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File: 102 KB, 800x553, super-mario-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6717591 No.6717591 [Reply] [Original]

how did it feel like playing this in 96?

>> No.6717609

My cousin got this with an N64 for Christmas that year. It blew my fucking mind, I had never seen anything like it. The opening cutscene still gives me chills because it brings me right back to his living room 24 years ago.
Good game.

>> No.6717610

How it felt to play a 3d game for the first time can't properly be explained to the younger generation because 3d is just the norm now. At the time it was quite literally a dimension that had been reached for gaming. It was exciting and new, and games like Mario 64 made me hopeful for the future.

>> No.6717619

Idk I was born in 2001

>> No.6717620


pretty neat, it controlled quite well and was fun.

>> No.6717623

I played it at friends' houses because I had a PS1 instead of a N64.
It was the usual feeling of greener on the other side just because it was something I didn't have at home. Basically just comparing it to Crash, Spyro and Ape Escape.

>> No.6717624

It was really different. This and Syphon filter were my first 3D games and it was pretty incredible. I had never played anything 3D before and it was so different it blew my mind.

>> No.6717648

Like warm apple pie

>> No.6717653

It's way better than Crash, Spryo or Ape Escape.

>> No.6717660

The dust was still in the air, but even then I could tell it was the, dare I say it, quintessential 3D scotformer.

>> No.6717661
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was one of the last times nintendo really seemed to be a leader in console gaming. moving around fluidly in 3d with the analog stick was a pretty big jump up from the snes

>> No.6717667
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No one I knew had a N64, so it didn't feel like anything

>> No.6717671

stop forcing that shit

>> No.6717681

Mario 64 is japanese, not scottish.

>> No.6717721

Why don’t he has chingchong eyes then?

>> No.6717727

Because games don't have eyes.

>> No.6717747

The dust has settled ever since?

>> No.6717748

He have them in pictures idiot

>> No.6717764

That's Mario, the character, not Mario 64, the game. Mario is a fictional character of italian-american ancestry. Mario 64 is a game made by the japanese company Nintendo.

>> No.6717784


>> No.6717789

Mindblowing. I still remember playing it at a Blockbuster kiosk and being amazed.

>> No.6717793


>> No.6717794

no u

>> No.6717798


>> No.6717809

This, shit was fucking amazing.

>> No.6717818

Even though I'm a 24 year old zoomer the first 3d game I ever played was Ocarina of Time while I was in the hospital once when I was like 4 years old and I had a similar experience which is why I still somehow remember it.

>> No.6717821

Pretty amazing, honestly. My cousin got one first and I saw it the first time there. The only other thing that came close was the first time I saw Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis at a friends house after only ever having played NES games... I was only like 6 or 7 then too so that probably added to the awe.

>> No.6717825


>> No.6717839

Amazing. It was such a fresh and new experience. Even the underwater levels were great. Even thought the Pirate Ship part was an absolute pain in the ass.

>> No.6717891

At the time it felt as though I was playing what Mario Odyssey looked like graphically. I'm not sure how much that has to do with nostalgia or my childhood imagination, but it really felt realistic, despite in actuality being polygonal. It was stunning. And having the system and games made you the coolest kid at school.

>> No.6717992

>quintessential 3D scotformer
>shitty camera
>shitty controls
>shitty N64 controller
>shitty art style
There are dozens of superior 3D platformers on the PlayStation. And many of the later N64 3D platformers were more refined.
Just because you're nostalgic for this steaming pile of shit doesn't mean it's the best. It was groundbreaking, but the formula has been improved since then.

>> No.6718001

>There are dozens of superior 3D platformers on the PlayStation.
Oh wait, you're serious. Lmao. Why are Sony fans so delusional?

>> No.6718017

I remember doing something as simple as swimming around underwater in the lake outside the castle and it seeming completely revolutionary.

>> No.6718034

but... muh crash... m-muh spyro... m-m-muh ape escape.....

>> No.6718069

I don't know, but it felt amazing in 97, when we europeans got it.

>> No.6718267

Take your zoomer words and leave this place. You are not welcome here

>> No.6718562

Like nothing before, a generational leap. The closest modern comparison in excitement I could make is Wii motion controls.

>> No.6718581

Its amazing now. The first thing i did after the power came back after the last major hurricane was smoke a joint and play super mario 64
Felt like a goddamn spiritual.experiemce

>> No.6718583

It was back in the good ole days where your friend told you getting all 120 stars unlocks yoshi and you believed him.

