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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 554x554, 42B44203-F747-4FFD-A4D8-0C4933EB2247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6698085 No.6698085 [Reply] [Original]

How does this port compare to the original? Any quality of life enhancements?

>> No.6698110

>Yaah! Yaah! Hiyaaa! Yaah! Yaah! Hiyaaa! Yaah! Yaah! Hiyaaa! Yaah! Yaah! Hiyaaa! Yaah! Yaah! Hiyaaa! AHHHHHHHH!

>> No.6698120

It's the version of ALTTP that I originally played. It's not the version that I beat.

>> No.6698397

It's better than the SNES version in every way.

>> No.6698567

Worse in every way. The only thing that made it interesting at the time was its portability

>> No.6698573

Four swords is not a real zelda game.

At least shitpost about minish cap.

>> No.6698654

Not retro

>> No.6698665


>> No.6698678

Remakes are allowed in here.

>> No.6698717

Reminder that GBA exclusives will never, ever be allowed here. I think remakes like this are, but since it's a GBA game, I wanted to remind you that normal GBA games will never be allowed.

>> No.6698726

GBA ports are always horrible abominations compared to their original versions too. They shouldn't exist.

>> No.6698741

It was great at the time because portable SNES games were still novel and pretty amazing, but it’s aged like milk in the sun since.

>> No.6698917

Screen crunch and you're going to want this: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2570/

>> No.6698938 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 472x494, gba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6698946

Completely true. Real SNES games are retro, offensive to anyone ports are not retro.

>> No.6698949

>It was great at the time because portable SNES games were still novel and pretty amazing, but it’s aged like milk in the sun since
Exactly right

>> No.6698970


>> No.6698985

Wow these memes are absolutely horrible.
And yes, GBA is not retro and SNES is.

>> No.6698989

Something seriously needs to be done about this gba spam. It's really shitting up the board right now.

>> No.6698990

Legalise it.

>> No.6698998

Apparently the guy spamming got banned but only for 3 days. Needs a permaban I reckon.

>> No.6699007

I can promise you two things- the GBA will never be allowed here, and there's nothing you can do about it at all.

>> No.6699012

Anons losing their fucking minds over any hint of GBA discussion, even in the context of discussing a SNES port, are equally to blame.

>> No.6699017
File: 182 KB, 1859x338, Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 18.50.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th gen will never be retro, go back to /v/
Is what they used to say when 5th gen babbies were crying that the 1999 rule should include their childhood

>> No.6699020

And keep bumping these fucking threads like utter retards instead of reporting and moving on.

>> No.6699023

Not losing my mind at all. It's just a shame to come to /vr/ and see so much spam for the last couple of weeks. I really hope /vr/ can get back to its best, and i think that only happens with a permaban of OP.

>> No.6699045

Well I hope /vr/ goes back to banning 5th gen so we can get rid of both anons who are smug about their childhood modern 3D games being arbitrarily considered retro (after they complained in 2013) and anons who think because Mario 64 is allowed, so should Mario Sunshine. Get rid of the lot of them so we can just have the "cut off" be 4th gen games again.

>> No.6699046

>Is what they used to say

>> No.6699053

Usage not much gen?

>> No.6699056

>I hope /vr/ goes back to banning 5th gen
It won't. But I'm going to make more 5th gen threads now knowing it makes the GBAutist seethe so much. That makes me happy. Nana nana boo boo
Nice projection because there's about 2 or 3 6th gen spammers.
It's not arbitrary, it's clear. 1999.
>Get rid of the lot of them so we can just have the "cut off" be 4th gen games again.
That will never happen. And it makes you seethe. Nana nana boo boo!

>> No.6699062

>2 or 3 6th gen spammers
There's 1

>> No.6699065

This. The true retro gaming era ended in December 1994 with the release of the PlayStation.

