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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 69 KB, 696x204, mednafen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760507 No.6760507 [Reply] [Original]

How good is Mednafen?

>> No.6760732


>> No.6760779

It's awful.

>> No.6760795

The duality of /vr/.

>> No.6760808

It depends on where you are on the spectrum.

>> No.6760813

It's decent. I prefer epsxe myself.

>> No.6760815

It's great. People don't like it because it's commandline driven, but it'll run anything, and run it well, AND it's in most Linux package repos. Get this up and running, then install Nosefart, and yer Linux box is set to rock and roll.

>> No.6760818

never had a problem, i remember trying SOTN some years ago, other emulators would crash on those area teansition doors sometimes but with mednafen it played flawless from beginning to end.

>> No.6760821

>People don't like it because it's commandline driven
You know you can just drag a .cue onto the exe and away you go, right? Controls are configured inside with a menu, you never have to use a CL.

>> No.6760831

this is still to hard for your average /vr/ user much less for the absolute normalfag people these are too retarded for computers.
>waah alt+shift+1 to configure the controls! someone save me!

>> No.6760834

I know that, and you know that, but I feel like the kids in the board are about 50/50 on knowing that. As commandline apps go, Mednafen is REALLY easy to use.

>> No.6760845
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The best.

>> No.6760848

But why not just have GUI? They're not hard to implement and users don't have to plow through and try to remember a whole fucking design document every time they want/need to configure something.

Why are autists like this and why do they think it's OK?

>> No.6760857

I think anyone genuinely interested in retro vidya beyond a novelty which would admittedly rule out most of the retarded niggers on this board is capable of handling mednafen.

What exactly are you trying to configure?

>> No.6760881

GUIs are NOT easy to write, especially when there's a ton of variance between the emulators. You want a GUI? Go install Retroarch. Mednafen emulates, that's it. No library management, no pretty pictures. It emulates, and it does it really really well.

If you don't want to take the 5 minutes to learn it, yer not gonna get far in computers. Go here: https://mednafen.github.io/documentation/#Section_security_savestates print that shit out and use it.

It really isn't complicated at all. It has fast forward, save states, etc. everything you need. Just learn the hot keys. You'll be surprised how solid and reliable it is.

>> No.6760906

Why are you defending being too sloppy to implement a rudimentary GUI, is it like a point of autistic pride?

It's not hard to type in commands, but it's just that it's fucking 2020 and very off-putting.

>> No.6760946
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>It's not hard to type in commands, but it's just that it's fucking 2020 and very off-putting.

>> No.6760952

What commands?
yeah bro you showed that fucking pussy

>> No.6761003

I've switched over from epsxe and I like it. Everything werks. Fairy simple to set up and use, only had to edit a few lines in a config file to get my 360 controller to work and rename the bios bin file. I'm usually tarded when it comes to this stuff but it wasn't bad. I got a gui for it but honestly I don't really need it.

>> No.6761017

Honestly I don't see a single reason to prefer it over Beetle PSX HW

>> No.6761038

So go use an emulator with a GUI. No one's stopping you. If you're bitching about Mednafen, still, you obviously want to use it so quit bitching.

Yer like some guy walking into an industrial factory saying "Geez, is all this really necessary? Can't we just, like, photocopy things?" Yes, it's very necessary, and probably for reasons you cannot even comprehend.

The great thing about Mednafen being command-line driven is that people can build on top of it. There are GUIs for Mednafen, like this one: https://sourceforge.net/projects/medguireborn/

It's a separate project because Mednafen is the emulator portion only, as I keep saying. That's why it's a great emulator: nothing else is shoe-horned in. It does one thing, and does it well. If you wanted to build a GUI to run games in Mednafen, you could literally do it in any language, with any framework with any tools because you just have to generate a command programatically, you don't even have to access an API or anything.

So, please, stop whining. There are GUIs for Mednafen, google that shit. You have no idea what you're really talking about here. Again, yer like Link saying "Awww, I like the look of the wooden sword, WTF is this shitty Master Sword."

