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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.84 MB, 2560x1440, 4L_1GtlhdyN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6708838 No.6708838 [Reply] [Original]

>not using shaders

Why aren’t you experiencing retro games in the most authentic way possible?

>> No.6708850
File: 498 KB, 800x1066, 1531502069742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the actual consoles and several CRTs.

>> No.6708947

do you realise that you are literally as annoying as people going into original hardware threads and talking about emulators?

>> No.6709145

no he's not, whether you want to use shaders or actual CRT's I think we can all appreciate how much they improve the look of the games

>> No.6709151

>make it look like you are playing on a sphere covered in cum

>> No.6709159

I don't like the geometry warping shader that OP used but yes CRT Royale is definitely an improvement over no shader at all

>> No.6709165

Autism lines are no substitute for the real thing, they just make it look like shit on a modern display. The waterfall in Sonic still isn't going to look right so "most authentic" is a load of horseshit. If you're going to play on a LCD just play it without filters instead of using some twee fake garbage.

>> No.6709168

I had a old VGA CRT monitor that was great. It was very sharp so you could still use filters on it to get the effects of a CRT on. Sadly it died and only briefly turns on before shutting off.

>> No.6709169

>t. never played on a 240p screen in his live

>> No.6709173
File: 126 KB, 640x224, 4L_D0S998Hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill yourself, any NTSC shader will fix the waterfalls.

>> No.6709176

Looks like shit compared to a real CRT lmao might as well just leave it off.

>> No.6709185

My grandma's Magnavox looks better than your autism lines. Some autist spent hours and hours tweaking that shitty filter just to make it look like ass on a LCD. Just leave it off lol.

>> No.6709190

the only one with autism here is you

>> No.6709194

Muh authentic recreation that looks like holding a GBA SP screen with a magnifying glass up to your face

>> No.6709196
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, unknown door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6709207
File: 2.30 MB, 2819x2114, majora.2020-03-23 17.06.09-200722-040013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all depends on what shader

>> No.6709215
File: 2.19 MB, 2351x1500, DF0E617E-E458-4545-AE1C-BFF6DA56A93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know that distance from screen has the same effect
Please just calm down with your autism

>> No.6709227

I'm not usually a hardware purist but Master System games aren't the same without so much hideous bleed and ghosting that you can barely tell what's going on. No shader would have those balls.

Plus they were so cheap when I went to buy one that I somehow wound up with 3.

>> No.6709229

lmao yeah if I stand back far enough from a CRT it looks like a handheld LCD

>> No.6709237

Trust me, you can indeed make it close to how you remember with shaders, it just takes some tinkering

>> No.6709239

You sound like a massive zoomer who has never actually owned a CRT.

>> No.6709248

I'm a graphics programmer, I write shaders. Using CRT filters is still super gay.

>> No.6709252

Master System over RF... Christ, what a piece of shit. I love it.

>> No.6709254

You sound like a massive zoomer who has never actually owned a CRT.

>> No.6709256

That pic is of 3 CRT’s with different resolutions
I swear the influx of hipster zoomers that only first used a CRT in the last couple of years is getting annoying

>> No.6709260

I was making fun of OP's pic. I don't care if you can make an emulator look like a picture of a CRT. I can still tell I'm looking at the LCD that's right in front of me.

>> No.6709262


And yet you’re the one who doesn’t realise that CRTs don’t have a built in resolution. Time to neck yourself my man.

>> No.6709270

Because the picture is only as good as what you’re looking it through, of course if use a TN panel LCD it’s going to look like shit, just like every other game you play on that monitor

>> No.6709273

Why would I buy an expensive monitor to try to fake the look of a CRT when I can get a CRT far cheaper?

>> No.6709276

It's still my favourite version of Fantasy Zone. All that shit smeared out on the screen. Absolutely disgusting.

They've never first used one. You can tell by the dumb shit he's saying ITT.
It's all received wisdoms from youtube at best.

Oh boy.

>> No.6709280

Ah yes, interlaced resolutions were completely pointless right?