>> No.6699069

>This era is known for its pivotal role in the video game industry's leap from 2D to 3D computer graphics, as well as the shift from home console games being stored on ROM cartridges to optical discs. This was also the first generation to feature internet connectivity
Sounds like a modern generation to me. But I agree it would be too impractical to kick all of the 5th gen babbies out now because then they'd just spam as well, so I will have to tolerate you lot posting here. Like 5th gen can be an honorary "retro" generation for being the first modern generation ;^)

>> No.6699083

Read the sticky. Retro is consoles released 1999 and before.

>> No.6699086

>look ma it's wikipedia
>I will have to tolerate you lot posting here
No you don't, no one is keeping you here. You can literally leave any time, you don't "have" to tolerate anything, retard.
>Like 5th gen can be an honorary "retro" generation for being the first modern generation ;^)
No, it's not honorary retro, just "retro" - did you check the sticky out? Retro means consoles from 1999 or before.
5th generation consoles are from 1999 or before, you can look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.6699095

>No there's no logic to what makes a game retro, it's only my arbitrary year that I adore for it's convenience for myself!
Okay champ, your 3D games are retro if 4chan says so, even if it didn't originally until people complained 3-)

>> No.6699098

The logic is:
>Before 2000
>After and including 2000
Not retro

Read the sticky.

>> No.6699118

Okay yeah the world of gaming changed on december 31st 1999, and not with the transition to 3D polygonal gaming because the sticky says so, that's was really nice of /vr/ to let you pretend your childhood console is retro 3-)

>> No.6699127

>your 3D games are retro if 4chan says so
Retro by whose definition? By 4chan's or wikipedia, or autistic zoomers, or what?
>even if it didn't originally until people complained 3-)
That's not why it became retro. You weren't here to know that, though. It became retro because it became old enough and felt retro by the people who are in charge of the rules. Stuff after 1999 will never feel retro, and you're not in charge of the rules, champ.
Here you go kiddo, talk about GBA all you want. No one will stop you. http://reddit.com/r/gba Now go talk about all those great games for the GBA that you think are retro. There are lots of people there waiting for you who will talk about it with you :)

>> No.6699130

>Stuff after 1999 will never feel retro,

>> No.6699141

So you meant by retrogamer.net's definition then? Do you realize that's a different website than 4chan?
Maybe there's a retrogamer.net forum you can talk about games on if you agree with their definition and not the one here. No one is making you talk about games here lol

>> No.6699146

Hey you said
>Stuff after 1999 will never feel retro
Clearly some people who are more of an authority on retro gaming than you are, seem to disagree with you and your beloved sticky :^)

>> No.6699180 [DELETED] 

>Hey you said Stuff after 1999 will never feel retro
That's not what I said, try reading what I said again.
>some people who are more of an authority on retro gaming than you are, seem to disagree with you
They aren't more of an authority. Did you actually think putting the word retro in their domain makes them an authority? Holy zoom.

>> No.6699198

Retrogamer don't decide the rules of a 4chan board. The rules here are clear: pre-2000 only.

>> No.6699203

>some people disagree with you about something
>I think they have more authority than you in my opinion
Ok? Go talk to them then and you guys can talk about how much you disagree with me together.

>> No.6699206

The rules were also clear that 5th gen is not allowed... once.

>> No.6699208

The rules are about to change boomie. Tick tock.

>> No.6699214

Everyone knows this.
When specifically? "About to" isn't very specific and you've been saying that for a long time. It's starting to seem like you're just full of shit and hoping and wishing something that isn't true.

>> No.6699235

>Everyone knows this.
Yeah, that the rules actually can change.

>> No.6699247

It doesn't make sense to make another gaming board for 6th gen so it's inevitable that mods will be forced to change the rules here. Don't worry, you'll still be able to post your scintillating console war, spoopy Mario 64 and 'Sonic Adventure is good actually' threads.

>> No.6699254

>hiro finally adds a gacha-board
>forbids generals
>that's why /vg/ is still shit
only a troll like you could expect reason where there is none.