>> No.6718590

it felt good man

>> No.6718607

>how did it feel like playing this in 96?
amazing. really hard to describe accurately to people not born then or old enough to remember just how different it was back then compared to the norms we were used to for home gaming.

>> No.6718684

Terrible. I returned my N64 back to KB and bought a Playstation.

>> No.6718703 [DELETED] 
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Super Nintendo turns 29 today. post favorite games on it

>> No.6718725

>Something something PS1
>Something Something N64 wasn't popular

Every fucking thread. Just leave the planet already, you don't live in the same reality the rest of us did and you never will.

>> No.6718738

>Pretending PS1 had any good platformers
Smelling a lot of cope coming off this post. Spyro and Crash were, at best, novelties at the time. Everyone, and I mean EEEEEVERYONE had an N64 and spent their days playing M64, Goldeneye and F Zero X.

>That one kid who had Duke Nukem/Perfect Dark for peak shooter co-op
>That one kid who had Blast Corps/Quest 64 for the unique spins
>That one kid who had Starcraft 64 and an expansion pak for co-op comp stomping
>That one kid who thought DK64 was relevant

These existed.

>That one kid who thought PS1 was better

This did not.

Of course you'd know this if you were there.

>> No.6718823

PS1 sold like 4x more than N64 in Europe.

>> No.6718841

Ok, buddy. Whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.6718845

The hype paid off. I already had a 3DO and a PS1, when I got the N64, it blew my mind. Super Mario 64 is amazing and so was Pilotwings 64.

>> No.6718854

Spyro was better than Rareware's scotllectathons, but not nearly as good as Super Mario 64.

Crash has always been trash, though.

>> No.6718882
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>Crash has always been trash, though.
based, fuck crash and naughtydrones.

>> No.6718932

I had played multiple 2D games where I had to kind of use my imagination. But Mario 64 felt like it went from 2D to literal 3D. Where the world was vast and open and it tempted you try and explore it.

>> No.6718941

>mario 64

>> No.6719082

My dad bought this for my mom as present for her birthday which I guess he thought was funny so most of my memories of playing this have my parents fighting in the background before the divorce. Metal Mario’s texture absolutely blew my fucking mind my first play through.

>> No.6719098

i remember playing it at sears and thinking to myself that my snes was better.

>> No.6719106

My enjoyment of this game was genuine, BUT it was also my way of seething and coping with my PC not being able to play Quake.

>> No.6719141

You only had to wait a few months to play Quake 64, granted no online play but it was a bunch of headless chickens at that point anyway.

>> No.6719194


unless you're really fucking old like some of us (i'm talking like 28 or older) its almost impossible to explain because it is a product of a completely different world that is almost entirely gone. if you're a zoomer or a late millenial, you have to first imagine a world where the internet doesn't exist, which is hard enough in itself. then you have to imagine making the enormous leap from sprite based 2D gaming to fully 3D landscapes with full range of movement within the span of about a year. most of us who played SM64 when it came out had been playing 2D shit for years. the leap in technology and what that felt like is just hard to describe. a comparison would be if gaming had leapt straight from the ps2 generation to full immersive virtual reality in one generation. it was just incredible. the sense of complete amazement and wonder, and most importantly MYSTERY, is really hard to convey. there was no internet, nobody knew anything. everyone was going in blind. the only things you could know were the things your friends discovered. which is something totally lost from games now. the experience of exploring this fully realized world and uncovering all its secrets with your friends and siblings is an unforgettable experience for everyone who had it and that's why this nostalgiabait is gushed over so much by the older generation. everything came together perfectly, the world, the music, the sound effects, the sense of exploration and adventure, it all just clicked. for the first truly massive 3D platformer title, nintendo knocked it out of the park in every way. they knew they had a royal flush and they played it perfectly. i don't think any gaming release will ever have quite that same "WOW" factor again.

>> No.6719226

thanks, wikipedia

>> No.6719238
File: 2.89 MB, 267x200, 92899cf4e8dc58457e3dc12a7fd5c92ae572a2df_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it felt the same as how it feels to chew 5 gum [guy's bum]

>> No.6719268

This exactly. I'm almost 40 and I was just amazed by the game. Hell, I remember seeing Star Fox for the first time and thought THAT was amazing.

