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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6798049 No.6798049 [Reply] [Original]

Slim > Phat

>More reliable laser
>The only games it won't run are shit anyway:

The ONLY people who prefer the Phat are poorfag pirates who cry about "muh HDD streaming". And yes, you are poor as fuck if you can't afford PS2 games when the majority of good games are $2-$15, with a handful of outliers at $50+. Rule of Rose is a shit game and is not worth $200.

>> No.6798079

the possibility of an internal hdd makes the slim not even worth considering
>just buy the original discs
i do, then i copy them to the hdd so the games load 10x faster

>> No.6798086

PS2 load times are like 5-15 seconds, nobody needs 1 second load times.

>> No.6798091

5-15 seconds add up. Hours of your life wasting away looking at loading screens

>> No.6798093

nobody needs it, sure, but it's sure nice to have
my first ps2 was actually a slim, but once i learned about running games off a hdd, i picked up a second hand phat and never looked back

>> No.6798116

Slims are far more unreliable than fats. They also seriously tone down the top tier aesthetics of the original PS2.

>> No.6798128

>Slims are far more unreliable than fats
Based on fuckin WHAT m8?

My slim has lasted me almost 20 years of constant use.

>> No.6798135

I work in a game store and get new PS2's in every week. Slims are far less reliable and have much weirder faults.

>> No.6798150

>Slims are far less reliable and have much weirder faults.
Such as?

>> No.6798173

Unreliable lid sensors, weak solder on AC-in resulting in cracked joints, weak spring locks on disc spindle, weak spindles result in overzealous laser catch damaging discs.

>b-but my ONE slim I've had for 10 years never did this!
that's nice, I've seen hundreds which have.

>> No.6798181

the psu for mine was recalled and had to send it in for a replacement

>> No.6798184

>PSU overheats

>> No.6798189

Interesting. I always wondered, do you guys buy all the cool shit that comes in before it gets put on the shelf because all my local retro stores have fuck all but Fifa and shovelware.

>> No.6798525

thats funny because my local retro shop wont even take fifa/shovelware/popular titles
i remember giving them a stack of games and they gave me back gta3 and tt1 beacuse they got them too often

>> No.6798724

>weak spindles result in overzealous laser catch damaging discs
I think my Slim did this to one game since it was making a lot more noise than usual trying to read it for some reason and it scratched to shit.
Haven't had any other cases happen again yet, but it worries me.

>> No.6798853

You should probably just buy a phat model, then, or start running back ups.

>> No.6799415

its not that i can't afford the games, its that they clutter up the place, and its overall a worse experience.
both my lasers are fucked (i have 2 phats), and while i'd definitely change that, its not worth losing the HDD.

>> No.6799454

ps2 games are being scalped to hell and back all over dip shit

>> No.6799479

lol no.. more like doesntwantdvdcasesalloverhishousefag

>> No.6799760

Like what? Name one game that isn't Rule of Rose.

>> No.6799769

Stop living in a bedroom in your parents house.

>> No.6799801

I've gone through 3 slims in a short time that all had issues reading discs, then finally got a phat and never had a single problem.

>> No.6799818 [DELETED] 

>The ONLY people who prefer the Phat are poorfag pirates who cry about "muh HDD streaming"

Most people with a phat PS2 who pirate games don't even bother to buy the HDD and to go that route. Whether it's a slim or phat PS2, most people who pirate just burn DVD-Rs. What is the point of this godforsaken idiotic post and are you even talking about?

>> No.6800448

just fixed my drive.
buying physical games is just to satiate your innate need to consoom.

>> No.6800486

How do I get started running ISOs off a fat ps2 hard drive? Could anyone recommend an up-to-date tutorial? I've googled of course but I'm not sure what's outdated or recommending old methods.

>> No.6800553
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i just updated all mine yesterday.
you need a HDD adapter to let you plug the hdd into the ps2.
preferably an official sony one (they have network capabilities) so you can transfer over the network rather than pulling the drive out every time you want to add a game.

then just plug the drive into your pc, flash this image using hdd raw copy tool (Download from the link) and then either install HDL game installer (get it from the same website) for FTP game transfer (with the drive in the ps2) or use winhiip on the pc to manually transfer to the hdd (need to plug the drive into the PC every time with this method).

heres the link:

>> No.6800564

Do you have FreeMcBoot? If yes, get the latest OPL and uLaunchELF from the PS2-Home forums. Format your HDD in uLaunchElf to convert it into PS2 format so it can read PS2 ISOs. Go back to your Windows system, and use the program called 'HDLBatch' to install your ISOs onto your drive.

>> No.6800578

I've heard that slims have shit hardware and performance compared to fats, is that true?
Also, how does a slim perform with a softmodded external HDD?

>> No.6800607

>buying physical games is just to satiate your innate need to consoom.
PLAYING games is consumerism too you dumb fuck

>> No.6800645

if we're going by "to consume" then we'd be berating people for eating and drinking water.
obviously it refers to the inability to not give away your sheckels for no reason.
there's no logical reason to buy games when you can save money and have a better, more compact experience with the games installed to the HDD (other than to consooooooom, of course).