>> No.6709290


What does that have to do with anything? Do you have any idea at all how CRTs work?

>> No.6709350
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1440, 8FB2B5D2-9B28-4144-8D13-3313BB042BFA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they look great

>> No.6709358

what people forget is that these images were never sharp squares at all, they were drawn on displays like this with the intention of being viewed on a display like this. integer upscaling on an lcd is not what it was designed for at all

>> No.6709359
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1440, 8B5E6194-7FB2-40DA-915A-8FF997629B24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709363
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1440, 0C6C26C3-080F-4EAB-9BD3-0E162718CD87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No ones forgetting, we’re using shaders to get a similar result

>> No.6709371
File: 3.96 MB, 3264x2448, B89EA95A-EC99-45B6-B963-C65D2E855A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic off my monitor

>> No.6709405

Truthfully the waterfall doesn’t look right in my CRT. But it definitely does with the right shader. That said it’s one tiny part of a really long game. Who cares about it and why

>> No.6709412

Because it’s just one part, textures and sprites back then look better with blending

>> No.6709417

Maybe a small amount of blending. My screen is pretty sharp I guess? It doesn’t look like blurry garbage like what a lot of people post. But I honestly really like a really sharp look for some games. Not that I’m super particular about it but I don’t really get people liking a super blurry and blown out picture

>> No.6709430

>blown out
What does that even mean?
Most people are playing these on 27 inch monitors
You can like ultra sharp image if you want, doesn’t make it look better, a lot of parts of the games look worse

>> No.6709445

Colors too saturated, blacks too black. I’m not trying to argue just providing my opinion. I didn’t say I liked an ultra sharp picture. I just don’t like a blown out extremely blurry picture. A lot of people on here post pictures of their CRTs and the focus of it just doesn’t look right. Especially on the edges. I play on a 27” Trinitron myself and don’t notice it like what other people post.

>> No.6709448

Because im playing on a VGA CRT

>> No.6709459

Well I mean CRTs tend to look different from each other and depending on what kind of connection you use alters the clarity
It could also be what you are viewing the images on

>> No.6709465

CRTs are a shit technology, they made games look like shit, using better tech to purposely make games look worse is retarded and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.6709474

(You) don’t belong here

>> No.6709475

Yeah but you can adjust the focus setting to even out the blurriness and adjust the saturation etc. I have a few CRTs and they can all be adjust to have a very similar picture. I think people just don’t realize. DESU my favorite is my Commodore 1702. But it’s a bit small to play Mario party/kart on with my kids.

>> No.6709476

It never looks like that bro
The signal is never that clean unless you use some modern solution
And then, what's the point?
These look more like what you would see on a high res computer monitor than a TV

>> No.6709480

Those are actual CRT images anon

>> No.6709491

It should look like that bro, that’s how my CRT looks with original consoles.

>> No.6709527

that's because it's literally a high resolution computer monitor, not a tv
no, it should not look like that at all
the left one is kind of similar to a professional monitor, but the other two are line-multiplied and are never what an original system looks like

>> No.6709548

I love how these threads always devolve into “that doesn’t look like a real CRT” when that’s irrelevant as it still brings improvement as seen in the gifs posted here

>> No.6709549

>massive red gain bias
lmao is this a wega?

>> No.6709551

It’s the lut setting which you can disable, but I was just using the gifs I had

>> No.6709552

Too many options, takes too much time and i don’t really care all that much as it doesn’t make a difference on gameplay. It a nostalgic illusion.

>> No.6709553

It looks like fucking shit, it's what you get on a DYING crt lmao you poser

>> No.6709557

>the most autistic way possible

>> No.6709558

Quit being an asshole you big bitch

>> No.6709559


>> No.6709565

I prefer the raw output, the way it was meant to be played.

