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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 640x360, EiOmhoR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6729801 No.6729801 [Reply] [Original]

Link took responsibility and married Ruto after the game ended, right?

>> No.6729809
File: 155 KB, 1000x500, legend_of_zelda-majoras_mask_orchestratrions_inlay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he found a better Zora girl afterwards.

>> No.6729810
File: 28 KB, 481x481, 1580878920638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything other than Saria's cunny

>> No.6729812

Whether you believe that she lived or died in the ending, the answer is still a big fat No.

>> No.6729831
File: 171 KB, 500x264, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-It's not like I even wanted you to carry me through scary dungeons with your strong handsome hylian hero body and keep me safe from evil monsters baka...

>> No.6729837

I love how Ruto went from a tsundere kid to being a very calm yet sexy girl as an adult.
Also I love the Jabu Jabu dungeon. Ruto was an escort mission done right. You don't wait for her, you just carry her around and throw her around. Link is a caveman.

>> No.6729881
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>Not going back to live with brown mommy
Not gonna make it.

>> No.6729891
File: 2.02 MB, 540x405, asuka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot young Ruto was basically Asuka with gills.

>> No.6729906

Zelda deleted Adult Link from the future just to cuck Ruto out of her rightful husband.

>> No.6729908

It's crazy how every post so far is based. Well done, OP.

>> No.6729919

No, it's canon that Link didn't beat Ganon at all and instead died at the final battle.

>> No.6729936

Just accept that Ocarina is a series reboot and the previous games are their own separate thing, Aonuma.

>> No.6729967

He loses in the timeline that leads to ALttP. He wins in the timeline for Wind Waker (post-victory adult) and the timeline for Majora's Mask (post-victory child).

>> No.6729974

-or- Nintendo is full of Shit and they made up the stories as they went along, and the official timeline is just some garbage they threw together to pacify weebs

>> No.6729980

>He loses in the timeline that leads to ALttP.
Outside of the Sages sealing Ganon, OoT really has nothing to do with ALttP at all. There's just too much inconsistency between them to be connected.

>> No.6729983

It's purposely badly explained but they're tied. If they added a too detailed backstory to attach games, new titles would've struggled having their own identities, which is already a difficult thing in the series.
There are no hidden stuff nor made up on spot stories. It just sells and made every kid smug from playing games in order

>> No.6729986

>they made up the stories as they went along
That's how the Bible was written too, doesn't make it bad.

>> No.6729989

What is with these game's creators and constantly having there be sexual tension between Link and the fucking fish girls?

>> No.6729996

Because that's what you'd want if you were link. No helping in faking it

>> No.6730009
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1942, 1200px-Rutoadult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't there be sexual tension with a woman who is always naked?

>> No.6730014

She's too perfect bros

>> No.6730021
File: 63 KB, 800x523, 722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be helped.

>> No.6730028

Imagine the smells

>> No.6730029
File: 105 KB, 1200x700, LinkxMalon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, fishfags. Fairy Boy is Malon clay.

>> No.6730032

look at those shoulders. thats a blue tranny with breast implants.

>> No.6730071

You're right other than
Most rabid nintendo fans grew up on the games without any idea they're a japanese company. Their attachment to the franchise has nothing to do with weeabooism. I really don't know what you're on about in claiming it's weebs who care about Zelda lore.

>> No.6730072

keep your tranny obsession posting in /v/

>> No.6730075

Both have the master sword, rupees, the triforce, fairy fountains, floormasters, stalfos, Agahnim / Ganon usurping the king, magic arrows to stop Ganon, Hyrule, Lost Woods, Death Mountain, Kakariko Village, Zelda's lullaby, big keys, 3 pendants / stones to get the master sword, 7 sages, cuckoos, getting attacked by a flock of cuckoos if you harm one, power glove, boomerang, hookshot, 4 bottles, hammer, etc.

>> No.6730098

>Zoras are nice and handsome in OoT, but fire-spitting monsters in ALttP. Other OoT tribes don't exist at all (in part because they weren't conceived yet).
>Ganon getting the Triforce and how it reacted is different between games.
>ALttP speaks of a great war fought to seal Ganon away. OoT is just Sages waving their hands and Ganon is sealed with no actual war.
>Sages in ALttP were all humans, as their descendants.

