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6694320 No.6694320 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6694321
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>> No.6694327

Care to summarize for those who don't want to go to a faggy forum?

>> No.6694336

A "Sonic" engine for SNES based on the Sega Genesis code but with many things optimized for SNES.

>> No.6694348

>nes dev forums
No wonder you /v/ fucknuts are stumbling in the dark trying to compile SNES games over in the leak thread, you have zero respect for oldfags who actually know their shit. Unironically lie down in heavy traffic.

>> No.6694358
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>> No.6694368

Have any of the big names at Nintendo ever given their opinions on Sanic?

>> No.6694372

What the fuck? It's even faster!!?

>> No.6694373
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Probably doesn't count as "big names at Nintendo", but Ken Sugimori, one of the big guys at Game Freak and original art designer of Pokemon is a big Sega fan, and I assume that includes Sonic.
He did the covers for the 3DS Sega classic compilations.

>> No.6694384
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>> No.6694386

Shigeru Miyamoto was once jointly interviewed with Sonic Team leader Yuji Naka. I’m too lazy to find any specific quotes, but IIRC you can get a pretty good idea of how Miyamoto felt about Sonic: http://shmuplations.com/miyamotoxnaka/

>> No.6694390

Lo and behold, SEGA doing what Nintendon’t.

>> No.6694401

nice info anon. respect

>> No.6694405
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>> No.6694407

Strange how the sky and Sonic's colors are somewhat swapped on SNES.
Water seems to look better on SNES.

>> No.6694408

I actually like the SNES version better. The colors are more subtle, the water is more alive and detailed, things in the background are lighter, indicating distance and haze, and things in the foreground are clearer. Despite most assets having less contrast, Sonic himself has more contrast in fact. And due to that lighter coloration, the clouds have more of a wispy feel.

But I still like the vibrance and richness of the Genesis version though, they each have their merits. The SNES version can be seen as faded.

>> No.6694410
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looks a tad washed out to me but still

>> No.6694416

Actually looks about the same, but the sky in SNES looks more light, while Sonic's blue is more depth on SNES, as I said here >>6694407 it's like they swapped Sonic and the sky's colors. On Genesis, the sky has more color depth, but Sonic looks more washed out.

>> No.6694428
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maybe its just my old eyes..
i thought the gens had a smaller colour pallet than the snes? would've thought that the fidelity of the hues would be a bit more... vibrant.

>> No.6694478

Not surprised. Game Freak made pulseman and Pokemon appeared on the Sega Pico so to hear that at least one oldhead at Game Freak likes sega stuff explains a lot.

>> No.6694489

Genesis version looks like it still has higher resolution. Wouldn't that look better on CRT?

>> No.6694492

Sega Mega Drive = Homebrew Heaven
Snes = 3 sprites

>> No.6694517
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based literal autismo jap man

>> No.6694672

So does it run? Is it complete? Or is it just a tech demo.

>> No.6694743

Yes. No. Yes.

>> No.6694747

Nintendoes what segain’t

>> No.6694752

Just give me Silver the Hedgehog stand alone SNES title.

>> No.6694758

SNES homebrew are daredevil chad way.

>> No.6694759


>> No.6694813

>“This game has real personality,” I thought. “The creators are young and it’s a little rough around the edges, but I can tell it was made by people who understand what the joy of games is all about.”
so he's saying it has SOUL

>> No.6694834

Hes politely shitting on it

>> No.6694881

sonic1 code was quite inefficient, should be possible to port the entire game without much slowdown if you optimize it well.

>> No.6694882

No need to worry. This will never go beyond a proof of concept. Sonicfags are notorious for making tons of those and never going anywhere with it.

