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File: 31 KB, 256x224, ganontoweralltp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722107 No.6722107 [Reply] [Original]

About where is Zelda ALTTP on your top games of all time, if anywhere? Top 10, 25, 50...?

>> No.6722184

probably not even in my top 100. For retro Zeldas, LA and OOT are much better.

>> No.6722419

lttp is nice but i didn't find it memorable at all, especially compared to 1,2, oot and mm. even links awakening is a much better experience. I enjoyed it while i was playing it but id struggle to remember anything that stood out about it

>> No.6722428
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It's my number one

>> No.6722434

Top 50 but maybe it'd be at like 27, these things are hard to quantify

>> No.6722438

Somewhere between Alundra and Alundra 2

>> No.6722439


>> No.6722446

It's honestly not even in my top 3 Zeldas.

Good game, though.

>> No.6722472

Yeah both DS ones are much better

>> No.6722479

Alttp vanilla? Not even in top 100.
Alttp randomizer? Probably top 50.

>> No.6722529

It's not in my Top 100, unfortunately. I don't think it's even in my Top 200. Not trying to be a contrarian, I just don't think it's that interesting or fun. That and I've played way too many games on every console and on PC that something I'm indifferent to just won't place anywhere high up.

>> No.6722587

Zelda 1 > OoT > ALTTP > BotW
Dropped WW, MM, and Zelda 2.
Zelda 1 is the only Zelda in my Top 50.

>> No.6722596

Same here. Admittedly it's partly due to nostalgia because it was the first game like it that I ever played.

>> No.6722597

funny guy.

>> No.6722604

I used to like it a lot but the shine really came off the apple upon replays. A Link Between Worlds really shits all over it.

>> No.6722618

IDK really. It's definitely a good game, and was the first Zelda I'd call great. For 2D adventure I prefer LA, and my favorite game ever is Majora's Mask so that kind of overshadows ALTTP as far as tone is concerned. I'll say a top 100 game for sure.

>> No.6722705

>muh Link's Awakening
It's a fine game, but I don't see how you could possibly think it is in any way vastly superior to LttP

>> No.6722723


>> No.6722947

Judging by this thread ALTTP is a "polarizing good game". You either think it's a good game but not top 100 material or you think it is absolute gold standard #1 I think it's #5

>> No.6722950

Where is this in the game? I swear, everything looks so damn much the same in this game

>> No.6722959

Was your brain trained on 2D or 3D?

And I'd never mistake Ganon's Tower for anything else.

>> No.6722962

It's bad

>> No.6723029

3D obvs

>> No.6723043
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>> No.6723141

I love ALttP. It is an "anual play" for me. But its just so easy and I'm basically on auto-pilot the entire time. It was top 10 at one time, now its portable top 20 or even 25.

>> No.6723186

I think a lot of people are tainted by 3D style gameplay, and the more they normalize 3D Zelda to themselves, the less they like the 2D entries. 3D Zeldas mostly feel like drudgery checklists with a lot of padding to me and last too long, so I can really only replay the 2d ones.

>> No.6723192

Replay it as a randomizer perhaps

>> No.6723194

The incorrect perspective of these games keeps me away, something about it unsettles me

>> No.6723203

Unsettling perspectives and graphics can be alluring. Many find some N64 games' graphics unsettling due to their primitive and surreal nature. I get this a bit and I played them when they were new, but I enjoy it. It adds an air of the surreal and mysterious

>> No.6723213
File: 1.13 MB, 1120x1163, Zelda ALTTP secrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The randomizer is a definite cure for that. It'll really make you think about where to go next and the little things people who already know the game take for granted.

>> No.6723214

Lazy artists IMO

>> No.6723217

Hardware limitations IMO

>> No.6723375

Top 100 for me, it makes a really good first impression, but it doesnt have much replay value.

>> No.6723390
File: 62 KB, 385x272, golden-record-th[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Triforce as space age technology
Wasn't there a piece of concept or official art where the triforce looked like the golden disk from the Voyager?

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6723394

That was Star Trek: The Motion Picture

>> No.6723401
File: 685 KB, 796x559, Triforce_in_the_Golden_Land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this right?

>> No.6723409

No, I think it was one those concept art pieces they released in hyrule historia or any of those artbooks, it was the triforce but it had markings, it looked like something old like artwork of the first three zeldas.

>> No.6723436

Top game of all time for me.

Super Metroid
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Mario 3
Perfect Dark
Pokemon Blue
Mega Man III
Mario RPG
Mario Kart 64

Can all be argued for top spot as well.