>> No.6800674

>I've heard that slims have shit hardware and performance compared to fats, is that true?
That's a lie. Slim is literally more powerful than phat because CPU is overclocked.
>Also, how does a slim perform with a softmodded external HDD?
USB in PS2 is v1.1, which provide only 1MiB/s of speed. DVD drive provide 4x speed and it's 5.28MiB/s.
Which means that games from USB loads significantly longer and FMVs isn't watchable with all the stuttering.

>> No.6800686

your best option with a slim is playing back from a samba share via OPL (though i had no success getting it working), or finding an early slim and soldering the hdd connector onto it .

>> No.6800843

>obviously it refers to the inability to not give away your sheckels for no reason.
I bought my 30 game PS2 collection for less than $100. Stop making excuses and just admit you're poor/a kike.

>> No.6800981

Thank you, didn't even think about USB speed, damn.

>> No.6801443

slim via ethernet (router + orange pi zero) here, it's the peak comfy+cheap.

>> No.6801451

Isn't there any lag? How fast of a connection does it need?

>> No.6801491

SMB shouldn't have any lag. AFAIK
Any decent connection should do fine, unless you're running dial-up.

>> No.6801550

Thanks, this seems like a great way to play.

>> No.6801707

I have a slim, wanted a Fat for the HDD but found out you can get even better results by just setting up an SMB on a cheap raspberry pi zero. It's what I have and it's perfect

>> No.6801854

i have more PS2 games than that.
i know from experience that physical media sucks.

>> No.6801953

>you can get even better results by just setting up an SMB
How? Proof?

>> No.6802317
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>> No.6802379


>> No.6802559

If it's a weird looking radial mark, it's the lens literally rubbing against the disc. Common in slims.

>> No.6802706

What am i even looking at connected to the adapter there?

>> No.6802740

it's a 40pin > 44pin IDE adapter (ie, desktop ide to laptop ide), then a laptop ide ssd attached to that
while i haven't used an ssd in a ps2, games load fast as shit on a regular hdd, so i'd personally just go for a hdd for more space

>> No.6802818

I've seen people use their SD cards as well with this setup >>6802317. Boot up to OPL is faster especially if you have shitloads of games installed, but game loading seems to be around the same time as a HDD.

>> No.6802869

well hey if you can afford an ssd big enough for the games you want to put on it, then go right ahead
i'm just saying don't feel pressured to spend on an ssd when it likely won't make a difference

>> No.6802991

Very much likely limited by the read speed of the old IDE bus.

>> No.6803025

Kuon is like $400-500 for a US copy, and they're impossible to find online even if you have the money.

>> No.6803137

more likely limited by the fact that games can only process data so quickly
even if we assume a conservative ATA66 bus speed, that's still fast enough to fill the ps2's ram in half a second, i doubt many games are even designed to load data that quickly, and even the fast random-access part of ssds isn't really that big a deal, as the games are designed to load from optical media, which have abysmal seek times, so games are designed to minimise seeking from the start

>> No.6803183

And how many people have played Kuon?
See, that's the thing about PS2 games. All the ones that are that expensive are obscure, coomlectors-only kinda games that nobody back in the day played. Almost all the good, iconic, console-defining games not named Silent Hill will run you $25 at the absolute most. Meanwhile for those unfortunate enough to be Gamecube fans, Melee is at least $60 and that's to speak nothing about Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker.

>> No.6803218

I've beaten it. Burning an iso onto a DVD-R and playing it on a softmodded ps2 isn't that hard.

>> No.6803438

If you're like me and don't have a computer with a disc drive, it would be less expensive to just buy the games I actually want.

>> No.6803439

>buy old games
boi, it's not a nintendo thread

>> No.6803440

Maybe because slims are more popular? Genius. Last time I saw someone with a fat was like 16 years ago.

>> No.6803449

>he doesn't use OPL over network
ain't gonna make it

Only a problem with a specific model. There's literally nothing more reliable than a 9000x

>> No.6803474


>> No.6803502

>specific model
Which one?

>> No.6803552

not to mention the ribbon cable that comes up and literally destroys any disc you put into it.

If you get one of these, make sure you inspect it and test with something you don't mind ever playing correctly again. that reason alone is enough to make me never use one

>> No.6803769
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only the very last slims have an ac-in plug, most of them have external ac adapters and a dc-in plug

>> No.6803787


>> No.6804507


>> No.6805554

You're argument now invalid.

>> No.6805609

You're poor and a nigger

>> No.6805875


>> No.6805879

Slimfags will never know the feeling of sticking a hooked card into the crack of the disc drive to pull it out, getting the swap magic dvd out and putting in a burnt copy of Namco X Capcom, then pushing the disc drive back in.

>> No.6805920

imagine actually believing that

>> No.6805927

>don't have a computer with a disc drive
An external DVD burner doesn't cost that much.

