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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 480x320, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722050 No.6722050 [Reply] [Original]

ITT unlikely films/TV/literature/etc. franchises that somehow got vidyas.

WTF were they thinking with this one? A SNES game about a sitcom for literal boomers that likely hated vidya and that kids didn't give a fuck about.

>> No.6722065

I wonder if there's a Japanese youtuber that does reviews of weird america-only snes licenced games like this.

I bet they'd love the novelty

>> No.6722126
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Japan has a "kusoge" (shit games) scene with let's players so it's probable they stumbled upon a few western oddities like this one.

And then there's Japanese vidyas based on franchises that don't lend themselves to vidya neither like Osomatsu-san or Tensai Bakabon but then again Japan has been known for odd-ball outside-the-box shit like that.

>> No.6722207

>a sitcom for literal boomers that likely hated vidya and that kids didn't give a fuck about

I was a kid when this show was on and I watched it, what else was I gonna in the 90s? watch thots on twitch or check out youtube? hell no, you'd play Sega or Nintendo and then watch a comedy show on tv and did your homework.
only because of the internet you got these zoomers who hate everything that isn't exactly catered to their young minds.

>> No.6722241


still a shit idea for a vidya.

>> No.6722253

>what else was I gonna in the 90s?
Watch cartoons.

>> No.6722257

Stop saying vidya you aborted nigger

>> No.6722259

fuck you zoomer and fuck your shitty posts

>> No.6722273


More reasons why this place is home to me

>> No.6722280

you sound like a stupid faggot. hope someone stabs you to death.

>> No.6722314

>kids didn't give a fuck about
Believe it or not, back in the 90s it was pretty common for families to watch TV together. Mainly because houses would usually have one "good" TV and maybe one or two smaller ones in bedrooms, so the whole family would have to share the TV. Sitcoms like Home Improvement, Family Matters, and the entire TGIF lineup were neutral enough that everyone could kind of agree to put it on even if nobody loved it. Plus, if you didn't have cable, the kid-oriented shows were usually long over by the time the sitcoms started.

>> No.6722320

>still a shit idea for a vidya.

You're an absolute retard who doesn't know how the world works. Allow me to educate your dumb ass.
Home Improvement is a family sitcom, a genre old as tv itself, designed to appeal to multiple generations. An innocuous show that the entire family can enjoy, a show that revolves around a family, not just Tim The Toolman, a show that everyone (employed parents with disposable income, children who influence parents in what they want in terms of gifts and consumables) can relate to.
Who watched Malcolm in the Middle during its run? Families.

Now imagine a time when parents had a closer watch over what media their children indulged in, concerns even, over age appropriate material that wouldn't negatively influence them. Average Joe and Jill middle American parents buying little Timmy a vidya game for his 12th birthday in 1994 will pick something safe and familiar like Home Improvement The Video Game over something with guns, scantily clad ladies, japanese cartoons and generally anything mildly threatening to their Christian sensibilities on the cover.
Just look at all the changes to game covers for American release in the 90s.
Know your audience.

>> No.6722335
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>> No.6722354

I got filtered by the 2nd Newman battle.

>> No.6722370

Seinfeld was never funny

>> No.6722376
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>> No.6722382
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I'm more of a Frasier for SNES man, myself.

>> No.6722386

Legit the only game on the SNES my dad liked. Boomers have shit taste.

>> No.6722460
File: 277 KB, 442x363, Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 4.19.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even not knowing that, OP still should have put 2 and 2 together and realized Tim Allen (The guy who constantly starred in childrens movies and children's cartoons) got all those roles because kids liked him

>> No.6722489

>kids didn't give a fuck about Home Improvement

it was a fucking kids show, you window licking zoomer

>> No.6722491

Then why wasn't I allowed to watch it as a kid?

>> No.6722513

The same reason my mom wouldn't let me watch snow white as a kid.
She fucking hated it, and didn't want it on in the house.

>> No.6722548

No it was a family show, meant for all ages.

>> No.6722653


You're an idiot and you're horribly out of touch with reality.

>> No.6722656 [DELETED] 

Don’t be so hard on yourself

>> No.6722882
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That and this one were my favorites. Had some great music in it too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWlXdDK-v-k

>> No.6722912

This. I watched it while dinner was being made you dumb zoomers

>> No.6723618 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6723736

If this game isn't just the same level over and over again I'm going to be greatly disappointed.

>> No.6723897

>WTF were they thinking with this one? A SNES game about a sitcom for literal boomers that likely hated vidya and that kids didn't give a fuck about.
They thought it was cool to have a guy on a TV show go backstage and end up in 65,000,000 BC fighting off dinosaurs with nailguns and jackhammers to get his special tools back.