>> No.6709597

It's like movie cgi, my brain will never believe its the real thing

>> No.6709614

sure, if your display is a crt tv

>> No.6709874

>claiming you are a true gamer because you care about gameplay over graphics rather than those young 'uns
>spending more time tweaking the graphics to be as "authentic" as possible instead of actually playing the damn game

>> No.6709885
File: 209 KB, 548x448, Final Fantasy (Japan)-200803-072938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lik shader

>> No.6709893

This. It's just another form of graphicsfaggotry and has no place on /vr/.

>> No.6710405

graphics is part of the game

>> No.6710439
File: 398 KB, 1546x1212, 1596682278386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good shader for an authentic WonderSwan experience?

>> No.6710448

all i need is a smooth filter desu

>> No.6710662

But not the gameplay.

>> No.6710742

thats actually pretty neat, they need to improve it though the background looks like trash.

>> No.6710747

for me is the middle one.

>> No.6710782
File: 842 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to Retroarch/emulation -- im using crt-royale-xm29plus preset, pic related (i recognised the name from a /v/ thread who shilled it with a picture of final fantasy)

do i just leave it on default settings? do i have to tweak it between consoles, or just leave it at default as a global preset?
for 3D games, is it recommended to bump up the internal resolution, or does it mess with the filter?
and im only on a 1080p display -- should i be on a higher-res display fr the filter to work more effectively? i think i remember that being one of the stipulations i read in the thread back when... or is 1080p OK?

>> No.6710846

Its very difficult to artificially degrade an image. Artificial shitty-ness is just not the same as the real deal. I don't think its ever possible to be happy with the result since the goal is objectively shit.

>> No.6710902
File: 3.21 MB, 1270x1532, 1574557256926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphics is not gameplay

pls shut up

>> No.6710903

add another pass and try it with geom for that curved crt effect. it feels nice.

>> No.6711145

Needs to be integer scaled and bilinear needs to be off

>> No.6711150

>for that curved crt effect
No the curve is stupid and serves zero purpose

>> No.6711158

early 3d didn't age well, low poly 3d is old enough we should all have nostalgia for it, but it's just too shitty, probably like how no one is nostalgic for atari 2600 games because it's just too fucking primitive

>> No.6711163

What's a good shader to replicate the RF effect? For me it has to look as shitty as possible, just like the devs intended. Something like this.


>> No.6711169

GTFO of /vr/, maybe /v/ is more your speed

>> No.6711402

The middle is 480p

>> No.6711417

Have sex.

>> No.6711434

Saran wrap

>> No.6711443

integer scale means it wont fill a 1080p screen? oh well.
and what do you mean by billinear, texture filtering? in 3d games i have it on nearest, which is the default/native option.

>> No.6711542

if you are posting about shaders you don't play the video games because you spend all your time tweaking gay shader settings. either play it on a real console or just turn the gay ass shaders off and play with a nice pixel perfect type setting. fag.

>> No.6711568

Why do people want razor sharp pixels? A CRT adds a good bit of blur. Especially back in the day..

Turn that linear filter on for authenticity

>> No.6711619

Nice projection, I’ve played and beat nearly 30 retro games in the last 2 months
You can scale above 1080p at integer on retroarch, I have most game set to 1200p so it cuts of a few pixels at the top and bottom, bilinear is in settings to alleviate pixel unevenness but with a crt filter you don’t need it

>> No.6711764

>t. Not a recorded broadcast
>always live, all the time

Shiggity diggity doo

>> No.6711801

OP asked a question. Anon answered. You get triggered literally every time someone mentions original hardware?

>> No.6712951

if that is the case get another hobby.

>> No.6712998

But it isn't

>> No.6713009

Jesus Christ mate why are you even on this board?

>> No.6713151

you should be asking which order i want my dick and balls sucked.

>> No.6713394

I'm not averse to CRT tube warp shaders but they all tend to be way over exaggerated than what they need to be.

>> No.6713480

I'm sure this was funnier in your head

>> No.6713490

People don't go back to the n64 version of OOT over the 3DS version for gameplay anon.

>> No.6713717

playing with a filter actually improved Silent Hill a lot for me, it has very obvious dithering that just looks awful when viewed on an LCD.

