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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 261 KB, 300x300, 7BA6836D-EB45-4FAC-B26E-5DF6501315FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6708378 No.6708378 [Reply] [Original]

Space World Edition

Last thread: >>6696661

Main Gigaleaks doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/176d5yx2GtWDudFNQW4mJC8QYE1B4uJdhk0HD45nandU/preview?pru=AAABc6glni8*Nod1apmLlYQx_yaFwqa_nA
Gigaleak stuff that's been processed and put together to make it easier for people to look through and use.
Some Anon's collab playlist
Gigaleak's PLY and textures
Uncle Cucko's Gigaleaks Discovery MegaDoc (fuck the one that was ruined): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jgFww7DE3lwVeZ3THkt7PI-Ci4Tm-sgjcQ1F-ENqR1I/edit?usp=sharing
Rundowns, Thread links, and (Broken) Download links: https://pastebin.com/XyRs7Qkf
New finding drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1odcOwqYIn8JoWXsuM_oGNaTeiMbRVQD7?usp=sharing
Filthy, filthy Argonaut e-mails: https://pastebin.com/0m0Fs0Xw
Star Fox leaks rundown w/downloads: https://pastebin.com/7mawb4FN
Booru: https://superdonkey.booru.org
.sou Anon’s “Prerelease Asset Insertion” patch for SM64 (makes it look and sound like the Space World ‘95 demo): https://anonfiles()com/j8U6O9L8o7/Super_Mario_64_Prerelease_Asset_Insertion_zip

>> No.6708382


>> No.6708396

Anything new?
Anyone making something with this stuff besides just restorations to gawk at?

>> No.6708469

Whoever makes the next thread
This is the updated starfox pastebin

>> No.6708471

CIS-004 Data Recovery

Link: mega.nz/folder/adt32CSZ#lxqC-WrWSLLKSWcHkpq7Rg

BBBB.pdf: mega.nz/folder/8JgBwTRQ#BIDJth5QQsRrPvzbKMgdhA

File info on GitHub: github.com/bowsersbigbeanburrito/N

I tried to dig up as much stuff as I could then hit it with some 1 grit sandpaper, which reduced the file count from ~2 million to ~200k
This is still very rough but should give a better starting point for most people
Files that are from archives (.rar, .zip, etc) usually behave as expected, for everything else a file extension is merely a suggestion
Also next OP replace pastebin.com/sYb8g2uE with the BBBB.pdf link

Files were recovered using both R-Studio and Photorec
I created custom file definitions for both programs to find files they would otherwise miss, although these file definitions were quite loose to try and catch strays
Files were then sorted into folders by file extension and duplicates removed
Archives were repaired when possible and then recursively extracted, extracted files were left together and not de-duplicated
I wrote a program to go through files looking for anything Nintendo related or potentially relevant and those files were then sorted into folders
I then removed some unrelated files to try and clean things up further without potentially losing something of interest
Did some processing to make some information more accessible
Files were then scraped for metadata and file lists were created
The main linux partition was also recovered and trimmed down

>> No.6708521

The only thing new that they found was a animation where Link would warp by falling into chests.

>> No.6708534

That could potentially be useful for modders
>get to a dungeon
>its pitifully short but there's a big chest at the end
>open it
>you get sucked in
>that wasn't the dungeon, the real dungeon is inside the chest

>> No.6708728
File: 2.03 MB, 352x400, 95basement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709102

You can stop with these now. There’s no more new interesting information to be found.

>> No.6709105


>> No.6709139


>> No.6709219

T. Nintendo

>> No.6709312

The rumor about N64 games coming to the Switch might look like they want to cash on the N64 leaks hype.

>> No.6709313


>> No.6709316


>> No.6709323

Still waiting on the GBA leaks.

>> No.6709343

The only way they would be able to cash in on leak hype would be to release an unreleased n64 game on there. Like famicom wars, f-zero disk drive stuff, or mother 3.

>> No.6709345

>mother 3

>> No.6709361

Yea I know, but I personally think these mini consoles would be a great opportunity to put incomplete projects on. Fix them up as a demo and have information on the history of it, interview some devs, ect. Nintendo could have definitely sold more snes minis if they included the super donkey protos as opposed to starfox 2 that was already leaked beforehand.

>> No.6709367 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 600x974, 3E2E646F-23A1-48F5-A12B-7367B1B4FF8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy, filthy Argonaut e-mails

>> No.6709396

Is that webm even real?

>> No.6709398

Its from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys723F9wiwU

>> No.6709402

I get reaction images but what is this image even trying to convey? What did you add to the discussion? I swear half the people on here don’t know how to socialize and have a normal conversation. Instead they butt in with some inane trash and try to be the center of the conversation

>> No.6709416
File: 138 KB, 395x406, ZeldaMM-link'smask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not directly related to the leak, but here's a random thought. We've been speculating about that Adult Link Mask in prerelease Majora's Mask screenshots, right? But there isn't a single screenshot showing adult Link in the game. What if it was simply a Link mask that you had to use to transform back into plain old Link from the other three forms?

There's probably no way of proving or disproving what the mask did, but this seems more plausible to me than an Adult mask. Maybe the devs realized how tedious managing four transformation masks was and got rid of the Link mask, eventually changing the then pointless mask into Fierce Deity as an endgame bonus reward.

>> No.6709420

report and move on

...is what I'd be saying if we had janitors but who gives a fuck about this board anymore lol

>> No.6709421

ignore it

>> No.6709425

Congrats, you just copied and pasted some shit from the last thread and passed it off as your original thought

>> No.6709435

I didn't. I just saw the mask on tcrf and wrote what I thought. Ah, it doesn't matter...

>> No.6709437

I'd like to think they were reusing Adult Link from OoT as a base for mask transformations, realized how redundant it would be to have Adult Link playable since Child Link can just use all the things you'd need to be an adult for, and then reskinned/resized Adult Link into Fierce Diety

>> No.6709457

How do you imagine the type of person to care about “filthy, filthy Argonaut emails”? What type of reaction would they have? To me, the only way you could possibly care about such an inane and uninteresting thing is if you look and react like a söy upon reading that. I hope my explanation of söyjaks have assisted your 4chan posting.

>> No.6709461

That could be. Maybe they just never showed Adult Link in any footage because it was just a test/placeholder transformation. The Link Mask was on one of the c-buttons in quite a few screenshots though.

I know speculation like that is kinda pointless because we won't get an answer but there isn't that much stuff to talk about right now.

>> No.6709473

I'm really sorry .sou anon, I was looking forward to playing the patch when I got home from work, but no matter what emulator I try it in it hangs after the title screen. Mario's beta voice is on the title, so I know something went right, but I can't get past that point. And now I need to go bed so I can go back to work tonight. :P

>> No.6709510

Again, why is it greyed out in clock town but not in odolwa's boss room?

>> No.6709581

You got me, I never noticed that. The stone tower temple portion of the spaceworld 99 trailer also shows the mask greyed out, you can clearly see the wall through the icon. I guess that settles it.

>> No.6709583
File: 146 KB, 600x974, A09DAF52-0FDE-4A21-89CB-6CB72DE9A847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filthy, filthy Argonaut e-mails

>> No.6709636

>posted on an anonymous imageboard with transient threads
How can someone be this oblivious and unfamiliar with how these places work after decades of their existence. What site did you think you were on.

>> No.6709643

The last thread was below bump limit and on page 1 when I went to bed last night. It's suddenly slid off the board and replaced with a new thread that's already 1/4 filled with nintards and /v/edditors trying to stop the leak discussion from occurring. What's happening?

>> No.6709682

Maybe it would have better luck on another board? >>>/vg/

>> No.6709694

I'll only engage with you once, nintendo IDF: the threads never once belonged on the board so full of fast-moving gachas it would slide off in minutes without constant shitpost bumps. The topic is not a general. Spamming the threads because you don't want your precious brand loyalty to be harmed doesn't mean the threads belong elsewhere.

>> No.6709695


N64 Mini/VC/NSO rumors has been a thing for a good while tho

>> No.6709707
File: 16 KB, 241x299, 1582609341827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread on /vr/ devolves into meta now. This board was good while it lasted. RIP

>> No.6709735

Then perhaps the content of the leak doesn’t warrant a general any longer? And it most certainly is a general, despite your semantic game. We’ve seen all the interesting stuff, the crumbs that are coming out now aren’t thread worthy. Try >>>/v/ or >>>/vg/

>> No.6709767

>the games leak which are being discussed fall under the retro category of 1999 and earlier
>if it was on /v/ it just gets spammed by people upset their 50000000000th smash/twitter screencap thread got knocked off
>As the other anon said it wouldnt work on /vg/ without constant shitpost bumps
If you dont like it hide and filter and move on instead of being this much of a faggot

>> No.6709774

As I said, perhaps if the thread gets bumped off, there isn’t enough material to warrant discussion. Thanks for the (You). >>>/v/ >>>/vg/

>> No.6709785

There's nothing more pathetic than a wannabe janitor.

>> No.6709786
File: 11 KB, 250x152, 4599040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6709789

There is definitely still stuff to look through and potentially stuff to find however its the stuff which takes more time and effort to look through.
Again if you take this much issue with the threads you can just hide and filter

>> No.6709792
File: 8 KB, 195x140, 9205486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6709794

why no new leaks? is leaker being a faggot and gonna make us wait months again?

>> No.6709801
File: 95 KB, 335x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6709806 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 750x699, 001C6718-B9B1-4A58-A226-DF7FF5D9D04F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to the posts that make up these threads now?
>i hope we get mother 3!!!!!
>there’s a new C button icon in majora’s mask!!!!!!
>i hope there are more leaks!!!!!

>> No.6709821

Basedjacks count as "extremely low quality posts" right?

>> No.6709825

Trannys wont leak the rest.