>> No.6699261

Yes, they can. Are you asking if they will change for GBA and Gamecube discussion to be allowed here, because you want them to so badly? No.
Your opinion is irrelevant. The mods aren't forced to do anything, and you're not forced to stay here. Don't worry, you can still post your GBA threads on /v/ and many other websites.

>> No.6699280

There is already lively GBA discussion here, when it isn't being derailed by boot lickers. Makes more sense to just allow GBA rather than expect mods to continue to play whack-a-mole just so you can post yet another exhilarating 'wHy dO pLaYsTaTiOn GrApHiCs lOoK sO bAd' while screeching 'zoomer' at anyone who disagrees with you unencumbered.

>> No.6699292

>Makes more sense to just allow GBA rather than expect mods to continue to play whack-a-mole
If you think constant spamming will ever change the rules in your favor, you're clueless. It's actually guaranteed that you will never get your way.
>There is already lively GBA discussion here
You samefagging on your phone isn't discussion

>> No.6699304

>There is already lively GBA discussion here
You spamming GBA threads is not "lively discussion"

>> No.6699328

>boot lickers

>> No.6699691

It's pretty good, but not great. Just average.

>> No.6699705

Let's be honest, the niggers spamming GBA and other 6th gen crap don't give a shit about the consoles or games from that gen they just want to troll, the retards have >>>/v/ to discuss that shit, /vr/ was created because most of retro stuff was drowned in /v/ endless faggotry.
Also, why in the fuck chinese moot created a RPG board instead of a western vidya board?

>> No.6699710

Wow racism much? Mods? How is racism allowed but GBA isn't?

>> No.6699716

You're right.
GBA is not retro.

>> No.6699727
File: 1.94 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_9732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this version of alttp over 200 times unironically

>> No.6699730

Dude REALLY? After everything that's been going on these last few months THIS is the word you choose to make your argument?

>> No.6699740

This is abundantly obvious from the actual threads. The guy enjoys annoying people for some reason.

>> No.6699751

Really? I've seen it as people love to get angry about anyone playing fast and loose with the 1999 rule.

>> No.6699754

Why do you samefag so much?

>> No.6699836

He's underage and it's summer.
Off you go, seethegen girl.

>> No.6699926

Prohibition isn't working bruh. The only solution is to legalise, regulate and tax! The War On Spam has been a vast waste of resources and time.

>> No.6699938

>they think it’s only one person

>> No.6700110

>yet homebrew made in current year is allowed

I should learn to program so I can port Halo to the fucking n64 just to piss you faggots off.

>> No.6700148

It's low-key the best version of Zelda 3 overall.

New moves (charged attacks, swimming, can collect more shit with basket)
New sidequests
New dungeon (makes use of beta elements and new moves)
You can play with the original color palette
All bugfixes from the PAL versions (like the digging minigame RNG, bugged graphical effects)
Corrected localization
Screen resolution isn't that bad
More languages

Sound (voice acting, chirpy music)
Some dungeon changes (simplified Ice Palace, although some prefer the new rooms)
Some of the content is locked behind completing the other game (Four Swords)

Since, unlike Yoshi's Island (and its new 6 extra-hard levels), there has been no serious effort by fans to backport all of these bonus features to the SNES version, go with the GBA port (with the darkest luminosity in the ingame options) if you don't care too much about the sound effect.
Same reason why Super Mario Bros. 3 is best played on the GBA (Wii U romdump).

/vr/ is a dying, rotting board whose opinions on the GBA should never be taken seriously. It's full of shitters or wannabe jannies who also say you're allowed to discuss the B&W model but not the Color model of the WonderSwan. They chased away someone with a rare version of Stafy 1 (a leaked unreleased localization from Nintendo, and these things happen once in a blue moon no less) because "GBA is not retro", and that's not even correct (Stafy GBA is a direct port of a finished but unreleased GBC version, with very little differences aside from a coat of paint for backgrounds and some boss fights)
I don't even buy that it's a salty DreamCast suicide cult (gaming ended with Sega bwaaah) because this behavior is too pathetic to even entertain proper discussions.