>> No.6761042

i've tried it several times, and still can't get over the fact that it's command-line and doesn't have a gui.
maybe I'm an idiot, but I'd much rather use a stand-alone emulator than deal with this shit, no matter how good it may be.

>> No.6761056

There are GUIs available for it. Makes it work like any other emulator.

>> No.6761071

whoa he really hit you where it hurts huh

>> No.6761085

>what exactly are you trying to configure?

- Analog sticks on PSX.
- 3D resolution.
- Turning off that fucking bilinear filter some cunt thought was a good idea to set as default.
- Audio sample rate and possible exclusive/ASIO mode.
- Trying to reduce the insane input lag I'm getting in PSX games.
- Seeing what else fuckery they've put as default and what the fuck is going on in general.

Not having fun here guys.

>> No.6761093

Why were you using mednafen standalone instead of Retroarch in the first place?

>> No.6761101

>How good is Mednafen?
shit tier

>> No.6761125

The best uses for Mednafen are:
> NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 (CD)
> Nintendo Virtual Boy
> Sega Saturn
> Sony PlayStation

All the above use Mednafen's own original cores. Their Saturn Beetle core is one of the best Saturn emulators outside of SSF. The downside is the command line GUI. Though Mednafen does have its own internal menus. But there are a few front ends out there. I use Linux, and run Mednafen through CLI for Saturn and PS1 emulation.

>> No.6761128

Awesome. Changed the game for both psx and saturn. It also supports all NEC consoles and lots of rare shit (lynx, wonderswan, virtual boy, ngpc), beating the crap out of almost any alternatives. Cores for genesis, sms and snes are not groundbreaking, though.
The beetle variants add chd support, plus dynarec and hardware rendering for psx. They're very nice too if you're not one of the ra hating crowd.
If command line is an issue, just use launchbox, or a dedicated frontend. But don't waste anymore time with outdated and buggy crap such as magic engine or epsxe.

>> No.6761132

The hardware renderer in beetle is beyond shit-tier, and is the cause of nearly every issue posted. Beetle with the software renderer, however, is essentially a straight upgrade to standalone.

Seconding this, if you're highly concerned about input lag, you really should consider retroarch.

>> No.6761141

>The hardware renderer in beetle is beyond shit-tier
elaborate as to why is that

>> No.6761149

Just download a GUI and configure that stuff. For the controls I still had to set them inside mednafen. If you don't like the GUI you can drag and drop cue files on the exe after everything is set up.

Retroarch does have a good PSX core. I switched to mednafen because Retroarch's PCE core is based on Mednafen's less accurate PCE-fast mode and it was crashing some games. For either emulator you will need to put up with some configuration bullshit, but it's not as bad as plug-ins shit.

>> No.6761165

>Analog sticks on PSX
Go into the cfg file and change "psx.input.port1 gamepad" to "psx.input.port1 dualshock", then set the controls in-game by pressing alt shift 1.

>> No.6761172

What games in particular were crashing with Retroarch's Bettle PSX core? Have you tried duckstation as well?

>> No.6761186

Short answer is that themaister (originally under an alias) either didn't have the time, or the motivation to finish the vulkan renderer, and the hacky way they've implemented a lot of 'enhancements' over the years has caused a lot of issues with backporting accuracy fixes from upstream. I could go into more detail, but the contributors work hard, and they do it for free, so I'm not going to shit all over them.

>> No.6761187


>> No.6761195

PCE core not PSX

>> No.6761205

instead of editing the cfg, you can just press ctrl + shift + (1,2,3..) too

>> No.6761237


Anti-virus is not liking this one bud, and it incessantly insist on connecting to online servers and rebooting if not. Why would it need that for playing a fucking PS1 game?

Again, why if there is already GUI's out there can't they fucking bake them into the emulator, why do we have to deal with shady shit like this? Why can't it be like the Dolphin emu for instance?

Seriously, why? What's the point of doing it the most cunty way possible and being a cunt about it when people are trying to figure out what the fuck is going on?

>> No.6761256

>running a standalone antivirus
Have I gotten lost and found myself in 2005?

>> No.6761274

One no-name antivirus out of 63 detected issues. What exactly is the problem here?

