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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6782497 No.6782497 [Reply] [Original]

Post here if you think we should make a separate board for 2000's games. Our board culture is being overshadowed by mid-gen games and things that clash heavily with the sprite-based simple games of yore. Please take your polygons somewhere else.

>> No.6782508

ah yes mario 64, my favorite sprite based game

>> No.6782512

20 year old here
I want good healthy discussion for 2000's stuff but I didn't want to take away your board
/v2k/ would've been the best choice

>> No.6782528

Some people are saying a better solution is coming but we may have to wait a few days

>> No.6782539

Unfortunately, this won't happen. It's been suggested for years, and the argument was always "it would be a dead board". Meanwhile there are now 4 new video game boards that nobody uses.

>> No.6782541

I have no ill will against talking about 6th gen. I truly don't. But I think /v2k/ would be the best solution for both parties. I would happily post on both boards, but mixing it in here is not as good of an idea as they thought it'd be.

>> No.6782546

Only if 5th gen goes with them.

>> No.6782557

I'm for it. It gives a place to discuss gen 7 too.

>> No.6782558

They probably think it's stupid to make a whole new board just for 1 and a half game generations.

>> No.6782561

I vote yes. I'd honestly be fine with 5th gen leaving as well, but am also fine with it staying just to have things the way they were for years.

>> No.6782567
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>> No.6782572

OP of >>6781321 here, signing on

>> No.6782573

I agree. I enjoy plenty of 6th gen but they don't belong here. Like I enjoy anime and western toons, but that doesn't mean I think /a and /co should bumped into one just because they're both animation.

>> No.6782579

/vrpg/ is fairly lively
/vmg/ COULD be easily one of the most active boards if they allowed the generals and pushed them from /vg/ to it
/vst/ is original /vr/ tier slow
/vm/, I don't go there

>> No.6782581


>> No.6782589

Fuck those zoomers playing their Ratchet and Cuck. Real men are playing SM64

>> No.6782592

Gookmoot is the cancer killing /vr/

>> No.6782594

Sure why not. I'm fine with a dedicated 2000s board.

>> No.6782595

This is actually a pretty decent metaphor for the situation.

>> No.6782598
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I'm fine with either /v2k/ or a new board for us devoted to 20th century videogames(/platforms?). Or it can go back even further and ban any games/platforms from 5th gen and beyond, if we must.

>> No.6782609

Someone needs to make this thread on >>>/qa/ as well. They actually read shit there. I don't think anyone is reading these threads for feedback on this board, or if they are, not spending much time on it.

Who will be our hero?

>> No.6782615

>They actually read shit there.
I thought it was nothing but sneed posts

>> No.6782624

It's technically the only place designed for feedback besides 4chan.org/feedback

I'm not saying it's a guarantee, but I'm also saying it can't hurt our chances making a thread there as well. It's designed for meta discussion.

>> No.6782646
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If they can make boards for RPGs, Mobile, Strategy and Multiplayer games seperately then they sure as fuck can make one for post 2000s gaming.

>> No.6782663
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Has anyone noticed they don't add boards people actually asked for or there's a caveat to them?
/vrpg/ was fucking baffling but was a pleasant surprise since it actually did help benefit nicher RPGs thrive (when they aren't buried by Fallout and SMT)
/vmg/ was something people did ask for but not allowing generals made it look pointless
/vst/ was for one of the nichest genres out there and this was made when people were asking for /vfps/ and /vfg/, needless to say people into strategy games still think the board is a godsend since they can have solid (albeit slow) discussion
/vm/ is a mindblogger, it doesn't help more obscure games of other genres (good luck talking about most niche shooters and fighting games there) but it's still the second most active of the new bunch so there's that
/v2k/ was clamored for in the sticky and was straight up ignored leading to what people feared would happen become reality

>> No.6782674

>mods are retards
more at 11

>> No.6782675
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>Let's make a RPG board nobody will use and all the topics can still be discussed on /v/ and /vg/!
>Let's make a Mobile Games board nobody will use and all the topics can still be discussed on /v/ and /vg/!
>Let's make a Strategy Games board nobody will use and all the topics can still be discussed on /v/ and /vg/!
>Let's make a Multiplayer games board board nobody will use and all the topics can still be discussed on /v/ and /vg/!
>What's that? You want a new board that's like /vr/ but for early/mid 2000s games? Sorry we're not adding any more boards right now, we'll just dump 6th gen consoles onto /vr/ instead despite how much people complained about a potential rules change!

I swear it's as if the mods are doing the opposite of what people want to see on purpose.

>> No.6782678

I made a /pre2k/ thread there, earlier. One of you chaps can just even copypaste OP's text and pic there, if you wanna.

>> No.6782687

there: /qa/, not in the aforementioned thread I made, I mean

>> No.6782690

All of them except /vmg/ are actually more active than /vr/
/vrpg/ is even among the top 20

>> No.6782697
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makes sense to me with a /v2k/ board.

the jump between PS1 and PS2 was a perfect cutoff for "retro". same with the jump between N64 and GC.

>> No.6782703

OP here, I made a thread on /qa/


please go support it

>> No.6782708
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>> No.6782710

check out >>3417915

>> No.6782716

I second the motion OP.

And if the mods wont listen let's keep counter-flooding and counter-shitposting until they do

>> No.6782717

Retro is a time period aesthetic like Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Dark Age, etc for comics and Classical Hollywood to New Hollywood for movies
The general "culture" of pre-six gen to post-six gen are entirely fucking different

>> No.6782732

No, the perfect cutoff is 1993. PS1 games are a lot closer to PS2 games than they are to SNES games.

>> No.6782740

You cannot deny the great leap in 3D is essentially part of retro culture

>> No.6782757

Retro is a specific style denoting UNIRONIC graphical and hardware simplicity. It's not an ageing process that everything will eventually be accepted into.