>> No.6713725

Why come here and shit up the thread? What did your comment contribute to the otherwise friendly discussion? Have you ever considered that instead of being mean to fellow anons on this Christian Taiwanese manga discussion image BBS board You should be kind and have something to add to the conversation?

>> No.6713759

any emulator can just emulate with higher colour depth and no dither
but this changes the feel of games like silent hill a lot, the grainy, foggy look of silent hill is part of it's atmosphere, it's strong on purpose, clean it up so it's nice and sharp and you can see perfectly 50 metres ahead.. and you've just missed the point

>> No.6713892

Im emulating on my 4K TV via emulator and god damn fucking shit it looks like crap.

I might go and get a CRT and see what it's like. Though of the two options I have 3 point (sharp square pixels) and linear (blend) I think the linear filter looks best. It's more accurate to what an actual tv set would do right? I'll post some comparisons of what my shit looks like though the capture is .jpg and very artifacted

>> No.6713917

>try to emulate PS2 games
>no decent retroarch core, need PCSX2
>has no integer scaling
>has single available shader file, tweak it for half an hour and it has so few options that it always looks bad
how do gen 6 fags cope

>> No.6713929

There’s not that many good games on PS2 that haven’t been ported, and the console is dirt cheap anyway

>> No.6713948

Are you using retroarch?
Try out the XM29plus in presets, it might not be your cup of tea but it’s designed for 4K

>> No.6713956

Oh god no there's a shit load that are exclusive or best on ps2.

>> No.6713958

I agree somewhat because CRT Royale handles interlacing better than the emulator but 6th gen isn’t retro so probably not a good idea to discuss it here

>> No.6713964

I know not retro but Anon you’re seriously missing out. The PS2 has a ridiculous amount of exclusives for all genres I can think of. You’re right the console is dirt cheap and the best way to play is just with an original PS2 on MCboot. The whole setup should cost around $60 all in

>> No.6713998

The ps2 and its catalog is largely ignorable. Nothing special

>> No.6714020

>butthurt gamecube owner who just played the same 5 games for a whole generation

>> No.6714068
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1073, crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to use a gameboy shader in retroarch, but the game window doesn't seem to take up the whole screen. Is there a way to fix this? Seems to only happen with certain game boy filters.

>> No.6714074

the shader looks like it was meant to be used with an overlay as well

>> No.6714082

>I have the actual consoles and several CRTs.
100% this
emulators are fine, but faggots need to STFU about it

>> No.6714092

Literally some of the best JRPGs, SHMUPs, Platformers, Action and rhythm games of all time came out in the PS2. You’re full of it

>> No.6714114

shovelware shitbox for shitty normies

>> No.6714248


Umm... maybe you should try running it with a game boy game?

>> No.6714251

>not using shaders
Yes, I won't.

>> No.6715345

What's the best scanline shader?

>> No.6715593

yeah but the thread is shit. its discussion about gay shader settings not video games.

>> No.6715741

Shader niggers wouldn't be so insufferable if they didn't use garish shaders that pile on stupid shit like memelines, curvature, and aperture grills. There are shaders that can get rid of dithering without making games look like they're on a used magnavox.

And then there's the obvious zoomers who do really dumb shit like applying LCD filters on console games or CRT filters on handheld games. Good job revealing that you didn't actually grow up with these games when they were new.

>> No.6715752

None of them
Stop using shaders and just upscale them you dumb faggot. And if it's a 2D game just set the emulator to run at an integer scale of 240p (like 720p) and set it to run in exclusive full screen mode.

>> No.6715763

>What is the super game boy and gameboy player

>> No.6715769
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1554848460536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715774
File: 1.41 MB, 1411x1080, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Complete-200813-023953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething crtranny you will never have sex no matter how many soon to be unusable hardware you own.

>> No.6715776

>super game boy
Add on to a handheld with meme borders boxed in image.
>gay boy player
A piece of shit that blurs the fuck out of games even in component video and has input latency.

So if you want filters for those, enjoy more shit.

