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6752738 No.6752738 [Reply] [Original]

Resident Evil 2 is a masterpiece

>> No.6752742

Your face is a masterpiece

>> No.6752743

no the clunky tank controls have aged badly

>> No.6752748
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O-oh! Wow..

>> No.6752769

I agree but what is the point of this thread? Put some discussion points in your OP to better direct conversation.

>> No.6753139
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>Not putting that on the shelf and playing the objectively superior remake with proper 3rd person over the shoulder

>> No.6753189


>> No.6753198

The franchise didn't become playable until RE4, play the remake.

>> No.6753208
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>Muh stiff tank controls
>Muh locked camera
>Muh RE4 ruined the franchise

It baffles me there are people who claim old RE games are the best ones

>> No.6753217

here come the RE4 fags

>> No.6753226

FACT: RE 1-3 only had tank controls because of hardware limitation
FACT: Pre rendered backgrounds was only there because the PSX was too weak to do full 3d
FACT: RE4 improved on all aspect of the old games

>> No.6753241

What about Covid Veronica

>> No.6753282
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>I agree but what is the point of this thread?
To talk about RE2?

>> No.6753312

With save states, yeah. Not even a zoomie, but I hate limited saves. DaS haters go on and on about artificial difficulty but limited saves is REAL artificial difficulty.

>> No.6753347


>> No.6753363

I can't believe we got a pointless /vm/ board instead of /v2k/. They're just trolling you guys at this point.

>> No.6753371

It really is bullshit, though. You need to even have room in your inventory to save? We allowed free saving even in the snes era, I never understood the point of limiting it.

>> No.6753386

It's not. Put your ribbons in the save box.

Also most new typewriters have an ink ribbon in the save room.

>> No.6753515
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>because the PSX was too weak to do full 3d

>> No.6753575

You should have shit on him for saying the tank controls were due to weak hardware. He was right about the pre rendered backgrounds, he just expressed it the wrong way. Full 3D environments like code Veronica would have looked fairly shitty on ps1 so they opted for pre rendered.

>> No.6753593

Or I can bypass all of that by just doing a save state at every typewriter.

>> No.6753661

Played re1 for the first time, great game. Excited to play 2. Only things I didn't care for were that I felt I spent about half the game in menus, and having to backtrack to offload items into boxes in order to pick up key items. tank controls and fixed camera were fun and this is coming from a re4 babby

>> No.6753685
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Overblood was developped at the same time as Resident Evil, released a few months after; and just like RE1 it's an AitD clone made for the PS1, except Overblood is in full 3D. You can even switch between 3 different camera angles: pre-set pre-rendered style angles, behind the player back, and first person.

Well, the environments aren't very detailed, but they do look great; and it's not like RE1 has a lot of detailing in the backgrounds either, it's very barebones for the most part unlike RE2/3.

The main reason RE1 uses 2D backgrounds is because they copied AitD, a known technique that worked on 486 computers; so they could just copy the system to save time and energy rather than figuring out something new. Overblood however, proves that it would have been possible; and in the case of RE1 specifically when you only load 1 room at a time, it's not really a problem.

>> No.6753694

There are like 30 saves worth of ink ribbon in the entire game and you can find it literally everywhere.

Nobody saves 30 times in Resident Evil; but it's still there to make you feel like the danger is more dangerous than it is, every little bit helps.

>> No.6753710
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> tfw i can watch the most extreme horror movie and i'm not even phased by it one bit
> play the mildest of horror games and I can't even play past half an hour
so much kino vidya that i can't play
i really want to play silent hill 2, it just looks so kino, but i'm really easily spooked

>> No.6754059

It's the easiest classic RE game, there's a shit ton of ink ribbons, the games core horror comes from the fear of losing your progress.

>> No.6754080


the remake is a steaming heap of dog shit

>> No.6754090

t. 80 IQ ape

>> No.6754091


backtracking is the game's way of punishing you for playing like a pussy. if you fill your inventory with gratuitous healing items and ammo, yes you will have to backtrack all the time

>> No.6754095

>imagine being filtered RESIDENT EVIL of all things.
I'd say don't have kids, but natural selection will make sure of that.

>> No.6754106

How often do you drink bleach?

>> No.6754125
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>old good
>new bad
Both are good, deal with it.

>> No.6754128


>> No.6754131

And it looked like shit.

>> No.6754141

Having to drop more things in the box isn't a punishment.

>> No.6754150

DC is a good looking game.

Unless you're someone who doesnt understand what a good 5th gen game looks like and think they're all ugly.

>> No.6754160
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, YES..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>old good
>new bad

>> No.6754168


then why are you complaining about it?

playing safer takes more time. that's the trade-off. the game was intentionally designed this way

>> No.6754183

Yes. I've 100%'d the remake and it sucks, gay nigger zoomer.

>> No.6754317

>then why are you complaining about it?
I'm not the same person.

>> No.6754339

Top 5 psx for sure.