>> No.6694925

it runs, it's the first stage with no boss or end stage signpost
it has enemies, things like the bridges animate, springs work, spikes hurt you (you can't die though), rings can be picked up, collapsable overhangs collapse, etc, etc. no sound effects, but it does have music
it's a tech demo, though you can play the stage more or less normally, just with invincibility

the only slow down i noticed was when falling down along with a collapsing bridge
going fast works just fine, so much for blast processing

>> No.6694976

it'd probably chug way harder than the genesis if you could get hit and drop a bunch of rings

>> No.6694982
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theres this i guess

>> No.6694993

you can get hit and drop rings
i tried it again, collected 53 rings and got hit by spikes, no slowdown, but it doesn't emit 53 rings, only 8

>> No.6694996

never seen miyamoto smoking before

>> No.6695053

I'd like to see it handle Labyrinth Zone, water elvels always seemed to cause the most slowdown in Sonic games.

>> No.6695097

how many rings does the genesis do? I thought it was like 20 or something.

>> No.6695123

i collected i think 39 just then, and i counted 19, though i'm pretty sure one went off screen before i pause it (they really do fly out quick)
so yea, 20 seems to be it

>> No.6695247

Water levels have 8 flickering sprites at all times for semi transparency and to hide the underwater palette change, because the genny has only two background layers (vs 4 for snes) and no hardware transparency.

If the programmer is half competent (and he is, he rewrote math heavy sections of Sonic's pinball physics to rely less on multiplications) then he'll use BG3 with flickering surface just for the water (and probably HDMA for the palette change).

The bonus stage will be interesting to see.

>> No.6695290

I hope we can get at least a fully functional green hill.

>> No.6695306


>> No.6695308

>more than 20 years later
>nintendo fans still working hard to achieve what sega fans got day 1

>> No.6695318

yeah but where is sega console division now

>> No.6695323

>day 1
>Mega Drive: 29th October, 1988
>Sonic the Hedgehog: 23 June, 1991

>> No.6695325

that ad compaign was supposed to be comparing the mega drive with the nes

>> No.6695329


>> No.6695418

The capability was there from day 1

>> No.6695420

Kinda funny, given that mega drive is superior even to the SNES

>> No.6695439

as it was for the snes ;)

>> No.6695441

>console warring for 4th gen in 20 fucking 20
Reminder that the whole sega vs nintendo rivalry is some westcuck cumsoomer mentality. Nintendo and Sega always got along fine in Japan.

>> No.6695450
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>> No.6695453

hideous. Add some filters or something

>> No.6695457

not warring, just giving an objective assessment :)

>> No.6695469

Sounds like you're a 40 year old console warrior to me.

>> No.6695471

holy shit, android is what genesisn't!

>> No.6695476
File: 502 KB, 600x602, nailedya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you need to get your hearing checked

>> No.6695478


>> No.6695482

>Reminder that the whole sega vs nintendo rivalry is some westcuck cumsoomer mentality. Nintendo and Sega always got along fine in Japan.
I was always surprised by this. I talked to a few japanese Sega fans and their beef is with Sony, not Nintendo. Completely different to the west.

>> No.6695504

footage for anyone who wants to see:

>> No.6695508

>moving clouds like in the JP/Sonic Jam version

>> No.6695512

>enemies appearing way too late
but /vr/ told me blast processing was a myth....

>> No.6695518

Are people ITT really getting angry at a homebrew project?
People, the console wars ended over 20 years ago.

>> No.6695520


Even though Sega was my first love, I still think this is pretty damn cool.
didnt we get the Super Mario World source with the last leak? maybe dedicated Sega devs could port that to the Genesis. (lets not talk about the terrible pirate rom)

>> No.6695527
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>enemies appearing way too late
the only enemies that appear "too late" are these badniks and they're supposed to only turn visible when Sonic gets near them.

>> No.6695552

Now this is coping.

>> No.6695558

>>nintendo fans still working hard to achieve what sega fans got day 1
sega fans didn't make Sonic 1 for Genesis, Sega themselves did. And Nintendo couldn't exactly make Sonic 1 for Genesis themselves.

>> No.6695568

really cool, should use the leftover ram to add some of the Sonic 3 voice samples

>> No.6695590

Camera still needs work and maybe there should be some compensation for the SNES narrower aspect ratio. Physics aren't totally on point and you seem to accelerate if you just hold forward in the direction you're moving, regardless of state (ball, etc.) Looks like they toned down the rings rendered after getting hit to avoid slowdown. Instruments sound like rugrats' opening which I can't stand. It might also be the camera not being good yet, but the physics of Sonic after hitting a monitor are off, needs to be more rigid.