>> No.6724025

The show was for families. Families have kids. As a kid, I watched and really liked Home Improvement.
The game itself was weird, but alright. A friend and I rented it and played through it a few times. The really remarkable thing was how the instruction booklet said REAL MEN DON'T NEED A MANUAL and that was that. But it's not a hard game once you figure it out.

>> No.6724092

I liked Home Improvement as a kid. I remember when the opening titles had one of the kids jumping on shit like a video game, and was disappointment that the game wasn't exactly like it.

>> No.6724140
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, ADFM_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games were seen as a piece of merchandise to market alongside a movie.
No different than hats, posters, keychains, etc

>> No.6724147

I didn't have cable, when this show was on, it meant no cartoons were on. At least until the Simpsons which came up after this show, so I might as well stick around.

>> No.6724184
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>free pager offer

>> No.6724203

Well said anon. I would have played a Roseanne game if there was one

>> No.6724208

I watched Home Improvement with my family all the time back in the day. I remember wanting to rent this from the video store but it was always out of stock for some reason

>> No.6724210

Why did she hate Snow White?

>> No.6724229

She got fucked by seven dwarves and it was a rough part of her life

>> No.6724628

now post the megadrive ones.

>> No.6724693


>> No.6725152
File: 458 KB, 849x1097, Student Prince pinball 1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pinball machine based on an operetta is pretty weird.

>> No.6725634

Best snes game

>> No.6726112
File: 114 KB, 756x960, 1630085-img024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been shit on a lot since the avgn review but i actually like die hard's nes game. a bit ahead of it's time with a timer running and several endings.
i think the problem was james/mike couldn't get the game down but once you know how to do shit like conserve and spray the machine gun it's kinda fun. it's a weird oddity but i really enjoy it

>> No.6726206

This board should be age restricted.

>> No.6726224

Home Improvement was one of the most popular shows on TV. It was practically a kids' show.

>> No.6726234
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>> No.6726236
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>> No.6726265

>Nintendo gives Ocean the license to make this game
I wonder how it would turn out

>> No.6726269

i was thinking it'd be some shitty half fmv platformer game like time cop but with futuristic environments from the movie

>> No.6726429

why do zoomer niggers like saying "vidya" so much

>> No.6726431
File: 217 KB, 362x400, 30d1cca4970e0c562a52ac09c0b8c7e7f40e8d89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a ton of these from the days of Canvas.

>> No.6726439
File: 127 KB, 362x400, NES template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, make your own.

>> No.6726442

>sitcom for boomers
What? Thats a 90s show. I was born in 92 and fucking loved watching this, Who's Line is is Anyway, and the Drew Carey Show, all in a row at around 7pm

>> No.6726447
File: 26 KB, 269x369, GilligansIslandNESBoxArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this

>> No.6726621


>> No.6726656

like any other licensed game it's a cashgrab on the name, the show may have been long over but it was a staple of afternoon reruns. Parents would have nostalgia for it, the kids were at least aware of the show through reruns or the few tv movies that it had.
>The show received solid ratings during its original run, then grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon. Today, the title character of Gilligan is widely recognized as an American cultural icon.
It also got a pinball a year after that game was released. As far as a premise for a game goes, Gilligan's Island makes more sense than a game based around Tim the Toolman.

>> No.6726693

This. We watched a lot of shitty sitcoms back then because it was on, and you can only play the same dozen games so many times before you need something else to do. Home Improvement, Family Matters, Step by Step, Full House, even remember watching that crappy Perfect Strangers sitcom. It was that, watch some movie/show/cartoon you had on VHS(that you had already seen 100 times), play with other toys, or hope one of your friends was free to play. If you were lucky cartoons were on, or you had cable and cartoon network. Most of the time, after 3-4PM, you couldn't find a cartoon on broadcast.

I still don't understand why so many zoomers feel they know how things were in the past despite not even being able to conceive of how things were in the past.

>> No.6726736

A better question is why would they gave a tv show to a convicted drug trafficer
it comes from being bombed twice and cucked by the allies.
90's sitcoms were full of lame tropes and 1 dimentional catchphrase spewing caricatures, but I digress since this isn't /tv/.
despite him being a felon, pathetic.
e-celebs are cancer, as are the sheeple who idolized and follow them.
more like tim the drug dealer.

>> No.6727056

are you telling me that a celebrity once committed a crime? Holy shit my world view has been shaken to its core.
Based off topic posting retard.