>> No.6782758

No. 2D is retro culture. 3D is modern gaming culture.

>> No.6782761

/vrpg/ at this point feels like a fucking fluke or a prank that backfired
Like, it pissed people off at first yes but began having healthy activity because RPGs are that big and even led to people asking for other wide genre based boards

>> No.6782768

Fuck off my dude. What an awful idea, stop being a faggot.

>> No.6782769

Mate, the prospect of 3D was being tested as early as possible with people trying racing to achieve that aesthetic even with the original DKC
Also if your cut off is including 1993 itself, than Virtua Fighter fits

>> No.6782778


>> No.6782779

No lol. Why do you retards think that having TWO boards that never get new content is a good idea? No other fan board on 4chan is like this (some /vg/ generals are, but they're awful.) A lack of new content means people just talk the same shit and rehash the same arguments day in and day out, and eventually the userbase is replaced by the only autistic retards who find that entertaining.

>> No.6782780


>> No.6782792
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i was once like you but then i realized Arcade games in the early 90s had 3D capabilities

>> No.6782793

Doing rudimentary 3D on systems designed for 2D is one thing. 5th gen was the start of 3D taking precedence over 2D, and the start of video games becoming shit.

>> No.6782795

If you think Outrun is 3D there's something wrong with your brain.

>> No.6782796

I appreciate the support, lads. We're more or less half of the entire >>>/qa/ board now. Way more prevalent than I thought we would be.

>> No.6782797

>They actually read shit there.
why would you lie like that

>> No.6782802

the whole catalog is 6 gen shit. nothing is left of the old games and threads. they need to fuck off

>> No.6782808

Because they actually did when >>>/qa/ was formed. I haven't visited in a while, but I'm pretty sure Hiro's post count is higher there than any other board.

>> No.6782816

Be honest, did any of the really obscure retro games actually flourished here or did they just wither away with only 1 or 2 replies and died within 12 hours?

>> No.6782818

>Board gets a new toy
>Don't expect them to use it
It will die down and balance itself out in time.

Stop being a homosexual, you fucking baby.

>> No.6782826


Maybe you should stop being such a cuck.

>> No.6782829

fuck off back to discord you tranny subhumans

>> No.6782832


>> No.6782835

Coming from a guy who campaigned for /v2k/, this isn't gonna stop
You have to realize that almost everyone who wanted a /v2k/ board to begin with is gonna jump on the opportunity to discuss stuff they love without worrying about /v/'s general levels of awful

>> No.6782839

Calm down pixel bitch, you're gonna give your gargantuan self a heart attack(again)

>> No.6782842

i agree we want a /v2k/ board

>> No.6782843

and they're all happy and generally shitpost-free. /v/tards keep seething cause now less people will look at their twitter screencaps

>> No.6782850

Dude, I'm just asking a question
I'm legit curious if I could've had a good thread for stuff like obscure fighting games going

>> No.6782868
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>> No.6782870


>> No.6782871

Yeah, go to /asp/ and look at how it "balanced itself out".

>> No.6782879

There was really no reason to add the qualifier "6th gen up to 2007" because it lets dipshits post PS3/XBox360/PC games from then. All that changed was the big 3 consoles from 6 gen are now allowed. How many games were realeased for those up to and after 2007? And who gives a shit

>> No.6782881

on the old /vr/ yes. the thread would stay hours and get a few replays and then stay days and get more and more replays. but now its gone in an hour because of the 6 gen shit.

>> No.6782927
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I thought I did, but I didn't.
Pls gib v2k.

>> No.6782935

/v2k/ should be made. Calling Crysis "retro" is wrong. No one anywhere else on the internet is calling Crysis a "retro" game. Same for Bioshock, Modern Warfare, etc. Something is very wrong here

>> No.6782942
File: 35 KB, 817x756, 80s_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make /vr/ Retro Again.

>> No.6782945

Mods should discourage gatekeeping.

>> No.6782959

Literally everyone agrees that /v2k/ is a good idea. The mods just don't care.

>> No.6782994

The 3D jump is as essential to retro history as the fucking bit wars

>> No.6783013

>Literally everyone agrees
It's a shit idea, dude. A board for a single gen isn't going to work. Letting /vr/ boomers stagnate in an echo chamber where we all pretend they're still teenagers wasn't going to work for much longer either.

>> No.6783015

I don't.

>> No.6783020

This idea was just proposed

/v2k/'s rules should be any game that's at least 10 years old, to keep stuff that's too new from overtaking the board and just becoming a second /v/.

That solves the problem, doesn't it?

>> No.6783024

Essential doesn't always mean good. The start of 5th gen was the beginning of the rise of Sony and their promotion of moviegame bullshit, and the death of 2D (aka what people think of as retro). Not to mention 5th gen console wars were always the most shitposty out of any other gen because Sony fans are insufferable cunts.

>> No.6783025

No, it's the beginning of modern gaming history. Only 2D consoles are retro. It's always been that way, 5th gen babies should never have been allowed here.

>> No.6783029

It's a bad idea and you're retarded.

>> No.6783039

PS2 shovelware isn't retro
TF2 isn't retro

>> No.6783049

They are. Read the sticky.

>> No.6783052

If a sliding time window is such a good idea for /v2k/, why don't you want it for /vr/? The only "problem" you want to solve is you want 6th gen discussion to go away from /vr/ so you can stagnate in peace. You're clutching at straws to find anything to make the bad men go away, but you're not proposing anything that someone who has to moderate this shit would want.

>> No.6783058
File: 85 KB, 720x873, glad you could make it vergil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ should just be deleted.

Then add /va/ - Video Games/Action which includes shooters, melee combat, racing, sports, platformers, rhythm, and arcade.

