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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 369x270, Conkersbfdbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6702323 No.6702323 [Reply] [Original]

This game aged like fucking milk it's trash and proof Rare was always overrated and shit.

>> No.6702356

go home anon, your drunk af

>> No.6702363

Blast Corps, Killer Instinct Gold and Diddy Kong Racing are still fun at least.

Fuck their shooters and scotformers, though.

>> No.6702401

It was fine, never felt like I stayed in one area too long. Ending was kinda shit though.

>> No.6702406

The presentation is fantastic. The gameplay is OK. It aged better than most games from that era.

>> No.6702419
File: 2.88 MB, 640x480, Perfect Dark sentry gun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare > Squaresoft

>> No.6702442

not a hard thing to accomplish, jarpigs are garbage

>> No.6702443

Not really outside of probably being one of the best looking 3D games of that console generation is really boring a slog to play through.

In fact I can pretty sway I like almost every platfomer on the N64 more than this.

Specifically Mario and Rayman aged like fine wine.

>> No.6702460

if that wine was made in a prison toilet.

>> No.6702465
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, Goldeneye this gun's quite powerful.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6702480
File: 152 KB, 1280x1280, gm6-00009_seaofthieves_xboxgame_01_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the Rarefag

>> No.6702484

Not retro.

>> No.6702489

I don't care much for the single player, but the multiplayer is still fun.

>> No.6702494

Almost. They weren't overrated until they released this. Chris Seavor is a megafaggot, and the fact he's produced almost nothing since this game further proves this.

>> No.6702495

That's N64 in a nutshell really

>> No.6702496

If you don't like the single player, you'll probably like the multiplayer and vice versa. I played the game like crazy. Still one of my favorite games of all time, but I must agree with the anon about the ending. It was.........poo

>> No.6702503

That's just you being underage really

>> No.6702513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6702521
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>using feels guy mutations
You're a bigger faggot than he is, you little toe-sucking cousinfucker.

>> No.6702525

Name a single player N64 game that's worth playing today that isn't Mario or Zelda

>> No.6702535
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, Perfect Dark guy falls down.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Dark

>> No.6702539

Mystical Ninja

>> No.6702543

Rare was reddit before reddit.

>> No.6702558

Every story driven n64 game is shit

>> No.6702703

I don't see how it's easy for people to dislike this game. I find it very inspiring. They created something very original and interesting that was also a risk. I think it was a successful work. And it still has a lot of charm and it is a worthwhile/notable release if you are interested in this sort of thing.

>> No.6702712

Shit level design, shit camera, rick and morty-tier humour that only redditors would find funny.

>> No.6702714

>They created something very original
They took a game they finished in 1998 and added poop jokes. Boomer.

>> No.6702724

>Japan gags are reddit-tier
>muh camera
Any more YouTube buzzwords you heard about this great game?

>> No.6702826

I wish we got 12 tales instead.

>> No.6703484

It was always trash.
>proof Rare was always overrated and shit.
The majority of their N64 games are good.

>> No.6703495

it is me or I keep seeing weekly "Conker sucks!" threads on this board?
Anyways, BFD is great.

>> No.6703523
File: 89 KB, 435x595, cpt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6703530
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>> No.6703534
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>> No.6703537
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>> No.6703547
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Neither is my reaction image

>> No.6704737

This is my first thread glad others have high iq and hate it

>> No.6704739

This does not hold up

>> No.6704741

Multiplayer is still as fun as it was 20 years ago. Maybe you should get some friends, incel.

>> No.6704772

The multiplayer was also in Twelve Tales. No need to butcher an entire series and its continuity (and its continuity outside of its own series, such as references to Twelve Tales in Banjo Kazooie) just for this.

>> No.6704878

We coulda had this. Soul.

>> No.6704886

Anything on n64 was shit back then and is still a festering pile of feces now. Its fanbase is obnoxious and whenever I see someone attesting to n64 being a good console I immediately disregard anything they have to say about gaming in general as their opinion is worth naught.

>> No.6704926

poopy vagina

>> No.6705102

What is it with Rare and having this weird hatedom that still seems to feel threatened by them 20 years since the last time they've been relevant?

>> No.6705143

Zoomers feel threatened by older games being praised while new ones get shit on constantly. They keep trying to revise history by downplaying anything that was successful or liked.

>> No.6705230

>t. severe projection
Rent free.

>> No.6705240

Dangerously based. Ninsois can't handle that sort of truth.

>> No.6705253


>> No.6705274 [DELETED] 

Must be terrible that everything constantly tastes like shit to you.

>> No.6705278
File: 432 KB, 568x480, 1462124207768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carry this thing to this spot while avoiding 3 obsticals
>Last 2/5ths ditches unique vibe and is movie references
The multiplayer games were fun. It perfectly captures that n64 aesthetic and adds an interesting spin on it. The amount of stuff they added to the game was amazing. It changed things up constantly to keep the game interesting. It's just that the gameplay is absolute fucking dog shit and what was going well shits the bed towards the end.

>None of the original developers
>Literally in name only after being bought out
>Meaning anything
You could say the same of every single game studio aside the few odd jap ones.

>> No.6705304

lol ok

>> No.6705443

Game is about a furry who is into scat play. Almost like rare devs were a bunch of proto furfags

>> No.6705448

>proto furfags
Furfags have been a thing since the 70s. Maybe earlier. They even had conventions back then. I remember hearing something about how originally it was suppose to be a escapism thing but perverts kinda took over back then. I honestly don't understand the escapism bit, but I don't really understand furfags in general.

