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/vr/ - Retro Games

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671217 No.671217 [Reply] [Original]

Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie make Super Mario 64 look like rubbish.

>> No.671251

Okay, the Rare Platformers are good, but they are not better than Super Mario 64 in any way shape or form. Your'e just trying to start something.

>> No.671308

Simon's Quest is the best NES Castlevania.

I know it's not true, but it's my favorite one.

>> No.671316

Lets not

>> No.671317

Kazooie and Tooie stood up to the test of time much better than 64. Mario feels clunky.

Despite being a die-hard Zelda fan, I can't finish Zelda II

>> No.671323

I never like the N64 Rare platfomers because they felt like they focused more on the collect a thon aspects than actual good platforming.

>> No.671348

While I absolutely adore Goemon games on N64, they absolutely pale in comparison to Brave Fencer Musashi on PS1 in nearly every single aspect.

>> No.671340

Shield energy low...

>> No.671353

I am a special snowflake. Everybody give me attention for my younique opinions.


>> No.671363

I think Ocarina of Time is still better than Majora's Mask.

Seriously, that's an unpopular opinion now.

>> No.671375

Planescape: Doorbent is a great game, but I will probably never touch it again because it takes time to read and get into. Time that I don't have.

>> No.671381

Fallout 1 is awesome and I can complete it in less than 2 hours but I dislike playing Fallout 2 because it's too long.

>> No.671391

>Seriously, that's an unpopular opinion now.

enforced by stupid hipsterfags that also frequent /vr/ who all spout "m-muh DARK and EDGY zelda gaem"

>> No.671405

could we start banfiltering "muh"? it's killing any kind of intelligent discourse here

>> No.671414

oh and let's add "hipster" to that too

there's certainly arguments to be made for the relative merits of one game over another, but saying "people who disagree with me are retard fags and they sound like this durrr hurrr muh fuh bloo doo doo" is not one of them.

>> No.671416
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I think LTTP is better than both.

>> No.671438

NES and SMS bore the shit out of me

>> No.671450

I like Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R

>> No.671452

I will never understand why people rate LTTP so high. The dungeon design in that game is just awful.

Not to say that OOT and MM don't have their flaws, but I think they're both more engaging and a bit more clever in their design.

>> No.671456

I find absolutely zero appeal in the Master System, Amiga, Atari, Commodore, and whatever the hell other systems there are.

>> No.671458

So far this has been the only unpopular opinion in this entire thread

>> No.671460


Whats 'dark and edgy' got to do with it?

Personally I prefer the game because of how much there is to do, and the sense of a vibrant living world where almost every character has their own life.

>> No.671498

Why the fuck does nobody on 4chan understand the difference between an opinion and a fact?

>> No.671489

Yup. The only people who think Banjo Kazooie is better than Mario 64 probably had parents who didn't love them and bought them Banjo Kazooie during a closeout sale.

>> No.671531

Megaman 5 is best Megaman

>> No.671551

Why did you link yourself to /v/?

>> No.671656
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Never said this, but Donkey Kong Jungle beat may be my favorite platformer of all time

>> No.671692

Ive been dying to play conker. I finally did and I hate it.

The Movies go on too long and the camera is shit.

>> No.671693

Not retro

>> No.671697

I finished Gobliins 2 in "English", I was 8 and knew no languages.
>shit, I dont'know English but I'm gonna finish this game
One day I realized it was French.

>> No.671702

Night Warriors > Vampire Savior

>> No.671727
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This is the order of the best Zelda games, IMO:

LttP > MM > Oracles > OoT > Zelda 2 > LA > WW

And the Zelda timeline is fucking stupid. It's just bullshit Nintendo conjured up after the fact to try to link together the games that were never meant to have direct connections to each other.

>> No.671746


Nintendo always used to explicitly state there was no connected timeline, when did this change? The Wii game?

>> No.671768

Fanboys. I blame them for the timeline. And for Ganon just being Satan's hissyfit, even if they're not responsible.

>> No.671781

>your face when fan pandering is the reason Ganon will never use a trident ever again

>> No.671786

I thought they said they had a rough timeline document ever since after Wind Waker or something. But yeah, the timeline has always been more (certain types of) fans' thing than Nintendo's thing.

Though since, apart from some games using another as background, like WW-PH, it really doesn't matter, it doesn't bother me either way.

>> No.671835

The timeline was released in a japan only zelda book to (IIRC) coincide with the release of skyward sword. I don't remember when or where but they have since admitted that there is no way to make the timeline make perfect sense and it was really just made for the fun of it.

>> No.671839

Now THIS is an unpopular opinion.

>> No.671848

Yeah, hyrule hystoria. It's in North America now.

>> No.671875

What? Why would you even compare them when one of the N64 Goemon games is a fast paced 2.5D action platformer?

>> No.671880
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I feel like you guys are attributing way too much to the creation of Hyrule Historia. It was something they did for the anniversary, it's slap dash and silly and the timeline is an utter mess, but they preface it with "These stories are old and change with the retelling..."

It's just something neat to have and to read, it doesn't suddenly tie all this shit together FOR REAL.