>> No.6695609
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man this was fun
no sound effects and the music is off, but its a great proof of concept

>> No.6695642

Thanks, anon.
The camera is acting a bit differently from what I remember, but otherwise seems good enough.

>> No.6695648

The camera moves around very aggressively. Usually it keeps sonic locked in the center of the view unless level geometry prohibits it.

>> No.6695657

That's because Genesis runs most games in higher resolution than SNES. The SNES does have a "hi res" mode, but it's limited to a few colors and is only useful for menus.

>> No.6695662

This anon already pointed it here >>6695590,
I think the camera scrolls a bit too much when sonic turns into the opposite direction, it could just be the different aspect ratio.

>> No.6695719

it lags quite a lot when going fast. can it be solved or is it the lack of blast processing?
also how come the music sounds identical to the megadrive version? shouldn't it be muffled?

>> No.6695740

>also how come the music sounds identical to the megadrive version? shouldn't it be muffled?
see: >>6695478

>> No.6695770

I'd like to see a Neo Geo port. It should be fairly straightforward since the hardware is similar to the Genesis.

>> No.6695783

Without blast processing, certain high-speed technical feats just aren't possible on nintendo devices. That's why faster action games thrived on the genesis while nes and snes tended towards slower genres like rpgs.

>> No.6695824

>Without blast processing
if you want to be taken seriously don't use that term

>> No.6695826

Genesis is still slow as shit when compared to arcades.
Also, if Genesis is so fast, how come games like Castlevania Bloodlines or Mega Man Wily Wars are plagued with slowdowns? Moreso than SNES entries of the same franchises?
What matters the most is the developer, not the hardware/on-paper specs.
Console wars destroyed a lot of people's critical thinking.

>> No.6695874

"Blast processing" is just a marketing term for the Motorola 68k processor used in the Genesis. It was also used, at higher clock speeds, in the Neo Geo and Capcom CPS, plus various home computers.

>> No.6695896

It's still faster than the SNES shitty ricoh processor. Cope.
>Genesis is still slow as shit when compared to arcades.
And SNES is even slower. Cope.

>> No.6695908

Filter niggers should be lynched

>> No.6695978

Is what you're doing 25+ years after the fact.
I grew up as an idort.
Developers are more important, not on-paper specs or American marketing slang terms.

>> No.6696027

Everyone talks about how sad it is Iwata died but they never talk about how sad it is Miyamoto died with the Wii
He genuinely was a cool dude and had his head on straight with things up til the Wii. That's right when he became "old" miyamoto and everything wrong with Nintendo kicked in. He'd occasionally still do something decent like Mario Maker and come up with something neat like Project Robot but that didn't even materialize. He just cares about standardizing his brand before he dies so it'll never be tarnished. Probably worried about that Gamecube attitude era of nintendo happening again and without him being there to put a stop to it.

>> No.6696031

Eh, Sharp X68k edition feel more identical than Neo Geo.

>> No.6696073

I chortled.

>> No.6696272

He also drew Alis from Phantasy Star, pretty fappable desu

>> No.6696306

But does it work on actual hardware?

>> No.6696414

Well, this is kinda cool, but I wish someone could just port Sonic CD to the Saturn already.

>> No.6696449

Coom cringeworthy

>> No.6696452

I want Phantasy Star remake for Super Nintendo (SFC)

>> No.6696473

>how come games like Castlevania Bloodlines or Mega Man Wily Wars are plagued with slowdowns?
Bad programming, the times where bloodlines lags is when you shoot a super weapon that starts drawing a shitload of sprites on the scree, the problem is that due to bad programming practices, every sprite gets rendered 2 or even 3 times more than necessary. Metal Slug 2 had a similar problem.
SNES' CPU is still slower than Genesis and there is no excuse for this because it was released years later.