>> No.6709826


>> No.6709828

Most likely, either that or they don't have anything else to share yet

>> No.6709830

Just filter and hide the post bro

>> No.6709836

Honestly the only somewhat consistent thing about the leaker is they are a /vp/ poster

>> No.6709837

nice selfie

>> No.6709920

This board hasn't been good in years, get out while you can

>> No.6709936

oh hey, my patch is in the OP. cool

>> No.6709939
File: 594 KB, 1087x1137, 1595136790569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made it, .sou anon

>> No.6709958

No one compiled the Dr. Mario 64 roms yet.
For shame. Someone showed off the cancelled JP/PAL versions on his compiler on twitter then never released the roms.

>> No.6709989

There's very little actually known about the intent, reason, or process. Instead of being so harsh, consider from their perspective. Maybe it takes a long time to assemble then anonymously transfer bigger and bigger sets of data. Maybe they have other reasons. It's not like they're sitting there giggling about it.

>> No.6709995

>It's not like they're sitting there giggling about it.
eh, https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/43521880/#43526209 would say otherwise

>> No.6710001

t. Anonymous

>> No.6710010

also in that thread: leaker teasing anons with like 5 files from the horizon code before posting the full thing weeks later, leaker only posting stuff after being begged for it, etc.. guy obviously enjoys holding stuff back from people for some reason
from the above it fits the MO, IMO

>> No.6710026

>from the above it fits the MO, IMO
That's fair.
If true, I wonder if it's just one of multiple people anyhow. The release process is confusing to me. If someone already has the full set, it seems like there's easier and faster ways to distribute it. I question why multiple releases instead of 1 large one, it seems riskier to make multiple moves. The ambiguity of it all makes me suspend any belief from posts here (without some kind of proof).

>> No.6710162

They're the same as the hoarders. Childish and selfish.

>> No.6710280

Meme shitposts aside, the overwhelming gapeface response so far has been
>datamining stolen prototypes is literally terrorism
>nintendo would have made this info public if they wanted us to know about it
>don't you know your hurting their profits

>> No.6710295 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 750x699, BBE0255B-3D84-4D59-AB48-AEEC33C0F94B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to the posts that make up these threads now?
>i hope we get mother 3!!!!!
>there’s a new C button icon in majora’s mask!!!!!!
>i hope there are more leaks!!!!!

>> No.6710306

Oh, you reposted it.

>> No.6710337

What is this thread about?

>> No.6710340


>> No.6710348

Thank you brother. So that means emulation is going to reach its prime?

>> No.6710354

What is that face supposed to convey? I get reaction images and all but what is that face supposed to be? And what do you think you added to the conversation by posting here? If you don’t want to read about the leaks hide the dedicated leak thread or go to /v/

>> No.6710360

This isn't youtube comments circa 07

>> No.6710362

Using the leaked code, even just as a reference, will get the emudevs sued.

>> No.6710369

Bummer. Whats that good for, then?

>> No.6710385

only if they admit to it or it's obvious enough, it's not like nintendo lawyers have a psychic alarm that goes off whenever someone uses their shit

>> No.6710387

We got a prototype of a Donkey Kong game for the SNES that was turned into Yoshi's Island, a bunch of unused assets in OoT, a bunch of old test levels from Super Mario 64, and a bunch more. It's all in the OP.

>> No.6710393

>It's all in the OP
I'll take a look when I get home, phoneposting is kil

>> No.6710397

It wasn't Donkey Kong it was an entirely different IP.

>> No.6710406
File: 248 KB, 526x540, 1595783352524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, how dumb are you?

>> No.6710408

Actually, the emudevs can use the leaked code, they just have to not be autistic about saying they used it. They can also use their own variant of the code since as long as the end-game is the same, it should be good.

>> No.6710412

Good. It's time for a N64 emulator that's not autistic

>> No.6710414

i feel like that's just a regular gorilla enemy that happens to look like DK, not mr. monky himself. The sprite doesn't have a tie and Donkey Kong isn't purple.

>> No.6710415

It already exists and it's called paraLLEl

>> No.6710417

that drive literally hasn't been updated since July 27, please use kapp's, has much more:

>> No.6710420

What is that supposed to prove? The game also had Mario sprites for the main character, it doesn't mean anything.
It also didn't play anything like Donkey Kong.

>> No.6710423

The game was called Super Donkey and the filename for those sprites is kong are you fucking kidding me????

>> No.6710424

There's already emu devs using parts of it like the GBC docs/BIOS source to improve stuff though lol
Nintendo haven't even taken down the original leak URLs, really doesn't seem like they give much of a shit

>> No.6710427

Doubt (x)

>> No.6710429
File: 2 KB, 224x256, donkey-kong-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sprite doesn't have a tie
You realize the Tie was an addition by Rare right zoomie?

>> No.6710442
File: 150 KB, 413x477, dkgameboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyamoto suggested the tie to Rare and they went with it. The tie became so iconic that Nintendo then redesigned classic DK to have it as well.

>> No.6710445

He's right even if he's retarded, it could've just been a scrapped enemy for SMW2. Do you have any more solid evidence that it was originally meant to be a DK game?

>> No.6710453

The main character looks like Stanly the Bugman, there's sprites of a gorilla that looks exactly like classic DK called kong, the game is called Super Donkey and DKC's Japanese name is Super Donkey Kong, and it was in development around the time Rare was showing Nintendo DKC. Put two and two together and use your brain.

>> No.6710463

On the topic of SMW2
BSNES+ added support for the SMW2 map tools

>> No.6710465
File: 364 KB, 564x800, FAFCAD71-817A-4806-9A6A-6797FA304FB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main character from Super Donkey is actually Sky Skipper, not Stanley the Bugman

>> No.6710481 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 750x699, D69EB105-08F2-442C-91C7-5DC3EC26DAC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to the posts that make up these threads now?
>i hope we get mother 3!!!!!
>there’s a new C button icon in majora’s mask!!!!!!
>i hope there are more leaks!!!!!

>> No.6710494

Imagine talking about things you know nothing about

>> No.6710523
File: 86 KB, 750x699, 39104E7E-31B9-413B-A489-E02A27563F61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to the posts that make up these threads now?
>i hope we get mother 3!!!!!
>there’s a new C button icon in majora’s mask!!!!!!
>i hope there are more leaks!!!!!

>> No.6710561

alright i'm just gonna stick to mario 64 then

>> No.6710573

So how many times are you going to have your post deleted before you figure it out?

>> No.6710591

and the chest was a mimic

its tentacles inside wrap around Link's thighs

its acidic saliva melts away his tights and tunic, Link's erect penis flops around as he squeals in sexual ecstacy while the tentacles ravage his pristine elven butthole. Finally he cums all over his six-pack abs and the chest lets him go for depositing the required amount of fairy sperm.

>> No.6710594

Just filter and hide the post bro

>> No.6710595

who the FUCK is Sky Skipper?

>> No.6710601

no new Sin & Punishment leaks?

I want an app on my phone that lets me know if the uncompressed, full-quality audio of that game's soundtrack ever gets leaked. best videogame music ever made

>> No.6710629

Oh, no, I think it's humorous that he keeps posting the exact same post repeatedly only for it to be deleted shortly after.

>> No.6710674

fuck, still no Dr Mario 64 roms

>> No.6710694

i'm in the same boat as you, anon. as well as wanting to figure out how to get the ique roms (like the english sm64 shindou edition) to run on an emulator.

>> No.6710701

i hate myself for reading this and i hate you for writing it. i'm going to bleach my eyes now. fuck you.

>> No.6710707

What emulator are you using? the English SM64 Shindou ROM runs perfectly for me on Mupgen64+

>> No.6710718

project64, aka semi-shit emulator that i only use because i want to be able to use the transfer pak in pokemon stadium

>> No.6710721

Use Mupen64Plus-Next or paraLLEl or ModLoader64 (glorified fork of Mupen) like everyone else, PJ64 is just ZSNES tier at this point.

>> No.6710768

when i was playing with glitches on my 1.0 ntsc majora, i found out fast that the goron, zora, and diety tfs were indeed adult link. maybe the goron had a few tweakings in the animation or however it works, idk. but yep. making goron ride the horse, go for a swim, etc. that's adult link.

watching fierce diety link be chill and casual going for a swim and idling was pretty neat.

>> No.6710809

I wanna use Mupen but I'm too retarded. Why can't they make it like Dolphin or Citra?

>> No.6710814

Just download ModLoader64 then, it's retard-proof Mupen with retard-proof ROM patching capabilities.

>> No.6710827

might've just been a placeholder idea for a general "Adult Link" transformation that eventually became Fierce Deity

>> No.6710878

It's obvious the boss-only restriction on the transformation was there since the very beginning, and given that FD is just a reskinned adult link with a reskin of biggoron sword that shoots magic discs, that's probably the only difference between adult's mask and FD mask. They might not even have updated adult link's model before changing it into FD.

>> No.6710895

If you don't mind retroarch the mupen core for that is pretty simple to get working, pretty much just download the core & choose a ROM IIRC

>> No.6710907
File: 1.51 MB, 600x449, loz wallmaster leak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if archeologists just stopped digging because they thought they would just find more pot shards.
you never know what we will find next and all information found is interesting to me.

>> No.6710926

Can it play Mischief Makers
I'll try it out.

>> No.6710947

There are still more things to look at in there, just need the right people who can decipher it

>> No.6710951

>Can it play Mischief Makers
Not only can it play Mischief Makers, a mod to add multiplayer online support is being worked on for it. If you're also willing to try out vanilla Mupen64Plus-Next in Retroarch, check out paraLLEl. It requires newer, stronger hardware to run compared to Mupen, and it requires Vulkan, but it's far more accurate and can accurately emulate the VI filter.

>> No.6711013

I always just assumed it because Fierce Deity is a RAM hog and Clock Town is memory intensive enough as it is. Imagine going around in a form twice young link's size, throwing energy beams everywhere in a busy, clustered area like that. The frame rate dips enough as it is even despite using the expansion pak.

>> No.6711032

>archaeology analogy

>> No.6711038

>nOt rEtRo

>> No.6711047
File: 523 KB, 791x593, azumanga daioh sunset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some day some autistic team of zoomers will add a romhack where the missing levels are included by adding new paintings randomly somewhere or a painting that shows up if you get 120 stars that leads to other paintings

I wonder where they'll put the painting?

