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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 57 KB, 800x400, Super-Mario-64-Super-Mario-Odyssey-modders-2-800x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6715542 No.6715542 [Reply] [Original]

Would you guys want a mario 64 remaster?

>> No.6715546

Sure why not i really liked the DS version

>> No.6715558
File: 155 KB, 736x568, EfBTdo6XsAEbe2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless it looks like 90s POV-Ray hell people would just call it "soulless"

>> No.6715560


>> No.6715562

No, we already have DS.

>> No.6715563

that SGI mod for the PC port is looking good so far, even if it has a long way to go

>> No.6715564

Sure, as long as it has a similar feel control-wise. Odyssey's super-precise option-heavy movement was cool, but it just isn't 64.

>> No.6715568

it looks like shit but a game with this rendering style would be interesting

>> No.6715597
File: 1.20 MB, 2300x2000, remake mario 64 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they already screwed it up once

>> No.6715602
File: 92 KB, 291x383, 1592916860841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting marbled blocks
gets me every time

>> No.6715605

not really

>> No.6715609
File: 541 KB, 3000x3000, 5EA531A9-37BC-4008-84C9-362F5DCA3017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting marbled-blocks

>> No.6715634

Wriggler, Thwomp and Cheep Cheep look better on DS.

>> No.6715643

Not retro

>> No.6715669
File: 7 KB, 250x250, jewlfwqK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting marbled blocks

>> No.6715707


As long as they update the geometry of the landscapes it should look great but knowing Nintendo of today they'll ruin it with manchild trash.

>> No.6715724

Maybe if kept the game feel.
Not too interested in the DS version being remastered either.
That version while fun just kind of added a bit of tedium with the character swapping for specific missions. I just prefer one character with a versatile moveset or if we go the DS route, have a more convenient character swap method.

>> No.6715726

I guess it would be nice to introduce a new generation of people to the game who otherwise would refuse to touch it because of "outdated graphics," but I myself would probably only play it one time just to see how it is and then go back to playing the original, as has been the case with nearly every retro game remake/remaster.

>> No.6715735

I guess

>> No.6715738

No, the original it's still great and the pc port exist now. I'd rather see a new game.

>> No.6715747

you know what? yeah, I feel it. Most of these changes really were for the worse.

>> No.6715798

nitpick the post

>> No.6715820

I'd really like to see one of these for Ocarina of Time 3D.

>> No.6715836
File: 1.78 MB, 3772x2700, remake_OOT_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as detailed, but here it is
i cant believe they replaced the soulful portraits with brown bricks

>> No.6715883


In fairness, the reflections thing is due to the DS not supporting it.

>> No.6715896

No, we've had enough 'scotformers. no need to bring them back.

>> No.6716003

And they would be right

>> No.6716005

We've had enough 2d platformers, no need to keep making them

>> No.6716009
File: 154 KB, 1100x825, 5e29cbfc62fa8160550f7a47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, slug

>> No.6716021
File: 117 KB, 320x200, 6a0120a85dcdae970b0128777032aa970c-pi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If mario doesn't look like this, I'm not buying that shit

>> No.6716030
File: 367 KB, 1000x1000, 1592362626222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a new game, not a soulless rehash made by different people restricted to copying someone else's ideas.
god fucking damn i hate remake culture

>> No.6716036

>i want a new game

>> No.6716038


>> No.6716103

I agree that the original had a better style overall, but Jesus Christ it's just a DS port

>> No.6716138
File: 1.22 MB, 480x368, ShallowHastyAllensbigearedbat-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario legs look weird

>> No.6716196

Not this autistic about it, but I agree, even the interesting marbled cakes

>> No.6716212

Unironically hire this man

>> No.6716223

Why do some objects look perfectly shaded, like Mario, while some others look just plain flat like Wario? I don't get it.

>> No.6716293

What is the Dodongo one supposed to be showing?