>> No.6761325

Try Mednaffe if you think that one's shady.

>> No.6761330

I have been retro gaming for most of my life and I have come to use mednafen almost exclusively. Never tried the PSX emulator though. Might have to give her a try now.

>> No.6761372

> Never tried the PSX
Wut? You mean epsxe?

>> No.6761409

coded by trannies

not that it matters, i just like pointing it out.

>> No.6761424

Its emulation shit is available in retroarch ("beetle" cores), just use it, for goddamn fuck's sake.

>> No.6761429

comfy with mednaffe frontend

>> No.6761445
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>why is it so fuckin' hard just to play a game?
Sounds like it's time to buy the physical hardware and some games

>> No.6761446


>> No.6761452

There's no proof that ryphecha is trans. On the contrary, their complete lack of calling attention to their personal life unlike staplebutter, byuu, or endrift, to me implies that either they aren't trans, or just want to live a private life and work on emulators, which is pretty based.

>> No.6761459

very possible probably most emulator devs are trannies

>> No.6761467

only nintendo emulators funnily enough (higan, mgba, melonDS)
I wonder why that is...

>> No.6761486

It's a wonderful emulator when it comes to most of it's original cores (Playstation, Saturn, Virtual Boy and PC-Engine/CD)
It being CLI focused does ward some people off, but frontends like Mednaffe give it a GUI.

>> No.6761523

Only usefull if you are using a wii on a CRT.

>> No.6761750

Someone is jealous they can't write a fuckin' shell script, let alone an emulator. "Most UFC fighters are trannies anyway, that's why I don't fight pro."

>> No.6761754


>> No.6761769
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>> No.6761776


>> No.6761829

>You want a GUI? Go install Retroarch
>instead of Retroarch in the first place?
>consider retroarch.
shit tier too

>> No.6761830
File: 24 KB, 500x402, NotHavingHappyThoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you change the internal 3D resolution for PSX in Mednaffe. I'm wanting to run the 3D in 1080p but keep sprites/texures integer if at all possible. The Mednaffe GUI only wants to scale everything but not up-rez...

Also is there a Directx video driver?

>> No.6761842

If you're too low IQ to figure out retroarch, I could walk you through a basic setup for playstation if you'd like.

>> No.6761847


>> No.6761921

>If you're too low IQ to figure out retroarch
it's easy to figure out a shit tier gui

>> No.6761936

Command line > confusing interface

>> No.6761976

Try to play multi-disc games (Saturn ones in particular) and you will hate it.

>> No.6762038
File: 365 KB, 300x225, TheMednafenExperienceSoFar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How to ...raise ...the internal ...FUCKING 3D RESOLUTION...

>> No.6762041

I love it with Mednaffe. The only gripes I have are with the extra step needed for multi-disc games and for PS1 memory card management (for example, PS1 games with save transfers like Armored Core can be a pain)

You don't. Mednafen is made for accuracy rather than for features.

>> No.6762070

A gui that's easy to figure out is by definition a good gui. You sound unhinged, friend.

>> No.6762234

Very, I haven't touched another emulator for any of the consoles it supports since switching to it.

>> No.6762237

Forget that, there's literally GUIs available for Mednafen.

>> No.6762256
File: 1.39 MB, 194x228, SayWhatNow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I spent all day reading through two 4.000 word long documents of nonsense, close to a 100 instances of opening and closing Mednafen after meticulously and painstakingly editing and keeping track of parameters in a 62.000 word long cfg text file, looking for the only SINGLE FUCKING reason I'd want to even attempt running this GUI-less nightmare instead of just hooking up my PS1 via an OSSC to my TV, improved 3D rendering, just for someone to randomly bother to mention that the gender-confused aspies who cobbled together this abomination, that let you warp and mangle the games in all manners of ways, thought that raising the internal 3D resolution would be the ONE FUCKING THING that would be detrimental to the accuracy of the emulation?

...I say this mildly, you've not made a fan of me Mednafen.

>> No.6762264

Get some taste and play at the native internal resolution. If you truly insist in having shit taste in aesthetics, use retroarch and find it in the options.