>> No.6723624

Top 20 definitely.
Top 10 maybe.
It's hard to say because there are a lot of co-op and VS games that I'd rank over it, but those also aren't games I'm playing by myself over ALTTP. As a single player game, it might even be top 5 for me.

>> No.6723629

>peepeepoopoo anons don't agree with me
Literally s e e t h i n g

>> No.6723631

it didnt quite match the same feeling of adventure that the original Zelda did for me

>> No.6723664

Replayability is pretty poor due to the weak plot.

>> No.6723681

Doesn't make the list. I don't hate it but it never charmed me and I found it pretty boring. At no point did I want to make progress because I invested in the adventure; it was more of a job to get over with. Took me a couple restarts, too. Also, Link is a pink haired tranny for no particular reason.

NTA but better storytelling, more interesting dungeons, actual puzzles with non-trivial difficulty, charming cast of characters, better boss fights, and better music composition even if the gameboy sound hardware is ass. Been too long but I don't remember LttP having as many nice secrets either. I rate LA much higher than the anon you responded to.

I think you're making unfounded assumptions.

>> No.6723714
File: 276 KB, 379x318, Ancient_Ruins_(Link's_Awakening).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more memorable story with revelation
>more memorable NPCs (e.g. Marin, shop keep)
>dungeons have stronger themes to them
>on average higher quality dungeon puzzles
>on average more interesting and memorable bosses
>better tools (e.g. roc feather, boomerang, fire rod, rooster)
>great use of limited space and assets makes game seem bigger
>more sidequests (e.g. seashells, trading)
>fun cameos (e.g. chain chomps, anti kirbys, goombas)
>better glitches (e.g. screen warp)

it just feels like a much tighter game without sacrificing on exploration or number of secrets. the designers did so much with so little

>> No.6724105

Somewhere way below the 'I don't care' line. Zelda 1 on the other hand, easy top 5 (maybe top 1).

>> No.6724259

What exactly does it change? Just all gear and key item locations or literally every chest and collectable (ie Heart Pieces)?

>> No.6724285

It's been a long time since I played LttP and I'm replaying Link's Awakening(not DX) right now, so there may have things of LttP that I don't remember right now. One thing I find LA superior is that the world feel more alive, it's not just Ganon, Link, Zelda and a bunch of dungeons you have to do. Nope, there is two villages full of people you can talk to, there are the trading items thing that makes you interact with those people, the cameos are interesting(come on, it is funny as hell when you save the chain chomps and you check that he was fearing for his life), the weapons are better, the side-scrolling parts were a touch of love and so on.
It feels a lot like a proto-OoT, the owl reminding you of the quest, ocarina, themed dungeons, memorable NPCs.

>> No.6724380

zelda 2 was my favorite the combat was way more fun than the other games

>> No.6724382

Somewhere between 100 and 150 I guess

>> No.6724414

top 25.

top 10 i'm talking strictly retro.

>> No.6724949

on spot 19997 of 20000 best games of the 90s

>> No.6724956

Top 50, but if we are talking strictly retro only, then it’s bumped up to top 25.

>> No.6724958

I played it for the first time this year, and I didn't like it

I found it really boring, and I barely made it to the third dungeon. It hasn't aged well.

The music is excellent though

>> No.6725154

Based contrarian faggot

>> No.6725168

played it once. beat it once. never felt like going back to it. was fun, but not fun enough to replay it again.

>> No.6725251
File: 871 KB, 805x534, Screenshot_2020-08-15 01_illus_g3_zelda_impa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind its not canon, it came from a third party strategy guide.

>> No.6725257

Honestly it doesn't get good until you get to the dark world. The entire overmap becomes a sort of puzzle and different stuff is going on depending what dimension you are on. To me it's a little tedious now, but would have been amazing as a kid with only a few games. I much prefer Link's Awakening as it has less mindless wandering trying to figure out where to go.

>> No.6725473

There are settings that let you control how much it changes, so it can be all that or less.

>> No.6725481

Links Awakening is probably my favourite, but I guess it was also my first one.

>> No.6725505

everyone saying it "isn't even in their top 100" of stupid as fuck, have shitty tastes, and are probably age 5. the game is a masterpiece.

>> No.6725521


>> No.6725524
File: 151 KB, 360x270, _clappingwelles_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6725541

alttp, while super polished, is also super generic. The characters, story, audio, art, etc. everything is just good enough to not be bad, but not good enough for me to care about any of it.