>MFW years from now fucking children will think that they had this storyline planned out since the 80's and it's some sort of epic masterwork.

>> No.671894


Man, I have never found a copy of the 2.5D one, did it get an English release at all?

>> No.671903


I play right up until the end of games and then never finish them...

I don't want them to end...

>> No.671925

because Musashi had very similar elements like running away from rocks or cylinders or logs rolling down behind you.

just bugs me how you can't see the correlation.

>> No.671927


I do this, but usually with JRPGs, I'll get to the final boss and just never finish it.

>> No.671934

oh and also: Goemon's Great Adventure is NOT 2.5D. it's entirely 3D.

>> No.671946

Agreed op. Mario 64 is great, but outdated. Banjo stands tall to this day.

>> No.671950

Sonic Adventure 2 is fucking shit.

>> No.671951
File: 1.03 MB, 1527x2085, the legend of zelda timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything except for the third timeline (OoT Link somehow fails) makes perfect sense, why do people shit themselves in rage over this?

>> No.671967

>the era

>given links age these games are literally a year or two apart

>> No.671969

I do something similar. There's quite a few games where I'll play up to the end, stop for a long time, then finally finish them.

I did this with Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, all three Metroid Prime games, and Phoenix Wright 3

>> No.671972

meant the wind waker + games sorry

>> No.671973

Zelda has been going downhill as a series since after The Adventure of Link (Link's Awakening is the only one I really like).

Polygonal graphics are ugly compared to sprite art.

>> No.671984

>two alternate timelines created by time travel fuckery, makes sense

>one timeline isnt even canon and is just a massive hypothetical scenario

>this timeline includes some of the best zelda games

and you wonder why people are mad?

>> No.671992

>the last hero


>> No.672016

IIRC Link stops Ganon from ever reincarnating in Zelda 2, which in turn stops himself and Zelda from doing the same and theres peace forever or some shit

>> No.672012

Agreed. There's nothing I was particularly surprised at (except LA not following directly from ALttP, but it works either way).
The third timeline was understanding considering the situation (two games, which were themselves mutually contradictory, were both made as direct sequels to a game that was itself a prequel to the series so far), and is as good an outcome as any considering what they other guy said, it was just a neat thing to write and be read, not something they took massively seriously.

polite sage cause this is getting a bit too off-topic

>> No.672029

Are there any other games that have characters that feel as if they actually have their own lives?

>> No.672046

The entire Earthbound series is shit. They have a horrible storyline, poor gameplay mechanics, and pathetic attempt at humor (lol Onett, Twoson, Threed, and Fourside! So randum XD.)

>> No.672110

I love how the left timeline is just

>Ganon is revived.
>Ganon is revived.
>Ganon is revived.
>Ganon's revival prevented.

>> No.672119

>confusing simple lighthearted charming things for LOL SO WACKY

nothing in EB is supposed to be oh so wacky, it deals in mild surrealism and quirkiness. You take things far too seriously.

>> No.672190
File: 81 KB, 591x608, u wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically you can't understand an entire genre.
I bet you think of Monty Python in a similar light, don't you?

>> No.672207

Since when are sequential numbers random? What the fuck is even...

>> No.672281

Master of Orion 2 is, at best, a decent game, it's hardly brilliant.

The traits are ridiculously unbalanced. Ever see a serious multiplayer game where someone takes anything but Unification, +50 to attack, Subterranean, Cybernetic, and pluses to population growth, industry, and maybe science.

The combat system is also tremendously flawed, especially once you get into the midgame when missiles lose their power relative to beams. One side or the other moves all their ships, and then the second side gets to respond (Its worse i you're playing the computer, the human ALWAYS goes first). This gives you an ability to destroy enemy ships before they get a chance to respond, given that any ship can shoot at any other ship.

The Antarans, the big scary menace of the game, are really more of a source of nice tech early, than they are a legitimate threat.

Oh, and the tech tree doesn't foster a varied approach to research. Do you know anyone who doesn't go hydroponic farm, race to automated factory, basic chemistry and fission, scout around, soil enrichment, research lab, spam colony ships after they get the basic infrastructure on their home world, and then race towards a big computer and plasma cannons.

>> No.672295

I agree. Mario is good, but the Banjo Kazooie series creates a charm that not many other games have.

>> No.672303

Zelda: a link to the past is a boring piece of shit

>> No.672315

Lufia 2 is better than Chrono Trigger

>> No.672548

I thought SNES and Genesis were shitty consoles with boring games when I first layed my eyes on them. Still think so, with a few exceptions of games.

I feel sorry for PS1 fans for not being able to experience Nintendo games on the N64, I'm trying emulating some of the "gems" and they all pale in comparison.

The gameplay in all Rare games is actually really mediocre. Music and graphics blind the nostalgiafags too much.

>> No.672573

The board seems to be split in two when it comes to those two. I can see why, they are both awesome and they focus on different things.