>> No.6716309

the PC port is doing that

>> No.6716312

No. Fucking faggots care about graphics when it still won't look real. it ruins it's appeal often. I can't believe jewtendo made a non-free updated cavestory when cavetsory was meant to be 8-bit style.

>> No.6716316
File: 56 KB, 301x400, 600full-ellen-page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Ellen Page have to do with this thread faggot?

>> No.6716378

I think it's the inner mouth textures

>> No.6716460

I think I've actually spent way more time on the DS remake than the original. It's kind of a memory hole for me. I don't know how I tolerated the controls.

>> No.6716493

There are many issues with the DS version, but these are none of them. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.6716501

The scratch never made sense desu, it was probably some beta leftover. Everything else seems actually better other than the easter egg, but it's a fucking easter egg.

>> No.6716515
File: 270 KB, 1125x703, Mario_and_Bowser_Fire_Artwork_-_Super_Mario_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario was just introduced and it's just a meme placeholder for the Luigi model they are working on.

>> No.6716518

What does Ellie from TLoU have to do with Ellen Page, faggot?

>> No.6716537

The changes to the well, green blood on Ganon, replacing the fire temple music, and the removal of the crescent moon gerudo symbol are all trash, but it was otherwise a fantastic visual overhaul. Really wish they'd made it for the switch instead so it wasn't stuck on potato resolution. The slight convenience of the second screen wasn't worth wasting way higher polygon count and texture res on 400x240.

>> No.6716547
File: 26 KB, 410x290, arts-graphics-2008_1186005a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying implications

>> No.6716572

yea god forbid we have any extra interesting details that arent explained. That might make us think or imagine something and we cant have that

>> No.6716580
File: 129 KB, 1080x720, ads_ellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up pre-plastic surgery Ellie

>> No.6716603

yeah, completely ruined remake am I rite?

>> No.6716619

These kinds of pics belong in textbooks for developmental psychology.

>> No.6716637

I would never want an "hd remaster" so to speak, but the Super Mario 64 SGI Project looks amazing.


>> No.6716640

I'm indifferent to the idea, I'd buy it but like, it's not that great, most other 3D Marios surpassed it big time except maybe Sunshine or Odyssey. If they were to remaster it they would make it look like shitty nu Mario instead of doing something soulful like making it look like the promo art.

I guess i'd be more open to it if they remade the DS version but with actually good controls and they actually added more decorative shit to the game so everything didn't look so god damn lifeless. Take a note from how Rareware decorated the worlds in their 3D platformers.

But I doubt that will happen since Mario by design looks like it's made of playskool toys and blocks ever since NSMB.

>> No.6716646

>objects and enemies look more like they belong in Mario's world instead of being a relic of being one of the first N64 games therefore it's bad

>> No.6716651

My theory is that this is the tree they were going to use in that place in Forest Temple where you fight Wolfos, they even have a similar shape. They probably decided to make it better to hookshot later on, so they reworked the thing and just reused the old asset on the Lake.

>> No.6716656

>tfw we never actually got a game with early 3D rendered graphics
that's pretty gay desu

>> No.6716717

The only one that isn't an improvement is the lighting in the final battle.
And I guess the Mario portraits but the originals looked like shit too. They should have replaced them with better versions of the same thing.

I swear up and down that I remember an interview about the Slash being something that was going to be explained in the DD expansion but got dropped when it bombed. But I can find no proof of this.

>> No.6716719

I couldn't get this shit working.

>> No.6716721

Me either, probably some zoomers trying to screw with me, uploading a bad rom

>> No.6716728

Why do people still not know the difference between a remake and a remaster? Especially on a board for oldfags

>> No.6716731

Because not even companies do and often use them as synonymous.

>> No.6716732

It's not that people don't know so much as it is nobody cares. It's like correcting someone on an alligator not being a crocodile.

>> No.6716738

They are the same thing nowadays. God of War 3 for PS4 is called a remaster, but so is the 2017 Crash "remake".