>> No.6715779


>> No.6715783

>playing 6th gen games with shitty composite shaders instead of upscaling them
Is your toaster too shit to upcale them at 720p?

>> No.6715789

I was replying to
>None of them
as I think some shaders can enhance anything up to and including 5th gen. you're right about 6th gen though

>> No.6715791

Oh get over yourself.
OP asked a question and he answered honestly with what he does. If you don't want specific types of answers then make your own thread.

>> No.6715794

I bet you bought into the mister or fgpa meme.

>> No.6715825

Well I'm not opposed to certain shaders like gdither, deinterlacing or even NES color shaders, but shit like memelines, phosphor glow and fucking curvature are retarded.
Sorry zoom zoom, I own a CRT. Plus if I use shaders I don't pile on a bunch of them that look like ass.

>> No.6715832

>if I use shaders

>> No.6715862

Read my posts again zoom zoom.

>> No.6716105

>just do the thing it can't do idiot
thanks pal

>> No.6716118

>most authentic way possible?
Shaders generally improve the look of retro games when emulating, but it's not the most authentic. It's emulating authenticity.

>> No.6716130

>"has no integer scaling"
>"just set the emulator to run at an integer scale"
>of 240p
most ps2 games are like, 448p

>> No.6716140

Daily reminder that if you actually played back when these consoles were new, they never looked like any of those. RF was the de-facto method of playing until the mid 90s, unless your dad was some kind of videophile. I like the middle one best, but it's still not quite right. You didn't see scanlines. No one wanted scan lines back then, it would be considered a defect. They didn't become popular until early emulation tried to make games look right on a computer monitor. Even then they didn't look right, but 25% was the best scanlines on early emulation.

>> No.6716146

a. RF has no bearing on scanlines
b. the second and third ones look completely wrong, because they're upscales, this is a PC monitor (you can tell from the mask layout)

>> No.6716158

yes they are from a CRT VGA monitor

>> No.6716170

Because I don't care about authenticity

>> No.6716176

>a. RF has no bearing on scanlines
I know, but on shadowmask tvs they were never very visible if at all, at least in the way the first image.

>> No.6716178

I know what you mean but FYI the image is literally made up of scanlines. The black spaces between the scanlines are not scanlines.

>> No.6716180

yes they are, every time this is brought up and every time it is wrong

>> No.6716193

they can be quite visible with a set that is in good condition and good focus. a larger screen also helps make them more visible
they don't tend to be as sharp as >>6709215 except on professional monitors though

>> No.6716220

Because I use a CRT like a person without autism

>> No.6716230

sure sounds like autism if you have a problem with it

>> No.6717373

I bet you like sucking dick too

>> No.6717379

>not using shaders
Yeah, I'm not a tranny, how did you notice?

>> No.6717392

stop responding to shitty bait retards, sage

>> No.6717459

The only bait I see in this thread is from people that don’t like shaders
You can’t say these have no improvement

>> No.6717467

>thing it can't do
>being a literal nigger who can't into exclusive full screen mode
retard lmao
>most ps2 games are like, 448p
It can do 240p as well. 448p is the default for most games, but a lot of games also switch between other resolutions as well.

>> No.6717787

>can't into exclusive full screen mode
Anon, it doesn't have exclusive full-screen.

>> No.6719558

>being a literal nigger who can't into exclusive full screen mode
huh? pcsx2 removed exclusive fullscreen support a long time ago, it's just fullscreen window now

>> No.6722079
File: 106 KB, 860x571, I Just Dont Get It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I need some help
There are alot of bricks you can plug into your cable to get artificial Scanlines on a modern tv.

But I want the really old low quality RF Scanlines, not the cleaner horizontal bars. Which modules will do that?
I mean even if you used a regular CRT you wont get the RF scanlines since most likely youd be using rgb,svideo,etc.

>> No.6722152

>should i be on a higher-res display
Yes, I believe it's mentioned on the shader's wiki. It shines at 1440, but works well at 1080.

>> No.6722197

>not using shaders

>Why aren’t you experiencing retro games in the most authentic way possible?