>> No.672585

yeah I feel bad even saying one is better than the other because they're kinda apples to oranges

Ocarina of Time is just a really solid game and a good "zelda" game, while Majora's Mask I appreciate so much for really experimenting and trying new things

>> No.672591

That book added a third timeline in which Link fails in OoT, which is pretty stupid. They should have just claimed there is no order and left it at that.

>> No.672592

Genisis has better music than the Super.
Statfags are in denial.

>> No.672605

>Japan only
>Hyrule Historia
>not owning Hyrule Historia in english
>Not owning the limited run leatherbound edition
>not walking upstairs at midnight when everyone is asleep and gently running your fingers along its cover and whispering sweet nothings to it

>> No.672621

Banjo Kazooie games are garbage.

>> No.672632
File: 137 KB, 546x438, 1349636441582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghosts 'n' Goblins is a shitty series that people only like because its "omg so retro and hard" when its really just piss poor controls.

inb4 hurr durr casual. Ninja Gaiden is a game thats hard but has good controls so if you fuck up then its all you.

>> No.672653

Wow. This is so dumb I can't even

>> No.672650

I like Mother 1 more than Earthbound

>> No.672659

The controls arent bad in the NES ones. SGnG has wonky jumps but thats it.

>> No.672676

So do you think the NES Castlevanias are also bad with terrible controls.

>> No.672702

Are you serious? OoT and MM was the beginning of Tomb Raider dungeon design in Zelda

>> No.672732

What does "Toomb Raider dungeon desin" mean?

I don't really like LttP's dungeons because they all look the same and have the same music.

>> No.672738

Yeah, trying to put together every game is a waste of effort. There are direct sequels (2, MM, ST) and games that do actually allude to previous ones (TP, WW), but trying to pretend that there was some great thought into tying together games like Four Swords and the Oracles is silly.

>> No.672750

Super Mario 64 is great because of its mechanical depth and little else. Banjo Kazooie can't even compare to how intricately designed the levels are to support (even accidentally) the rich navigation mechanics in Mario 64.

>> No.672759

As a console, the NES is a piece of shit

>> No.672762

Mass Effect is one of the best game series of the past 13 years.

The ending to Mass Effect 3 was disappointing, for sure, but if you look at the entire game as the ending and not just the last 15 minutes, it still boils down to an amazing experience.

>> No.672772

Mario 64 levels are better for traversing, Banjo-Kazooie levels are better for exploring.

>> No.672781

I get that the groundhog day thing was basically what made Majoras's Mask, but holy fuck doing some of that shit over and over was tedious. Especially having to watch those stupid cutscenes with the moon tear/business scrubs over and over again and having to reunite Anju and Kafei TWICE for 100% completion.

>> No.672774

Why are you bringing up modern games?

>> No.672779

I agree. There's a lot more to see in banjo. Marios levels feel really primitively designed and uncanny whereas banjo found out how to pull off a proper aesthetic feel in a 3d game this way it's not just scattered blocks and shapes to traverse.

>> No.672785

Sonic CD is not the best in the series. Sonic and Knuckles is.

>> No.672787

this fag knows

>> No.672801

i forgot where i was

>> No.672798

Lufia II was translated in a lot of languages in its official releases. Chrono Trigger wasn't even out in Europe, thus Lufia II is more important

>> No.672802

>Sonic CD is not the best in the series.
That shouldn't be an admission. I appreciate that it tried to experiment, but the execution of all of them turned out for the worse.

>> No.672803


Because every time someone explains why they prefer Majora's Mask over Ocarina of Time, they always say the same thing.

>"It's a darker story, man."
>"Oh, it's about the side quests."
>"The music is just so dark and great."

It's the same thing with people discussing Earthbound.

>"It's very quirky!"

>> No.672805


>> No.672810

Book porn is the best

>> No.672813

Gargoyle's Quest and Demon's Crest are the only good things to come out them

>> No.672818

The North American version of the SNES console is not as ugly as people make it out to be.

>> No.672821

Yes, once for the postman's hat and another for the bottle depending on who you give the priority mail to. Considering the quest takes up all 3 days and involes a lot of standing around waiting for things to happen, it's bullshit padding.

>> No.672829

You're exaggerating a lot. You rarely, if ever have to do things over again, and if you do they help you cheat somehow. Also, you don't have to reunite Anju and Kafei twice, you can stop halfway. I thought that sidequest was intense and fun and was really amazing to see since you hear about them constantly early on and finally get to see the infamous Kafei and complete the quest by mid to late game.

>> No.672830

It's more that people in general have agreed that it's the best game, when it clearly isn't.

>> No.672840

oh shit. i haven't 100% that game in... 12 or 13 years... didn't remember that.

>> No.672841

I think the problem is people like these games, and can tell they're good, but can't really explain why. I'm trying my best to rationalize it. And I think I've nailed Earthbound in that it's a wonderfully themed game. At least, that's the aspect I adore about it. I find that the way it portrays its themes of love, friendship and family to be really rich. It does a good job of it and the cave of the past really nails the total opposite of everything else up to that point. It's the antithesis of every other area, which either has a semblance of one of those themes represented in one way or another, aesthetically or through the game play. You can always return those elements that are lost on Giygas' influence to the afflicted locales and people once Giygas is gone from there.