A bit of a catch-all but they're all real-time single-player genres and none of them could individually sustain a board.

>> No.6783063

>always the most shitposty out of any other gen

>> No.6783070


Retro is something evocative of the past. Mega Man 9 is retro, Mega Man 2 is not. It's just that gamers don't understand words so they cock it up. I can't give a clear gamer definition of retro because people don't agree. Some people think it means "The era of games I like" and some people (most people) think it means "old games".

>> No.6783073


The glut of 2D PSX games that are basically more advanced SNES games would beg to differ.

>> No.6783074

I meant retro in the context of video games not the original definition

>> No.6783084

4chan should just be deleted.

>> No.6783087

Nope. Those were clearly second-class citizens on the PS1 compared to 3D titles. There were also 2D games on the PS2, but that doesn't make it a 2D console either.

>> No.6783094

No one outside /vr/ uses the term "retro" like you do, not even in the context of video games (but especially not outside the context of video games.)

>> No.6783105

Retro is a term as abused as 8-bit
I've seen so many "8-bit" renditions that are more akin to 32-bit

>> No.6783106
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I liked the old 1-5th gen discussion, but the way people are working themselves up into a fury is pretty funny to me.

>> No.6783119


Whoever said anything about a 2D or 3D console? The guy I was responding to (you, I'm guessing) was just saying stupid shit about a gen he doesn't like and is attempting (poorly) to correct it.

>> No.6783127

Because the 6th gen kids aren't asking for a 6th gen ONLY board, they just want a board outside of /v/ since /v/ is unusable. /vr/ doesn't want more generations, the current catalog is the reason why. If /v2k/ decides they want a set cutoff, that's their business.
>stagnant board!
On a board created specifically for the really old shit you can't discuss on /v/ since it moved too fast. Your argument proves how retarded you are.

>> No.6783142
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This is just sad. What is it with old people, and their fear of change?

It's literally just the first day. Can't you just wait out? It will all settle down soon enough. For being "boomers", you sure are fucking crybabies.

>> No.6783147

/vr is a bastard stepchild board. Moderation is so inconsistent that no one mod or janny seems to stay here long enough for it to matter what they think. Half the time our resident janny doesn't seem to know the rules in the first place.

>> No.6783150

I am. The PS1 is a 3D console and doesn't belong on /vr/, because only 2D consoles are retro. Deny it all you want, but you know it's the objective truth. The PS1 and PS2 belong together on a different board where people can discuss their cutscene games with other cutscene gamers, and leave /vr/ as retro games only.

>> No.6783152

Sorry OP but we need to face facts.
It's over.
/vr/ is dead.

>> No.6783157


It's just mentally ill autists. I'm old by 4chan standards and I enjoy talking about games from the 5th gen and below, but I also like many 6th gen games and have been saying for a while that they should be allowed someday.

>It's literally just the first day.

Yeah this, people are always excitable at the beginning.

>> No.6783158

Fuck you avatarfag.

>> No.6783160
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I'd like an arcade/score-based gaming board. Would be a great place to discuss pinball, shmups, belt scrollers, action-platformers, and other niche vidya subjects that will now get drowned out here thanks to the change.

>> No.6783170

>If /v2k/ decides they want a set cutoff, that's their business.
It's actually your job to figure this out if you're the one proposing a solution. MAKE BAD POSTERS GO AWAY isn't actionable.

>> No.6783171


>but you know it's the objective truth

Not really. I'm a nostalgiafag, but I'm not afraid to include increasingly older games in the discussion of my old game discussion.

>> No.6783176
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Time to lay down the Monster cans, gramps. You are starting to make no sense.

>> No.6783193

you don't give a fuck shtting the /vr/ board up. why should /vr/ give a fuck about your board that you hopefully fuck off to soon

>> No.6783195

Yeah, I'm okay with this. I love 5th gen and even much of 6th and 7th gens, but this would permanently cut away at most of the cancer affecting retro at the moment.

>> No.6783219
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>only 2D can be retro


>> No.6783221

Sorry that retro (2D) games being retro and non-retro (3D) games not being retro is confusing to zoomers.

I'm mostly just shitposting, but it is pretty stupid that some autists think that there's some fundamental difference between 5th and 6th gen that makes one retro and one not retro forever. If 5th gen is cool here, then 6th gen should be too. If 6th gen isn't cool here, then neither is 5th gen, because they're more similar than they are different.

>> No.6783223

You boomers are so mad. You're not owed an autistic safe space where you don't have to deal with new content. Every other board on this website has to deal with a constant influx of new content.

>> No.6783232

A man can dream.

>> No.6783235
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I want YOU to make a serious case of why 6th gen shouldn't be considered retro without basically resorting to "reeee it's not my childhood" or "the zoomies are too mean :(".
Explain. Elaborate.

Why does it bother you so much?
How come 6th gen is not retro when it's practically what it's accepted as everywhere else?

>> No.6783234

/vr/ gets new content though, just develop new games for actually retro consoles such as the SNES and Genesis and Amiga. Also mods, hacks and translations of retro games.

>> No.6783241

>dude, I'm totally a fan of retro videogames and old and all, but 6th gen should be here!
Nigger, the board had already lost JP computer threads and /rct/ threads were rare thanks to all the /v/irgins spamming meme threads and "THIS TOP 10 GAME ACTUALLY SUCKS!" crap threads. Now even more obscure and less popular games will get shoved off the board in little time. You honestly think 6th gen won't dominate discussion from here on out? Look at how much of /vr/ was 5th gen discussion+Dreamcast before this happened.