>> No.6711051

Still allowed here in this thread.

>> No.6711053

What analogy would you use or is it that you'd not like any analogy due to being a biased retard that's so inflexibly ocd that new information about your childhood games scares you?

Not him btw.

>> No.6711059
File: 14 KB, 236x330, Don't tell me what I can't do!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the random and or every other letter capitalized meme from redditors to show sardonic mocking of people that'd care that it isn't retro, just so's you know.

>> No.6711062


>> No.6711069
File: 707 KB, 1280x720, 1320908880249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6711079
File: 14 KB, 474x237, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6711195

The lost ALTTP monster sprites made me realize how awesome Zelda could've been if they had just innovated in the monster dept rather than staying safe.

>> No.6711203

haven't seen it anywhere yet

>> No.6711228

which ones?

>> No.6711254

The beholder, the demon plant, a poltergeist that throws tables and axes. There's a robed ghoul but that is probably too close to poes in concept to be said to be different than the path Zelda did take, but Poes are one of OoT's more interesting enemies.

>> No.6711296

ask and ye shall recieve

>> No.6711320
File: 3 KB, 34x32, ALttP_Poe_Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a poltergeist that throws tables and axes
Didn't see that. Post pic, please?

Also Poes were in ALttP, pic related with his hood and little lantern.

>> No.6711330

>poltergeist that throws tables and axes
That HAS to be from when Itoi was writing the story. He was fresh off writing another RPG that involved poltergeists.

>> No.6711331
File: 7 KB, 128x143, polter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in the middle of an otherwise blank cgx so most people probably dont notice it

>> No.6711335

Maybe but the art is closer to finished ALTTP than the early "Itoi looking" Earthbound maps. Some of it is even final game portraits and tables that have a breaking animation for when theyre thrown

>> No.6711337

please stop bumping this thread, you're burying the miyamoto general

>> No.6711347

fucking hell even with Mupen64Plus I can't run the iQue ROMs

>> No.6711356
File: 225 KB, 1280x960, Zelda Chuanshuo Shiguang Zhi Di (China) (Chinese Traditional) (iQue)-200811-211930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What iQue ROMs are you trying to run? Officially released ones or something from this leak?

>> No.6711359

That seems sensible to me, mupen64 and PJ64 can barely run N64 roms, let alone some totally different piece of hardware based on N64

>> No.6711363

generals are cancer

>> No.6711368

>two best emulators for n64 can barely run n64 roms

Bait and inb4 the bloatware zoomerarch.

>> No.6711370

PJ64 is laughably bad compared to Mupen64Plus-Next, paraLLEl, and ModLoader64. The only reason it should even be mentioned anymore would be for SM64 ROM hacks that don't work on real hardware.

>> No.6711375

Retroarch is even worse, just a shoddy front end with an awful gui with emu cores

>> No.6711376

Not him, but last I used Mupen64 it ran Conkers but with very obvious graphical bugs. I also tried Resident Evil 2 and all the 3d models were ontop of the foreground. Duke 64 ran like a dream though. This was half a decade ago though so it's probably way better now.

>> No.6711381

Comparing Mupen today to Mupen from five years ago is like comparing bsnes today to SNES9x in 2003. It's actually crazy how far it's been taken.

>> No.6711382
File: 111 KB, 1027x765, BodyHarvestclipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's well known that n64 emulation is poor.

>> No.6711385

PJ64 is fine with the right plugins and Pokemon/Mario Golf/Tennis. That's about it

>> No.6711390

>fine with the right plugins

Thats the problem with plugin emulators, no one can ever tell you what the 'right' plugins and settings are for your random game. And the 'right' ones keep changing.

>> No.6711391

would you believe me if i said i tried 2/3 of those and they still did not work?

>> No.6711394

the english ones from the leak. like english mario shindou edition.

>> No.6711398

If you can link me the ROM, I'll see if I can get it to run.

>> No.6711405

it's in bbgames in the release folder. it's sm.rom.

>> No.6711419

yeah, the only reason i use an emulator is to test my sm64 romhacks. also because earlier this week my actual N64 died. rest in peace

>> No.6711431

I fear for N64 preservation; it doesn't seem to be getting much closer to the actual hardware like many emulation scenes did with age. Some games will likely never look right.

>> No.6711449

Nice, thanks.

Guess this might be what eventually became the attacking floor tiles and pots in dungeons like the Tower of Hera.

>> No.6711459

I much prefer this style sadly. For some reason I never got the feeling of "poltergeist" from those. More like magic trap.

>> No.6711464

i think i figured out what the deal is with the donkey kong-looking gorilla in super donkey.
there are purple monkey enemies you can jump on in super donkey, maybe it was meant to be a boss that was basically a bigger version of those enemies in which you had to jump on him a certain amount of times to defeat him?

>> No.6711498


One of the last remnants of...
A Link to the Future

>> No.6711501

I'd think FPGA's would handle that since you can recreate the hardware pretty much. I don't know what the scene looks like today though.

>> No.6711589

I swear I heard Hyperkin was making an N64 FPGA somewhere.

>> No.6711625

>six-pack abs
bitch link is a twink he can't even uproot grass with his hands

>> No.6711695
File: 122 KB, 434x562, link abs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checkmate atheist

>> No.6711738

In the future when everyone currently alive as well as every N64 has died, those leaked ique verilog files will be the saving grace.

>> No.6711772

It'd make anything that used them unsalable and thus useless to companies trying to make reproHW. Cleanroomers gotta cleanroom

>> No.6711789

it would eventually become a political problem

>> No.6711796


Original mfgs will always win in that case given their $$$ advantage unless Nintendo collapses by then due to some monumental missteps

>> No.6711847
File: 584 KB, 603x409, xW4Ow65BSl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6711882

Do you think Miyamoto goes back and plays his old games?

>> No.6711908
File: 2.31 MB, 512x224, yoshi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a mystery

>> No.6711916

>Do you think Miyamoto goes back and plays his old games?

>> No.6711920

>Do you think Miyamoto goes back and plays his old games?

GCCX did a special with Miyamoto and he in fact said he hadn't played Super Mario Bros 1 for decades at that point.

>> No.6711926

The senile old fuck doesn't even play video games

>> No.6711931
File: 422 KB, 650x1066, crying computer cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand people who don't appreciate their own works, even if to occasionally revisit the good old days of their career and reminisce.

>> No.6711940

I think some of it may be they look at it and see all the flaws and places that they should've made it better and it tears them up with embarrassment that they released it like that

>> No.6711985

Many older creators dont or just play tests levels.

>> No.6712004
File: 15 KB, 239x211, 48e62344cfabc260007b84ebc1e28f02d10537a0r1-239-211v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are purple monkey enemies you can jump on in super donkey, maybe it was meant to be a boss that was basically a bigger version of those enemies in which you had to jump on him a certain amount of times to defeat him?
Probably. But you know, despite any arguments to the contrary (and I know the filename is kong.cgx, but I can see someone dismissing that), I do firmly believe that it is meant to be DK due to the strong resemblance to the way Miyamoto draws him.

>> No.6712012


>> No.6712015

Given angryDonkey and angryKirby, why have we not yet seen the phenomena of angryLink and angryMario?

>> No.6712016

a cool girl who doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.6712018

honest question anon, do you actually work in a creative field?

>> No.6712021

But ROMs are fair game right? or at least not more illegal that they already are.

>> No.6712041

I love how this sounds condescending (not that anon btw) despite the relative ease with which one could point to famous directors like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg rewatching their early works. You're right, Anon, all creators are embarrassed by their early work.

>> No.6712043

angry mario is in the newer super trash bros entries

>> No.6712073
File: 2.61 MB, 1200x986, 67b33e5b-3181-47a3-9418-d5bc2f9220dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. That's one of the things I've disliked the most about the series post-64. He started out looking like pic related and each subsequent title has him looking a little more angry and with more realistic detail added to his clothes.

>> No.6712084

Probably because like with Kirby, HAL does market research on Americans and knows what we like

>> No.6712087
File: 2 KB, 121x125, Miyamoto's donkey kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely meant to be Donkey Kong. The Super Donkey demo is meant to be about the gameplay, you can even hold monkeys and fly around with them

>> No.6712093

is programming creative?

>> No.6712102

To be fair, HAL hasn't developed a game in the Smash series since Melee. Sora did Brawl, Namco did For and Ultimate.

>> No.6712103


imagine Link giving you a hateful scowl while in the middle of having hot sex with him

>> No.6712104

nice pic man

>> No.6712108

Where did you get that? My argument is simply that many creators are, many others aren't. It likely reflects their own ideas of taste and success rather than some posturing or bravado
depends what you do with it

>> No.6712109

What is this, a Donkey Kong for ants?

>> No.6712123
File: 585 KB, 1102x660, 1595841019467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't OoT Link basically angryLink?

>> No.6712154

sure as hell made me angry when Nintendo put tights on him

imagine him doing those somersaults and dodges with his bare legs. You'd catch glimpses of his long kielbasa-sized penis flopping around as his tunic gets caught in the wind. Link would be running around the fields of Hyrule while his hefty penis would keep smacking into his own legs enough that his upper thighs would develop bruises unless he tip-toes constantly. There would be an audible sound effect played every step he takes where his penis just smacks into himself with a loud fleshy "nok! nok! nok! nok!" percussion.

>> No.6712160

wher da shiel go

>> No.6712294
File: 16 KB, 342x251, 33f659be535172387081309ac2f8bbdb0be452e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6712390

>Where did you get that?
I don't know, the way you asked 'are you in a creative field' seemed to suggest it might be normal for creators to never revisit their earlier work. I personally think it's ridiculous when some famous creators never re-engage with their earlier work, because then they're likely to lose sight of what people loved about their games in the first place.