>r e d d ! t s p a c i n g
i don't emulate. i play on hardware with a crt.

>> No.6722435
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x1836, 5hdw6h2p6tf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically im looking for this kinda effect on a modern tv or monitor.

>> No.6722456


>> No.6722493

Why not?
Isnt there a scanline generator on the market I can plug into that will output that?

>> No.6722505

Those things literally destroy resolution

>> No.6722519
File: 123 KB, 1280x495, You Failed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im making a thread to ask about it then

>> No.6722695

Not quite sure about RF but try the ntsc 320px shader in the CRT folder

>> No.6722856

You should be keeping all your non nintendo consoles from gen 6 and up, as the emulation communitys for them is close to non existent.

>> No.6722952

Because I hated displays back then because of things like colorbleed, convergence, image burn, and part of the screen becoming noticeably dimmer or more red\blue\greener than the rest...

>> No.6723316

I thank god everyday that I don't have enough autism to require me to use a CRT to play 30~ year old games.

>> No.6723397

I had no choice playing this shit in the crt days as a kid. Now i want the cleanest, sharpest, highest resolution. You shader fags need to gtfo.

>> No.6723461

It’s ok that you like heavy aliasing, but the amount of posting how much you hate is getting ridiculous

>> No.6723505

OP baited with a wide screen ratio anyway so it doesn't even matter. it's a shit thread.

>> No.6723509
File: 19 KB, 474x266, yuno evil hidden stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting better graphics for old games

>> No.6723524
File: 2.72 MB, 1600x1120, Earthworm Jim (USA)-200618-160049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6723606
File: 2.82 MB, 1483x1080, Contra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6723696
File: 50 KB, 1528x1080, ContraNoShader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for comparison

>> No.6724073

Filters only matter if it's something like Metroid Prime and that's also only when crt's matter. Otherwise it's of no consequence.

>> No.6724086

I have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.6724202
File: 1.73 MB, 2822x1080, sonic1-jinc2-crt-geom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my shaders to be very light, but handle special effects like genesis dithering. Jinc2 + a tweaked CRT-geom with no curvature, no interlacing and very light scanlines give me a cleaner image than NTSC filters. It's pretty much my default setting for everything up to PSX/Saturn.

Pic related

>> No.6724207
File: 1.63 MB, 2822x1080, busters-hidden-treasure-jinc2-crt-geom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6724225

When the game is running, bring up the options, back out to the main options, settings, video, scaling and choose something that looks right. Maybe 16:9. Then, go back into quick menu and at he bottom save core overrides

>> No.6724397

I'd just load a preset like \handheld\console-border\dmg-3x and be done with it.

>> No.6724473

Why did I get left picture using a CRT monitor?
Are shaders more realistic than a real hardware?

>> No.6724669
File: 3.91 MB, 4032x2540, based waterfalls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like you're smearing your shit up with bilinear and then drawing some faint lines over it.

Probably because you aren't using composite, which is the way the system was meant to be played.

>> No.6724758

I'm not aiming for accuracy. I'm an eurofag, and played on SCART RGB, so I find composite bleeding to be fucking disgusting. I just wanted to get rid of dithering while keeping clean colors.

It's all about compromise in the end. I tried a few ntsc filters and, while they indeed blend dithering, they make everything look like puke. On the other way, Jinc without a crt shader looked too dark and pixelated.

>> No.6725345

I think Shadow Mask is difficult to emulate even at 4K.

>> No.6725352

Not him but bilinear is still disgusting

>> No.6726561

Then go post on another thread? What a baby.

>> No.6726627
File: 3.12 MB, 1520x1080, Sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good to me, if you don't like it then just move on

>> No.6727271

>I'm an eurofag, and played on SCART RGB, so I find composite bleeding to be fucking disgusting
Well, he has a point though, a lot of Megadrive games have dithering that are meant to create a transparency effect through blurring. If you can get S-Video which is a bit more unusual in PAL countries since we had RGB that's good because it sorta blurs the image without being a complete mess like Composite.