>> No.6716739

Removing all the blood from the bottom of the well was a massive regression.

>> No.6716750

True but I was only talking about the stuff in the picture.

>> No.6716752

And now i'm noticing that it was indeed in the picture, fuck i'm blind.

>> No.6716761

Good luck getting a ESRB E with that nowadays.

>> No.6716772

That would net them a T rating at best and the fans would cream themselves at a Zelda game being rated higher than E because for some reason they like pretending Zelda was ever mature.

>> No.6716773

OoT was so mature that Germans couldn’t handle the level of raw gore

>> No.6716798

It's already in the works.

>> No.6716803


Make new things.

This industry is so fucking degenerate with depressed old people trying to relive their childhoods.

>> No.6716805

No because I do not have any confidence in Nintendo to make a good remake.

>> No.6716820

There's plenty of new shit but nobody's buying it because they like familiarity. It's really amusing to me when people say this kind of shit but then they haven't actually payed or watched anything genuinely new because of some bullshit made up reason usually tied to a conspiracy about it turning their kids gay or something.

>> No.6716825

Don't they have a pretty good track record with remakes though? Have they ever done a bad remake? Keeping in mind that Pokemon Let's Go was not Nintendo.

>> No.6716839

This, make new cool thing.
Throwbacks are fine, but always go forward. Nothing is stopping you from making virtual console ports.

>> No.6716851

I wouldn't mind a proper sequel to Mario 64. You are back at the castle but there is more to explore around it with new paintings. Maybe you can throw your hat like odyssey but you don't change.

>> No.6716914

But then how will they entice people to sign up for their shitty online subscription service?

>> No.6716940


>> No.6717007


>> No.6717321

Hi, Nintendo representative here. How can I help you?

>> No.6717327

id play that

>> No.6717330

Bet you would, tastelet zoomie

>> No.6717343

sidegrade at absolute best with those controls and visuals

>> No.6717357

it honestly is fairly mature in the true sense of the word (ie not the teenager tits and gore definition)

>> No.6717370

Not especially. I'd rather Nintendo just focus on making new Mario games. We already have the PC version, if you want your high resolution mods.

>> No.6717371
File: 849 KB, 1460x477, remakee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting marbled blocks
I never understood why he added this. Literally discredits everything in the picture.

The town also looks like complete dogshit. It went from being foreboding and creepy to bright and colorful.

>> No.6717372
File: 317 KB, 900x1500, 1596053018253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we got the angry spiders.

>> No.6717374

i never found the (child version) town "foreboding and creepy", always came across like the intention was a fun and festive town. that one missable interaction is pretty dark but that's all

>> No.6717385

What did they do to the chain chomp? Otherwise, pretty good. Still think the original models have more charm though.

>> No.6717398
File: 1002 KB, 1920x1080, 6258c8d48faee3a777742ff48166a48594036d82399c531769966a1257fe9075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drab muted color palette
>Random creepy stuff like the NPC in the bottom left of pic related
>Giant oppressive Cathedral that is dead silent
>Jarring pre-rendered backgrounds
Maybe it was less creepy than other places in the game, but it was still creepy at least for me. There was a ton of subtle things about it that were just off. That was true for the entire game though. Same applies for certain bits of Mario 64, although Mario 64 wasn't creepy it was just really strange to look at. Even back in the 90s this was the case once you got over the ground breaking graphics.

>> No.6717403

kys remakes are the biggest cancer in videogames

>> No.6717407

modern monetization schemes are a much bigger cancer
remakes being so prevalent and often missing the mark on tone/etc are annoying though

>> No.6717408

It just feels like a normal town, which emphasises the feeling of Link being out of his element, after his childhood in the fairy tale forest glade. Making it too whimsical takes something away.