To use a specific Miyamoto example, there are a number of Mario fans that felt disenfranchised when the series moved to 3D. Those lapsed fans came rushing back when NSMB came out (the sales numbers of the NSMB series vs. 3D Mario sales attest to 2D Mario's steady popularity). Yet Shigeru Miyamoto himself has never gotten directly involved with any of the "new" Super Mario Bros. games, and as a result they all have the same sterile look and increasingly cookie cutter gameplay. The man doesn't want to ever make a proper Super Mario World 3/Super Mario Bros. 5, because that would mean staring down his own legacy and attempting to one-up the Miyamoto of 30 years ago. That will never happen because Miyamoto himself doesn't even understand why games like SMB3 endure in popularity, because he's so hung up on what he should have done differently that he doesn't even understand what he did RIGHT.

>> No.6712635

The only Link that's not at least a twunk are the kids, and BOTW Link so he can pass for a girl in Gerudo town, and even there the Gerudo's say he has abs... weak abs, but abs nonetheless.

>> No.6712636

I felt disenfranchised when almost every series moved to 3D

>> No.6712712

working on the restoration patch made me do something dumb. i'm not sure you all are ready to see it.

>> No.6712717

typical (You)

>> No.6712728

My body is ready.

>> No.6712742

Yo imagine being such a fucking fag you gotta try to call out namefags who actually contribute to this thread

>> No.6712746

rules are rules :^) but then, you know that, don't you?

>> No.6712753

Bring it on

>> No.6712806

i don't mean to sound pretentious, but i like having a name attached to my work. it makes it a bit easier for people to know who to credit and it's just nice to be recognized for what i do than to just be known as "some anon"

>> No.6712818

right, that's why namefagging and avatarfagging are banned lmao

>> No.6712823

No they arent.

>> No.6712826

I warned you guys.


>> No.6712828
File: 35 KB, 515x751, avatarfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No they aren't
whatever you say moron

>> No.6712864

Avatarfagging and sigfagging are banned, however namefagging isn't. It is frowned upon but not bannable.

>> No.6712865

>he doesn't think names are signatory
are you retarded or have you recently suffered a blow to the head?

>> No.6712875 [DELETED] 

>racism outside of /b/

How come this is never enforced in /pol/?

>> No.6712876

Nice. Have you thought about replacing the stairs in the main castle hall with the twin platforms so that it appears more accurate to the beta?

>> No.6712896

Anon, think.
Why would they have the option in the first place if using it is worth an instant ban?

>> No.6712901


>> No.6712910

Congratulation, you are a retard!

What he is doing is soft-Namefagging, which is completely fine for what he is doing.

>> No.6712912

>it's not against the rules if I approve of it
Sorry lawbreaker, but it's the same thing as posting illegal images.

>> No.6712921

>Misreading comprehension
How old are you?

>> No.6712925
File: 2.09 MB, 320x240, 1585520349777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old enough to beat up your dad.

>> No.6712926

yeah, i just can't seem to figure out how to edit existing level layouts. are the models for each level in the sm64 folder? if so, that'd be so much easier.

>> No.6712931

you fool, he has no dad!

>> No.6712945


>> No.6712950
File: 11 KB, 320x320, 1595812341225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no soul either. I live in the code

>> No.6712956
File: 496 KB, 245x172, ae4f0f6e9e3a0e090da7792339a510cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyways after looking thoroughly at the restoration patch, my thoughts were: [pic attached].

i'm gonna be editing level layouts now, to make existing levels closer to their shoshinkai iterations. i just found all the levels in .sou format which will make this task MUCH, MUCH easier. except the castle maybe, i don't really wanna break any level warps

>> No.6712958

I haven't checked any the folders relating to the leak nor I have any programming knowledge, so I wouldn't know; I'm just a hopeful lurker.

>> No.6712985

Now if anyone would like to help me out with this, that'd be great. I'm probably gonna work on Whomp's Fortress and the First Bowser stage, which just leaves the castle interior (which really just needs to have the big steps instead of the staircase) and Lethal Lava Land. If anyone wants to try their hand at those two
levels and insert them into the restoration rom themselves, by all means do so.

>> No.6713023

After years of crunch it sounds like the devs just want nothing to do with it at the end and to take a break. I don't think they ever see a reason to pick it up again later, because they know basically everything or don't have the time to. Everytime I watch devs replay their own game it's always a huge nastolgia trip for them, but they never seem that interested in the game. They're usually too locked into what 's currently going on today to want to waste time on the game.

The only exception I've really seen is Warren Spector. Whenever he has someone replay an old game (I don't think I've ever seen him do it himself) he sounds like he's selling the game or hyping up how great it is. I suspect it's because he was more of a suit and never did anything hands on, like art or code.

>> No.6713037
File: 182 KB, 345x244, Blurps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey .sou anon, I know you're working the PLY and textures at your own pace but I'd like confirmation on something it you don't mind. In sm64\shape\enemy2_d is puku.shape but in sm64\shape\enemy1_k is a buku folder containing buku.shape, buku_A_shape.sou, buku_B_shape.sou, buku_texture.h, gfx_buku.sou, and hms_buku,sou. All I can figure out with my fish-brain is that they both reference "puku" textures, so it's obvious that they're the Bub and Bubba Cheep Cheeps, but I figured "buku" is named after pic related. My question is, which is which exactly?

>> No.6713051

>at your own pace
you mean in between shitting up the board?

>> No.6713064

Game Arts also did Brawl, and they've been a zombified corpse for decades now.

>> No.6713070

I could see this if I had scat fetish.

>> No.6713073

Same. The only one I ever thought transitioned perfectly to 3D was Zelda, and even then I eventually got annoyed with the increased focus on puzzles. Fortunately BotW took huge strides back to the series' more action based roots.

>> No.6713078

was Sky Skipper meant to be Nintendo's attempt at copying Sky Kid? A lot of their early stuff seems really derivative of what Namco was doing at the time

>> No.6713083

But I'm American, and I hate angry Mario. Which is not to say I think Mario should be cute all the time, either. I think Miyamoto had the right idea when he started to express concern about Mario becoming too cutesy in the late 90s/early 00s, and not manly and cool. But manly and cool doesn't have to mean aggro all the time, either.

>> No.6713084

Sky Skipper predates Sky Kid by a couple of years, so no.

>> No.6713128
File: 15 KB, 107x86, SuperBub64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed there's also an "actor_buku" in the Yoshi's Story stuff but it's probably unrelated, "buku" is a pretty generic onomatopoeia.

>> No.6713134
File: 74 KB, 1899x561, yossy on break, baby beat game solo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao is this noted anywhere? at the end goal of 3-3 in the ys_rom_0_D version the next yoshi never comes and mario comedically just plops on the floor, sits for a second then crawls off the screen, soft locking the game. its not noted on tcrf and no one seems to complete the stage on youtube. I keep rewinding but that bitch wont come catch him!

>> No.6713161

That's against the anon ethos.

>> No.6713210

It is possible to compile pokemon diamond for Linux?

>> No.6713272


>> No.6713273

Okay, two things:
1. I've been following your progress since way back when you first started trying to restore Mario's beta head until now. When you finally released your beta asset restoration patch yesterday and fucking no one responded to you but me, it pissed me off. Seriously, I expected more people to support what you're doing. I know I'm trying to, which brings me to...
2. I still can't get your first patch to work! I've tried every major N64 emulator (including ModLoader64) and have even used a program called Tool64 to convert my SM64 ROM between .z64 and .n64 formats before applying the patch. And no matter what I do, it crashes after the title screen. Please help.

>> No.6713275

it doesn't work because he's a hack

>> No.6713279

I wonder what's special about that stage that the ending sequence would play out in a way that results in a crash. Weird.

>> No.6713280

you wanna know what's so special? nintendo made it shortly before the leaks and its NOT RETRO

>> No.6713287

Bizarre theory. Maybe if you elaborated a little it could seem slightly, slightly, slightly in the ballpark of plausible, but probably not.

>> No.6713290

Nintendo leaked these fake assets to promote themselves, in reality they had their young gunners duplicate these older assets and present them in this detached "leak oriented" format

>> No.6713294

makes an insane amount of sense t b h

>> No.6713297

Maybe your rom is bad?

>> No.6713307

When was it good? Been on this board since day one. The first year or so was 2 or 3 threads per week and only around 50 posts on the whole board. It was dead on arrival. And the only increase I've noticed is that there's more shitheads that migrated from /v/. You can tell since it wasn't always like this.

>> No.6713313

Can a rom be bad even if it functions normally (without the patch)?

>> No.6713315


>> No.6713335

Well, I don't really don't know what I can do about that. No VPN so I'm not going to torrent it and deal with more fallout from my ISP (I got a phone call and a letter for downloading Mario Sunshine once). The SM64 rom I got comes from a N64 rom collection I downloaded from archive.org some time ago. I've never had any problems with any of the roms, and SM64 is 8,192kb, which I remember from past experience is the correct size for the game.

>> No.6713342

I don't know what to say. Maybe .sou anon might know something?

>> No.6713343

Nah he’s a hack

>> No.6713354


>> No.6713356

Holy based, disregarded

>> No.6713368

Have you reported him for using a name yet, Anon? How’d that work out for you?

>> No.6713403

I'm a different guy, I saw an opportunity and I took it. .sou anon has been doing more work than most the retards in this thread including me, hope he keeps it up

>> No.6713405

I never reported him lol just wanted to put a little scare into him, rattle his cage.

>> No.6713412

Somehow, your braincells seem to decrease exponentially with each post you trihard mongoloid. Shut up, lurk and cry yourself to sleep tonight remembering even the namefag is worthy of more love than you in this cold, cold world

>> No.6713436

I'm not betting on that, but the srcad leaking was a godsend. Expect more streamlined rom hacking stuff in the future.

>> No.6713438

That wasn’t an appropriate response to my post. Do you have a fever anon?

>> No.6713535

No, I have AIDS

>> No.6713602

I think they're the Cheep Chomps/Bubbas, the fish in Tiny-Huge Island with the sunglasses.

I'm sorry to hear that! I'll figure that out. I'll have to test this on multiple emulators to see what the issue is.

>> No.6713653
File: 411 KB, 1280x720, M64 Beta Assets FIXED-200812-125115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone having the title screen crash issue with .sou anon's Mario 64 Hack, I got it to (partially) work in mupen64plus by recompressing the rom with this tool.