>> No.6725556

I'm curios to see what games are in their top 100. After all, they are claiming they know 100 games that are better than LttP. I'd love to play 100 games that are as good as(or even better than) LttP.

>> No.6725557

>Dark World

Yeah brah, the type of shit I wished was in every Zelda after it, an entire fucked up demonic world that we never got again, and it's "generic"

>> No.6725608

Definitive Retro Zelda ranking incoming:

OoT > MM > LA > OoA > ALttP > OoS > AoL > LoZ

All are good. Truly the peak of the series.

>> No.6725623
File: 45 KB, 658x479, 1570060192621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it, its #9 in my personal top ten.

>> No.6725632

Shit stuff like >>6722438

>> No.6725648
File: 70 KB, 600x535, 4ebe3a5cf005612ab194ac13238aabb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he likes light/dark world mechanics

>> No.6725657

Didn't TP, SS, ALBW all have basically a dark world? You could hop on over to tvtropes and find plenty more examples in games I’m sure. Aren’t the mechanics of the dark/light world pretty much the same thing as the time travel mechanics in Ocarina and Ages anyway? Come to think of it, like half the JRPGs I played on SNES involved teleporting to alternate versions of the game world. Also, being in a whales dream is far more creative than “oh there’s a Dark World.”

>> No.6725706


I'm talking edgelord skulls and ruined shit everywhere, more akin to Silent Hill's implementation of a dark world. The Zeldas you mentioned did not have enough of such an obviously negative ruined world-- with the closest being Lorule in asset design since they basically just rehashed ALTTP in that game in many designs, but others were more toned down.

Twilight Realm wasn't a full world to explore, just a few canned areas that appeared when the plot advanced and called for it.

Ocarina tries to have a "dark future" but 90% of it is the same, with Hyrule castle town and Ganon's Tower being the only imposing locations.

The world of ruin in FF6 is a good example of it done right.

>> No.6727920

Best game ever anyone who says otherwise is just a mad tranny

>> No.6728173
File: 9 KB, 853x768, Zelda no Densetsu - Yume o Miru Shima (Japan)-200816-134942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love LttP, but pic related is the best thing in LA and nothing in LttP gets even close to this.

>> No.6728178

https://youtu.be/X7j_GFtoRE8 amazing ost, too.

>> No.6728269

You always just wanted a waifu

>> No.6728286

Who doesn't want one like Marin, though?

>> No.6729598

Top 10 snes

>> No.6729791

Top 10 maybe top 15

>> No.6729924

I don't read moon runes. Is that the scene where Marin says she gets the feeling Link will leave the island one day? Or where she's talking about where coconuts come from and how there must be a world beyond Koholint?

>> No.6729973

Shes nice. That's why LA is wish fulfillment. A side story. ALTTP doesn't cater to the player in that way. ALTTP is an epic tale. Same dynamic as MM and OoT.

>> No.6730023

Definitely not top 50, maybe top 100 idk.

Link's Awakening, Ocarina and Majora are the only Zelda games I would place on my top 50. That being said, all these 3 games owe a lot to ALTTP so I still think its an important and worthwhile game at very least to better understand and appreciate the origins of Awakening and Ocarina.

If someone was new to Zelda and asked me for recommendations, I would tell them to play LTTP first.

>> No.6730143

Top 5 or 10. Hell even maybe my favorite. It was for a while.

>> No.6732253
File: 844 KB, 2961x1662, 1466605054476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 15 for sure.

>> No.6732634

This would be kinda tight tho.
Triforce space civilization relic

>> No.6733434

Would've been quite a paradigm shift at the time. Given what has been found in the pre-release material it's rather clear that at least a small futuristic element was conceived for ALTTP before being scrapped. It was probably viewed as too risky, although doing it in a big reveal fashion and doing it properly would've blown a lot of people's minds back in the day given what they 'thought of' Zelda as then.

>> No.6733481

switch OoA and OoS and I agree 100%

>> No.6734686

Absolutely, unequivocally based

>> No.6734696

I think it's overrated as fuck

>> No.6734910

I cannot bring myself to play another video game only to come to the realization that it was mediocre and poorly designed in comparison to A Link to the Past.

>> No.6734941

It is so based that I am the floor

>> No.6734953

Switch games aren't retro

>> No.6734961
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>> No.6735201

Top 10 for sure. Among Zelda games it's my third favorite, after OoT and MM, the latter being my #1.