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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.39 MB, 1200x874, 1200px-Super_Mario_World_Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6683075 No.6683075 [Reply] [Original]

What is the appeal of this game? It's slow, boring, and generic. And having to replay every level twice to find both exits gets annoying as fuck.

>> No.6683080

What is the appeal of this thread? It's slow, boring, and generic. And having to reply to OP gets annoying as fuck.

>> No.6683082

Yoshi, flying, saving, and fun.

>> No.6683087 [DELETED] 

SAGE It's "I don't like this popular game" time again. SAGE

>> No.6683093

Based op, wre must keep at at least a dozen super mario threads up at all time. The remainder shall be dedicated to the immortal n64.

>> No.6683097

>game that pioneered the genre is generic
get out, zoom zoom

>> No.6683109

I think that was Mario 1 7 years earlier.

>> No.6683282
File: 123 KB, 490x440, 1578188222642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling a shit rehash of Mario 3 pioneering

>> No.6683415
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario World is amazing OP, you contrarian edgelord fuck.

But the sequel is where it's at.
I remember spending so many hours completing Yoshi's Island, and it is still a fun game now. What's more, it truly was original and unlike any previous game in the franchise.

>> No.6683425

Yoshi's Island is a shitty game.

>> No.6683451
File: 16 KB, 101x97, beats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be young kid watching early youtube
>find 100% lets play on mario world
>watch the series like 4 times
>buy the gba version
>beat the game
>love the game

has the tightest controls of any 2d platformer, environments are very pretty for a game in 1991. AMAZING music. ok power ups. you should beat it.

>> No.6683474

>young kid


>> No.6683509

cocomelon innit

>> No.6683528

Your opinion is a shitty opinion.
It's the cosiest game on the SNES.

>> No.6683575

>It's slow
Push and press the Y button while you play.
No need to thank me.

>> No.6683604

It's a great game, yes, but cosiest it is not. That belongs to Super Star. Yoshi's Island requires you to get nearly impossible collectables to get the best ending.

>> No.6683628

Isn't the ending the same whether you go for 100% or not? The thing with the collectables is that you unlock more levels, and it adds stars to the title screen, but I don't remember any different ending.

>> No.6683638

Or whatever, probably. As you can gell, I haven't done it yet because the annoying "star" collecting activates my OCD perfectionism and then therefore kills my interest in playing the game any further.

>> No.6683642


>> No.6683691

>It's slow, boring, and generic.
Yes it is. The music is good though.

>> No.6683697

>18 posts
>11 IPs

>> No.6683747

That line of thinking barely applies on this board since the population is so low. Count on nearly every thread being full of samefagging.

>> No.6683948

False. Yoshi's Island is a shitty game and doesn't act like a true sequel to SMW. It's a chore and a snoozefest to try and 100% that shitty ass game.

>> No.6683951

>t. micro-bainer zoomey

>> No.6683956

Come on, open your mouth, say: "aaaaaa"

>> No.6683962

>/vr/ is infested by samefags
wow who woulda thunk

13 ips before this post

>> No.6683982

And it's mostly just auster.

>> No.6684000

Nintendildos don't know any better, they should try playing Shadow of the Beast on an Amiga sometime.

>> No.6684004

Go back

>> No.6684006

Mario was never good.

>> No.6684184

Yeah they nailed the controls for SMW.

>> No.6685767


> having to replay every level twice

Yeah...you haven't played it have you because then you would know that only the red/yellow levels have multiple exits.

Why don't you fuck off OP

>> No.6685773

Forest of Illusion is bad game design and no one else is brave enough to say it but me

>> No.6685810

And you're wrong.

>> No.6685857

How is locking you in a map of 4 levels good game design? Exploration is encouraged in most levels, yes, but this was clearly just done to pad out the game time during the 90s.

>> No.6685862

So don't play it if you don't like it OP. What's with coming on here bitching and whining?

>> No.6685873

Based fellow retro zoomzoom

>> No.6685941

Looks great, sounds great, level design is great, control and physics are among the top of the genre. Only play it on real hardware (or lagless FPGA) + CRT or you're inadvertently fucking yourself

>> No.6685942

Young retard, read this and it'll save you a lot of confusion in the future -> not everyone is as inept or as easily frustrated as you are

>> No.6685959

>How is locking you in a map of 4 levels good game design?
i got the key to the exit on my first try. it's literally a fucking warp pipe, you'd have to be retarded to not find it

>> No.6686145

If you struggled with this, you must be retarded. My 11 yr old self had no problem. They had a 1-900 number you could call and Mario Mania (the SMW strategy guide) if you were really stuck.

>> No.6686148


>> No.6686171

it has the best physics of any 2d mario game, and is one of the games with the most full-length romhacks, thus the 10% of them that aren't shit is quite vast.