I previously used that to make some other hacks like Star Road and Super Mario 74 work for me. Sadly this one is still broken, the audio doesn't play and Mario looks messed up. It might be worth looking into this, though.
For some dumb reason all mario 64 romhacks larger than 24mb crash after pressing start on the title screen on mupen64plus.

>> No.6713658

I'm sad there wasn't an NG+ sort of thing. Eliminate the other masks and have you have to work around the puzzles as Adult Link.

>> No.6713678
File: 82 KB, 1200x552, 1200px-Hyrule_Historia_Deku_Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this concept seems to contradict the "coding hints" or whatever pointing at the mask was meant for skullkid

>> No.6713682

You lost me at the skullkid part. Why would any mask be meant for him?

>> No.6713683

I can also send the version of Project64 that worked for me, if that's helpful.
I know it's pretty much N64 ZSNES now, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.6713686

I don’t have time to try it right now, but yeah, if you could post the P64 it works on that’d be great, and I’ll check it out later today. Thanks.

>> No.6713689


>> No.6713775
File: 60 KB, 1024x644, coolkoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one, buku? That's interesting because bukubuku looks more like >>6713128

>> No.6713827

Re: the SMB3 style SMW assets found in this leak: I know I'm not the first to make this connection, but perhaps not everyone is aware of this old SMW interview from 1990:
>Miyamoto: We no longer had the restrictions on scrolling and the number of colors that the Famicom had, so it became much easier to depict things. That was nice. However, before starting Super Mario World we ported Mario 3 to the Super Famicom as a hardware experiment, and even though the colors and sprites were more detailed, it was still the same game. It made me realize that we couldn’t just make the same game again: we had to create something new. So it was in that context that we talked about how to make the most use of the new hardware. There was a lot of discussion about it, actually.
He says right there that they ported SMB3 to SNES before working on SMW, so the Mario 3 style item sprites and Mario sprites could be a leftover from that. Also, we know that the All-Stars version of SMB3 is a direct port, so it's possible that they used their original port as a basis for the All-Stars version.

>> No.6713837

Meant for >>6713602
Although now that I think about it, if Cheep Chomp is buku, then its final Japanese name bakubaku makes more sense.

>> No.6713875

no more leaks?

>> No.6713906

For now

>> No.6713932

this wave is over, check back in a couple months

>> No.6713935

Here's my version of Project64. It also has a pre-patched SM64 Restoration. I hope it works.

>> No.6713936


>> No.6713938

Anything new revealed about DS games after the Pokémon D&P leaks?

>> No.6713959

i don't think so.

>> No.6713980
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, 1573681612923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey at least Mario smiles again in Ultimate

>> No.6713993


>> No.6713997

i wish nintendo would have mario make the v sign and generally look more cheerful again. like 64 era mario.

>> No.6714000

why would it contradict anything? iirc the thing with the mask was that skull kid stole Link's appearance and like mario sunshine he was going to do stuff in clock town so that people would blame Link for it and then at the end of the week you confront him and get the Link mask back
they probably scrapped it because it doesn't make much sense, like yeah Skull kid goes around committing crimes with Link's mask but at the same time Link looks like a deku scrub so it doesn't affect him, then you get it back and go back to the first day and again nothing ever affects Link

>> No.6714006
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1570012167752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wish nintendo would have mario make the v sign
he does in Odyssey, everytime you pick up a moon Mario strikes three poses, which are the 64, Sunshine and Galaxy ones

>> No.6714013

oh, sick. i don't own odyssey so i didn't know that.

>> No.6714101 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is a containment board.

>> No.6714109 [DELETED] 

every board is destined to become /pol/ as people here slowly wake up

>> No.6714117
File: 171 KB, 1164x994, 1596074335969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah, of course.

>> No.6714121

Every board is /pol/ with emphasis on different topics

>> No.6714141

>which are the 64, Sunshine and Galaxy ones

It's just rock paper scissors

>> No.6714159

>acting like 4chan isn’t a massive honeypot
Keep posting crazy shit anon.

>> No.6714163

and at the same time the same poses he used in those games
they can be both you know

>> No.6714164

did they even try?

>> No.6714195

who, me?

>> No.6714327

The theme that plays is a remixed version of the SM64 star get theme, too

>> No.6714587
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, kim approves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714628

I would reiterate that the most likely explanation for how the mask was going to work is Skull Kid would get it when truning Link into a Deku Scrub, use it to frame him for all his mischief, and then we'd take it from him at the end of the first three days; probably along with the Ocarina, with the Song of Time requiring to be played on it and not the Deku's pipes, so both items would be needed. Or heck, maybe Skull Kid was never going to take the Ocarina and we'd just need our original form to make the Song work.

>> No.6714651

Didn't see this when I posted >>6714628
I agree with that anon, obviously.
Except we have to remember that all of SkullKid's "pranks" were performed before Link gets to Termina, going back to the first day does not undo them.
Nintendo probably thought they'd have situations in which you'd need to be human and the consequences of all the trouble SkullKid caused with your appearence would haunt you, then realized it was too complicate to pull off again and again when you have so many other forms and scrapped the idea.

>> No.6714669 [DELETED] 

hold the fuck up
is this the beta restoration ROMhack?
if not, what is this information from >>6706159
(aside from TCRF)?

>> No.6714830

alright, i figured out how to get my patch to run without a freeze.

for project64, you have to enable "Unaligned DMA" in the config for your specific ROM.

>> No.6714840

also, in order to make mario not look weirdly colored, you have to use jabo's direct 3D8 as the video plugin. GLideN64 seems to have issues with displaying mario's colors correctly. might be a side effect of me relocating the bytes for mario's model in order to allocate for a larger model size.

>> No.6715016

is there really any more use for this? i thought about continuing it but it seems everyone else has already gone through everything. i don't really have any motivation to continue this unless it's needed or if we haven't gone through everything yet. that said if there's still stuff that needs to be found in another repository/folder i'd be happy to go through it all and list what i find as well

>> No.6715226

Can you imagine drawing something and then a corporation backs up your pc and throws it in a dumpster after the game ships and you never see your art again

>> No.6715239

Whats N64 bsnes?

>> No.6715249

paraLLEl = bsnes
Mupen64Plus-Next = SNES9x
PJ64 with the best possible combination of plug-ins = ZMZ

>> No.6715278

bsnes runs at full speed on modern pcs. How does paraLLEl do? I assume Not So Good

>> No.6715286

I have a Ryzen 2600x and an R9 270x connected to my CRT and GTX 1070 connected to my monitor. paraLLEl runs at full speed on both no matter what I throw at it.

>> No.6715323

interesting. Is it even remotely close to bsnes level accuracy then or no?

>> No.6715338

It's not as accurate in emulating N64 games as bsnes is in emulating SNES games, but it's pretty fucking accurate.

> RetroArch's Nintendo 64 libretro core called ParaLLEl is based on Mupen64Plus and its plugins but with heavy modifications. It introduces many features and optimizations not present in mainline alongside RetroArch's general features, including Project64-style overclocking for faster frame rates, 3-point texture filtering, superior A/V sync and latency, and even an exclusive LLE Vulkan renderer based on Angrylion's pixel-perfect RDP plugin, making it a better alternative to the standalone version in some cases, especially if accuracy is the goal. ParaLLEl has a special "Super VI Mode" option which, if used, can make the visuals of N64 games look less blurry with fairly mitigated jaggies even at their native resolutions. Although, it may need a powerful GPU. It also offers native high resolution rendering, only available in integer scales of the original N64 resolution.

>> No.6715464

Getting rid of the V sign was part of Miyamoto’s initiative to make Mario seem cooler and less cutesy and kiddy. He also hated the storybook segments of Mario Galaxy and barred any semblance of a story from Galaxy 2 as a result.

>> No.6715473

He's just preventing kids from becoming autistic about "Mario lore"

>> No.6715502

Ironically, the storybook segments were probably the least kiddy thing in any main series Mario game.

>> No.6715504

Damn straight they weren’t. Its been years since I played it but I’d probably still tear up at “that” chapter.

>> No.6715507

There are some deep, dark secrets

>> No.6715509

Would you rather have Ura Zelda as you imagined it or Majoras mask as it is?

>> No.6715520

I hate to say it, but Majora’s Mask as it is.

>> No.6715530


>> No.6715619

Majora's Mask.

>> No.6715629

Weren't Ura Zelda and Zelda Gaiden 2 separate projects?

>> No.6715641

Legend has it that Big Miya decided to make Ura Zelda. But little Aonuma rebeled, wanting to make a new Zelda - not Ura OoT, and big Miya said "ok if you can make a Zelda game in a year you can make your new Zelda. And thus Majora's Mask was born and Ura Zelda killed.

>> No.6715642


>> No.6715647

Yes, but there was enough overlap between the two teams that they eventually had to can one to focus on the other. That’s how MM ended up with the Spider House mini-dungeon.

>> No.6715649

Recent finds suggest Ura became Gaiden

>> No.6715667

Not exactly. Gaiden may have cannibalized parts of its sister project, but Miyamoto interviews of that era always said that Ura still existed and was waiting to be released. Source: my memory of 20 years ago, but feel free to fact check me

>> No.6715676

Miyamoto says a lot of things. We have an interview where he says party!Zelda 3 was waiting to be released in 1989 and then a totally different Zelda 3 appeared in 1991

>> No.6715678
File: 23 KB, 620x350, shigesato miramoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715682

Nah, I recall such comments myself, but consider what we ended up getting in the eventual Ura/Master Quest release, you can reasonably say Gaiden cannibalized basically everything about the original Ura project, so it's perfectly reasonable to say Ura became Gaiden.