>> No.6700161

The GBA spammer is one person.

>> No.6700169

HA! Okay m8

>> No.6700173

Wish the rest of /vr/ was like this post, a proper response to a proper question

>> No.6700180

It's why you can find almost all his spam by searching for certain phrases, like "classic retro"

>> No.6700228

>Wähle einen Spielstand
Sehr cool Hans, sehr cool!

>> No.6700305

He also uses (normal) pronouns and prepositions, and often namedrops Nintendo and Sony. I heard he goes by the handle "Anonymous".

YOU are the insufferable faggot here.

>> No.6700312

>washed out colors
>annoying voices added
>dumbed down the only difficult dungeon
>lower resolution
These really outweigh the extremely minor quality of life upgrades in my opinion. Not worth it.

>> No.6700319

>GBA is not retro
Correct. Fuck off.

>> No.6700337

Remakes/ports of retro games have always been allowed. ALttP is an SNES game, and SNES is retro.

>> No.6700349

>low contrast
>absurdly high brightness
>mutilated soundtrack
>insufferable voices
No reason not to play the real ALTTP today

>> No.6700352

As long as it's hardware released before 1999 we don't mind

>> No.6700357

The word Nigger is retro, GBA is not.

>> No.6700397

>Remakes/ports of retro games have always been allowed
Oh, is that why the Resident Evil remakes threads are deleted on /vr/ but not on /v/?
Is that why FF7 remake threads are deleted on /vr/ but not on /v/?
Is that why you're a gigantic faggot holy shit?

>> No.6700403

ff7"r" is a non-retro sequel, tbqhfam

>> No.6700463

Shut fuck up faggot.

>> No.6700536

Was the GBA released after 1999?

>> No.6700558

Those games are hardly remakes. They're brand new games with old names slapped on them to cash in on the nostalgia fad. The GBA ALttP is identical in nearly every meaningful way to the original. It's retro.

>> No.6700569

>The GBA ALttP is identical in nearly every meaningful way to the original
It's not, look at all those fucking changes: https://zelda.gamepedia.com/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_A_Link_to_the_Past_%26_Four_Swords

>> No.6700591

yeah, but essentially the same game, without a wiki you would easily miss 80% of those changes

>> No.6700604

Yes there are changes but they boil down to minor differences. Compare it to FF7. Literally no overlap. Entirely different games. That's the difference. Fundamentally you get the same experience playing the SNES or GBA version. Not so with the other "remakes" you tried to compare it to.

>> No.6700613

>it's identical
it's not
>it's essentially the same game
Your goalposts have wheels.
It's absolutely not a port. They added ennemies, sound effects, a multiplayer mode, etc...
It's not retro, like the GBA.

>> No.6700629
File: 362 KB, 485x812, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They added ennemies, sound effects, a multiplayer mode, etc...
Wow! It's like a completely different game!

>> No.6700637

>they changed things
>it's the same

>> No.6700641

Honestly the only things that watered down the GBA ports were the washed out color palettes and the unnecessary bing bing wahoo voice lines. I could put up with the smaller screen size if it weren't for that shit.

>> No.6700645

>It's absolutely not a port
I'd like to interject here. It most certainly IS a port. "Port" doesn't mean that there are no changes. "Port" simply implies that the original codebase was adapted to run on different hardware. They almost certainly didn't build this game from the ground up for GBA (that would be a "remake"). It's a port with added features.

>> No.6700661
File: 119 KB, 547x609, 3bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can still be the same game with differences. Is Ocarina of Time v1.0 a completely different game from Ocarina of Time v1.1 because Ganon's blood is a different color?

>> No.6700693

Even that definition isn’t quite spot on, it is a port since it tries to give the same experience on another platform, but I think the GBA port is built from the ground up due to the SNES original likely being written it the native assembly language which would be totally different from the GBA’s language.

However no doubt they had the original SNES code to look at and it was a translation job, but in history plenty of ports were “clean sheet” where they were writing the same game from scratch for another platform.

