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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6752479 No.6752479 [Reply] [Original]

they're the same game

>> No.6752516

*if you play them with your eyes closed and the sound off

>> No.6752534

>LttP: there’s something happening on every screen
>OoT: wide empty spaces with only a few trees and is tedious as fuck to traverse without transport because woah 3D!

>> No.6752546

They’re in the same series.

>> No.6752548

It takes plenty of time in both games to go across the map. I kind of prefer mindlessly watching OOT’s run cycle to constantly getting snagged on enemies and obstacles.

>> No.6752567

>I actually prefer less gameplay, as long as the map is big
Everything what’s wrong with modern games, of which OoT is.

>> No.6752638

Alttp couldn’t even get a single goty award when it came out. Sonic unanimously won it that year. Hipsters never argued it was better than OOT until Egoraptor made his video

>> No.6752660 [SPOILER] 
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>t. n64 kid

>> No.6752662

>people didn’t disagree with me before this eceleb disagreed with me
Sure okay, you lil bitch

>> No.6752667

>Sonyfags made this thread
What a surprise

>> No.6752720

Half the organizations that gave OoT GotY awards didn’t exist until the late 90s.

>> No.6752734

If you want to see map similarities, compare the path north of Link's LttP house with the path north of OOT's castle town. You can even see how the ruins south of LttP's castle are the ruins of old OOT Castle Town.

You can wander out into the desert in both games, and scrutinize how the Colossus in OOT is easily the Desert Palace of LttP.

Both have meandering trechurous paths upstream in the direction of the Zora.

The area in LTTP with the Master Sword is really more similar to the area in front of the Forest Temple in OOT. It may be that they once intended to put the sword out there, but the developing story moved it to town.

>> No.6752761

>Mario Bros. and Super Mario 64
they're the same game

>> No.6752793

You say this in every OoT thread.
OoT doesn't need knights and moblins in every square meter of land because the music, visuals, day / night time progression, and the living, breathing main character all work together to produce the pleasant atmosphere that helped make it the most highly acclaimed video game of all time.
Stuffing your game full of copy-paste minor enemy sprites is a crutch, not something to be proud of.
Also all the action takes place in the dungeons (temples). So when you do encounter enemies they're worth encountering and have appearances and characteristics that work with the dungeon you're in. Unlike the older installments of the series where you get the same enemies repeated and the dungeons are mostly not thematic.
And all that aside, you get to run with intensity sensitive joystick instead of just walking like in prior games (though Pegasus Boots obviously gives you a faster charging across screens option in ALttP after you get them), you can roll to move even faster, you get on demand warping through the ocarina, if you're playing the game properly you get a horse too, and even without warping or horseback riding it literally takes less than 30 seconds from the Lost Woods exit before you're looking at Hyrule Castle. Which means you probably didn't even have that come up as an actual opinion from playing the game and just thought of it as an excuse to push contrarian anti-OoT arguments.

>> No.6752852

>everyone who criticised OoT on /vr/ is one person

>> No.6752862

Come on.
ALTTP/OOT are more similar than different.
SMB and M64 on the other hand are barely comparable in aspects such as moveset, overworld, level goal, etc.
M64 feels closer to an action-adventure game than a straight-out platformer at times.

>> No.6753027


>doesn't realize that this butthurt certifies that even more

Oh the ironing

>> No.6754291


>> No.6754321

The one who always complains about OoT overworld not having enough enemies is one person, yes.

>> No.6754650

>ALTTP/OOT are more similar than different.
That doesn't make them remotely "the same game" and OoT has way more in common with LA than LttP.

>> No.6755087


>> No.6755102



Sw*tch is not N64. Cope, Playtranny.

>> No.6755276

>tfw all my childhood friends that I bonded over n64 with are now balding, middle-aged dads with nerd glasses like pic related
I didn't ask for these feels, Anon.

>> No.6755816
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>multiple replies
>/v/ buzzwords
Please go fuck yourself. not just for us, but for yourself.

>> No.6756304

The similarities start and end with "do 3 dungeons, shift worlds, do more dungeons." OoT did pretty much everything worse than LttP and only people who grew up with an N64 and no other console in the late 90s/early 2000s pretend OoT is a flawless masterpiece, or even a worthy followup to LttP. It made the mistake of focusing more on showing off new tech than actually being a great game.

>> No.6756324

Nah i'm a zoomer born in 2002 and didn't grow up with any games so I'm not biased. OOT is a masterpiece and probably one of the best games ever made, you'd have to be a dumb contrarian to think otherwise and yes I have played lttp and tons of other games like it it does not hold a candle

>> No.6756334

>Nah i'm a zoomer born in 2002 and didn't grow up with any games so I'm not biased
I definitely believe you.

>lttp and tons of other games like it it does not hold a candle
Yes, this is a believable post.

>> No.6756336

My parents didn't let me play vidya till I was 16 the first games I ever played were valve games.
The hold a candle thing was hyperbolic but they def are not better than oot

>> No.6756350

>but they def are not better than oot
They are significantly better than OoT in every conceivable way from level design to dungeon layout to puzzles to pacing to freedom of exploration. Actually that last one really isn't a fair comparison since OoT doesn't have anything even resembling exploration.

>> No.6756359

oot is hardly an exploration based game it's going from point a to point b, are you going to explain how each of these games are better or just make the claim?

>> No.6756367

>oot is hardly an exploration based game it's going from point a to point b,
And that's why it fails as a Zelda game. It's a streamlined action game with braindead puzzles, no exploration and passable combat.

>> No.6756369

>I grew up playing 3D games exclusively and I say OoT is the best Zelda
Well, no surprises there.

>> No.6756375

>that's why it fails as a Zelda game.
What the fuck does this mean? A zelda game is a zelda game by title, majoras mask and 2 do everything differently from a normal zelda and takes all the tropes and turn its on its head, OOT is absolutely a zelda game and the best one

>> No.6756386

>What the fuck does this mean?
I take back my sarcasm from earlier. I now believe you're a zoomer.

>> No.6756393

They're happier than you. Live your life.

>> No.6756435
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>A zelda game is a zelda game by title

>> No.6756445

Literally the dumbest kinds of "fans" that exist.

>> No.6756451

People who disagree probably also like using terms like metroidvania.

>> No.6757704

>: wide empty spaces with only a few trees and is tedious as fuck to traverse without transport because woah 3D!
this but with BotW