OoT took various elements from the past Zelda games and then revised and rearranged them into what became the standard for all Zelda games moving forward. It was a series reboot, just like how Star Fox 64 and F-Zero 64 rewrote and replaced the prior SNEs games.

>> No.6730103
File: 200 KB, 360x450, King_Zora%27s_Chamber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously. King Zora needs grandchildren.

>> No.6730108

If you spent all day swimming you would look like that too soi boi

>> No.6730109

He's right, though. That shoulder to hip ratio is distinctly male.

>> No.6730114

He took a juicy splatimir pootin right on her chest, then moved to hyrule lake

>> No.6730125
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 9129a8_884d161f216c4011bf1b85429b8fb327_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're different because it's a different era in the timeline. Our world today looks pretty different from how it was in the past too.

>> No.6730131
File: 307 KB, 792x1308, Queen_Rutela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to TP, Link spent his later days being a hero. His armor was held in the Ruto royal grave, which is where you receive it in TP. BotW would suggest that the armor has implications of marriage. Queen Rutela somehow has OOT Link's bangs, and is the only Zora in any game that bothers to pretend to have hair.

>> No.6730132

They had sex!!!!!

>> No.6730138
File: 99 KB, 600x888, 274c38cfc16884f005030fabfa0079d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marrying a peasant girl
*laughs in zoranglish*

>> No.6730139

The amount of mental gymnastics Nintendo had to pull to try and connect the pre-OoT games to their "timeline" is so laughable. Just outright admitting that OoT is a total reboot and the past games aren't part of it at all is simply the easiest way to settle the debate.

>> No.6730145

Based. I never played TP and did not know that. Nice to know best girl won the Link Bowl.

>> No.6730146

OOT was always designed to be a prequel to LtttP. It was WW that made it complicated.

>> No.6730149

>easiest way to settle the debate
No, that's "Nintendo gives no fucks about continuity."

>> No.6730150

>OOT was always designed to be a prequel to LtttP.
Maybe it was at first, but it clearly evolved into its own thing and the connections to ALttP were dropped.

>> No.6730152

Second-easiest, then.

>> No.6730161

If anything, TP implies that Link got with Malon

>> No.6730167
File: 593 KB, 758x1046, ruto is cute and funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730174

You pitch that constantly, and every single time someone comes and destroys your sad theory. TP treats Malon like she never existed, and doesn't reference her in any way.

>> No.6730183
File: 159 KB, 680x934, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast anti-lore fags.

>> No.6730223

This is my first time bringing this up.

Hero's shade implies Oot link had a child. Twilight link is not in anyway royalty(didnt get with zelda) and works with horses on a ranch that's pretty much the spiritual successor of Lon Lon. In medieval times the peasants professions are passed down through generations. The only song Twilight link knows at the start of the game is Epona's song. Malon says in Ocarina that song is passed on in her family as her mother sang it to her.

>> No.6730234

The goat farm is part of a human villate. It has no resemblance to the Hylean Malon's horse ranch. You have nothing. The villagers aren't even Hylean. TP Link doesn't know any songs. You as a player get to year some natural occurring reeds, that sound the same no matter who plays them.

>> No.6730237

>Pretending you're not that guy, but using the exact same copy/paste you always use because you haunt everything thread with your endless shipping.

>> No.6730247
File: 624 KB, 700x733, 1b850d93368b78c653206d2185037eff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's settle this scientifically.

>> No.6730249

Nah, bad shoulder design aside, her hips are oversized in comparison to her torso, making a curve rather a straight line like males have. The only way trannies can try to fool you is getting ass implants.

>> No.6730261

these posts are cringe:

>> No.6730264

t. malonfag

>> No.6730293

Ruto is killed in the adult timeline by Morpha after seeing Link one final time in the Water Temple. In the child timeline, Link presumably never even meets Ruto.