>> No.6686175

the physics are so good, it's one of the few games i'd argue you don't even need a fpga to experiance properly.

>> No.6686183

I like how you can approach a shell from any angle and, as long as you're holding Y, Mario will pick it up. In 3 you had to approach shells side-on.

>> No.6686192

You're clearly retarded. Dome people might take your bait and call you a zoomer, but my 10 year old niece figured that shit out and she's generation alpha.

Nothing else to call you but a fucking retard.

>> No.6686196

i thought alpha was 2011-Present

>> No.6687009

>i'd argue you don't even need a fpga to experiance properly
Even if you get input latency down fairly low, audio latency makes the game feel sluggish because of the sound effects that play when jumping. Real hardware/FPGA-only with this game for me

>> No.6687056

So is your life and opinion.

>> No.6687127

False. But I can tell yours is shitty just by defending this game and getting offended by my opinion. It's an indication that you're miserable.

>> No.6687205
File: 382 KB, 960x960, world-map-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is nearly perfect, i love it so much. It's perfect for kids, but has a learning curve adults can get behind. It's genius

>> No.6688047

its shit, yoshis island is better in every way

>> No.6688052

what? There is no learning curve, if you find this hard you're bad at platformers lmfao

>> No.6688058

It's been said many times before but it feels rushed and incomplete especially after playing the mush more polished SMB3. There's a pretty loud minority from the speedrunner niche that will insist otherwise though, they think that just because Mario has more moves it's somehow a better game, but much like Mario's rocky transition into 3D, the levels simply do not take full advantage of Mario's new moveset at a fundamental level.

>> No.6688068

It really needed a proper SNES sequel instead of the shit we got, Yoshi's Island. It could've been amazing.

>> No.6688070

I agree with you

>> No.6688071

Probably its amazing level design, controls, and charming visuals. It’s a perfect platformer.

>> No.6688072

>There's a pretty loud minority
To be completely and utterly fair, the "minority" here is the people that insist on a 3 vs World war.
The "SMW is rushed" is a recent meme (and wrong btw, especially now that we saw how many times the dev team went through different development phases until it reached the final form).
Both games are great, always were. Neo-tribalism, enforced by compulsive internet addicts (often younger people) is what's insisting on this pointless "love one, hate the other" dichotomy mindset. But remember: compared to all the people who actually played both games back in the 90s, this is a minority.

>> No.6688078

>IP count didn't go up

>> No.6688082

People don’t like Yoshi’s Shitland. Sorry anon

>> No.6688083

I don't consider Australia-kun "people"

>> No.6688085

Take your meds paranoidbro.

>> No.6688086

Seeing how great All Stars looked in comparison to SMW makes it extra disappointing that we never got a true SMW2, it's always pretty damning when a game comes out at the start of a console's launch when the devs are still fumbling to learn how to make games for the hardware, I bet a proper SMW 2 would have been mind blowing.

I wouldn't sacrifice it for Yoshi's Island though.

>> No.6688089

>IP count still the same
the anti-Yoshi's Island schizo is back at work. Expect the next days to be full of yoshi's island shitposting samefagging until he gets banned again.

>> No.6688093

>but much like Mario's rocky transition into 3D, the levels simply do not take full advantage of Mario's new moveset at a fundamental level.
What? Mario's movement in 64 was designed FIRST and then the levels were made. I'm sorry but the levels objectively do take advantage of his moveset, awful take

>> No.6688097

I'm honestly glad knowing there's a guy who has Yoshi's Island living rent free in his head.
There's something oddly comfy knowing there's this guy that's genuinely angry and wasting time posting about a game he hates while I can enjoy the game on original hardware at home. Call it schedenfraude if you want.

>> No.6688098

I don't know what you're talking about but if you're tracking the IP account then somebody's living Rent Free in your head.

>> No.6688101

Yeah okay, let's give Mario all these great atheltic skills and have barely any platforming outside of the Bowser levels, Rainbow Cruise, and Tick Tock Clock.

>> No.6688104

there is plenty of platforming, i'm sorry to bring up speedrunning but the amount of shit you can do in this game with the moveset is insane, watch any runner and they will show you how they push the limits of it.

>> No.6688106

Not him, but there has been 1 shitposter that's been very insistent on trying to convince everyone on /vr/ that Yoshi's Island is a bad game. He basically ruined all kind of genuine criticism for the game because now people will just assume that any anon criticizing anything about Yoshi's Island is that one obsessed anon who hates the game. He basically did the opposite of what he wanted to do: He created Yoshi's Island criticism immunity. Unless he was a falseflagger, but I doubt shitposters like him are able to scheme falseflags this complex.

