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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 140 KB, 667x501, 5902fbba88a7e3f0618b4567-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6753568 No.6753568 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, where is the HOMM/MM general? There's some occasional thread on /vst/, but it's dead and doesn't cover M&M...

>> No.6753581


>> No.6753590
File: 107 KB, 645x1000, 1544085887124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, thank you dude
>Nothing Found

>> No.6753948


>> No.6753959
File: 8 KB, 236x316, INSANE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6754107


>> No.6754147

Desert Town

>> No.6755053

>Medvedev and Stalin

>> No.6755947
File: 148 KB, 300x300, __naganohara_mio_nichijou_drawn_by_nishimura_prism_engine__280d4e61b6116de26943d2308464f429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last thread died with only 80+ posts

>> No.6756019

Goes to show how much people care about the games.

>> No.6756025

That's why I didn't make a new thread.

>> No.6756308
File: 232 KB, 640x480, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an addon or campaign map? I couldn't find it in the editor
I can't find this map either even though I seen it a thousand times already on google

>> No.6756370
File: 1.91 MB, 1144x3000, homm autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he our guy?

>> No.6756772
File: 981 KB, 630x784, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posting the pastebin if anyone new like me needs it. I also need your guys' help. Is there an artifact cheat sheet for hota like pic related? I could have sworn there was one posted in these threads a couple of years ago when I was lurking. Also, what are some fun/meme maps or maps without enemy AI? I want a big map where I can just fuck around killing things and farming massive armies, without the AI attacking me.

>> No.6756852

>install custom map
>try to conquer a mercury mine
>battle resolves unlike the others where the creatures flee
>battle opens with 4000 kobolds looking at me

>> No.6757096

think that was because the thread on vst was active, but since that reached bump limit and died, everything is back to normal

Unironically agree with the gazebo part.

>> No.6757157

It's from the beta version.
The first hero looks like what became Brother Brax in the evil campaign.
You can find that pic in this wiki:

>> No.6757168

Where did you find this?
>artifact cheat sheet for hota
Check the archive.
I think I saw it posted several times.
Maybe one of those XL puzzle maps.

>> No.6757515

sounds like an another nebulous textual interpretation that one of my literature profs obsessed with poststructuralist goobledygook would come up with

>> No.6759684


>> No.6759740

HOMMO really do be dead

>> No.6759807

Why aren't you guys more into the superior parent series Might and Magic?

>> No.6759823

I dunno about others, but I prefer HoMM because I can start a game and finish it in one sitting.

>> No.6759827

Is homm 3 as bad as people say, how should I get into this series

>> No.6759841

Get good, even the largest MaM can be finished in less than 10min

>> No.6759851


>> No.6760014

Literally who says it's bad? It's by far the best in the entire series, no contest.

>> No.6760869
File: 593 KB, 225x220, dragon golem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best in the entire series
>doesn't have the kino unit

>> No.6760889

And it's still the best.

>> No.6760896

>peeing joke

Closed the image.

>> No.6760941
File: 589 KB, 1500x1092, cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ubisoft can't make a proper homm game but they can get people on board who draw kino art that is not just a carbon copy of the first 4 games
really makes you think

>> No.6761012

Where's the kino art you're talking about?

>> No.6762468

Because I tried them chronologically and kind of gave up during the first installment. I'm not into RPGs in general.

Start with Homm 6 (actually MMH 6)

Dude what

>> No.6763257
File: 107 KB, 512x345, 20181011_144017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6763561

This garbage looks straight out of nuWoW.

>> No.6763691

Any portrait packs around?

>> No.6763749
File: 51 KB, 472x359, LightMagicButtQuest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess whoever was in charge of updating the M&M general thread got a little behind.

>> No.6763774

>not just a carbon copy of the first 4 games
Instead it's a WoW carbon copy, good job, Ubishill.

>> No.6763869


TIL "kino" means "generic"

>> No.6763892

the hand actually represent the slap action

>> No.6763943
File: 130 KB, 1024x796, Azula Of Harmondale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Instead of spamming Yell in Stone City, we should be able to slap dwarven butts.

>Good game!
>Thanks Coach!

>> No.6764059
File: 44 KB, 427x507, 1593700825367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6764062

its one sale on gog rn two dollars and fifty cents

>> No.6764078
File: 154 KB, 426x700, d2en2sf-ea1c3605-b43c-4fe1-ae81-5c85645993f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spank the pixies!
Spank the genies!
Spank the dwarves!
Spank 'em harder!

>> No.6764281

/vr/ is home for /homm/
/vst/ is cool and all, but the HoMM thread over there has no M&Mfriends and goddamn mobileniggers in their stead

>> No.6764676
File: 67 KB, 152x163, Angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like HoMM3 Angels animation

>> No.6764747

Much better than Arch Angels, look way cooler.

>> No.6764787

Archangels are weird in general, they have wings on their asses.

>> No.6765269

I kinda feel bad for upgrading them to Arch Angels, kek. I really dig the Angels design overall, the yellow glow, the hand gesture animation... Plus the fact that they are fighting barefoot on the battlefield wearing a frail looking robe.

>> No.6765287
File: 500 KB, 640x480, Meteos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey MM rpg people, two srs questions:

I've never played M&M 1 and 9. I respect MM2, but it's just too "old school clunky" for me to really enjoy.