>> No.6696480
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Excuses, excuses.
Console wars are stupid, anon.

>> No.6696501

At the end of the day, the differences between SNES and MD are minimal. So you like MD but hate SNES because it's slightly faster? might as well hate both of them and just stick with modern consoles, then.
What matters isn't the hardware, it's the developers. You said it yourself, bad programming can make a MD game slowdown harder than SNES. A good developer could make good games in either SNES and MD, and thankfully there's plenty of great games on both.
It's time to stop console warring, it's 2020 and USA marketing teams aren't important anymore. The guy who came up with "blast processing" already apologized publicly for it.

>> No.6696506

I just realized, a lot of these anons who partake in console wars and cling to "blast processing" are probably playing on PAL Mega Drives at 50hz, lmao.

>> No.6696527


>> No.6696537

>Bad programming

Finally someone who's not a moron.

It's also worth noting these reasons
>short dev time
>players and reviewers didn't care as much about lag and >muh 60 FPS back then

>> No.6696543

>Console wars are stupid, anon.
Aye, but only because consoles are trash.

t. Arcades and Computers master race

>> No.6696554
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>> No.6696558

Eh. I don't like computer-centric genres.
Arcades and consoles for me. And console wars are still for poorfags who can't cope with having had a crippled childhood with only 1 system.

>> No.6696564

Nintendo had no excuse to release a console with such a slow CPU in that year.
Cheaping out on hardware so devs get fucked and you can sell more consoles is not a good practice.

>> No.6696565

Based fact
t. Dumb and Dumber

>> No.6696569

>Slow CPU at 1.79

>> No.6696571

>such a slow
Way to exaggerate. Good devs still could do games with big sprites, lots of action, and no slowdowns.
And as >>6696537 said, this autism about performance wasn't as big back in the day. Players didn't get triggered by some slowdowns, which even arcade games had.
Again, if SNES being slightly slower than MD affects you so much, then might as well hate all of the retro systems, which in comparison to modern systems are VERY slow. But you just care about continuing your life-lasting console wars, don't you?

>> No.6696587

Apparently, yes.

>> No.6696592

You're assuming I hate old consoles because they were slow.
But the SNES' CPU was slower than the MD's, despite the latter being years older.
Why are you such a Nintendo fanboy that you feel obligated to defend bad business practices?
I am not a SEGA fanboy, I liked the Mega Drive for what it was but I don't feel like their other consoles were up there in terms of quality.

>> No.6696596

>murr old system
t. seethe and salty Gayenesis

>> No.6696601

>Why are you such a Nintendo fanboy that you feel obligated to defend bad business practices?
I was actually more of a Sega fanboy back in the day (and not because of "blast processing", as that term wasn't even known in my country, I just liked Sonic better than Mario lol).
I just think you are the fanboy, who still clings to this tiny bit of difference between the SNES and MD's CPUs in order to continue your console warring mindset in the year 2020. I'm sorry but I don't think the difference between the 2 consoles is that big. MD is slightly faster, SNES has slightly more colors, big deal. There's a lot of colorful games on MD, and a lot of fast games on SNES, because again, what matters is the developer, and not the on-paper specs.

>> No.6696603

Okay retard, go get off to yoshi's eggs or some shit

>> No.6696610

suck it up moron

>> No.6696617 [DELETED] 

>this tiny bit of difference
I actually owned a SNES back in the day so I believe I know a liiitle more than you do about this.
This """"tiny bit""""" difference made most games come with unavoidable slowdowns. When you start a Mega Drive game, slowdowns are really rare.
I'd be fine the both consoles were released around the same time, but this is not the case.
The SNES, despite being a newer consoles released years after the Mega Drive, feature a slower CPU that affected EVERY single game released for it.
Not to mention the lower resolution.
You complain about console wars, but nowadays you can emulate both on your shitty phone so there's no reason for that.
I'm just comparing both from an objective point of view, if that hurts your feefees then it's your own problem.