The Cave of the Past, not so much. It's purely hostile. There's no semblance of love, care, anything. It's ugly, it's unfriendly, cold and distant, and everything about its design represents it. It's marvelous in that regard. Earthbound is legitimately a well built game, just not mechanically. It's a ridiculously plain RPG, but you shouldn't play it for that reason. If anything it's a great lesson on how to properly incorporate story centric themes in your game and define player agency.

Majora's Mask I'll get into some other day.

Also, here's a trufax @ 11'o'clock:



>> No.672847

Night of the final day is not "halfway." the only thing you don't actually have to do twice is the thief's hideout.

>> No.672849

So the 3D games where the beginning of 3D dungeons in the series?

>> No.672852

Implying that those are the only reasons, and those reasons aren't good enough to enjoy something.

>why do you like Stephen King novels more than Adventures of Tom Sawyer
>because they're dark and have intricate side stories
>you faggot, Tom Sawyer is a literary classic

>> No.672858

Also the frogs were a pain in the ass too, mostly because of the ones that were mini bosses halfway through dungeons you have to kill again.

>> No.672862

>tfw waitig for kafei on the final day and don't position myself perfectly behind the rock and kafei runs away and I have to do everything over again

that shit happened to me last time I played the game about two years ago and pissed me off to no end.

>> No.672867

I agree with the Kafei part (even though it is an amazing sidequest) but otherwise, you dont have to repeat things much in MM, and the ones you did have to repeat didnt take too long. Getting the moon tear 3 times didnt take that much time.

>> No.672878

i'm not saying you're right or wrong. i'm not a huge zelda buff. But after playing OoT and MM for years, I decided to run through ALttP recently. It's really interesting how many aspects of ALttP's 2D world transferred over into OoT. It's been an interesting experience.

>> No.672880

Fine. One quest

Sorry the gameplay is not pristine enough for you

>> No.673006


That's a shit example. Those are pretty much the only reasons people list their reasons for MM being better than OOT

>> No.673419

I beat MM recentlyish and the single action I repeated above all others was shooting down that stupid bird for rupees.

>> No.673472
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Although I love Sega Genesis, I believe it is a completely inferior system to Super Nintendo. I really don't see why people have a problem admitting they got the shittier system as a kid.

>> No.673493

That feel when people discuss about Battletanx but never talk about Global Assault. Wish 3DO was still alive, the amazing games they could've made..

>> No.673498


Yeah, Shenmue

>> No.673515


I guess it's because link failing throws everything completely off balance for the gods.

>> No.674774

i dont know which is better
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood or Castlevania Chronicles

>> No.674824
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Zelda I bores me.

>> No.674835

Elite is overrated.

>> No.674919

No, you just can't accept the fact that people enjoy a game that you think is inferior so you start using derogatory bullshit like "muh *blank*", because you can't think of a legitimate retort. You'd rather argue than have a nice, fleshed-out discussion.

>> No.674943

>had both systems as a kid

>> No.675543

Isn't that sort of a given? I mean, Mario 64 was a launch title for the N64, so it makes sense that it doesn't look as good as a game released two years later.

>> No.675550

Never beat FFVII

>> No.675561

I love Nintedno, but Nintendo "fans" are as insane as ponyfags and Sonic cyclists.

>> No.675565

I've never been able to play more than five minutes of Banjo Kazooie at a time. I'm willing to accept that I should've probably played it during my childhood, as I might could've enjoyed it more, but from the few bits of the XBLA port I've played, the game is a total sleeper.

>> No.675574

I would disagree, and state that it is a game to game thing
Koei's Operation Europe, for example, sounds far better on the SNES, in my opinion.

>> No.675692

Any examples? The worst I've ever come across is some incredibly bitter people hating on one Nintendo franchise because it gets more attention than their favorite franchise. Like, someone getting extremely upset at "yet another Mario game" (it was Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon they were referring to) but no new Star Fox.

>> No.675705


The Metroid thread yesterday was a good example

>> No.675719

>Any examples?

>> No.675742

What? The one in which the OP started off his thread by criticizing Super Metroid's design? That's just a bad idea in general.

>> No.675762

I can only play banjo with a group of friends, where we pass off controllers every jiggie or 2 and shoot the shit while playing. I couldn't possibly sit alone and play an extended amount either.

>> No.675769

I'll concede to that. Isn't it partially their fault that Earthbound's price is so inflated?

>> No.675779
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That's all.

>> No.675784


fuck you heretic. MOO2 is the greatest 4x game ever made.

>> No.675791

The first 2 Sonic games aren't that fun. Barely fun at all. And Sonic isn't even that fast.

>> No.675815

I love Survival Arts.

Yeah, I know it's considered terribad........but fuck y'all it's a guilty pleasure of mine.

>> No.675824

I'm not impressed.

>> No.675826


Here, with only 6 words I made this just for you

I present Nintendo fanboys

>> No.675838

I just dont like American games.

>> No.675841

That and nostalgia

>> No.675864

Megaman was and still is the most bland classic platforming franchise and I don't understand why it is so widely praised.