>> No.6715683

whoops forgot the text, well that's embarassing:

In the late 80s, future Video Game magnate Shigeru Miyamoto spent roughly 7 or 8 months sojourning in the United States. He was there conducting a tryst with a local american woman who later became the visual inspiration for Princess Toadstool. Following the release of the smash-hit platformer, Mario brothers, featuring Nintendo's most popular long-running mascot, Miyamoto's profile had raised considerably. As a result, he was forced to use codenames/decknames/pseudonyms wherever he was staying. Most commonly, he used the name "Scott Foreman" because it looked completely innocuous and uninteresting on a hotel registry. This was confirmed by the then-manager of the best western motel that Shige was staying at, who said, "Well, I'd never met an oriental fellow named Scott before, but his money was still green and I afforded him the privacy I extended to all of my motel guests. I distinctly remember he was a very generous tipper, and one time even gave me tips on beating world 3 in Mario. (We had a NES at the reception desk at the time)"

>> No.6715697

It's a sign that it's ok to not continue, we all know the legend of Scott Foreman by now

>> No.6715757

Tell me the legend of Scott Foreman

>> No.6715760

it's not a story the jedi would tell you

>> No.6715762 [DELETED] 

see >>6715683

>> No.6715764

It's the name Miyamoto would give to hotels/women/prostitutes/mail order pornography companies to conceal his identity. He'd also use it as a nickname when he'd crank call Sega headquarters. He'd ask them if their "profits were running" and then say "you-a betta go-uh fast to catch these profits" and laugh into the receiver until they hung up on him.

>> No.6715770

fuckin censorship

>> No.6715775

i got some of my sm64 romhacks (i.e. luigi's meme mayhem) to run on my homebrew wii via VC injection. judging by it not running properly on many emulators, i doubt the restoration patch will run, but we'll see.

>> No.6715884

holy based

>> No.6715889
File: 3.93 MB, 1580x2238, 1597277627313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6715923

Until now! There has to be a way to contact Arimoto and other artists whose work was found in these leaks to let them know that we autistically pored through every byte of that personal folder they kept 30 years ago.

>> No.6715927

dont tell youtube

>> No.6715932

They'd probably report you to Nintendo CEO Demon McBabyface

>> No.6715934

>Epona’s song for free milk
How is that odd? The cows like the song because they’ve heard Malon sing it.

>> No.6715957

Basically the first hard evidence that the Triforce was supposed to be something obtainable instead of just a plot point.

>> No.6715983

idk man. If someone stole my sketchbooks and spread my old shitty doodles around I'd be pissed.

>> No.6715985

would you be pissed if I did it tho anon? if i meant well?

>> No.6715987
File: 67 KB, 833x589, EfQxNAlXsAAsxjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's neat they're still discovering things 3 weeks later.

>> No.6715989

Good news! The beta restoration runs on Wii VC and probably original hardware.
Bad news, Mario's textures appear incorrectly. Shit.

>> No.6716012

I also figured out how to get the patch to work correctly on Project 64. You have to enable Unaligned DMA in the ROM Config settings.
In order to make Mario not look like a multicolour Italian vomit puddle, you have to set your video plugin to Jabo's Direct3D8. GLide64 doesn't seem to want to display it correctly.

>> No.6716014

Maybe you should check Mario's model again, it seems that something has been put incorrectly and it's fucking up the textures

>> No.6716019

Holy shit! First they found Luigi in SM64, now they (finally) found proof that the Triforce really WAS obtainable in Zelda 64! Damn it’s a good time to be a 90s kid.

>> No.6716023

How did that guy open a N64 texture file in Gimp?

>> No.6716028

I think you need to edit the code to remove some stuff

>> No.6716043
File: 520 KB, 648x1036, familiar reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Malon is Link's sister
Yup. Found her. Definitely the red head with a brown haired father. No need to investigate further. Don't wanna get a tour of the bottom of the well, do we?

>> No.6716057

What part of the game is the second screen from?

>> No.6716071
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, Yoshi commits war crimes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6716074
File: 2.88 MB, 1536x672, Yoshi prototype world screen x3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6716126

Go to the Graveyard, inspect the tombs furthest back. Kill the Poes that appear and approach them. They are the ghosts of the composers that worked for the Royal Family. The one from the tomb on the right says that.

>> No.6716149

Still the best removed minigame I have ever seen.

>> No.6716154

SOUL. Does someone know the reason they removed it?

>> No.6716160

No shit, really? I have a feeling I knew this before but forgot about it because it’s been so long. I mean I must have encountered that line before, because back in those days I was obsessed with the theory that Zelda was Link’s sister in both LttP and OoT. The LttP clue (“Zelda is your...”) was disproven when someone translated the original Japanese, but I wonder how this line read in the original.

Isn’t there also a story Deku Tree Jr. tells Link about his mother dying and leaving him in Kokiri Forest to be raised by the forest spirits? I remember how I always wanted to believe that the woman was the queen, and since Zelda doesn’t have a mother...

>> No.6716162

This is just a bunch of bullshit

>> No.6716163

link if he real

>> No.6716167

Nice try, Miyamoto.

>> No.6716171

Wow, good job you figured it out

>> No.6716172

reminder that Miyamoto prefers white women and every redesign of peach reflects the visage of his mistress at the time of the redesign.

>> No.6716232

miyamoto's a degenerate race traitor? who woulda thunk it

>> No.6716257


>> No.6716264

They were all cartoons?

>> No.6716274

Cart space maybe

>> No.6716337

how do you have an oot iceberg and not include the unicorn fountain? i know it ties in with zelda 64 beta but there were rumors of finding it in the final game

>> No.6716379

Been here after a few weeks
How much of the gigaleak (assuming there wasn't any new leaks) have we fully uncovered?
About a percentage would do

>> No.6716403

yeah probably cause space.

1- only the first world map has enemies on it. all the other worlds are completely empty except for the second, which they only started working on by adding the mist effect you see when fighting against the giant koopa boss from the fourth world(which is unused/unfinished in these protos i believe)

2- at the end of the first world you can see the final boss on the map meaning they would have to create not only five more one-time-seen sprites for the all the rest of the bosses but an additional SIX for the minibosses as well.

3- they would have to create new land tiles for the snow, mountainous, jungle and bone maps. currently all six worlds reuse that same terrain.

4- the maps are literally copy and pasted meaning the sixth level of every world always has to be cave based, bowsers castle is the same dinky castle from world one etc. new pathway art would need to be created too

5- when the map element, given to yoshi along with baby mario, was integrated after these builds it seems only appropriate for the player to be looking at them for progress

>> No.6716408

This was removed because westerners (white women) would take offense. Shame.

>> No.6716420

>Isn’t there also a story Deku Tree Jr. tells Link about his mother dying and leaving him in Kokiri Forest
Of course.

>The LttP clue (“Zelda is your...”) was disproven when someone translated the original Japanese
It never added up: the game stresses out multiple times the importance of the bloodlines of the Sages and Knights of Hyrule, stating that Link is the last descendant of the Knights. You'd think it would be noted if he descnded from both.

>> No.6716437

why would you think that you head canon schizo?

>> No.6716467

Not him (I’m the anon he was responding to), but... what? How did what he said warrant that response in any way? Where’s the headcanon?

>> No.6716469

he's just making shit up? lol there's the headcanon. he's a big phony.

>> No.6716487

We shouldn't be derailing the thread but I'm curious, what part of what he said you think was false information?

>> No.6716489 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 590x775, Portrait de l'artiste sous les traits d'un moqueur - Joseph Decrux (1793).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, what do you get out of baiting people like this? Think of all of the more constructive ways you could spend your time. You could be studying a book on philosophy, science, theology--become a more cultured and erudite human being. In the meantime, please read the following and cope:
>I see you have acquired the Pendant of Courage. I will tell you about the legend behind it. Three or four generations ago, an order of knights protected the royalty of the Hylia. These Knights Of Hyrule were also guardians of the Pendant
Of Courage. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed in the great war against evil that took place when the seven wise men created their seal. Among the descendants of the Knights Of Hyrule a hero must appear.

>> No.6716491
File: 70 KB, 590x775, Portrait de l'artiste sous les traits d'un moqueur - Joseph Decrux (1793).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, what do you get out of baiting people like this? Think of all of the more constructive ways you could spend your time. You could be studying a book on philosophy, science, theology--become a more cultured and erudite human being. In the meantime, please read the following and cope:
>I see you have acquired the Pendant of Courage. I will tell you about the legend behind it. Three or four generations ago, an order of knights protected the royalty of the Hylia. These Knights Of Hyrule were also guardians of the Pendant Of Courage. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed in the great war against evil that took place when the seven wise men created their seal. Among the descendants of the Knights Of Hyrule a hero must appear.

>> No.6716502

What I’m getting is the truth, something you two zoomies obviously aren’t the brokers of!

>> No.6716521

>irrelevant buzzwords
>no rebuttal when it's proven that Anon was referring to something that's in LttP and not his own headcanon
And what a cope it is!

>> No.6716582
File: 100 KB, 312x297, 474747474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "buku" probably became this weird fucker.
Blurp (aka Best Fish) was gipped not only from one Mario game, but also a Yoshi game. It's like someone at Nintendo kept trying to reinvent the wheel with this guy for no good reason.

>> No.6716589

>it aint me starts playing

>> No.6716753

I finally got a chance to mess around with the emulator you uploaded, and of course there's a brand new problem standing in my way: there are no plugins included! And when I copy in plugins from a separate installation I had of P64 2.1, they still don't show up in the options. For fuck's sake, man, I'm the one who put your patch in the OP and 2 days later I STILL HAVEN'T PLAYED IT.

>> No.6716754

i been out of the loop of emulation since the mid 2000s. is zsnes not the emu anymore? is it this "bsnes" mentioned above? i been wanting to do some netplay with a friend and it doesnt seem a lot of these have that feature?

>> No.6716757

No, ZSNES' star finally faded several years ago. Snes9x is the better option for netplay than ZSNES anyway. It's a step below BSNES in emulation accuracy, but most people won't notice.

>> No.6716759

Zsnes is still the preferred emulator brother

>> No.6716763

BSNES is meant to be SNES accurate and has a lot of features for romhackers to use, but it's prone to running like oatmeal. I'd just use SNES9X.

