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File: 245 KB, 1364x768, Angel Island Zone 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6673236 No.6673236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6673247

I can't believe Sega let a pedophile work on one of their games.

>> No.6673482

Nana nanana nana
Do doo doo dodo dododo
*zrazz zrazzraz zrazzzz zrazrazrazzz*
Doo doo do
*zrazz zrazzraz zrazzzz zrazzrazrazzz*
Dorodo dorodo dorodorodordro

>> No.6673515

IKR? Yuji Naka was a mistake.

>> No.6673521
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>> No.6673523

terrible meme, apply kill to self

>> No.6673549

Better than the S&K midboss music imo

>> No.6673556

When I was a kid, I always turned the sega off at this part. The robotic voice in the sing felt like the miniboss was actually shouting at me through the tv speakers. Evil vibes. I only first beat sonic 3 on emulators later on.

>> No.6673605

This, & Knuckles's replaced music is soulless compared to the original Sonic 3 tracks

>> No.6673832


>> No.6673913

Any proof anyone has boils down to "you just KNOW he was a pedophile because he was eccentric!" and "just trust me bro I watched a movie about it once where people claimed things without proof"

>> No.6673916

keep it in the containment thread

>> No.6673917

is that you bubbles?

>> No.6673927

Who is shamon?

>> No.6673929

Ham on, ham on whole wheat, alright

>> No.6673930

He was a gay and gays diddle kids like no one's business

>> No.6674484
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>> No.6674521

He got uppity and too brazen, he called "them" out, so his "handlers" in the music industry smeared his reputation for almost two decades.

>> No.6674781


>> No.6675337

He made good music, period. Having kids getting rammed in the ass doesn't invalidate that to be honest.

>> No.6675394

i love this /pol/ trolley problem of having to defend a pedophillic elite black man cause he supposedly owned the jews somehow

>> No.6675417

Based on what?

>> No.6675506

>owned the jews somehow
1. Denied Sony jews the rights to the Beatles
2. Made anti-semitic comments on phone calls, for example describing the jews as leeches
3. "Kick me kike me" "jew me sue me"

>> No.6675632


who the fuck are we talking about

>> No.6675637

Embarrassing that they still haven't worked out their royalty issues with this game.

>> No.6675794


>> No.6675801
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Troo far anon-kun

>> No.6675829

delet dis

>> No.6675851

>good music
Pop is trash, acquire some taste.

>> No.6675881
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I too only listen to cavemen banging sticks and rocks together

>> No.6676103


>> No.6677137

watch your language, that's considered a racist term now

>> No.6677139
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>> No.6677186
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fuck off

>> No.6677192

You should stay out of that thread, don’t want your bad vibes ruining everything

>> No.6677357

ba baa ba baa baa ba

>> No.6677407


>> No.6677410

You love /pol/. Period.

>> No.6677413

Knuckles' theme is just this song minus everything except the percussion.

>> No.6679607

Fuck MJ and fuck pedo apologists.

>> No.6679745

MJ did nothing wrong and fuck the people who think he was a pedo.

>> No.6679815

He didn't really call jews out at all. That song had jews sound like the victims as much as blacks. And he openly admitted to sleeping in the same bed with random children he'd invite over to his ranch, so either he was a pedophile or else he was just incredibly autistic and didn't understand how much doing that looks like pedophilia.
I might have believed your smear theory if he didn't sleep with kids and admit to it.

>> No.6679831
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>"Kick me kike me" "jew me sue me"
>The idea that these lyrics could be deemed objectionable is extremely hurtful to me, and misleading. The song in fact is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the black man, I am the white man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about the injustices to young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them. I am angry and outraged that I could be so misinterpreted.

>> No.6679856

>MJ was a good goy all along


>> No.6679991

What will /pol/ do next, anon?

>> No.6680015


>> No.6680058

>4. Liked Hitler and would dress in nazi-style attire out in public

>> No.6680451

Thinking exclusively in superlatives is classic autistic behaviour.

>> No.6681927

why do people keep saying this shit
sonic 3 & knuckles is on steam with the full original soundtrack


if there truly was some bullshit about the rights this wouldnt be up to buy

>> No.6681970

And that's all you'll ever get. You'll never get a redone version like 1, 2, and CD did because Brad Buxer is greedy, Sega is stingy, and both are stupid.