>> No.6730307

Doesn't she show up after that? Like when the sages seal away Ganon at the end?

>> No.6730308

I sense some serious samefag.

>> No.6730314

Malon anons on suicide watch.

>> No.6730320


>> No.6730330
File: 93 KB, 347x653, LinkBowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute Ruto Domination

>> No.6730339


>> No.6730356

>thread about specific character will naturally be browsed by people who are fans of that specific character

>> No.6730368

Malon canonically wins the OoTbowl

>> No.6730375


>> No.6730376


>> No.6730429


>> No.6730491

Link drained all the water in the Lake Hylia Temple, Ruto was in another part of the dungeon and suddenly cut off from the water and dried up and died.

Link Killed Ruto and never knew about it.

>> No.6730507
File: 228 KB, 1280x960, 05D3630D-4E51-4DB5-9F81-BFAB5BD7E47F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730512

MIYAMOTO gives zero fucks about continuity

Metroid games try to have continuity while repeating the same story beats and they wrote themselves into a fucking corner.

>> No.6730546
File: 110 KB, 1115x780, 0782cf28e1aa8a57c6c79bbfb8e60230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come there's only girls there?

>> No.6730575

They're all from OoT, doofus.

>> No.6730589

Darunia isn't a girl. Don't think I didn't already account for the existence of literal faggots such as yourself.

>> No.6730591
File: 167 KB, 400x550, 1594536953575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no nudist fish gf

>> No.6730601
File: 407 KB, 1024x1020, 14e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes she wears her husband's clothes to remind him who he belongs to.

>> No.6730627
File: 746 KB, 1103x1306, 6e26dca09ed8998561242c48f7ddfc019b49b29b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6730637

more like Mamelon clay lmao

>> No.6730842

Nope. He ends up with Malon.

Little homospeciest should have though. Ruto >>> all. I want to cum deep in her oviduct.

>> No.6731287

My ex-gf (who was also a huge Zelda fan) was like this sometimes, and even called me a baka once.

>> No.6731302

They're men of culture, obviously.

>> No.6731364

imagine the smell

>> No.6731370


>> No.6731419

We'll never know because they're never going to create a 3rd Hero of Time game and they'll never fill in the gap between Majora's Mask and whatever turned Link into a regretful ghost because they don't need to.

I like to think... that yes, he did, because a hot elf twunk with a fish wife is the hottest thing in the world to me.

>> No.6731421

I am a massive Zelda fan, been my entire life. But I'm not tarded enough to think that the timeline has been carefully constructed since day 1. They made game after game then eventually said "eh we better throw something together to make it connected"

>> No.6731426

Why is that Zora child was chained to the celing by his wrists.

>> No.6731429

smell imagined. boner achieved.

>> No.6731434

it's okay, you don't have to pretend here anon.

>> No.6731498

>sits on /vr/ likening his ex girlfriend to a fish woman from his favorite childhood game while the poop-incubator herself has moved on

>> No.6731502

sounds based to me, probably she's also thinking about anon and likening him to Link, fantasizing about that big Hylian dick.

>> No.6731528

>Malon canonically wins the OoTbowl
>He ends up with Malon.
No proof this happens. The evidence is more in favor of Ruto:

>> No.6731756

And going "HYAH!" with each thrust.

>> No.6731953

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but OoT Link is an autistic mute who shows no attraction to the opposite sex and literally runs from women who show him affection. If he isn't gay or asexual, the chances of him ever fucking anybody is pretty slim. The cow that lives in his Kokiri house probably has a better chance of getting dicked than anybody.

>> No.6731990

He's just an insecure kid with abandonment and self-esteem issues. He lost his parents at a young age and he's the only one of his peers without a fairy. An outsider in his own home.

>> No.6732024
File: 147 KB, 600x534, confused-pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know what I do with that cow?

>> No.6732053

Get a regular gf and pay for the conversion to fish nudist.

>> No.6732061

We literally know he has descendants, retard. Play the games.

>> No.6732091
File: 24 KB, 300x250, 5Mk4eOTndQ-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.6732109

>literally runs from women who show him affection
Anon, those were Gorons not women.