>> No.6716783

>I also figured out how to get the patch to work correctly on Project 64. You have to enable Unaligned DMA in the ROM Config settings.
Oh yeah, and this option doesn't appear to exist in either old versions of P64 like the one you used or the newest one.

>> No.6716797

Does "accuracy" involve reproducing slowdown in a game? For ex snes9x running some of those megaman x stages at 60fps consistently be inaccurate?

>> No.6716810
File: 219 KB, 896x377, zsnes glitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure? im using 1.51 zsnes but getting issues with the yoshi island proto ys_rom_0_D. 3d elements like the collapsing wall on the left and the world 1 blob boss wont render (its hard to see but only his big black eyes are visible). when i watch youtube footage this stuff looks completely fine on their end.

might just be a "me" issue but i also cant get the emu full screen anymore like i could on windows 98 or XP whatever. just get an error message.

net play also seems to have broke for the last few zsnes versions

i remember back in the day zsnes vs snes9x was the "coke vs pepsi" debate and i chose zsnes... or is 9x the clear winner now?

>> No.6716865

Yes, and I think BSNES would actually reproduce that slowdown for accuracy's sake. I mean don't quote me on that, but what I know of byuu, the developer of BSNES, he was nothing if not autistic about accuracy.

>> No.6716951

>links screams in forest temple theme

>> No.6716997

theres definitely a warped sample of adult links voice in the melody. listen around the 1:06 to 1:34 mark of the forest temple

>> No.6717001

>shadow figure in burning kakariko
I take it that this isn't referring to the darkness coming out of the well that I assumed is supposed to be Bongo Bongo?
>end screen jumpscare
>cursed gossip stone
These sound straight up fake but... more info?
>honey and darlings secret
>weird noises with bunny hood
>out of bounds stalker
>child corpse
>keaton mask soldiers transformation
Also gonna need more info.
>shadow link is time traveller
Shadow/Dark Link being an alternate timeline corrupted Link would be cool but probably too edgy to end up as actual canon lore.
>fourth triforce and goddess
There are enough depictions of the Triforce with an extra triangle elsewhere in the design and references to other goddesses that I'd believe this one.
>out of bounds mysteries
Specifics? Granted, I've never gone THAT far but I've been out of bounds lots of times with levitation cheats and I haven't seen a damn thing.
>those last tiers
Alright, now you're just memeing.

>> No.6717006

Oh shit. It's Link's screams echoing through time and space as he's going through the painful process of becoming a Stalfos in the Child Timeline after the events of Majora's Mask. Or perhaps it's his final screams as he dies infinite times in infinite locations from infinite causes in infinite Defeat Timelines? Truly the deepest lore.

>> No.6717008

Yeah, I was a ZSNES guy too but SNES9x won the war somehow, and inexplicably BSNES, which was as older or even older than SNES9x, beat both in the end.

>> No.6717042

But DK94 came out first, and Miyamoto was the one to suggest it, so it's weird to me that people keep attributing it to Rare even though DK94 was released first.

He was probably tired of seeing it during development. I'd imagine a lot of devs are so in the trenches that once a game is released they quickly move on. It's not the same as being a consumer, when you are a dev you presumably see the same shit about the game constantly.

>> No.6717059

As much as I would love this to be canon, since it would explain Link boning the ranch girls instead of the fucking princess, it would also mean that his mother is the Queen of Hyrule.
Which would explain why the Great Deku Tree would allow her passage and grant sanctuary to her child.
But then either Link is twin of Zelda, which is non-sense (why would she run with only the boy?), or Zelda is his older sister.

The composer probably was referring the kindness and touched-by-triforce aspect.

>> No.6717078

bsnes has all kinds of overclocking options to remove slowdown now. He mellowed out a lot, but then he quit, so I guess Snes9x it is.

>> No.6717081 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 969x725, 1597320700855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell bros look what I found in the Super Mario 64 data... I guess L is real didn't mean what we thought it meant.

>> No.6717102

Link is the older sibling. Zelda was still in the womb when Link was taken to the Deku Tree. The queen died after giving birth to Zelda in the forest and someone must have returned Zelda to the castle while Link stayed in the forest. The magic of the forest made Link age slower and by the time he left and started aging normally, Zelda had already more or less caught up with him.

>> No.6717103

Man I kind of want to do my own OOT romhack now but I don't know a lick of assembly

>> No.6717107

JEsus Christ, is this real?

>> No.6717168

It's real
as in a real rom hack by Kaze

>> No.6717363

>inb4 costumized copies are real

>> No.6717436

The difference with Miyamoto is, Super Mario Bros is a piece of history. I'd fucking take a few hours every week to gloat over that shit once in a while if I were him.

>> No.6717438

N64 games were mostly written in C or C++

>> No.6717443

You want Snes9x, the emulator is still getting updated and is the best to play those games

>> No.6717541

Not only is ZSNES extremely outdated and buggy, it's full of actual vulnerabilities where a maliciously crafted ROM can actually take over your computer.

>> No.6717559


>> No.6717768


>> No.6717921

The only thing I like about ZSNES is the GUI.

>> No.6717945

You might like to know that someone took ZSNES, ripped out the emulation core, and replaced it with a libretro plug-in system so you can have say SNES9x with ZSNES GUI
It's called ZMZ

>> No.6717960

Is this what psyops looks like?

>> No.6718013

Any updates to those 3ds builds of the sm64 port from that thread last week?

>> No.6718113

ZSNES was originally developed run on toasters back during the Win98/DOS era. It sacrificed accuracy for speed but unless you were playing some niche games where the developers had to do some funky hardware tricks, nobody would have noticed the difference anyway.
That said, there's no reason to use it anymore unless you already have it on your computer from 10+ years and don't care to replace it.
It's greatest advantage was running great on shit computers which is redundant now since even the shittiest CPU on the market can emulate old stuff now.

>> No.6718292

You still need assembly to romhack, retard.

>> No.6718404
File: 37 KB, 320x320, slowtaku-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sources to the games we're talking about were leaked, slowpoke.

>> No.6718427

Not full sourcecode.
Of course the included O files could be helpful in reverse engineering

>> No.6718490

new idea:
i'm gonna redo the beta asset insertion hack, but with the super mario 64 decomp. amazingly, i mostly used external tools like SKELUX's Obj importer and the N64 Sound List Tool at first. It might work better if I use the actual code. Just gotta learn how to edit things in it.

>> No.6718495

Think I can replace the .s files in the decomp with renamed .sou files? they appear similar internally.

>> No.6718614

Couldn't you just a make a patch that works?

>> No.6718629

Easier said than than done when I don't know exactly WHAT is fucking it up.

>> No.6718721

My guess:

Fully understood content: 17%
Percent that people know what the items roughly are in general: 72%

>> No.6718743

Well I mean, you did say that enabling Unaligned DMA in the ROM settings would make it work, but that option doesn’t appear in any version of Project 64 as far as I can tell.

>> No.6718750

You also have to account for sprites that we have no idea what they were for, like that Japanese businessman ghost I found in the Yoshi’s Island tileset, or the building with the Mario characters several others found in the Sim City tileset. Were these just goofs? Was it even common for Nintendo’s artists to save meaningless doodles, or did all of this have a purpose at one point or another?

>> No.6718759

it doesn't appear to be in any newer versions of Project64. Maybe try an older version?

>> No.6718765

But I don’t even see it in the version you linked to, and that is an old version...

>> No.6718784

imo meaningless doodles were definitely possible. Its like an artist drawing something unrelated to their current project in Adobe and saving it to their desktop

>> No.6718816

alright, well i was wrong. try the most recent version of the emulator - 2.3. you have to set the
memory size to 8MB first, and you should be good.

>> No.6718908

i always though they sampled some black lady

>> No.6718946
File: 1.13 MB, 1120x1163, ALTTP secrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which are you still unaware of?

>> No.6719000

Namazu’s prison reference? Beheaded villager? Explain pls

>> No.6719050

God I am sick of this bullshit

>> No.6719109

The subreddit you came from

>> No.6719116

>le iceberg faggotry

>> No.6719239
File: 8 KB, 624x528, EfVfmO4XoAIKxR0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood... in a Mario game?

>> No.6719243

wtf yoshi can bleed???

>> No.6719247

First thought: That reminds me of the Game Over screen in Tetris Attack. Different looking dazed Yoshi, but the sentiment is the same. How old is the file? Could it TA related?
Second thought: How the fuck are people still finding things and I never find anything, dammit.

>> No.6719251
File: 14 KB, 357x207, 11296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshi's Safari

>> No.6719291
File: 126 KB, 600x452, 94204831-2F65-4680-8737-407E126EB613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sPoOpY pErSoNaLiZeD

>> No.6719345

Yeah! That’ll teach them to have fun with memes!

>> No.6719350

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and doesn't make you a cool guy

>> No.6719451
File: 275 KB, 641x573, the bowser room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6719457

jokes aside, this was an attempt at importing new levels so that i could try reinserting the unused mario 64 levels and test them with beta mario's physics.

>> No.6719513 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 300x400, 1597377362122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6719520
File: 23 KB, 320x240, rogueportcrimescene_drytoadblood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blood... in a Mario game?
Likelier than you think!

>> No.6719565

Catfish at the lake of Ill Omen=Namazu

The beheaded villager is something people see if they go for the Master Sword before rescuing Zelda:

>In A Link to the Past, you are originally supposed to rescue Zelda in the beginning and then go and get the Master Sword. But what happens if you try to get the Master Sword before you rescue the princess? Well, apparently you can get to the area where the Master Sword is, but if you go there before rescuing Zelda, there is no Master Sword in the pedestal. Instead you’ll encounter a glitched enemy that looks like a bouncing head of a villager. It’s a little creepy but interesting glitch.

I haven't seen it myself but it's a glitch where youll just see a glitched bouncing villager head enemy. I didn't even know it was possible to get there. Maybe they use exploration glitch to avoid the roadblock guards to do so.

>> No.6719709

This was a digitized image of the devs break room

>> No.6719751

Aren't there slightly more user friendly tools these days? That's why so many hacks seem to be coming out for OOT Lately. If a brainlet like doncarmalo can make one I think anyone can.