>> No.6727074

god that cover is still so funny

>> No.6727116


Back in the day we didnt really care when someone made a booboo, unlike the vindictive zoomer generation who feels everybody should be respective of each.. othe- wait, what?

>> No.6727139


>> No.6727189

They learned it from millennials, whom they idolize

>> No.6727203
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>> No.6727239

Die Hard predates 911 by over a decade, the cover image of the explosion and the nakatomi building was a part of public conscience for years before 2001. It's really not that funny at all.

>> No.6727306


Because he's a kid and he still thinks that terrorist attacks are super duper funny, especially since 9/11 was before he was born so its not really real to him.
Just kids being edgy because they haven't yet figured out what maturity is, so they cling to edgy humor in an attempt to disguise that. of course they'll reply to this with "projecting much?" because they know its true but don't have an answer so their mind instantly falls back into defensive mode.

>> No.6727331
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>> No.6727425

They made the simpsons into a Beat em up.

>> No.6727450

It is a tough game but yeah once you get it down it is a lot of fun.
I also liked the NES Home Alone game. Evading the two burglars for 20 minutes is intense.

>> No.6727454 [DELETED] 

OP how old are you? If you're a boomer then I guess you just have some kind of retardation. If you're a zoomer then you really need to not post bullshit as a fact about the past that you have no clue about - especially as part of an OP. Home Improvements was nothing like that, it was a show for literally everyone, as wide an audience as possible, and on prime time tv, like Star Trek or Xena - hell I live in Ireland and even here they had all of these. It made perfect sense to make a videogame from a wildly successful tv show and it was done all the time.

>> No.6727457

OP how old are you? If you're a boomer then I guess you just have some kind of retardation. If you're a zoomer then you really need to not post bullshit as a fact about the past that you have no clue about - especially as part of an OP, as it's very annoying. Home Improvements was nothing like that, it was a show for literally everyone, as wide an audience as possible, and on prime time tv, like Star Trek or Xena - on prime time all around the english-speaking world (and sometimes beyond). It made perfect sense to make a videogame from a wildly successful tv show and it was done all the time.

>> No.6727458

Back to /v/.

>> No.6727742

>kids didnt give a fuck about home improvement
ok zoomer

>> No.6727749

this. It was one of the most popular showd at the time. I dont k ow why op would think kids didnt watch a family sitcom.

>> No.6727768

I didn’t really have a problem with zoomers until they started becoming so combative with millennials. I hate to say this, but zoomie zoom zoomers need to find somewhere else to be.

>> No.6727782

And what the fuck does that have to do with retro games

>> No.6727937 [DELETED] 

Weird how OP chose to bitch about the show being for adults instead of bitching about how obvious it is that they just swapped sprites with their clearly already finished average snes platformer.

Imagine of they got the Frasier license instead..

>oh no, Eddie just jumped into a portal to an alternate dimension.
>Dad will be furious Frasier, just remember the portal was in your home. I take no responsibility!
>You never do you weakling.
>Now Frasier lets not argue about who's to blame, but lets focus on you getting Eddie back before dad finds out!
>Fiiiiiiiine, hand me my jacket.
>Here.. you.. go, dear brother. oh and take Dad's nailgun with you, its fully charged and locked and loaded!
>"Locked and loaded" Niles?
>Marris wanted to watch Clint Eastwood last night, she says he's dreamy.
>Frasier grumbles and hops into the portal.

>> No.6728160

They weren’t even sperm then

>> No.6728271
File: 31 KB, 474x348, fullhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are cyberbullying him but OP has a point. It's not like Full House and Family Matters got a bunch of games. Even Ned Flanders would sooner pick up Bubsy or something for his kids. Also lol@all you people who actually watched that shit because "nothing else was on", I don't think I ever made it all the way through an episode of any of those shitty family sitcoms. I want a Married With Children belt scroller.


>> No.6728278

this keeps getting posted and I keep pointing out the similarity to Sim Farm's theme
Someday someone will validate me

>> No.6728289

>Home Improvement
>a sitcom for literal boomers that likely hated vidya and that kids didn't give a fuck about.
Fuck you, Home Improvement was sort of a big deal back in the day, and just about everyone gave fucks about it.

>> No.6728294

Home Improvement was unquestionably based. Only zoomers disagree.

>> No.6728302

simpsons did it

>> No.6728305

I would have bought the shit out of a Cheers RPG. Would probably have been better in 3D though.

