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6801098 No.6801098 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Final Solution for all the dead and dying SNES consoles out there? Nobody is making replacement CPUs. You can't just order new old stock from Nintendo or Ricoh. What do we do when the last SNES dies? This is coming up very soon, sooner than any other console.

>> No.6801106


>> No.6801110


>> No.6801118

This particular problem is an issue primarily with the SHVC models as they used an early revision chipset that may have not been debugged yet. If you have a later SNES, you should have nothing to worry about. The very early Famicoms from 1983-84 had problems too but they were worked out before the console's international launch.

>> No.6801128

what do you have in mind then

>> No.6801137

Pin compatible fpga replacement

>> No.6801140

Haven't you read the notice, let the past DIE, kill it if you have to. It's time to move on to better, sexier 6th gen consoles. Time waits for no one, boomer.

>> No.6801142

I don't have that problem

>> No.6801146


>> No.6801153

You mean a cycle accurate electronic simulation of the original?

>> No.6801161

Give Chang the schematics and convince him there is a market for this shit

>> No.6801163

Over 50 million SNES were sold. Their CPUs aren't dying at some consistent rate. Most of them will continue to run fine for quite some time.

>> No.6801169

the SNES chipset was really complicated and kind of pushing the limits of early 90s chip fabrication, so yeah it was a bit troublesome at first. if you buy the first of any new technology always be aware you're the manufacturer's unpaid test money.

>> No.6801214

Transistor accurate FPGA hardware cloning. As long as the circuit is identical you'll always have a "real" Super Nintendo, in a ship of Theseus kind of way.

>> No.6801225

Yeah someone should make a chip that emulates the capabilities of the original

>> No.6801423

ok bob im putting you in charge of the project, ill give you 2 years, for free obviously

>> No.6802114

>This is coming up very soon, sooner than any other console.
translates to
>My SNES isn't working anymore, I'm getting power failure and I refuse to buy another one for any market price
>If I am expecting to fail, I expect you to fail too.
Get your hivenigger mindset the fuck outta here.

>> No.6802118

I work at a game store, half the SNES consoles that come in are SHVC and half of those are just dead. No need to be stupid and project your personal experience onto everyone else.

>> No.6802124

Dude these things are OLD. Stuff breaks. I don’t know what to tell you but eventually all of your games will be broken

>> No.6802129

Until I see a super nintendo physically fail to play a game I don't believe you.

>> No.6802136

It sounds more like no one bothered to take care of their stuff if you ask me.

>> No.6802138

This. I've never seen a non-SHVC with a CPU/PPU that just randomly failed.

>> No.6802154
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>What is the Final Solution for all the dead and dying SNES consoles out there?

Based SNES Jr's. Complete board revision with a superior 1-chip design over its predecessors. I have 2 more in the closet as backups. Should easily last me the remainder of my lifetime. After that who gives a shit?

>> No.6802157
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I don't care about your anecdotal experience. You are hilariously uninformed on this.

>> No.6802162

>What do we do when the last SNES dies?
We travel back to the 24th century to when the first replicators were made and they still have programs for old electronic parts that were easily reproduced in the early 21st century.
It's hilarious how one zoomie claims we'll all be 3D printing this shit in a few years while another claims reproducing them will be impossible, ever. Meanwhile the entire fucking system is currently being reproduced accurately every day by thousands of people using a $50 off the shelf part. Some people really are dumb.

>> No.6802176

yup, and I don't care that you don't care of your shit. The only people dealing with broken consoles are people that don't take care of them. Maybe you shouldn't have kept your snes in a damp closet with moisture for all these years, or maybe you shouldn't have kept it behind your radiator? dumbass. either way goodluck if you're not bullshitting.

>> No.6802189

Maybe Nintendo should have made a decent piece of hardware that didn't self destruct in massive quantities.

>> No.6802195
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>What do we do when the last SNES dies?

>> No.6802203

Not him, but I never kept my SNES in those conditions, and it was met with the same fate. You're in denial anon.

>> No.6802209

And they said allowing 6th gen discussion wouldn't bring in cancer.

>> No.6802217

Cope. 6th gen is the first generation of games that aged well. SNES only has a few good games like ALTTP, Super Mario World, and Chrono Trigger, and even those games have their superior version on newer consoles (GBA, GBA, and PC respectively)

>> No.6802226

>Cope. 6th gen is the first generation of games that aged well
Nah, that's just you being a casual. Just because you can only beat the easiest games in existence doesn't mean 4th gen consoles aged badly.