A remake on the other hand is not where you’re trying to represent a game as authentically as possible on another platform (a few minor enchantments not counting) but where you redesign a game based around modern hardware and design practices.

>> No.6700831

*I dont mind

>> No.6700846

Seek help

>> No.6701379

Have sex, incel.

>> No.6701402

>the SNES original likely being written it the native assembly language
We have the original source code thanks to the leaks a couple weeks ago. There's no "likely". It is 100% written in assembly.

>> No.6701449

This was the first version I ever played, so I have nostalgia for it, and playing the SNES version was a good upgrade.
However upon retrospect the constant screaming was annoying.

>> No.6701457

It's good, but not that different from the SNES version. It does have an extra dungeon.

>> No.6701515 [DELETED] 

there are more than 1. i'm one and i post here like once a week. gba is a portable snes and eventually you will accept that.

>> No.6701557

>once a week
Cope toddler

>> No.6701572

It doesn't matter if it's a portable SNES. It matters if it came out before 2000 or not.

>> No.6701574

>I break board rules once a week
Good for you anon

>> No.6701579

you're a faggot and eventually you will accept that.

>> No.6701581

Say one by a actual faggot.

>> No.6701610


>> No.6701728

/vr/ needs to introduce a rule whereby ONE single thread may be active at any one time in order to discuss retro games remade or re-released on modern consoles, i.e. one active thread for all remakes, not one thread per remake.

Whilst technically following the rules, OP is quite obviously spamming GBA remake threads in order to provoke and is therefore also trolling. He personally has no interest in following up on the discussion, his aim is purely to annoy.

>> No.6701778

He's the most annoyed of all. If he tries to make an actual GBA thread it gets deleted. Just let him throw his tantrum and let the few people actually discussing the remake or port discuss it.

>> No.6701982

True but we didn't really need the source code to know that. Pretty much all games back then were written in assembly, it was the only way to properly take full advantage of the slow hardware.

>> No.6702079

As much of a fag I am for the AGS 101 model of the SP. The micro is so damn slick

>> No.6702210

Any system that didn't have a fucking backlight is retro. Fucking cope.

Ant system powered by batteries is retro.

>> No.6702252

>screen zoom
>have to glitch into the new dungeon because it's locked behind 4 swords
It's trash Jim.

>> No.6702285

Wait a minute, this came out on the GBA. That's not a retro handheld.

>> No.6702326
File: 294 KB, 504x2448, notretro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, retro is determined by year, not by backlight. The N64 is a system that didn't have a backlight and it's retro.
Check question and answer 25.
Ports are allowed but spamming threads about them will not make GBA retro, see question and answer 23.

>> No.6702528
File: 11 KB, 642x400, 1596295640666_i5ynftzjii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a new low for autistic gen6 toddler arguments

>> No.6702547
File: 140 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ml7jkfpAct1qzizv5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pic.
fucking zoomers need to stay the fuck outta my retro board.

>> No.6702562

high-key kill yourself zoomer

>> No.6702589

Good idea to turn the rules into an EPIC copy-paste maymay, but you forgot zoomers cannot read more than 3 sentences per hour.

>> No.6702595

I'd be okay with this if it wasn't baby link voice.
Why is twink a child in so many games? Hate playing as a kid hero.

>> No.6702607

Super mario world is superior with the pallette fix patch. Having the spin jump mapped to the shoulder is a no brainer. What was Nintendo thinking back then?

>> No.6702617

The irony is that LttP was specifically aged up in design because Nintendo knew an older Link was more appealing to play as to a western audience. Of course, the LttP port takes place in a post Eiji Aonuma Zelda franchise and he's completely retarded about anything that isn't something he made.

>> No.6702629
File: 110 KB, 582x752, 74C5C76D-2E44-44E1-9028-851AE43C2951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Why read some grampa's boring essay when I could be "dabbing" on him with a brand new GBA thread instead?