>> No.6688107

Meanwhile you let Yoshi's Island haters literally live rent free in your head and have to tell what you posted to yourself as a means of coping. Funny.

>> No.6688108

>i'm sorry to bring up speedrunning
You should be. You should be able to have fun by playing the way the developer intended, not by performing retarded tricks to bypass the level.

>> No.6688112

The difference is that, even if Yoshi's Island hates lived rent free inside my head (not really), the rest of the world will still enjoy Yoshi's Island.
You on the other hand, will continue to have the game rent free inside of your head AND your ultimate goal (make people hate the game) will still never come true. You go to sleep every night knowing that you will die and the game will still be praised.

>> No.6688115

Even in glitchless runs the amount of shit you can do with movement is insane. The main philosophy of mario 64 is play how you want to play and glitchless runs are doing just that with the movement they're given.

>> No.6688124

Based anti-YI schizo made another YI thread.
I love seeing the cover art in the catalog. Thanks bro.

>> No.6688167

I've tried Yoshi's Island so many times over the years and it never clicked with me. However I've never had the patience to play past world 3. Is there a point where the game actually starts having a resemblance of a challenge, or is it just more of the same?

>> No.6688169
File: 54 KB, 1884x753, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinks there's only "one" poster who hates YI.
Seems you're the only one paranoid here, MiSTer.

>> No.6688173

It hasn't clicked with me either.

>> No.6688186

>Is there a point where the game actually starts having a resemblance of a challenge
Some of the later castles and a couple of the Extra stages, but otherwise it's a cakewalk.

>> No.6688218


>> No.6688464

thats based. its a good game but people here just like to shit stir.

>> No.6688693

>how great All Stars looked
All-Stars looks like cheap b-team garbage. Every NES original and SMW look drastically better

>> No.6688696

This is the truth. It's a bad game.

>> No.6688720


>> No.6689175

If you were in 1st grade during early Youtube, you're a 20 year old man now. It's just reality.

>> No.6689179
File: 173 KB, 1099x675, yipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6689197

>look ma i made fun of op again!

>> No.6689349


>> No.6689360

epic samefagging my friend

>> No.6689379
File: 9 KB, 432x215, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to burst your bubble, but I was just responding to his comment about my earlier post, numbnuts.

>> No.6689385

You are not fooling anyone mobileposter.

>> No.6689390

>people have conversations and don't just post and leave

>> No.6689395

lol what a sad person

>> No.6689398

You can lie to yourself, like many Leftists do when they accuse you of something you're not guilty of. But the reality is more than 1 person hates Yoshi's Island. You can either cope with that fact or you can KYS. Doesn't matter to me.

>> No.6689403

ok schizo.

>> No.6689406

Holy based.

>> No.6689408

The main strength of SMW compared to the previous games is the controls IMO.

>> No.6689425

>rightoid reflexively politicizes things for no reason
what a surprise

>> No.6689453
File: 72 KB, 500x550, triggered snowflake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defends Yoshi's Island
>It must be one guy hating YI, right?
>There can't possibly be more than one person, right guys? Guys? Hello?
>Cries after seeing the screenshot.
Okay, Snowflake.

>> No.6689463

take meds

>> No.6689467

This is stupid

>> No.6689480

>"I don't like popular game"
Nice blog retard, nobody cares, you not liking it doesn't mean shit, fuck off.
You can dislike it all you want but trying to pass it as a fact that is a bad game is just plain sad, contrarian faggot retard.

>> No.6689490

So you spoiled yourself the entire game 4 times before actually playing it? What the fuck is wrong with you? Youtube was a mistake.

>> No.6689527

>thinks I care about (you)'s
Stay triggered, Nincel.

>> No.6689529

You suck so much at being anonymous lol

>> No.6689628

Based zoomer. I enjoyed your post. Thank you for keeping the spirit of my generation alive and doing so in a non gay manner.

>> No.6689664

Or maybe I'm not the one trying to "hide", nincel.

>> No.6689732

lol he still repeats the same insults.
you are so terrible at shitposting.
Give up kiddo.

>> No.6689756

SMB1/2(J) have the best physics and control of the series, but SMW is still far above almost every other platformer in that regard

>> No.6689783
File: 47 KB, 718x377, SJW crying over Trump winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still getting triggered by my posts, I see.

>> No.6689853

>same image posted again
lmao you are making it so easy for me

>> No.6690303
File: 603 KB, 800x472, NPC Blank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like I'm still trying to "hide" who I am on here. Unlike you, I don't need to hide because I speak the truth. You need to hide because you depend on the lies you tell, Nincel.

>> No.6690331

Samefagging talking to himself. What an autistic loser.

>> No.6690761

shit taste.

>> No.6691016

Hi Nico.