>> No.6719278

I'm literally 28, and I remember still being young and dumb enough to feel like there really was shit going on aboard the Kalamari Desert train coaches, or inside of those ski cabins on the ice mountain in Bomberman 64 (those are two very distinct memories I have).

>> No.6719280

>how did it feel like playing this in 96?
Utter disappointment. Eagerly awaiting another good game to be released, which took about a year.

>> No.6719284

To be real honest, it was understood that it was the best we had /for now/

>> No.6719290
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, SGI Onyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy futuristic. The N64 was like a super computer. And it would have been just a couple years ago.

>> No.6719294

Felt like the future had arrived and it was more amazing than we possibly could have imagined. No exaggeration, but I was also 8 years old and coming straight from the NES.

>> No.6719303

>3rd grade sitting in cafeteria
>friends are discussing the game
>"hey anon how many stars do you have?"
>I feel embarrassed that I only own an SNES and have not played the game yet
>"oh I have 20 stars"

Lmao wtf. Anyway, I did finally get an N64 and I remember thinking that it was one of the best games I had ever played

>> No.6719315

It was a new fresh experience in gaming. It was the future

>> No.6719325

You're a fucking retard man, I never knew a single person who had Quest 64 and yes I knew kids who thought the PS1 was better, tons of them. People console warred then just like in the 16 bit era and in the later years the 64 started to be seen as a kiddy console in comparison to all the edgier shit that was on the PS1.

>> No.6719332

He wasnt saying the N64 was unpopular you fucking idiot, he just said no one around him had one

>> No.6719379

You mean like Quake, Resident Evil 2, and Turok?

Not a single one of those "dozens" of platforms had anything resembling as tight or satisfying controls nor a fraction as high of a skill ceiling. There's a reason why SM64 speedruns collectively have many millions of views on youtube while all the PS1 platformers combined have fuck all. Yeah, the camera wasn't great but nothing has ever matched it for crispness in 3D platforming. Disagree? Tell me what you think is better. I'll wait.

>> No.6719390
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I couldn't figure out what to do or where to go. So it was pretty gay.

>> No.6719392

It was a revelation. I was a genesis kid, so going from that turd to N64 was incredible.

>> No.6719393


It was the greatest gaming experience of my life.

>> No.6719396

Thought it was boring, only played it when some else really wanted to

>> No.6719403

Lmao this dummy couldn't figure out how to play a child's toy laffo

>> No.6719425

There's no shame in lacking enough spatial awareness to play Mario 64.

Just means you're a woman.

>> No.6719483

Can somebody explain what a scotformer is so I can decide whether or not I should help force this meme?

>> No.6719489

Scat + platformer
I'll let your imagination (or google) do the rest

>> No.6719492

It's a forced meme

>> No.6719497

it's a forced meme by the "sega system" guy aka australiakun.

>> No.6719575

a video store in my hometown had the japanese version for rental that summer of 1996. it was $50 a night or some shit and i managed to get it for a weekend after mowing lawns the previous month. 11 year old me stayed up all night for the first time in my entire life. played mario 64 and pilotwings 64 for damn near 48 hours straight. it was fucking incredible.

>> No.6719624
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, qVq4yP9NqeLOAIezWW5s8FwJPXI915u5CEfw140VxW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy. I know there were 3D games before it but none of them actually felt good to control, and Mario feeling good to control in 2D was one of the things that made me obsessed with video games in the first place so seeing movement with the Z axis perfected for once made me cream myself. I literally begged to go to block buster just to play that demo kiosk since it would still be a few more months until christmas.

Of course now I think it was a pretty poor transition into 3D for Mario that has been surpassed many times by both other Mario games and competing platformers even on that generation of hardware, but that first year I was fucking obsessed.

>> No.6719640

It was fun, but I still have more nostalgia for gex enter the gecko and gex 3. Extremely underrated 3d platformers.

>> No.6719642

Should I play the N64 versions of those games or the PS1 versions?

>> No.6719810
File: 3.59 MB, 4000x2250, normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will chain my kid up in a cave and force him to play retro video games projected against a wall in order of console generations to ensure he grows up normally

>> No.6720179

it's a fancy name for hop-n-bops

>> No.6720257

Felt like playing a half baked 3D platformer with shitty controls and even shittier camera

>> No.6720356
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It was pretty cool. My kid asked me for a Nintendo to play Mario and I made him this. He was well chuffed.

