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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6739229 No.6739229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s your opinion on civvie 11?

>> No.6739230

No e-celebs please.

>> No.6739232

> nO eCeLEB PlEaSe

>> No.6739246

I think he's a faggot like every other youtuber.

>> No.6739254
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Commie LARPer and BLM supporter

>> No.6739286

unfunny but semi-entertaining.

>> No.6739309

he has weird gimmicks but doesn't need them
commentary is good

i think he should unleash the mouse and say all the illegal words he clearly wishes he could

>> No.6739320

I like him.

Even though he has le youtube wacky SHTICK, he's great, and a cut above the rest.

The gimmick never becomes the focus above the content - reminds me of Mandalore Gaming, LGR, Ancient Dos Games, gmanlives, and Ssssseth to a small dddddegree.

Can't get enough people talking about classic FPS games too.

>> No.6739334

Quite like him, though I can understand people on 4chan not liking the "story" segments in his playthroughs.

>> No.6739335

>any other e-celeb thread gets deleted by 3-5 posts
>this shit is still up
this place is so pathetically held together.

>> No.6739337

>"pro" gameplay videos
>his skill ranges from sucking ass to average at best

Not surprising I guess, the ego on these people

>> No.6739346

I think the "Pro" is meant ironically

>> No.6739354

>alt cap twitter faggotry used to defend eceleb discussion
Fitting, now leave.

>> No.6739357

He's good at presenting highlights of old games but his personality is pretty cringy, and he should have kept his face a mystery.

>> No.6739360

love his vids.

>> No.6739361

Makes /vr/ and /pol/ seethe so very based

>> No.6739371

He finishes doom and doom-likes on ultra violence or equivalent which is more than most youtubers can manage. (And many /vr/ troopers for that matter.)

>> No.6739373

Like him a lot. One of my favorite ways to experience classic shooters through another lens.
Though every time I finish one of his videos and see the mountainous size of his Patreon sub base I'm floored a little. He makes so much god damn money playing old shooters and such.