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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 105 KB, 600x400, oIhHAMB3-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6728052 No.6728052 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the king of 5th gen (the PissSeX)

>> No.6728060

it sucks theres a ton of shitty games and long loading times are gay

>> No.6728067
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>> No.6728072
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This isn't retro.

>> No.6728075
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>muh jarpigs and shovelware

>> No.6728086

A ton of shitty games and a ton of good-great games too. And load times are very overexaggerated, most I had to wait was like 20 seconds, everything else is only a few seconds

>> No.6728095


compared to other consoles at the time the load times were absolutely brutal. and i can count the number of good games on the ps1 on one hand. ps2 was much, much better

>> No.6728103
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Some time ago, I splurged on a pre-modded Japanese Shiturn that plays region-free "backups" without any disc swapping or special carts. I would like a Piss-sex that does the same, but I don't want to spend the same kind of money for a pre-modded unit.

My OG (American) Piss-sex is a '98 model 7501 that died in a fall (concrete floor). I suspect the PSU is the culprit, as it won't power on, even after replacing that little fuse tube. Some of the capacitors also looked to have been slightly bent out of place, everything else inside appears to be intact.

My second (American) Piss-sex is a '96 model 1001 I got at a yard sale. It plays games just fine, however, it does not play the in-game music. No idea what is going on here, as I don't know the history of this unit. I have never opened it up and taken a peek inside, FWIW.

Based on what I've described here...

1) Which of these would I be better off trying to fix up with the ultimate intent of modding?
2) What kind of modding am I ultimately looking at these days, depending on which model I ultimately repair?

>> No.6728118
File: 169 KB, 290x489, spyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crash Trilogy
>Spyro Trilogy
>Ape Escape
>Gran Turismo games
>Craah Team Racing
>PaRappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy
>Frogger games
>Resident Evil
>MegaMan Legends 1&2
>Syphon Filter trilogy
>Metal Gear Solid
>Castlevania Symphony of the Night
>Pac-Man World
>Tekken Ports
Pretty top tier system

>> No.6728134
File: 29 KB, 375x450, weird hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can count the number of good games on the ps1 on one hand
you must have one of those freaky hands with extra digits then

>> No.6728157


even if i had that many fingers that would still be pathetic for the sheer amount of games released on that shitty console

>> No.6728163

Is there even a console out there where the number of bad games doesn't out number the amount of good games? Every console has shovelware, PS1 included, but the sheer amount of good games makes the console worth having

>> No.6728167

There's like 5 good games. The rest are memes and weebshit

>> No.6728175

26 years later and people still seethe about the PSX. It's amazing.

>> No.6728189

I used to think the boomers who whined about how "retro" ended in 1993 were faggots, and to be fair, they still are, but honestly, 99% of N64/PSX/Saturn threads are just low-quality console war faggotry... and even then, Bernieposting is at least like a genuine meme, "nogames" v.s. "shovelware" is just autism.

>> No.6728202
File: 156 KB, 834x1000, playstation-classical-training-t-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED AND REDPILLED!!!! #ThisIsForTheGaymers

>> No.6728213

/vr/ is just a shitposting board because nobody is actually interested in legitimate threads, so shit threads like these are what perpetuate and low IQ mongs like yourself think it represents any meaningful part of the demographics of those platforms.

This is a nintendo site, anything else is just humoring it.

>> No.6728214

Good to know Yoshi Island and DK1 aren't retro for some brain dead idiots.

>> No.6728219

>"let's discuss psx!"
>anons discuss how shit it is

get a grip on reality you fucking fruitcakes the psx was an objectively bad console. sony didn't hit their stride until ps2

>> No.6728225

What do you get out of this?

>> No.6728230

How about you make "legitimate threads" instead of screeching about how nobody else is doing it for you, faggot?

>> No.6728232

No reason to do that here lmao

>> No.6728272

>5 good games
27 listed here >>6728118 and that's not even scratching the surface

>> No.6728275
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25 years and people still seething

>> No.6728274

Most of those games are shit anon

>> No.6728279

>t. haven't played them

>> No.6728280

Got 'em, bro. The shitposter will surely bend the knee now.

>> No.6728290

Can you name 27 good games for the N64 or Saturn? I can barely even name 10 for both consoles

>> No.6728291

Based, more console war faggotry.

