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File: 28 KB, 488x500, 0D7DDEAB-7DDF-453F-8647-F01C777AC2CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6705553 No.6705553 [Reply] [Original]

Can zombies even be considered “evil” beings? There is no inherent malice or intent to make others suffer, they are just undead automatons seeking flesh. I wouldn’t consider those zombies to have any evil traits, myself.

>> No.6705559

The zombies aren't the evil ones. Learn how to pay attention to thematic elements.

>> No.6705587

You're a fucking idiot. An absolute retard.

>> No.6705604

No. They dont have a mind or will of their own. The people who created the virus and profited from it are evil though

>> No.6705673

In Japan it was called Biohazard, resident evil is just the localization because there is a band called biohazard

>> No.6705705

The zombies/creatures aren't the "Evil" the title is referring to. They are a direct result of the evil (former) residents
And, no Zombies can't really be considered evil, they are beasts relying solely on instinct.

>> No.6705742
File: 11 KB, 315x384, Red Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subjects have the simplest of motor-functions. Perhaps a little memory, virtually no intelligence. They're driven by the basest of impulses, the most basic needs. The need to feed.

>> No.6705745

Is that greta thunberg

>> No.6705757

"Evil" is the hero in its own story!

>> No.6705761

Everything that isn't designed by god is evil.
Keep coping atheistfags with your "they aren't evil :DD"-bullshit.

>> No.6705775

The only reason you say this is because you played the censored European version.

>> No.6705789

Nah, but both seek to destroy everything.

>> No.6705797 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 1750x2500, 1597082307423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombies are fantasy creatures you dipshit, they aren't real.

Just like your God

>> No.6705801

I'm not the one who thinks evil is referring to the zombies and not the people who caused the outbreak. How are y'all this fucking dumb that you don't realize the ultra-corrupt Umbrella is the evil being referenced?

>> No.6705817

Get fuck in head, atheistfag.

>> No.6705827

this is an English speaking website

>> No.6705839

me: dude, you gotta play this game! its really scary!
friend: pssh, its a game, games arent scary
>door scene
>friend drops the damn controller


>> No.6705851

You suffered from wormbrain?

>> No.6705852
File: 7 KB, 210x240, will smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this guy and tell me if you think he's evil.

>> No.6705862

Like niggers?

>> No.6705991

They are killing innocent people just to eat them. So yes Zombies are evil.

>> No.6705993

Watch latest CGI movie than...

>> No.6706026

>enter house
>full of man-made monsters and also puzzles to fuck with your head
>>wow this house is owned by some evil psycho
>residency~ Evil Psycho
>game name: Resident Evil

Dumb ass. Rich people wanted to become immortal, they fail, so they use it as a military weapon instead and thus with number 1 test it on the Stars police that get in the first mansion of which is why the sequels are called le house name. By the second it's hitting a city because the beta test showed such promise. Wesker, or whatever his name is/was, was there to watch over the experiment in the house.

>> No.6706031

Ironic that you don't understand what Resident means. The owner of the house's name = e v i l .

>> No.6706034

>police normalfaggots
no fag

Mindless zombies are innocent, but also free range for killing as they are thought to be soulless. You can kill them without remorse.

>> No.6706036

Biohazard meant more.

>> No.6706117

Its the Red Queen from the resident evilmovie

>> No.6706189

but they are only zombies because of a disease/virus

>> No.6706340

What CGI movie?

You're an antifa faggot, aren't you?

That would explain how Covid19 has turned BLM/Antifa into violent murderous psychos.

>> No.6706349

You mean it gave them a chance to be themselves without consequence.

>> No.6706930

>if you know for a fact that of all humans the ones that lock others in cages they personally don't like are not innocent themselves for having been so judgemental then you are antifa


>> No.6706938

Off yourself.

>> No.6707039

Seriously you're so stupid you don't even have a retort because you can't get your head around the fact that you've romanticized police to the point of seeing them as avenging angels.

Bootlicker logic. They've the inclination to attack other humans for the sake of making everyone fall in line for their overlords. They're violent pricks and in no way admirable.

>> No.6707047

And stars were basically police if the 'joke' was lost upon someone.

>> No.6707158

"biohazard" was already copyrighted in the usa for vidya

>> No.6707280


>Ignores the fact that Antifa/BLM has killed multiple black children including babies, multiple black men, and 2 black police officers.
Yes Antifa/BLM are evil.

>> No.6708419

Video games weren't created by God, so what are you doing here?

>> No.6708434
File: 22 KB, 474x343, osaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that cops get away with murder constantly and that just because of absolute power corrupting absolutely that that is why cops can never be good?

About niggers, I don't care. I don't watch jewish owned news enough to get tricked into redneck.exe. They're of no consequence. Too true they're half the murders on trail and even if that means they're genetically inferior the fact of the matter is that they mostly are killing themselves, of which is why to this day despite shitting out babies they are a minority. Only a fool would take them as a threat to white people. Only other white people, jews, and orientals are a threat to white people. Not shitskins.

About death though, that's a good thing due to it proving superiority. Stalin trumps hitler in deaths ergo communism is simply stronger. Better. Don't except people to apologize for being stronger. Do pigs say sorry? They do not. So I don't respect them out of fear like you due to not being a gigantic bitch, that's the more important point that is pissing you off here. Communism, while scary, scares the dicks that currently have power over me. I find that hilarious that their dick shrivels even though I'm apolitical.

>> No.6708686

>Antifa/BLM has killed multiple black children including babies, multiple black men, and 2 black police officers.
interesting, can you provide a source?

>> No.6708972


No anon, that's up to you.

>> No.6709752

Why are autists allowed internet access?

>> No.6709793

False. Cops don't get away with murder. If that were the case, then Democrats would have something to brag about. Instead of everything blowing up in their face. Secondly you sound like a beta-male Leftist Commie faggot.

Oh that's easy. Look up David Dorn, David Patrick Underwood, Secoreia Turner, and Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.

>> No.6709810



>> No.6711132

>Everything that isn't designed by god is evil.
I'm curious what you think of Lucifer and Satan.

>> No.6711135

Kinda disappointed its reference in REmake2 was so insignificant.

>> No.6711264
File: 474 KB, 127x139, 1402122881019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cops don't get away with murder
Any time they kill someone, for any reason, that is a sentence to death before a fair trial of which is unconstitutional. They are not to be judge, jury, nor executioner, yet when they randomly are they get away with it 99.9999 percent of the time. While you're on blacks, it's mostly whites they kill upwards of 75 percent of those that they randomly kill. Blacks are not relevant.

There's tons and tons of viral videos people have posted where cops are randomly gunning down people and hardly ever do they go to prison over it even if reprimanded in some small way.

>> No.6711274
File: 164 KB, 476x700, 1402414952046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan serves god baka, not him though. Left hand of god is a thing. Those unclean are to be punished by satan by both of them being sent to hell, satan and the sinners, because god is too clean to deal out the torture himself. It's what holy warriors are for in real life. God won't kill the pagans because that'd be unclean, it is for the holy soldier to do as the left hand of god.

t. a wild atheist

>> No.6711560

Obviously you know nothing about self defense. You rather the cops be killed instead of the criminal? Of course the cops are going to be proven not guilty if they're innocent.

>> No.6713839

What was censored about the European version?

>> No.6713861

The framerate

>> No.6713952

Please put on a tripcode so I can ignore you.

>> No.6714053

Soap is evil?