The entire fucking point of /vr/ was that /v/ moved so fast all the old and unpopular shit couldn't survive an hour. You could still easily have a PS2 game thread on /v/ last for a day or two, but a C64 game thread or Amiga thread would be gone in no time. Adding 6th gen to /vr/ means the board will be 90% 5th+6th gen, and 10% NES/SNES. Shoving these things off of /vr/ to make room for stuff you can STILL discuss easily on /v/ makes no goddamn sense, other than to shove those topics off of 4chan altogether.

Stop trying to pretend that people are suddenly going to stop being interested in talking about 6th gen videogames on /vr/, when faggots have been spamming for it to happen since 2014. You know full goddamn well their main complaint has been that /v/ is mostly shitposting. You think they will decide to go back suddenly? Enough of your bullshit.

>> No.6783246

Because it came out after the 2000 cutoff.

>> No.6783250

read the thread retard.

>> No.6783251

Yeah this is exactly what mods said on irc.
I'm just tired of 4chan. I need to leave.

>> No.6783253

>the 2000 cutoff.
No such thing. Read the sticky. The cutoff is 2001 for consoles and 2007 for games on those consoles.

>> No.6783258

5th and 6th gen are world's apart anon. Compare super puzzle fighter to fucking god of war.

>> No.6783259

I think that was irony.

>> No.6783262

>Why does it bother you so much?
Because it makes discussion for older, obscurer games even more difficult
>How come 6th gen is not retro when it's practically what it's accepted as everywhere else?
The same way New Hollywood will never be listed with Classical Hollywood no matter how old the former gets

>> No.6783271

When people think of retro, they think of stuff like Pacman and Donkey Kong and Space Invaders. Not shit like Halo, Crysis, Kingdom Hearts, Metroid Prime or Shadow of the Colossus.

That's why.

>> No.6783272

Retro is a feeling. I am a woman because I feel like one.

>> No.6783284


I really don't care, I just think it's logical to add later gens eventually and it happened. Deal with it.

>> No.6783306

>You're not owed anything, incel! Have sex!
>We're ENTITLED to discuss 6th gen and we WILL discuss it here DESPITE the rules until the rules change and force you to accept it
Go dilate.

>> No.6783310

Of course people who are only interested in Zelda, Mario, Pokemon won't care, it won't affect you.

>> No.6783319


I visited the obscure games threads. I also liked the threads full of Nip speakers talking about Nip games. I'm still okay with 6th gen on /vr/.

>> No.6783320

Why would I try to compare two games from completely different genres? Come on, now.

>> No.6783323

>Every other board on this website has to deal with a constant influx of new content.
Bullshit. /ck/ has had the same ingredients since they opened. /qa/ has always had the same screaming at the mods and calls for /pol/ to be deleted. /out/ is still dealing with the same planet. /sci/ is STILL the same wanna-be intellectual arguments.

This is as retarded an argument as trying to say "Every other board on this website has to deal with a constant stream of shitposting like /v/ does". Try spamming some crap on /diy/ or making dumb twitter screencap threads on /k/ and see how far you get. Not every board is /v/, not every board is /b/, not every board is /pol/. Figure it out.

Because it just drowned out everything else. We can't discuss anything we usually discuss because of it. It's screaming into the wind. Get your own board.

>> No.6783334

>I don't care, as long as I get what I want!
The rallying cry of the Dreamcast faggot as well. Birds of a 6th gen feather flock together it seems.

>> No.6783338

>If 6th gen isn't cool here, then neither is 5th gen, because they're more similar than they are different.
Every generation of games has a lot in common with the ones surrounding it. It's true that in home consoles there was a huge difference in gameplay styles between 4th gen 2D and 5th gen 3D, but there were also a lot of 2D games on the Saturn and PlayStation that didn't feel too different to their predecessors on 4th gen platforms. Even 3D games like OoT feel like they have more in common with LTTP thematically than they have with Skyward Sword or BotW.

>> No.6783351


No, I doubt I'll talk about 6th gen games much on here. Occasionally perhaps, but not much. I know it's a concept beyond most people, but I'm okay with things that I don't directly care about.

>> No.6783361

We've done this countless times and you just REEEE'D about it like a little bitch. Now that the rules agree with your demands, you project your effeminate relativism onto your ideological enemies. What a fucking faggot you are.

>> No.6783375

replace /vst/ with /v2k/
serious what were you thinking with /vst/

>> No.6783378

>making a board dedicated to multiplayer games
>not /v2k/
Still hate that discordmod mentality of making multiple chats(boards in this case) so no one will be active

>> No.6783381
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>I want YOU to make a serious case of why 6th gen shouldn't be considered retro without basically resorting to "reeee it's not my childhood" or "the zoomies are too mean :(".
>Explain. Elaborate.

>Why does it bother you so much?
>How come 6th gen is not retro when it's practically what it's accepted as everywhere else?

>> No.6783402

>I'm ok with the discussion being mostly 6th gen
>i doubt I'll talk about 6th gen much on here
>I'm ok with this
So less discussion that you'll actually want to be a part of, is an improvement because "hur I'm actually enlightened!" No, you're a faggot trying to find justification for your BS. If you think you posting less is a good thing, then just leave and be really happy.

>> No.6783413
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Speeding up /vr/ isn't helping anything, this is an extremely niche community that likes to discuss X, just because the definition of X has arbitrarily changed doesn't mean we instantly want to talk or like X.

As a counter, why don't you make a serious case for why should be added?
Was /vr/ seriously being hurt or diminished by the lack of 6th gen?
Where was the outcry for discussion on PS2 and gamecube games?
And if your counter is just "Well we need that discussion somewhere so it should be /vr/." then why not add a new board for that? they have added like 6 new /v/ related boards over the last month, it's not an impossibility.

Just because you can change something doesn't mean you should.