>> No.6754402

id say that even though the controls are clunky, it was still a good fit for the style of game they were going for

>> No.6754407

>FACT: RE 1-3 only had tank controls because of hardware limitation
>FACT: Pre rendered backgrounds was only there because the PSX was too weak to do full 3d
And as it so often happens, limitations inadvertently made the games better

>> No.6754467
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Somethings off with that screenshot. Leon doesn't really sit into the image. Anyone else see it? It's almost like the 1080p emulator screenshots I've seen but more subtle.

>> No.6754474

Overblood pays for it in atmosphere, since the environments are way less detailed. It also had a lot of other deep rooted problems, which is why no one talks about it today.

>> No.6754476

>id say that even though the controls are clunky
There is nothing clunky about RE's controls. They are responsive and allow you to turn on a dime. They are so slick that any time you take damage, it's your fault and your fault alone.

I'm not exaggerating.

>> No.6754487

yeah, youre right honestly. theyre a little jarring to new players tho, especially people who are playing it for the first time today.
the controls add to the experience for me, kinda feels like a dance with the game. idk that just sounds retarded now that i type it out

>> No.6754497

It's jarring for newcomers but I'm not expecting a newbie to dance around zombies in the hallway.

Honestly of anyone here is having issues I recommend a dummy save near zombies. Learn to bait them, learn their attack ranges, and get some practice routing. If that sounds like too much work, I implore you to reconsider trying it. Weaving in and out of a zombie hallway is satisfying as fuck and you will feel like a demigod for doing it.

>> No.6754685

...on the Dreamcast

>> No.6754743

Yeah it appears to be the PC version with some kind of CRT shader applied to the image.

>> No.6756045

A lot of environments in RE1 are also very empty and bland. The underground tunnels is just ONE texture repeated on all surfaces and no detailing at all.

Overblood isn't that obscure anymore, but everyone calls it a "RE clone" which is just not true since it was developped at the same time, and if you play the game you realize it's more rooted in the AitD influences than RE1 is, like with the hand to hand combat for instance.

Overblood is actually one of the better AitD style survival horror of the generation outside of the obvious RE/SH. I've played most of them and frankly they all range from bad to average at best.

>> No.6756123

>You should have shit on him for saying the tank controls were due to weak hardware
he's right though, digital controllers existed

>> No.6758365
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>> No.6758416
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>Resident Evil 2 is a masterpiece
Thanks to celebrity appearances

>> No.6759893

You hated it so much that you 100% it, ok.

>> No.6759896

>There is nothing clunky about RE's controls.
You can't possibly mean this. RE controls are clunky as fuck and on purpose to give you a movement disadvantage againt enemies.

>> No.6759902

which version should i play i keep hearing about this game. i played resi 1 a few times but never beat it but loved it for the most part.

>> No.6759904

I've said it before and I'll say it again, limitations are the gateway to soul. even gramps agreed with me. miss you gramps.

>> No.6759906

PS1 is the easiest to emulate and deal with. There are minimal subtle differences among versions but nothing worth going out of yout way to play them for.
I think I've heard the Dreamcast version of 2 has a screen with a Nemesis easter egg showing the pod where he was resting empty.

>> No.6759919

RIP gramps

>> No.6759995

FACT:re4 uses tank controls it is just from a third person perspective instead.

>> No.6760004

But thats a picture of RE1

>> No.6760010

But ennemies move exactly like the player,notice how they cannot turn around quickly thats because they too use tank control.

>> No.6760015

They're entirely different genres. The best way I can describe the original trilogy is Puzzle Horror. When playing the games efficiently, they're all about planning routes and avoiding nearly every encounter. The ranking system heavily encourages that speedrunner style of play, and of course, that isn't going to be for everyone. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the games, they just aren't to your taste, and that's perfectly fine.

4 is firmly in the Action Horror genre. While previous games asked very little of the player gameplay wise, 4 is all about precision and dynamic reaction, especially on Professional runs. I personally find this style of gameplay far more compelling, but again, that's up to taste. Fans who prefer the original trilogy are never going to win over those who prefer 4, and vice versa. It's not about right and wrong, they're just too different to give a direct fair comparison.

>100%ing a game that sucks
What did he meme by this???

>> No.6760016

To be fair, SH only works because of the extremely low draw distance that's covered up by the fog, and even then, the framerate is really bad.

>> No.6760017

I'm a sucker for classic RE and I was going to do everything in the game regardless of quality.

>> No.6760020

What did you like/dislike about it? I've played through 1/2/3/CV/4/5/6/7/Rev/Rev2, but I haven't played any of the remakes yet, including 1.

>> No.6760027

> Puzzle Horror

What do people insist on making up shitty terms like this when perfectly good ones already exists.

"Puzzle Horror" is misleading because you're missing the action part. Puzzle Horror is like a bad synonym of adventure horror games, point&click games like the Dark Falls series with no action.

There is a name for it and
>it's survival horror.
What it means is
>action-adventure game with survival gameplay mechanics and a horror them.

You have twitch based controls of your character, that's action. Because of that even when you dodge enemies and don't shoot at them, that's action.

