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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6736262 No.6736262 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, what are you playing today? And what are you eating to fuel your gamer belly?

>> No.6736270

That is absolutely repulsive .

>> No.6736314

Based breakfast pizza anon. I’m still wondering why your carpet is covered in plastic.

>> No.6736315

Today I ate six raw eggs, loads of nuts and dried fruit, 2 bananas. I'm trying to bulk to get rid of my belly but today I just feel a little sick, especially after I had so much animal protein yesterday as well lol.

>> No.6736320

I'm at work OP
get a job you bum

>> No.6736327

never thought of such a concoction, but honestly looks kinda appetizing.
I have fond memories of playing smash 64 trying to unlock ness while eating egg and cheese on a roll.

n64 egg console?

>> No.6736331

>pizza & eggs
what??? do Americans really?

>> No.6736339
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i've been playing saphire, and i have some chicken nuggets in the oven, cause i'm hungry !

>> No.6736343

i was playing perfect dark and eating over easy eggs the other day haha, n64 and eggs is a good combo.

>> No.6736351


>> No.6736358

A sausage, egg n’ cheese biscuit from waffle house.

>> No.6736368

>friend spends the night
>parents get us dunkin donuts munchkins for breakfast
>wake up
>park wario on the train tracks in kalamari desert
>crank tv volume
>he, my brother and I all enjoy breakfast while laughing our asses off at “waaaaaaah" coming up from the basement every minute

>> No.6736380

Playing Alundra, I'm getting the oven warm and then I'll have snails for diner.

>> No.6736391
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Chrono Trigger
A frozen tuna pizza

>> No.6736394

Anon are you French

>> No.6736402 [DELETED] 


>> No.6736408

haha, yeah me and my friends would die over one of the wario voice clip from mario party
https://youtu.be/hpSfVHrxZts?t=47 (0:47)

I think n64 might be an egg console because of the association with sleepovers

>> No.6736415

That’s a comfy memory my dude

>> No.6736420

We are talking about games you autist

>> No.6736435

>Alundra and snails
High IQ poster

>> No.6736439 [DELETED] 


>> No.6736479


>> No.6736486
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the nuggs are ready bros

>> No.6736497

Had some "cumin beef with cilantro" from the local chinese place and I'm about to stream some Sonic 3D blast and maybe Sonic 2.

>> No.6736501

I live in France

>> No.6736506

link the stream, it sounds comfy.

>> No.6736520


>> No.6736615

Hon hon hon, of course mon ami.

>> No.6736861

OP just add baked beans and broccoli and your farts will dominate your enemies harder than your game skills will

>> No.6736908

>he doesn't know ports are allowed

>> No.6736915

Eating dried ginger so I don't get motion sickness from Goldeneye, Maken X or Combat Evolved

>> No.6736938

I guess a disgusting greasy mess like that is one way to lube your stick

>I had so much animal protein yesterday

>> No.6736942 [DELETED] 

Get a life you disgusting slob. Imagine if your ~~~girlfriend~~~ mom walked in and saw that with pieces of egg and pizza or whatever the hell that is falling in between the carpet.

>> No.6736947

Get a life you disgusting slob. Imagine if your girlfriend... sorry I mean MOM walked in and saw that with pieces of egg and pizza or whatever the hell that is falling in between the carpet.

>> No.6736949

English and French Style Scrambled Eggs are so much better than American. I don't really expect anyone to prepare them in the French style, but English doesn't take that much more effort. Give it a try.

>> No.6736951

>to get rid of belly
Holy shit you suck at this m8, not gonna make it

>> No.6736987

What I mean is to get rid of my skinny fat look. I don't have some big belly of fat out in front of me all the time, most of the time it comes from bloating. What I need right now is stronger muscles to make it look smaller if not to actually make it smaller.

The advice I've read is you must eat a lot to push muscle growth. First you eat a lot so you can bulk, afterwards you cut food and as long as you keep up the routine the muscle you created will be held onto by the body. Bulking and cutting at the same time is only for people who are heavily overweight while I've never been overweight, just pregnant man.

>> No.6737010
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>ehrgeiz quest mode
>gauntlet dark legacy (i know, not retro)
cigarettes and coffee
sidenote how would you rate doom 2 at anyone in this thread is it worth playing. i played doom 1 as a kid on all sorts of consoles and loved it but doom 2's first few levels kinda make me drop the game after a while. i usually quit around the stage with the crusher killing the spiderdemon.

is doom 2 known for boring level design

>> No.6737016

>scrambled eggs on pizza
what the absolute fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6737034

>falling in between the carpet.
Look closer, anon. He's got plastic over his carpet.

>> No.6737047
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>imagine if your girlfriend was your mom

>> No.6737165

He is French he has already surrendered his life to inceldom

>> No.6737197

Based kroger paper plate

>> No.6737202

Sounds based to me

>> No.6737391

I’m not French

>> No.6737468

I thought video games are haram

>> No.6737473
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>> No.6737510
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A man of taste as well

>> No.6737520

t. tranny

>> No.6737521

I made pizza topped with kraft dinner once and this still makes me want to hurl.

>> No.6737537

Haha a ton of eggs and pizza

You've made me hungry, OP

as for retro gaming, I'm about to go play Busytown, the children PC game from the early 90s


>> No.6737538
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Can't decide if I want to attempt to finish Legend of the Mystical Ninja tonight or play some more King's Field 1. Hopefully I can find a place I can sleep in KF to refill all of my fucking health. Either that or I guess I'll be kiting snakes for the rest of my life for money and grass. Downloading a PSO and FFXI client to play on some private servers too, I'll probably be playing them this week too

>> No.6737551

no, the pc engine and the sega saturn are the tranny consoles, the n64 is the basedboy zoomber console.

>> No.6737556

Doom 2's maps are up and down. Some maps are better than others. If you feel like some doom these days, I'd definitely suggest just sticking to it.

>> No.6737560

N64 is for people that have friends. You got it wrong faggot.

>> No.6737562

Literally this. Mario Party is a normie magnet.

>> No.6737568

>Super Smash Bros. is a normie magnet.

>> No.6737572

>Non-melee smash is a normie magnet
Alright, you got me there.

>> No.6737575

they both are.

>> No.6737621

PCE and Saturn are the weeb coomer consoles.

>> No.6737624

Based game and breakfast. Cringe eating and playing on the carpet.

What promotes muscle growth is exercising them. Starting strength is good for just beginning, but do some cardio as well. Eating a fuckton of animal protein without working out will just give you man titties. Start lifting light, start lifting now.

>> No.6737648


>> No.6737664

>dried ginger
>motion sickness from first-person games

Are you from somewhere in Southeast Asia or descendents thereof? I have heard that such people have higher tendencies to suffer motion sickness from FP games.

>> No.6737682

for me chicken and rice casserole and zombies ate my neighbors

>> No.6737743
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and thats a good thing!

>> No.6737773


>> No.6737960

>Downloading a PSO and FFXI client to play on some private servers
b a s e d

>> No.6737968

fat tub of shit