>> No.6762382

The cores for PC Engine, PS1 and Saturn are great. I prefer them in RA myself.

>> No.6762640

By "duality" you mean contrarian kiddo who thinks he's "trolling" by voicing whatever the opposite opinion is.

>> No.6762712

how do you suggest I drag and drop an exe with a controller?

>> No.6762920

Yup. Some people like *insert whatever* and some people don't like *insert whatever*. Doesn't matter if the topic is about Mednafen, Sonic CD or Yoshi's Island, people will hate or like these things.

>> No.6762931

How does XEBRA compare?

>> No.6762953

I prefer using this on Wii then FCeu GX and Genesis Plus GX.
I couldn't get 240p to work right on FCeu GX.
Genesis Plus would have this annoying seams in it's display.

Also, I wish retroarch worked like mednafen.
Where I can load a game and it automatically loads the correct system.
Instead having to choose a core each time.

>> No.6762991
File: 1.86 MB, 2362x1057, Screen shot 2011-11-07 at 6.58.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dood, just go run a GUI emulator. You don't get it. "Beer exists, why would anyone drink nice wine/whiskey/vodka?"

>> No.6763909

Use your DS4's touchpad. You do have a DS4, the best all-around retro vidya controller, right anon?

>> No.6763915

You can use the Beetle HW core on Retroarch and No is not that much ogñf a hassle to set up (except for shader costumization)

>> No.6763945

>People pointing out an option but I saw the word so I need to show that I disagree
Ok retard

>> No.6764038

Here, I'm halfway through a big fucking cup of questionable burnett's whipped cream, so I'll write up a guide so easy to follow that even you niggers shouldn't have any problem with it. This is going to come in a few parts because of cuckchan's tiny character limit.

>Anon's Patented Niggerproof Method for setting up PS1 on Retroarch

-Initial Downloading and Installation-
1) Download and extract Retroarch: https://buildbot.libretro.com/stable/1.9.0/windows/x86_64/RetroArch.7z
2) Download and extract the PS1 BIOS files: https://www.mediafire.com/file/s11dvh2snfrmy29/PS1_BIOS.zip
3) Inside PS1_BIOS, open the NTSC-UC folder, locate ps-30a.bin and rename it to scph5501.bin, then place it in the System folder located inside Retroarch, this is your (NTSC-U) BIOS. You may either discard the remaining BIOS files you extracted, or rename ps-30j.bin to scph5500.bin for (NTSC-J) games, and ps-30e.bin to scph5502.bin for (PAL) games, placing them in the same System folder.

>> No.6764040

Part 2.

-Setting up Retroarch-
1) Plug in your desired controller and open retroarch.exe. You should see a green box briefly pop up informing you that your controller has been detected and configured.
2) Navigate to [Settings] > [Video] > [Fullscreen Mode] where you will disable (Windowed Fullscreen Mode) and enable (Start in Fullscreen Mode).
3) Navigate to [Settings] > [Video] > [Scaling] and enable (Integer Scale).
4) Navigate to [Main Menu] > [Online Updater] > [Core Downloader] and scroll down to Sony - Playstation (Beetle PSX HW), select it, and it will immediately install the core.
5) Navigate to [Import Content] > [Scan Directory] where you will locate your PS1 ROM folder containing your redump bin/cues. If you do not have redump bin/cues, carefully select all of your ISO files and then drag them to the recycle bin where they belong, before downloading either the full redump set, or selectively choosing the games you want, and then repeating step 5 until you get it right.
6) Close Retroarch, and re-open it. Retroarch saves all changes upon closing, so this is a fall back point if you manage to crash it.

>> No.6764107

Part 3.

-Setting up Beetle PSX-
1) If you've followed the guide properly, you should have a [Playstation] tab on your main menu.
2) Navigate to [Settings] > [Playlists] > [Manage Playlists] > [Sony - Playstation] > [Default Core] > Sony Playstation - Beetle PSX HW. This associates our PS1 emulator with the correct playlist.
3) Navigate to [Playstation] > Select a game > [Run]. If it loads, you've followed this guide properly. If it doesn't, start over from the beginnig.
4) Press the Home Button on your controller, or F1 if you're using M/KB. Welcome to the [Quick Menu].