>> No.6696625

>this tiny bit of difference
I actually owned a SNES back in the day so I believe I know a liiitle more than you do about this.
This """"tiny bit""""" difference made most games come with unavoidable slowdowns. When you start a Mega Drive game, slowdowns are really rare.
It'd be fine if both consoles were released around the same time, but this is not the case.
The SNES, despite being a newer console released years after the Mega Drive and featured a slower CPU that affected EVERY single game released for it.
Not to mention the lower resolution.
You complain about console wars, but nowadays you can emulate both on your shitty phone so there's no reason for that.
I'm just comparing both from an objective point of view, if that hurts your feefees then it's your own problem.

>> No.6696638

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.6696639

>slowdowns are really rare.
Not really, there's still a lot of slowdowns, because again, people weren't autistic about slowdowns back then, it was just something that happened sometimes, big deal.
Also I have no reason to believe you owned a SNES back then, but nowadays you're so adamant on your hatred for it.
This "objective point of view" you talk about is just splitting hairs and clinging to USA marketing tactics. There's not a big difference between the 2 systems, I play games like TMNT IV/Hypersotne Heist on both and both play pretty well, SNES one isn't slower, and MD one doesn't look in black and white. The whole "omg SNES is so slow/MD is so colorless" arguments are nothing but old console war arguments that, honestly, in this day and age are embarrassing to keep reading over and over.
I doubt you enjoy video games, you're probably just using video game discussion as a way to escape your everyday real life issues, and you find joy in shitting on the "fanboys" that aren't on your fanboy side. Bad news: some of us actually like video games and think console warriors like you are very passé

>> No.6696640

Sega was a total nonfactor in Japan

>> No.6696646

No dumbass, you. >>>>>6696554

>> No.6696653

>USA marketing tactics
Oh so now an objectively faster CPU released years before is now a """"marketing tactic""""" according to you
Guess I'm just imagining the low screen resolution and constant slowdowns on my SNES games
>The whole "omg SNES is so slow/MD is so colorless"
The MD DOES have less colors than the SNES, but the devs took advantage of the CRT TVs in order to simulate a wider color palette, you can still achieve this with shaders but objectively speaking the SNES does have more colors.
>I doubt you enjoy video games
I enjoy both consoles, I just wish retards like you didn't jump out at anyone pointing out their flaws just because you grew up playing Muhryoh or Sanic.
>Bad news: some of us actually like video games and think console warriors like you are very passé
You sounds like a redditard, you need to go back

>> No.6696656

Fuck off shitskin

>> No.6696663

Hey it's that Sega fanboy who always pretends every SNES game ever released has massive amounts of slowdown.

>> No.6696671

Hey it's that Nintendo fanboy who talks like a redditor and pretends the SNES is a perfect console with no slowdowns.

>> No.6696673


>> No.6696675

Ultimate cope goals. Bitter sweet on cringe.

>> No.6696679


>> No.6696683
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>Bitter sweet on cringe.

>> No.6696684

>If you're not a console warrior like me, you're reddit
Nah I will keep calling you out on your bullshit.
The differences between MD and SNES are minimal, in both the CPU speed and the colors, because developers were still able to go around the issues each console had and delivered quality games. SNES games didn't have "constant" slowdowns, and it's also funny how you excuse when MD games do have slowdowns as "bad programming". Just accept that both of them are old ass systems and neither is actually fast. One is just slightly faster than the other, on papers, but developer skill is what mattered the most.
>Oh so now an objectively faster CPU released years before is now a """"marketing tactic""""" according to you
Clinging to the "MD CPU is faster" argument is likely a product of the american marketing team that came up with Blast Processing. It's where it originated.
I'm not saying the MD CPU isn't faster, but... I don't think it really matters that much. Again, if we have to be critical with the limitations of these old systems, then we might as well just not like them at all and only focus on new systems, and fuck the past because they're all slow ass in comparison.

>> No.6696685

I never said "SNES is a perfect console with no slowdowns".

>> No.6696687
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>The differences between MD and SNES are minimal
I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest of your shitpost.