>> No.6732148

Even if Link's 100% hetero he should have still at least given Darunia a consolation hand job or something. Not cool bailing like that.

>> No.6732212

>literally runs away from Saria without saying a word

>> No.6732215
File: 542 KB, 1024x1280, 1561074124556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is completely straight and always will be.

>> No.6732218

Jesus. Why is there a shipping argument on /vr/?
Are you all teenage girls?

>> No.6732623

He runs from Saria when he first leaves the forest. But her overflowing kindness makes him uncomfortable because he's a little fucked in the head and also just a little kid.

>> No.6732629

He runs because he's got places to be, bitch.

>> No.6733516

Why are you on an anime website if you *aren't* a teenage girl baka

>> No.6733546
File: 806 KB, 468x458, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are maleanons on /vr/

>> No.6733816

I want Ruto to shit in my mouth so bad.

>> No.6733846
File: 185 KB, 470x715, banjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733934


>> No.6734218

Except Ruto is killed in the water temple, as are all the sages in their respective temples with the exception of Zelda. Malon is the only one alive at the end of Linkbowl.

>> No.6734228

TP is after the child timeline. Ruto never even goes to the water temple, because Ganondorf is arrested before he can take over. If you're going to be a rabid shipper, the least you could have done was to play the games.

>> No.6736365

Fish girls are always superior.

>> No.6736373

Once the game ends , the story ends. Nothing continues and no one is meant to assume anything.

>> No.6737523

you aren't?

>> No.6737529

have you zora fags ever touched a raw fish before? do you seriously want a fish girl? how is that attractive in the slightest?

>> No.6737548

Her cunny will always smell of fish regardless of how clean she is.

>> No.6737570
File: 290 KB, 635x475, New_Wave_Bossa_Nova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

External fertilization. Eggs that turn into tadpoles.

>> No.6737586

>wife invites you to sex
>actually just masturbation over some eggs
marriage truly does ruin sex lives

>> No.6737590 [DELETED] 

Mostly the man's. The woman keeps fucking Tyrone on the side while leeching your money.

>> No.6737619

Canonically, if you believe that shit's any more than some quick BS they wrote down to shut timelinefags up, he must have settled down and fucked one of the girls at some point. My guess is Malon since the Hero of Twilight works on a ranch in Twilight Princess but I suppose the Hero of Time could have gotten with another girl and his descendent ended up working on a ranch anyway purely by chance. I'm going to assume he didn't get with any of the sages since it was implied that the sages had to keep doing sage shit and couldn't go back to their old lives but even if they could, Saria's too young, Ruto's a fucking fish (and probably biologically incompatible), Impa didn't seem to have any romantic feelings for Link whatsoever and vice versa, Nabooru probably isn't the type to settle down (and if she were to have Link's child, it would be a female Gerudo) and Zelda is a friendzoning whore. The only realistic choice is Malon.

>> No.6737651

I hated this character so I named him dipshit.
When he called himself the Flaming Dipshit it was a peak experience in my life

>> No.6737754

You aren't very stealthy. Your theory was destroyed yesterday.

>> No.6738238

The hero "line" is not a familial line, but a spiritual one. The different Links aren't all related, they simply share the courageous spirit of the hero. It's more along the lines of reincarnation.

>> No.6738283

Who wouldn't want to marry a fishwife and be king of a shitty little lake in a cave?

>> No.6738567

Nah, pump it an dump it my man

>> No.6738569

Are you stupid? They're clearly related by blood.

>> No.6738650

The other anon was right. Your Malon ship is just retarded.

>> No.6738673

That's correct in every other case. TP Link however is literally stated to be of the Hero of Time's bloodline. Combine it with the fact that the hero's shade was disappointed with his direct descendents and it becomes obvious that he had to have boned some Hylian girl, regardless of if it was Malon or not.

>> No.6738702
File: 172 KB, 590x590, ArcherVR400box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TP Link
can't unsee

>> No.6739147

Fairly irrefutable physical evidence.