>> No.675890

Goemons great adventure... So many good memories

>> No.676091

I suck at games.

I play retro vidya all the time, but I have difficulty beating even what are considered easy games, and it usually takes me much longer to beat a game than the average person.

>> No.676109


Games were just as hard back in the day too. You just gotta keep at it and learn more and more about them and then eventually you're able to conquer the game in one sitting and not get hit ONCE.

It's amazing what sitting down and running through Earthworm Jim and Contra can do years later.

>> No.676132

So when I was younger I owned both Mega Man Legends (PS1 version, not 64) and Ocarina of Time. Not sure how we ended up having both consoles, but we did. Enjoyed the hell out of both.

Years later, I think that Legends aged better between the two of them.

>> No.676138

Oh, games I grew up with I have no trouble beating. I can go through Mega Man X in a 1-life X Buster run with ease.

But, games that I don't have childhood experience with get to me. It took me a week to beat the original Mega Man and I had to use the Select glitch to beat Yellow Devil.

I know you're supposed to get better the more you play, but I've been playing vida nonstop since I was 4 or 5, and I'm still not good at it.

Of course I'm not going to just stop playing vidya, despite my incompetency I love it enough to go on 4chan about it, but it does discourage me when I see someone talking about a game I had trouble with and they say "oh babby game, I beat this without dying my first time playing." Like the Water Temple, though I imagine at this point I'll be called a troll.

>> No.676158

as I got older, I started sucking at games because I have no time for them anymore and I value games that are easy to get into.

I don't care about watching a long ass intro like in DS3. just let me go on my damn adventure already even if I will suck ass at it.

>> No.676161
File: 162 KB, 502x496, god fucking damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate. I'm not very good at a lot of games, but I still play them for fun.

My confession is that I stop playing games as soon as they're no longer fun for me. I've probably only finished 5-10% of the games I've ever started.

>> No.676217

The PCfags muscling in by spouting falsehoods such as Nintendo not having FPS games before Metroid Prime are more annoying.

>> No.677075

I thought Half-life and Black Mesa was boring.

>> No.677087

Operation Europe sounds pretty crummy on both the SNES and Genesis when you compare them to the DOS or PC-98 versions. A few of the songs from that soundtrack are also completely inappropriate for the setting, though it makes up for it with a few really good tunes like the Battle for the Bulge and Battle of Berlin themes.

>> No.677137
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>> No.677163

Super Mario 2 US is the best Mario game, despite technically not being a "real" Mario game
I think the first Castlevania game sucks

>> No.677173

>straw man
also gamecube actually does fall out of the boards definition of retro

>> No.677181

Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, and Super Mario 64 all make excellent cases for why 3D platformers are shit.

>> No.677193

Why do you say that?

>> No.677201

Shitty controls, shitty cameras, and collectathon bullshit.

>> No.677203

Jagged Alliance 2 is the best RPG, and the ONLY reason people don't count it as an RPG is because it makes combat in other RPGs look like shallow broken crap and fucking embarassing for not even trying.

Honestly, I don't know why they even still make turn-based games as if ja2 never existed.

>> No.677225


banjo tooie I might grant you on the collectathon issue but Super Mario 64?

>> No.677229

>by criticizing Super Metroid's design? That's just a bad idea in general.

Continuing to perpetuate the idea that Super Metroid does not have flaws prevents open and honest discourse about the game, the series, and video games in general.

>> No.677232


>> No.677240

>shitty cameras
This, fucking this.

>shitty controls
I've never really experienced anything wrong with controls...

>collectathon bullshit
Banjo Tooie is kind of like that, but I don't really see why that's necessarily a bad thing. Some collectathon games are boring and tedious, but I think that the Banjo series made the collectathon thing work.

>> No.677903

>lol so randum

Do you even know what "random" means anon? Or are you just completely retarded?

>> No.678750

There was a leatherbound version?!

>> No.678856

>Mario feels clunky.
What the what? What the what the what the what the what?

Are you freaking kidding? Mario has nearly unmatched freedom of movement. Even the Galaxy games don't have as much flexibility.

>> No.678883

I did not like Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.678901

I agree, except Mario 64 only had a shitty camera out of those things you listed. And it's adjustable anyway.

>> No.678910

I was just saying that it's a game where saying it's anything less than perfection is akin to going into a yard full of vicious dogs with sausage links wrapped around you. It's just not a good idea unless you enjoy being torn into by single-minded fanboys that cannot and will not be argued with.

>> No.679450

Just completed DQ4 on DS and just finished the first part of DQ5 last night and I think the most of the orchestrated music, aside from a few boss fights, is pure awful. I've never figured in my life that I'd be so hateful of a goddamn tuba.

>> No.679791
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I think sandbox games are shit
If you play GTA I´ll consider you a nigger

>> No.680397

>Ganon is ressurected
>Ganon is resurrected
>Ganon is resurrected

How can anyone take this games seriously?