>> No.6802236

> muh harder = better
Retard tier argument. Also, there are plenty of challenging modern games that I've beaten and enjoyed like Dark Souls and Cuphead

>> No.6802238

Neither of those are hard

>> No.6802242


>> No.6802258
File: 371 KB, 392x679, Billy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh Dark Souls is so hard
It's like you keep stereotyping yourself more and more with each new post.

>> No.6802260

Show us your 100% completion save then.

>> No.6802278

Arbitrary requirements for permission of classifying difficulty are pretty low IQ anon, Dark Souls ain't hard. You're not a good authority either because you've demonstrated a particular incompetence.

>> No.6802294

Just report the shitposters and move on.

>> No.6802310
File: 933 KB, 220x220, 1588629222545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Souls ain't hard.
Anecdotal. It is widely considered by gaming journalists and audience to be a very difficult game and one of the most difficult as a core design.

>> No.6802321

Journalists and general audiences aren't good gauges of knowledge or experience. The director insists difficulty was never a tenant of design. It's not difficult.

>> No.6802343

>Journalists and general audiences aren't good gauges of knowledge or experience.Journalists and general audiences aren't good gauges of knowledge or experience.
No true Scotsman

>The director insists difficulty was never a tenant of design. It's not difficult.
The burden of proof lies with you.

>> No.6802352

You sound like such an annoying person

>> No.6802357
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>muh fallacy
He says while committing a fallacy
>burden of proof
google yields the first result, you've lost now commit suicide and livestream it over realplayer

go back to discord

>> No.6802395

It's suspected to be a fault of the packaging on the S-PPU and S-CPU-A used in SHVC boards. The chips may have improperly sealed shells that causes moisture to get inside and corrode the die.

>> No.6802398

>google yields the first result,
Don;t be so salty of your fallacies anon. You can grow and learn from them. That quote does not prove you argument. He intentionally made the original game difficult so that the player would feel extreme gratification for their accomplishments. He intended to maintain that design philosophy in DS3.

>you've lost now commit suicide and livestream it over realplayer
Ad hominem ;)

>> No.6802780

>my childhood in the best childhood
Thank good you're all incels and there will never be another generation of dumb kids

>> No.6802860

Also, a SNES with a busted CPU or GPU won't necessarily be obvious because not all games use all of the console's capabilities. Mario Kart is a good way to test for a bad CPU as it makes use of the multiplier/divider and will crash or become erratic if the CPU is blown.

Final Fantasy III is a good GPU tester as it uses Mode 7 on the title screen and will crash if that's bad.

>> No.6802993

surely there's a test program that puts the cpu/gpu through it's paces? That would be trivial to write.

>> No.6803002

>Nobody is making replacement CPUs

>> No.6803030

a dead cpu will just give you a black screen after you start up the console. PPU failure is something else entirely.

>> No.6803036

Buy a SNES Mini or Super NT

>> No.6803065

I have an snes with a dying cpu and it's honestly a trip to mess with. Games are wildly unpredictable in how they work like Mario not appearing in smw causing it to game over on the title screen.

Unfortunately it overheats when using a flash cart.

>> No.6803075

That's just fucking emulation with a 200 usd price tag.

>> No.6803123

Hey S.0-yb.0y, stop grifting people into your shady scams, die on the smelly onion stench piss.

>> No.6803991


>> No.6803997

He's gone. KF and 4chan chased him off the internet. You'll have to find someone else now.

>> No.6804103

Typically it's the trannies that need hardware for speed run legitimacy and frame perfect timing. Cool meme, though, very fresh.

>> No.6804109

>emulation with more steps
Okay, fag. Or we can emulate it with a low latency monitor and run ahead a frame.

>> No.6804137


>Final Solution

gtfo hitler

>> No.6804157

Hardware emulation is still emulation, brainlet.

>> No.6805114

Of course there is. Anon is just showing off his ignorance and zoom.

Top kek kid. How many LEs/LUTs/whatever do you think you need to implement a PPU? What's that? You don't know because you don't know WTF you're talking about?


>> No.6805124

All the SNES chips die right at the point when /vr/ moves on to discussing the gamecube and PS2 instead.
It's beautiful in a way.
My SNES is just sitting there. Not played it in years. Not sure if it even works any more.
I'll probably just throw it away. Now that I've got a PS2 for retro games there is literally no reason to keep it around.

>> No.6805314

New chips duh

>> No.6805319

>dark souls
O i am laffin

>> No.6805324

Found the retard.

