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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 434 KB, 1600x1200, Logitechms48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
679931 No.679931 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody here use a mechanical mouse for the authentic retro feeling? It's not like the programmers intended the game to be played with optical mice.

>> No.679934

no they suck

>> No.679947

god were those things ever a bitch

>> No.679975

cleaning them were painful.

>> No.679989

Hell no. No one ever liked those.

>> No.680004

I hope and pray to GOD I never have to use a mouse with a ball again. Seriously.

Like, even in a nostalgic sense, I feel far from 'fond' of them.

>> No.680010

No they're fucking horrible.

Now, old mechanical IBM keyboards on the other hand are great fun and do enhance the "retro feel" for me.

>> No.680027

Mechanical mouses had their use 2 decades ago. I honestly would not like to use one ever again. It's a fucking pain to clean and maintain them. And after a while, they become almost permanently stiff no matter how many times you clean them. Plus, most of them were not designed to endure the wear and tear of today's users.

I've already tasted what it's like to use an optical mouse, and I'm not going back.

I used to collect the little rubber balls a while back. When I moved out, my mother threw them away. ;-;

>> No.680042

I kinda want to try playing some games with one of those now.

>> No.680052

I don't mind them. and It's kinda nice to feel the rumble of the wheel when moving it. If I was forced to use one, I wouldn't really care too much.
Cleaning them is a bit irritating, but it only needs to be done every other month or so.

>> No.680063

Fuck no, that's as retarded as using filters on emulators

>> No.680079

The issues with mechanical mice is often exaggerated. I have one and the only "problem" I have is adjusting mouse sensitivity for every new game.

>> No.680095

No, and I don't fucking miss them either.

>> No.680126

What I remember, was that they worked fine. Most of the issues where just large design flaws some brands had. Just like the N64 controller has a analog stick that will defect itself by design.
I actually wish somebody made modern ball mice.

>> No.680131
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No, but I do use pic related.

>> No.680146


This thing is gdlk

>> No.680150

Dunno how it performs but it looks a fucking mess.

>> No.680212

I'll play Playstation games like Discworld 1+2, Quake 2, etc. with the Sony mouse.
It's awkward though, going from playing the superior PC versions, with a 6000+ dpi laser mouse.

>> No.680252

It's actually pretty great. Index/Middle fingers on the ball, thumb on left click, ring finger on right click. It takes a bit to get used to, but it's comfortable as fuck and precise too.

>> No.680269

Does anybody know where I can download some good mechanical mouse filters for use with retro gaming?!?

>> No.680273

word up. I use this with my laptop. Don't really need much of a surface for it.

Also, it's god-tier for Scumm games. Currently playing through DOTT for the first time ever.

>> No.680282

don't remember having any issues with it, just the occasional cleaning. Just like now, instead of getting dirt on the wheel, the feet of my mouse are gathering up all kind of things

>> No.680290

I miss them, i enjoyed playing with the ball. Fun to clean, not very different from cleaning an optical mouse.

>> No.680308

Trackball master race.

>> No.680314

No developer ever explicitly took the limitations of mechanical mice into account.

>> No.680547

I have about 20 of those balls in a little box somewhere. I have no use for then, yet.
Maybe I should label it 'mouse testicles'...
Also, cleaning them, picking off all that gunk and then having a mous that worked perfectly again was a very good feeling. Almost as good as peeling burned skin.

>> No.680687

At my job still use mechanical mice. everybody that works there were mad that the mouse was so slow and didn't respond. So when I was alone I took out the ball and cleaned it for dust. Then I told everybody "there I've fixed the mouse"
and everybody was like "WOW! you're like the computer tech wizard!"
sad thing is they were not being ironic

>> No.680728

Nice straw man.

>> No.681136 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 307x315, 1345267600971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this ball mouse

And yet you fags are still using pig disgusting rubber dome keyboards.

>> No.681138
File: 70 KB, 307x315, 1345267600971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this ball mouse hate

And yet you fags are still using pig disgusting rubber dome keyboards.

>> No.681152

speaking of which, anyone have the .gif charts of different key types in mechanical keyboards?

>> No.681168

/g/ please go

>> No.681441
File: 88 KB, 706x540, tumblr_m9wfbp19ot1qknffvo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they kinda pissed me off btw

>> No.681610

I use them with my old PCs. Only Microsoft mice, though.

>> No.681658

Optical mice do the same job as a ball mouse, with better results and no drawbacks like having to clean the goddamn things.

Ball mice were never intended to be used, but since the technology wasn't there for optic mice, we were forced to suffer through them for quite a while.

>> No.681659

I have the original Intellimouse, the "first" mouse with a wheel.

>> No.681712
File: 133 KB, 455x500, logitech-wireless-trackball-m570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an M570, it's great.

>> No.681717

Protip: The plural of testicle is testes

>> No.681741

HA! My dad used to have one of these (Not same model) back in dem 90s PC vidya days.

>Hey 7 year-old Anon Jr., here's a fun game called Diablo!

To this day I'm still sure using this to play Diablo was Blizzard's intended "Hell" mode.

>> No.682286

I'm still using them for some of my computers. I don't see why they receive so much hate, they work perfectly fine with me, and I don't have to clean them too often.

>> No.682617

I remember in junior high, people would take the balls out and just steal them, then throw them around and shit, and the library staff would get SO pissed. Good times.

>> No.682652

Ball mice are easy to clean. Just drop them in the dishwasher with no soap (or heated wash) and let them dry overnight. Two days if you're afraid. Do this with your keyboards as well.

>> No.682685

I don't really mind them. If I had an old computer I would probably use one, but since all of my old ball mice are in a landfill somewhere I really can't go and get them.

>> No.682709

i like these for browsing the web, but fucking hell they cramp my hands so bad for any newer games, or anything where you need a fast reaction.

>> No.685929

Exactly what suffering? If you have a mousemat, they work perfectly. If you clean them once they get too dusty, they work perfectly.

>> No.689383 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.689410

Not joking, here. With one of those Logitech trackball mice, if you cover the trackball in a very thin layer of petroleum jelly and put it back on the mouse, you can use it like an arcade trackball. Great for games in MAME like Tempest, Golden Tee, and SegaSonic the Hedgehog.

The thin layer of vaseline makes the trackball "glide" like an arcade ones would but still allows for the mouse to pick up its movements.

>> No.689513

There was an optical mouse made in 1986 actually, but it required a special "mat" that would reflect the light back to the sensor or some shit, and it only worked in a specific orientation to boot.

>> No.689670

Two years ago I played Dark Forces 2 on an old pc and had to use a ball mouse. It wasn't that bad.

>> No.689705

My friend's youth pastor had one of these. I thought they were retarded until I used it for the first time. Goddamn it was comfy.

Why the fuck have I still not bought one?

>> No.689720 [DELETED] 
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This is the most pretentious hipster shit I've ever seen on this board

>> No.689730

that ball has mutton chops

>> No.689736

The only thing I miss about ball mice was the weight shift when you lifted it off the mousepad.