>> No.680481

I hate the Donkey Kong games.
I hate every Megaman game I know.
I hate Castlevania series, except for III.
Probably, my favourite Zelda game is Minish Cap [I also love LttP, but that's not an unpopular opinion and I also loved Wind Waker, but most of the other Zelda games were horrible [and I know Wind Waker isn't retro, but still, I think ALL the other games sucked.]]
Zelda 2 sucked too, but at least they tried something new and interesting.
I hate every Elder Scroll game [western RPGs suck in general]
The only great games where JRPGs.

>> No.680486

>I hate

My sides

>> No.680491


because no one (I hope) plays them for the story, we just enjoy the basic puzzles/adventure'an and the nostaliga

>> No.680528


Battletanx was one of the first games I played that properly depicted an anarchic, lawless United States. It had a setting unlike anything else I had experienced at my age; seems like someone could write a book or make a movie about the plot and factions:

-Virus that decimates female humans exclusively
-Survivors of a nuclear conflict banding together
-Extremely well drawn factions, like the religious Illuminati style cultists in California, the remnants of the military which went rogue during the war, and the mutants living in New York city's ruined shell.
-Females as demigod
-Combat reverts to small group skirmishes with improvised means and gadgets

Seriously, would make a great game series if properly expanded upon.

>> No.680542

I bought a new gaming PC about 6 months ago and since then the only games I've put any real time into has been Warlords 3: Darklords Rising, Doom 1&2 and Cataclysm.

>> No.680546

Didn't mean to link that post i just didn't want to scroll up

>> No.680549
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Nice tastes there, bud.

>> No.680551

While Zelda was amazing to me as a child, I wish I had never replayed them for nostalgia. Now I don't particularly care for the series as a whole. I've never played LttP or Link's Awakening, however, just because the other games haven't matched my already low expectations (should I?).

I also think Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are both extremely mediocre series, except for FF9 and DQ9, both of which didn't take themselves so seriously as the rest of their series.

I fucking love scanline filters.

>> No.680560


I've been playing Ocarina of Time and I'm consistently annoyed by the fact they use one button for fucking everything.

So many times I have wanted to throw/drop a bomb and Link does the opposite because despite the fact we're using an N64 pad with fifty million fucking buttons, you have to use one context-sensitive one for every fucking action.

>> No.680564

SFII sucks but everyone gives it a free pass because it was the father of all fighting games.

>> No.680601

FF9 is best FF

>> No.680618

I still think LttP is one of the worst in the series. It's so boring. I don't feel compelled to ever finish it.

>> No.680626

Link's Awakening and Wind Waker are two of the best games in the series.

>> No.680630

Marathon is seriously one of the worst games I've ever played - Doom outdoes it in actually being FUN.

Sonic CD is the best original Sonic game. Sonic 2 is the worst.

>> No.680640

It doesn't have to be the best one to be your favorite.
Shit out of the classic ones, it's my favorite as well, and I know it had major faults and wasn't as good because of them.

While not retro, I like the stalker series, but I'd be a lying fucking whore if I said they weren't poorly done, buggy piles of shit. They could be done far better and far cleaner, but I like what they're trying to do. That's kind of how it goes for simons quest. I like what it's trying to do and I prefer the metroidvanias over the classic ones, though they could be more challenging and less grindy.

>> No.680648

>Marathon is seriously one of the worst games I've ever played - Doom outdoes it in actually being FUN.
Only mac addicts think otherwise.

I like sonic 1 on the master system probably more than the genesis ones because it feels good.

>> No.680659

OoT is themost overrated game.
Megaman fanbase is cringeworthy
64 was a scam of a console
FFVII has horrible story but the battle system is one of the best on the franchise

>> No.680660

My favorite Mario and Zelda games are Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and Skyward Sword respectively.

>> No.680661

I don't think it outright sucks, but it's one of my least favorite classic fighters, mostly because of its slowness.

>> No.680662

it doesn't suck per se, but yes, it's the worst on the franchise.

>> No.680674

What other classic fighters are you playing that are faster? I'm also assuming by faster I mean for playing not for inputting super combos that take five hours to complete.

>> No.680682

>implying fez is retro

>> No.680684

KOF 94,95 were fast man.

>> No.680685


>> No.680692


retro: "Imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past."

so yeah.

>> No.680703

So, nothing really.

>> No.680704

Mortal Kombat, Samurai Showdown, Kaiser Knuckle, Power Instinct, KoF, Darkstalkers, Time Killers, etc., etc.. I prefer them all to the original SFII.

>> No.680714

Me too but unlike >>680685 I don't find the vocals in Sonic R to be at all catchy, cute, funny or endearing in any capacity.

>> No.680724


>> No.680735

But that's why they're so good.

>> No.680761

>collect a thon
>better than any Mario game

HAH holy shit your pleb taste is showing

>> No.680769

The entire point of Mario games you mean?

I guess they should just have to run in a straight line in every stage and end the level...

>> No.680773

People that say this system is better than this system or this popular series that everyone likes is better than than popular series everyone likes are some of the worst gamers and people out there.

>> No.680805

BK, BT, and SM64 are all rubbish.

I will never understand why children think that bad 3d games with horrible controls and a shit camera are good.