>> No.6702770

Reasons sixth gen are retro:
>Last console generation where the Japanese were in the lead game development-wise
>Last console generation classic /vr/ genres like survival horror, JRPGs, and platformers were at the forefront
>Last console generation that many classic /vr/ series were relevant (Goemon, Mana, F-Zero, etc)
>Last console generation that wasn't HD
>Last console generation that wasn't full of DLC
>Last console generation that wasn't dominated by uber-expensive AAA movie games
>Last console generation before the politicization of gaming that culminated in GamerGate
Face it, sixth gen is the last retro generation

>> No.6702783

Not retro.

>> No.6702784

You don’t need to justify anything to these sad old men. Just keep posting 6th generation threads.

>> No.6702785

you're right but i disagree

>> No.6702793

No it's not, did you read the sticky? Retro has nothing to do with any of those things. Retro has to do with the platform's age. Sixth gen wasn't released in 1999 or earlier so it's not retro.
Now I know you definitely read it. And it makes you seeeeeethe.
Good point but I don't intend for them to read the whole thing. I just want to have something to refer them to so when they repeat one of their arguments they've tried 1000 times before, I can just say "look at question # X"

>> No.6702796

>No it's not, did you read the sticky? Retro has nothing to do with any of those things. Retro has to do with the platform's age. Sixth gen wasn't released in 1999 or earlier so it's not retro
You must be pro-trannies then if you think just saying something without any rhyme or reason to back it up is true

>> No.6702808
File: 194 KB, 1135x557, 86DCDE77-C470-4C0C-A52A-0638C069DBB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you.

>> No.6702809
File: 158 KB, 1200x909, ENJ8MbwUUAAcane[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans rights are retro.

>> No.6702817

lmfao I was actually just watching this episode last night

>> No.6702875

Just keep getting deleted lmao
>without any rhyme or reason
The reason is the rule of the board. Did you see the sticky?

>> No.6702896

And there are 29 different genders, including demiqueer and panjannykin, do you not understand the power of subjectivism and power of word?

>> No.6703330

>Last console generation where the Japanese were in the lead game development-wise
>Last console generation classic /vr/ genres like survival horror, JRPGs, and platformers were at the forefront
>Last console generation that wasn't full of DLC
>Last console generation that wasn't dominated by uber-expensive AAA movie games
>Last console generation before the politicization of gaming that culminated in GamerGate
While I cherish the Gen for all the reasons you stated, these specific ones aren't an argument as to why anything should be considered retro

>> No.6703373

This board is for the discussion of retro games, not your made up fetishes.

>> No.6703517

Those things all exemplify the retro era and sensibilities though

>> No.6703531

Are you retarded? If that's your opinion then go make a forum where you talk about how 6th gen is retro. Those things aren't how retro is defined here. Check the sticky.

>> No.6703559

That's nice but this is a board for discussion of consoles released before the year 2000. If you would like to discuss 6th gen there are hundreds of other websites out there for that express purpose.

>> No.6703747

Discussion of retro ports is allowed.

>> No.6703762

Good point. Let's change the rules to make ports not allowed. Thanks for the idea.
Friendly reminder that the rules will never change to allow GBA however :)

>> No.6704553

>GBAutist keeps making GBA threads on /vr
>even without based vigilantes ruining them, the threads gain no traction and are horrible
>meanwhile, a GBA thread on /v/ is quickly moving with all genuine discussion
>GBAutist claims GBA threads never work on /v/ and that's why he needs to post on /vr/

>> No.6704559

First post
>Shouldn’t this be in /vr/?

>> No.6704560

People on /v/ not knowing /vr/s rules makes sense. People on /vr/ should know them though.

>> No.6704562

That was GBAutist. The thread was linked to/posted in his thread at the same time it was created. But you already know this.

>> No.6704563

Shit anon, that must have been so distressing for you. Want me to get you a hot chocolate and a warm blanket?

>> No.6704565

Face it, even /v/ looks down on the autism here

>> No.6704575

>caring about board drama
Just go to /v/ for non-retro consoles.

