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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6696379 No.6696379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Open catalog
>See how many 5th gen threads there are
>"yup, just as I suspected, there is going to be a gen 5 vs gen 1-4 rivalry here on this board.": >>31651 - 03/18/2013
It shouldn't have been this way.

>> No.6696383



>> No.6696386

>1999 rule was there since the beginning
/v2k/ is the only option at this point. Mods have spoken with their silence (they keep deleting 6th gen begging threads, but didn't delete the thread about /vrpg/ and /v2k/).
I think once /v2k/ is finally made, all this insanity will come to a peaceful end... will it?

>> No.6696389

Thank you for the definitive proof this board is on a sliding scale

>> No.6696390

>sliding scale
>1999 rule was always there

>> No.6696397

>5th gen not allowed at the beginning
>Dramcast allowed when the PS4, Xbone, and WiiU came out
That's what I mean by a sliding scale anon. Weather or not they keep the arbitrary date is the only real point of debate at this point

>> No.6696401

Well, but Dreamcast was always released before 1999.
I think it's very unlikely that they will change the rules, and the creation of /v2k/ is the most logical of the possibilities.

>> No.6696404

Apparently the 1999 rule was originally intended as a catch all date for all the late comers on the 4th gen that released in the late 90s. But people were too confused by the idea that 5th gen wouldn't be allowed despite the 1999 rule and it was changed "platforms released 1999 or earlier except Dreamcast" to quit their bitching, but then people still complained until DC was also allowed.

>> No.6696418

They changed 5th gen and Dreamcast not being retro because it didn't make any sense if the board was about pre 2000 consoles. The rest of 6th gen will always be post-90s and thus not allowed on this board specifically. There are tons of other great retro boards that allow 6th gen, I can't understand why you don't just leave and discuss there instead.

>> No.6696419

They'll probably decide on bumping /vr/'s cut-off year to 2002 or so, then laugh at all the triggered autists reacting to the change but in the end, accepting it.

>> No.6696423

>that glorious first two years before the DC got the special snowflake exemption when /vr/ was nothing but retro videogame discussion, and all meta threads, meme shit, and /v/-tier posting was called out for being shit and usually deleted the same day
Some days I still go look at the old threads on archives and look at all the awesome shit we had back then. People were regularly scanning and dumping OST's and artbooks, JP computers and tycoon/sim/building games had regular threads, and Australia-kun and JD were the biggest problems the board had.

>> No.6696431

People were moaning about the 1999 rule on day one for not including 5th gen despite starting before 1999. Today, one can argue that the sticky considers the DC to be 6th gen and it was allowed only after the release of the 8th generation, since we are now in the 9th generation the trend shows that /vr/ should open up to the rest of the 6th gen that is already partially allowed here.

>> No.6696440


>> No.6696453

But that was back when /vr/ was actually about appreciating and being fanatical about games from the 2D era that had been long forgotten by the industry. By allowing 5th gen, the discussion has changed to defending one's own childhood as being retro despite that generation being a modern 3D era one, and has welcomed the argument that 6th gen is similar enough to 5th gen that it should be considered retro too, despite both of them being modern generations that are just earlier and more primitive versions of current games. They're just not obsolete, nor necessarily a relic of a bygone time in gaming, they're just contrarian fodder that muh 3D game is cool because you can see the polygons

>> No.6696464
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>Dreamcast released in 1998
>Ps2, GBA 2000
>GC, Xbox 2001
>Dreamcast allowed on /vr/ in 2014
>mfw 2016 come and gone without PS2 and GBA being allowed
>mfw 2017 come and gone without GC, XBox allowed
>mfw Dreamcast was never specifically added because it became old enough but because instead of trying to define each console individually as retro, moderation just simplified the rule to make it a hard stance against hardware released post Y2K
>mfw 6th gen toddlers forever BTFO and their consoles will never be old enough

>> No.6696471

Absolutely based.
I can't wait until /v2k/ gets made. Zoom Zooms will STILL complain about it, crying that "noooo but we don't want a new board, we just want our childhood to be considered retro, too!"
Screencap this.

>> No.6696487

N64/PS1 generation is modern gaming because it started the modern style over substance shit gaming idea. Same with PC gaming that went for garbage like Half-Life.
/vr/ should be pre-1995 and pre-PS1 shit generation consoles. Retro isn't about age, it's about a lost game era when people actually gave a shit about good gameplay.