>> No.6728296

Yes but not the n64 because the console only had like 16 games in total

>> No.6728297

>Crash Trilogy
Overrated momentumless hallway platforming
>Spyro Trilogy
Watered down collectathon with annoying voicework
>Ape Escape
Actually pretty good
>Gran Turismo games
>Craah Team Racing
Double shit DKR ripoff
>PaRappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy
Meme games with no substance
>Frogger games
>Resident Evil
>MegaMan Legends 1&2
>Syphon Filter trilogy
Janky dated TPS
>Metal Gear Solid
>Castlevania Symphony of the Night
>Pac-Man World
>Tekken Ports
And we're talking about fucking ports so I guess you ran out of halfway decent games

Checkmate autists

>> No.6728303
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I just wanted to discuss one of my favorite consoles without all the consolefaggotry plagueing all the other PS1/5th gen threads. Honestly not surprised that it plagued this thread too

>> No.6728313

Ruins everyones day

>> No.6728320

You can do it, I'm a huge ps1 fan but you might need to make a new thread.

>> No.6728330


maybe you shouldn't have started the thread calling it the king of 5th gen then you retard. you're just begging for people to come in and criticize it. if you can't deal with criticism then don't invite it or better yet grow a sack

>> No.6728339



Kill yourself shitstain

>> No.6728346
File: 136 KB, 800x789, 73961-pac-man-world-20th-anniversary-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the king.

>> No.6728349

Remember that episode of cheers, when woody says 'shes buying you a sony playstation'? Man, what a simpleton, everyone called it a psx, or pissex as you correctly stated. Gen z will never EVER understand us 30 somethings.

>> No.6728351
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And the queen.

>> No.6728357
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>> No.6728363

Lel you are either really stupid or have bad taste.

>> No.6728371
File: 145 KB, 1500x844, ONE GAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros can't we just unite to laugh at the Saturn?

>> No.6728374

Look who's talking :)

>> No.6728381

I feel that the only games on the N64 worth playing are the ones everyone talks about (Mario 64, Banjo, etc.) and like, nothing else.
Meanwhile the PS1's library is more diverse with a lot of gems, some known and some more obscure.

>> No.6728394


no, i don't think i will actually. i will stay in this thread and keep calling the psx shit, because it is. now seems like the perfect time to recap what makes the psx shit:

>obnoxiously long load times
>ratio of garbage games to good games is 1000:1
>realistically only 5 or less good games on the entire console

now i'll add a few more into the mix:

>have to buy a accessory to play a handful of games with more than 2 players because sony couldn't imagine their playerbase having more than 1 friend
>jagged polygons so sharp they could cut diamonds
>original controller didn't even have an analog stick, they had to make a new version of their controller after nintendo showed them the way forward

>> No.6728396
File: 506 KB, 320x238, VTQn_U.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS1: Can watch Pac-Man take a shit
>N64: Can't watch Pac-Man take a shit
>Saturn: Can't watch Pac-Man take a shit
>Jaguar: Can't watch Pac-Man take a shit
Geez, no wonder why PS1 won that gen

>> No.6728397
File: 44 KB, 720x556, GayStation-720x556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach, sister. I cannot WAIT to see the PS5 attack the heteronormative culture when it finally gets released! The Nincels and Seguys just can't fathom being gay like us!

>> No.6728402

Further proof of your bad taste if you thought that pos film was funny.

>> No.6728403

This was my favourite console ever ;_;

>> No.6728407
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Yo everyone in the thread just follow my lead

1 2 3......

>> No.6728409
File: 307 KB, 1200x900, matthewdavidson1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Nincels and Seguys just can't fathom being gay like us!

>> No.6728413
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>> No.6728417

No, us ps1 chads know saturnbros had a great library and similar tastes. Can't get behind the kiddy64 tho, no games on that thing.

>> No.6728421

Picture this.
A bunch of faggots calling the first computer gay because of punchcards.
Thats your argument.
And yes, theres a lot of crap on the ps1, but there are also genre defining games too.
No one who lived through the playstationn era (no one would call it the n64 era lol, thats why youre so butthurt) would even come up with your 'argument'.
A playstation in every house and two cars on the drive, gen z.

>> No.6728431
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>> No.6728438
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>Yfw gay people play and enjoy video games

>> No.6728456
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>MegaMan Legends 1&2

Get the FUCK off of my board.