>> No.680801

This guy

>> No.680840

You prefer Mortal Kombat to street fighter? really? Clunky Kombat is more like it.
Time Killers is the same. At least KoF wasn't clunky even if a lot of them were combo fests.

>> No.680861



Youre aware this isnt 1999 anymore?

>> No.680870

Guess I don't mind clunky clunkiness.

>> No.680886

Um Jammer Lammy >>>>>>>>>>> Parappa The Rapper

>> No.680896
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>meet a guy online in a game programming marathon
>talk about Clinton-era games and code a rudimentary platformer engine
>he was born in 1999

>> No.680909
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This game is shit, plain and simple.

Oh, let's all get the warp whistle and warp to "big world"! Too bad big world isn't fucking fun, like the rest of this game. The entire thing is designed to anger and frustrate you. Oh, you get Kuribo's shoe on one fucking level! Wow, pardon me while I make the universal motion for a handjob. Kuribo's shoe fucking sucked. What did it do, exactly? It let you JUMP ON THINGS, something you were able to do the entire fucking game. Oh, also you looked gay.

There are some interesting power-ups in the game, such as Tanookie Mario, Hammer Mario, and Frog Mario. But guess what? You can get them on like 2 levels total, and if you fuck up and get hit ONCE, you lose them, FOREVER. Wow, that's fun! I love games that demand I play perfectly or have no fun, because I'm a fucking jap who strives for absolute perfection in gaming otherwise I kill myself.

Mario 3 may have been interesting or fun at one time, but the game is a worthless piece of shit in today's day and age. It's horribly flawed and full of punch-in-the-dick moments, much more so than it has moments that are just fun to play.

>> No.680927

>Mario is Italian
>This post is copy pasta
I c wat u did there

>> No.680930

I get a headache whenever one of them defends Sonic Adventure 2

>> No.680939


I think SMB3 is one of the most overrated game ever, but a piece of shit? Really? What is it with you people? Everything is either awesome of complete shit.

Still, 1 > 2 > 3.

>> No.680943

Links Awakening is best retro Zelda

Link to the Past was a boring dungeon crawler with no charme

>> No.680950


LttP had charm coming out the wazoo. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.680982

The were pioneers. All 3D games of the era had shit cameras because it was new. Also didn't help that N64 has only one joystick so camera control was almost non-existent. For what they had to work with, the cameras just kinda had to be shit

>> No.681010

That's not VI

>> No.681035

Holy shit buddy, calm down

>> No.681053
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The zelda series is terrible and I'd prefer games such as phantasy star, shin megami tensei, or dragon quest over it.

>> No.681147

I enjoy most games because I don't go out of my way to find flaws and completely overreact to them.

I also don't judge games using other games, even if they are from the same series.
Game 2 in a series is completely different from Game 1? That's not a flaw. If every sequel were identical to its predecessor, the gaming industry would have suffered form massive stagnation and crashed by now.

>> No.681169

I love LoZ, but I hate 1 and 2, couldnt play for more than 15 minutes without falling asleep.

>> No.681202

The N64 was a complete and utter failure, but despite that,it had a good number of third party games. Shame that most of the games were Mario 64 styled collectathons, Racing games, or First Person shooters to compensate for the extreme lack of memory.

Hell, collectathons are a stupid idea for a genre to begin with. I can make an NES game that's not even 16k and make it so that it has 5 rooms, each room can only be accessed by collecting everything inside them, collecting the powerup, go to the next room, collect that powerup to go back to room 1, etc. Basically jump from room to room until you get the key to unlock the final battle. Then, you use your semi-automatic weapon that shoots something wacky and random that a gun wouldn't shoot, like marbles, and shoot the final boss to death as soon as he stops attacking and deliberately opens his mouth, which isn't even an attack.

There, I just made an NES version of Rare's N64 games.

>> No.681207

Now THAT'S an unpopular opinion.

>> No.681432

/earthbound/ was okay for a couple weeks but now it's just /v/2. feels great to get that off my chest! thanks for making this wonderful thread, OP. you're a real credit to this community.

>> No.681520

>I fucking love scanline filters.
I think good scanline filters look very nice and are probably the next best thing to playing on a CRT, but there are so many weird, lazy, or just plain shitty ones out there.

>> No.681652

Ikaruga is a puzzle game disguised as a shooter (and not a very good one)

>> No.681705

How those Links and Zeldas works? Are they not really the same characters, like Ryu and Nina in BoF series?

>> No.681728


Seconded. So annoying to see this game praised by the same reviewers who would usually dismiss the entire genre. For some reason they chose to ignore all the "flaws" they would usually complain about (too hard, too short) with this game.

>> No.681781

I like the ones in snes9x, the bargg's NTSC RGB filter to be specific.

Nestopia's is a little worse but still better than staring at normal graphics

>> No.681940


>Shame that most of the games were Mario 64 styled collectathons, Racing games, or First Person shooters
>Shame that most of the games were Racing games, or First Person shooters
>Shame that most of the games were Racing games.

Those are fighting words round here son, N64 had a fucking great racing game library.

