't temp the devil anon. Stay safe and anonymous

>> No.6825873

It's useful to have a way to measure popular opinion/consensus for the past, if only to measure it against your own experience and biases of the time.

If you'd asked me in 2004 what I thought the consensus of a game was, I'd have been extremely biased towards my own lived experiences, looking back on forums and the like can help develop a better understanding of how a game was percieved.

As for "why", why not? do you live detached from other people and their experiences? why wouldn't you want to know, or have access to that information?