>> No.6717430
File: 89 KB, 1031x1588, 1590130221467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man it never felt that way to me. Maybe as a kid it did but once I got more familiar with the game it started to feel pretty weird. Things like the well doesn't feel out of place 1 bit, when in a normal game surreal places like that feel like they're in another time and space.

>Porting a beloved game to a modern console is the biggest cancer
>On-Disk DLC
>Loot boxes that are in legal grey areas
>Design by committee
>Cinematic experience
>Political agenda is more important than the actual game
>Selling fan mods as DLC (Beamdog did this with NWN)
>Mod payment system
>Dumbing down a series with every single installment
The list goes on. Maybe you think the remakes are inferior to the originals, but you're a contrarian retard if you think remakes are the biggest cancer in this aids infested weimar-republic-tier industry.

>> No.6717446

doesn't say innovative, just new. haven't played the games but i assume that's true that it's new for the series. they did the same with BOTW

>> No.6717464

I, too, refuse to play any release of the game without interesting marbled blocks

>> No.6717531
File: 152 KB, 875x2423, 5a7c8f1719cc0c62ef381254d9b62b8d389346056e15e13d7bba8ab329ce87fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We finally added a feature to our game that has been a staple in games since the 80s
Wow. That's so much better and invalidates the entire list of shit posted. I'll be sure to pre-order the next Skyrim remaster for the upcoming gen. It all made sense but then I took an arrow to the knee. Thanks for clearing that up /v/.

>> No.6717550

i was only replying to the pic, i agree with the list

>> No.6717563

>Keeping in mind that Pokemon Let's Go was not Nintendo
Neither was OoT. Wasn't the DS SM64 all in-house developers? Don't know how you even play SM64 with no analog stick.

That's meant to be a kindly old lady, the temple of time is meant to be a place of awe (hence the music), and the rest of what you said is just shitty N64 graphics. Listen to the town music and talk to the NPCs; it's meant to be an energetic and lively castle town. The little girl running around is only there to characterize it as a safe but bustling place.

>> No.6717614

The town lighting is based on the game's clock, unlike the N64 version that is just some heavily compressed, low-res, almost colorless texture meant to fit on a N64 cartridge.

>> No.6717625

>Don't know how you even play SM64 with no analog stick.
Didn't it come with some kind of thumb strap that allowed analog controls by using the bottom screen?

>> No.6717639

Yeah, bit who the fuck uses that anyways? When you do use it, you end up walking most of the time anyways.

>> No.6717640
File: 18 KB, 460x345, nintendo-ds-feature-a-day-2-20041110005749087-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually came with Metroid but you could buy it separately.

>> No.6717642
File: 15 KB, 300x315, comfort-stylus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717643

His thumb looks like a jew lmao

>> No.6717759
File: 6 KB, 250x236, 1593725264240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717894

>but it was otherwise a fantastic visual overhaul
No, they fucked with the colors/visual mood/aesthetic far too much. I understand it's a portable and they feel like all the graphics need to be bright so you can see them but they gave the game a completely different emotional feel, visually speaking. All the dim, moody browns and greys have had the saturation boosted through the roof (see the King Dodongo and Castle Town pics). All the dark, foreboding areas have been turned into Disney World levels of bright and happy, like Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Ganon's Castle, and the final battle. If it weren't for the lighting and colors being so needlessly manipulated I would agree with you.

>> No.6718167

It came with the DS. I know because I have one and never bought Metroid.

>> No.6718243

You get that same orange glow at sunset in the 64 version. It looks like a proper desolate ghost town in OoT3D once you're in the future, just the way it should. I really have no idea why you think 64 castle town in the past was ever supposed to look moody; that's just shitty N64 colors and textures. The shadow temple adds green and purple hues that make it look more like a haunted, toxic place than in 64. Yes, they ruined the well but much of what you're saying about Hyrule at large only applies during the day time, and that contrast adds a much better feeling of time passing. The higher saturation makes the Spirit Temple look even more atmospheric and the room where you fight Koume and Kotake is a visual feast. The area outside Ganondorf's castle looks like something out of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the flight of stairs up to the organ room is creepy and often very dark, and half the room turns pitch black during Ganondorf's energy ball attacks. It's only when the flight down the castle starts that things get way too bright. Bit of a shame that it's at the climax of the story, but it is what it is.