>> No.6704578

To be honest, it looks like they're having a good discussion of gba games over there. There's clearly no need to raid this board for it.

>> No.6704580

That’s fine, /vr/ is for modern 3D games released before 1999 so millennials can larp about liking retro games, for modern 3D games released 19 years ago, still on /v/. Very well defined cut off point that certainly is not just to reinforce the delusion that 5th gen is retro

>> No.6704586 [DELETED] 

Oh look, it's the guy who made this post >>520513214
5th gen is retro, have you checked the stsicky? Keep seething!

>> No.6704597

>modern games released before 1999

>> No.6704743
File: 32 KB, 1437x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autist is evading a 1 day ban

>> No.6704762

The thread stays up in /v/ and it's still up, but people are already losing their interest
Please save the thread to counter their argument of "we can't talk about GBA on /v/"

>> No.6704774

They threw in sound effects from OOT, but otherwise it's the SNES game with greatly diminished graphics.

>> No.6705541

>Pretty much all games back then were written in assembly
A lot of DOS games were written in Pascal. Here's a list of prices for source code for Apogee Software games (included in https://web.archive.org/web/*/ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/freeware/krozfree.zip ):
>Kingdom of Kroz (Turbo Pascal 3.0) - $190
>Supernova (Turbo Pascal 3.0) - 125
>Word Whiz (Turbo Pascal 5.0) - 100
>Trek Trivia (Turbo Pascal 5.0) - 90
>Return to Kroz (Turbo Pascal 5.0) - 350
>Asteroid Rescue (Turbo Pascal 3.0) - 45
>Lost Adventures of Kroz (TP 5.0) - 950
>Rogue Runner (TP 3.0) - 45
Yes, the 3D Realms FTP server is dead.

>> No.6705549
File: 180 KB, 1209x438, not retro port.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture for you, anon.

>> No.6705557

>PC shit

>> No.6705562

Dumb consolenigger.

>> No.6705574

I wouldn't say it's ages that bad, but there isn't a compelling reason to play it now aside from the four swords bit...
As for other GBA remakes, Doom was pretty good on there compared to many console ports, and it might still be the best way to play it portable since touchscreen controls fucking suck.

>> No.6705594

Oh yeah I should have specified console games, I know very little about PC games of the era.

>> No.6705595

It might be worth having multiple era boards. For instance 1-3, 4-5, 6-7...
But the merits of that would be argued about too.
>3 doesn't belong with 1-2!
>6 should be lumped with 4-5!

>> No.6705823

So absolute based

>> No.6707453

When I was a kid and gamecube was the new hotness I considered everything before it to be retro, I still do, but I don't see 6th or newer Gen as retro at all to this day.
Gba was the first system I owned, less than a year later I got a GBC for cheap, an n64 for $20 at a yard sale and a genesis from a relative, even then I considered everything except the gba retro, despite the occasional new n64 boxed game at eb games being available.

>> No.6707475

It was on page 10 you semen slurping faggot, why did you go and bump it? Nobody cares about your trade in. More drastic measures will be needed now.

>> No.6707578

Yum yum yum
I bump the thread
And rub my tum

>> No.6707596

Haha Pee boo hoo over here.

>> No.6707606

it's the gbautist practicing his schizo roleplay.

now he's going to wait until the thread gets to page 10 again before he bumps it with more autistic rambling or wojaks.

imagine going through this much effort to destroy a board just because the userbase rejected your super monkey ball threads lol.

>> No.6707779

Since you can't read, I was agreeing with everyone who thinks gba shouldn't be on this board.

>> No.6707790


>> No.6707875

Wasnt aware posting was against the rules

>> No.6707897

It's better than the SNES version. Also GBA is retro ;)

>> No.6707910

>Also GBA is retro ;)
Then make a GBA thread where you talk about GBA exclusives and see if it gets deleted or not ;)
Uh oh! You can't. Babby is sad

>> No.6709125

Someone please bump in my thread. It's lonely here.