>4 is firmly in the Action Horror genre.
See what I just said. RE1 and RE4 are both just as "action" so your term doesn't work. The difference is that RE4 doesn't have the survival gameplay mechanics, the survival action. For instance not only enemies drop supplies, but they're programmed to have a higher chance of dropping stuff the less you have in your inventory; this vs how it works in RE1.

>> No.6760038

>There is a name for it and
>it's survival horror
Survival Horror describes 7 far more than the original trilogy. Skating around enemies and not using any consumables or ammo outside of bosses (and avoiding said enemies means you've got loads upon loads of ammo for the best boss killing weapons). It isn't any more survival than Super Mario Bros.
>You have twitch based controls of your character, that's action. Because of that even when you dodge enemies and don't shoot at them, that's action.
It's not. Planning a route to walk around enemies isn't action. You're running an obstacle course.
>See what I just said. RE1 and RE4 are both just as "action" so your term doesn't work
What a ridiculous statement.

>> No.6760043
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I recently replayed the original trilogy.
I honestly think that RE2 is the weakest entry.
RE1 was fun and very original, the atmosphere was great and unique, the place was actually interesting to explore and it's the only game where I actually had to save ammo.
RE2 felt really bland in comparison, the RPD can't hold a candle to the OG mansion, having to replay the game just to get the true ending was really annoying too.
RE3 is honestly super underrated, the combat is way more refined, the ammo mixing mechanic is fun and Nemesis is the best RE boss. Makes me feel sad to know the remake was shit compared to RE2.

>> No.6760047

>Survival Horror describes 7 far more than the original trilogy.

RE1 literally created the name of the genre and established it as a genre.

>It's not. Planning a route to walk around enemies isn't action.

It literally is. In video game genre defining "action" is one of the main genres, up the family tree. It defines twich based control games, where you have direct real time controls of the characters. For instance a turn based game isn't action, or an adventure game where you go from still picture to still picture by picking a direction isn't action.
If Resident Evil had no action it would be just that, a point&click adventure horror game. "action" in VG genre defining doesn't equal to "guns blazing everything and all the time", so yes, when you run around dodging enemies it's action, but even then, even if did get the definition wrong and think it means "guns blazing", for the record RE has as much shooting as it does dodging, so you'd still be wrong.

>> No.6760054
File: 93 KB, 940x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an example, the only difference between the game on the left (Resident Evil) and the game on the right (Dark Fall), is that the one on the left is action.

Except from the action they are absolutely identical, they're adventure horror games where you go around solving puzzles and witnessing horrible shit.
But, the one on the left is action, and that with the rest, is what the survival horror sub-sub-genre is all about, the action is part of the definition of the genre; otherwise there would even be a comparison picture here.

>> No.6760058

And by calling the one on the left "puzzle horror", you're basically putting it in the same genre as the one on the right; which is true to some extent since they share some branches in the family tree, but is insufficient and misleading because you're missing one key element that differentiates the two: the action.

>> No.6760098

>RE1 literally created the name of the genre and established it as a genre
It's a misleading name. A true example of Survival Horror would be The Forest or 7 Days to Die. "Survival" can't just mean "limited pickups", unless you want to concede that Splatterhouse is the original Survival Horror, and that nearly every retro platformer in existence is a "Survival" game.
>It literally is.
It's not.
>for the record RE has as much shooting as it does dodging
Not when played properly, and before you go off on another tangent, I'm using 'properly' as in what the developers clearly intended as optimal play based on the ranking system. Combat in the original trilogy is essentially a puzzle that can be solved and fully planned around, typically by simply walking around the enemies, or briefly baiting them away from an important pickup before, as stated, walking around them to the next area transition. Combat in 4 is dynamic, and requires on the fly decision making and precise reactions from the player. Encounters are much longer, and fights are almost always mandatory, with enemy positions constantly changing in relation to the player.

To say that the original trilogy is just as much an action game as 4 is absurd.

>> No.6760352

I love the PC version due to fluidity instant cuts give

>> No.6760370

That's why you play the N64 version

>> No.6761749

thanks anon, any recommendation on graphics plugin for resi 2? ps1 games can do all sorts of funny resolutions and modes I've realized recently after dealing with FFT and Medievil's resolution rendering issues.
I imagine you mean that when you hit a corner/next 'screen' marker in game theres no sublte 'freeze' frame for loading right? how do the graphics and sound fair on the pc version?

>> No.6761838

>I imagine you mean that when you hit a corner/next 'screen' marker in game theres no sublte 'freeze' frame for loading right? how do the graphics and sound fair on the pc version?
exactly. graphics are basically the same but you can increase the resolution tho obviously only the 3D models are affected backgrounds stay at the same resolution IIRC the FMVs are higher quality aswell but have burned in jap subs not sure about sound if you're going to play the PC version play Sourcenext biohazard 2 release with REbirth patch http://appleofeden.de-doc.com/index.php/download/resident-evil-2-classic-rebirth/

>> No.6761919

RE2HD was utter rubbish.