>> No.6718295

Metroid was never bundled with the DS you lying fuck

>> No.6718312

I wouldn't want to just play the same game with new graphics. I would rather include some familiar places in a new game, with maybe new graphics.

>> No.6718331

I'm not buying a Nintendo console (past the n64) ever again, thank you.
From the gamecube on you're just buying the most expensive console you can find to play a smash title only and I don't even have friends anymore to play them with.

>> No.6718557
File: 44 KB, 1024x640, aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what people would be like if the game was remade for switch

>> No.6718592

I really dislike links child model in OOT3D and MM3D compared to the original.

>> No.6718596

To prove how soulless nintendo has become, look at the attention of detail in mario 64, when mario jumps into the water, particles splash in a believable fashion. When you run in water, the water creates a trail behind you and makes splashes that are randomly generated. In mario odyssey, the splash particles are absent, and when mario jumps into water, it looks like someone just dipped him in water due to the lack of any particles and bubbles when mario jumps in the water. And Thats just one of the details that make mario 64 more soulful than mario odyssey.

>> No.6718603

tb.h I play through mario 64 at least once a year whereas I got bored with odissey on the deert level lol

>> No.6718615

Yes it did, there was a demo cart of a 3D Metroid game that came with one of the first runs of the DS. Cope zoomie

>> No.6718619
File: 60 KB, 693x520, nintendo-ds-in-our-hands-20041108035136894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I had that bundle too.

>> No.6718624

Now that you mention it, I really want to see games ported to 90s povray.

With modern CPUs and GPUs it could probably do it a playable frame-rate.

>> No.6718647
File: 2.44 MB, 1366x768, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but I have a game that I added a povray backend to. It isn't very smooth but to be fair I'm just piping scene definitions into it and waiting for output

>> No.6718671
File: 198 KB, 900x620, juegos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say this looks bad though? I'd love mario 64 looking like this!

>> No.6718679

Not him but that does look like shit

>> No.6718685
File: 396 KB, 1571x1920, 596657B4-27E6-4B1D-A4E8-025D93F40148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the Mario SGI model looks great (not sure why he's so duckfooted though) but it's probably the most impressive part of the whole project. Anytime they go off-model it starts to look bad. The bob-ombs look off. Wario's arms look like sausages. The owl, chomp and Princess look straight up horrible and the whole thing is missing environmental texture effects and a lighting system to mimic the original workstation renders. Unless they plan to keep working on this for literally years or port it to a modern engine I don't think it will amount to much more than a novelty for zoomers and YouTubers

>> No.6718990

This. I'll never understand why some autists cry at even the slightest change in a remaster. I mean, what's the point of a remaster then? Just play the game on the real hardware or on an emulator if you hate change.

>> No.6718997

Because it taints the original vision the artists had in mind desu.

>> No.6719003

I mean, at least it reassembles the artwork. Could be less gay tho

>> No.6719006
File: 112 KB, 1200x624, little-nicky-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, all you faggots saying desu are probably 60 years old in your basement, and don't have any personal hygiene. O
Tou guys think your some cute waifu, or some shit when in reality, your not and waifus are not real. This picture shows just how fucking ugly you all look in real life

>> No.6719017
File: 134 KB, 850x1356, 3mBGVem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am some cute waifu, faggot.

>> No.6719028


Remasters shouldn't exist. Just make a fucking new game.

>> No.6719040

The "original vision" was often restricted by the hardware they had at the time. But I mean, if you are a purist, just stay away from them, they'll never please you because the whole point of their existence is to bring changes.
Anyway, Nintendo remakes in particular almost always have people that worked on the original supervising everything, so they often end up pretty good and the art direction stays mostly intact and on par with stuff like artworks.