>> No.6728312

Jewish families dont like disney

>> No.6728314
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>> No.6728316

>no Fresh Prince scotformer with delicious early 90's aesthetic

>> No.6728331

Fuck off. This is 4chan. If jew lizard niggers are getting (correctly) called out, your precious twin towers are not safe from a bit of gentle ribbing.

>> No.6728643

I'm actually not

>> No.6729020


aah so you just never grew up eh, got it.

>> No.6729075

>pls I come here to 4chan act edgy and be a spazfaggot

>> No.6729096
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this game sucked until you unlocked playing as the cat

>> No.6729126

it doesn't matter what I say so there's no point in arguing, I'm not edgy for edginess sake

>> No.6729149

Loved HI as a kid don't know wtf meth head shit you're talking about

>> No.6729184

What is

>> No.6729226

This is weird to think about now. My family would watch the TGIF lineup, but why? I guess my parents didn't have anything else to do. Knowing what all was available to us back then I still don't think I'd want to dedicate that much time to watching sitcoms... Especially on a Friday.

>> No.6729423

He obviously never existed in the 90s

>> No.6729904
File: 58 KB, 575x750, tim-allen-mug-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In October 1978, Tim Allen, 25 at the time, was arrested by an undercover cop at the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport. Allen and a partner were caught with over 650 grams of cocaine and subsequently arrested on the scene.

Tim Allen pled guilty to the drug trafficking charges. He faced up to a life sentence in prison, but provided the names of the other dealers in the scheme in exchange for a reduced sentence of three to seven years in prison.

In total, Tim Allen spent two years and four months in a Sandstone, Minnesota prison. He was paroled in 1981.

On May 24, 1997, he was arrested in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, for drunk driving. In 1998, he entered rehab for alcohol abuse after being charged with a DUI. He has been sober since.

Tim Allen turned his life around, and went on to become a beloved household name. Allen has said of his time in prison, “it was a watershed moment. It put me in a position of great humility, and I was able to make amends to friends and family and refocus my life on setting and achieving goals.”

>> No.6730257

>This is weird to think about now. My family would watch the TGIF lineup, but why? I guess my parents didn't have anything else to do

Why is the concept of parents spending time with their children such a strange thing? Be thankful that they weren't out getting drunk or smoking crack and leaving you alone to fend for yourself.
Looking back, the TV shows might have been lame and stupid but the fact that you were together is the fucking point, like the nostalgia people these days seem to have for Blockbuster video, it's not the store you are nostalgic for, it's the time shared with friends and family and the innocence of youth when things were simpler and you weren't a jaded fuck desensitised by porn and hours spent on 4chan.

>> No.6730304

i remember watching home improvement as a kid. im just a little bit older than zach ty bryan so i could relate to the show. but i didnt really care so much for tim allen until "big trouble" (2002). its based on a dave barry novel. and the whole cast was great. allen really nailed that role i thought. you zoomers should find a torrent site and illegally download that flick. its worth a watch.

>> No.6730359
File: 1.20 MB, 1770x1152, rollergames pinball flyer both pages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pinball machine based on this tv show that got less than one season.
The pinball machine is beloved, naturally.

>> No.6730495

Wasn;t there a NES game too?

>> No.6731080

There was, I remember a Nintendo Power article about it.

>> No.6731081 [DELETED] 

>reading Nintendo power
Stinky nintoddler

>> No.6731087


>> No.6731127

SNL or some similar comedy show did it further back in the 80s.

>> No.6731160

he looks mexican

>> No.6731162

>it's not the store you are nostalgic for, it's the time shared with friends and family and the innocence of youth when things were simpler and you weren't a jaded fuck desensitised by porn and hours spent on 4chan.
this is the sad truth Ive come to realize this past week. I miss my family and Im a NEET posting all day on 4chan. I dont even play retro games I just miss playing them with people I cared about.

>> No.6731276
File: 83 KB, 825x771, 9F3F0CF9-F182-4A7C-8083-29E7588CC7DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is first time /vr/ has felt alien to me.

This thread radiates so much boomer energy, I feel like I'm gonna jump from 19 to 30 in the split of a second. Shine on, old men.

>> No.6731293

people who grew up with Home Improvement are millennials, this must be your first day here because /vr/ is a gen X/Millennial board.

>> No.6731325

A boomer board then?

And no it's not, I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to retro vidya, but when it comes to other mediums from those times I'm pretty much lost. Actually that's wrong, 90s music is fucking kino.

>> No.6731331 [DELETED] 

>90s music is kino
You don’t even listen to music, sod off.