>> No.6696693

>Sonic is a Mario imitation
I get that he made Mario so maybe it makes sense that he thinks this. But he's never played a Sonic game apparently so what does he know? Sonic plays nothing like Mario, aside from both being platformer mascots. And it's not like Mario was the first mascot platformer ever.

>> No.6696695

Go back

>> No.6696696
File: 143 KB, 1114x1026, 0BE81667-4362-40A7-98A6-95D93FDFA912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6696698

>arguing with australia-kun
you guys are wasting your time

>> No.6696701

Back to where exactly?

>> No.6696703

ok anon, have a nice day. I hope you enjoy your old CPU that's super super fast!

>> No.6696713

Well, Yuji Naka said SMB was his main inspiration for Sonic.
Were there many other platformer games that let you bounce on your enemies when you jump on them back then?

>> No.6696737

>the thread ACTUALLY developed in console wars
you idiots are IRL cartoons, you can't be this stupid.

>> No.6697540

Shut up and let us relive our childhoods

>> No.6697549

>And it's not like Mario was the first mascot platformer ever.
it basically was. Yes there's Pac-Land but SMB was one of the very earliest platformers that pioneered a lot of stuff you see in platform games that came afterwards.
Sonic was literally made to compete against Mario, as >>6696713 says Yuji Naka was inspired by Mario but wanted to move faster. It incorporates some elements like the height of your jump being affected by how long you press the button

>> No.6697587

''After that we did the Daimakaimura (Ghouls and Ghosts) MD port in about 5 months, too. (laughs) I’ve never worked so hard before or since.''

>> No.6697636

>Also, if Genesis is so fast, how come games like Castlevania Bloodlines or Mega Man Wily Wars are plagued with slowdowns?
holy shit that is the most retarded post itt

>> No.6697643

Console waaaaaars!

>> No.6697671

I always knew Sonic would be better on the snes.

>> No.6697864


>> No.6697901

Trying too hard, newfag

>> No.6698102

Even the NES can achieve Sonic 1 pixel per frame scroll speed


This games tops 7 pixels per frame, Sonic 1 has 6 pixel per frame limit

>> No.6698124

No it isnt


The SNES processor is more efficient since it is a pipeline processor and it takes less cycles to process an instruction even with a lower clock speed.

>> No.6698128

it's the same guy who was doing the MMX port for the mega drive

>> No.6698183

but the instructions aren't as powerful and the SNES cpu is actually clocked slower than it says on the tin because some parts of memory force a slower speed, so it still loses even before you factor in the less-efficient game engines due to quirks of the graphics hardware. you're right that the genesis isn't literally "twice as fast" as the SNES as sega people used to claim though.

>> No.6698186

Shit boring port. Give me edgier Vile port.

>> No.6698193

Sega is wayyy faster dude
>3 sprites on SNES : Slows down
> 100 sprites on Genesis : BLAST PROCESSING

>> No.6698217

devs were shit at coding for the SNES, much like saturn vs playstation. also the genesis's CPU power just happened to be perfectly matched to typical processing loads in sprite-based games, meaning if you take away 20-30% of it (roughly where the SNES was at on a good day) you get rampant slowdown unless you make cuts.

>> No.6698227

Does this mean Sonic could actually run better on SNES than genesis? Assuming this shit doesn't get abandoned.

>> No.6698248

>blast processing
>also how come the music sounds identical to the megadrive version? shouldn't it be muffled?
Is this a serious post or a troll? No one can be this dumb.

>> No.6698273

that's a pretty minor part of the game compared to the lowered resolution, which definitely bothers me a little. if this weren't a homebrew project they could actually redraw the graphics so you see the same size area, just in less detail.

basically you get nicer colors and some special effects, but a bunch of other random bottlenecks to work around. 8 vs 20 bouncing rings is kinda sad but maybe they can improve it; fwiw I think the genesis does slow down a little with 20 rings but it just adds to the effect.

>> No.6698286

For the record Sonic actually does use blast processing, as you can tell by the colored dots on the bottom of the game in the blue border. Active palette shifting with DMA is literally what blast processing is.