>> No.6719042

Cool, but if you don't like just don't play them. They exist because the demand also exists, no need to throw a tantrum every time you see one.

>> No.6719063

There are legitimate reasons for remasters. The recent Turok remasters are really good, because they solve the low framerate and draw distance issues the originals had, along with adding online multiplayer. At this point, a lot of companies just seem to be remastering games for the sake of doing it though. Remastering anything from the 7th gen of consoles is just absurd.

>> No.6719080

Basically only Sony is shitting useless remasters left and right, using the the lack of retrocompatibility between PS2/PS3 with PS4 as an excuse to sell their big hits again, specially remakes at full price.

>> No.6719136

most of the time remasters are done by other teams, and the actual team behind the game is making a new one concurrently.

>> No.6719147

>he doesnt know

>> No.6719165

Lel, I was talking about the strap, not Metroid.

>> No.6719178

But it was, specifically with the Metroid bundle.

>> No.6719182

No, I got an Electric Blue DS with no games and got a thumb strap with it.

>> No.6719237

Remastering? No.
Optimizing and re-releasing? Yes.
Old PC games need this more than anything. Sure, we have doom and build-engine re-implementations but it's good to have re-releases of shit like AOEII, Monkey Island and Wasteland in full HD resolutions with widescreen support and controller support.
Keep the games alive.

>> No.6719454

What for?
Unlike the people who would actually buy it, we're capable of playing the original.

>> No.6719835

You fresh off the leddit boat or something? Desu is a word filter of t.b.h.: i.e. to be honest. So it's mostly zoomers, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who actually says de.su for the fun of it, having never been wordfiltered on that stupid zoomer acronym. The filter really isn't that old so you're clearly some semen slurping newfag.

>> No.6720453

>On-Disk DLC
>Loot boxes that are in legal grey areas
>Design by committee
>Political agenda is more important than the actual game
>Selling fan mods as DLC (Beamdog did this with NWN)
>Mod payment system
These usually and mostly only happen with shitty and huge corps like EA Ubi and the like.

The market really gets oversaturated with remakes and remasters. Just look at Resident Evil for example or Ys. Are they going to remake their whole fucking library?

>> No.6720483
File: 367 KB, 1203x822, 2yxk141m3s611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the remaster would look like this desu...

>> No.6720614

Like shit?

>> No.6720615

Remakes and ports have always been retro, cuck'd GBAzoomie.

>> No.6720692

6 hours and no talent

>> No.6720701

Now that's new. You don't really believe that, right? The first zoomer portable was either the DS, PSP or 3DS. They were on diapers when GBA was still around.

>> No.6720719

No (you) wouldn't.

>> No.6720765

I gave my zoomer niece my GBA clamshell, because she had never seen one, and she liked the games. I don't think most zoomers ever got into handheld gaming, because they grew up with smartphones.

>> No.6720770


Trying it now desu

>> No.6720818

Ganon picture is false it's not that bright.

The only bad change is the temple of time exterior but one could argue it makes a bigger impact when you see the future version

>> No.6720878

We're supposed to be getting one this year aren't we? Along with Sunshine and Galaxies.

>> No.6720902

If your a leakfag and believe in leaks, then yes. If you are a normal human that understands that most of these text leaks don't have any credibility to back them up then, no. Nintendo has nothing for this year, and it will remain that way good sir.

>> No.6720904

But it's the 35th anniversary. Not even a 3D World port? I just want to play Mario on my Switch.

>> No.6720928
File: 146 KB, 1436x764, chump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emoji whomp
>stank face thwomp
Beta chuckya looks really cool though.

That chain chomp looks like shit.

>> No.6720936

Idk, I'm sorry to say that we might just get allstars snes version for the snes online feature. Look back at Mario's 25. What a shit repackage that was!