>> No.6805953

not true
i started off with a slim, and got swapmagic 3 for it, then later when i heard about running games off hdd, i picked up a second hand phat and was able to use swapmagic on that as well

>> No.6805967

I had a PS2 slim, it was buggy garbage. There were a LOT more games not on the unsupported list that just didn't run quite right on the slim model. The only positive was not having to deal with a potential mechanical failure on the sliding disk tray.

>> No.6805975
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>> No.6806608

I once read about 7000x consoles still having traces for hooking up a hard drive. Anyone have experiences with that?

>> No.6806713
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i've heard about that, seems there's some breakout boards you can get for that, which would be a much nicer way to go about it rather than just wiring in an ide cable

>> No.6807149

i sold my childhood GC games (22 games total) on ebay for ~$1200 two weeks ago and moved to microSD loading. feels good man

>> No.6807163 [DELETED] 


>> No.6807274

All of you creeps that refer to hardware as "sexy" are also fucking mongoloids, without fail.

>> No.6807396
File: 75 KB, 800x600, Sony-PlayStation-2-PS2-Slim-Black-Console-MULTI-_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 Slim chan is so kawaii though...

>> No.6807429

Though, not actually owning the game and not having the case, insert, manual, and disc art means it's just not the same for me.

>> No.6807437

>childhood GC games (22 games total)
You've made a grave mistake. You'll miss that shit later on down the road.

>> No.6807458

Fucking nu-/vr/. Get this modern shit console out of here, children. There wasn't a single good game for that pile of goddamn garbage.
/vr/ should be pre-1995 and your fucking Sonyshit and nuNintendo garbage are trash.
This is fucking shameful.

>> No.6807547 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 210x240, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nu-/vr/. Get this modern shit console out of here, children. There wasn't a single good game for that pile of goddamn garbage.
/vr/ should be pre-1995 and your fucking Sonyshit and nuNintendo garbage are trash.
This is fucking shameful.

>> No.6807576

>You can spot a Sega fanboy a mile off. They're the ones still waxing lyrical that the Dreamcast was the best console on the planet because Dead or Alive 2 had marginally better anti-aliasing on the DC it did on the PS2. Thankfully, they won't be around for much longer, as it's only a matter of time before the last Sega fanboy passes away of terminal disappointment in his own sorry wasted existence.

>> No.6807675
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>Fucking nu-/vr/. Get this modern shit console out of here, children. There wasn't a single good game for that pile of goddamn garbage.
>/vr/ should be pre-1995 and your fucking Sonyshit and nuNintendo garbage are trash.
>This is fucking shameful.

>> No.6807706

>sega fanboy
Making this about some retarded console war is your way of trying to keep your misguided little shitty nu/vr/ rules in place when NOTHING mid-90s and on about gaming was good.
/vr/ is about RETRO, and RETRO is not about a time, it is about a TYPE OF GAME. A game that is not style over substance dreck like the PS2 was fucking full of.
Get the fuck out and stay on /v/, children. You do not belong here.
Fucking dumbshits.

>> No.6807752
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>> No.6807787

Same. I run games mostly off HDD with OPL to keep strain off the lasers. The fat laser is still fine, but one of my slims can't play dual layer (read: GT4) discs and the other can't really run discs at all. If you're stuck with a slim, ethernet booting is viable and USB is fine for CD titles.

>> No.6807907

I thought this greentext wasn't an actual quote, at first. I will never be so foolish as to underestimate the depths of ass anger boomer autists are capable of again.

>> No.6808000

Yeah, and?

And you're a faggot.

>> No.6808048

There were a lot of PS2 games that held onto the spirit of game design seen in the previous generations. Especially for the first three years or so, there weren't a lot of games that tried to be a cinematic experience before being a game, and many games used the new hardware to explore gameplay potential at least as much as visual potential.

Including but not limited to:
>MGS2 (inb4 cutscenes, the gameplay is some of the best in the series)
>Way of the Samurai
>Gran Turismo 3
>Tekken Tag Tournament
>Stretch Panic
>Klonoa 2
>Bloody Roar 3
>Twisted Metal Black
>Winback: Covert Ops
>Ring of Red
>The Bouncer

The list goes on, and that's all just from the first year in North America. The PS2 definitely still has soul, and just because you bonded with its predecessors before it like an infant and scream like a brainless baby when they leave you with a stranger doesn't mean that the experience the PS2 offered isn't retro, especially by today's standards. And, for that matter, the generation prior to the PS2 was obsessed with chasing the 3D dragon and making things more technically advanced than the generations of 2D games before it. I just really have no idea what your point is.

>> No.6808192


>> No.6808228

>Damn, I really wish I didn't sell the copy of Mario Sunshine I had when I was 6. It would be pretty cool if I could at least take it out and look at one of the first things I ever owned, if not play the disc again on the same console that defined so much of my childhood.
I don't expect a soulless creature like yourself to understand, but sentimental value is a thing.