>> No.6720361
File: 197 KB, 1242x1294, A50CFAE9-3678-409C-9F6E-772ABCAE3F2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like crushing a kitten with stiletto heels.

>> No.6720382

I was only 7 so I didn't understand the significance of the leap from 2D to 3D at the time

>> No.6720431

This. Fucking christ its kind of sad to see nintendo rely on gimmicks just to stay relevant now days.

>> No.6720474

It was the most impressing thing you could experience in all of videogame history.
Something like the first time you played an online game with real people from the other side of the world.

>> No.6720487

>Ape Escape

>> No.6720543

Besides those 3

>> No.6720705


I got it for Christmas along with my N64 back in 1996 and it blew my fucking mind. I was at that perfect age where I was old enough to appreciate how amazing the game played and looked while also being young enough to love how lighthearted the whole game was. It's by far one of my most nostalgic games.

>> No.6722067

I don't know I was poor and never had the n64 when this was new.

>> No.6722610

I don't wanna linger on this topic but as someone that essentially never had that experience, I would say that Virtual Reality kind of gave me that mind-blown feeling. maybe VR is the zoomer's mind-explosion moment.

>> No.6722621

Based and beautiful

>> No.6722641
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>inhaling th eherbal jew

>> No.6722664
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My autism couldn't figure out the 3D timing and was the beginning of the end of my video game playing

>> No.6723040

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, the Turok sequels, Mortal Kombat games, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Castlevania 64, Doom 64, Duke Nukem 64, Hexen, Mission Impossible, Nightmare Creatures, Shadowgate 64, Shadow Man. The problem with N64 was image: basically all the big games that everyone had (minus Goldeneye) were kid friendly or had kid friendly aesthetics. Proportionally, the library wasn't that kiddy compared to ps1.

>> No.6723350

Pretty sure my first encounter with it was at a mall kiosk. Held the controller on the left and reached my thumb over to the middle very uncomfortably, felt like a dumbass when I saw someone hold it right. Otherwise what everyone else said is accurate.

>> No.6723362

I had a Playstation and Saturn at the time. No desire for N64 after using that abortion of a controller at an N64 kiosk.

>> No.6723381

Lots of people hold it that way out of preference. I've always held it that way.

>> No.6723389

I was 8 at the time so my hands weren't big enough to do it well. It was only for a few minutes anyway.

>> No.6723405

I was 8 too, and now I fit a men's medium glove, so it's not like I have big hands. Maybe I somehow had huge hands for an 8 year old but I doubt it. No idea how people can play with the base of their thumb so damn close to the stick that you can comfortably reach over it. Hell, I just picked up my 64 controller and I can press the A button with my thumb without moving the control stick if I hold it the "right" way.

>> No.6723428

Shit like all Nintendo 64 games.
Worst mainstream controller ever made.

>> No.6723702

kind of meh, desu. didn't blow me away

>> No.6723734

I will never understand how people can struggle with the N64 controller. I would understand it better if the grips were fuck huge like the original Xbox, but even as a small child I could access all the buttons with ease.

>> No.6723802

felt like learning to walk all over again but at the same time way more liberating and free

>> No.6723843

This basically. I was around 15 o 16 years old and I had already seen impressive 3D arcade games like Daytona USA or Virtua Fighter, but the feeling of total freedom in a 3D space was completely unknown at that moment. If even nowadays, controlling Mario in this game still feels so good, you can imagine in 1996/97. Absolutely amazing. As that anon said, Nintendo did almost everything right at their first try.

It helps that it had also one of the best scores Koji Kondo has ever done, with plenty of catchy and memorable songs that still had that old Mario weirdness feeling to them.

>> No.6723994

My dad made me stop playing to calm me down.

>> No.6724131

To be honest I was disappointed, we passed from the Snes with ton of great games to N64 which lack of it.
Also the N64 already felt like not having enough power to make what they want so they drop off a lot of content on every games... Without Rare the console might have barely only few good games.
The few attempts 2D games didn’t worked at all (yoshi story sucked). Games were too expensive, buying a shit game was a pain in the ass.

The only good side was some multiplayer games that made me and my bro played a lot together (best memory are on Diddy Kong Racing) but even with that we knew the N64 was underperforming that’s why Ai was removed when we played 3-4 man players.

Sadly one of my bro passed away 3 weeks ago and you don’t know how it hurts me to think about those moments of pure joy together. Even listening to old game music make me remember those time, it both pain me and soothe me at the same time, it’s weird. I still can’t believe he is gone and I won’t ever share another of those moments with him in my life. I miss him so much.