>!!! WARNING !!! - Don't fucking touch anything here under [Options] or [Control] that I don't explicitly tell you to touch.

5) [Quick Menu] > [Options] > Enable (Analog Self Calibration) This fixes analog range issues encountered in certain games like Parasite Eve., Enable (Enable Dualshock Analog Mode Toggle) This lets us hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Start+Select to toggle the Analog button, since, just like on original hardware, many older games won't recognize the controller if it sees a Dualshock. Set (CD Access Method) to Pre-Cache This loads the entire disk into memory, ensuring you will never get any loading stutter.
6) Navigate to [Quick Menu] > [Controls] > [Port 1 Controls] > and set (Device Type) to Dualshock.
7) Press Home/F1 to close the [Quick Menu] and get back into the game. Hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Start+Select for about two seconds, and you should see it Enabling or Disabling Analog. Some games, particularly from Squaresoft, use this button combination as a hotkey to soft restart, so heads up if you aren't expecting that. Now we can easily swap between a Playstation Controller and a Dualshock, for games that support it.
8) Navigate back to the [Main Menu] > [Quit Retroarch] to save the changes we've made once more.

That's it, you now have a fully functional emulator. Optional Config next.

>> No.6764136

Part 4.


-Mednafen Purist Setup-
1) Load up game, [Quick Menu] > [Options] > Set (Renderer) to Software. This requires a CPU with somewhat decent single thread performance, but is extremely accurate, and is how standalone Mednafen handles rendering.
2) [Main Menu] > [Quit Retroarch] to save settings.

-Reformed ePSXe Graphicsfag Setup-
1) Load up game, [Quick Menu] > [Options] > Set (Internal GPU Resolution) to your desired multiplier, This increases rendering resolution. Set (PGXP Operation Mode) to Memory Only, Enable (PGXP Perspective Correct Texturing) This will reduce the soulful jittering and warped textures. Enable (GTE Overclock) This is a very compatible hack that can massively boost the internal framerate (what the console itself is outputting) in situations where it's bottlenecked by the PS1's GPU.
2) Back out to [Main Menu] > [Settings] > [Video] > [Scaling] > and disable (Integer Scale) for a complete fullscreen image, scaling artifacts be damned, since we just threw accuracy out the window.
3) [Main Menu] > [Quit Retroarch] to save settings.
Aaaand we're done. I could do a shaders guide, but so much of that's up to personal taste that I'd need a ridiculously comprehensive setup to cover everyone's flavors and I've already wasted enough time on this shit.

>> No.6764137

Can it actually run Air Zonk? Every version I've tried fails

>> No.6764154

Mednafen is a multi-system emulator for people whose time is worthless.

>> No.6764280

For the people that want a GUI but don't want to deal with the mess that is RA, I don't know why Bizhawk isn't recommended more.
Both it's PSX and Saturn cores are from Mednafen.

>> No.6764291

fuck off shill

>> No.6764292


>> No.6764303

Bizhawk is for TAS.

>> No.6764306

It has a focus on that yes, but its plenty fine to ignore it's TAS functionality and just use it as a general emulator. Nothing forcing you to click that TAS drop down menu anon.

>> No.6764313

fuck off shill

>> No.6764316


>> No.6764317

>3D resolution
not a feature of regular mednafen, it's only in the libretro port

>> No.6764326

In his defence, even if he is a shill, anything is better than Retroshart and their campaign to take over emulation.

>> No.6764329

you sound like my 48yo friend who gets angry at his computer for the most basic shit like misplacing a folder on his desktop like why CAN'T THEY JUST MAKE SHIT EASY sort of thing
tl;dr you both suck and computers, and getting angry about it isn't helping, reading a fucking manual

>> No.6764330

Why not just use Retroarch though? The UI is easy to use, especially with a controller, and it takes ~5 minutes for a great setup that you'll never have to mess with.