>> No.6696490

That's actually what people demanding 5th gen be discussed were doing on the first days of /vr/. 5th gen was only allowed because the 1999 rule was very poor in trying to restrict gaming to the 4th gen as was originally intended for /vr/. there were lots of comments like
>This is bullshit, so I'm not allowed to talk about OoT? it released before 1999! the rule is stupid, change it you fucking retards >:'(

Meme about the 6th gen all you want, you were probably doing exactly the same thing 7 years ago.

>> No.6696492

But 2D peaked in the fifth generation.

>> No.6696497

take your meds

>> No.6696502
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/vr/ should've been conceived as a board only for 8-bit and 16-bit systems, rather than based on years and dates and age, now we have to deal with faggots shitposting about wanting obviously non-retro hardware added here.

>> No.6696505

So no 32-bit 2D games? That sounds dumb.

>> No.6696508

This board was a mistake.

>> No.6696510

>no mention of the Shiturn

>> No.6696517

Shitty attempt at a loophole, most of said 2D games for 5th gen were arcade ports for machines released in the 80s. Besides with that same logic you could say Xbox 360 should be allowed because XBLA had loads of 2D games.

>> No.6696520

Retro is the opposite of future.

>> No.6696523

You're arguing that this board is dedicated to a style of gaming that peaked in the generation you want removed from it. There's no "loophole" here, you're just being dumb.

>> No.6696525

we should only talk about the atari 2600 and the colecovision and some old arcade games like space invaders or galaxian.

>> No.6696540

Silence zoomie

>> No.6696546

Nope, you've said 5th gen should be allowed for the 2D games despite it being universally agreed that the 5th gen was the start of the 3D home console era. Besides, something "peaking" is subjective. Just because 5th generation consoles had a few 2D games that were superior technologically, doesn't mean 5th gen was the peak of 2D gaming, since in reality that was the end of 2D gaming, in the west at least.

And it is a loophole, because if you're claiming that 2D games on 5th gen get more discussion than the 3D modern games on those consoles, then you're either disingenuous, stupid or both.

>> No.6696551

>/v2k/ is the only option at this point.
Nope, that sounds fucking retarded.

>> No.6696552

2D peaked on 16-bit systems though, not 32-bit. Unless you'd like to post a revolutionary 32-bit sprites-based game.

>> No.6696560

Ermmm. Does paper mario count?

>> No.6696563

Let's see this "universal agreement" in writing or something.

>> No.6696572

>Some features that distinguished fifth generation consoles from previous fourth generation consoles include:
>3D polygon graphics with texture mapping
>3D graphics capabilities – lighting, Gouraud shading, anti-aliasing and texture filtering
>"This era is known for its pivotal role in the video game industry's leap from 2D to 3D computer graphics"

>> No.6696591

I can't think of one must-have 2D Saturn game. Maybe some of the Capcom fighting ports, but those are still just 16-bit games originally.

>> No.6696595

If I post any game you're just going to say it's shit and zoomityzoom or some other garbage.

>> No.6696608
File: 55 KB, 220x168, 8563E088-D00F-431F-93C0-3E69DFEC51B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You learn fast, but did you expect me to serenade you with this reply? Zoomitydoodah zoomity-ayyyy, my oh my, I hate zoomers, they’re gay.

>> No.6696613

Hey, you're the one saying 2D peaked with the 5th gen. If you're saying for 2D gaming, forget the SNES, forget the Genesis or even the NES.. buy a PSX.

So go on, prove that 5th gen gaming was more about 2D than 3D and that they're superior to 16-bit consoles in terms of their library for 2D games.

>> No.6696620

I've played this:
*posts x*
game way too many times to get roped into it again.

>> No.6696628

Hey nigger, I heard a rumor, you’re not an adult, you’re just a stinkin zoomer!

>> No.6696631

Ban 32-bit bullshit from /vr/, thanks.

>> No.6696634

The absolute state of "boomers".

>> No.6696635

This, and rangeban all those retard zoomies while they’re at it

>> No.6696648

Kek you think posting one game is going to prove 5th gen is the peak of 2D gaming rather than the start of its very quick decline?
I'll prove you wrong anyway, in the wikipedia article for 5th gen gaming, it lists 24 "milestone titles" released for 5th gen home consoles. How many of them were 2D? Four.

I'm willing to admit that in a 4th gen only /vr/ some games 2D games would wrongfully get austismed off the board, but I'd say that's worth it to keep /vr/ truly retro.