>> No.6783419

>Where was the outcry for discussion on PS2 and gamecube games?
Mate, people clamored for /v2k/ for years

>> No.6783421

>there were also a lot of 2D games on the Saturn and PlayStation that didn't feel too different to their predecessors on 4th gen platforms.
Sure, but there were at least as many games on the PS2 and GameCube that don't feel too different from their predecessors on 5th gen platforms. Game design is a continuous evolution, there's no hard cutoff after 5th gen that makes 6th gen inherently different from 5th gen. If there is to be a hard cutoff somewhere, then the divide between 4th gen and 5th gen makes way more sense.
>Even 3D games like OoT feel like they have more in common with LTTP thematically than they have with Skyward Sword or BotW.
But OoT has a lot more common with Twilight Princess than LttP.

>> No.6783451

Then why make a mobile gacha board, a strategy board, a multiplayer board, an jrpg board, but not the one vidya related board people always asked for. The mods subtly trolled the community.

>> No.6783465

I genuinely think this is a good move.

>> No.6783469


I don't expect a small brain to understand.

>> No.6783483

Sorry, I should have said "fan boards" so the retards could follow along. Pretty obvious that there's a huge divide between the boards that consoom media and the boards about more general human endeavors.

>> No.6783485

I mean, comebacks like that are funny and all but that's encouraging shitposting.

>> No.6783495

first gen 3D is retro
second gen 3D is not

>> No.6783497

21 year old here, I want /vr/ to remain only up to the Dreamcast as before. Everything onwards should be on /v2k/, game design principles changed significantly during the 6th gen so not retro.

>> No.6783501

The 5th and 6th generations are kind of a transitional era that's neither properly retro nor fully modern. 1-4, 5-6, 7+ is the most natural division.
Having a 6th-gen only or "2000s" board is going to cause too much pressure to include 7th gen in it

>> No.6783523

retro games were considered retro basically as soon as 3D became a thing. DOS games became retro instantly when Windows 95 came out. "retro games" is a timeless qualifier that refers to games of a certain era and sensibility, and not just "old" games.

>> No.6783525

I was born in 1993 and I'm currently 27. If you think that retro was going to be forever a slice in time and never change, then you are fucking delusional. Get over your nostalgia, it's good to appreciate older titles so you can play everything that is available on the market and have the most refined sense of test for the medium of entertainment that is gaming. But if you sit there for a second with the mentality that "old good new bad" and forever stay in a closed loop, then I have no fucking sympathy for you. 6th gen being added was an inevitability when you consider a new generation of consoles is coming out soon.

Cope, Dilate, Have sex.

>> No.6783531

Now that /vr/ is irreperably fucked, I would like a board for any hardware that's less powerful than 32-bit and call it Vintage Vidya, thanks. That way gens 1 through 4 won't get drowned out by 5 and 6 like they will here from now on.

>> No.6783538
File: 67 KB, 920x720, 1353470679870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because by doing this, and getting rid of the 2000 cutoff, mods have opened up this board to eventually allow 7th gen too in a few years, and then 8th gen after that, which at that point like, what is even the purpose of /vr/? It'll just be /v/ in slow motion. I was one of the people who actually wanted 6th gen in /vr/ but I wanted it in /v2k/ format, I didn't want to take away a space from people who were chilling in one of the few corners of the internet they still had to find likeminded people who like the older stuff they do. Now I just feel guilty for wanting this, like someone wished upon what I wanted on a monkey's paw for me. I never personally asked for 6th gen to be allowed on /vr/, it was just something I wanted, now I just think having a /v2k/ is a better idea.

>> No.6783540

Retro gaming was considered "retro" even when the latest retro games were only a few years old. It is not "this old to ride", never were.

>> No.6783545

Keeping things separate, especially after all the splitting they did from /v/ these past few weeks, would be the smartest idea. I just can't understand why they didn't do it again THIS time especially after asking for opinions and being met with a generalized "no".
Please, it's not too late to admit you fucked up and fix everything by making things go back to how they were. And then making /v2k/ as well would be even better.

>> No.6783547

You laugh but 27 is already dangerously too late for you to be on 4chan. Your time is running out.

>> No.6783550

That's all good and dandee but... that would mean that /vr/ would lose the rights to Dreamcast discussions.

>> No.6783557

Last week
>Can we please get a v2k board please? It would be in the interest of both parties (Read: just for our own benefit) PWESE

>> No.6783558

Why? Dreamcast is a 90's console.

>> No.6783561

Oh yes, I'm definitely wasting my life away on my platform of choice, way to project the quality of my life anon. Are you going to assume I'm a virgin and a neet next? Maybe a weeb too? What about a furry? What will you come up with?

>> No.6783568

Nope, v2k would suck because of 7th gen shit. /VR/ is free reign for us 6th gen fans now. You had your chance /vr/ but you made your bed.

>> No.6783579

You got defensive.

>> No.6783580

I'll gladly give up the Shitcast if that means no 6th gen faggotry on /vr/.

>> No.6783584

Leave based /vst/ alone, faggot. Go discuss your bing-bing-wahoo shit somewhere else if you don't like it here.

>> No.6783585

Nobody actually wanted 6th gen on /vr/ except a small minority of shitposters and zoomers. 6th gen is just as bad as 7th gen btw.

>> No.6783593
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>> No.6783595

Pretty much, we had a good 7 year run. I'm not baiting when I say I don't it's possible to discuss obscure stuff anymore, from now on the only retro threads will be Zelda, Mario, Megaman.

>> No.6783598

Nothing you said in your post has any semblance of truth attached to it

>> No.6783659
File: 24 KB, 270x220, smugpacman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept fucking saying over and over again that /v2k/ was preferable to having 6th gen and above added here. The dipshits just scoffed, mocked me and proclaimed that "6th gen will never be retro". Now their board is completely fucked forever. Good job. One positive of this whole situation is that I can be incredibly smug about how I was 100% right and you stupid fucks were completely goddamn wrong and ruined everything. This place is burning and the fire won't stop so I might as well whip out the marshmallows on a stick.