>> No.6681974

fuck brad

>> No.6682315
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>> No.6682385
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why is role reversal always the most kino thing to happen in retro games? chrono cross excluded

>> No.6682421
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>> No.6682505
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>> No.6682654

Did anyone else think the first miniboss was saying all that shit on their first playthrough?

>> No.6684415

Spencer-sama's track for this was better.

>> No.6684418

yeah, see: >>6673556

>> No.6684456

He never slept in the same bed as children. He slept in the same bedroom.

Bedroom. Michael Jackson's "bedroom" was 3 stories. And had 12 rooms, multiple bathrooms and multiple actual fucking bedrooms including guest bedrooms that the children stayed in.... On a different floor WITH THEIR PARENTS. Becusse he's Michael fucking Jackson that owned the Beatles library and 50% of sony records. His house is not normal. Like he wasn't fucking normal.

>> No.6684463



>> No.6686081

The parents of those kids really wanted old Jacko's money.

>> No.6686241
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>> No.6686359

>victim shaming
baka you bigot.

>> No.6686372
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>> No.6686542

Michael Jackson would’ve diddled Tails for sure

>> No.6686565

Who wouldn't?

>> No.6686803

Yes. In fact Sega used Spencer-sama's Stardust Speedway on the Sonic CD 20th anniversary arranged CD.

>> No.6687105
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>He never slept in the same bed as children. He slept in the same bedroom.
Here you go, lying faggot:

>> No.6687118


>> No.6687867

When you think about it, the mini bosses on Sonic 3 are really weird.
What even is that first mini boss? Some kind of... oven?

>> No.6687927

It's more like a steel coffee pot with smoke stacks on top.

>> No.6687940
File: 17 KB, 640x480, d58f5av-bdd61dc9-aed9-445e-9395-9ff26332df48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.6687953

I always thought it was more like a wood stove.

>> No.6688906

>hire one of the biggest professional pop artists in the world to do your music
>every single track is substantially worse than Sonic 2's music in every way

What did Sega mean by this?

>> No.6688910


>> No.6688913

Probably more of a function over form thing.

>> No.6688935

If you didn't know about how he said he slept in the same bed as children why would you make up a story about him saying it was just the bedroom and not the bed?
Why lie? I don't get what made you decide to write that post.

>> No.6688940

>What even is that first mini boss? Some kind of... oven?
It's an egg shaped robot that has flame throwers. Not that weird. Dr. Robotnik makes lots of robot enemies like that.

>> No.6688945

Are they?
They are more functional than the regular boss machines.

>> No.6689712

Because Masato Nakamura is one of the actual best songwriters in the world. Check out Dreams Come True, they're super famous in Asia and have been consistently releasing great music for almost 40 years now.

>> No.6692010

With the Jackson tunes and Big Arm boss battle, it's clearer than ever that Sonic 3 has more soul than S3&K

>> No.6692019

What kind of instrument is that sort of rattling percussion that sounds in knuckles' theme and the miniboss theme?
It always gave me the creeps..for whatever reason

>> No.6692714

check this out, i belive the sound your hearing is from the DAC?
at 2 min

>> No.6692851

>not playing Sonic 3 Complete so the S&K side keeps the Jackson music AND has you fight Big Arm before transitioning to Mushroom Hill

>> No.6692881
File: 235 KB, 409x480, Sonic_thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that come in a ROM I can put on an everdrive to play on real hardware?

>> No.6692910

>he's never heard of Sonic 3 complete
where have you been? its been one of the most popular sonic roms for years

>> No.6693057

Oh I've heard of it, I just never got around to looking into it, and I was 2poor for everdrives the first time it was on my mind. Now I'm not.

>> No.6695326


>> No.6697445

>slept on the floor in a sleeping bag
>kid slept under a blanket
>Krishnan Guru-Murthy
get the fuck out of here with this shit stirring pajeet.

>> No.6700198

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.6702003
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The Carnival Night midboss reminds me of a pressure cooker for some reason.

>> No.6702049

It's pretty clear the minibosses were made on a budget and he used all his good materials on the Act 2 boss mechs.
It makes sense when you think about it. The dude was only on Angel Island for, what, a few days? Weeks? Months? And I'm sure the majority of that time was spent on rebuilding the Death Egg.

>> No.6702090

it reminds me of a cock going from flaccid to hard

>> No.6702134

70 seconds in, you cannot possibly interpret this any other way, lying faggot.
>Blaming the documentary
Just listen to what Michael Jackson himself says in the video then.
>b-but he said it was just a sleeping bag one time
And he also said:

>> No.6702141

not the anon you replied to but you seem oddly obsessed about a guy who had no childhood and was trying to relive his own childhood by having sleepovers (with the parents present there).