>> No.6696649

Ban Australia.

>> No.6696650

>in the Wikipedia article
The absolute state of zoomertards. How do I know you didn’t just edit it to reflect your argument before you brought it up? It’s wiki after all.

>> No.6696660

A /v2k/ board would help a lot with the problems of /vr/ and /v/, but it won't eliminate them. It's absolutely worth making, and I hope it gets created soon.

>> No.6696667

Give it a rest you stupid nigger, didn’t you learn your lesson getting banned for posting pedoshit yesterday?

>> No.6696669

>How do I know you didn’t just edit it to reflect your argument before you brought it up? It’s wiki after all.
Pathetic cope, you can know I didn't edit the wiki because I wouldn't have needed to. You're the one pretending like 5th gen was the peak of 2D and therefore 5th gen should be considered retro despite the vast majority of 5th gen games being 3D.

Again Xbox 360 was even better at 2D and I'm willing to wager that XBLA had more 2D games than the N64

>> No.6696672

see >>6696534

>> No.6696678

>You’re the one
I’m not the guy you’re arguing with just someone who hates what Wikipedia stands for. But either way, you’re saying you did edit it, didn’t you?

>> No.6696691

No, retard on Wikipedia you can look up the history of page edits if you really need to be that fucking pedantic about it.

>> No.6696694
File: 234 KB, 846x436, we-retro-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6696707

You probably edited that too, to cover your tracks

>> No.6696708

Anon, please don't toy with my heart.

>> No.6696714

>pretending to be retarded to give a meme retort to avoid admitting that I'm right.

>> No.6696723

I already said I’m not the anon you were arguing with, editornigger. You can’t just will me to be him, that’s not how it works my disingenuous friend.

>> No.6696730

I bet this will happen and /vr/ will be even shitter than it currently is. a board for pre-90s platforms is the only way to remove retards.

>> No.6696734


>> No.6696742

You're the one who fucking got involved on his behalf to have some schizo distrust of Wikipedia, just stop embarrassing yourself by trying to sound clever when you clearly aren't.

>> No.6696743

>embarrassing yourself
>trying to sound clever
You ever consider that someone shitposts at you because you’re a clown and they want you to honk your clown horn a little more, not because they’re stupid?

>> No.6696748
File: 51 KB, 492x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the SNEZZ would be banned? Based!

>> No.6696749

its... beautiful.

>> No.6696754

How is your family doing, australia? Did they get you the medication for the month?

>> No.6696760

Where's that zoomie who was crying about me sounding like "a bully from a Disney movie" in the other thread. I need to bully him more

>> No.6696762

I think I’ll join you, I hate zoomers too. They think they’re so clever with their fast reflexes, wit, candor and devilish good looks. But us old guys have something they don’t: life experience and a bitter countenance

>> No.6696763

This avatarfag is as big of a problem for the board as 6th gen faggots, constantly spamming with his idiotic PAL and Amiger bullshit.
ISP range ban when.

>> No.6696765
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There is an RPG and Mobile board, which nobody wanted, but no 2000s board.

>> No.6696769

You literally got banned for posting pedoshit yesterday, started avatarfagging yourself, and then threw a multi thread tantrum complaining about jannies. What leg do you even have to stand on? nonce

>> No.6696770

>Every considered that people think acting like a retard makes you look like one too
No, not at all because that'd be really retarded of someone. But if that is all it is, fine I won't reply to you anymore.

>> No.6696776

It's likely coming. Before /vrpg/ was made, we believed that Hiroyuki didn't want more video game boards, and suddenly in the span of 1 week, we got not 1, but 2 new vidya boards.
It's very likely that /v2k/ is at least being discussed between hiroyuki and the mods. The mods are aware of the constant 6th gen whining here, and they know that it's a controversial topic (meaning that if they change the rules, shitposting will be guaranteed).
Creating /v2k/ is the most logical solution.

>> No.6696779

When you really think about it anon, you’re just a dog on my leash and you’ll always come running at my beck and call. I can’t think of a single occasion where I’ve been unable to summon your ass into any random, retarded thread. You just can’t help yourself, can you boy?

>> No.6696781

There you are. I wanted to remind you that 6th generation consoles including the GBA will never, ever be allowed.
And, there's nothing you can do about it.
Well there's one thing you can do, and you're already doing it. You can cry and cry and seethe. But it won't change the rules!

>> No.6696782

I think you replied to the wrong anon.