>> No.6699064

i thought blast processing was laymen for "our cpu is faster"

>> No.6699074
File: 23 KB, 806x453, F632CF5B-C6B5-4EA3-BBC0-D73213C5CEB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Competition Pro, son.

>> No.6699109

Though "Blast Processing" itself was a marketing term, it was based upon a programming trick with the hardware.

>> No.6699753

> Even the NES can achieve Sonic 1 pixel per frame scroll speed
Only retards who have no understanding of console hardware ever said otherwise.
Scrolling is extremely cheap, the hardware was designed for it. All you need to do is update a single scroll register and copy less than 100 bytes of data into vram to update the tiles for the next column being scrolled into view.

Sonic1 has a scroll speed limit of 16 pixels per frame. (sonic can sometimes go faster than this in specific cases, you will see this in speedruns when his onscreen position shifts to the right because the camera cannot keep up)

Sonic1 is a very poorly optimised game as well. I made a sonic1 hack that allowed the playback tool assisted speedruns. I implemented a built-in camera hack to keep the camera always on sonic even when he moves faster than 16 pixels per frame. After performing some optimisations, I managed to increase the scroll speed to 64pixels per frame, with less slowdown than before.

>> No.6699776

No, marketing was talking with engineering at sega and engineering mentioned how you can bypass color limitations and just "blast" the display with a larger selection of colors. Marketing did what they do with those kinds of things.

>> No.6700975

I do not support trans rights

>> No.6701120

>That thinking derives from a saying we have at Nintendo: “it takes 5 years to build your brand, but only 2 to ruin it.”
SeGa 1991-1996

>> No.6701734

Literally impossible without blast processing.

>> No.6701734,1 [INTERNAL] 

Cope in spec and seethe segfag

>> No.6701990

trying too hard to fitt in buddy

>> No.6702075

The camera not keeping up happens in 2 as well, during casual play.
What is the scroll speed limit in 2?

>> No.6702146

also 16 pixels per frame. It is much easier to reach that limit in sonic2 because they removed the speed cap, sonics speed is unlimited when rolling.

Speaking of speed, heres some hacks that feature the 64pixels per frame optimized scrolling for sonic1. The SNES might be able to match boring old slow sonic, but I thing it would find this level of speed difficult to match.


>> No.6703278

You are such an uneducated newfag you think that 'only' oldfags can figure this out.

>> No.6703459

its zoomed in a bit so it seems faster.
Also hilarious slow down at points like the collapsing ground

>> No.6704598

It was called the MegaDrive in Japan too, they only changed the name in the US.
>PAL Mega Drives at 50hz
No one plays PAL versions anymore, especially on the Megadrive where you don't even have to buy a Japanese console. You can just install a switch to change the region because they're all exactly the same except they soldered in some jumpers differently depending on the region.

>> No.6704629

Again with this bollocks.

PAL exclusive, optimised or semi optimised games will not run properly forced to 60hz.

This is due to the timings and higher resolutions in some cases. ie. The majority of PAL exclusive Codemasters games will not run at the correct speed, not display at the correct resolution and will also display flickering in some cases when forced to run at 60hz.

There's actually nothing wrong with PAL if the games are actually optimised to run properly on that system.

>> No.6704641

This probably why Americans hate on European developed games, they're forcing them to 60hz and playing them at the wrong speed.

>> No.6704648

>PAL exclusive
Just play them in PAL then if they're intended to be run in that mode.
>optimised or semi optimised
Why would you not just play the NTSC versions then?

>> No.6704673

>Why would you not just play the NTSC versions then?

I think because some people think that games that aren't region locked are automatically universal across all regions.

>> No.6704687

If you have a region switch they're gonna be universal.

>> No.6704861

The Nintendo v Sega thing is just a proxy for America v Europe.

>> No.6705882

he used to smoke all the time

>> No.6705985

Except they're not. A game not have any region protection doesn't mean that it's going to run properly when forced to run in 60hz.

The US version of Gods doesn't run at the correct speed because it wasn't optimised properly.