>> No.6702165

So now it's "the parents were there" since "they didn't sleep in his bed" was proven bullshit. Fuck off, pedophile.

>> No.6703985

You are obsessed and have the empathy level of an autistic NPC

>> No.6704406

Literally the only good tracks in Sonic 2 are: Emerald Hill, Chemical Plant and Metropolis. The rest are forgettable or just okay. Sonic 3 is almost banger after banger if it weren't for a few mediocre tracks (e.g. Marble Garden).

>> No.6704493

It's hilarious to me that the main goal in all of this is not to cause michael Jackson any grief but to gaslight the public into thinking anyone that spends occasional non sexual time in bed with kids should be considered a pedophile. Who does this really harm? Mostly the kids who grow up even more astranged from their family and to be put back into general education every day besides. What an attrocity

>> No.6704604

Not aquatic ruin? Not fucking casino night? Not the awesome electro gothy mystic cave? Hill top zone is a divisive one because of the goofy begining with the sorta farty synth but the actual rest of the track is fucking dope and up to Sonic standards. Oil Ocean is also funky mideast goodness.
Sonic 3 also has great music but I always felt that it wasn't the same vibe as in sonic 1 and 2. Which it isn't since it isn't the same composer. Masato Nakamura has a great style and good taste and can write some amazingly catchy hooks. Sonic 3 is weirder in all senses, not just music but visually too. It's a definitely more gritty approach. The music has more samples from real instruments rather than the more synth-pop sound of Nakamura's stuff. That makes it hit or miss for me. Angel Island is pretty good, I like the calypso elements, but I never thought it was as iconic as GHZ or Emerald, for a first zone level, Angel Island felt the least iconic of the three. Hydrocity is probably the best track in the game, especially act 2. It has a sort of jazz fusion instrumentation, it's a pure jam.
Garden as you said was a let down, it is still good and I love the sitar-sounding synths, gives it a very exotic feel, but the track itself is monotonous and not all that great. Nakamura's stuff mogs it all over. Carnival is even worse. Ice cap is good but I feel a bit overrated, the techno beat is nice and the lead synth sounds very icy, it's good, but it doesn't evolve beyond its initial appeal, and act 2 falls flat (this is true for all the act 2 since marbe garden). Launch base is kinda anti climatic for a final zone but the goofy "go!" vocal samples are novel. Still not really up to Sonic standards, and again act 2 is really barebones.
The PC versions aren't any better.

>> No.6704606

Ironically, I think the actual best music in Sonic 3 are in the vs competition zones: Azure Lake, Balloon Park, etc are all actually amazing and up to the great sound that Nakamura set for sonic, too bad they are very short tracks, but they are so good that I have no problem listening over and over.

>> No.6705071

Sega is made by pedos, fueled by pedos and run by pedos.

>> No.6705103

>he was just incredibly autistic and didn't understand how much doing that looks like pedophilia.

That's exactly what happened. The dude was mentally ill due to being thrown into showbiz from an early age. He never had a normal childhood, and then he got turned into a global superstar. Remember when he got a child and showed him out the window so his fans can see him? That's the level of mental health the guy had.
But that doesn't make him a pedophile. Just a good target for lawsuits, after all, being branded a pedo will tarnish your reputation forever, so it's a surefire way to freeload some money off of him.

>> No.6705167

>why aren't you being empathetic towards the child molestor
Gee I wonder why, anon?

>> No.6705323

>it existentially validates my life to drag some dead pop singer's legacy through the mud
That's a literal (You)

>> No.6705787

You're so autistic and your NPC programming is so tightly ingrained into your skull that you can't see the bigger picture.
Real pedophiles don't own houses called "Neverland" full of toys and video games, and they don't invite kids with their parents openly for sleepovers, they also don't talk about kids AT ALL in public like Michael did.
That's why real pedophiles are sneaky and the FBI has to use actual intelligence to find them, because they try their hardest to hide it. Imagine if pedophiles were like Michael, it'd be so easy to spot them. But that's not how it works, and Michael wasn't interested in the kids sexually.
Seethe harder and keep consuming modern american media.

>> No.6705818

So do christians and yet they're still given the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.6705820

i mean, proof that Michael jackson worked on this game