>> No.6709979

>with greatly diminished graphics

The SNES graphics are there pixel perfect, with the original palette and MORE animation frames and fixed graphical bugs (transparency, etc).
The game camera was adapted to the new resolution.
It's a direct port with tons of enhancements, in every single way.

>> No.6710550

>The SNES graphics are there pixel perfect
GBA has square pixels, SNES pixels are meant to be displayed as rectangles, so pixel perfect isn't perfect
>with the original palette
GBA is brighter
>MORE animation frames
Same animation frames
>fixed graphical bugs (transparency, etc).
No such bugs are in the original
>The game camera was adapted to the new resolution
Still shows less than the original

>> No.6710643

>muh 8:7 aspect ratio is the only correct choice
Says who? Nintendo offers both on the SNES Classic.
>GBA is brighter
If you're too low IQ to notice the second mandatory choice the game forces you to have just after the name input, yes.
>Same animation frames
Shameless lie 1. Animations for the sword, bird, enemies and bosses...
>No such bugs are in the original
Shameless lie 2. Palette errors during certain screen transition, bosses that pop out of existence have effects like melting or falling apart restored from source code...
>Still shows less than the original
The blank space in dungeon walls is now essential to gameplay?

Fuck off. GBA Zelda 3 has more legitimate enhancements than Link's Awakening on Switch, and that one is called a "remake" when discussed here.

>> No.6711031

Good post, thanks for making it. Some of these /vr/ guys are genuinely mentally ill.

>> No.6711035

Also what do you mean by charged attacks? Zelda 3 on the SNES already had that and swimming, if by charge attacks you mean holding a button so Link holds his sword straight out and does a spin.

>> No.6711048

>Japanese writing foreshadowing the future.

>> No.6711056

You can not permaban people from 4chan. it's just by IP.
The better solution therefore is too simply allow a more vague and liquid definition of retro as to not have every thread derailed by mongoloid gatekeepers.

>> No.6711064

Zelda 3 is for babby
>New moves (charged attacks, swimming, can collect more shit with basket)
That's not a good thing. It's a babby thing.
>/vr/ is a dying, rotting board
Then why does it have more activity than it used to? It seems like that's the opposite of dying, little zoomie.
>whose opinions on the GBA should never be taken seriously
Oh I see, you're seething about the GBA not being retro. Why do you care so much? It's a shit console anyways full of inferior ports like Zelda 3.
> They chased away someone with a rare version of Stafy 1 (a leaked unreleased localization from Nintendo)
Noooooo not my nintendie betaroni!!

>> No.6711070

good post. Reminds me of when this board was actually vidya.

>> No.6711309
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 1446151545902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut? I played both the OG and the GBA versions and I didn't notice any of these changes aside from the voice

granted, that was a while ago, and I don't think I beat the original game, I got it after the GBA port

>> No.6711342
File: 167 KB, 439x504, 1583810008070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You come off as more of a child than anyone here.
The guy took his time to answer OP's question in actual elaborate manner, detailing all the improvements and downsides, and yet here you are with your garbage post saying shit like
>nintendie betaroni

Shut your goddamn mouth boomer, you make your ilk look embarrassing.

>> No.6712701

Both chicks? Hmm my type of girl.

>> No.6712709

the sooner you realize these posters are "born in the wrong generation" zoomers and "90s kids" who were actually born in 1995. The more you will fully understand their autism.

>> No.6712714

this is a new strategy

>> No.6712740

Nobody who sees Sega Saturn, C64, turbo graffix a2600 and says "yes these are all the same era" but then goes "noo! Saturn and DC are different eras!" "noo altp on a 2001 handheld is totally modern" is actually old enough to remember any of this? do you think someone over 40 or whatever is posting 2016 tourist /v/ memes?

>> No.6712812

You unlock the hurricane spin attack after finishing a new sidequest.
However you need to play a significant amount of Four Swords to unlock the quest. I didn't know about it until recently.

>> No.6714140

Oh sure