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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6753087 No.6753087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you can't comment on games whose releases you didn't experience first hand!
Can we all finally agree this is just a boomer fallacy to protect the reputations of egregiously dated games.

>> No.6753092


>> No.6753096

Nah the boomers are right. Most zoomers shitting on older games never played them, most likely just watched some "funny" e-celeb trash-talk an old game for clickbait bucks, or maybe, in the best of the scenarios, they tried it for 2 hot minutes on their mom's phone, didn't get the controls, and proceeded to call it shit.
Zoomer's opinions are always invalid.

>> No.6753098

Nothing is “dated”.

>> No.6753103

I'm sorry you don't understand words.

>> No.6753113

basically this

>> No.6753119

Have you considered maybe you've concocted a boggeyman you crudely apply to anyone criticizing old games?

>> No.6753120

not even a zoomer, but holy strawman, batman

>> No.6753123

Nah I know there may be exceptions to the rule, always is, but in general, it do be like that.

>> No.6753127


This, also some 'great' games you can really only understand if you were there to experience them when they came out. I feel like this is the case with Shenmue - there just was nothing like it before and to really appreciate it you had to be there. Another one might be the original Doom, "lol you can't even look up!" shit

>> No.6753134

it's like making a review of league of legends in 2040 while playing on a private server with 100 people

>> No.6753140

What is this hypothetical supposed to be proving, exactly?

>> No.6753154

what on earth does this even mean?

>> No.6753161
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>> No.6753167

>dated games.
Back to /v/ with you, faggot.

>> No.6753171

Case in point.

>> No.6753175

c'mon smart guy, explain yourself

>> No.6753179
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>> No.6753182
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Anyone else think that the phenomenon of younger players claiming that games like Ocarina of Time or GoldenEye are the best games ever, even though they aren't from their own generation/youth, is really funny?

>> No.6753183

Imagine the closet case who owns a book about faggots

>> No.6753187

They're self perpetuating memes. Enough people say it that people start parroting them, and then new people parrot the people parroting, until until you're left with the modern phenomenon of zoomers praising average, boring, bland retro games based on reputation alone.

>> No.6753192

I doubt zoomers even play games anymore they just watch e-celeb youtubers

>> No.6753193

>to protect the reputations of egregiously dated games.
You almost had me until this bit. Of course the whole thing's a strawman anyway. .

Nice try zoomer, grind hard and maybe some day you'll be fit to post in /vr/.

>> No.6753194

>Nice try zoomer, grind hard and maybe some day you'll be fit to post in /vr/.
Do you actually feel superior to young people for having taste in video games? Forgive me for saying but that sounds like a pathetic elderly cope.

>> No.6753195

It has to do with not knowing how it was experienced when it was first release. Take something like Project 1999 or even the FFXI official servers these days, how can you have an opinion on how well the game was when you weren't there to experience how much of an impact it had when it was new? It's like when zoomers come in and say n64/psx graphics are crappy or how some of the control schemes are just bad, you weren't there to witness how amazing of a leap it was to go from snes/gen/pce to n64/psx. Yes, in comparison to today's stuff, it is rather bad, but people who grew up with the games know how good of titles they were as forerunners into the new territory of 3D. This is why they get easy passes on bad graphics and controls schemes, this was all new territory where we slowly learned what was good and what was bad.

>> No.6753201
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Boomer, you're going to DIE one day, and none of the future zoomers will care that you think a children's electronic toy is perfect because you played it as a kid. Cope.

>> No.6753206

right, so that comment relied on me knowing that a private server of 100 people is unusual for this game which i know absolutely nothing about
i've heard the name before, but i couldn't even tell you what genre it is, i take it it's an mmo?
i agree it's difficult to judge an mmo after the fact, the playerbase is an intrinsic part of the experience

any game is different after the fact to some extent, and there's nothing you can do about it
while it's wrong to say a game has always sucked based on playing it 20 years later, with no context, it's also not invalid to form an opinion of a game as it is now (present context)

>> No.6753221

my first console was a ps3

>> No.6753232

Boomers didn't play videogames, dumbfuck. You really think oldfucks born in the 40s/50s gave a fuck about videogames?
Dumbshit children who think anyone older than them = "boomer".
I don't care if you didn't experience gaming back then but your fucking problem is you fucking reject old gaming, period, and you won't even fucking give it a chance. You load up some old game without even reading the manual, play it for two seconds, throw it aside and say "lol this sucks" and expect to be taken fucking seriously. Go fuck yourself.
Go immerse yourself into old gaming and you'll find that it's so good that it makes almost all modern gaming (hell, gaming from the last 25 years) look like shit.

>> No.6753257

>but your fucking problem is you fucking reject old gaming
What? How do you know this? See >>6753119

Seriously who the fuck hurt you.

>> No.6753258

playing the game as a kid isn't a requirement for being able to appreciate a game for what it is
of course you can't expect the same result between such a person and someone who hasn't in their life played any game within 10 years of a particular game
there is value in judging an old game within a present context, that is, without taking into account contemporary expectations or competition, many games are quite timeless in that way
but to judge a game for what it was requires you be familiar with the expectations and competition of the past, this doesn't require you to be a certain age, just that you've done your research. i don't take seriously people who completely toss out things which were the standard at the time the game came out, like "this 1997 game sucks because it has tank controls", this is a clear application of modern expectations on an old game

>> No.6753260

Stop proving ours.