>> No.6728468

Only thing special about the Legends series is the presentation, everything else is tedium. Prove me wrong

>> No.6728472
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>> No.6728473

If you keep replying to him he won't go away

>> No.6728489
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>>Frogger games
Have you actually played them or are you just thinking it's a port of the old arcade games?

>> No.6728491

No they don't. They like attention and to make everything about faggots.

>> No.6728501

They're decent fun but hardly enough to prop up the system

>> No.6728503

Anyone have a chart of all the best PS1 games? It's a system I want to get into

>> No.6728513

Hey, I've been meaning to play this one.

>> No.6728519

When did you first realise this board is actually worse than /v/?

>> No.6728521

It's been on the decline for a while now, but it's gotten really bad this year. I'm guessing it has something to do with the lockdowns/quarantines.

>> No.6728526

Who says he can't be both?

>> No.6728537
File: 1014 KB, 957x4590, 1509848081882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I found

>> No.6728545


>> No.6728550


>> No.6728625

its pretty fun i had it when i was young

>> No.6728653

I hate how much this chart is missing. A good chart would trigger the n64 autist too much however.

>> No.6728661
File: 756 KB, 1099x985, 1509848197970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another one for overlooked games, but yeah a new chart should be made

>> No.6728674

Yo my niggas I'm playing In Cold Blood atm and enjoying it what does everyone else think of this game?

Never played an adventure type game like this before unless stuff like Resident Evil counts as the same genre?

>> No.6728678

Is Kings Field worth getting into?
Kind of interested what it's like.

I like RPG's with a good engrossing story.

>> No.6728681

Great chart but shitty emulator advice. Mednafen beats the crap out of epsxe.

I was a saturn owner at the time, and despised psx like you'd expect it from a snotty teenager like I was. But ultimately, I found its library to be pretty interesting. There even is some cool 2D shit like Rapid Reload, Panzer Bandit or Adventures of Little Ralph that I enjoyed a lot.

>> No.6728685

>Rising Zan

Yo what the fuck is this?
It looks cool.

>> No.6728689

From what little I've played it's pretty good. It's slower pace than DeS/DaS, but still something good to play that's still got the spirit.

>> No.6728691

Is Monster Rancher actually an RPG?
I thought it was some monster training bullshit like Digimon World.

>> No.6728693

Samurai Western but for the PS1. Really funny and cool.

>> No.6728698

It's closer to what you think, but it's actually pretty fun.

>> No.6728705

Its atmosphere based, not story based. But there is a story there

>> No.6728706

Are the PS1 Tomb Raiders worth getting into in 2020?

Which ones are the most fun with the best plot?

>> No.6728712

For me, they're a mixed bag. They can be good if you have the patience for it. The first 3 are the only ones you should focus on.

>> No.6728713

/vr/ is dead. Sonyggers and /v/edditors won.

>> No.6728714
File: 51 KB, 500x496, 61GBK4ERRWL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else played this?
Playing it in an emulator now it's got pretty mediocre reviews so I kind of avoided it but it's actually pretty damn fun.

>> No.6728726

shadow tower is also like kings field if you like that kind of game

>> No.6728727

Which is better?

>> No.6728730

>pic is of gay person
>text is pic getting upset about other gays

>> No.6728761

im not sure honestly i didnt finish either of them yet i thought shadow tower seemed spookier setting

>> No.6728773

The first one is solid and every subsequent one is different and flawed in different ways. If you like the first enough to want more you won't be hate the sequels but the follow ups won't quite scratch the itch.

>> No.6728781

Babby first retro console.

>> No.6729048

let's make a new version of this chart then, ill start (add to it in same format)

Suikoden 2

Ridge Racer Type 4

>> No.6729063


>> No.6729065

And that's a good thing.

>> No.6729073


>> No.6729076

You're not actually discussing games. You're discussing corporate PR tactics made by the marketing departments of these game companies.

Your mothers should have aborted you all.

>> No.6729078
File: 80 KB, 620x779, 5-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't that be the Gameboy? Just about every kid I knew had some variation of it, especially when the Pokemon boom came around, seems better fit for that title. Hell, the GB Pocket was my first console

>> No.6729085

Yes. See >>6728118 >>6728537 and >>6728661 for lists of quality titles

>> No.6729397


>> No.6729442
File: 10 KB, 178x197, 3E3802E9-3F14-4AA3-922B-29620D80B8B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like five actually good games on that chart. Silent Hill counts as 2 1/2

>> No.6729790

Looking to try the PS1's adventure games. Are tank controls hard to get used to? Does using the stick affect them in any way?