>> No.6764337

1. nobody said standalone mednafen had upscaling, your assumption is your fault
2. it doesn't take all day to look this up
3. upscaling is by very definition, not accurate

>> No.6764341

too popular, i want something nobody has heard of so i can feel superior to them

>> No.6764347

RA's UI is focused for TV usage with a controller and it's library functionality scales very poorly with larger data sets and does not separate based on directory structure (its very annoying to have all my Japanese games mixed with US games for example).
Don't get me wrong, RA has a lot of use cases and has a few killer features (great netplay for example), but for regular desktop usage its fairly poor. All of this said the new UI engine is a step in the right direction, its smoother to use with a mouse+keyboard setup then the xmediabarwhatever interface was.
Bizhawk has a simple native OS element interface. Its just nicer to use with a mouse. And personally, native OS open dialog >>>>>> metadata based library interface

>> No.6764348

RA has a desktop gui as well

>> No.6764350

Based. In that case, I recommend OpenEmu.

>> No.6764357

It does but it's like 5% complete. There is no accessing of settings, etc from it. Its basically just a rom loader and nothing more.
If I had more free time I'd love to contribute to fill it out more, but covid has made my work... challenging, since it turns out most of my department can't actually work reliably remotely. No free time anymore to actually work on side projects.

>> No.6764358

Why not create a second playlist for JP Playstation games? Also, after you've browsed the playlist one time for the game you want to play, which can admittedly take ~30 seconds if you're rocking entire collections, for the rest of that playthrough it's right at the top of your history, couldn't be easier to get back into it.

If you're primarily into browsing your games, rather than playing them, you could use Launchbox for a very pretty collection.

>> No.6764368

Across the board emulator threads are among the worst this board has to offer. They're a means to an end and your arguments about them are completely pointless most of the time. I mean it. I'm convinced the majority of you argue against each other with no conversational goal in mind. Like what purpose does a reply like this serve >>6764337 ? None whatsoever. All it spells is "You're too stupid to use this program." Well D'UH, Cpt Obvious.

>> No.6764375

You can search through playlists. Just hit 'Start'.

>> No.6764378

>All it spells is "You're too stupid to use this program." Well D'UH, Cpt Obvious
Nobody here is too stupid to use any of these programs. Just follow a step by step guide and enjoy your retro vidya.

>> No.6764379

i find it frustrating seeing people spend ages trying so hard to avoid retroarch, when they could have spend 1/10th of that effort figuring out retroarch

>> No.6764383

Great reading comprehension there buddy.

>> No.6764392

Yeah well and I on the other hand don't give a flying fuck about that. I do mind people shitting up the board with terrible threads like this however. It's the same thing every singel time. An endless cycle.

>> No.6764404

Your post communicates that you're irrationally upset about your difficulties comprehending complex emulators. I have provided you with a solution. You're welcome.

>> No.6764412
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>> No.6764414


>> No.6764450


>> No.6764451

My God you're stupid. Like astonishingly so. Where did I as much as hint at having trouble setting up something as simple as an emulator - a task so mundane accomplishing it doesn't warrant any pride. You provided "a solution" to a problem that doesn't exist: "Just use a guide." Exceptional work.

>> No.6764461

And just to be clear - I realize this is very important when talking to you - I'm not calling you stupid because I feel insulted but rather because you jump to conclusions and the actual meaning of my sentences is seemingly lost on you.

>> No.6764473

Heh, some guy ITT is pretty mad that people prefer to use Retroarch instead of mednafen standalone for emulation.

>> No.6764519

Anon it's clear that you're extremely upset, but worry not, I'm here to help.

>> No.6764541

It's PS1, Virtual Boy, Saturn and PC-Engine cores are pretty much the best for each system. It's Lynx, NGP/C and Wonderswan cores are also very good.
It doesn't have a GUI so if you want one either use something like Mednaffe/Medgui Reborn or just use the cores via Retroarch.