>> No.6783673

Vidya changed after the year 2000. It's really not hard to understand unless you weren't around for it. Except for a couple experimental Japanese games (that quickly went extinct), everything from 6th gen onwards is indistinguishable except for grafix

>> No.6783676

This but unironically

>> No.6783686

You're delusional as fuck, not every modern game is some AAA copy-pasted looter shooter and loot-box gambling platform. I've played plenty of modern titles that had an impact on me and I look forward to discussing some of them on this board 10 years from now.

>> No.6783693

There are obviously good games from 6th gen and beyond. I'm not that jaded. But it's different, which is enough to warrant a separation of the cultures.

>> No.6783703

I was around for it, and the generational transition before that, and the one before that. 5th to 6th gen wasn't that big of a change, honestly. Not compared to the 4th to 5th gen transition, certainly.

>> No.6783704
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A better cutoff would be October 2005; Xbox 360 was released in November 2005 which ushered in HD gaming and the mainline 7th gen consoles.

The December 2007 cutoff doesn't make sense. Guitar Hero, Bomberman Act Zero, COD4, Portal, MW2, TF2, Halo 3, Sonic 06, Cars, Oblivion, Wii Sports, etc. were released in 2006-2007 and they're really not retro.

>> No.6783713


>> No.6783715


>> No.6783716

Here we go, the crying, denying, name-calling playbook, same as always.

>> No.6783727

It’s an autistic idea
Literally half the reason this board got updated to sixth gen is because of people’s autistic reactions like this thread

>> No.6783730

Yeah no, middle of the road, double "AA" games studios so to speak like Free Radical Design almost completely disappeared in 7th gen.

>> No.6783731

Clearly adding the set of extra game years to /vr/ has been a failed experiment that needs to be undone.

>> No.6783734

>they're really not retro
just like all 6th gen games and they are allowed anyway

>> No.6783737

The new rule has no principle, since it's game-based rather than platform-based. Just arbitrary retardation from a tranny brainlet zoomer mod.

>> No.6783761

Post this in an OP instead of a thread for /v2k/, no shit it is gonna lean toward v2k
You’re like the pollsters becoming shocked that drumpf won because they polled cucks and liberals exclusively

>> No.6783827

Yeah bro, tell me more about how gems like Rainworld, Celeste, MOastray and such are cancerous games that don't capture anything impactful. No, innovation definitely stopped the moment the clock went past the year 2000. You are living in a closed loop and you're fucking disgusting. I could name more titles that I thought were innovative, but I'll keep the simple so your small brain can comprehend it.

>> No.6783831

how does celeste innovate?

>> No.6783845

Y2K-born zoomer here. we need /v2k/, I am tired at looking at fucking halo.

>> No.6783910

Keep speaking up, bro, and thank you for doing so.

>> No.6783921

>you're fucking disgusting
Tranny defense tactic 3: name-calling

>> No.6783928

It's like super meatboy with depressive suicidal trannies.

>> No.6783952

and meat boy is just N

>> No.6783967

What did they expect by allowing 20XX hardware? Look at the board now, it's just people listing their games.

>> No.6784007

understanding of the concept of zeitgeist means that times change and you need to know how to adapt to them. Falling for the fallacy of "my generation is best, because of how things were experienced in my specific slice of entropy" is peak tier delusional. It literally screams that you're nothing more than complex automata and aren't actually capable of realizing the illusion of the self, let alone to have any true self awareness. Such mindlessness is fucking disgusting and one of the biggest reasons why your shithole species needs a fucking reset.

>> No.6784029

you will never pass

>> No.6784031

those are B games

>> No.6784035

>I was 100% right and you stupid fucks were completely goddamn wrong and ruined everything
You say all this like people here actually has any influence on which board is created and how rules are getting altered. Illusion of control is good for coping and stuff, but doesn't really change anything.

>> No.6784040

That actually would somewhat hurt the racing thread and this is literally the only place to discuss them since /ovg/ are faggots

>> No.6784041
File: 50 KB, 680x492, 9bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understanding of the concept of why I'M PICKLE RICK!!!! is funny means that times change and you need to know how to adapt to them. Falling for the fallacy of "this isn't funny at all, was this supposed to be a joke or something?" It literally screams that you're nothing more than complex automata and aren't actually capable of realizing the illusion of the self, let alone to have any true self awareness. Such mindlessness is fucking disgusting and one of the biggest reasons why your shithole species needs a fucking reset.

>> No.6784045

What you should be saying is old can still live alongside new but instead it's us vs them destructive mentality.

>> No.6784056

>What you should be saying is old can still live alongside new
but it can't, because new is always more popular by virtue simply of being new. so the obscure old stuff will be driven out. this is an existential threat

>> No.6784060

Months and months before, over and over again
>Would you please stop spamming 6th gen here? We fully support you guys getting /v2k/
At least tell the entire story you revisionist faggot.

>> No.6784067

This came out in 1988:


>> No.6784080

Forget it, they refuse to acknowledge the damage they cause since it doesn't hurt their interests any. They don't give a fuck about what is lost, since they just want 6th gen away from the high-speed churn of /v/, everyone else be damned.

>> No.6784098

Not him, but select 3D arcade games using a unique board or one designed with 2D graphics in mind doesn't mean it was part of a 3D generation. Exceptions prove rules, not vice versa.

>> No.6784123

What I don't get is why they would want two /v/s. I like /v/, too, but I don't want /vr/ to be what /v/ is. It's like a rainbow: the colors are beautiful separated, but mixed all together and you get the color of shit.