>> No.6739414 [SPOILER] 
File: 214 KB, 786x1200, 1597854849157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me is>>6730131

>> No.6739547

Mweep, Mweep, all of Hyrule's water passes under my pussy and crack

>> No.6740809
File: 371 KB, 1280x1500, RFblHw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741260

No, he stayed adult link, dressed zelda as a mermaid and tapped dat ass. Then, he took the gerudos into his harem.

>> No.6741332

What? The final game was meant to be the story of the Sealing War talked about in LttP.
Later games complicated that connection and it had to be dropped.

>> No.6741371
File: 113 KB, 251x320, 251px-Kingzora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Link married Ruto then he assumes the throne as the new King Zora. While I'm no waifufag, I know I would marry Ruto not only because she seems like a genuinely sweet person, but to be crowned King Zora.

>> No.6741374

The Bible is shit as a narrative though. Le tippy fedora at me all you want, I'm right.

>> No.6741379

can't tell if you're joking or not because it certainly looks that way. It's meant to be the kid playing with the hookshot though.

>> No.6741381

All the inconsistencies in regards to LTTP's intro are easily explained by the centuries long gap between the two games.

>> No.6741396

Assuming any of the Links from any of the games are related to each other on a familial level is cringe. They're reincarnations, not direct lineal descendants.

>> No.6741434

Wind Waker made special mention of Link having to prove himself to the gods because he wasn't a descendant. Why would that be the case if it wasn't true for other Links?

>> No.6741450

No he died before he grew up via Majora's Mask.

>> No.6741458
File: 752 KB, 1920x2304, talia-benson-11-19-2015-tp-hero-s-shade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny Mat Pat comedy.

>> No.6741469

Do Zoras fuck, or are you just supposed to find their eggs and jerk off all over them?

>> No.6741471

>pretend to have hair
Or she's part Hylian due to her greatxgranfather being Link, no?

>> No.6741478

>him trying to go turn back time
Depressing image famicom.

>> No.6741479

I would guess they fuck. The whole need to squirt on eggs thing seems like a byproduct of having a fish body with no limbs, but Zoras clearly have limbs... tits too apparantly, so do they breastfeed? Are they technically mammals? They'd be egg laying mammals if so.

>> No.6741483

Or more likely because OoT just didn't care about connecting to ALttP by the time it was nearly finished. What it became exceeded the original prequel plan and evolved into its own separate story.

>> No.6741602

Seems to be the obvious answer that she's a hybrid. Would be nice if there was a scene that let us see if she had ears... or nipples.

>> No.6741610

It would probably be her father directly. Zora have long lifespans, and OOT Link is still fresh in the minds of the Zora and Gorons.

>> No.6741637
File: 261 KB, 1080x1080, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you zora fags ever touched a raw fish before?
>how is that attractive in the slightest?
Sushi is way more aesthetic than human corpses.

>> No.6741674

>Just accept that Ocarina is a series reboot and the previous games are their own separate thing, Aonuma.
>It was a series reboot, just like how Star Fox 64 and F-Zero 64 rewrote and replaced the prior SNEs games.
>Just outright admitting that OoT is a total reboot and the past games aren't part of it at all is simply the easiest way to settle the debate.
>Maybe it was at first, but it clearly evolved into its own thing and the connections to ALttP were dropped.
>What it became exceeded the original prequel plan and evolved into its own separate story.
How are you this obsessed with making everyone agree with your "reboot" interpretation? You're not even making a point so much as posting your same autistic conviction over and over again.

>> No.6741825

Are you retarded?

>> No.6741836

It's pretty common knowledge that all the retro games were retconned out of the canon until Nintendo finally decided to pander to timeline faggots so they worked them into the canon in a way that fundamentally doesn't work but fans will insist otherwise.

>> No.6742029
File: 813 KB, 923x674, HyliansAndTheirEars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's inaccurate too. You would think that if Nintendo was serious in making OoT its own canon that they would have dropped the AoL connection and all of the countless references to ALttP's backstory instead of leaving those all in.

>> No.6742032

i'm asking you to prove it to me

>> No.6742043

Have you ever touched a dragon dildo?