>> No.6764565

1. 3D rendering settings in games are so universally common no one can be faulted for assuming that, ever.
2. It does, where does it explicitly say it does not in any non-ambiguous or obtuse way users first attempting this can decide if they want to invest the substantial time it takes to understand and take control of it's parameters.
3. Upscaling is by very definition, is what you do unless you are running the emulator on a 240p screen. Mednafen by default is set up in a grossly inaccurate state, allowing 3D rendering resolution to be set would be the least of concerns regarding accuracy at this point.

>> No.6764596

retroarch users get upset at the same thing

>> No.6764614

t. totally not that guy

>> No.6764617

im new to retroarch.

how can i tell how far behind the retroarch release is, compared to standalone.

e.g. i just downloaded desmume on retroarch. how do i tell if it's years old, or up to date?

>> No.6764623

libretro@github has all the core repositories and you can check the latest commits and how far are they behind the master branch

>> No.6764630

>irony completely lost

Read your own post again, and think about it.

You seem to want us to believe you have by constantly reading emulator post on here, come to a "across the board" definite and surmising argument while completely missing that:

1. It's about what the user want's and expect out of an emulator.
2. And how to best achieve that preferably with out much hassle.

It shouldn't be too hard to understand there are then different views on this and anons seeking advice and guidance want to hear them. You just so grossly miss the mark I just thought that pointing it out would be down to ethics at this point and hope you come to your senses.

>> No.6764841

If you're downloading a core through the program then it's the latest version of the core released.

>> No.6765006

his question is how far behind it is to the actual standalone emulator

generally, if you are running a core at the bottom it will say its name and its version, then compare the number to the standalone

>> No.6765012

Oh, alright. Usually it seems the cores are pretty close or exactly the current versions of the standalone.
Though you have ones like the Beetle cores which are based off very old versions of Mednafen but they've been changed and added upon so much that they're basically their own things now.

>> No.6765046

also, I'd rather edit a cfg file over a fucking confusing ui anyday

>> No.6765302

I have a problem with the analogue triggers on my 8bitdo gamepad. The mednafen UI doesn't seem to recognize them as analouge triggers, even though I am trying to map these buttons to the Saturn 3D analouge triggers.

>> No.6765323

so the Beetle cores are now just as good in accuracy on par with standalone mednafen now?

>> No.6765983

That's a complicated question. Back in 2018, there was a lot of shitposting on emugen directed towards beetle psx, claiming that it was less accurate than standalone, yet no one was ever able to provide any proof to back it up. In response, I ran the entire battery of PS1 tests on standalone and beetle, and discovered that there were indeed issues. The problem was that as the core became increasingly divergent under the hood with the addition of optional hacks/enhancements, this further increased in complexity the amount of work required to backport changes from upstream while still keeping said hacks/enhancements functional.

Based simias took up the mantle and fixed everything, and on my last pass of tests, we had parity.

As for whether that's still the case, I couldn't tell you. A lot of new things have been added to beetle, and I haven't been keeping up with Ryphecha's changes to mednafen. If I get the time (it takes a long fucking time to go through the whole thing twice over), I'll do it again this weekend and post results on emugen.

>> No.6766041

The power of unbridled autism. What were these "inaccuracies" in question, if I may ask? A handful of games out of 5000 ran a 0.0001% faster or something?

>> No.6766115

Gameplay consequences were unknown, but it was failing hardware tests that both original hardware and mednafen were passing. Pinpointing specific gameplay issues across the entire library is just never going to happen without a massive amount of manpower from the community, so the best we've got is keeping parity with standalone on the test suite. At some point simias was working on a more comprehensive suite, but I don't know if that's still the case.

One big problem with emulator development (much more of an issue with gen5+) is that there are few people venturing out and playing games that wouldn't be in a top 50 list, even fewer that are willing to document any issues they experience, and fewer still that are familiar enough with the games to recognize what could be an extremely minor difference in output from original hardware. Even Dolphin, which is one of the most popular emulators, their compatibility list for anything that isn't a zelda or mario game is a complete mess for that exact reason.

>> No.6766134

As of the past bunch of versions Ryphecha's mostly been working hard on the Saturn core with some tinkering going on with the newest Apple II core (and sometimes rarely now the PS1 core.)

>> No.6766153

>not being a linux chad and using zenity's file dialog as a launcher