>> No.6784146

I prefer 6th gen here (I don't agree with the rules though) because before that having threads and discussion on old /vr/ topics was fucking impossible due to obsessed autists unless you went to generals of all places

>> No.6784148

There is no us or them you blithering retard, nothing stops you from having the capacity to be mindful, most people just don't utilize it. That's why I want a species wide reset, I'm not going to sit here and pick apart my personal classifications and give exemptions based on my predispositions. Nuke the whole thing. Your entire species sucks.

>> No.6784181

>Your entire species

>> No.6784187

holy edge

>> No.6784198

Tranny defense tactic 3: name-calling/attempting to shame

>> No.6784205

We want a new home, dad!

>> No.6784213

Yes, your. Just because my ship crashed on this awful blue rock on my way to Theta prime for the royal wedding doesn't mean I should have to constantly put up with your species savagery.

>> No.6784241

Holy teenager.

>> No.6784250

I've existed for multiple lifetimes, even your elders couldn't approach the limit of my species existence.

>> No.6784286

He literally posted on r/teenagers at least once, what do you expect

>> No.6784303

It's the nonbinary Australian redditor

>> No.6784329

Honestly I'm just not going to engage in any 6th gen threads whatsoever and I encourage shit posting. Do it as muc has possible to underline how immensely stupid this change is. No understanding of the underlying subject matter. Whoever did this just said: "Yeah it's been long enough now, right?" without taking into consideration any characteristics of the actual time periods they're talking about. As surface level as it gets. Baffling honestly.

>> No.6784351

Yeah, it's becoming abundantly clear that people like you have never actually cared about having decent discussion about anything. So by all means, shitpost away, get banned, and never come back. Leave /vr/ to the good posters who want to have actual discussion.

>> No.6784383

99% of this board is shitposts as of today, so he's not getting banned, my buddy.

>> No.6784392

I'm curious if you frequented this board before the rule change. I doubt that in a week or so there will be a balance in numbers between pre-6th gen threads and the new stuff. So I think what you're claiming, that this furthers actual discussion of video games is a half truth. It's good for those that want talk about 6th gen but bad for everyone who wants to talk about pre-2000 games. Those type of threads just got euthanized. I think you guys really deserve your own board. I'd use that board. But I also want a place like /vr/ was up until now. It had fewer posters naturally and was slower moving. Which is the reason those threads now fall off.

>> No.6784415

I mean the board just did a complete 180 in character. How is that good? We had a working thing here. Adding new boards is different to essentially destroying or completely remodelling an existing one. I'm an advocate of /v2k/.

>> No.6784432

I've been posting here for like 5 or 6 years (and 4chan in general for well over a decade at this point). What I'm claiming is that we're better off without people who aren't interested in genuine discussion, regardless of which "side" of the "debate" they're on. They aren't helpful to anybody and only serve to make the board, whatever form it might take, a worse place.

>> No.6784447

/v2k/ is where this stuff should go, post 2000 stuff threatens to overwhelm the board and ruin a lot of retro discussion. The only thing I would say could stay is maybe some later PC titles (Diablo II, Deus Ex, Civilization 3, Rise of Nations), but even that's dangerous since things like Halo came out in 2001.

I don't know, I'm really enjoying /vrpg/ and /vst/. Strategy especially was niche enough to not be discussed very often on /v/ yet /vg/ was too busy with all the gacha for the single two strategy threads (/gsg/ and /civ4xg/, the latter of which encompassed all 4X games, all city builders, all RTS games, and all tactics games and STILL couldn't get enough posts to survive when things like FGO would have four post capped threads still alive). I might not use a /v2k/ too much, but that's just because I mainly enjoy retro games and PC strategy games.

>> No.6784458

Did you even bother to think about what I just wrote there for even a second? How I said that I think the rule change doesn't help discussion of pre-2000 video games because these types of threads will now fall off too quickly? You view of things strikes me a surface level as the mod decision that's plaguing us right now.

>> No.6784473

You're the one who didn't bother to read what I wrote. I wasn't talking about the rule change at all.

>> No.6784518

Of course I did. You were claiming that I am someone like you described. Yet here I am trying to engange in a discussion. I thought that was pretty obvious. Didn't think I had to elaborate on that. I figured you saw me as someone who would drop a whiney one liner post and leave again. Meanwhile I feel you're the one refusing to react to my main argument. Don't you feel that pre-2000 is being handed the short end of the stick here? The board is barely recognizable anymore. I'm thinking you mustn't have like old /vr/ very much to be so welcoming of this crass change.

>> No.6784543
File: 7 KB, 253x199, no sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes no sense to try to change /vr/ like this, the board was fine the way it was. They already made a couple of new boards recently and a /v2k/ board would've been the perfect solution.

>> No.6784551


should enable robot on it too desu

>> No.6784562

>2000's games
That doesn't really make sense because PS3/360 games can easily be discussed in /v/. And that's 2005-2006. So it's not really a 2000s board, it's just a PS2 gen board.

>> No.6784567

>enable robot
Not sure what you mean? Like forcing only original posts?

>> No.6784569

>it makes no sense
Didn't this already happen with PS1 before

>> No.6784580

The primary reason the board is barely recognizable is because of you lot spamming it into oblivion with whining and shitposting instead of even allowing for the possibility of the change turning out okay. If getting you to leave is what it takes to bring actual discussion of retro games back to /vr/, then I'm all for it.

>> No.6784621

Why even reply? Everybody can clearly see you are lying by looking once over the catalog. I guess you got what you wanted. But you're all too quick to adapt this new definition of "retro games" as per the board rules. I honestly doubt you statement that you did frequently use this board before.

>> No.6784636

yeah, if you have a number and k on the board, make it a robot board

>> No.6784652

Ah I see what you mean. I only used /v2k/ since it was in OP. Honestly I think most boards could makes use of "only original posts" rule.