>> No.6742048

no, but i have touched a dildo

>> No.6742050
File: 8 KB, 332x152, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem with story writing, weirdos like you will always inject their own opinions into the mix.

>> No.6742372

A lubed dildo is similar to a fish, see?

If everyone weren't a perv then this Japanese sexual cringe humor wouldn't be a literal part of the escapism.

Also, in our (((society))) everything but escapism was banned, so yeah.

>> No.6742771

Yes i have touched a fish before, but how in the holy mother of fuck 2D stuff has to do with 3D stuff, you think that 2D>3D is a meme?

>> No.6742871
File: 10 KB, 193x261, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted. You sound a little too jaded to me though, pal.

I hope the best for you, and that maybe one day you won't be.

>> No.6743085

>Queen Rutela somehow has OOT Link's bangs

>> No.6743102

It's not an accident that Ganon murders her specifically. In all the other games in which he needs to escape being imprisoned in some dimension, some part of his escape involves killing the descendants of people that he personally blames for it.

>> No.6743763

It's not common knowledge or even true. Everyone ITT has explained why you're wrong.

>> No.6743785

>Reusing AoL's town names for the names of Sages means it's a connection and not just an Easter Egg

>> No.6743819

>The many references to earlier games and the documented intention to connect the games early on all don't count because I want to keep shouting "it's a reboot"

>> No.6746169

Of course he did.

>> No.6746501
File: 40 KB, 647x659, 1568670256300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could you please find how this game connects with the previous ones?

>Toru Osawa: Though in this game Zelda is now included in the Seven Sages, the other six have the names of the town names from the Disk System edition "The Adventure of Link."

>> No.6746534

Somehow I copypasted it only partially. Here's the full quote.

>(Interview with Character Designer Satoru Takizawa and Script Director Toru Osawa)

>Apparently, "This is that part that you really have to see." Part 1

>Could you please find how this game connects with the previous ones?

>Toru Osawa: Though in this game Zelda is now included in the Seven Sages, the other six have the names of the town names from the Disk System edition "The Adventure of Link."

>In the SNES edition game, the story "Long ago, there was a war called the Imprisoning War" was passed along. A name in the Imprisoning War era is the name of a Town later. They were like "pseudo-secrets." We wanted to throw these out through the entirety of the game. That thing from then is now this.

>Tarin and Marin, a father and girl who appeared in "Link's Awakening" (GB) were used as the base for a different parent and child who comes out in this game. These are the things that when they are seen by a person who has played Zelda before they will understand. If people begin to think "Do you think that this could be that thing from then?" then I will be happy.

>> No.6746556
File: 814 KB, 1467x1923, 62901018_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he love zora girls

>> No.6746608

Fish girls are naturally lubricated.

>> No.6747456
File: 1.97 MB, 1607x2354, MM_Japas_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only Zora in any game that bothers to pretend to have hair.

>> No.6747484

Links fucking dead

>> No.6747594

>have you zora fags ever touched a raw fish before?
I'm banned from the supermarket, because touching raw fish (plus the smell) gives me a hardie.

>> No.6747693

She's dead bro. All the sages died.

>> No.6747834

Why’d you screw it up, Anon?

>> No.6748423

>All the sages died.
That's bullshit. Nabooru for example we know didn't die because Koume and Kotake tell you exactly what they're doing to her (teleporting her away to be brainwashed and converted back into an Iron Knuckle again).
Also Wind Waker establishes that when you're killed you can't be a sage anymore and you need to find a successor instead.

>> No.6748451

OoT established that you have to be old enough to use the Master Sword, so that means WW Link isn't actually a child but instead a weird dwarf man like Danny Devito.

>> No.6748504

>OoT established that you have to be old enough to use the Master Sword,
>Only one worthy of the title of "Hero of Time" can pull it from the Pedestal of Time....
Wasn't in the Pedestal of Time when Link from Wind Waker gets it. And Link from Wind Waker wasn't the Hero of Time.
In contrast kid Link in Majora's Mask IS the Hero of Time and can't use the Master Sword.