>> No.6805341


>> No.6806768

>It is widely considered by gaming journalists and audience to be a very difficult game
of the last 20 years? when gaming went press x to win, sure

>> No.6807112

>Laser death
>Disc rot
>Xbox killer capacitor
>Battery replacement
Oh yeah, 6th gen consoles are so better

>> No.6807136

This. I have a Jr as well and it has worked like day 1 since fucking forever

>> No.6807150

>Chrono Trigger
>Pc port

>> No.6807514

News flash - they're all "SHVC". SHVC is a model designation for ALL Super Famicom hardware and peripherals. The mini is SHVC-101, RGB cable is SHVC-010, and so on.
What you meant, Ian, is that you always get consoles at Luna with the SHVC-CPU-01 board, the earliest revision with the removable sound module. That model is highly prone to varioua IC failures.

>> No.6807542

Eh. It's arguably semantics but I would call a hardware implementation a clone rather than an emulator.

>> No.6807543

Can confirm clueless zoomers in this thread. This was a problem back in the 90s and 00s as well. The earliest models are the most prone to IC failure. I've imported hundreds of SFCs from Japan, and I'd say 20 percent or more have suffered some degree of component failure. It's usually the PPU, CPU or memory. I don't have the time or the experience working with surface mount components, so I wasn't able to fix any of it. Just sold the broken ones in lots for parts.

>> No.6807552

Use a test cart you big brain goober.

>> No.6807609

A friend of mine had one of the first SNESes at launch in 1991. It died a couple of weeks after he got it and he had to have the PCB swapped out.

>> No.6807705

The first PS1s with the serial port also died if you sneezed on them.

Nothing strange about it, a lot of stuff isn't reliable in the beginning.

>> No.6807728

Emulate and be done with it.

>> No.6807767
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The first year of C64s was pretty bad too. They had awful video quality as if you smeared Vasoline on the screen and the PLA chips had a huge failure rate.

>> No.6807769

>I don't have the time or the experience working with surface mount
>but i can magically identify problems are inside chips
>and have time to larp on the internet
>Can confirm clueless zoomers in this thread

>> No.6807846

Someone should decap a dead SNES CPU to see what's going on, but as was mentioned earlier, it's thought that the first one or two production runs had improperly sealed shells which exposes the die or the bonding wires to moisture in the air.

>> No.6807884

So I wonder how many Ricoh employees committed seppuku in shame after they realized the chips were faulty?

>> No.6807891

That's a pretty expensive process. Has even a working CPU been decapped yet? Being able to build drop-in replacements would be a boon to preservation.

>> No.6807920

>That's a pretty expensive process
LOLwhat? You just drop some acid on the chip with an eyedropper to dissolve the shell and then use a microscope to look at the die. It's high school science class tier.

>> No.6807970
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>Being able to build drop-in replacements would be a boon to preservation

Figuring out how an IC works isn't the issue, it's more that the thing uses outdated fabrication methods. You could recreate it with a modern process but it won't behave like the original did. As one example, the Atari 2600 Jr. had a slightly revised TIA that used a newer process and as a consequence broke a couple of games (notably Kool-Aid Man).

>> No.6808024

Dark souls just punish you hard most of the time if you play badly and mess up.
Play well and you wont have a problem,hard is when you play well amd its still not enough.

>> No.6808145

Oh I thought you meant an electron microscope scan to examine the transistors like that MAME project.

>> No.6808497

Imagine how much of a dumb shit you are that you've never heard of the test cart, which will literally tell you if there are faults in the various ICs

>> No.6808576

SNES CPU was recapped a long time ago. I think byuu also had it done again recently at a higher resolution or something.

>> No.6808586

And that's how you know this board is now /v/. But keep trying to downplay this issue as "boomers aren't happy with 6th being discussed".
It's not that. I always wanted 6th gen on this board but without /v/ermins being involved.

>> No.6808589

Sorry, decapped

>> No.6808789

I've never opened mine, but I'm pretty sure it's a GPM board based on the S/N.

>> No.6808838

So if you've got a functional SNES of that type then just put a bit of epoxy on the chips?

>> No.6808974

Assuming you don't already have moisture in there, sure. Putting an epoxy blob on them without drying the board is probably a death sentence though

>> No.6808989

That's good to hear. More or less functions as a blue print for the console so exact clones can be built.

>> No.6809063

Imagine how much of a dumb shit you are that you've only ever heard of the test cart, which literally doesn't do what you think it does. I don't even know why faggots like you bother. How can you be so stupid as to think that everyone else in the world is at least as stupid and inexperienced as you? It boggles the mind.
So continue to cope and larp if you like but I'm warning you. Like all the dumb kids before, it's not going to end well.

>> No.6810440

Listen autist, the test cart does exactly what we all think it does. It tests the ICs on the board for failures. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

>> No.6810476

>repair consoles for a hobby
>get lots of broken consoles in the mail.

>> No.6810658

I can't believe /v/ and /vr/ niggers managed to run into the ground and make it meaningless to call out someone as a tranny.
Let me out of this godforsaken hellhole.