>> No.6706068

What do you mean by the GameCube era attitude?

>> No.6706070

But then you can just switch over to PAL and then it's all fixed.

>> No.6706118

But PAL sucks, remember?

>> No.6706135

Not if the game is made for PAL.

>> No.6706245

Yes, just tried it via an SD2SNES, no title screen just right into the game, Sonic cant die

>> No.6706251

>Sonic cant die
The person shouldn't have released it if its not a complete game. Hopefully the full game gets translated.

>> No.6706264

Gonna pretend that Silver.

>> No.6706469

Well aren’t we entitled. It’s a tech demo, not a teaser of a full game release.

>> No.6706706

And... ?

>> No.6706714


>> No.6706816

Here's your "blast processing" bro

>> No.6706821

>faggy forum
the absolute state

>> No.6706829

Remember cringing Sonic "4" video
Brazilian uploader is massive faggot

>> No.6706848

now in english, please

>> No.6706852

Here one: >>>>>>6696554

>> No.6706874

The 68000 in the genesis probably isn't much faster, though it does have more registers. It runs at a higher frequency, but each instruction takes more cycles to complete. They probably come out to around the same effective speed, but the SNES's cpu is definitely trickier to write fast code for.

>> No.6706892

i'm pretty sure that if "blast processing" was actually referring to a real technique, it was referring to blasting the background color register in the VDP with colors during active scan, to get a 512-color display.
Both SNES and genesis can swap palette colors mid-frame (and it's a bit more convenient on the snes with HDMA)

>> No.6706895

imagine fighting over the specs of some consoles with calculator tier hardware

>> No.6706945

scrolling fast is easy, it's loading data in time that makes it tricky at all, but I don't think it's loading in so much data even at higher speeds that the SNES couldn't keep up.

>> No.6706945,1 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up douchebag

>> No.6708793

Apparently it does according to most people on this thread.

>> No.6708957

no expert but i think they could make colors look so much better on snes. this port is pretty useless if you don't use this big advantage of the snes.

>> No.6709369

Well, PAL has a really bad reputation from games being made for NTSC being poorly converted. But even games made by studios in PAL countries that would properly handle it, such as Wipeout, obviously does better with 5 to 10 extra frames per second than some extra resolution even if the game runs at the same speed regardless of video format. The exception I can think of is strategy games, they will do better with the larger resolution since framerate doesn't do much for them, they don't even really have to be properly converted to run at the same speed.

>> No.6709931

>two threads for the same shit

>> No.6710219

It was probably just to prove a point

>> No.6710434

SNES may display the right colors, it's more likely the dev got confused and swapped the two colors at some point, be it eyeballing shit, getting pointers mixed up, or reading the wrong line when transposing color values. Or flubbed the math when converting if the hardware expects the colors in a different byte order. Or he could have made a conscious decision to do so. Many different possible reasons for the colors to be wrong, but it's not the hardware. Although the blue on Sonic still may not be a perfect match with the sky on Genesis, can't tell.
>and probably HDMA for the palette change
I would hope so. Fuck, I just love all of the SNES hardware's graphical abilities. The color effects developers achieved using them were always one of the most distinctive things about its games in my opinion. GBA remakes of SNES games a shit even with color and sound correction by romhackers. It's not the same without all that sweet color math and masking.

>> No.6710712

Once again, gba was far more capable of a machine then snes. The thing that brought ports down was stupid devs writing code in c the most inefficient ways possible.

>> No.6711139

It's pretty good work, but not as many rings fall nor do they bounce around as long. Also a game that was pushing it as far as visibility goes at 320w is really pushing it with the assets stretched at 256w.

>> No.6711241
File: 66 KB, 384x631, quartet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika from Pokemon was based off Sakura from Sakura Wars too

Also he drew Cynthia from SEGA's Quartet

>> No.6711353

Seethe >>>/v/ fag

>> No.6711423

>Erika in 96

>> No.6711958

I haven't seen those color effects in any GBA game. I have to assume it's not a hardware feature of the GBA, regardless of what else it can do better than SNES.