>> No.6748670

None of the new sages dies. They were the replacements for the sages that Ganondorf murdered. They can't be replacements if they are also dead. Also, they are sages in the adult ending anyhow, you fucking moron.

>> No.6749454

Link goes to Termina comes back to Hyrule fucks Ruto the end.

>> No.6750059

But Anon, sex makes babies.

>> No.6750178
File: 1.14 MB, 480x266, Can'tEven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 180+ post thread on /vr/

...The absolute state of N64-kids.

>> No.6750186

she's wet and slimy all the time I can't see why not
even her armpits might feel amazing to rub your cock at

>> No.6750673

Sorry you never figured out OoT is the greatest video game of all time.

>> No.6750682

Could be worse, imagine having N64 kids living rent free inside of your head. Oh wait, you don't have to imagine it.

>> No.6750684

They're not the same species and probably can't even make infertile offspring like horses and donkeys can.
Ruto letting Link have sex with her is like how white women in the real world let their dogs have sex with them.

>> No.6750689
File: 115 KB, 597x1280, 1594544690643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've been fapping to the same fantasy of Ruto being gangraped by all the other Zora NPCs and her dad since 1998

>> No.6750721


>> No.6750749

Not only can they make babies, their baby became a mother. >>6730131

>> No.6751020

Why does it have to be rape?

>> No.6751084

not him, but for being bratty she kinda deserves it.

>> No.6751203

Women consenting to sex is a turn-off.

>> No.6751263

Enjoy prison.

>> No.6751402

it's a turn-off for women as well
not even joking

>> No.6751403

She's the only female of her generation so she alone has to bear the burden of reliving all the males

>> No.6751457

True. Getting raped is, by far, the #1 most common fetish girls have.
Incidentally if you're a guy and get off on being submissive don't ever try to act that out in real life with a woman. Even literal dominatrixes don't really like submissive guys, hence all the thinly veiled scams like "findom" (financial domination) where they don't even do anything sexual with the "customer" and take control of their bank accounts so you can get off on the feeling of losing all your money.

>> No.6751473

That’s exactly my point of why it doesn’t have to be rape.

>> No.6751497

Her doing it against her will would be a hundred times hotter than her actually enjoying it.

>> No.6751503

I just can’t get off on the girl looking miserable (which is why I have to be really selective about the JAV I watch). If she doesn’t look like she’s on cloud nine then someone’s not doing their job.

>> No.6751507
File: 352 KB, 713x1121, Ruto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruto is saving herself for marriage you bakas.

>> No.6751604



Someday I'll either become a good enough artist to draw/fully write it or else rich enough to commission someone.

>> No.6751630

I posted your request to a drawthread on /d/:

>> No.6751638

Eh it's kind of too complicated to work in a single pic, it really should be a comic which no one in their right mind would do for free, but I hope for your sake someone picks it up

>> No.6752223
File: 701 KB, 1000x1298, 1594545297005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6752250

Those people are liars and faggots who want to live the lie that Nintendo had every put any thought into the timeline before they wanted to sell that stupid collectors item book to dumb consoomers. Literally there is no way for their "timeline" to work with the retro games in it. It barely works with the "Child timeline" games in it. Anyone who isn't a shill for Nintendo's collectors item department would unanimously agree.

>> No.6752259

>people would unanimously agree with me if they didn't all disagree with me
lol, fuck off. Your argument was wrecked.

>> No.6752839

She would looks cute wandering the land in a pokemon trainer outfit.

>> No.6754267
File: 188 KB, 1280x1132, rutoca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruto isn't Ruto if she isn't naked

>> No.6754272

A compromise. She gets a hat, gloves, shoes, and maybe a belt.

>> No.6754858

Indeed. That’s why I hate that “fin bra” or whatever you call it that they added to her chest in OoT 3D.
Although I must admit this idea is adorable.

>> No.6756189

Disgusting thread. Fuck scalies

>> No.6756502

The 3DS fish bra they gave her looks way more scandalous than just having a bear chest like in the N64 version. It looks like weirdly shaped nipples.

>> No.6756629

It retroactively makes the older model lewd.