>> No.6719765

I consider 'easy' to be GUI based full featured editors like Lunar Magic or SMILE back in the day
Where you basically have RPG Maker-levels of ease in terms of creating levels, placing entities and modifying game parameters

>> No.6719907

What's different about the beta's physics?

>> No.6719927


I think the glitch is based on an enemy from the dark world.

>> No.6719942

>thread is dead all night
>2 hours till I’m off work
>waiting till I can try this in an emulator and post the results here
>YouTube link gets posted
>no point now

>> No.6719945

Is there an enemy there normally in either world?

>> No.6720160

the movement pattern looks like ropa, the hopping tentacle monster in Dark World.

normally there are no enemies near pedestal, only harmless sprites of birds and squirrels. in DW, the entrance to the master sword is replaced by the final part of the skull woods dungeon. however, ropas are common enemies in the skeleton forest.

>> No.6720823
File: 168 KB, 406x305, whole-a heapin spaghetti pile of informacione.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Paisanos!
(Mario Palette edit test)

>> No.6720869
File: 148 KB, 1265x473, 1569843962205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>release date: 2015
>the video quality is that of a late 00s hypercam 2 let's play that retsupurae would mock
>this fucking fanfiction from the video creator in the comments
What cursed relic have you uncovered?

>> No.6720932

man that sickly shade of skin is so offputting, is that actually what that old head was colored like? You sure you haven't fucked anything up there?

>> No.6720949

Hex BCBA6F. that's how it was originally. or at least that's what i've been led to believe by what shade luigi's skin is.

>> No.6720963

I dunno, something has to be off because I can't Nintendo showing off Mario looking like he's a reanimated corpse that's been walking around for a week or so and is starting to go off
Like that shade is literally the same shade of sickly green that decaying bodies get after about a week of decomposition, just less splotchy

>> No.6720986

..I am concerned as to how you know this.\
But yes, that's what the vertex color is on Luigi. If I add a bit more red than green, it might look more.. alive?

>> No.6720993

ah jeez, I'm actually red-green colorblind, let me take another crack at fixing it, I'm very sorry.

>> No.6721001

This is actually true! I am indeed red-green colorblind.

>> No.6721003

i guess that's why the skin in your mod was becoming more and more green the more you worked on it, i guess you can't see the difference

>> No.6721004

not funny wisenheimer, i'll put on a trip code if i have to!

>> No.6721013

>..I am concerned as to how you know this.\
Unfettered access to the internet as a youngling and rotten, ogrish and all those other shock sites of ye olde internet 1.0

>> No.6721015

Agreed, the green tint of the face is very off-putting. But love to see 64 Mario with classic inverted color overalls.

>> No.6721016

that's the fake .sou anon
but yes, i'm red-green colorblind. for example, if you asked me to find a red object in a field of grass, you would have asked the wrong person

>> No.6721019

for crying out loud stop using my name!

>> No.6721036

how are you gonna fix it though? Legit question, like you'll have to use some reference from like the final game colors or something like that? Also does that mean that Mario and Luigi are both green Mario for you?

>> No.6721038

With the Starfox 1 and 2 source codes out there would it be possible to make pc ports of them just like how it was made with mario 64?

>> No.6721045

No, I can see red and green separately just fine. It's just harder with mixed colors and red objects over green ones, unless it's a certain shade of green.

>> No.6721056

final mario has a bit of a yellower skin tone. i might be able to fix it if i pull the color straight from the final model.

>> No.6721082
File: 232 KB, 577x495, I know you-a gonna be a great-a typist!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it looks like with the color ripped straight from the final model.

>> No.6721103

that looks a lot better
wonder why the earlier model's color looks so wrong though, did it really look that offputting in the few images we have of that earlier head

>> No.6721123 [DELETED] 
File: 899 KB, 960x958, EB7E8220-0AF5-4174-AD02-AAE02781B87C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikmin 2 leak when

>> No.6721149

>Day 666

>> No.6721161

>Luigi destroyed a Pikmin planet in Luigi Mansion 1

>> No.6721176

1. not retro
2. take your shitty iceberg memes back to /v/

>> No.6721241

You still could try it, or check other Hyrule spots, you may discover something or just have fun exploring the world in a time you shouldn't.

>> No.6721285
File: 386 KB, 456x336, EfQxiBQXYAAIkuF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have one... why?

>> No.6721356

Anybody know how to .sou to a readable model file? i knwo there's a python script but I'm too retarded to know how to get it to convert a specific file.

>> No.6721427


The good news is that ZMZ exists if you have a strong attachment for ZSNES' UI, but stop using ZSNES immediately, please.

>> No.6721429

there's a python script to convert it to .PLY, a readable model.

>> No.6721489
File: 59 KB, 576x651, liguini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna get him all nice and rigged+colored, then I can start shidposting spree

>> No.6721541
File: 78 KB, 1280x1280, 3D7R3P9_5x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anon's able to speak moon runes who can translate Pepper's signs?

>> No.6721546

Should have stuck with the mustached baby 2bh.

>> No.6721613

First one says まだする (modasuru) and the second one says もうやめ (mouyame).

Google chan said it means "Still do" and "Stop it anymore" respectively, so probably it just means Continue and Stop.

>> No.6721671
File: 7 KB, 256x224, SG010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is already known but you can turn off the timer in the Super Weekend version by changing a few things in MAIN.asm. Just ctrl + f for "cestimeron" and set it to 0 in every place possible. Gonna play through the full game soon and see if it messes anything up. Seems like infinite lives are still on though (as you can see in the screenshot where there is no life icon)

>> No.6721697

Of course, this also means that you get stuck in an infinite loop in the bonus stage after stage 2 so I guess it's not that interesting. Has anybody found a way to build to retail? I remember seeing mentions of it in earlier threads but never saw anyone show that they had done it

>> No.6721705

It's all in assembly for the snes cpu/superfx cpu. Would still take a lot of effort to translate that to c code and make it portable.

>> No.6721707

Btw anybody know what his hex colors are?

>> No.6721712

Anyone have a link to HD SM64 textures? I seen’t it here before.

>> No.6721714


>> No.6721716

It reads: ching chong

>> No.6721720

I assume it would be easier the reverse engineering it though?
Especially as its actually commented in English for once

>> No.6721725

Boring ass leaks

>> No.6721728

It's certainly not boring when an ass leaks

>> No.6721730

Peepee poopoo leaks

>> No.6721778

Yeah, a lot easier than reverse engineering it. You have variable names, function names, comments. Much easier to tell what code does what.

>> No.6721796

Any leaks of Nes games?

>> No.6721809

I know the feeling.

>> No.6721972

alttp always felt like a somewhat mysterious game to me, its graphics have that kind of air.

>> No.6721982

If I know how SNES games work, that is a 'trigger enemy' to (when the game is in a specific post-rain state) load the animals and the sword, but because you get there early when you aren't supposed to be able to, the game freaks out and loads values from its AI that are not correct and were never intended, leading to behavior and graphics outside the norm.

>> No.6722057
File: 3 KB, 32x44, ALttP_Ropa_Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on it's movements, I'd guess it's supposed to be a Ropa.

>> No.6722149

very little. My guess is lost of the NES stuff that still exists isn't stored digitally but on those paper scans with maps/stages drawn on them and the digital stuff probably was on a failed backup or something

>> No.6722187
File: 485 KB, 705x575, level99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be releasing the unused levels as .OBJ files soon.

>> No.6722204

Gonna be great to see

>> No.6722247

Is there a webm like this for the Baby Mario in the blue night cap and blue pajamas?

>> No.6722248

Will it include skyboxes and everything?

>> No.6722360

they didn't include skyboxes, i don't think. at least stage99 (the stage shown) didn't.

>> No.6722409
File: 177 KB, 769x602, star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, there's a star here! cool!
i'm guessing this level was used to test how mario's physics would work.

>> No.6722527

Here's a gameplay video of stage99 but as a semi-valid level. It's a work in progress as I need to add more coins, some hidden stars, red coins, exclamation blocks, 1up mushrooms, and enemies.

>> No.6722632


>> No.6722759

This but for the whole internet and possibly humanity too

>> No.6722768

Anyone compiled a pc version of sm64 where you can play as the luigi model yet?

>> No.6722770


>> No.6722771


>> No.6723046

Its literally the same energy as everything everyone on this website is afraid of

>> No.6723052

It's missing the tilemap file for the Andross picture on the game over screen. If you comment out all of the references to "bgandpcr" and "and.pcr", the game ought to build to retail when you set the build flags.
Files to edit are BANK0.asm, BANK1.asm, and there are references to it in the bg_gameover_1 routine in BG.asm that you'll need to comment out. The only thing that changes with doing this is that Andross doesn't show up on the game over screen like he's supposed to.

>> No.6723145

I'm gonna reinsert all the unused levels, fuck around with their collision data, reinsert enemies and stars, and make them close to actual Mario 64 levels, and then put them in the Prerelease Restoration.

>> No.6723157

Keep us posted

>> No.6723180

youre dedicated

>> No.6723265

One of my best qualities.

>> No.6723271

Will do! Just inserted stage99, I'm working on the funhouse level now.

>> No.6723323

What was stage 99 supposed to be. A test room or a normal level thats textures were lost

>> No.6723325


>> No.6723326

And when you finish all this, how do you plan to access the levels. Is there a level select?

>> No.6723345

I'm probably gonna replace some levels that weren't originally in the Shoshinkai build, like Tall Tall Mountain and Snowman's Land.

>> No.6723346


Do you plan on making Luigi playable. If so. How would change characters

>> No.6723353

Maybe? I wasn't planning on it at first, but I don't really know how I'd do that. Maybe have one build for Mario and another for Luigi?

>> No.6723357

Seems like the best route to go. plus the old win animations that were found could be put in.

>> No.6723465

Any updates?

>> No.6723532

Still working on it. The collision on the Funhouse level is bugged as hell.

>> No.6723813

Didnt know mario was a fucking zombie

>> No.6723884


>> No.6723889

What happened to his peen