>> No.6731347

Nah fuck you boomer

>> No.6731349 [DELETED] 

>muh aphex twins
Holy fucking retard alert

>> No.6731361

how can you not appreciate one of the finest artists of your era? lol now I know you're trolling

>> No.6731365 [DELETED] 

You posted one thing that’s incredibly well known and well publicized, you haven’t proven you listen to music, just that you listen to consensus.

>> No.6731389
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>> No.6731509

In time you'll be nostalgic for 4chan, too. You don't think you will, but you do.

>> No.6731521 [DELETED] 

Did your mother drop you on the head and stab you with her heroin needles when you were a baby? cause this post is a special kind of retarded.

>> No.6731539
File: 39 KB, 475x347, snes_beethoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones real

>> No.6731545

I miss old 4chan

>> No.6731554 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 713x475, seinfeld-snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get passed the couch level

>> No.6731558
File: 224 KB, 713x475, seinfeld-snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get past the couch level

>> No.6731582

>playing as Kramer
>return my pants
>can't walk back home because I'm not wearing pants
>softlocked myself and I had to restart the game

I hate this in retro vidya.

>> No.6731584 [DELETED] 

You really bungled that joke

>> No.6732250

Funny thing is, the film came out in 93 and already had product placement of an NES and Mario 3, and power glove if I recall. Way to advertise the NES near the literal end of it's lifespan.

>> No.6732428
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>> No.6733908

> what else was I going to do in the 90s during the pinnacle , the utmost peak of consumer media to ever grace the big screen, the home screen, the radio? During the paranormal media haven? During the super soaker resurgence and toy's r us dominant era? During the true brilliant age of comics books and golden age of newspaper comic strip? During a Hh, Sting, and DDP attitude era? Whatever was i to do?

you larping zoomer faggot

>> No.6734062

>Not watching prime time sitcoms with the family
>Actually liking comics from the 90s
I'm sorry anon.

>> No.6734075

>gets a genesis port

>> No.6734087


>> No.6734096
File: 671 KB, 640x960, 1595972161154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those wine club levels
truly harrowing stuff

>> No.6734118
File: 147 KB, 705x869, 2020-08-17 19-03-52-chrome-catched_groundhog_day_-_Google_Search_-_Google_Chr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK

>> No.6734125
File: 296 KB, 680x594, fellow kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sting, and DDP attitude era
If you're gonna call someone else a larping zoomer faggot you might as well know what the fuck you're talking about moron. Sting and DDP were WCW wrestlers and the Attitude era was WWF. Next time say "the monday night wrestling wars" if you want to fit in with the nineties kids, zoomer.

>> No.6734131 [DELETED] 

you grew up in a trailer in a flyover state, didnt you?

>> No.6734135

>it's a plebbit steals a /tv/ meme episode

>> No.6734140

Not even from the USA, but nice try buddy.

>> No.6734142

thats nuts because i can barely find anything showing its origin; i thought that leddit post from 2015 was the origin because it's the earliest i could find with my google fu. is there a proper origin i can see?

>> No.6734148

hi skankbowlfight

>> No.6734164

I've been a /tv/ regular since around 2010 and i'm sure it predates even Bane? But I'm just going from memory. It was definitely on /tv/ before 2015 though.
There's an archival site that you can check 4plebs or something?

>> No.6734179

Here, 2010

>> No.6734186

wow thanks, and here i was trying to find the max page number manually like a fucking retard. it looks like that's not the first instance of the post according to people in that first archived thread, but that's good enough for me

>> No.6734424

>didn't keep track of the post wcw migration

>> No.6734443
File: 203 KB, 362x400, 886d3ace7d2ec8b25fd321bd88777d1a2dbe92cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low effort

>> No.6734447
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Oddly enough, this film seems to be more relevant today since Community did a whole episode around it.

>> No.6734456
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>> No.6734504
File: 22 KB, 400x219, jokersting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post wcw migration
The invasion angle was shit and wrasslin' hasn't been the same since. I dropped it not long after. Although I think I stuck around for the Hogan v Rock match.
DDP was given a shit angle and buried, it took Sting 15 years before he moved to the WWE and lost to HHH of all fucking people at Mania.
I never followed TNA much but Sting going crazy was entertaining.

>> No.6734535
File: 186 KB, 780x862, Pryor-NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly not a bad game adaptation

>> No.6734675

>brilliant age of comic books

>> No.6734684

It's just a platformer, dude. The gameplay has nothing to do with the show

>> No.6734734
File: 2.21 MB, 1000x1426, 1561011552907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this

>> No.6735219

This game has a hack that actually makes it fun to play.