>> No.6724236

What is a scotformer? A platformer made by Scottish people?

>> No.6724238

No true scotsman does

>> No.6724291

The same

>> No.6724338


>I got it for Christmas along with my N64 back in 1996 and it blew my fucking mind. I was at that perfect age where I was old enough to appreciate how amazing the game played and looked while also being young enough to love how lighthearted the whole game was. It's by far one of my most nostalgic games.

Nah. The problem was development delays and the system launched with fucking Mario, Pilot wings, and a shitty arcade hockey game.

Meanwhile the PSX was hitting its stride with RE, FFVII, MGS, and SotN. Plus it had all the sports games, games were cheaper, and the PSX also functioned as a CD player for music.

>> No.6724352

didnt like it at first because of the joystick and i had a hard time moving mario around but got the hang of it eventually

>> No.6724482

I have no idea what your reply had to do with what that anon said.

>> No.6726775

I second that about seeing sonic the 1st time, that & golden axe at a friend's made me "need a genesis". Mario 64 was incredible in 96, part of why I bought my first console, the n64. Although, I hate the clock tower level, finally got 120 stars a few months ago & that level sucks.

>> No.6726813

I let my nephew play this after playing tons of 3D Mario and he seemed shocked that he could "Just go wherever he wanted", but he said he wanted to stop playing before he even got into the castle because "it made his stomach hurt" ...lying little faggot.

>> No.6726875

He's just been waiting to spout that canned response and he picked a post at random to reply to. You see that kind of thing a lot with crippling autism

>> No.6726889

That's dumb because now there are more open world games than ever before.

>> No.6727094

"scotformer" is short for "mascot platformer", which refers to platformer games with mascots such as Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Croc, etc.

>> No.6727098

Make sure you have a CRT TV setup for the retro consoles for the authentic experience.

>> No.6727105

How does Nintendo rely on gimmicks?

>> No.6727106

idk how it was playing in 96 (assuming revolutionary mindblowing basedboyjizzing etc)

i'd say super mario sunshine has held up better overall than its predecessor

>> No.6727193

Thanks, that really clarifies things. I might start using the term myself but with an apostrophe at the beginning

>> No.6727461

They don't. Nintendo still relies on excellent game design. But yknow, OLD GOOD NEW BAD.

>> No.6727496


played first time in some department store kiosk.
had a hard time doing anything with the analog stick in 3D space and immediately decided it was shit and 3D platforming was stupid.

i admit i was wrong about it being shit.
but i was not wrong about 3D platforming being stupid.

>> No.6727987


i think he's referring to the fact that nintendo straight up refuses to make a run-of-the-mill console a la xbox one or ps4 and uses "gimmicks" (motion control, portability etc) instead to differentiate themselves from the pack. its a solid strategy to be sure, and one that's kept them competitive, but there was a time when nintendo was the leader of the pack in terms of standard consoles and didn't need gimmicks to be relevant

>> No.6728065

Wii = motion controls
Wii U = game pad
Switch = home console/portable hybrid
And the power of these consoles pale in comparison to their competition. And almost every mainline Nintendo game has to have some sort of gimmick now with them feeling unnecessary most of the time. Heck, they won't even make a new F-Zero game because they can't think of a gimmick to shoe horn into a racing game.

>> No.6729275

This and waverace 64 were the first 3d games I or any other kid in my neightborhood had ever played. N64s were sold out in the usa so my mom bought me a canadian one.
Shit absolutely blew our fucking minds

>> No.6729297

>sold out in the us so my mom bought me a canadian one
based mom. hope you tell her you love her everyday.

>> No.6730179

I played it in the early 2000s as a kid, really fun more fun than it is now for me

>> No.6730187


Blew me away but I was a ps1 guy with tomb raider and tekken 2 at that time.

Never finished Mario 64. It's still on my to do list.

>> No.6731914

you have to understand how starved we were for video game previews. At least in the UK, you had to wait for one shitty media program that went out on a Saturday afternoon. I saw one 30 second PR clip of Mario jumping around looking like Terminator 2, and then ran out and bought the last N64 in the store for 250 squids, display model.

Where I lived, you had to ride a bus for an hour to get to a city that had a demo N64 running.

Check out N64 magazine, successor to Super Play, top tier UK games mag -