>Should I play the first one, or even bother?

>Is there an actual MM9 that works for Windows 10? I own the GOG version, and I've tried the three recommended patches but I keep crashing or LONG freezes right at main menu. ONCE I got through character creation into the beginning and then everything crashed. Seems like this is a common problem, and I can't find any CURRENT info on it. Does ANYONE have current info how to play MM9 on Windows 10?

>> No.6765698

9 is a heeping trash fire that's not even finished, let alone worth playing. That's my current info on how to play it on win10--just don't.

As for whether or not you should play 1 and 2, it's all up to you. 6-8 are the "must plays", outside of that it's just whatever suits you. If you don't enjoy it, don't play it.

>> No.6765749


I've heard 9 is "ass" but the dungeon design is really cool. I am enough of a faggot fanboi that I would like to try 9 anyway. I'm bored and I hate every RPG that's been released in the last 10 years besides MMX and Cosmic Star Heroine.

I think MM9 is going to be better than 8. I would prefer an interesting trainwreck with cool dungeons to the "phone in Fisher Price baby difficulty" bore-fest that was MM8.

Fuck MM8, the only cool part was having a Minotaur and a Vampire as party members and that got old in the first 5 minutes.

>> No.6765758
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, CTHULU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*I also don't hate Shadowrun: Dragonfall or Cthulu Saves the World + BoD7 - ZeBoyd, Limbic and Hairbrained Schemes are the only RPG dev companies I trust now.

>> No.6766450

>map bans Fly, Dimension Door, Water Walking, and even Summon Boat
>doesn't ban Angel Wings or Boots of Levitation
Catching that AI hero was a major pain in the ass, but at least the siege battle when it finally happened was worth it. Had to try twice thanks to the AI having both expert earth and the sphere of permeance against my expert dispel and expert earthquake combo. But in the end, some hot Mighty Gorgon on Arch Devil stare rape happened and the AI fell.
The map's Divida et Impera.

>> No.6766586

Guys please name son fun scenarios or map templates where a low skill player like me can fuck around and not have to worry to much about getting raped by the AI.

>> No.6766676

just lower the difficulty

>> No.6766692

If I lower the difficulty I win before getting to explore the map and amass a huge army.

>> No.6766723

then you should have no trouble playing at higher difficulty.
try jebus template, it's pretty popular for multiplayer.

>> No.6766730

Yeah but at higher difficulty the AI keeps attacking me and I'm forced to defend all the time and can't explore. Why can't this game have solo templates? I just want a bigass map to explore, fight big monsters, collect artifacts, grails and shit like that.

>> No.6766741

play homm4.
some campaign plays like rpg (no army, heroes only).

>> No.6766789

homm 4 gathering storm last campaign
you only have 5 heroes, no troops, no towns (if i'm not wrong)

>> No.6766809

Thanks for the suggestion, but I forgot to say I'm playing HOMM3 with the HOTA mod. For some reason I have it in my mind that all HOMM discussion should be about 3 only, or at least shouldn't include any of the games past 3.

>> No.6766831

this is a >>6753568 MM/HoMM thread
so all MM games and HoMM games are valid.

>> No.6766837

and by MM is Might & Magic RPG series.
not those Might & Magic Heroes (aka not retro nu-HoMM)

>> No.6766879

Yeah I know, but HOMM3 is the best out of all of them by far. Fight me irl if you disagree.

>> No.6766894

>fight me irl
arguing with random people in the net is what i did 20 years ago.

>> No.6766895

ok boomer

>> No.6767825

It's a bad game. The last thing that worked for me was putting the game into windowed mode instead of full screen but it sometimes caused the game time to move slightly faster (making time based traps super annoying). The load screens themselves are the issue (it's a directx bug). If you hear the music, you should be able to alt tab every time you go to another screen. The game hasn't worked consistently since Windows XP and that was even with patches to make it more stable. If you are stuck on playing it then you should just create a Windows XP VM.

>> No.6767854

That was for MM9. If you think MM2 is too clunky or outdated you won't like MM1. You don't have an automapper in game in MM1 and it's the same engine, so it's even more primitive. You can only take 1 major quest at a time. In the pastebin (which OP forgot) we say specifically that getting into 1 or 2 is difficult if you aren't used to these types of games (whereas Xeen is an excellent choice for someone new to DOS RPGs).

>> No.6768187

>arguing with random people in the net is what i did 20 years ago.

yeah me too, wanna fight about it

>> No.6768315


literally no one disagrees with this

>> No.6769147

Wow. Agree with like 90% of what he said. I don't particularly care about the castle/town hall split, but everything else is spot on.

Also, while knights were weak in II, their town also had the best music.

>> No.6771428

Sorceress had the best music in both the base game and the expansion.

>> No.6771467

Fucking shit

>> No.6772686
File: 26 KB, 264x375, H5boxshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Heroes 5 is now retro according to new sticky.

>> No.6773845

Not just yet.

>> No.6773914

Weird, when you think about it, if they followed the 20 years rule that some people propose, we wouldn't be able to talk about H3 until last year.

>> No.6773972

People already talk about H5 in these threads every now and then. Not very often, though, since the game is nothing to write home about.