>> No.6720942

As retarded as Nintendo can be, I very seriously doubt they'd do something so insulting as to unceremoniously add 3 games to their subscription service that are already there.

>> No.6720959

They did it for the 25th anniversary when all those games where already on vc in nes form

>> No.6720972

Yeah but at least that was some physical media.
And it was way back on the Wii after Mario 64 was ported to the DS. Now seems like a logical time for something good. Especially since they don't have anything else going on.

>> No.6720979

Damn, 6 hours wasted.

>> No.6720989

I am a nintendo insider and can spot this. We will have a nintendo direct mini on the 20th of August. The direct will talk about a new entry in the high rule warriors franchise, and they will announce the addition of remastered 2d mario titles as a bonus for online subscribers. The games included are all the 2d games from Mario's heyday, with name like graphics.

>> No.6720994

>high rule warriors

>> No.6721014

Sorry, not native english speaker, but they will present us to some 2d mario remasters on the 20th of August. I was played off because I got sick with virus

>> No.6721186
File: 402 KB, 1440x2560, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, mario 64 is great just the way it is

>> No.6721189

This is one thing I hope happens

>> No.6721195
File: 218 KB, 350x394, ChainChomp64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomp is based off an actual SGI render

>> No.6721196

I hope to god this is real, I really don't want a sm64 remake!

>> No.6721221

Still looks shit though

>> No.6721269

Just like you

>> No.6721348

wtf is wrong with people? at least fix the ugly compression along the edges of the dirt texture before posting a screenshot of this soulless mod

>> No.6721439


>> No.6721450

Certainly not some lazy Unreal garbo.
Unreal is not bad in itself, but it has these ugly uncanny valley presets that invite the laziest fuckers, and the result, even for commercial B-grade games, let alone fangames, is this dirty, muddy look with no identity or style.

>> No.6721504

Imagine being this fucking gay

>> No.6721598

Was that made for SM64? Looks like a Mario RPG asset or something

>> No.6721690

>that black tooth
fuck my OCD.

>> No.6721734


its official n64 art, but looks like garbage and def not worthy of being compared to the SGI art

>> No.6721779

Is this part of the Unreal remake? It's not looking good; lots of clashing artstyles and funky polygons. They need some good art directors that could understand better the Nintendo appeal.

>> No.6721858
File: 33 KB, 687x324, sonics eyes are 2 pupils in 1 big eyeball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got extra mad when I saw the Bowser sliding puzzle change. I don't even want to finish looking at this image.

>> No.6721923

This was more jarring than I expected. Seeing it running at that frame rate is enough but holy shit. This is surreal. Seeing what hobbyists do in their spare time with a decomp and no legal concernI really does make me wish everything was open source. I hope in 10 years OoT gets the same treatment.

>> No.6721928

>I never understood why he added this. Literally discredits everything in the picture.
Not really, it's just something /v/ latched onto and repeats endlessly.

They're cork blocks, and there's nothing actually wrong with the sentiment
>they replaced the distinctive cork blocks with generic bricks.
That's something I'd agree with. The way they behave is a little different than brick-type blocks in the series, and they definitely were a weird memorable feature of the original game since nobody ever knew what the fuck the "interesting marbled blocks" were supposed to be.

It's not even an especially autistic phrasing.
It's just become a dumb meme.

>> No.6721956

>Beta chuckya looks really cool though.
I really dig the way it moves. Captures the wind-up robot feeling. The design just needed a little more refinement, really.

On the other hand the final design, while cute, has way fewer polys which is probably the reason.

>> No.6721987
File: 69 KB, 600x303, Super-Mario-64-DX12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure why he's so duckfooted though

it's because he's still rigged to the original model's animations

not sure if they plan to ever do anything about that

>> No.6721997

It's the SGI project (mod for the SM64 PC port), they are trying to remake the whole game to have aesthetics similar to the old renders. It's in a very early stages. The Unreal port is 100% kill tho

>> No.6722001

The same reason why someone behind the All-stars comparison chart used "green fireballs" in NES Mario 3 as a legitimate argument.