>> No.6705495

the gameplay and humor are shit, but I see why people praise some of the technical aspects of it

>> No.6705792

Who doesn’t enjoy aged milk? Kids these days, i swear.

>> No.6706208

RARE put furries in a lot of their games but it wasn't done in a cringey way. I think they are good guys.

>> No.6706339

>games age

>> No.6707314


>> No.6707496

Great thread, you fucking peabrain.

>> No.6707505

I've been noticing them do this on /mu/ too.

>> No.6707519

I played through it for the first time in 2013. I was limiting myself to my N64. I enjoyed it and will play it again.

>> No.6707649

Doom 64

>> No.6708982


>> No.6709008

Diddy is the only good one.

>> No.6709934


>> No.6709978
File: 14 KB, 170x192, 36C7DCAE-FAF5-42A8-BF51-5730ECF3E955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny to watch kids unsuccessfully dunk on a game they've only seen pewdiepie play

>> No.6710309 [DELETED] 

Can we agree that Twelve Tales would have been better though, Conkerbro?

>> No.6711352

doom being good is a meme

>> No.6711358

theres literally 1000 better first person shooters than doom

>> No.6711372

It's not their strongest game. The Conker 12 Tales game never quite came together, so they just said fuck it, and included a load of raunchy humour and pop culture references. It's a memorable and funny game. It's not exactly a good game, purely from a gameplay perspective.
It's like one of those adventure games, where there is some token gameplay, but that's not really the point of the game. Conker's a lot like Psychonauts, actually.

>> No.6713180

>The Conker 12 Tales game never quite came together
It did come together though, and was probably finished by 1998. Chris Seavor is just an insecure faggot that did whatever the urinalists told him to do.

>> No.6714174

Take your reddit words elsewhere, kiddo.

>> No.6714179

But milk doesn't age.

>> No.6714190

You really think that's a reddit word don't you

>> No.6714374

I'll never understand why so many people love to suck Rare's dick. The DKC trilogy on the SNES was good. Diddy Kong Racing is fun and feels better to control than Mario Kart 64, but other than that their N64 games are shit.
They were always extremely ambitious for their own good. All of their N64 games felt slippery and had shit framerate. Banjo-Kazooie felt so restrictive compared to SM64. Having half of your moveset restricted to context sensitive (epic conker reference) buttons SUCKED.
Tooie didn't improve on anything. It just made shit bigger and more confusing. Backtracking is garbage.
Conker felt even more slow since you just had a bunch of fetch quests that were easy to fail. Conker felt even more slippery than Banjo.
Their FPS games had absolutely shit framerates and were a chore to control. Perfect Dark just felt like a re-skinned Golden Eye. It probably was.

>> No.6714432

Perfect Dark is just Goldeneye 2. It probably would have been The World is Not Enough, if they still had the Bond license.

>> No.6717024
File: 518 KB, 1600x1086, xboxconker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically better than the original in every way
>but muh heckin bad words

>> No.6717045

filtered faggot

>> No.6717131

Pschonauts has good gameplay though

>> No.6717137

If you think Banjo-Kazooie isn't better than Mario 64 then you are hopeless scrub.

>> No.6717140

I honestly really prefer the censorship. It adds and extra level of humor to things that I really like

>> No.6717235

It's the best N64 Rare game and Resident Evil 4 is basically a bad copy of it

>> No.6717245

It has just functional gameplay.

>> No.6717246

This, it has very low “play value” and protracted game loops that detract from the middling graphics which have aged quite poorly.

>> No.6717485


>> No.6718118

Anon the entire game is full of movie references.

the fur looks horrible and multiplayer sucked compared to the original

Parts of it are still fun. Not all of it, especially the get drunk and piss on stuff parts, or running from the wasps, or large amounts of It's War. The bat is still fun to play as and I enjoy Barnboys and riding the raptor. It had fun boss fights. I'd still play multiplayer today cause jumping around with the samurai sword was fun.

>> No.6718143

How is this game similar to RE4?

>> No.6718146

Keep seething sony faggot.

>> No.6718176

That statement surely hit a nerve, isnt?
When rare left nintendo everyone accepted it was the end.
Square on the other hand made turds like Kingdom heart 3, FF7 autistic remake (proving it was a cringefest since day 1) and the most homosexual kpop looking Final Fantasy.

Reddit: the post

>> No.6718181

You must've quit playing the game before you got to the seventh chapter.

>> No.6718194

It's pretty much the setpieces that are good. The actual second to second platforming is pretty whatever. Luckily, you don't have too much of that, especially as the game goes on.

>> No.6718204

I felt the same when the game got there. It was fucking amazing and sad because my uncle suddenly fall and passed away in the kitchen while I was playing.

>> No.6718228

space station silicon valley
kirby 64
pokemon snap and puzzle league

>> No.6718262

F-Zero X

>> No.6718329

Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2.

>> No.6718345

Wave race

>> No.6718476
File: 82 KB, 512x384, E8F8758D-F3A8-4170-919F-24276D16F9BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Fox 64
Bomberman 64

>> No.6718526

they do this to music all the time
>lil bo peephole > wu tang clan
>sad emo faggot > rolling stones
its called inferiority complex. pop culture has degraded so badly in recent time, and they hear about it online when they want to discuss things, so they try to troll and cry about boomers.

>> No.6718539

more like poop culture hehehe

>> No.6718549
File: 86 KB, 200x200, conker jr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6718558

>This game aged like fucking milk
>proof Rare was always overrated and shit.

>> No.6718595

Conker's newfound addiction to PCP is a lot less endearing than his prior alcoholism