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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 603 KB, 1000x1000, metroid_samus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
672102 No.672102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>only 25% of Castlevania games have similar gameplay to Metroid
>a Castlevania game that plays similarly to Metroid hasn't been released since Order of Ecclesia
>gaming journalism sites such as Destructoid, Kotaku, 1-up, etc. still use the term "Metroidvania" to describe any new game that pops up with Metroid-style gameplay
This is an inaccurate and misleading term as long as the "vania" exists, yet people continue to use it. Metroidvania is an awkward and inaccurate term, and a better term for the genre needs to be created.

I propose Action/Exploration.

Also, people on the other side of this argument need to stop doing the virtual equivalent of shoving their fingers in their ears and screaming "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" and actually acknowledge the points being made. You can't ignore facts out of existence.

The real question is, do we allow this inaccurate term to take on a life of its own (like "Comics" referring to all genres despite the name implying comic strips/funnies), or do we attempt to replace it with something more accurate?

>> No.672113

Stop it.

>> No.672120

Who cares?

>> No.672124
File: 296 KB, 1600x900, gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. So do these people.

Let us attempt to have a calm discussion of the merit of this term.

>> No.672129

We get your point, but why do you think posting it here will help change its use in gaming journalism?

The term is already in too much widespread use to be changed now.

>> No.672132

I agree with you OP and I was one of the ones really getting into heavy discourse on the topic but I think forcing it like this is just going to make you enemies

>> No.672138

How about no and we'll just say we did? The current Castlevania games you keep referring to aren't even /vr/-related. Take it back to /v/.

>> No.672137

The point isn't necessarily to stop its use in mainstream games journalism, but more to discuss the merit of the term itself and, if nothing else, potentially coming up with a better term to at least use amongst ourselves here on /vr/.

>> No.672146

True, but the Metroidvania descriptor is, and there are many retro games with that type of gameplay that would benefit from the introduction of a new term.

>Take it back to /v/
It was never on /v/.

>> No.672148


>The merit of the term itself

The term "Metroidvania" gets the general idea of the game across.

You're just buttmad there isn't a better way to describe the game. Your proposition is awful.

>> No.672152

I'd love to hear a proposition from you.

The "Metroid" person of the "Metroidvania" term is what gets the point across. The "vania" is inaccurate and just causes problems, and will continue to in the future.

How do you feel about Metroidlike?