>> No.6722007

>I hope in 10 years OoT gets the same treatment.
They are working on it

>> No.6722030
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x1536, C433E9A4-B7A0-4142-8225-DCA0627F027E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already exists.

>> No.6722042

nice 3ds port

>> No.6722060

What IDE is that?

>> No.6722185

That's the joke.

Different Anon, but that's Jetbrain's Clion. I like their Go varient (Goland) and was going to try Clion out for my next C/C++ project because of that.

>> No.6722235
File: 377 KB, 428x412, 1363834705590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would be better than a remaster? If Nintendo had a team of based mother fuckers that released OFFICIAL N64 mods, and released it digitally and as a limited run on real carts. How about an actual Super Mario 64 2

>> No.6722276

gericom build still needs stereoscopic 3D

>> No.6722294

sounds like a plan some 12 year would would come up with

>> No.6722310
File: 689 KB, 266x199, 1411776050682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I am a manchild

>> No.6722338

The sourceport is perfect, we don't need them messing with the art direction.

>> No.6722349

You think the town was foreboding and creepy? lol

>> No.6722365

>manchild trash
What does this even mean?

>> No.6722390

>foreboding and creepy
what, it's supposed to be almost a fair

>> No.6722498

hey i like it

>> No.6722532

Oh hey I think I saw this guy standing at the foot of my bed the other night

>> No.6722536

Looks like some cheap plush.

>> No.6722670

Considering how new is the PC version, I'm pretty sure there's plans to update it for a long time. This a Nintendo game we're talking about after all (and the only 3D one with 100% mod support) it will be pretty hard for people to lose interest in modding the graphics since they are pretty much just starting to get into modding the game, there is not even a level editor yet.

>> No.6722694

New games shouldn't exist, just release the fucking source code and let the internet go crazy with it.

Ebin controversial takes aside, remasters are REALLY cheap to make, as in 99% of the time they just send the game (with very little documentation) to some literally who dev team that can get by with getting minimal payment for their work. For all the shit a bunch of autists give to Nintendo their re-releases have 0 issues for their intended purposes like the Mario Advance games and 64 DS.

They are also a good excuse to finally make a PC port of something where people can play the game in whatever way they want in the case of multiplats.

>> No.6722696

The project just started dude, it's like 2 months old. They plan on redoing basically everything, specially the reworking the graphics system. What youtubers are milking at the moment are just the beta builds.

>> No.6722704

Only if the movement isn't ruined by stylus controls

>> No.6724774
File: 40 KB, 817x1024, d869564d33ba983147f0cae1b02e6958b6d2c095r1-900-1128v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would really suck if the switch port would have stus controls..

>> No.6724779

Imagine the smells though...

>> No.6726329

It's a remaster, of course it would be soulless

>> No.6726364

Super Mario Odyssey is ugly

>> No.6726383

and smelly

>> No.6726398

some of the changes are just so unnecessary.

>> No.6726698

Considering the original still exists when a game gets a remake who the fuck would say no or care that if it did happen? Babies?

>> No.6726819

What's stus controls?

>> No.6726873
File: 100 KB, 827x651, 4F855E2A-FB78-4171-8529-D29FF7BEA072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6727995


>> No.6729605

No. No sir I would not.

>> No.6730156

No but a sequel would be cool

>> No.6730230

>No, we already have DS.
anon that was a demake with the worst controls for a nintendo game and some of the worst overall for the DS in general

>> No.6731992

Miyamoto begs to differ..

>> No.6732573

That would actually be pretty cool, sort of riding the Sonic Mania wave. SM64 had a lot of potential and many regard it as the pinnacle of Mario's 3D control. Nintendo is way too protective of its IP to do something like that though sadly. Then again Mario Maker exists...