>> No.6731169

i remember seeing a Diver's Dream video demo on a demo disc and being so confused as to what the game even was

>> No.6731171 [DELETED] 

It was king of 6th gen too

>> No.6731189

i have no trouble with tank controls, though i grew up with a number of games that used it
i knew people even then who did have trouble with them though
i'm not really sure how to help someone with it besides just imagine you are your character, and that you're directly controling their movement rather than directing where they should move to (ie if you want the character to face something to their left, you press left, rather than say, press left to move towards the left side of the screen)
an analog stick isn't going to help you with tank controls

>> No.6731221

It suprises me how few are into retro playstation given how popular it was back in the day

>> No.6731304

i rarely talk about psx games here because of the constant shitposting that results from any mention of the system

>> No.6731327 [DELETED] 

>the system
The Sega system you mean?

>> No.6731450


>> No.6731689
File: 397 KB, 978x972, 565c1e6c56a6946f8a45d7209ee46ad2007b5fdcbc6aca7084e6ee2b3fa550cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright we caught the shitposter lets find out who it is could he be a Sega faggot? A Sony Pony? A Nintendo baby?
>Rip off shitposters mask to reveal.....
>And I would of gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling retro console fans!

>> No.6731729

make ur own list/chart then

>> No.6732209
File: 391 KB, 471x471, 007TomorrowNeverDies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a better time

>> No.6733037
File: 418 KB, 471x471, Music2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psx needs more love

>> No.6733417

>compared to other consoles at the time the load times were absolutely brutal.
like the Neo Geo CD?

>> No.6733458

fucking hell
remember this

>> No.6733961

>Tecmo's Deception

What other games actually have brutal loading time?

>> No.6737169

Blood Omen

>> No.6739014

Bro, for the last time, it is pronounced pee-ess-ex.

>> No.6739079

Played it and initially hated it as a kid since I loved Broken Sword and it was the same team.
Finally played it one boring day and got right into it.
Its tense and not a lot of games do good tension, the best stage was the army base horror section with a fuck ton of dead people and something hunting you down.

>> No.6739090

To add to that list.
>Broken Sword 1 & 2
>Discworld 1, 2 and NOIR
>Suikoden 1
>Vandal Hearts 2
>Brigandine normal and Grand Edition
>Bushido Blade 2
>Clock Tower 1
>Dino Crisis 2
>Fear Effect 1 & 2
>Final Fantasy 8
>Fighting Force
>Tenchu 1
>Tales of Destiny 1

>> No.6739896
File: 368 KB, 471x471, DinoCrisis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colisseum mode was the best

>> No.6740357

>>Crash Trilogy
>>Spyro Trilogy
>>Ape Escape
>>Gran Turismo games
Shit, there are much better racing games in the psx, overrated because muh sim
>>Craah Team Racing
Same as above but muh mascot
>>PaRappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy
Shit, like all rhythm games except the ones with custom music
>>Frogger games
>>Resident Evil
True, much better than Aol
>>MegaMan Legends 1&2
Shit hybrid shit
>>Syphon Filter trilogy
>>Metal Gear Solid
Overrated Kojima trash
>>Castlevania Symphony of the Night
True so much, the BEST retro castlevania and the first actual castlevania that lasts more than 20 minutes
>>Pac-Man World
>>Tekken Ports
Yeah that was good
>Pretty top tier
Still no goty

>> No.6740575

very high quality post

>> No.6740848

Are the Strike games any good?

>> No.6742152
File: 392 KB, 471x471, TonyHawk4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sports games are underrated.

>> No.6742162
File: 134 KB, 800x800, ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it lads.

>> No.6742190

If your PissX games list isn't at least this big, you don't know PissX. https://pastebin.com/XDZKhMvC

>> No.6742203

its sick its piss

>> No.6742205

My friends and I used my gameshark to unlock all the parts in Master of Arena. We used to spend hours customizing ACs. Good times.

>> No.6742251

Ah, lucky you. None of my friends were into AC, except one of my cousins, but he lived in another state.

>> No.6742262

Same here.

>> No.6742263

Always nice to see some appreciation for Armored Core.

>> No.6742297

Neo Geo

>> No.6742317

bit of a special case, since it's a home release of an arcade board, the AES can just pick the best games from the arcade MVS version