>"But Carmageddon 64"
That's a demolition derby

>> No.682016

Quake 2's mutliplayer is better than Quake 3.

>> No.682019

Daikatana isn't even close to be one of the worst games of all time, it was just a gigantic flop.

>> No.685105

Sin and Punishment is just okay.

Mischief Makers isn't as amazing as people say it is. Too many tutorials, even later in the game, and too much filler. The highlight of the game was its boss fights and a bulk of the levels just weren't as fun.

>> No.685179

I like Majora's Mask because I like the dungeons. All of them
The whole Mask system is fucking neat
The story is deep, not jsut dark or sanything, the are doubel that could be seen in everything
I like the minigames
I like the world progression
I like that everything is in 3d and doesnt have prerendered backrounds like in OOT
I like that you CAN do things over without having to start a new game if you dont want to

TL:DR, there far more reason why people like MM than just those three reasons

>> No.685193

I don't enjoy playing Zelda II

I mean the game's mechanics are great, but the fact that the most challenging game in the series puts you right at the fucking start of the map whenever you get game over makes trudging through the game a complete chore

>> No.685197


>> No.685212

I felt that way about every N64 platformer. And I think Nintendo keeps doing it with games like Mario or Zelda in this day and age. Not focusing the complete game of that, but collecting shit still has a strong role in their games.

>> No.685217

Despite having loved them to no end at some point, I can't enjoy the Earthworm Jim and Neverhood games anymore because of how disgusted I am by Doug TenNapel as a person.

>> No.685221

I still feel like Ocarina of Time is the most solid, 'complete' Zelda game. It's not my personal favorite though.

>> No.685229

every entry in the streets of rage trilogy beats their final fight counterpart

I think Alpha 3 is a better game than Third Strike, which should have been a new IP. There's only 4 goddamn returning characters in it anyway.

>> No.685242

Why people keep saying this? Collecting stars wasn't the main goal of Mario until Mario 64.

Mario 64 isn't like the NES and SNES games, it isn't a good transition to 3D because it's a completely different game with different objectives.

>> No.685258
File: 326 KB, 527x693, sonicshake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga

>> No.685262

I think Sonic 2 is immeasurably better than Sonic 3+K

I had to use save states to beat Mega Man 2

I once stole a friend's Mew because the cloning trick didn't work

Bonestorm did not live up to the hype

Sometimes I think Arino is just a jerk. People rationalize it as comedy because they have to

>> No.685289

>why can't be gently fellate muh favorite ADs so i can have my bro feels continue unabated

>> No.685293

Shut up.

>> No.685296

>I think Sonic 2 is immeasurably better than Sonic 3+K

you're not alone, i think S3+K has really plodding level design in parts, especially mushroom hill

>> No.685310

It's actually the Sonic 3 levels I'm most averse to. Sonic and Knuckles feels more intentional in its level design, compared to 3 at least.

>> No.685319

Chrono Trigger completely falls apart once the black omen appears. The game just ceases to be enjoyable and it feels like the story just gets discarded in favor of those sidequests.

>> No.685352
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Did you say Clinton?

>> No.685353


A lot of comedy revolves around doing things that are considered either incongruous or taboo.
Japanese society is so deeply steeped in ritual politeness that being a bit rude is seen as hilarious.
It's the cultural barrier more than anything else.

Arino also generally plays the role of "boke" in his comedy duo, the "foil" who makes inappropriate gestures for the "tsukkomi", or straight man, to react to.
Therefore, him being a bit of a dick is an extension of his comedic role.

>> No.685385

Why..... why did i sell my n64 with pokemon puzzle league, bomberman 64 2, paper mario, as well as a few other good games that i don't remember.... why..... it was my childhood game console.... WHY WAS I SO STUPID TO HAVE SOLD IT!!!!!1!!1!!

>> No.685412

There are games I simply personally dislike and then there are games that I fail to see why *anyone* would like them. The original Starfox is one of the latter.

>> No.685417

I play more modern games than retro games

>> No.685565

What does this go to show you?

>> No.685674
File: 52 KB, 665x450, Wai Wai World 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konami peaked in the late 90s/early 00s, but is a shadow of its former self, even more so than asshole Capcom. Most of the talent has had enough and left with only Kojima and Pro Evolution Soccer keeping their game division afloat. The outsourced Castlevanias and Silent Hills are a travesty and they've completely forgotten (or rather, are ignoring) the rich legacy that they've created over the years.
Furthermore, the strong earnings of their social gaming services in Japan and rest of Asia points towards a focus on that over "real" games, so there's little hope that they'll ever do anything meaningful with the likes of Gradius, Contra, Ganbare Goemon, Parodius, TwinBee, Suikoden... etc or the Hudson licenses they'll just sit on....
Pic represents better times, when the company wasn't afraid of celebrating its creativity. I'm sorry if this doesn't come of as retro, but his is a sentiment born out of nostalgia over my all time favorite game developer/publisher, one that's all but dead to me today.

>> No.685775

64 is by far the most overrated 3D platformer. I actually had more fun with the Galaxies than 64.

>> No.685920

SNES is for basementdwelling man-children