>> No.6784697

I don't have anything to prove to you, but rest assured I'll still be here, still posting about mostly 3rd and 4th gen games as I've always been. And you'll hopefully go away since you seem more interested in shitposting than retro games.

>> No.6784706

>I'm gonna still be a BITCH and I'm gonna LIKE IT
What exactly did you win?

>> No.6784713

yeah this fucking suck, they completely killed /vr/

>> No.6784717

Well, enjoy your threads falling off within the hour with <10 replies I guess. Have fun.

>> No.6784729

A place to discuss old games with other people who want to discuss old games. That is the purpose of this place.

>> No.6784737

>Our board culture is being overshadowed by mid-gen games and things that clash heavily with the sprite-based simple games of yore
Check the threads, nearly all of them appear to be created facetiously by the anti-6th gen crowd in perpetual shitter-shatter mode.

Eventually they'll get bored, and things will stabilize.

>> No.6784753

Instead you got constant baiting, blind tribalism and shit flinging and turning innocuous posts into arguments.

>> No.6784764

fuck jannies

>> No.6784816

Sadly true. I'll admit, I'm kind of hoping this stirring of the pot might weed out some of the shitposters who are only in it to feel superior to zoomers or whatever the fuck it is that they're after. Probably not, but hey, can't get much worse than it's been lately.

>> No.6784851

The current wave of shitposting will pass. When it does, then we should discuss if 6th gen should stay imo.

For now we just need mods to delete bait threads rapidly.

>> No.6785045

you sound like the kind of person that are too scared to speak up when they say that boy now means girl and riots means protests

>> No.6785079

>current wave of shitposting will pass
Sure, we're totally not going the way of /asp/ now, yeah.
>we should discuss if 6th gen should stay
And we're totally have a say in the matter. Yes, definitely.

>> No.6785165
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Not to sound like a faggot but it ruins the "board culture", I come to /vr/ because i genuinely enjoy discussing, and finding out about some actually "obscure" games from the past. The reason /vr/ exists is because something like Metal Orange, Dame Was Loaded, or Darklands wouldnt last more than an hour on /v/, when popular games which have been discussed to death can last a full day there.
These changes just make /vr/ into a slightly slower /v/. I cannot fathom a reason why we'd need yet another board to discuss fucking Halo, Metal Gear, TF2, Oblivion, or Persona 3.
It's not an age thing either. Im a literal zoomer, and 6th&7th gen IS my childhood, alongside remnants of the 5th.
The implementation of this is what makes it so bad. Under the board rule's Halo 3 MCC, Cod4, and Bioshock are considered "retro".
>Arbitrary date which makes no real sense
If they were going to do an arbitrary date, why not make it the release date of the first 7th gen console (Xbox 360 - November/December 2005)? Why not wait until the next gen of consoles actually fucking releases first before you do this?
Why are 2007 7th gen PC games allowed, yet PSP & the DS arnt considered retro? The GBA is a glorifed SNES emulator; out of the 1500 games less than 1/10th of them arnt ports.
They could have easily caved into the GBA spammer(s), and just made an exception for that system similarlly to how Dreamcast was accepted in the past., or under the current rules they could make an exception for the DS/PSP/Vita (not that im advocating for this).
The mods stated that the decision would be happening eventually, and then they decided to just update the sticky in the middle of the day & stop moderating.
On top of it all the arguement for not making /v2k/ now falls flat, because 4 new fucking useless boards have been made in the past month. What is the point of /vst/, what is the point of /vrpg/, why does a dedicated gacha board exist when they had /vg/?

>> No.6785173

>The current wave of shitposting will pass
Thank you for your optimism, anon.

>> No.6785294

>discussing in some threads yesterday
>get back today
>all gone
>realize someone thought it was a good idea to add all 6th gen forward in one board with other gens

Brilliant, really brilliant.
People asking for years a board for the 6th gen forward, but no, let's mix everything together and have /v.2.0/
Just PS2 games and GBA will take most of the threads, this is fucking obvious. Not to mention the Halo threads
It will also flood with people that wont care about games previous to 2001 or to discuss about retro pads and other tech shit, and others will just give up posting because there is no point. It just doesnt work

>> No.6785313

I almost feel bad for the jannies and mods having to deal with this shit. not really though

>> No.6785335
File: 610 KB, 919x561, ac7e066d-cc93-4bbc-876b-0826f792d1a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize these types of people will be unironically using this board now from on right?

>> No.6785373
File: 106 KB, 396x448, 1467169841630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpopular opinion here, but I feel like /vr/ has slowly became /v/2.0 since a few years ago. It was one of the most helpful boards imo when it first launched. I learned so much about retro games and CRT's. The people that post/posted on here knew there shit, but a shift happened a few years ago. Maybe it was due to time and people finally noticing the board, but in 2020 the board really was almost unrecognizable since the launch.

I really want the 6th gen discussion to be possible on this board... but, I think the main issue is not that it's included, but the decline of quality post and /v/ tier "trolling".

>> No.6785384

>it's the blogposting australia fag who avatarfags
Did you know avatarfagging is against the rules? Look at the 4chan rules page.

>> No.6785390

I'm American and only posted the picture since it's /vr/ related. What are you talking about Anon?

>> No.6785392

>old bad
>new good
>skryim and SA2
peak zoomer
Pretty much, the idea of allowing 6th gen isnt inherinitely bad, but the decline of board quality and influx of /v/ shitposters was already apparent. Opening the floodgates to 6th gen just makes it far worse as older games genuinely will be overshadowed.

>> No.6785394

at least he's not that note twat

>> No.6785397

I like 6th gen games but this change has killed /vr/.

>> No.6785406

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3418638